THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN'VILLE. ONTARIO DNESflAY, .:AN. !Oth, 1062 Huge Tractor Trailer Moves Smith Equipment Nesilelon Siaia arc ebt ai The Orono News ~ '~~T ...~ '~ ' 'JHoliday visitors Wît r'~GOSW r n v i ~and Mrs. Arnold William n kfamily were Mr. aidMs a-i n le e Mrs.Jame.E ichads Eito George Bowers andfml, enNwYars it "~~" ~"~~' " ~' Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wiim n r.Js arso id W, Mr1Jm s E ihrs dtr ERieM and Mfadmil . set r adMr.Chres i MisJoAnRutherford,,arid daughters Joan and Shar-,lr n r.E any r -M and nurse i training at Toronto'on wit.h Mr. and M.%rs.R.E. and Mrs. W n Hoar were the . 'r Ralph Mr. ornzoMont Geerl osital, spent the Logan on New Yeac ~ u~sc cadMs eadYar's xvthM. n Ms jyan rs. J. Mealde weekend with ber parents Mr. Mr and Mrs. Borden Kramp, Rainey and family,Bo anPtrMdcho Bowman-wrehldy irnrget and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford. 'Kitchener, Miss Marie Kent, v ie. wih r adMr.Cei Se Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McAr-!1 Newcastle, Miss Betty Hemp- 1 Mr n !s .G pr Messrs. Lloyd HeaslpadmnHmtn thr saa, visited Mr, and hill, Maple Grove, Mr. a,- Ceba 4t AnvesryVrer Michelle of Otw, M5 .Fre.M- n Tvrs. Tom Hardy and familyMrs. Jim Stark and son Ted,ý Mrs.H. cLauhlirandLaw en Sunday. IMr. and Mrs. Joh'n Stark,' Fifty friends and tieighbors1 Pest, but later feit se al i ec pn odywt r C o n r a t l a t o n s t a r . D . W a y n e , T e r r y a n d S u s a n , s u r p r is e d M r . a n d M r s . D a v id i " l. s n h m a o g t o t a n r . G o g o f j j i G.C o ert w hton ces te br Starkville, M r. and M rs. C ar- H ooper on the occasion o fgo t sento m o them lyg oun - f mlond o u s a B th b irth d ay Jan . 7th . il s T am b ly n , B ill, P au l an d th eir fo rt eth w ed d in g an n i- g o er irs eassisti go f nth ~ h i . ~ e t f M . a d M s n o M r. M ilton Tam blyn is a Sharon. Dennis W annan were versary on Sunday, December e y irs astng odi rhnp i T yo, c r or uhM rs atint in Princess M argaret N ew Y ear's guests of M r. and 31st. T he happy couple w ere aeys a s'0 w th M s. S ar F r er e osoueih m t i ioPitl Toot.Mrs. Gordon Power and son presented with gifts adr n r.Jc Wlim ae.crageorib itd arnbrick at the organ.Thco-eeadbsgnetspd Mi-. andrMrs.dJack wPaianis James. corsage af rutnonterd e ema-n e isi a n d f a m ily h a v e m o v e d i tear. a .d M s. P a l R u h r a o s w a sh i c n e d o o th e r dM i sy n an e s n , H M L a g l n t h e E llio tt h o u s e o n 1 a in ' f o r d . K in g s to n , s p e n t N e w i a d M isan a i n n t e u e s b o ro , h iay e itAe w Y a 'sne so f M s Street that they recently pur-,Year's weekend with his par- groom of fortv years ago. TheyMisJnFotrRuhPut eeMrad chased. ents, M r. and M rs. S. B. Ruth- were then asked to sit in the M s . aNe ova tie r et re.r. I a r ut erford.