PAGE TPTf TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OwMANvn.,LE, ONTARIO WE1jN~SDAY. JAN'. lOth. 10S2 Plan ssess ent M etingA ttd Vinte Shor Coure At A . cand Calvin were dinrier guest3s Thp robinsonbrtriRn enn *sss en M etn of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hay-n b ahsoe n ol D A T C ýwood, at the Genosha Hotel. for the Royalis. Sunday evening. Referees Dotzk>adHgh E VC Erîc Fa lits of M ilIbrook * i ~~Mrs. Margaret Day. Toron-'field handed the'inrfveuchedaodigt E r c a i is o M li ro kto. lhas been visiting Mr. and of the eight ninrpalis Mrs. Clinton Brown. Nextonville's ctae* nd odio. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leuly the opening of th1 onLa mI aiasrmvdfe Heads Counfy Federation and Mrs. G. W. Jones, Port gue in Newca:te nWds-hoeolct H e d o n y F d r t o l1Hope, wrere Sunda.v evening daY. Jan. 3. at730pr.Rvrde28 7 Mrn. C. 1M. Jones. illeet the Mali, oveo IK EOI Poreo by t laretnrte AlUn. aippoîn'ed S F d -al so lend assistanr-e Mrs. E. Pearce spent Satur Crew at 2:30 pr.i ot LcneN.17C6 Sec.-fieldmnan heen Dorr! as appoi* ntediscssion. Tne direc- ' a 1 oot Hope Cornean hrfo .(d i s, ariSec ,ao iv lr ere rged to pubhicize, Mrs.iWilTorWttaker a, rhmetw ta Dlurhan Coun v F'ra<' i li a perid m etig and each bring!MsWatr hiak. of Agrculture field tlsfi tnonhs whei eexpeci ï a caod of neighbors. Neiv Year's Dav Visitors' regular Directors eer.,I g rb gF e of easDr Miss Bertha Thompsoin, Mrs. 1962 on ThLII-daR v' i t mja e z 'rDou z e)hni Fecdation bas been send- Marjorie Watson, Miss Alice Jan. Mrs Er athehlr R ofNLv Wasle *cSI,-i agailn app i one a-more delegates Io Nesbitt. Toronto, with Mî.s an r.Ei-FlER .:X l'.eaeendite Ontario Rural. .Anne Nesbitt. llbrwokli a r CV e .the0- lete varcevdfmLadershp Forum. This las Mr. and Mrs. .Jack 'Moore, eom wh a u ci h O aCala aual tan, Hamilton, at C. H. Lanc*s. ganiation O'.er i' hvlesc;1m painrgard ig and prornotig leadershi M.adMs.WlaejLI liil foi the last l .o ears tiiýii~iig it)oc operat no orn iw nte ouitv. President Er.c' ghien at Mr. Ewart Robinsonls. ed ail the ci rer ors for trne îî il-lýciner\-ciehdp 1ýFlIi a appointed to attend,. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Porter. iupprt I o oe ~t n du inacd h rp p ci hîpForm ttisOrono, Mr. and Mrs. Gerad Jng Ili.< tenure. of Office aindpotc the iieed for- a Farni vear wh:ých is being held in', Porter, Peterborough, at Mur- asked that ît be continued t,') Machînieru -Actini Ontario. Niagara Falls, February 4-11! rav Porter's. his successor. Th:s letter '«as given ta Bruice, in-clusiv-e.. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burley He a:ked Cla:.repAY.ný. Ta,,.ior Io present ta a mnem-< Discusion took -place re- held a family gathering altheb sec.-fieldmani. lu coîdîîc to bers' mneeting, of OFA. în garding a' place Io holci direc-l' Community Hall. election of officers for i 962ý. support of its requeszt for a. tors' meeting,, during the win- i Mr. and Mrs. George Skel- nhe floigOffiCers wr Farni 'Machinerv Ad. 