PAGE FOURTN~THE CAKADIÂMSTATESMMI ~OivizilTvT1 Pa1'Ae- fDNSDY,-A. K DEADIN ........FOR CLA SFE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u e s d a y , : 0 p m vI ]h 2 h c c tCI at m m TI A' ~c d R( be r Fh c wi o tri Br Births Deaths In Memnoriam Articles for Sale Cars for Sale Hielp Wanted McKEEN-John and Cindy are LANE-Suddenly at Hampton ADAMSIn loving memory of GUITAR, used six montbs, $15. '52 GMC Truck, $175 or betBB1itrtawthcide hiappy to announce the birth on Saturday, January 6, 1962, lDad and Mother wbo passed Phone MA 3-3971. 2-1ofer Pon M 3707.2- w imter toworks. horn cf her ab brthrJefey TresaFoler i br 2naway January 5, 1938 and WATER haulage. Cliff Cooper, '5 CEV 2-door. FrmeMA375evenings. 2- Norman, 8 Ibs. 14% ozs., on year, beloved wife of George January 30, 1961. PhnIrn 41 -*ifrainPoeNwateEPRECD are a Dec. 27, 1961, at Memorial Lane, 46 King St. E., Bowman- Every memory is a keepsake, Phoe Oon 141. info415. _ _ __onfPhone NewcstIeIEonERIENCED Hospital, Bowmanville. Proud ville, and dear mother. of R on- With which we'îî ve arGOO 4153. ottos.2-1 frdiyfr are a prnsare Mr. and Mrs. Nor- ald and Joan. Service was Tbough God bas yu neyer par quahoelity . Wclose________________o bghad man McKeen. Special tbanks held in the Morris Funeral keeping 2-1 ]BAIIFFSsoe Frfrhr atclr to Dr. E. L. Ewcrt. 2-1 Chapel, Bowmanville, on Tues- We bave you in our hearts WAE-orsl write Box 212, c/o Canadian day, January 9tb at 2 o'clock. -Sadly missed and always r _ ATEufr sle ndc.Mu±1-' Stemanvil .O. ox19, * MILLER-Irvin and Sharon Interment Bowmanville Cerne- membered by Ruby, Earl, Cal Cliff Pethick. CO 3-2131. _______________________2_1 (nee Kilpatrick) are happy ta teIry. 2-1___ Pearl, Alf and families. 2-1* 32-tf 1955 GMC %,-ton TRUCK, new OPPORTUNITY-We need a annoncethe rrial. f teïrFIREWOOD in stove wood rubber, 9-ft. box with racks, new dealer in townships of son Terry Wayne, 7 lbs. 15 ozs., Cards of Thanks BYERS-In loving memory Of~ lengths. $10 a load. CO 3-2275. original milcage 39,000 miles. Wbitby East and Darlington ta at Oshawa General Hospital, - Gertrude Byers wbo passed'4-f15 CEV 3-tnTUK serve consumers. Experience January lst, 1962. Special Orchestral Concert. Mr. M. away Jan. 14, 1961. 0f197CE.%tnTUK1adcpalo esti.Wre tbanks ta Drs. King and Morg- L. Beaton wisbes ta tbank the We think of hier in silence MIXED slab wood. Resawed long box, in fair condition.-aDepital flot essent5ia chWie an. ~~~2-1 many people wbo supported Her namne we oft recaîl, in stove lengtbs. Newcastle Must bc sold. Wl] accept bcst Dp.A10G3 05Rce jand promised ta support the There is nothing left ta answer 4136. 40-tf ofr iu otel - Orchestral Concert cancelled But her picture on tbe waîî. MOTHERLY lady ta take NASH-Mr. and Mrs. Charles o con fD.Hiz ne' sa n uu BALED hay, good quality dayv- Phn 728-8060 charge of doctor's home with tbeh bire haofyteir dauter indisposition. In particular the er and Alfalfa. Phone COlfax 21tresalcidei ta thelen rlofenon aturdayLadies' Committee and al the BYERS-In loving memory of 3-2649. 2-1* ____ __ . themancienpoiinOta-d Dee. 23 9,at Mneorial Hos- Service Clubs of town. 2-1 Aunt Gert who passed away 100MXDble.Ti a .gaod wages to right person. pita2,l6, Bw anvile. 2ial s January 14, 1961. O,0 IE aes hshyK . Will pay transportation. For pitl, ______ I.2-* wish ta tbank ail friends, A year has passed since that bas had no ramn since cutting. more information contact Mrs. STACEY-Frank and Sharron neigbbors, the Holy Name Sa- sadi day IPhone CO 3-2670. 