~~~~~ livir'z room and receive their: o e atr vstn ih M . P ot, M. a d M s o M r. and M rs. Raymond frinds.... anM rs. lec Little , r n u h n a d C rl n o i d Chpa av eune oe Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mor-ý The tea table was beauti-an r.AeLit, by 'plane from attending the ton and fam ily, M aple G rove, f î y d c r t d w t i kM s o ite, M . a d M s a n r n r. J h x a r r ia g e o f th e ir s o n M r . D o n - s p e n t N w e ausitlh c " d e a c r nat i o o s M r A y lwMr . D n L ittle , a n Misre P o t f s a a l d C a p m a n t a M iss J u n e p a r e n ts , M r . a n d M rs . R o b e rt ' F a k e ryAis e -i - a wwo a H r y . M rs.l eci l asaN rana eds w a 1h u H e r r o n , i n A l S a i n t s C u r c h , M o f f a t . F r n k t e a N i c e r s . D a n ' Y s p a e nyTh u r s y w i hC e r .' a u s f Ma d M s M aidenh ead , B erk sh ire, E ng- M r . m. - rs. d teo N eo , rg .e nte * M n d rs . E di e o muthr e o n n i Ms .Seymour and Ms ogoMr.SGogeWie.and fmysp deth Ne land, on December 3tb. Fred Bowen with Mr. and Mrs. : Mrs. Alden Hoar, Mrs.CogauaiostPr Hw e cercy .ar's week senth i a-MisEhlTtnpo Vm Congraulaton hs8ta Mr H- BnWhite on New Year's. Wecry and Mrs. Raymond ets awCe By.paienMs Dnad hops. el, Roan o bs 8ndbirh-Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rickaby Clapp )asýisted serving the eMss atice Stearthldy.oaNw emsgteiga day, an. lth. nd so Noran spnt Ne.gucts. Toy wme th re- Last Thursday, this large n-oving truck was been removed from the Smith plant here. Mr-. Smith's ed witb bcc sistcr Mms Ot c n r.Js rduns Mrs JhnE.Arston ~asyer~ wthMr. and Mrs. Al-1rcipients of a beautiful yellow photographed just as it was turning on to Highway 401 new Pepsi-Cola plant is about triple the size of h ouse at Thornton'sConsMi Crta FalPt returned home after spending ian Shields, Toronto. Chrysanthemum plant from hî . e ,~'l' i vr lapeet OV thre weks ithMr. nd r. nd rs.Carmn Cr- rieds.wie on its way to SIt evages new plant at acory liere and wil provide him with much bte ainMKvy Mrsl. rmstrn n a ih hrladJh nn Out of town guests were! Oshawa. On board were several bottling machines, facilities to take care cf his rapidly growing business. The Mamird Couplei gi hmsnla eoee rr ily. Tsninmxns. New Yeam's with Mr. and Mrs. Prescrnt froni Toronto, Whit-1 compressors and other heavy machinery which had clbae e ersEebsbu ih'îi Mrs. Ainsley McGee, Lions' Willis Jones, Newtonvile sBwavhe yoeadwt at nteOag m n m.Jh rne Head, is spending a month .t' v omavle yon n eerae e e w ith lier son, M r. A insley G . Eparade com m e ts w er r it- [ . a p b t vw i tha fe w es in c To nt w ce h m f r t e M eGee, M rs. M Gee, Tammie iD U e I. .a nd Mrs.i H a he r o-rman i oteo o h anClub entemed tbeira exhibit e dance this yeir and M a he w Ai sleTGaba . N M D urin g the L ind say F air, Our ' Mji tt r erad s NH ae w e m s w r t r Miss Frances Curran, King- Mi-S. G. Estabrooks and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hunt, Hm Cu nee hi xiiitrclbae e Hadmp-iig "hM. n hldeOhaa istdM.'ti.Uses of lJcied Fruit." Re- ais r t 'C ot with Mr. and Mrs. Bo1 a- Ls eotfo l2 ston ~~an frMd o e t e u h r h l ren s h A wa, vst ed c t n.cently an aw ard f $15.00 w as r t e s a r s t a e i m r v n Mrs. S. B. Rutherford and at- 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell received. A trip was taken talrtes te di g ro o ig S ho l M r. and M rs. H . W indsor ýw ith M r. and M rs. A . Sam els the A cres R estaurant for e v-jH id iMom a v err and faniilv eobr t d S n ' pt l av n u f r d a s r M r. F rank B row n !S D