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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1962, p. 15

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WEDNESDAY, ,TAN. IOth, 1962 TuE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ON~rARIO Over 100 Attend Bre, Lauraan Eric,. En- Push Buttons Being Tested spent New Yer's wt og itd ~ ~ fats~ guests at Mr. and Mrs. R. J. lsM d M SliA. TS asGîsegr~wr r Ormiston*s. n d PetrboogweeTe n r. rdHTutn The ho-ne offMr. and MrtonasPerooght tTmMr lrdMehTrno s4Ownship Plays Host fo Lawrence Wearn. with :estive'Plns for New Type Phones On ensdvb 4e decorations and a holiday at- Mar-' adsty ing fraC.G.I.T. Party gicnft o oIda oM.anDMa.\an as * nhonor off one of ' i ex-'ida Staff flern b rs an c Ladie members,M?&s. John Lyte (nee Tod to Kinsrnen IVernbers IM.nMsCfodw ~ wr e xra !olirmarriage in mid No-Russell.., . r. an 1s'. hn atrHro en b r. M rs. W earn and hliger r e Chd r is tmg e ttI a g r ton D n e wo daughters, the Misses Lor- ell CompanyEUEUEUUr'beigerCameVhr esses foanshGsisn-oson, Mrs. Da e McCuanough, The Darlington Inauguration, ented pianist, also pleased the plaining the wise safet 'Y Pre- The present group, off 23 mem- Fascinating plans for new sumn goes to its 30,000 employ- Catiadianq own 92 per cent berger Jr. andGrr spnMisJa Paoe Oha. Dinner held in the Community audience with a number off cautions advocatezl by the bers and their leader, was types off telephones as wvelI as ees. off Bell Telephone of Canada C'hristmas Dav at Mre v eeTusa vnn ii Hall. HamDton, on Thursday1 lovely musical selections. Two best authorities. This film was1 augmented by saime ,-nem- augmentedt and improved ser-, There are 8,000 teesocte pakrsid.11 an~, tFakPso ~vrrg, was enjoyed by more1 informative and interesting presented by the Beaver Con- bers. The party began witli vices were outlined by War- phones in North America, and ýadded that 97 per cent off the Mr. andMr.Hnx at M.adMs.FeCmro Vie township and their wives, ed. Councillor Fred G. Smith! m . * ned i TeleneCOmhanaa eni9ne en fto nCnd alsothememers pponte to ntrducd NomanNeas ~ Councillor Sidney Cornlish a novel arrangement with Miss, eehn opn Egeer are dia] telephones, Mr. Beatty Push button telephones are'Dart*s, Scarborough e iccks saa blso tdemeand sacomite bythi e ntarinyd roan who sho- oeavoeo. takso b-Betty Jane Werry as MC. As at Ilhe dinner meeting off the asserted. North America has now being tested ini Montreal, Mr. and Mrs.C.Fai, Mr im Sitnviie counci,3 and their ives. teOarodr io f th e haîf off al prescrnt taMr. Dun- a m'ysterious parcel vas pass- Bowmanville Kinsmen Club'been divided into 170 Long Mr. Beptty said. le also dis- Stoîîffville, Messri- .Lno a ai hw'Ohw.o couci,' nd thir ivs.ed wndefu flm f hecan for bis entertaining ad- ed ffrom one guest to anoîuier held at the Flying Dutchman 'Distance Areas ta farilitate cussed the wonders off a new and ýJ. MNcKa.