2-i1 USED CARS A. Hagerman, R.R. 3, Bowman- neBro)arprutaa-ciety, the Ladies' Legion Aux-1 Wben one we loved was LADY'S moleskin jacket, in vilorPoe A3397* ziane Bots)e biro! tbeir- iliary, for ail cards, flowers alled away. excellent condition, size 36-38. 1961 CHEV. BISCAYNE 2-_______ riounce he birthof thrsrGodto irhoica hoeM -75 daugbter, Laurie Elaine, 7 lbs. fruit, gifts sent ta me while odtokbesom.itwa hoeMA3575 50-tf 4-DR. SEDAN ARE yau looking for work? 13 zs. atMemria Hopitlin the hospitals. Many thanks Hs il 13ozsmav1e Jau Hory ia, 192.onte, doctors, nurses in each Within aur hearts, she liveth 2000 BALES wheat straw, 4000 6 cyl., Power Glide transmis- We offer you the opportunity Bomnile auy6 921* etan a very special tbanks -Eerenebeelb.Ea mixed claver and alfalfa hay, sion, windshield washers, back- ta establish a business of your 2-lýto ev.Herert _Eer rmemere byEva ha norain. 728-8060. 2-1 up lights, white wall tires. own. Be our representative in Mrs.Milded onwa. Me an Irne. -1*Demonstrator, in Honduras your district; benefit of a 45% Mrs.Milded onwaMa and Irene. 24** ALSCO windows and doors maroon. commission - your incomes can nERRY-ckeon)eh app ynan 2l*BYERS-In loving memory of sold witb a lifetime guarantee. be from $50 ta $85 weekly. We (nec Jckson)are hapy tamy dear wife, Gertrude, woLm li. A337.12 1958 CHEV. DELUXE seIl cosmetics, culinaries, fam- anonethe birth o! their iwu ek a xrssm pasdawyJnur 4,16.LARE Aink crib,3ail.steel 4 DR. SEDAN ily remedies, tea, coffee. 30 son on Tuesday, January 9th, spncereitaskset 1962.r A bay bothr fr .my redN one. knows how much I construction witb spring-filled 50 IO et ,53 t u Dougl AGant andRay. 2-1o neighbbrs, relatives and Ladies" miss you, mattress. Phone MA 3-2093. 195 PONTIAC 2-DR. ---$175.berJt, MDtet. C 13 t.H- Douglas,__GrantandRoy._ 2-1 Major Bowling League for No one knoxvs the bitter pain ___________2..î 1953 PONTIAC 2D r.-_ $17500 be CAL Motreal. 2-1 eaths gifts, flowers and cards sent I have suffered since 1 lost you MASON & Risch piano, $50; 1952 CHEV. 1-TON TRUCK Tob1u ereettv n Deaths ~t me wbile in Hospital and at Life has neyer been the Acme combination coal and Stake body. Exceln obouRerstai I hiome, also thanks ta, Dr. H. B. samne. electric stove, $75. Telephone for farm, use -----$2 f00tidwork tbopleanîdins BERRY-At Memorial Hos- Rundie, nurses and staff Of In my heart your memory CO322.21$7 0bsCut.Pesndgi pital, Bowmanville, on Satur- Memorial Hospital. lingers,Fulopatimret lsi day, January 6th, 1962, Leone MsJ.(I ol. Setytnefn anKE c uomialwilU.R.Y VW. J.ICHLJ year after year, no lay-offs, no Berry, 6 berty St. N.,ofBowuce __________ 2-1 true. you wait, at Mason & Dale Balerr, 3SiericyShe.,d in There is not a day, dear Hardware, 36 King St. E., Chevrolet - Corvair - Envoy slack seasons, age no barrier, -nnil.Sriewshl n omnil.4-fOdmbl car needed. Territories are the Morris Funeral Chapel, C..omng Events Gertrude, Bomnil.4-fOdmbl filling fast, rush your name D:ivision Street South, Bow- "0, atFiaJn 2 That I do not tbink of you. INSULATION, blowîng meth- Chev. Trucks and address for full informa- 50anviPaeyon Moday, January82p, -Ever loved and remembered od, witb rock wool. Work- Courtice Bowmanville tion. No obligation. Develop- rath le at n3:30 p.m Inrentpin Newtonville Hall. Priz- by lber husband Rupert. 2-1* mansbip guaranteed. Free esti- 728-6206 MA 3-3922 ment Director, Box 817, Lon- Bowmanville Cemetery. 2-1 es andi lunch. Admission 50c. ( ie osreyu ________________2-1 HARDY-In loving memory ofpmate.CarryeL.2W20 . Tel- ( instosre 2)- oCaaa.1 BENET t trtavn ffcaiOpnngo! -my dear wife, Mrs. Isaac1pn re22. 