ow at a d f m ly w r ine u s s and hildren, B ow m anville. ening lunch follow ed by m od- day winh M c. and M rs. Cyaon C hrîstm as day. LintohuEl MM andan.dRagMcsablNeil wBaiM.len cf r ad Ms. oge LaelMr. and Mrs. James Wood- ern dancing wbich everyone Tuesday, January 9th, 1962 four montb term. ipace other than a residence.j Giad to report Jac Fokwe dndaviioswh Litors R esHoome, Orono. Oshawa. PenoydTh reaiir on tan, M. andMrs. Rymond Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 1Har-Iliry andauhtecslisrpre ntenjs orh eann o- Hrh alrcbreMs .J ogoHm-~~~the next unit. R am ereWlo a ewscnitdo ahaî sal ab oeaanam h rn hmsn ~r' Clapp, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. mer, Erindale, Misses Grace, Mc. and Mrs. R. D. Hodgkin-' Evening activîties were du- wîtb arson was remanded un- today senteiiced for a charge was assessod and given time not se serious as çvsfmtpr nterFoiahldy Dean Hodgson, Mr-. and Mrs. Smith, Long Sault, Audrey' son, Aurora. te n ragmnsc c til Januamy 3tb. He îs an bail. of tbeft, two charges cf break, i ta pay a total cf $72. He was feared. enter and tbeft at H. Gibsoîî's a little Put eut because police M.adMs o on- m n m.RbstMde and aul Bo'manill, M awa Mm an Mrs L.Hareriley at Chiristmas weme Mr. Woods' home on Thursday. St., was canvicted in absentia tence was 12 monthîs definite 'Hamilton ta give hlm a blood ta tbeic new home.,h o.1vnn wt h letMd and Mrs. Victor Robinson an and family were holiday din- and i\'Ics. G. Yeo and family, Jan. 4. Thiree leaders and 13 on a charge cf careless dciv- and thîree montlîs indetemmin- test. 'Hoexould have noffhing mer Kendal school, wic bgeefauyObaa cl Mo n d obai-t wer-dinn er ue ts o u sof Mmhn and r s. . E ni ilo n, M . a d M s e i l tt n o h s c m l ta n H e stmuck a load f steel ate n eac b charge. The sn- ta do w th the doctr n duty ha., been busy rem ode h n .M s e rg o e s c l of r. ndMrs D G.HoperC.Caok, oh an Lumane i eoand family. Mrs. Joyce meetin:g. Tbe projeet "Sep- an a truck that was stapped itonces are ta run Concurrent-: home. Mms. W. Mercor,M.adrenlyoMs.LiMG]l en Jan. 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Hammy Hil Sellick and family, Bowman- arates for Summer" was con- far a school bus an 401 on îly.IFoyoeotechrsun s.HCotmadTm1adfndbr Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell were holiday visitors of Mc.1ville, Mc. and Mrs. R. Pater- cluded an Saturday. Miss Nov. 10th, accordîng ta P.C. tit Hol iaviis cf En-dem the Hi harfig es n re New Yar' uet fi aî el ndvrape and faniilY spent Boxing Day and Mca. F. Carter, Maple son and family, Maple Grove, Sur arl rvarobn-drtearaa rafeAtwr ewYa' with ber Parents, Mr-. and Mrs. Grave. an1M.BarurMak.Marais Hill, Toronto, aided Wbite. Penîalty was a fine cf niskiîîen was convictod cf be- 'brought penaltijes cf $492. Fivc Mr. and Mrs. Ted Coatai dt ec fNsltnfi Wm. mory, Witb. M. an Mis. L Hamerand . WoolBow Manv.i il eist. Waddell, homo econe- $50 plus casts cf $3 or 7 days. ing intoxicated and paid $26.20. chargcs under the Liquor Con- Sent my news in Stc ns WMi. m.aey sentby the faly visited Mc. an m . . xvas a Nrw as guest cf s Momning duties were Daniiel Breen, 368 Nipigon A charge cf carmying a con- Itro iAct $147. One