\, Ws h1 odv PReeve Garnet Rickard was planning and development of dress. Appeiai*w x a descriptive verse wa ed Motor Hotel on Tuesday even- ýLong Distance phone call He typ hone *ik I _______ thrs at the hedabe ay.TiStpicturencas how pressed to Mr. Duncan too býy and occasionaîîy special nu-ig The club celebrated its1pointed out that Toronto,jSchmoo, which i s perfectly K0A lipsies the Reee and tMrs:. Thsgh thecure ws offte ned Rickard, who also lbers were performed by sev-~ annual Ist Vice-President's!Monitreal and Hamilton are rounai in shape and contains flllC:~l i kr d e e D uy-ee ve 'c.ih r no the o t ar y roM s es it foteheegrs u h as a r ad n Nig hit, and Arnold Sleep, the1 linked by dial w ith 50 m illion la self lighting dial in the cen-:I E W ~i R in d wMrs. A. L. Blan cha rC m misso n, W.e Rosnt Srik, noy a le piaos l e t o ns. Me l i s s hley aAvery i an o 1 st vice-president, presided. ! other N orth A m erican tele-1 tre o f the instrum ent part th at iw Conio nd Mrs. .L lnha. CoQ.C. sAonote.ofRthsnks to th solo by Miss Marilyn Yellow-, The guest speaker was intro- 'phones. lis picked up. The benefits f Coucilo an Ms.H. -QC.ý voe f hans a hel'ees, humorous vocal duel by duiced by Bob GuIthrie, Who; A caîl between Toronto and th ntrco hoe OO' Muir Concilor andMrs'* Te scondmoionpicuieHampon adis' ervceilubMisss Kthr SimonaiitoI bisfelow insen hatL05 Angees o wputavalabe wre aso escîbe P ortIJ*i, Sidney Cornish, Councillor i oorasavlal i-wsmvd y Cuclo Maureen MeNair, a comicalj Warren Beatty was born in 1through in 15 seconds by dial, Ife also spoke off a marvelous L I Pred G. Smith. Township ,structive film illustrating dan- .Smith for the exceptionally skit i atoiebyMist.Chensad recelvediand the service is as clear as rpdda hn o ban'ý( a 'l Clerk Walter Rundie and Mrs. gers and haza-rds,, and e-dlcai el Bettv Jane Werry ndnarrat-ihis primary and secondary edu- if the speakers are in adjoiO- able. I O P lI O Ka Rue is1ar Ndered bv Miss Susan Wearn. AcaIoni t ahrns But- ing offices, Mr. Beatty stated. A. vote off thanks Io Mr an grs. J. C. Cook.C ' eI pretty cor-sage was pinned on'falo and Chicago. Mr. Guthrie'He also spoke off the Bell Tele- Beatty for his interesting ad- Ross akman 1hhd *K A delicious turkey dînner f i i h the special guest by Miss Bet2'also spoke off Mr. Beattyfs phoilr plans to inauigurate new dress Nvas moved by Duke idntrsai mn wi".pe g'e h i' na wspeaean evc Ytv Jane Wcrry, a brief addreýss evcei heRA idetmestidng c e îs lwa noucdta h wasprpard nd ered C'.rtw rightE ead Mss SirlyserviceWorld hea r CAFduring benefits for long distance ralIsBriî!lt. who also presne îndnnrntn ffteBw the ladies off the Hampton r. placedMiasteril9:30ver,îîoversar H.Ladies' Nîht Ladies' Service Club. Mrs. Ted I I land the traditional girt off a On his return to civîlian the customer psm. t in w hi 'ia it tas ah mmctobof mn iele w ani lbhl Dnewl e ed b Chant is the president. H id s Inaugurai ilace cloth from the grou.p was lite atter the war Mr. Beatty f ive minutesays frthe irs 'is visitroh Baooe tclub. ng he NewVa.In a tteBwavîe KwnsCu Council's gratitude for the preseflted to Mrs. Lyte by Miss' studied at the University off es five minutes free. té»Bis e lato utspoket l. in îChman oo o erav9ha h in fn okbigdn yteMauneen McNair, Mrs. LyteýToronto, and received his De- The Bell Telephone Comn- orchestral concert under the was the guest aspoitd hira employees off the municipality Following a dinner tendered Cartwright Parks Board- expressed her appreciation for.gree as an Electrical Engineer pany is only in Ontario and 'direction off Dr. Heinz Unger Th pridn inodcdofbc omteinhagof dress by Reeve Rickard.