9t -___________ BIG-PAYING BUSINESS BENEBowAt mtanhvle, W ica Oeing o f eora New Hardy, wbo passed away Jan. NEW CCM and Bauer skate A cto ae FOR A MAN OVER 40 Nursing Home, omnilWnOfM ora Hospital at 11, 1961. outfits, also hockey equipment, _____________ale____ We want a man for the Bow. 'n Friday, January th, 1962, Bowmanville, Friday, Jan. 26, Though hem smile is gone 1/ off regular retail prices. Ail Auction sale of 45 cattie, 25 manville area. The right man Matilda G. Cooper, in ber 97th 7:30 p.m. 2-3 forever, ýsales cash, no trade-ins. Mc- pigs, property o! Joseph Red-lwho qualifies is worth as much year, wife o! the late Frederick Dance in Sauina Community And ber hand we cannot Nulty's Sports, Cycle and Toys, mond, Lot 15, Con. 8, Cart-las J. Bennett and dear mother o! Hall, on Saturday, Jaur 13 tauch, Bowmanville, MA 3-3531. 2-2 wright, one mile nortb o! 7A $12,000 IN A YEAR Olive~wt (Ms J evn),Rm Fse ' Orch stira. hves 0 maySEE Elmer Wilbur, Hampton, Highway at Nestieton on We pay carnings in advanceý el n rn.Srie w ith Jimyo Fier's Orhestra memories for gaod used television sets, Thursday, January 18. Terms and require no investment. If lheld in the Morris Funeral Of the one we loved sa much. cbesterfields, beds, dressers, cash. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Ted you are over 40, have5yes Ebapel, Bowmanvile, on Sun- Valentine Tea and Bake Sale Her memary is aur keepsake, vaiis5his ergrtos akoacine.21 eln xeineaddie a Eay, January 7th at 3:30 p.m. ta be held by St. John's Guild- With wbich we'll never part, washters, cai trs, r ngeos, carn wrtoee. - slie m aper s naldnoe.a Entrmet owmnvlleCene-etes n arih all FbruryGodba he i Hi kepignew sleighs. Cali Elmer, CO 20 Holstein cattle, sow and C. K. Stephens, Vice Pres., tery. 2-1 10, 2:30 ta 5 p.m. -2-1 We bave ber in aur beart. 3-2294.4-fPg,2hre ipmnt TxsRieyCo. Bx71 -Sadly missed by husband and 46-tf pg ain2 ndhorse, ipleentsr,FoTexasrthf1,er xaor., Bx -1, !iALSNA 4 HntSt Dance and Draw at Orange family. 2-1 PREPARE for cold weatber bh ay ran nfurn te fral F ÇoAnvLSO eAton6HurstayHal, Pontypoal, on Saturday,j ahead! Sec us taday for freeteesaeotelteRpharWrh1,Txs 2- Ltowaviile o Musati Jan.'20. Music by Kawartha SALTER-In loving memory estîmates on Aluminum Doors E.ReoLt22 o.6 ht Junior A cufn January 4th, 1962, M r amtriAmsin75no erfteradgad n inos o ilb Township, just north o!fUJU A Carlson, In bis 79th year, bus- Rmlr2-2isin75. o aa father assd ay -Jand mzeddowseconom illtheBrooklin, on Saturday, Jan. 20. Position available for young and o! the late Carnie Jensen- 5th, 1960. are fromn Cowan Equipment Tem ah aea 2:3 ..mnbtente eo 92 and dear father o! Leonard C. Monster Bingo, TbursdaylHis charming ways and smiling Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowman- Ted Jackson, auctianeer. 2-2 years ta wark as Junior Ac- Carlson, Bowmanvillc. Rest- nigbt ut 8 o'clock, sponsored face ville. Pocaun-58.tant.h Succgndwil el.y il ei esranunl iapln ed at the Morris Funeral Chap- by the Junior Chamber Of Are a pleasure ta recal, hn A358.4-f Teudrindwilsl ywl ecv riigl i el, Bowmanville, until Friday Commerce, Red Bamn, North pulcaeto, am mci-ad aofhsitlaconig He_________________or_________AN____VE ery, electrical appliances and Funera1 Home, Bancroft, fo 45tf nd iedbelvcdby il ervice on Saturday, January The annual meeting of Dur-1TeFa AN21 FR oD RVE WAYS ouseharles igoodsatrsidenceAm ply rta th at 2 o'clock. Interment ham Central Agricultural So-ISENECEMENTngmeor Bowmanville, 1/2 miles south DerLake Cemctery. 