W~DN~SflAY, JAN. lOth. 1~62 T~ CANAflIAN ~TATESMAN. BOWMANVTLL~. ONTARTO PAGE EL!IVM! Newcastle Council Sworn At thr induguraj l erlîilig of NeWcastlc Couincil on Mondlay Ytîghft. Rev. E. C. Woodland, ai lefi. in the photo, press represontative GoFion Agnew and Town Clerk Thomas Lennard were the only lhree non-elected representatives present. Others in the photo, in Before Non Existent Audience f rom left to righit: Cotincillors C. Reginald Lovekin, Fred G. Couchi, Reeve Douglas J. Cunningham, Councillors J. T. Brown and 1-1, C.i Bonalhan, and Clerk Trhomnas Lennard. Village School Board Elects John Rickard as Chaîrman At the opening meeting of Newcastle's Publie School Board Walton, *Mrs. Pauline Storks, John Rickard, Mrs. Margaret Brereton, en Monday. John Rickard was again elected chairman. The photo George Chard and Secretary Ed. Barchard. shows, from left to right: Irvin J. Ci. McCullough, Douglas G._______________ _____________ NE WTON VILLE A i.4 1Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Har- iveuia su 9fte~~zetc~ei1 <ou rt, Roninie and Reta Mae, Port Hope, were recent visi- tors with Mrs. George McCul- lough. Gordon Agnw, EdiforMr. Ulrich Reugger rtr- Garon gnw, diPh one 3621 1cd home last week from a visit with relatives in Switzer- Reeve and Mrs. E. Il. Walk- coîîîci basbero I-niet wth Rex'. R. C. Whitc, Mr. and rielinquenis iin the past to the, Mrs. C. M. Joncs, Mr. and N ew C unci D isc ssespoint whecr they are 110W NIrs. L. Perrault were among New Council Diacusses Ee&IÏ rs inro h onhpCut 7 steps xvould have to be made basement last week. $28,7 88 in ,ax Arra s t c etthe arre ae th sist r.W .Jns Councill, Bor Boathan statcd Mr. Alec Merrill visited bis O wi n g Village Treasury tiot really in arrears for thrce Mrs. Mýabelle Leushner, Nia-i years. The truth is, hie said, !gara Falls. rcturned home on ____________________________________________any taxes not paid by the end Tuesday after a week's visit' Newcastle- Reeve D. J.' of the year are in arrears and ýwith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gil-; * U L d unninghamn presidcd for the i'collectable and chat tels r-ani bei mer. inaugural meeting of the vil-!seized by the municipality tol Recent vïsitors with lMr. Presi ent s H os esslage counicil held in the count- , atisfy the accounit at any and Mrs. Raymond Bruce were ci chambers on Monday even- thr-. Mrs C. Curr-y and family,i îng.FVillgeMCeerkn. Lonnar Another malter discussed atliaable, Mr. and Mrs. E. Me- To m i ai 5 I ~II~ ladmniitered the oath o! officei sontie length by the council was Leod. Oshawa, Mrs. Barkwelli A e ~ Concllrsvillage roads. Several o! thf and Marcia, Port Hope. i W om an's A ssociation FrnGioc, .Toa embers feit that ail roads Ms Carlos Sm~ith lias re-ý to heladesBrown, Harvey C. Bonathan north o! 401 highway sliould c.overed frorn an attack of Newcastle- The final meet- IMrs. Fisher spoke tte aisand C. Reginald Lovekiii and be biard surfaced at once and, 'flu", and Master Roy Smith, ing o! the Woman's Association Ileavîng themn a wondierftîl two re-elected menîbers o! thc issue clebentures to cover tlhe xho 'stayed with his grand- of the United Church took the thought to go forward withi Public School Board, John F.j cost. Af9 oeruhtgr ohr r.WlcBw form o! a dinner meeting held mbt the new organization. She Rinkard and Irvin C. McCul-1 ing ofthte cosîs, plus theV'mavle viehsmte nt thc home of the Presîdent, said the ladies should get more, loug-h. tr-rest on the dcbcntures wotild \vas, a rtrndhm Mrs Gane Rikar o Jau-and more out. o! the organi ev Cunninghiam thfenneiît