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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1962, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO Total $33,,675 in'<l SSales a! Have Be( We enter the year 1962 with inuch optimismn for our ncv sale series. We appreciate the Intercst of those wbo have supported the sales and fulî: realize that it is your partiel- ration, bath as buyers and se- crs, that makes it possible fom us to operate this sale series which is an excellent mcdium through whicb Dairy- :men may merchandise sur- plus stock. If in need of found- ation animals or commercial milk replacements you may purchase wîth confidence. -_ summary of our introduc- tory year, 1961, aur five mon- thIy sales, commencing Aug. 28th through Dec. 18th, 1961, have shown very encouraging records. A total of 263 heac sold for $75,007. There were 95 caws which sold for a total of $33,675, averaging $354 per hcad; 84 two-year-olds, $26.394, averaging $314; 40 open beif- ers for $8,202, avemaging $205; 27 yearlings $4,262, average $158; 17 calves, $2,474, aver- age of $145, an overaîl average of $285, At the August sale, H. Wayne Locke, Lemasters, Penn., toolk live head for $2.070, including the top cow from G. H. Walker Port Pcrry, Ont., which was a daughtem of Seiling Triune Achilles, at $450. Also, thp top two-yeam-old from Mur- ý hy Bras., Lindsay, at $420. . .Blaswell bougbt tbree head for $1,175, including a good plus daughter of Pabst Roburke Lad with 17660M. 628F. in 305 days at four yeams. A fine group of calves under one year was offercd, four going ta D. C. Hoskin, Cob- ourg, aI $755. Bruce Vanderý Bent taok a junior caîf by Seil- ing Truine Achilles, consigncd by J. G. Trcwin & Son, for $190. This calf stood second in a vcry strong class aI York County Black and White show. Ralph B. GlaspelI rcturned September to take the top cow. A gaod plus daughtcr Treasure Model fram Russel Beat, Ham- ptan, for $460 and the top two- year-old by Raybrook General at $420, consigned by J. M. Mclntosh, Aurora. H. Bruce Tink bought a fîve year oId from Donald Newton, King City, for $345. Oak Ridges Farms cansigned a good plus claughter of Eglantiers Tri- umph Johanna ta Lce Kent, Xinsdalc, N.Y., aI $465. Herb T'aylor, Hilton, Ont., bought an ight month oId daughter of Citation R. for $340. con- signed by Russel Best, Hamp- ton, and out of a two year old wvith 2X 14165M. 561F. daugh- ter of Wîllow Grove Ormsby Ancbor. Herb Taylor alsa bou- * ght anc of a pair of very typey Air, RaIl or Steamnshlp TO EVERYWHERE Cansult *JURY & LOVELL 19 Klnt St. W. MA 3-3361 Bowmanvilie WHERE1 51~~~~~~ acertain success. fota bers of couricon ae li :P as orC arnto 1{ydro's generating cpct 61"Contentment is oa stopp- election. He priuary Im P o s o New C a r o with the opening ofte40 ing place it must carry on. To mended the Reeve on the con- 00tatinonatedsisaR ir find happiness it is wise to sideration and patience he hadstioonheMssa study roads traveled by others shown the counicil members in the 131,000-kilowatt Ote( Trewhaven Farms ido nr ngroad Ther y enis tetour third trmand we Af fer I-ard-SelIn, 1961 the fralffor 00 ,ho will neyer help others in are well versed in procedure," watuge\.or, t a projeet, and who think only 1hle said. thermalA i plant in Lavi. ,o flthemnselves. Ti a edsl"n yaadt ero te yr owbs6 t en M s u c s f ito frustration and disappoint-I plc. saahas o rnterS A oi rci the lune. ment. announced a 20 per cent re- I 92teaoi hi yearlings from Paul W. Mc- ,Dave Roth. Annandale, P.A., -hrei la he'oev1962toni isbdgt Ti stehe atomie age Ont vKinley, Cobourg, ait $265. Geo. 1'bought 5 head for $1.660. tin road S also bashe 'do eey- ducti n o t budge thi is be'uheed 0-in olOtri y Be Beaton of Blackwater bought! Bruce Vander Bent, Union- gl rad whîch as fo asnecesary lou t hny ervnebu By Vincent Devitt Sunshine Special, the recentlyTwas namied second