2-1 ciety wiIl be held SaturdaySPENCER-m thlovigemolbrt PHONE EARL BOTTRELL o ano do atsd January 13, 1:3 p.m. in Oro2oF. Spencer who passed away CO 3-2682 o! Manver's Rd., on Saturday, Memori ai Hospîtal ti DAMANT-At Memorial Ras- Ton-al.Junuary lSth, 1959. For Prompt Service and Joauur 20 t 1:30 . mLst B2-A ILL ,ital, Bowmanville, on Friday, Plan to attend Schneider's Often ta your grave I wander - Dellvery 15-tf tapasCifrd netweek. auterms-_ l anuary th, 1962, Brian S. Film Programi and Buffet There ta you I feel s0 near, cash. Clifford Pethick, auction- Damant, aged 26 years, beloved Lunch at the Lions Centre, As I place the flowers I brîng JANUARY Sale-Sealey Mat- eer. 2-1 Afs-rwn opn iv, husband o! Judy Goodmani. spansored by Club 15 on Thurs- you tresses, $39.95; one only, world-widc affiliations bas a Service was held in the Marris day, Jan. 25 at 8:30. 2-2 And whispem "'Daddy l'ni Special Airfaam Sealey, r eg. WEEKLY several opcnings for experlene- b( Funeral Chapel, Bcwmanvillc, - berea". $119., $59.50; Bedroom Chairs, A E ed LOAN and SALES FIN- I n Manday, January 8th at Te Annual Meeting o! tbel-Lovingly remembered and $11-95; Coffee Tables fromý LIVESTOCK SA E ANCE MANAGERS ANDh1 Zo'clock. Interment Bowmnan- Cartwright Union Cemetery sadly missed, your Daughter $8.95; G.E. Polishers, Model vleCmtr.21wîll be held in the United -Molly'. 2-1 C17, $32.95; Table Lamps, at Durham County Sales Arena ASSISTANT MANAGERS. h dU Cmeer. -1Cburcb at Blackstock on Mon.,' $5.9h; Kitchen Suites $49.50; 2- Orono - Evcry Thurs., 7:30 p.m. When applylng, please gve te aenJan. 15 at 2:30 p.m. 2-1 SPENCER-In loving memory piece Chestemfields, Airfoam, Horses, Cattle, Swlne, Calves, hisoy xeine n aayg DERVENT-At South Hvno! a dear Father and Grand- Nylon covers, $159. Murphy etc. For truck pickup Phone iryeprecadslr gursing Home, Newcastle, on Memorial Hospital New father, the late Albert F. Furniture, King W., MA 3-3781. Orono 5 r 18 by 1 p.m. day of rquirements.W Wednesday, Junuary 3rd, 1962, Wing. After opening, Friday, Spencer who passed away _____________ 2-1* sale. J. A. Reid & Son, Sales Our employeci are informed cc Prcderick Charles Dervent, in Jan. 26 at 7:30 p.m., guided January Iltb, 1959 RATS anayFuntr Managers. 38-tf of this ad. cl is 8th year, husband o! the tours by Board members, Sat., Deep in aur bearts your Clearance. Price Busters, while Write ADVERTISER 213, ate Begenima Penmary Brown. 2 to 4 p.m., 7 ta 9 p.m., Sun- memory is kept,teyat,5nyihgrd 31 Cattle, diesel tractor, bal- coCadan ttemn Restcd ut the Marris Funcral day, 2 ta 4 p.m. __2-3 O! one we lovcd and will cbeyst5ield suites, gbatdecm uc/ieo nal ew PO ox 190, Bowatemanil, "Ihapel, Bowmanville, until cetril uts ___flefl ie fnal e ..Bo 9,Bwavlet Fhursday marnîng, then at the Euchme card party, MemorilîA ne ver forget, nylon uphalsterings, foamn tractor machinery, baled hay, 2-1 cO urnes Reid Funeral Chapel, Park Clubhouse, Liberty St. S.IAdtbougb the years be many cushions, reg. $329. Fabulous straw and grain, etc., the prop- -- b Kingston, for service on Sat- Jan. 16, 1962 at 8 p.m. Lunch or few reductions - Your choice, $188. erty o! Mr. Geraîd Lacraîx,To nh iv7 irday, January 6th ut 2 o'clock. served. Admission 5Oc. Doar We'li always be thinking Glamarous Bedraom Suites, Lots 22 and 23, Con. 8, Clarke To nhpof!Clarken( Interment Soldiers Plot, Cat- prize. Proceeds for Cerebral Dear Father o! yau. some store sumples, 19 suites, Township, 4 miles north o!f o iraqui. 2-1 Pulsy School and Clinie. 