- He ards and the Municipal Coun- Reeve M. VanCamp; To the others whirh she received.lilowing bis graduation 'from ýsaid. He remarked that thee'the Bowmanx'ille Concerts As- ,vith the Excelsio'ie v RaAbreyPtHp. also commended the excellent cil by Mr. J. G. Porter, man- Port Perry Hospital Board- Several gaines were enioyedýthe Tinix'ersity off Toronto, Mr. !are 30(0 telephonie companies in ýsociation on Janujary lBth in sur.Ance Companv h sekivsages% ,bcdne service being given bv appoint- ager, on behaîf off the Canad- !M. VanCamp reappointed: Fire and a dainty lunch was served 1Beatty joined hâ niern nal-nd20iitePo1-Tiiy ntd Cuc.1l rgveasiuaigadesme ees who represent the town- ian Imperial Bank off Com- Dept.-A. Gibson; Rink Com- b.Y the group and hostesses.'staff off the Bell Telephonelmcc off Quebec. There are explained that tickets are be- on 'cicmnsoftePs n.O eafofbsfl ship on boards and committees., merce, Port Perry nnh ite CuclosW er- T he gir-ls I in ,i singîngCopany off Canada Limitedý5100000 telephones in Can- ing divided among the tow'n' and file Outlook frteF-.o iain nPr oe Darlington. thelargest muni-counicil metatheCrwgt'uonndEesSvanWedTp at the Caonclusiýguon an retSan edTp ttecnlsoff the'in London, ont.,M.Gthiad an bc cesenBllerie lbadgxeheur' Mr. Abenehy nvted th IcipaIity in the United Coun- Township Hall on Jan. 2nd,lInspector and Building In- pant. tcd H ls ld of1r.l pdhoein th eion Bry iseKisen cheirsh n ae r sale. M.Cak îcsc h la, aeofhce gis He taedtha te oucilinPaish Bacstckwa pe- ivstckValer Wm F r . Yoand cilrenD Miss Lin- latelv ina Oshawa.added tion, Reeve Rickard asserted.1 Canon Ashmore off St. John's 'stock Inspector- George Johns; ýorna, Oshawa, Mr. and Mus.iBrantford and Hamilton, and li pk ffa diy e INontoffte1n0sadth h nvtto and chaleng making policy and dinecting sent and conducted a brief de- der. AIl above at samne salary da Yco and Darlene Sellick. The 'as evie ffie ote omoîistegra-iensttîfir carchiI idlegaewl b edi thhe dminstraiontsrgaditovoton wthawrdsoffvîsdoias aid nh161.r1dh foliwîns Bomanvlienspen9N1.w TThphneoCmpowianits aidi n telphoes ulikefîus lwnycas inthe 960s Casacapnydwithalacîîy receive any suggestions and to the members off Councilho five were appointed Fence Year's with Mr and Mns. Gor- ftutre plans weeepaier Pnmbrtehihrte Mu. and Mrs. Allan Fisher ted ilmk 92ad0Vbcna tue ideae otfere bythedeope. fthoedpeopRevein epres- Vewes foheh Beaty.Hesephairethes. Tt moe toephnesin- nd-orbespn"Thhismasoaed yeus of pospeitinit Deputy-Reeve Blanchard in-liîîg themselves adequately. Wright. (1) Murray Byers; (2) staled th led bcmore cos pe a wihM.nd r.Go-or %debte trouce th adinitraivadAmirnhestraratonsoffot-Geoge ohnton (3eDaid rPla.s noe: of fistree, Beeosende$20.Otoo a' hne,(3esaiDDavwihdM.cet Ms. oB-eo!d wde ettimet$270,x' Plae oe:Te istn 0(,00aphn,"le ad.111945 itdnFshradfamily. Osqh- ing conditions," th spae -r staff off the towvnship, the Road;fice were made a few words Johns; (4) Roy M<Laughlin; gofth Uned Cuhyarantatafoftisug was $240 