'fler months. lb '«as decided a" ding tBi kedns, and elctci Pe~ E:r Falî,A request \vas receiveci from ncentral location which m-oulci' !' brought Betty homne. Millbrook, R. R. 3:. ý' Vioc the Oshawka and District Lab-ialways be accessible would bW Mr. andi Mn;. George Ilent- Pres. Howard QuantirI, _R. R our Counicil nviting the Fe-i-desir'ous, aujdlb '«as clecidedi, Three hundred and fifty farmers frorn al] parts of Ontario are attending derson. Port Hope, at Fred 1. Camnpbellcroft: 211c V iîc c erationi b appoint a director, to holci the meetings for the ý the Annual Winter Short Courses at the Ontario Agricultural College this Hendersan's. nettrentnh tIMr. and Mis. Rod Gilrnoir WIN I ' toR . .ato DrreVic. e te- 1 rhepreinvitit theie d CouncPstîl Tedonhihe-tvek.The courses includle li'estock. sois and land use, quality milk produc- and familY %ith Mrs. George W1 Donald Staples. Newcastle, R. anci deferreci to the Februarv iway 115, north of Kirby. 1lion and agrictiltural mechanies. Theic ouirse iii Animal Ilealthi at the Ontario Ox'ens. R. 1; Ladv Direclor, M~ meeting -for further consider-! A request for finan .cial as-i Veterinary College wvas attended by ox'r 60 selected members of the .Junior Mr. andi Mrs. Willis Farrow, Kathleen borreli. Nestletoii,,ation. !sistance ta te countv am amrs soitono na'. ru fjunior Farmers are seen in the r.LodCycae Farm armer' Assciaton ofOntaro. Àgroupof Mr adMisD rs.LodC' sa R. R. 2: Dïrectors;-at-Large, The Sec. outliîîed Ille ar- *Safety Counicil wras discussedci t rceiving instruction onte anatomv. of the cow frorn Dr. John Ballan-MisDr Clysdaie and Mr. * * * Eric Fallis and Ralph Larmer.,ranigements whiîcb haci beeri and it wvas decided to defer» Phoot- liay Tompkins with Mr. and Eric Falli, îîew -presieni made for te Assessment ancidecisijon in this regard for one! tvne of the Ontaio Veterinair Culleg., lef, to riglht: Robert Sgr R.R. 2,1'S Everett Stapleton. Orono. in asumin hîs ev: iîsTaxation Meeting ta be lieldiniontb and ask the Federation' Madoç; Glen -lagerrn. Har'old; Owen Ketcheson . R. 1. Moira-, Peter Ileas- Mri Mr. Aroandad tltanked the directors for theirli the Orono Towvn hall onirepre.sentative 10 the Council! man.' R.R. 4, Stir'ling; Roy. Spratt, Ottaua (Grant Down, Bowmanville, and Dr.ianci Grant at Mr. Bey. lHeu-fo ed himself ta do hi best du.- wen McIr Donald Micdletoi., iîning the Counil's projects .- .Mr. and Mrs. Cinton Brown. Ing the cont ng, ear. Directoi of. Properties for as ,to how tte money ar eîtîîanig U. rilMrs. Ross rs.n BiI Clarence Ali t waq again'O :11 discuss t fi e s lebe apent. g fm..IM. nd1\17SIBl problenis full%-. It was point rsiali.asitdbvMsthe Council and Schoo] Bar t-IMrRUFalis aIised I Ms Wade andi family at rea L: ed out that Mr. Middleton bas Harvet' Malcolm, serVe' 3o a rtwrigt to adinneraI I d>Hendersoxns. s '- l i aci wide experience in tIiesernostdàelicious lunch and waste oxvyGaAni r. and Mrs. Milton im matr n hi etn il -ta! takdb owr! P ohrlrtr aillanRepairs! andmit 