Pc iiy more thaîî whl i-3l aga]n. ary 3rd, wvhir-h wa s grcatly1 lion year after year. She asked, ca Icd upon the Rev. E. C. sjîent on maintenance ojIl'ah Synpatlî\- of! 11 conîrnîîLnity enjoyed by the members. '"What light have you --and-1 Wood]îand o! îl4ýe Uni t c c a a-Il e jîîîn.orîty o! the i s extendcd to Mrs, Stellar The meeting was openedWhat Iligbt are y ou follo\w.ingiChurelh who .spoke briefi 10o roads arc nevrci-ii good shiape. woebohrva\ildi by Mrs. Howard Allun %ith thp'She said we have no lime for the memnbers and invoked teRe.1unîghr rdt ,.vh he -n ollrisat tue na Christmas legend in England Jesus at Christmas and seemr blessing of God upon the nieni- debenture payments'for thiesQ Falls ciuring the holiday 'sea- which dlaims that the Baby: to be satisfied to leave Hlim in'bers and their deliberations paved ro(ad., plus the main- et, Jesus walks on Christmas E%7e:1His humble manger. Mrs. truhn h er eat !tereniiemts MG W .oe a e and how the people plaire a Rickard expressed tlh- thanks ('omniittfes îof the ilIl~iig4coulci bti nrriedr.u Jfo ort Hop e. candiein the window te light o! the group f0 Mrs. Fisher foriu- iu ttprsn ra ud- M iss Ruth G o Haoape- his path. lber message. The follov.îng stand i n alg ent veprsetrodbu isi Rthordon h Mr.a rs. After the singing o!fh ~ ..A.Cwnra the icommittees were appointed tol get. cn iie ihM.adMs carol "0 Little Town o! Beth- Mr o!teas mein carry on the various branches:, onilrF occhi-WlacBuhn Iehem", Mrs. James Brown due to the absence o! the sec- of the administration for the man o!uti the psropositteon Mrs. Zena Carlaw is con- rea acomctay n hw ierear Ms. olil de o îîyear. The first named in each wil epttn h rooiinvalescinc at the home o! bier lhymn was composed by Phil 'ness and the corsonigcomiînîtîce 1 ble liairman.iup 0teHgwy eat sister, Mrs. W. H. Jones, be- ips Brooks and how bbc au-!sceay eotvsra Roads-.-Counicillor Couch antimnd.inesh ecwa oc eannlt ecig thor was inspired to write the byMr.Haii cabee Reeve Cuinningham. Propertý.- cnbedcaoular u- MS Dorella La.ncaster v~t hyn Mof wnAli id tiMrs. Stephenson. The fin-,Counceillor Couch. l'inance-fulacking oe oadsandwih emrnlvshP' ouî~ pryr nd. M rs. rwistnled nciliReeve Cunninghanm and Count- fubci o ohrmmesthe Nichols girls. Weslevville. pray esadsaerada tCuhs t ialrpr vs ie ecillo'r Bonathani. Fire, Police o hconi.Coligratu l:îîions to a forte mas essgeanda tougb t-easuirer Mrs. R. Dickinsonn for the New Veai-. aî uIreottftt a nd ' -01Cî iil)e c oni1 0 l re. idtîî . In o W Mrs. Riekard prcsidcd for itues of the Association in 1961 lors Couich anti B l1î. Ii- i v ng n Niîigara FaIs, N.Y., the business portion of the! vas givers by Mrs. Cowan. The trial Commîitee- Councillors Co Ii TuflILy Wilarcl Lockhart. for the;sec- meeting and wclcomed the' report of the Flower Commit- ,Bonathan and Lovekin. Side- edtrei iccre svt ladies to her home and intro- tee w as given by Mrs. J. HL wlfaî- Cotîncillor Loekn. B w ige. rvrfr h igr dluced two guests, Mrs. M. C. dJose. Group reports were given efr-Cuilo ovknTasptton Ssem hs Fisero!Feeln als ndasfolovs Nrt, rs Hw-Bv-Laws-- Reeve Cunningham received an award for Sales-1 jisPnyof Newfoundlanard Allin; Centre, MPls. C. A. and Couincillor Couch. Coun- Nxcsl-olwn r-fi o !