2-1 j-Lovingly remembemed and at sensational January reduc- Omono on the east side o! Applications fr n ____-isadly missedi by your Daughter thons, for quick sale, compîcte Higbwuy 115. To be sold with- Fet ~RAT-A Meorll Rs-Bawmanville Rotary Club[Kathleen, Son-in-Iuw Whitney suites as low as $88. Easy out reserve on Saturday, Jan. W rl "XRNT-t Mmoral os-presents Rubinof! and His'and Granddaugbter Debbie. ternms. Ed. Wilson Furriture 13, commencing ut 1 p.m. ForWabl iy Inspe or N ital, Bowmanville, on Wed- Violin at Trinity Unitedi ute atclr e il.E .esday, January 3rd, 1962, Churcb on Friday, February!SPENCER-In loving memory Discount, 20 Churcb St., Osha.Itrhrpriclr e us Applications for Warble Fly 4 Lnni Nelso Haper agd 91l6t. 162,ut :15 Adisi n~0 y dear busband, the late wa. ___ 2-1 Owner moving ta Sudbury, Inspectorfrteyar16 ýnieNelsn are, ge 9 1th 96, :1. d issionJack Rehd, auctioneer. 52-3* folbc rcc e the uder-6 cars, wife of the late Anthony $2.00 per persan. Pmoceeds for AIbert Franklin Spencer, who - __c_____d y heuner Jrant and dear mother o! Rotary's community projects. passed uaway suddenly, Jan. TV A RRL epDairs signed up to and including 'hristina <Mrs. Wm. Moarey), __________ 2-6 lSth, 1959. Febmuary Sth, 1962. cccased; Alex, Ermine (Mrs. - ou as arig ib U VLl ana RADIO and Television Repairs. Applicants are requcsted ta z tobert Davies), Lillian (Mrs. Woodview Communtty Centre 1 would loved ta bave heard1 Prompt service. Pick-up and state remuneratlon expected. yrson Humphrey), Margaret -Mazster B i n g o. Twenty1 And breathed in your car AERIAL REPAIRS delivery. George's, 14 Centre Dutlcs ta commence 'Mrs. Alex McGregor), Selby, games-twcnty dollars; five My last parting word. S.PoeM -73 1t March 1, 1962 jertrude (Mrs. Walter Flctch- gamnes-thirty dollars; $150 Quickly, siiently, came teSal]O.APhGARneEDMA lei3-5n7H1E.3.LSO, lert' r) and Phillir . Service was jackpat, and two iackpotsunti Witbouit "odbe yulft radioHservie, ta ail sn1-,W Qu--iîüicèk ,-SerëiviceÏ- 26 ONTARIO STREET Ciosed Wcdncsdays Plastering Repa-rs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf Pumping Sepllc Tanks BERT TOMPKINS NE WTON VILLE Phone Clarke 4721 ______________52-tf Tenders Wanted FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned Solicitor Up to 12:00 o'clock noon on Thurs- day the First day of February, 1962, for the purchase of the property of the late John McGahey consisting of bouse and lot in the Village of Eliza- bethville in the Township of Htope in the County of Dur- harn. This property is a frarne house with 6 rooms with at- tached building for use as garage or woodshed, hard vater with plurnbing, located conveniently next to store and close toalal cornmunity facili- jies. Terrns: 10% of price with tender; balance to be paid in cash on closing; closing date tol ec arranged. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Inspection of the building rÏý jdityb r gdb ctctn ~ichrd Enes White, R. R No. 1, Campbellcroft, Ontario, Executor. Phone Garden Hill 4r 2. W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. Notices Our 1962 Memo Calendars were muiied Dec. 28, 1961. If for any reason uny of our ýustomers or friends did not .ccive one pieuse Phone MA 3-5615. ___ - If you do not want your used hristmas ca-rds, I can use .em ta bring a bit o! jay ta ,hildmen, and would be happy ýpick them Up if you'd cail .A 3-3911. Assessment Meeting auspices DRA COUNTY AGRICULTURE Orono Town Hall ranuary l5th, 8 p.m. :uest Speakers: Mr. Donald Mlddieton Pmoperty Dimector, O.F.A. Mr. Garnet Shields County Assessor rhis meeting will dea] with ail )bses of Farm Assessment md Taxation. Came prepared * ask questions and take part * discussion. Everyone wel- >me. 1-2 I-ISH on the spot; highest rices paid for dead and crip- Ied farm stock; picked up )omptly. Telephone collect '0 3-2721,1Margwîll Fur Farm, 7yrone. Licence 115. 