meter viola- but guess il. was no al c.HcbMGh si MWee ae Criavyspewithe fMil incin, P rnd l.G.i w oodaewYrs. et rchoosiiig material for diffex'- St., was sentenced ta 7 days in cealed weapon, namely a steak1taer paid $6. onough te rmake the paprhs n c.DvdJhswt h we vrCrsmswtMr iciPetn heWoly.ettypes of separates, jud- gaci for drunk driviîîg an Jan- 'koife, was dismussed._________ wc.iar fM.FdJhnwa a d Mr§. Leland K eat, T o- M s. W . M iller is feeling M r. Rob,ý t Thiesburger re l n ate ial and garm ents. uary 6tb. H s car w as im pound - m r a are Ehs 2,S n a , Ja . 7b e a s v sy a ry snc eu nn Holidy v!itorswith Mc.1uch improved after a stay:tucne«d te Ryer';on Institute O ah Hoar and Lynda Davoy ed far six months and bis lie-, R.R. No. 3, Bowmanville, Was D Larfctbizr o hsya rmPr esyHsia e the MemocialMidHoetpital, Tochnoboge. , Toronto, where; discovered their gai-menti ense ta drive suspended focr'convicted cf impaimed driving KE and maybeolzd bfoar or hisms and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý Mr.lieideo ec omnvle ois taking a course cf Chem- anîong the eight te ho judged. six manthi.osebr2n. KHo wasadful it hnot urdan Mi.NlonMmlwvîîe and fandlMrshawMer.iddheon Mr. and Mmi. A. Youngrnanl ical Engineering. Tyrono prosentod their fasb- Jean Paul Fortier, no ad- given txva weeks ta pay a fine ewr ae e haveleither cf the pi'eviastwM-anMr.ibstMalw m fa rucey, OshawatM and a dond amihywith Mc. and M c. G ss f Mr. and Mri. ion parade in the afternoon, dmess, who couldn't tell the of $75 Plus costs cf S3. Ho tohd 1 the Rev. R. C.White able ta udy.I en_ u jas*coost fr e Ya'with ESundaysne ItsbeingasSunday and Bîandackstock, ahecouthe Frankt wy- Ilv, Mr-. and Mns. Jake Mid- Christmas, and dinner guests aywee cs Ani Hndr- EshcCAaeRoeva a cur bs gean wiocosdth cur ta i ws cseoeriiîusSuda fr ur samym mnyofth lca mnsfaiof twanile Mcs.o ii B aru enn n a-E.ugaPntyoo, oc Ts.Coere s.forne eYor's eonmentatoc. Cbaractecizing only tell the court ho forgets whiece ho had a little tao mucli1 White Gift Service which had1 resideîîts. wo depoedOavctehlay Mr. ad Mrs Pau Snodus Bwmanvlle, ew Yar'sýve.1S Shepardin oMran s.Hb Pwlo r.Duz the skit "Measurements was remanded ta the Ontario ta drink. Police had reived been hcld avec froni Dcc. 17tbe hvdre, bad eitber c andetson ]a id , fa chesteo, Mi-.and MrdHe b P wela~ Mi. ul as Shepparo k, r. and Pattern Alte ations" were Hospital at W ity for a per- a cali fro ni the Annis Coffe w en there was no service, breakfast r none as t o ~ - r n r. F e f V e s n dh ris a uls ek nd gcass oM avie , Newf Mr. a rs E v i.and M .A nol d i tzgeraldMc.Cha-ltte and Elaine Annis, iod n t exceeding 60 days. Shop on Division St. about a C urch and Sunday solîol r went off about 8 an spntChisma wokndwih aynard for Christomas were nc, chihdren LakefieKathM Mr. and Ms-s. Wm. Hoar Who Mc. and Mcsr e hme-iadMs. H.Blladfaiy Margaret Janczyn, Ly n ne court that Fortier was taken bis car as the police car came Falls read the scripture and break in the lino wasfxcHalp ter fori few days' Rohs- aia MoyrM. and Mrs. ~1vcadM George Hendery Stainton, Jean Baker, Sbehagh froni a local restaurant on New 'arcund the corner. Mrs. Garland Cathcart ta]d up on the Sixth