<r ot Dcme) Miss en n y te eiet'oa n ot yMs .cil representau ives on the Be- higli scorers in the varionls;'Jle is also flie recîpi)ent of a: Caledonbyth prsien, own nd ouh y i.J~creation Commitbee-- Count- icagues on1 the commun!ify î13 vcar 1a fe1y emiblemn. His H. Jose. cilrCtc n oa h bowýlinig lanes for the wecck . wifE. the fornirr Glad\-s Ltn- TheK L ESPe' idntcale on M\is-s To the LODA- Couricillors ending Januarv 6th. '-s will rec-ive a duplm-! Cleaners and Launderers speak ho the Association. Mis;minifv Hall Board- Councîl- (225 and lover) G Garro-1 210. Barbara Ox-ens iig i NE CATE_381 Penny is bbc 3rd vice-presi- lors Couch and Lovekin. A Pearcllm2>,75ý.L Higlifwld s fîe cacher in Port Hope NEWCSTLE383 dent o! bhe newly fornied Uni- Mr, J H dose was re-a 270, G. Kimnbaîl 2,59, L. Tay'- this week. Deluxe Odourless ted Cliurch Women in lier piie oteNeio;lIls lor 242, L. Pearce 238, P. Ariies Sorrv to report Mrs. Ray- Dr laig MO ovb r. îJ.- ia Bad*ci2r oc e-235, B. Glanvîlle 228, J. Ten- inonci Bruce is a patient in '.\ovd y rs I. ný aPit odan nd M r. JogeKack l sdam 225î. Memorial Hospital. Bowm--ian- motonva psse athoizngWednecdav Ladies Lefi--vlle. bt.t we understand ber Daily Inkp eI r~ntsofwa2p5sedatloriigC eeamppontd1te c-(200 and o-r) Ruthî Couch condition is improving. Agentssf 2 eol e am riail baîvBoard for two 24 eaBrhr 3. i -ni Agns Qui-M'ýo-Lac and the Temiper- 24.eýer B- I 21.ILioke Newcastle - Pauiincl ance Fedieration. The nîcn- ya ri.Cu11iîiglaiam 2.31. Jane t IMc- EnNrigrht's bers voted the renîaiiiing Gettîng riglit down bo busii Crackeii 22-1, Mvrtle Naylor 1 0O1 Suuidav. Newtonville hoc- Orono Cail Collert îioney in the treasury <o0bL- tPe t ouiicitlors afier sonic 1215, Gracc -Couci' 211. Be.ssie kev teani picked up a win and' Newtonville - Porter's Store 'ttîrîîed oe-c to tbe repaîr fuîîd ciscl'Ssion paý;sed a resol t ion Ferguson 211, Jean 'Mcul-la ie. In the afternoon game, o! the church. reqtiçs1iig the Unîited Cotîntie-z lougli 210. ln Port Hope, Ed Cotîmux, MID-WINTER Mrlis. Rînkard expres:-ed ber CoWIncil to wîideii the cotiltiet'. Tliursday .,Mixed Leagu-lwîth 3 goals, paced Newton- SPECIAL PRICES appreciation to the mnenibcrs ropd No. 66 (Mill Street. Nev- <2() anîd (ver) A. Rowe 207, ville 10 a 6-6 tic with the File. for their co-operation and ex. ctistle> il 0111 th i ntcretoî Roo2.BMrgan 200<. Ote scer wee rim Mens Trnusers - .75 prc-sed the hope they ,,ould of Clarke Street easterl,\. ,nthc Juîiîor L.ague --<'IStiaîîd Barnoski and B. Robinson, Ladies' Slacks -- .60 go inb flic ncw organizat ion1 entrance ho James cbs over) W. Pearce 228, B. Hieat- In the evcning at Ncwcas-1 Men's 2-pc. Suit% 1.50 %vith optirniîsm and zest. Mirs.:home, el iminating the sharp lie 213, R. Goode 195. S. Bar-01e. Ellis, Langstaff and Tedý Ladies' 2-pc. Suits 1-2,1 E. C. Woodlaiid thanked ih- cuirvt-ý at the, top of the hbull and cliard Il3 W. Flintoff 180. N. Lane each scorcd hwice to leadl Ladies' Plain Dresses 1-2,1 Wonian's Association for the ýaIho to facilîtate predestrian Gaines 1U6. A. Mýont.gotmery <lic team t0 an 8-6 triumph Ladies' Car Coats 1.00 lovelv tiiigs thcy liad dlone traffit onli tue îortli side o! the 166. H. Cuffe 1 (;1, J. Cliard 16), over the Orono Orý*Dans.' ,.%en's Car Coats .25 0fr -- he'rai at tie parsonage and alo or ront of aa nustion Is : B.Alldread 157, J. Cunning- Other nroachers %were notched TOP Coats - ---- 9 Ilîcir assistaîîce aI ftie recent in foto atn Park and Iliai,1,55, .1. PowelIl 1,54, T. bv B. Robinison. his second of Plain Sklrts *65 "Open House". Mrs. Browvn traffînccnenl and pedes- Aldread 154, . B Brov. îî 153. the day, and Ed Couroux, his leated Skirts .90 up thanked INrs. Riekardi for bbc trian bravel im bazardous in F1idav, Mixed League- (200 !ourth o!f tic day. plested Dresses - 1.50 u? leadership she had given the the area. land over) S. Brown 262, A.1 etwe h ceueis Drapes, per lb. --- .45 A-ssoation