vice-chair- lear power demonstrato sa ýthe cther one at $255. vilie, bought another Citation g mortndepal f tor may. houghllr out t h povie," completed dryer campaign. nma i. tion at Chalk River, bein ui This i thos who ouncilor Conish tated The Ontario Hydro-Electric Tgsge u f r.aalv h enisb h tmcEeg fCo In October, Charles O. Hain- R. yearling for $290. Hugh 1I daim they want to 'eat, drinkr ogauainiwr loPwrCmisinwl e-M Trcaik s gretd xota-fas Mntr c rep- o rin otaai Lytde ti nperatoy wt i- es, Newmarket, took three: Ormiston, Brooklin, purchased ýand be merry for tomorrow we extended by Counicillor Fred ember 1961 as the year of theMr tiesepadexoa-smnse eotngothaaLd.i -prt - hed fr $,21, icluingthethetopope heferat 240die'.TavemertonthiHpah G Smth.He romsedtosup-I hrd en.tios drinnth pat sear fo Leisltur onHydo. atr-dHdroandCandia .top cow a good plus daughter: both consigned by W. S. Simp- find disillusionmient and des- utilities and the eleetrical in duced important legislation to'al Electrîc Co.. lias no Bof Seiling Triune Achilles from 'son, Kingston, Ont. Other buy pair," Mr. Wright eontended, tpo o te es t0 is biidLdby W. RosssionStrikea , w om-as dusty o mountthe fn s miveamag at te soterndth ciialtg.Ofcas Lt G. H. Walker, Port Perry, at ers were H. A. Dckenson,andhe spoke of the anguish Riekard. He remarked that described himself as an old natural gas. He told utilitiesier systrns that make tp On- poier xviii enter th( yti -$450. Also a good plus daugh- Mount Hope, Morris Segal, such people often suffer in i when be first moved to Da- fashioned boy who believes three yeams ago that le xas tario Hy ýdro. eryi h e e -ter of Forestbold Walkem Lad Oshawa, Neil T. Malcolm, Bur- later yeams. 1 tan lington 46 years ago, No. 2 sales are made by pounding chosen to apply the needle- The.cr16 a diin -lb -from Ross Parks, Bloomfield, iketon and others.i "The strange thing in* ai-Highway was unpaved, and the pavement, Hydro actedas and le did, sinking it deep and: .c~erl1sx diin al ntenw\em iOnt., a $400. Hugh Ommiston, '1nDcme .W omn'nghpiesi htoemsthere was not one paved road the catalyst in txvo intensive giving double doses of cracker -__________________________ y' Brooklin, bought a five year Enniskillen bought a good plus first know unhappiness. St in the township. Ail road work sales campaigns-- Operation bammel common sense to shake old daughter of Almerson Sov- daughter of Pabst Walker 01- Paul advised 'Learn to be was then done with a p31ow, Eskimo and the Sunshine them from complacency. -ereign Supreme fom Hamoldilie with five year 305D 2X content.' The priceless secret team and scer. esoeo pca.Hdosn u 0,0 us / -Ireland, Hilton, Ont., at $385.i 13339M 525F'. 4 " for $475, of contentment is that the per- the pogress over the years. OperationsEskimouafreeer0tionnairesandSreceived 42,42 Dave Roth, Annandale, P.A., e onsigned by J. H. Jose & Son, son who has it must have first.OeainEkm-- ree'tonie n eevd4,2 bought five head for $1.5 75. 'Newcastle. W. A. Hasenpflug, knw1icnen ihhm Councillor Smith asked that and refrigerator sales drv'episfo whcitasbe 9 Heidt & Stein, Port Perry, 1Tottenham, bought the top self and the worîd. In this xvayF the debenture debt increase conducted in the spring- add- to calculate regional and pro- C OU N SEL L ING SE RV IC E dbought nine open heifers fori open heifer from J. S. Wilson, ebscret el naHg-Iwrries hlm. "This is serious, ed about 1i a oet eyo iý '8,000,000 kiloat icial appliance saturation.. e $160.I Novernber demandSmoe daughter of MaPle er Power for strength and hap- land we should try to oti the hours a ero the system Aong the things learned was piflC5. b *Aohrklwt that cil 10 to 18 per cent of ~ '.The top animal, a two year old manville, Ont., bought seven bHpiesi lk jm o aro~dîs and do something about hours are expertedfo h h utmr wed frezr by Romandale ReEcho Mon- ,yearlings for $1,132. Other