9AG! IXTEN TE CANDIANSTATSMM.. JIMANVhTMINrLdln ~rom Statesman Files 4-H Homemakers Hold Achievement Day at Orono, 1NEWS REVIEWS 0F 1961 (Continued from ]ast v.eek) 'den recentl'. on thie old Ho- evening, August 22nd, an at- JuI 5-token of Upper Canada dated ficially opened. Atthe annual dance of the'1857. A federal subsidv of $33,333 broro Hi-Teens club held re- Alex Carruthers, M P.P ad- bas been granted the Durham eently, Miss Gayle Willis, dau- vises that the third instalmient ICo-operative Growers Storage ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ($78,753.33) of the Provincial! Ltd. towards the cost of con- Willis. Orono, was chosen Capital Grant relating to con- struction of a $100,000 public "QMiss Orono 1961" struction of the new wing at Cold storage warehouse at "Bowmanville Town Counc I Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Newcastle, Ont. W negotiating wîth the owners, ville, s in the process o! beîng! Bob James won the South- The Shaw Construction Co., mailed to local authorîties. x ew Golf Club's junior cham- - to take over the mausoleum in Shcrtly before noon on Tues- pîonship. Runner-up Nwa5z Dave flowmanville Cemetery. day the CPR main line just Kerr. Perfect weather conditins es i omnvlessainSeptember6 *iidan stiate atendncewag blocked when a freîght r6 of nearly 200 helped to make car s front wheels left theMn pn n ots a Durham County Junior Farm- tracks -at the switching point o!f summer with thermometer ers first family farm night 'for the Hollingshead and Bow- Ihovering around the 90 and 'manvHile Foundry siding. higher mark. Several hundred )'ild at the farm oft Leslie skaters were on hand for the Welsh and Sons, Salemn, a huge August 9- -2nn !tesktn esn success:. Ludwig Heimraih, Toronto, An historical plaque com- july 12 - the former Germnan motorcycle memorating his father Robert ïý Bowmanville bas a niew busi- racîng ace. was \vinner of the !McLaughljn, a pioneer of the Vsa bicycle delivery enter- 30-Iap Grand National in a Canadian vehicle industry, prise, owned and operatcd by Porsche RS60 at Mosport Sat- was unveiled by Colonel R. S. Michael Leddy and Neil Mc- urday. ;McLaughlin near Tyrone on rer.The Bowmanville Public Wednesday, August 3th. Sehool Board gave a dinneri Legion elects Ab Mavin as On Sunday afternoon, St. at the Flying Dutchman Motor 'Commander of Zone FI. Joseph's Roman Catho 1 'c Hotel on Tuesdav evening, Miss Nancy Stephenson, dau- Church on Liberty St., So0uth, Aug. 1s,ionro T. R. Mc-1 ghter of Mr. and Ms ly wvas filled for the first con- Ewen who retired at the end Stephenson. Newcastle, on firmation service to be held of Julv as Irispector of Public!several sailng truphies in the in the new structure. Over 70iSchoofs. Bellcville Junior Yacht Club' took part in the ceremonies, The annual Pennyv Fair and competitions. HzlGyi fCvnlft n oeEoo which marked this unique oc- parade held by' the children September 13- Ah D a ,let adH ome caio.of the Town's six playgroundsi the Acievement a progi arn xvîe was e1 a Welfare cases increase by under the auspices of the Bow- Lloyd Ayre, R.R. 4, Bow- rssthtogilnteeutyhsyaavn 32 during ls ot.Teemnil erai Dpt-imanville, and his twin bro- Cryi h o ili h cut hsyaf last nont. Thre mnvihl Receatin Deart-Patricia Knox of Solina xvas the outstanding -Hw were 135 recipients o! wel-! ment were better îîhan ever, ther, Boyd Ayre, R.R. 1, Hamp- These twu yuung ladies, Dianne Harkness of Ida and Sharon Worr of________ lare. ths year.tn, weeputstnd n winr Cavan took part in the 4-H Homemakers Achievement Day at Orono's Odd corate the small tree for a'i henfed a Nativity play.Ms Jul 19 Au t16-Nainal sheep titho n adin Fellows Hall on Saturday afternoon. Miss Harkness was one of the group outdooir Christmas tree. 1 Luth Cousen's room an Emmons W. Crawford, pop- Verne Chanit was top student Successful two day Fait Fair which was responsible for the Cavan Blazerette display shown in the bac'-- Ms hre hmsad Wn hog h lv ular engineering head, retires:in Grade 13 at Bowmnanville- at Orono bas record receipts. ground and Miss Worr ývas the commentator. Miss June Daviswretea- Tesad"IHrTeman from Goodyear after over 34 Courtice High Schoril this year 1 omnileTw oncl_- crimpanists for the evening. :gave two choral readins years service. with seven first, crie second'on Monday evening