peu telephone and'ax'a. George Fisher sp e nt predicted. Department staff. the Fence'off wlcome to the two new (5) Chas. Fee. Pounds Keepers1 Wornen will be held at the btodav il is$800C ismsDa ih u n "hsgodnag f nsa Viwrthe Livestock Valua- rnembers off Council. The min- to be approached for appoint- oiTi ofa r. 4 awrenc A e -anE~PPf Mrs. H-auvey- Webster and wxill puox'îde man wt îw~ tors, the Weed Inspector, the utes off the last meeting were ment or reappointment as the onJn12 t2 ..AI e NF 'I ' ' L ai",LtleBiai.fciiis1n nvnins 1 Planning Board, Committee off read and approved and the case may be. Counicillor Wmi. jpartment.s are reqiîested 1ta '..Uumr. it Band . mSoi a xilfltie orasn bud Jt ra Adjustment, Darlington mem- ýsubject, Park, at or near Sav- Ferguson was appointed as have their reports readY. Clhristmas, Nem, Yeaî s adS e p C u r and Mr.Tm oi hdwllntwoka bers off Ihe Durham County inac's Beach was introduced Township representative to The com'bined inaugural sec- other Vstos stheir guest for bbc Christ- vel w ili shrînk Ihl oldt P'strict High School Board, from the former minutes. A[- the Durham Couîrity Federa-. vices off the United Church' With the L. Smîiths xveîe IVembers EleciChapnian, Toronto. On Satur- be anl idealistîrwol adv the Darlington Industrial Com- ter discussion, Clerk was in-Iion of Agriculture. Mr. Tho- Women off Buuketon and En- Mn. and Mus. H. Barry, Port day night they ail attended a time Worth waitin foan rnittee, the former Township structed to enquire into Ille mas Harris off Hauris and Wal- niskillen, which was postpon- Perry. Mu. and Mus. O Keef prty at Ross Lee's, Kedron. evcryone must dothibebo - Clerk J. D. Hogarth, several possibility off procuring somellc, Put Penny, Ont.. reap- Id aon Jani. 7, will be hield aCeu, Peterborough, Mus. s O hita DyM.admkteets former members off the Town- suitable site. .pointed Township Solicitor. Enniskillen on Sunda.y, Jan.1 Smith and Grant, Brooklîn. F. 14, t 7:0 C. is t dmas ay M and a ke if th best se of tebne ship Counicil and Wally Pick- Mr. Earl Dorrell (Twp. As- The following By - Laws 1,a :3 ..Mr and Mus. N.Mu.SmaitHahe and ChetD-rhams4to bheopferine, Mr. Clarke Týpite ot ehl, an Ex-Reeve off Darling- sessor) was present and re-1were read and passed. By- children, Columbus, Mu. and Club held their organizatinSano, eebruh, and,ý A vote off thanksol bhî ton, and the oldest one in quested Counils advice and Lawv No. 1076 to authonize bou-LE: Mrs. L. Wotten, Oshawa, Mu. meeting on jan . 4th, at the1 Miss Chapman weue their off bis fellow Kiwainva terms off service. 'permission Io procure legal as- rowing ta the aggregate am- MLE UflVL and Mrs. R. Cowling, Whitb, Ontario Department off Agri-iguests. moved by Don Mi]lgnt r Councillor Muir introduced, sistance in the Assessment Ap- ount off $60,000, as required the F. Samis and F. Griffin culture, Bowmanville. M r. Mu. and Mus. Tom Sobil Clarke for bis intestnad Arthur Djuncan, Frankfford, peal coming up beffore Judge during 1962. By-Law No. 1077 A meeting Was held in the'families with Mrs. R. Griffin.UDarymple, Agriculture Re-ispent New Year's Day at Pet-'dress. fU C th us pae.A well Milieu on Tbursday, February appointing Walter H. Pope