9:giv e farmlers and iloiers an Malcolm. The tmeeting ad-!home front Gue.ritsey- last Wed -snt 'Mr. George Kimbalis,,, New- oPOrtun t- ' to ask questions' journiec i ti evervone satisjIflesda.. eu' sister Miss Beil r kt ing MB ard atlM and acqua iri tbemrselves withi fied that the Federation was' Hibbsýý came witb ber andtile i gMratdMsBra Noe ai 1 phases off this ver,. pertin-! weîî starteci an ils wav jor, commtence teaching in thbc High and daughter at FrantkO~e ent problem of to-day. MrIi.: anotiter success~ful year EdwbO er nWdiedv in Rutlive Hope Towi ed prov icnan'b Mr. and Mrs. Doit Stapleton CaretSbels. County Asses- 1962.'Rr adMs.Rne-lam Ipf er, t as recent I elec- 1962 of the Ontario Vegetable'ananily ith Mr. nd Mr. M issHbbs vîsîted relativ es iiMakt -gBad. 'b the off- Carl Todd.Sak'le e n ae il Hamilton, Nlondav. fice lie brougliti a t'ast rantge! Mr. andi Mns. John Forrester M B L C S OK1Mr. and Mrs. Edigar Ilioiii off knowtleclge and experience'Ra"cl famnilY, Orouio, Mr. andAA u m B L A C K ST O C Oshawa;Mc. anci ss. Farin ltecannn g crop industry,' M4s. Tracy F-mblv ani familv. ~e ~ a e a i o <nt e ded foi-last steek) and fam IyMr. andi Mrus. T-ar- Te'I uiîriy nîkî e Il-Orof Zone' Newcastle.wibMc ac Ms Canton Ashbnoie delivered old I McLaughlin and family Ilen, were Sunday guesîs off Mr,1;7off the Marketing Board forcHu gh Stapleton. an excellent sermoi as usual!enjoyed a get-together in theland Mlrs. Frecd Trewit aid' the eight vears. Zone 71 Mrs. Mabelle Leuislbner. M.NrS.' in SI. John's Churcb Sundav Recceation Centre, Blackstock, boy5 and Mr. andi Mrs. Alber t~r1umil h mV- meatrnk imrs * 5 D iiiorning. The Scinday Scboolin Saturdav. 'Wright. ' Nor10 a an O urio , -ýc-Mc. ank- G mr s.EhoiWw ~I sat'.slides of lie Arctic and the IMc .andi Mis, Courtney Gra- iIr aid Mrs. .Arthur 1,l( tai adOna-o a dr . Jatc alnifV l EV~ ara ,ýýee eiderfraeAl im.portant. corilucopia ni s. rndSoues.Torno andi sonie pctures of Eskimnos'aid M rs. W ilbur Toms spe nit Lotuis, '«cc M oday ýsupper ýt't lM isitt t mao s Mc. a v d Mrs. A.Tonto a d A DUIRO PUMP ýand iînssîonaries. New Years Day trith frioîtds guests of Mr. andi Mrs. 'rclTedoi.pes imkn, squashBrc nc c.JhnTnMý Ili thle Untited Chiurccb.Rev.îat tht- home off Mr. antd Mrs. McMaliorîand fantily. Barabens, rabbaed cacrotJohn Ton Mum sBetter Living !'Romerîl chose asfis sub.jeci 'Lloyýd Siemon, Haydon. The b-: Nencewcastîe . grenAad velowwax ean ',"He is Master of Time". The Misses Gertrude Henry and!morniîtg %a e d tddance odv ~ geand lnggren ow '«axes ithec andtlToe.o, I 0 UR DIRO Water Ss- ýchoir sang the anthern God:Doris Griffin. Toronto, spentla good ime is eported. ! are handeci by tbc Board. H1Fockey Game l./em gives u-, fresh, pure il speak to bus chlildiret". ,tlite eekend at home. Mu.Cr MLulhuîat rich negotiates agreements On Suriday tligbt. Newton- dae hnaîiwhr e 'Pooinsriewshlin O Mr. and Mrs. Noel Moctot boys, etertaincd tbe Harrisi ýand price,% for 900 local grow- ville Roya-ls were troiinced by need it . .. acics tbour con- ISundav ,Schonl. A great iman.and Davîi, Oshawa, spent Sun- îamily Sunday eretiîtg. iIers of tf omoditv rosreemami led Tteaminners tribi venenc an cmfo-t f and P nis ie onmlanry orkeIRday altenon t thesso . A Mountjov - Joltns'îoîîa lin lte province. il,'«as estab- 4 goals. Gordon and Lons- C L O A D Uif e . lça r , a n d îa t î xe n 1 î i t r d - o n i i e r u o .D o r r e l l g e t - o g e t l t c i ' l e l ' 'i l s h e c i a p p r o x i m a t e l v e i g t e e n b e r r ý y a d t v o e a c , ' h l IT~Iur1 t ~EFI Dble in all s re avaet iu- parmeth.\ i,. Mc. t nd d ' a d t Me rsho ui e in g uto e rc'ou enr . N 1 1,years ago andi as eadquar- single m arkers xent ta J. C l ' R U U GE V ~ L I V E d v abl n a e s 1 ee t ùr t- Synan bv s agW sl e bcte avc e s l ttcr!t me b Wo- Y ea 's D ay w itb bbe follou ing ; ers ii H am ilton. m e . W yte and G rim s a w, A diidalned~ ecyor Mi.aîd J,. ele' eace nant'ilcand rrmoved Io the 'present: Mr. antd Mrs Er'nest i ~ c ub'n «oseil ~- Plumber or DURO dealer '['bis tteek ait the death Off bis hore recentîy vacated bv Mr. Belyca and Nancy. Bronle' Mi.-Mr.Rtve wipcaf7 for full information or wrir brotbler-in-lai'.Mi. oran Mrs Wtsoî. Cdmusard MrsLon WatnsonMcCadmn Ruine;es in growiîig corn oin 150-etarfim utHpTonip OrP ceFFC frFREE folder, "Running 'Tetlow. Scugog. 1 1r. and Mrs. Gecald Arun- Doald Wanonend h our- gPesan Water, the Farm Necessit".lMr. andc Mrs. Clarence Mac-- del -Evans, Montreal, spent a1 friend. St. Cathar-ines: M .aiiviî,dh~bl )~r~ rlîivean aver'age aof aboli o 'bo'« Mrs. Margaret Cacley, 'îetv days at their suntmer M\rs.l'ont McCallurn, 'broumlUi riîe.\,ýtra. b" bbc ar Ilie-1 orYour Livestock 34Sm o t . sa c Mr. andi Mrs. Hedb Strairi, Mr. 'home (Thte Grecîr farm). Mr. aîtd Mis. Frank -loskîu, jciaigIh ann - !-11rM. and AMl".liIei'b St'.ait, ïMc. ,o niLry c niM;.I lti1 . etagreemnents andi pîlces. 1He' through 34 and Mcs. Wilbprt Wcrry, M r M. and Mcs. Harold Stinson on and LI bas Mceandincceased effoi-Letias S T A T E S M A N P oe7843 ylV".elverton, visitedi Mr. anciMrs. Harvey Graliam aîîd fantily, ' '['hufiali mecti ng (If Ite hbbc nnreocal grefors a MelW rM. anid Mi's.,Waltei, Wright an.aiy!rand Mis. Bob ech",Uiiiierl Clui'u'b Womcen's A;- wr Phone MArket 3-3303 and familyn.M r. Ernest bu . ciecîi redfoîtt 2.700 bo the ~ Ltri Swiu.Mc.Ernst unrar.Lindsay': Mr. andi Mrs. J .A.~'î-atiouu was bcd ini bb C F Swan, esrs.Ruprtnd oy Mrand Mrs. Walter Wright!Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Roy roorn. Wc.dnrsda v. Dcc. 27th, riv 90O.hena u mbertas -----_ _ ' - ]o btn e t uneral Of Mr. Wright and familY. joined the 'lIye. 'Tillbuirv,: Mr. and us plecein 1_ district processors closed theïir cAtnde oeri psay,ýlants. Ilithis arien.plants, j' Andrew Powccs, Liîîd s a y, '~~~~~~~~~rest off the Wrightt farnly at'Keitit Joltinstoru andc girls. Bel-"lc p. eniai"Su 'wedodhy aadaCa- Wednsdav 'te home of Mr. andi Mrs leville- Mr. Earl Docrell, Mr. Siuggcsbiouus foi' Vorld Peace"'~.iters, Graham Foocis and Yorl Mr. and MiWlbert Ar- 'Garîtet Wright,. Port Perry, on 'and Mýrs. Dalton Docreli and! 