43-tf I)EAD AND CRIPPLED FARM STOCK HIGHEST PRICES PAID R AY VI1VI1A N Locust Hill Uone Markliam 1160J Collect 24-hr. 7-day Service License 102C61 20-52 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F WALTER ORVILLE COCHRANE, lute of the Town o! Bowmanviile, in the County o! Durham, Lab- ourer, deceased, who dmed at Bawmanvlle, on or about the l3th day o! November, 1961. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O. 1960, Ch. 408, Sec. 52. Creditors and others huvlng dlaims against the above estate are required ta send particulars and full proof therca! ta t1 undersigned on or before the] lst day a! Febmuury, 1962, afteri which date the assets of the, estate will be distributcd hav- ing regard ta the Will and the dlaims that have then been1 received. DATED ut Bowmanvile, On- tario, the l9th day o! Decem- ber, 1961. L awrence C. Masob, Burrister, etc., 30 King Street East, Box 29, Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. ý Liestck or al1 17 PIGS, six weeks old. MA 3-2008. 2-1* 16 PIGS eigbt weeks old. Bert Robinson, Orono 33- 19. 2-1* BARN full of baled dry hay. -Caîl Port Perry 985-2966. 1-2 ONE Jersey heifer, one Jersey cow, due January. Sam Turn- -er, MA 3-2075. 21 HOLSTEIN a n d Ayrshire springer cows and heifers. Don- ald Lamnb, Enniskillen. 2-1 TWO Jersey heifers, due middle of January. Talmage Doble, R.R. 3, Sunderland, Ont. 2-1 ROOM and board available for young lady. Phone MA 3 -5780. 2-1 ROOM and board available. H-enderson, 61 Liberty North. Phone MA 3-3720. 1~4* 2-1 HOWE & PE REALTORS 67 King St. E. 200 Acres, Biuckstock area. Excellent buildings and the best of land. Only $10,000 fdown. 100 Acre farm on No. 2 High- wuy, large L-shaped bank tbarn; stone bouse with all modemn conveniences. Asking $21,000. Terms. 248 Acre farm. with 2 barns; 8 raomed home. Al buildings 1intgood repair. Price $10,000 Swith $4,000 dawn. 3200 Acre farm near Nestie. ton with excellent buildings, paved road. Only $10,000 down. 160 Acres east Newcastle with 100' x 36' barn, water on tap; 7 roomed home, modemn kitchen, electric water etr OnIy $6,000 down. cer, 5 Roorned, brick bungalovi' with attachcd garage on Jane Street, Bowmanville. Aill mod- ern conveniences. Down $2,500. Price arrangcd. Large, ranch style, brick bungalow with rnuny extrus. Price $16,000. Terms. 7 Roomcd home at Lotus with hydro. Price $2,000. Down $500. 9 Roamed home with bo on 2 acres. Only $ 1,000 down. APARTMENT BUILDING, ycarly incarne $2,700. Down payment $2,000. 7 Roomed home lni Enniskil- len. Price $7,500 with $500 down. 5 Roomd, almost new, brick bungalow in Oshawa with ail modemn conveniences. Price $13,000 with $2,500 down. HARDWARE STORE in vil- lage with good turnover. Price incîuding building $5,000 witl, $1,000 down. Lots an Taunton Road. Price $750 per lot. Realtor and! General Insurane. Newcastle Phono 3341 Donald mountjoy, MA 3-3950 Ross Davldson, Bethany, 30RS Lamne A. Perrault, Clarke 2231 Idso Wlersma, Orono, 1649 TUE RS Brand New 6 room brick bungalow, large ultra modern kitchen, 4-piece tiled bath, double Pierson windows, hardwood and tile floors, forced air with oil heating. Asking $13,549.00 with terms on one mortgage. $490Fl rc Small bungalow between Oshawa and Bowmanville situated on 21/ acres of land. 20 Acre Farm 9 room bouse, large modern kitchen, 3-pfece bath, hardwood and tile floors, forced air with oil heating, 36 x 52 ft. barn completely set up for 5,000 broilers or laying hens, good workable soi], trout stream, located close to school, churcli and store on paved road. Make an offer. M List Photo Co-op Through This Office Further particulars by calling .Toe Crawford MA 3-3672 or 725-4701 Rambler Auto Dealers Establish New Record 0Of Sales in December Brampton, Jan. 5.