Lino.ME twr fTcnei vii. Wood and family n n hcs nde'.an Murphy and Ge GlaspelI. Yeam's Eve. Ho had been pac- Harold Jorgonsan cf New- somnestcries, one being cf lit- Biwse fraHltmeurtng ithcduh Mrn. Dc nd BiHNosmangtnvMs Pylis Maynacd, Saheni, ily, ?etecbomougsh. Gwen Glaspell, Esther Anno cided ta kneel down by tbeicharge cf Impaiced Driving otmnsisIoeysiyTeSaemnadsafadCnibls olwn optJ AliIr.S akr omn ie gcot mnu havingy hiyiiheSation, ad IVI. M rs.Noma Aliami S.Wake, Bwmnv lvie, . and Mci Hugh Murphy Rosevear and Lynne Staintonl Christmas tree and say bis on me cf havin ine in a buttons ta Andrea in Buda- all aur readers. and fami]v, Bowinanvihle, Mr. who reeeived their County prayers. Fcom the inside poe-i_____ and Mcs. Roy McLauzhhin and'Honours, which is a comple- ket cf bis suit coat, the chief 1 famly.Neihetn, c. ndtien cf six projecti; Norma found his name stapled an a' JU ST W H A T I Ms-s. H. Murphy and ehildren Davey and Kathy Hoac, one' pioceocf cloth simulias-ta iden- IUST WHALT IS th Murphy spent ps-oject each: Grace Moore, tification' made by mentalchos- Mr.W Mrh ad lte nn, w ahEaneta e a te nah i-C O M PA RE Mm.andMi-. H Phhp.Miss Annis and Lynda Davey, three tal in Shawinigan Falls, Que- JoR randbilpspent New Yearis each; Shelagli Murphy 5; bec. 1o h fno- JenPipsen e ersJean Baker 9, and Jean Ma-. His record E C oR Fhe 1. E y E A R " with Mc. and Mrs. Ronald lette 7. prints indicated that ho hadT mu M Piss MNaytbeton Oui- helpful leaders have been picked up in other muni- "TE CRO H 'UN' M Mis My Wit, Toronto, cipalities foc vagmancy and re- wit M. ad rs.R.Wm-glt1 been Mrs. H. Staintan, Mr'5îeased. Because cf the weather Mrs. R. B. Hamilton, Bow-conditions, oehn difr ~ ~ vv ~ i' A r ilmanils.R B HitN Bow. . and nt s o edone now. The A G A TRSQESINRS AYANWR.Hamilton. SOLINA Larry Chinn, 18, 403 King AÀ IS N 1EEAEAFWtSevecal in the com.munity St. W., Oshawa, pleaded guilty RER AE FW:have bccn on the sick list,1 The Explorer group met on ta a charge of damnaging a a speedy recovemy to all. Satumday afternoon in the daor at Stanley's Restaurant 1t's PlUbie seviceMmi. A. V. Edwards and sen1 chus-eh basement with ton con December 23, was fined $13 Albert,___Welland,_ members present. Folhoxing and coîts cf $8.50 or six days, Jt'sa pbli sericeAlbrt, ellndspent New ta a charge cf a mnior con- Itsrvsthscmmntywthnw, deri-Yeic's Day with Mr-. and Mci. the opening exorcises eves-y- ND O U I FO R Y O U RSELFher o ing, ediorial Cmment, nd enterain T. cottamoe oined in a sing-song, andlisumhing iqufornandofter ofy- F OTFR It srve ths comunty ith ews adets- MT. cat .13wm,,icuestions on the Bible weme' ihiginfotc.teOyi Ing, m edto ria o m et , and eni t e rti ne nt. Mc. vil e cv v e s. B. ni an- ý discussed. M c. B. Tink led:pa Restaurant on January 5th In t hiaomo te p acts iwhich t live il vll, vstd c. O Vcu.Ithe worsip sesvice. The new- and ho was f ined a further $40 makethi a otte plce n whch o lve.Mc. and Mri. J. C. Cook and ly elected eýfficers are: Chief plus coîts or 10 days mare. Ho Lauraine visited Mr. and Mrs. 