off church basement on Wednes-ý The E. Lees weue with the 1puesentative and Jim Coombes,1 erborough with Mu. and Mrs. tedne knowri and entertaining affter lst, 1962. Council approved a Georgetown as Municipal Aud- dlay evening, Jan. 3rd, for thejLee and Cowling familles, club leader outlined the policy 1Adam Hawley and Mr. and, the Bowmanville Kial dinner speaker, Mr. Duncan is certain party to assist the As- itor for the years 1961 and purpose off electing the slatelWhitby. and aims off the Sheep Club to Mrs. A. T. Stainton. Club held at the FIngDth also hfghly reganded for bis sessor if available at that time. 1962 and subject ta Council's of. officers for the new United! Mîr.and Mus. H. Prescott: the members. Mu. and Mus. Keith Stain- man Motor HotelonM da- ability as an executive, Coun- Mu. Dorreli was also asked at pleasure. Counicil approved off Chuuch Women off the church. ýand Mu. and Mrs. R. Paru and The election off officeus took 'ton and family attended a Ne'..rýevening Ibis week rsdn cillor Mluir said. He told the this time if hie would reaccept the punchase off new volume The offîceus are as follows:'children wîth the D. McLeans,'place and they arc as follows: Year's Eve party at Ivor Da-' Jackman introdUCEd h us Pudience that Mn. Duncan is bis position as Assessor, DogIClerk's Guide and the 1960 ýPresidcnt, Mrs. S. S. Morton; 'Blackstock. ýPresîdent Jim Byers, Vice- vies, Oshawa. speaker, Walter NEiTont. - the personnel director for thejTax Collector and School At- ;Revised Statutes off Ontarioin i lst Vice-President, Mrs. N.I :Mn. and Mus. D. Puescott ' Pues. Ted Skinner, Sec. David Mus. Ken McQuarrîe, Elm- Mr. Neill is a panr bKs Apata Shoe Company. tendance Officer. and at saine five volumes. Council atter!:Brownell; 2nd Vice-Puesident, and childuen al H. Smiths, Buent, Press Reporter John D., vale, Mxs. Leonard Shaw, Mu. 'wiuk Ceramies.1-iadrs Mu. Duncan i n a cleveuly rate or remuneration. Except- discussion also changed Ilhe ,Mus. J. MarNeil: Rccording and Hampton. Allin.1 David Shaw, Osbawa, calle dcalt with pottcuymaiganPh using speech gave an ex- ing Dog Tax Collector. Mn. regular date off Council meet- Coruesponding Secretary, Mrs.I The J. Tamblvnsq and G. The meeting was adjourned. at Jimi Stainton's on Sunday. 'bbe types Off claysanmolse ceclent demonstration off bis DorrelM'as satisffîed witb bbc ing Io the fiust Tuesday in the P.Fitf;Tcsru r.I.Bowers, Oshawa', the 1. Tam- If anyone is interested in jobn- Mu. and Mrs. Charles Mit-!used. His firm speilzeri wit and humour. Delighted salaries, but feit that to col-1month as s0 many Monidaî,s'Buadlcy\; Christian CitizenshiiPIlîn family, OTono, F. '1am-ling the sheep club, contact Mu. cheli and Teuuy, Toronto, visit-lonnamental pottery.Peiet: laughter fromn everyone pue- lect bbc Dog Taxes he shouldlweue now declaned liolidays. anld Social Action, Mus. Ceci, hîvo and Bobby, Hamilton, Daîrymple at the Agriculture 'ced at Russell ekis.Jackman thanked MuIel- oçent resulted trom bis enter- receive 10 2 as commission. 'Road Bills approved fou pay- 'Milis; Community Friendship Miss Myrtle Tambîxo. Tor- office, Bowmainville-. 