accepted -. Sna lu tppdb oinsedo xhnigpe Rental Housing Survey Is and one thîrd. an offer from Dominion Stor- I. that, 't took a loi out of him' distribute the gifts to the~ sents, the children placegit riow under way in Town- The 25th wedding aninivers-!es, Ltd., to pay for the paving K ED R O I tI lose s0 many parts of bis cide.Rx.Rnl oeudrtete o w ed anatmyhe as bleto on-closed the evening with a few'lamilies. ln the atternooi h For low income families. ary rif Mr. and Mrs. Thos. lof 300 feet of Frank Street (,Inteiided for hast week) jîîst before Chris:n1as was hIe tinue as chairman of the even- :od.peet veedlvrdb George A. Vinish succeeds Hodge was a happy' event in from King Street for use as a SidayScholChprtescrigiittsrt he cas ctii- ng Mr. Crawford as Manager of St. John's Parish Hall, Black- public road. SidySho hita ilgto h ersa.ii:la theEngnerin Dvisonat toc, ugut th.Th inomig resdets itConcert tics. Mr. William Werry.\.I unior Christmas Events at the Mr. Nelson and thebosf th ngnern Dvsina sokAgut4t.Th nomn peidns f1The primary boys' class, led boys added another dimension Sehools GatdedrnubicI.oo Goodyear, and Thomas C. Gat- Industrial Commissioner re- the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs! The Sunday School Chr-isýt-;by Mrs. William Woodward, to their skit by presen ting a A~ca pca eet a-- tedu.romsPheldieart cheli becomes Manager of ports commercial prospects 'are husband and wife, Mr. and mias Concert for the olderiIMrs. Nelson Wright and Mrs. varietv Television show on acd terchuspin of theCsmask- h r.a rtis elsonFia Mîterchandise Distribution andîcontinue to show- interest in Mrs. Osborne Williams. childreîî and their parenits, 'Bruce MacDonald, sang twol.giant Tr.V. set. term at Maxwell Heightsateno.Aclcinws Matrias Cntrl. oca deelomens.September 20- hl tKdo ntdCuc songs, "Rudrilph the Red Nosed : The class rif Junior girls, School. wa gve tr July 26- August 23- The Kiwanis sponîsor e d' Reindeer" and -Awvay in a led by Mrs. Bryce Reeves pre- ý On Thursday afternoon Miss Raei' C. R. Nesn orbi The Kinsmen Club present- Legirin Pipe Band wins top magnificent 3-ring cîrcus re-1mt vlercnlhrtrdomMne" sented an outdoor scene. As Jud'/ Evans's room rif Grades Chrisimas welfare work ed a cheque for $1.500 tri Mem- homors in Warrinr's Day Par-!ceives great welcomne from teVtrn adAtsaf r.Wlia onkspi hypttefnsigtouches 1 and 2 childreiî entertained ______ orial Hospital Board towards iade at the Canadian Natoa' hrle pettr.was honored by hîs crlleagueS nmary ,,chass rif girls preseîîted tri two snowmen they sang the rest rif the sehool with a ,a dinner bere on Frîday. a Christnîas snada hrl"Frosty the Snowman" and program o sritndrcia th cstoffunihîg 1hyîr- xhbiio. rnfHuheemdeapighone re pon clî Oh radng sin ad coal"Wit Critms" ios"Whgsanircea It)erapy Department. Officiai confirmation was re- step into the big time, from Chitms ios ONTYPOlffl Newseoo bunaresar cive o Minaytht lmriuveil ti ,HL. wenbeawa - Bownianville will begin The Juînino- girls off Mrs. The Young Peoples' boysi On Friday mrirning theý Newt up by HibSoo Daistareict T. Bnin Pid enht E of was ein ato n.with Boson on Nov. 19. 'Stanley Ogle's class, costumrediand girls classes combinied to whole schorl gathered around We are sorry to repor a Board. Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries Bruins duri'ng the weekend in i B.T.S. Teacher Honored 01 as the members rit a xvedding'present "The Littlest Christ- the Christmas tree for a spec- Mr. Ken Fallis had to rtr The home of Mr. and Mrs.iLimited, will leave here next Peterborough against Toronto. Retirement --- M.rs. Maude party. sang -The Belîs Are mas Tree", under the direction il service. The Christmas tri bospital atter sped Wm. Peterson, Burketon, wasiweek for Ottawa where be Maple Leafs. Dloesm as prene d with Ringing of Mrs. Harry Rose and Mrs. story was told by Rev. C. R. Christmas bolidays wit i threatened by fire late Satur- will jinn the Trade and Com- The Women's Hospital Aux- aoernd ovl Baoawnc Asugra rpraiin wa hals hoa. h csti- elo, ih llsrainsonfmiy day night, but, frrtunateiy, the merce Department. iliary received a good response - n negavdsle ev- perforimed with great gusto cluded Linda Bremner as nar- a flannelgraph, assisted by, Mrs. Isabel Fisher are damage was beld to rime