and als for heri Cui lrs disus e d atRow 235, R.Bnta 230,1as Next ws eek the n.ch0dulei Wltb Every $3.00 Order hosnitalitv. soie length the fax arrears 'E. Perrin 225. J. Lewis 220, A.j Newcastle 7:30 pro. against, 1 Plain Dress Cleaneri ,Mrs, Dýaviri Gra.' gaive tw-o ît11auioi in "-- illar - Tli poarce 218. R. Munro 2 . B.' te Pansies: Stindavý, Jan. 14.1 for $1.00 aloos rai nd Ilor tt(î , '~~ Ai7rpirat217,,G ebcI2(18, o'Port Hope, I p.m. - Port, proceuaed by New Serviemeiî closed wîth the Bene- S 11,642,0u0 of which are one, H. M Mrr 206, S. Powell, Hop.e High School; Suaday' _______________diction. i yeaa- or more in arrea-s>. The, 205, N. iologkamp 201. nht in ýNewcutl* 7<lewcast le Socil ancd £k)erso iia I REDPATH SUGAR Town Hockey League Opens For '62 Season. Four Teams Entered New Year*s Eve guests wvith ed with friends iiu t.he village' N,%wcastle- The town hoc-,for the Newtonville teani. IM. and Mrs. Jack Crago were last Wednesday. key league got under way in'Orono scorers were Eric Carle- !Mrs. E. Crago and family,Mr nuda vsio wt Mr. the local arena last Wednes-1ton 4. and Gary Cooper 2. 12'dMrs. G. H. Hodgson were_______________ and Mrs. Calvin Crago and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McGib- day evening with its first dou- family of Bowmanville, Mr. bon and daughter Dale. Miss bleheader of the season. Theý and Mrs. W. R. Sargent and Kathleen Baldwin, Mr. Barry league iq. composed of four' famîly of Scarborough, Mr. McGoonan and Mrs. Williamta whhllpa double! and Mrs. Hilton Peacock and Baldwin, aIl of Toronto. Gary, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H-. C. Bonathan !ieaders each Wednesdaiv even- Sam Powell and family, Mr. left this mnorning for a winter ing Pt 7:30 p.mn. and each Sun- and Mrs. Russell Powell and lholiday in Lakeland, Florida. day Pt 7:00 pin. The teanis famiy, Ms. M Gatshoe an lýMr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard. are Orono, Newtonville and famlyMrs M Gatshre ndtwo Newcastle teams the Roy- Mr. Eric Wicks. Newcastle, and'and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch I.sosrdb h oa Mrs. N. Coulter and family. attended the lOth Anniversaryas P osrdb UiRya Downsview. Charter meeting of the Nor- SiceSainon'gw~ The ev.andMrs M. . wod ion Clu onThusda 115 and Harley's Motors, spon- TheRe. ad rs M.C.woo Lon Clb n Turda:soe yHrey's Motor Sales Fisher of Fenelon Falls visît- evening. on1 King St. Easi.01 Eaetes ai InDthe opening gneo Lions WiI Sponsor Wednesday evening last Har-!ugt ILions ili S p nsor jlevas took Newtonville by al cilyp ur bug t s core of 3-2 led by Joe Lewis 1it's much casiecr to, budget your fi4~ Ewixth 1 goals and Shiermi Shield, lu ns r l .îîJ j 1. Nevwîonvîlle goals wce1 properiv însurance premiumsý -- a9a- MP9 Wv Wl * av %Ir V V #y9* %0&0 0 *O s<'ored by Charlie Trimîn and wlîerî you pay by Newcastle- Tlhe first nîeet-:buisiniess period 'sas conduct- f DO'LtiarIrsreii ig of the new Year of the cd during which, the date for- Th-e second gai-ne Nvas taken i Plan wiII enable Lions Club w.as held in tlîeithe Minstrel Show to he pre- by Oronlo by a score 7 to 5 ail ' our property in Elmhurst. Hotel on Thursday sented by the Oshawa Barber- nvc'r the Royals. Oroî,o goals - vengwith the president ý shoo Chorus w'as decided u pon. were scored by Phil Long., muî oehr Carl Gould presiding. After The show will be presented!Dnd one each by Ken Lauzon. singlenionthlypavi the delicious dinner a short in the community hall on Sat- -Gary Cooper, Andy McGee and fine it a lot casier urday evening, February 3rd., D. Lycett. The five goals