'Mu. and 'Mus. Nouman leach fou the fasrinatinginombo talning salles and amusing Approved. ment were- Voucher No. 14 'and Visiting, -Mus. J. Holtby;'onto with the W. Bowmans:___ atories. He also expressed is Council also approved thei1961 fou $275.08 and Voucher ýCo-operation in Christian and'and Mn. T. Tamblyn. OSHIAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA OD PO UT uerious conviction off the price- folloxing appointments: Re-i No. 1, 1962 for $72072. Missionary Eduration. Mus. C.' Mu. and Mrs. M. Prescobti lcss heitage wbich is possess- lief Administrator-Reeve Gib- M 1eeting adjourned until, IGreeomoinnekusso.usnadCid.S. ahr cd by ail Canadians in this son, Representatives tO Ilb 'Brooks. 'm 6h,196lies, 'Mr. and Mcs. J. Hancis oWtry's democratie institu- -~ Tedy eray6h 92 Flowers, Mus. M. Burgess'and childuen, South Monogban,, tioe, ts olkoreandt-ai and Mus. A. Burgess; Literatune Mr. and Mus. H. Smith, I-amp-'r tionSs flloead rd- (Itene orHstweek and Communications, Mus. WIo at teE L. and D. Pres-t O SH A W A WO Mus. Chaules Nesbitt, a ta-1 NNISKILLEN JH. Brown; Manse, Mus. Fred,, t..i L (Itne o atwe)R. Stevens; Membership, Mcs.!coMt. an CiiL Sehesn "For QUALITY Cars Chu.rch services wene beld Misscs Louise and Marjonie L. .nWito Noinaion, Mus.'M . and Ms. .Stphnlnl as uual Mis Draty Ml.iMIntshWhibyMr.andS. Doyle; Pcess and Publicity, Carr Roni, a and Musa.Lng' as uual Mis Doot.hy Ml- clnoshWhîby, M, nd Mrs. H. G. Fuceman; Program, SuM.F oln.Hm- ' UUI and Service" ldrew a.nd Mrs. Wheeler sangiMrs. Alvin Scott and fai..MS .P wlo; Socaul t, Mr.ssEibh oint, Mu.and' LTD . - SEE -a duet. eea Kern wce e Ya' Functions, Mus. D. Bailey;, - . Adams, Miss Dianne AII~~B j On Wednesdayverl&-guest off n dMur.Go twadhp ad Reuii ~10 11, Bowmanville, M.' tended the euchre pauty at Irwin. 'Mus. D. Wood and Mus. C. Rus- G Cochrane, Manchester, at ~l i h M CQUEEN Garden Hill. New Years gzuests off Mr.1sell; Supply and Social As- L.* Cochranes.j01n Christmas VisiIors and Mus. J. Slemon were D.ssaHe r.F. Wright.Muan Mc.LCchn. Misses Beryl a.nd Danlene and Mus. R. B. Gueen and i Unit Leaders-No. 1 Unit '. adMs .Kohae Tbickson, Toronto. Mrs. Sam ffamily, Kingston, Rev. and!Mrs. j1. Hurnie; No. 2 Unit, K en and Ralph with Mr.adorTiotM. and'Ms r. rwodMse.:oln, bty 1962 W I1NTE OK More TrTtoOR. SALES rs CaworEnniskillen, leader; No. .1 Unit. Mus. M. - LIMTED - Elmier Fowler and family with Mr. and Mus. W. Bowman andýBuugess; No. 4 Unit, Mus . .1. Mr- and Mcs. E. Puescot~r AD I L Thicksons. family, Enfield, Miss Sandua1O'Neil. adMno tJ ausSuh EarI McQueen, Pres. IMur.and Mus. E. Elliott andIHanev, Mu. and Mus. H. Mill- On Sundav. Jan. 7th, at the .Monogban. 219 KING ST. E. 'Joan an-d Glen, Mus. B. Elliottson and family, Solina, Mr. .T.morning churcýh serxvice. thef BMr~. and Mus. 1-. Beatoit Tan :and Miss F. White., Oshawa, R. Knox, Hampton, Mu. K. ý Inaugural Service for the Unit- ao1 ismicieichll1%UU ~5 h oug. it M. ad usE Pekllct tudeteherouai Onacio The R. Taylor family, Osh- e.4D . o g ihM.adMsE.0 el.