cantsra vnaltl t, he ttdfrl.,D~r agdfo 0t 5................. arch just fresh witb bull-calf buyers were, .ohn F. Devins, without getting sorne your- Reeve Riekard. Couincillor pe cnt *by side for $485, to Eldmed 'Sutton West, Murray P. Hoît-1 self. FolIow the four rules of Muir and Councillor Cornish tc et Kin, arkam Ms. eBc by Prt eryK. . oli- ueRotmytet ad ouwill were appointed members of soli & /lop It maPPCd out a sales and King Makham Mr. DBac y, ort err, K E. oll- th Roarytestandyoupromotion campaign for the,: Podstatzky, Gommley, boughitiday, Brooklin, Max Heîdt. be happy." Mr. Wih ttd h tiigCmitet e .. lsprî ng and pe rsuaded manu- good plus, daughter of Seil- Port Permy, and oth e r s., The Rotary motto "Service be- cide on the composition oft I M 10 o I cuesaesad utilities: Iing Sovereign Achilles, out of 1Trewhaven Farms Limited, fore self." is also a beaconjstanding committees for thelt okaate . a very good 19,000 lb. Dam for R. R. 1, Bumketoîî, wish these il lighting the way to unselfish year.1 $415, from Bmyan Jameson, buyers and many others that hapies, e taedeMha-tarettubea results have brougbt me-, < hib. ak eHas& ossac toe ntpemt sIoically. a representative of Darlingtonj Campbellcroft, took four head mention, mucb success with M. L. Roenigk moved a voteiTownship on the Durham The Durham County Sou ýquests for information from, for $1,395, while Ray Matson,,their purchases and tbanklFof thanks to Mr'. Wright fori'County District High School and Crop Improvement Assc- othe utiates. Candathnd sTottenham, purchased two for those who entrusted us to seli the inspiring New Year's mes-1 board to conmplete the one yeam ai) drcoshave athe U am in i dtaes 4 D rngzthe c$830. One a very dairy five their cattle for them. We look sage he had brought tI the Iunexpimed nirion of the ternim ta hea a1me ic maigo eri od, 6,246 free year oId by Almerson Sover- forward to semving you in this Bowmanville Rotarians. Presi- 'of Bînce i.k, w'ho resigneced thanls erat the anulmeigUia eesl,126me m *eign Supreme from Mrs. Wm. capacity and we are confident dent Morris also expmessed ap)- I reeently. wîll be held on Thursday,thnasyematesaeie *MeCombe, Bonarlaw, at $450. that with youm support and preciation to Mr. Wright forl Accounts were piî3secî for January î îtu, from To:00la.m.eforna 47.7 p er ent vin-ase Fred Weissmann, Harpersville, co-oiperation w will sreyou his intemesting address, and payment as folloxvs, welfare, to 3:30 p.m. in the Parishi Hall, ces for the same period were: iN.Y., took four neao for $1,39. mos'nt efiiet in the future. presented him w'ith a gîft as, $1 752 94, and special, $9,480.46' Temnperance Street, Bowman- 1,246 units. t ~a souvenir of bis visit to the he Blorowing By-Law, usual- ville. Lunch will be semved to 'The same technique, but club. ]y enacted at this time to cover aIl paid UP members and ail with more refinements, wasi tons, was passed in the the complete program for the 10,000 was set for the six-week! V i it ar e S u ioFo rexose rito to3faxco00ec- aime ar redt t etrid for dayesav o mount fs$385000.vdy. ptuodibutsales aveOnomotion or Couneillor The highlight or the program reached about 16,700 with or-t U Muir, seconded by Counillor will be a talk by M. Donald ders stili coming in. M Louise Goldsmith, w e 11l Susan Steele. C ounlc.i S mith, Reeve Rickard and De- Hart fmom Woodstock in Ox- Plans are 00w going forward 1,R known Toronto instructor and Pianist Mrs. Ross Mackie 1puty-Reeve Blanchard were ford County. Mm. Hart is a keen for the samne approach next , . aluable assistance for those who wish Lmember of tbe Royal Academy povided a pleasing musical, (PROM PAGE ONE) l delegated fo attend the Rural young man who is giving lead- year to items where a low sat- background for the exercises Cavan Township: J. W. Stone, Munifcipalities annual conven- ership in the various organiza- uration point indicates