'Explorer, Carol HilIs; Assist- teck the 16 days. W I r £ l Hoptl ootspn o-w' ê insta d on illv ebrt b is . schools and local goves-nment. It buys ail da, and Tue'-dav at hec home.' h oe' nttt iîninth bistldavy on Thucsday possible supplies and services locally. Mri. G. spei7ht, Oshawa, Te1mns nttt i ihnh netandtreo meet Thumsday night, Jan. 11,-weih notandtrec Mýr. L.. Brade., Bowmanvilloe, b15i h Cmuiy al is ichool chunis, Gien Ash-.... It'sthe oiceof te pepleDouglas and Lynno. spent New: Mr. and Mns. C. Langmnaid Douglas Blackburn. Year's Day wvth Mc. and Mci.;and eilîdmen wero Sundpv Mc, and Mci. Vlieger visited Its prînted reports, comment and pictuces D. Stainton anid Mc. Luther: visitors with Mc. and Mci. . relatilves at Whitby on Mon- Local Studebaker Dealer Ray Gibbs Is shown above with the '6% ak -TECR0 mis-ior this commuility in such a way that Stion Lunn and f am.ily, Peterbor- a vnnweMrVlgrTH YER Himo rn aaeadhstandsafofX we may undertand bath it problemi an Mc. ar.d M i. . us spent; ough a vnnwe c hee Mr n r.A h visited with bis father who TE YA! Hsmdm grg n i rie tf feprecdmcaiatk we my udersandbothitsprobemsand New Yoar's Siindav with Rev.1 Mr. and Mrs. D. Mashalhas just arrived froni Holland. its opportunities. It is a vital factor in the and Mi J. W. Wilkinson and' and childcen, Oshawa, visited M.adMi lee pn great pride in providing the finest service available on al thecastese. operation both cf free, responsible gaves- fam"y, Dunbacton. Mr. and Mci. Rae Pasce and Christmas with Mi- and Mri. ment and in the life of fs-ee, democcatie Mr. and Mci. A. Samnelis' family. R. Sti-oop), Stoney Creek. The '62 LARK gives you: Best Design . . . Best Performance ..*Bs o.ot individuals. an,! children, Bownmanville,I Mi-. J. Baker visited Mr. Mrs. W. Thompson was Sun- with lier parents, Mr. and and Mr3. J. Smales Jr. and day dinner guest of Mr-. and Best Rellability. . Best Economy . . . and Best Dollar Vale &rs. John Mitchell, for Newifamuly, Oshawa. Ms rn sod omn Yeam's Day. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bcoamelville. The Canadian Statesm an Mc'%I. and 'Mrs. John Beckett, 1 and sons visited Mr. and Mmi. Miss Linda Potts spent a TEST DRI 6 A R' Scuzog Island, Mc. and Mns.1 Las-iy Dewell and children, few days with Miss Jean Gii- OU HO EN W APRD. Beckett and family, Maple' Bowvmanville. vacus, Tocanto. T S R V H 6 A YOU HO E NWSPPERGrave, Mr. andl Mmi. F. Bec-i Mr. and Mcs. George Bray, Sunday School and Church irett and fanuilv, Enniskillen,Î Toronto, wece Frîday tea servce was withdrawn on Fnent New Year's %vith Mr'. O.' guests cf the Werrys at Rase-lSunday owing te the stormy Bekett and Arvilla. landvale. 1 weathei'. 4-H Club News Miss Aurilda Hockaday heldl A mscellaneous showes- was On Tuesdzy, Dec. 26th. tbmee'a pleasant Christmnas gather-lheld for Mci. Allen Moffat A tonded the Tyrone Sewing1 Mr. and Mirs. E. Hockaday home of Ma-s. J. Potts on Fri- AT UESTAESANSailie.s' discu5s;on meeting at had as New Yeai's Day guests day evening. Elaine and Charlotte Annis',Mrs. S. Hockaday, Miss Auril- Su.nday School at 10:30; SU E A E A E E VC DIAL »-DA3_3303 BOWMANVILLE l'orne. The grîs wene given da Hockadav, Mr. Frank Cowl- Chus-ch service at 7:30 an Sun- 181 King St. E. their part in the ikit pepanedi ing, Hampton, and Mr-. D. i day. Sacrament wiil be ad- B w c vU by Audrey WooL Iashon Hiirrie, Maple Grove. imi1Lotered. I E Wl V