bedi- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fiee on Monday tr ilis Blitz for in, iha inri e by the boys rit the intermed- rator, Karen Pascoe as the Linda Hopkins and Bob Gray. covered sufficlently to(ev roomn. recently celebrated their 4tb Funds to furnish the chronic i onor on Friday, Sept. 22. iate class taught by Mr. Ron- littlest tree, Marie Maidman Portions of seripture were bospital and is now wit e Auui Zwedding anniversary. flocr o! the new wing of Mem-j Courtice dlown Hooper's to0'aId Werry and Mr. Brian Lee, and Bonnie Dale as the larger read by Susan Patte, Dorothy duhe lds win enir Scce tite- ol-wit Me.,Jak Fancs, te teesandBarbara Rose, Sharon Hoskin. Anne Bishop, Michael Mrs. R. J. Payne had( fi Glenn Fraser, R.R. 1, Hamp-! Augut 30-oraHspt. ina wins Junior. Soccer Cham- Superintendent of the Sunday Wilbur, Marlene Wood and Hurst, Peter Brooks and Earl on New Year's Day, brain ton, son o? Mr. and Mrs. R. C.i At a well-attended cere- September 27- pionship. School as their Victim. AI- jYvonne Hicks as members rit Churchill. 'her wrist in two places.Ti F'raser, wbile boeing the gar-_mony ini Yelverton on Tuesday Ernest W. Bradley off Bow- (Continued next %veek) ithough Mr. Francis admitted the family who decided to de- Mrs. A. Sinclair's room pre- writee is now back to ih nist Marion Waddell discus,ý tOrono on Saturday. Miss completed 14 projects. Miss nner ls er swashing etc, after a 6 yea1rs' rest. S. S. No. 14 Carscadde,,.; held their school meeting (-i Saturday, Dec. 30, with a f *r attendance. Very favourable reports were on file from Cle Inspector recarding the verv efficient work of teacher an.-I fpupils. Mr. Fred Younim' ,i was re-elected trustee forI years. The other trustees ar Albert andi Mervin Bow;ns,. Mrs. Fred Youngman is seC'y- treasu rer. S L.O.L. 82 hield their reg«ul- meeting on Wednesday evou- ing. It was decided to have a draw in connection with tliý dance on Jan. 20th. 1A meeting of the ladies af tthe United, Church was hel-t on Thursàày, with Rev. Ricli- ardson in charge. The United Women's Association was for- med with the following ladie.i forming the executive: P-resi- dent, Mrs. Clifford Fallis; As- rsistant President, Mrs. Cliff Curtis; Secretary, Mrs. Alan Bazinet; Treasurer, Mrs. Ha. zel Mitchell. sMr. Elgin Budd spent a fevi days in the village recently. - __ - - - -- - * BRESLI DRESSES - SKIRTS HOUSECOATS Good Selection . . .dSzs f Values to $25.00 ALL ONE PRICE ln 4p >l% CAR'-COATS Ev'ery car coat in our' entire selection is reduced for clearance i..yesterday you would have paid 2995ed tese mat n o.Son $295fdtese comiats n o. S $ 175 Borg lined. Ail Sizes and Colors. NOW ONLY 1 TRAFALGAR SLIMS $5 Regular$e5 $14.95 Value SALE PRICE --------- 'S CLEARS TH E WAY WITH A FABULOUS BLOUSE Store-wide clearance of our attrac vver popular Terylene, Dacron, Cottons and Crepes. Sîzes 12 to 44 - Assorted Colors. Regular to $2.98 CLEARANCE SALE re 1DRESSri (LEARANE Choose your style from the many' offerings of Breslin's Great January Clearance Sale ...Shirtmakers, Sheath, Jacket Dresses, Wool Jersey, Crepes and Figured .. . inciud- ing a few Cocktail Dresses. Regular to $45.00 ONE LOW PRICE $9.00 LADIES' SWEATERS Choice of Pullovers or Cardigans in Banlons, Orlons and Wools. Discontinued lines in Assorted Sizes and Colors. $ 3 1900 Regular to $6.95 CLEARANCE SALE --- NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES. BRESLIN'1S cti ive blouses. in the A I s 088 Ail the latest styl and Lyndale. Goo $188 colors and sizes. Regular to $16.95 _____SALE PRICE FOR '62 a a 0 * IES' SKIRTS les from Sun Valley, Jack Poslun od selection of .&. m-m SUPP HOSE by Kayser Sheerest Support Hosiery for those tired legs. RESEARCH 0fREGULAR TESTED 20 oO fPRICE LADIES' DRESSES This year's styles in Woo]s, Crepes and Figured. Regular to $25.00 CLEARANCE SALE -- 0 a fia 0 0ALL SALES FINAL LADIES# WEAR AJA ~B OWMAN VI L L E WIB $5 00 %; 1 'Exquisite Form' BRASSIERES AND FOUN DAT ION GARMENTS, rCOMPLETE LINE 0F WINTER COATS Drastically Reduced Jncludc: WooI, Mohairs, Sealskinç Some fur-trimmed Reg. to $39.95 Reg. to $49.95 6L22 m 32À SWEATERS SLEE EIU LLOVERS Discontinued lines in the newest Styles and Shades. Plain and fancy necklines. $00 Regular to $6.95 SALE PRCE ----------- à. À PAGE MMEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO 52 on àp AJAX WHITBY