load information on funeral arrangements. of Ballet held classes at the and dance patterns. We at the to fFbur 3h on in nOfr ony h rwhcnb and Harvey ance Acdemy Stdio H.shipareLyleedCurtis Deputy-RevClre on-cllor Cornisb moved that the famm is a large operation and Meanwhile Hydro continued If you are in need of such information y'o during holiday week. Dancersito have the oppotunity of Reev e, Haldirnan d Twnp;-,assessor. or Township Clerk, Mm. Hart is known for the ef- sales pressure in the industrialar'niedt vstor elhoe M rs and parents alike were de- seeing and taking part in these H. Malcolm, Deputy-Reevel attend the meeting of build- ficient job of management and comercial fields, and ac-, lighted with Miss Goldsrnith's cass and hope we inay do Marîvers Townsbip; M.'Wrightjin Officiais tri be held i hth sdin.Te ikcleae t oeheatîng pro-; Funeral Chapel, MA 3-5480. An experienced tion of the R.A.D. syllabus ofiso agaîn in the future. Deputy-Reeve. Seymour Town-'Mapie on January 151h. This 9ver 100 cows in a loosi bous- grams last year as well. The memnber of our staff will assist yNu in every Children's Ballet in Education. ship; W. Ligbtle, Deputy-Reeve xvas seconded by Councillor ing arrangement and base their farm market was also encour- Posture. body placing, eleva- * Hope Township; Ross StevensMuir and carried. management oni good pasture, aged, wîth larger service en- w',a\' possible. tio, mme nd estre ercD I lO i DeutyReee, owmnvile' - - high quality hay and silage tri trance equiprnent being offer-' presented with great under- R l ln f Morley Tanner, Deputy-Reeve., produce a high yield of good ed for the same rate as the: standing, and the dancers were ampbcllford; W. 1. Thomas,' quality milk. Mr. Hart is vice- old low ampere service. Funeral quick to respond. ~O c r Reeve, Cobourg; T. A. Brandon, A c d n president of the Oxford Coun- Executive changes included.I ~ D Thi ws MssGolsmtb Reeve, Port Hope; J. Simpson, ty Soil and Crop Improvement Mm. Strike's appointmcnt fo M o ris Chapel irThis Mi saw, ad sihe FOsPG Deputy-Reeve, Brighton Vil- M CI., A-Msociation anid is also a grad- succeed former chair m a n: uis ii oOhaa n h age and L. Gibson, Reeve of c uate of the Ontario Agricul- James Duncan early in the 4 Division St. BowvranvifI was pleased to see several dan- 1,Rubinoff knew George Gem- tbe Village of Millbrook. tural College in 1953. Befome year and, the recent appoint-' cers had real talent. ishwin and heard him perform One of the major issues thati <PROM PAGE ONE) eturnîng tri the farm he womk- ment of George E. Gathercole, Telephoiie MA .3-5480> Attendîng classes from Osh-l the Rbapsody in Blue for the will crime before the countie; C cd with United Co-operatives deputy economies niinistea awaandBowanill wce:first tîme in 1924. Gershwin counicil next year is cxpected osdral aag othfo Ontario and later wîth the first vice-chairman tri succeed Sein Thi.- Arra Since 1881" Noreen Arnold, Sandra Scott wrote the great jazz classic to be the possible moderni7a- cars resuuted. Constable Mur- Farrn Economnics Brancb and Robert Macaulay, energy me-, and Bonnie Crouter; Joanne 10 a few weeks, but in trans- tion of the United Counties ray Jovnt, OPP, was the in- now is owner and operator of source- minister. At thle sampe Cbmara, Mary Rupert, Carol cribing it for violin, Rubinoff jail at Cobourg. vestîgating officer. Hartholm Farm at Woodstock. ýtime William Davis (PC, Peel _____________________________ Brown, Jane Donald, Louise spent months in perfecting the Criticized By .îurîe.q 1 F-.iday evenhng at 10:30 Whitney and Leslyn Cham- arrangement fo bis satisfac- This bas been the cause rf0 dcock, Edward A. Baker, 76 berlyn; Rema Nestererczyk, tion. rnuch criticism from coutesK ing Street, Oshawa, Irist con- Shelleby Boyce, Erna Ticmes,< He wa opfruaei grand juies, which unIvetrol Of bis car on No. 2 Higb- f-o w This Newspaner Helps Advertisers.) SsHigay Hger m a ln. aiere preoaring the soul-stirring ecommendc major improx e-1\'a.