'he fibeine sang tras siîng and ci Farms. The four reirainin.g ta, cher spent Saîurdav with thteir Netw Year's Day. Igirls, Mr. and Mrs. Stuaî'i Dor- W. A. praver repeateci. pocslclcosaeCm fattly atlte home off Mr. aîtd Mr. and . Mrs. Don Pargater! reIl aîtd Darcy, 1McI. opMcezeCy iMcs. Elnîer Archer, Whitby. Iand ffaitily. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sandersoxu. Mrs Richtard VaiuCairi tasbllSîus Mceni C Cliistas isior %vth r.ýGrhamandAllnPor Pe-';incharge off the Devotioi'at nfer. Stokeit ,-Van Camtp, and, k I~an brstmr as istos and h m-r. rat Nen Alart eu-1Mr. Toin Edie. "croîîto,:period hci bc'îsIte <pu"ed \rit-lýtaan Foods. arîi cs.Frd Dye an !m-s-y 'ereNe Yer' gesbs; spent Newv Yeau's '«ith flis par- 'ay- îî- Inn,'mî "oy Town rendors may be sr [l 'ere Mc. and Mus. Z. Ad. off Mr. aitd Mrs. Mervyn Gra- entsM.îdMisR diu1 teWîî" h raitepie t îo îa uof o 'ans anîd family, Bowmanvîhbe. ham. laîtd family. Socî'y ta SayMr. pî'opheuv of Illc Biuth off Jescs:1flic wvnik of thte Marketing 'UMPS SOFTENERS arndNew Year's w-eue Mc. antc! gMr. and Mirs.larry MLau- Editie is not iunproving and 15fo subntebr rnt'ors ocdrt bcl LIMIED ~ Buci Whitaker. Prince Albert. Forder, Lr.aeneo .ndcrgo surgerythîs trcek. 'iîcuiuiîpioductivewne ots '6N D O N CANA DA' Mrs.WmMcuginBr-.oyaîcMcHa' ade- Ms Ida Taylhor spent hast dît ddi luto fouîr paris.:Thtprecedîig te cucccîtt Vege--- Moiuclcrfiib Couuîiuor't vitI table and. Ar. emeittSasdturs 'ketomi: Mir. andi Mus. Harold soit '«re Monday gîesbs o! Mr.-'«eek '«11h Mcr. aind MI-S. Wil- \li((1fl oicilr"wa al rp gemni is bcd Malcolmn. Yelvrtoiî aîtd ;gu'iv Mrs hvMerivvn i Ga- ceacheci by uepceseîttatuvcs or; J AC K B RO U C fl'oiglbb. Oshawa; Mr. andi Mus.!and Mrs. George Wolfe and iNew Year's txitb Mr. andi Mus. Itauti. ' Mighty God*'. gireu te Board andi the pi'ocessors 'Ted Read andi chilcicen. Tor- 'boy'. PLUMBING and HEATING O"tbo: Ms. and IMirs. Ted Mc:- Messs ROY aîtd Bill l'emgu- Hloiard Malcolm aîîd family. bY Mu-S. Eci Hau'ris. The Erer- î n lte cariy rmonths of the Lauglilin andi family), Colum-1son spent New Year's Day Mc. and Mrs. Merrill Hent' !Ilastîîîg Fater". giren by iMrs. vear on such details as grad- Division Street South 'bus; Mr. andi Mrs. Ross Ash. '«11h otiters off the family at ;and faînul3' Bownitanville. wer'e Harîold Kvt"e.'-The Prinîc off ung stamdards.q-- then subse- MA 3-615 OWMANILLEtoit andi fantily. Haydon; Mus. the htonme o! Mrs. Roy Drunt- Monday supper gucsts off iPae.gîveuî bv Mrs. Mer'iillqucuit!'ý on ail-important priceý Cýarl McLaughhîuî and boys, lnioîtd, Toron'to, aîtd Mrs. Lewis Henry. Isabel V7anCîmip. Mis. Plivihis Sinî- structures. If agreement cati- av MW W'. Goocison, t.litb> "It l' s ' outt1 tt im u-o. , liii 'cav, Janî. 2nd. 