-Rambler dcalers cstablished a new re- cord o! retahi sales for the month o! December, E. K. Brownridgc, President of Amn- enican Motors (Canada) Lim- ited announccd in Brampton This increase was 77% over December o! iust year, foilow- ing a record November wben the gain over the samne peniod was 51 %. Mr. Brownridge added that this increase wus due ta sever- ai important factors: "First and foremost iu the acceptance by tie publieci!the. Rambler concept lni automo. tive design and engineering. Then you must consider that the sale o! "imports" is fail- ing off and a new market in created for our "compacts". The price reduction on the 1962 Rambler, due in part to the efficient operation o! aur Brampton plant, bus made a larger portion of the buying public interested ln our pro- duct. These, with the present bealthy automotive economy, have substantiated aur favour- able fomecast for 1962". McQueen Motor Sales arfe .te local Hambler Dealer& . %apel, Jiawmanvilîe, on Sun-ITuesclay, March 6th, il -arn. to jen LdL-I - 2--SUTâHie NrsngHoe1 îy, Januury 7t4 ut 2 o'clock.16 p.m. Pailing Booths in Orono m eurth. PhoaedMA 3-2727 or 3-5467.,FË rmr Hrfr e! -Accommodation for private ain itemen Bomaviie Crn- Twn al an Behan Twn hersh an loin me cwad.2-1* ers, must be purebred, reg- a nd serni-private patients, tc r.2-1 Hall. Door Prizes. Laurence Chrsed n oig m NStra, ____ tto see n ole.3 1 ong V ul l Stale, Pesden.iQ mory fmom Morny,Daddy,ONStryJnaythtoitedadpld.3r11lugeT. Flycnsii ýOBB, Christina-In Decem- Malcolm, Secretamy. 2- Donny and Scottie. 2-1* female beagles, one tan and Orono ._____________ new building, modem. Visitors co 196, u th hoe o hm -_____ __2-2_ )White, ane black and white, HIGHEST prices pald for live welcome. Reasonabie rates.- er, 1961,atthhomeof-he TOM-In loving memomy of tattooed. Phone Orono 10 r 5. poultry, goase teathers, teath- Phone Newcastle 4441. 13-tf n, Dr. F. D. Rabb, Engiund, Ilrit my dear husband and father, 2-11er ticks, scrap iran. rugs, ___________ b er 84th ycam, Christina - lnt Fred, who passed away Jan. metals and raw furs. PhoneCÀ [cGregor, widow of Fred- FLO ER S OP lth, 1961. Photorrrarihy RA 3-2043 Oshaw 1a collect. rersofl ipr ick C. C. Robb, B.Sc., M.P.S ., FL W R SH P I silence he suffered, __________-______ hm. B., beloved mother o!fA NA INWîth patience he borePH ALL kds f lv poutly, HYGENIC supplles - (Rubber pi redritin (Mr. Hamonld ; as-IO UTi od uffe o mare. H TO RA Hfeathers, new goose and duck goods) mailed postpaid in plain C( hrsia(r.Hrl a-Funeral Tributes T ufrnmoeal ldeth icsw t seaitd envelope witb price iist. Ty -ll), Part Hope, grandmathem -S4-00 uP!,And now looking back in!Portraits . Passports aloai eahsixkswntd samples 25c, 24 samples 1Kathryn and Michael Robb, Hospital Arrangements $2.00 up' memory Highest prices paid. M. Flatt, $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, ngland; Jean (Mrs. Robert Satisfaction Guaranteed When along ife's puthwuy Weddlnts Annîversaries Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, rice), Keith Cuswell, Port Phone Orders from Newcastle we tmod, a Specialty collIcc. 21-ff Hamilton. Ont. 1-52 ope; Brian Cuswell. Newton- and Orono - Caîl Colleet I bless those years we spenti Su o OLD guns wanted. WilI puy _____________ Mie; Muriel Casweil, Cobourg; together .Astor Sui $100 for bmass framed lever- is (Mrs. Lucien Lumbier) PHONE MA 3-7141 And leave the rest with God. 23 King St. E. Bawxnanvilliei action rifle. Top prices for Piano Teaching ph entreton; great-grandmothex Aftert Rours - MA' 3-2944 -Long remembemcd and sudly i other lever action rifles and Ieight children. Interment, We »end flowers by wlre missed by wife Tiilie and fam- Phone MA 3-2502 lhand guns. Phone Coilect POPULAR piano teaching. Culll U in DeVOZ n EnInd . 