ýtuctt ccesa Onai awa, and the K. Taylor fam-1 V-S, automatirrado, 'Mr. and Mus. R. White, Eýve-',ick. Toronto iStreet Subool, Bowmanville,Ijîy, Janetville. witb Mus. T.' Benedicis on Saturday. Johson,Bwanil were Itîs. Edna ShawMu. Ralph' The J. W. Bowman eerNrAMN S I t J N 1955 Chev. i-ton Mn. and Mus. Jackson Pea- Sunday callers at Mn. and Mus. Shaw, Oshawa, \&ere Fridayýat L. Asbton's. Haydon, andlO R H M O E NIA IN DVSO Stake cock and four boys, Kapuska- C. AverY*s. rvenîne visitons with Mr. anýR. Ormiston's and J. Slemon s,, sOURset h CnsmHOoMEu.GrdnSevn xi;ie Ms hals uena. nikiln.F R O Compcta ith ackmanddays with bis parents, Mu. and with bis sister, the Waltons, Mr. and Mus. Moffatt, Orono, Mse hrot n na~'.W IL C M L T H O , tarp. Ideal farm truck, In Mus. V. Peacock.i at Kingstnn. were guests off Mr. and Mus. McKenzie, Mus. B. Rhodes,, - excellent condition. 'Mu. and Mrs. Alan Peaccock Mu. and Mus. Roni Cleniens, S. S. Mouton on Friday even- Toronto. Mu. and Mus. P. Gour, U R and ffamily, Kiukland Lake,'Harnpton, were Sunday tea ing fou a birthday party for Batavia, N.Y., Mu. John Oke, *spent teht dY ihMn. guests at E. Wright's. Mus . Jac k Mouton. MtherMran Mrs. M. Mornison and WE WL UP L L All bove ýavebeenandMus. V. Peacock. Tbey Mus. St. John and family, guests xxere Mu. Jack MortonA thonougbly checked through biad Haneys off Milligan, alsoý Port Penny, were recent Ca,,- and their four childuen. 'Anne, Napance, with the R. OA E IL F R T E D our sbop and carry a 30-day Mus.A. Jack"n for Christ-» eus at Mu's. F. Toms'. Mr.-anke' s. MATR.LS FO T E O-T-OU SE FE full guauantee. mas. Mr. Howard Steven.9 and with Mr. and Mus. 1. Ormiston 0 sMn. and Mu,. Sheppard held Gardon wcue witb Mu. and! and cbilduen, Oshawa. UM . J . . L . Our Sheli Service station Christmas. Mus. E. Bovd. Pickering. Patsy and Janet Gray, Bon-. rout now ls the timne 10 have Janice and Pot Palmer with'ýLois and Chaules x'.ere Satun-' nie rada O shaw a o-' Wo o d P your car checked for winter t.he Wilsons at Kendal fori day guests at the home off Mu. 'ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Oumis- drivint. We do auto body Chistmas.anMu.SHMyoono MA3 33 ton. underspraying. Mn. and Mus. Palmer had' Mr. and Mus. N. E. Wright The R. Oke famîly nt W.' L uim ited Christmas dinnen with Mr.:i were recent visitons o! Mus, F. ter Lawlor's, Frenchmen's Bav. 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU EOTArI'c-Te-Hit.and MSatusMrGrday. oMis. Tm cotane ATAThe Young People's 'class arland Mus. RHill.inpsonurthei Wr/ dOshawa Office and Showroomn Misses Donna and! Shirley Mu. and Mus Wîlbuu Toms MMain Officean and ShowrooAmHOPIN CETR Weldon Brown Sc3tt, Camonbellcnoft, visited ýPurpie Hil. and Mn1 and Mus 'R-rol singing at many homes Bud Fogg witb the Thickson girls oniCourtnev Graham and Miss 'They enjoyed an evening off Phone: 728-1617 -7811 Jim Crombîi Friday , Joyce Graham on New Yea'< bowling during the bolîdays. BO MANVILLE - 728-1611 Jack Ricard GI&ria Mercer and Su7anne Day to Mu. and Mus. Lloyd We hope fmr a good attend- SaesThicksrn attended Miss Betty Slpmon's, Ha%-drun inday at» 2:45. Thal er ic e Sae a'ro e erprYa i.;Snr c.Shi1o;;,Sunaya a:45eaker il cOSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA ODPOUT Shilob»Mr. and Mr&. W. Bownianj eapcalseae.h U WEDNESDAY, TA'lý;. 10th, 1962 THE CANADIAN STATESMA117, IROWMANVILIE, ONTApjo imi,"_qip vrew"lpvw N

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