'Wdnecda.v venung jiniimer guests wvibb Mcs. E Pearce ~u ETTucSuper Blue Blades Reg, M.oo 1c ix utMr. fot 'a.ln E c Mu. ac'e 'Mrs. Gartet Murra amîci guîs, YS f eîcone, Carol.,f4'nne and 0-1 CObal' oM I~ULAiG~IG ~ 4MX* Cresrs aet Murraanî d rls. r *Kenîtethi Wbittakcî'. Toronto,:, ..'ho,",lrs e !l~LECTRIC SHAVE WilliaIM'S 79c size 63 I ;nold Taylor antd girl;st.'ý,e' 4OEiIESREýgara Falhs, anud Mir. andi MrF' Farmers in titis arpa nov. have a "liome i c"dsrhtrfrC~lfrg !NihteNbefamilles. txUE N-OUST1F Frank Giln-er. harvesting and handiing Pquiipmnenî u ct othl'fe icrh bridge. Tuesday lte Roy andi _ rs. Bilh Stacer '«îtb lierý aaiysl lwrhg-p« ;rd capacity sil blowers, hih Mp-ed shredc'smalnl chanup Icînis IPALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM-.--Reg. 65c a5 3C , Laughins andi Mus. Forderi smllagbwth eu'.as becrust ou e ;hldae il ar h '«ere \vth it cand Mrs. Arîsoît nDtamb erparents. Mr. andi o new achine art. erie arr b uln( urne atdvr T a l r c r b r u h M s. C a r lis le o f S te r lin g . B ill! n w m c i e . . p r s e v c a d f e d a t n i n PH" " 0MI K F M A GN ESIA 69C 5 z e"' al o A r. Sclarborsouli. vas wet do'n for New Year's You.;'re cordialy invted to stop in the nx it or ntw.1okoe j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~3 PHILLIandIIILroeld tmsceinncouse.totre- trasforage pariners that give you fui! ro tl lln hel in the Commnunity Hall, Mr .and Mrs. Murray Por.- - . . the one forage line that puts ali prîc atr nyurfvr-we o Fridax' night, in honour off Mr.!î ter andi family attendeci a ga- teigo b cw aiyusrie rtae IVASELINE Whte 3oz.Van -RRegyk69 gMcf.the rownani- - u e S Oz Jar -45 g.c Vand rysw . en r Johum a urei . at the Odd i Fellow's Hall, OEHIL PTO POW ER PART? E S .-,I/ 1"breufo rf iton was M.C. andithe fohlow- lOrono, Iast '«eek.I vomi. back, roaie your 1rc, cp>'akmr Ai ng programtme '«as given- .4 Mcs. Robert Brown ks home. V C S V P U ---6csz---_Cal speaking by Lois, Don- front Memorial Hospital, Bow.f VICK'5 VAPO RU . 6'ic 4izeald, Eleanor, Leslie andi Chervi' maMrille.i~o agxuie WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK Ejjj I Wrigt aiand Dsonbyih r.S rw I Vanderhuel; piano solo by Lois ant'.'ibb sw.Si Br nI BOWMANVILLE \EVýTEWright, reading by Loruma'... . famîlv gatbering ta NECSL Wrighî. Witb a fe' rentarks ELCTRIC LTD " bliAb c.ani rs Hr'va COLNGvvv De C STORE JflUVSOl'S DRUC STORE "i,and extending the besî 'ishes COTACTING REPAIRS - Elliobf*s on Saturdav eeig o5E~f the friends Mr'. Hamiîlton ! in Itonour of the 251h '«edding LEX INcCRE"OIR, DRUGS ORONO jloef ift. à* JC t id olectinRERIERATION-ELECTRIC niesarof Mr. and Mrs. JUY& GEL TT~SPARAY 411 i grOom - ad gxpressed their ap- MO- SALES -SEIIVICEýi imsn recît~ ani vewec thir .V-ADIOApp.IACES Mcr. and Mrs. Reidi Wood GeNi NI-THROW BLowie. . GeNt 71 CHOPI,.ON CS-L.,~ JU Y à L.EO TU 3 . C reitl n ifts, irAIO-APLANE emtertaineci 22 me'mbers of her 4 4tNo.l., an eo apo.ty 1116 . odtd ool.*.t. edby wa ered flow- , e p amily on Sunday. j--à4à db dancing with rnci pro- Rev. andi Mrrs. R (7 wilmé PAGE TEN THE CANAT)IA«.'; STATESMAN". BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - WED"ýSDAV, JAN. 10th, 1962 'du