for A commite cmosdo the Royals w'ere scored by sinaller payrnents ii cioRckrd2,RosDeind arhofcol1 C redit Un ion Lions rwin Colwill, Chair- soîiad 2Larry Pe cki- lr 1.col ,nan, and liîn Porter, Ray!o,1ad rr er , nt e stdy Shows Asses ley Powell v.',ere appo'inted f0 otaken by alvsoe Yl; !niake final arrangements and 'by a score of 12'to 4 with Brian 1 Thr regular mionthly meet- preparations for the shIowý. This1 Rowe leading ihe scoring spree ing of the directorate of thelis the samne group which pre- for ilarley's w'ith 4 goals.R Orono and District Credit Un- sented thieir show to a f uli hall Verne Rowe scored 2 and sin-~UR ion ws helon Tesda , c here in Decemiber 1960) and was 'gle goals were scored bv Ever- 26, iin the Board Room of the well received by the large 'ett Lake. Ken Gray. Jimr Scott Co-op Building, Orono. audienîce. !Joe Lewis, Sherm Shields and JA E The report of the treasureri1 Three members of the club ,lw c une.Wle i A E -manager, Mr. A. Loucks, elebrated birthdays at thisý son scored two goals for thoi showed a membership of 134 meeting, Lions Reg. Lovekin,, Royals with Paul \lcCiilloligh INSURANCE REA wit.h 39 borrowers. The assets ýFra<îk Riekard and Charles and Ron Dickinson scoring 1i1 are over $20,000. There were Gilkes, with their neigbr each. King St. E. B three boans granted during the contributing to the fine box. In the nightcap Newtonville previous month. 1 Following the meeting the, tooiç Orono by a score of 8-6. Office Plans were mîade for the Minstrel Show con-mittee met Two goals each were scorcdi annual meeting on February ,briefly, and a meeting of the by Tod Lane, C. Langstaff anld 'A 3-.5681 26, at which a pot hick supperldirectorate xvas held Mien BiHl Ellis. with E. Coureux and ,will be served. club projects were discussed.1 Ron Robinson scoring one each AT ATHEIR PEAK 0F HER Food Prices Effective .anuary 10, Il. 12, 13 WVe reserve the rlght to limit quantities Juicy and Rich in Vitamin'"" RUBY RED GRAPEFRUUT- 10 SIZE 3 C 10 ~96's 3 No. 1 Gardon Freuli - Creamy White Thé. children'. cholce - Extra large uize 120's Cauliflower 25c TangerineSdoz. 49c Ontarios finest Ces Grade - 8 qt. basket Golden Ripe - Nutritlous SPY APPLES 5 9c Bananas 2.bs.2,9c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE bag69 IGA IAM Strawberry 24-oz. Jar 3 5C NA BISCOO Shredded Wheat I of 1237 DUNCAN HINES Calke Milxes Burnt Sugar - Cherry Supreme Coco Surprise - Devil's Food - White or Fudge Marble Pkgs. 6 9 c ythe month. im Payment you ta lump isurance pre- 1then make yients.You'l cr ta fit th=s into your reg- budget. Why AL ESTATE Bowmanville Residence IMA 3-5493 TABLERITE - Canada's finest RED or BLUE BRAND) beef purchased only fromn Federal Governmeîit Inspected Packing Houses and Unconditionally Guaranteed. Standing Prime SHORT RIB ROASÇUT IL.9c tBLADE Short Rib Roast or Blade RoastREMVED 59 C Extra Lean Bonoles. aleie b C.11.Pk. Pot Roast lb. 39c WIENERS J3 9c MARGARI NE FISH & CHIPS TULIP COLOUR QUIK - lb. pkg. FRA SERVALE FROZEN 24-oz. rkg-. 27c 59C A I EXTRATOTAL $30 BONUS 0F TAPES iteceive $2 in Bonus Tapes with SLICED BOLOGNA Tabilhle 12-os. Pkg. CHINESE FOODS 4Va ?i ti t.pkq. CHEESE CUTS ICA Miid 12-2. Cut P. b Y. 10-Mb P OTATOES cana«da'No.t Grade Bug SHOP AND SAVE AT... BOWMANVILLE IGA MARKET Bowmanville, Ontario TOMS' IGA MARKET Newcastle, Ontario Granuiated 10-lb. Ba; HAWES FLOOR GLOSS 'o"' TIDE DETERGENT 20C Off King ait* C1 Receiv'e $6 in Bonus Tapes witb TIeIIrPurx -Yeiow ~Twt n TISUEPtnk*Aqua.eWhite LPack. WEDNESDAY, JAN. loth, 1962 - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIttE, ONTARIO