21*1 anywhere 2-1 il>'. 2-1' 41-t 172F~,5574. 1-2*IMA 3-2697. 2-1 z 1 - 1 ýi- ýj- THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BoWbL&Nvmiy- nmTAiqtn l j Work -Wanted For Rent - Real Estate for -Sale kCUSTOM typing donc ut home., LARGE bright room, gentle- Peter Fedm Phone MA 3-5846. 49-tf, man. 205 King East, MýA 3-3186. eUm GIRL 18 wants work baby- 1- ! REAL ESTATE BROKER sitting, or bousework. PhoneiSIX-room bouse, beated, ah 7 ces rre osjs MA 3-2016. 2-1,lconveniences. Phone New- shape barn, two streams.Price HEAIN, Puming and'castie 2491. 2-tf $14,000.00. Terms. Eavestmoughing. Cail Gould FOUR-room apartment, avaîl- 157 Acres, 8 room fully Heating, Newcastle 4331. 18-tf able imrnediately. Apply 63 modern bouse, bank barn, riv- - Brown Street. 2-1' cm. Priced ta seil. TRACTOR Repairmn Gas, OME- - L- rprt o 144 Acres, 8 room brick diesel and garage experience,CM ERIL r bt o ouse, bank barn, goad stock requires work locally. Phone Silyem Street, fommerly Black-fam Pic $8,0. ers Orono 18 r 3. 2-2* smitb shop. MA 3-3394. 26-tf 10Ar ces1,00ro.mems THREE fumnished raoms and home, two barns. Price $13,000. BRICK, Mason and Concrete 3-piece bathroom, near the 100 Acres, 2-fumiiy bouse, work, Chimneys, etc. L. Turn- haspital. Phone MA 3-5466. bank barn. Price $12,500.00. cm. Te mp or a ry residence Immediate possession. 2-1* Terms. Phoe M 3-605 23t!LARGE 2-bedmoom apartment 90 Acres, 8 room fuîly mod- ovr Statesman office, King crn bouse, bank barn, excellent H erman Van De Bell W., new batbmoam. Available location. Price $23,500. Down GENRALCONTRACTOR Dcc. lSth. Apply Statesman $3,000. office. __________49-t! 76 Acres, modemn6.11m Brick - Block - Concrete ---_________ - home, bank buamn, large pig and Carpcntry FIVE -r oom self - contained esgrvldpitPie o NE~W ORK and REPAIRS apartment with sepamate drive, pens rvl eoi. rcdt PHOE O -282 HMPONfront and buck yard. MA 39 Acres north a! Bowman- 3-311atm6p..____2 ville, stream, bush, 24 acres __________________ -t!THREE furnished rooms with workuble. Price $5,000. A. A Rown kitchen and bathroom fa-I 40 Acres, lake frantage, A. BA AR S cilities. Avuilable separateiy isundy beach. A reai buy ut ur s an apartmnt. Phone $5,000. Plmi- & 1.1 M -59 r3321 -f hs reol fwo h .Jmmy frmswe&hveaornale PHONE MA 3-7127 HUEt et erosmn am ehv o ae spaciaus living-room, kithn Sec us before you buy. 35 Nelson St. Bowmanville' garage. ail canveniences, fleur Highwuy No. 2, One Mlle _______46-tf Central Scbooi, $60. Write East of Bowmanvllle Advertiser 210, c/o Canudian Telephone ftArket 3-3644 ARENDS Statesmun, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manviiie. .50.4fSalesmen: E LE IRJ MOT RS ODEN APRTMNTS G. Blyleven, Phone MA 3-5300 ELEC RIC OTOR MODRN AARTMNTS A. J. Gil Orono 1407 REPAIRS and REWINDING ta AT 31 CENTRE ST. . R. Lovekin, Newcastle 2248 ail your Electrical Equipment. BOWMAN VILLE 2-1 Sales & Service MA 3-3058 Immediate occupancy i43 Third St. Bowmanviile Contact De With Real Estate _______43-tf MRS. E. A. HODGERT ý SAVE MOl-N-EAT 241 Third St. - Collingwoodj 100 Acre furm, witb barn, Phon Colect 819 6 _impiement shed; 8 raomed brick Dave's Shoe Repair Phoe Cilct 81 46'house. Price $15,000 wt ýStore Ilours: 8 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Notice to Creditor 400 Acres, top quality land SKATES SHARPENED. 35c pr. indexetina snnihiili Oshawa ti PAGE TOURTM hl-1"2