>'aif tie Gravel Pit Road. Hilay Haerma, VaerieWarsaw Concerto as the Com- ments, but so far littie bas The vehicle sustained a certain Racz, Nadine and Colleen Mac- poser, Richard Addin s li, ýbeen donc in this respect. lamount or. damage, but for- Dermaid, Kathy Kiraîy and womked with bim on the trans- Council wilI have tI deter-Fturiately Mr. Baker was nrf. Christine Lupyniak; Sherry ciied violin version. Mr. Ad- mine whether this renovation injured. Constable A. A. Davis, Diane Puck, Shelley dinseli feit after beaing Rub- should be done as a major ,pro- Alexander, OPP, inx'estigatcd Kam, h Ro Kenne, Donn inoff play the Concerto that jeet. For Ibis, debentures, he accident. eSao KendDnai aa e eeain iwould bave 10 be issued and B- E -- Dutcbak, Janice Eileen Rob- iwa anwreeton if these weme issued on a 20- etoGloria Rupert, Made- vito elin g couldte ea basis at 6 per cent, this dcpth ot f exeligss lt h line Chist, SexpressmshIl.dwould double the original cost.i 110 lineChrst, usi Beaishand You may purchase tickets I The only alternative is tri set ,r from any Rotarian and hearlaside an arnounit cach year e a rn... f I~ R 'these premiers performances itîl suffîcient fuods are avail Df oy IS R X on the violin. able for a strictly cash pay D e b o y ment. Conditions at the ja I rom PAGE ONE, k i are at -Urn ie s -ov -e rcm-r o-wd ed. at.. en hedyamtS S p ec k eirploding, butif was learned to- day that, th s explosion ma'y ________Sp ak r Haompton have been caused hy an acety- sym bol Tciousi, xloig PRO PAE1OE5node truck and toJt, (FRO PAE ON M î Îste r mdricars vw eedestroyed in vinv Nelsn all of nit. ,f, '" ville. 'PROM PAGE ONE) Also losf. was n quantity of Guest speaker, Mm. Wright, faith on which if Is bUilt, Mm. nil and anti-freeze. wbo was rector rif St. John's Page advised. John Wright, \whri rperatcs ______________________________________________Anglican Churcb, heme from On behaîf rif the' council De-,a service station about 300 1946 to 1949, was well known puty-Reeve A. L. Blanchard yards frorn the scence of the for bis work in bis parish and movcd a 1,rite of 1tbanks to r1i.tire, saîd be first notîced large Sormewhere in the Burketon jusî hope that somebody in the bis active interest in commun- Page for the spiritual message ýblack billowing smoke comning vicfnfty, there are twa banc- Burketon area bas seen eitber ity projects, Wilfmed McMe- he bad presented in bis ad-1 from the service station about somne, cold and hungry dogs. one of Ihese dogs, or maybe chan, who i ntroduced himn, sta- mress. ermre htM. :5p'mH adiwsaln 'Jhelr naines are Rex and both. Here's wbat thcy look1 ted. Page had livedi most of hisitirne befome flamnes finally Scotty. Their Bosses taok them like: Rex is a part Beagle, part, He told the 'Rotaians that lite in Eastern Canada. and burst out. "Il was lîke an alan' out huntlng on Saturday (Jan. Bassett, about 1,5" high anid'Mm. Wright came ta oma-welcomed him tri Ontari,es- bornb blast when the flames Mt), and when the first snaw black, white and tan in colonr.Ville after serving during pecialy tri Darlington Town. started f0 iick loto the strue' flakes tel, that unfartunate Rex is about 2l,ý years aid. World War Il in thbe RCAF. ship. tfurc and set off the explosion atternoon they felt 80, gay, and Scotty is a proud Fox hound, Prior tri the war Mm. Wright Rerve Carnet *Rickard Miso!in the station," said the opera- were 80 u1l of jay, that they stands about 23" high, is aîso bad been assistant at two Tom- voiccd appreciatîin to rim.l:tom. just had ta start running and black, white and tan, but is!onto Anglican Churches. mi.. Pag'c for bis inspiing addrcss,' A cail for- assistance was runnnig . until, . . . they oniy i year aid. Wright ieft Bowmanville for and invited hirntri stay for thelhurmîedly tansritted tri the wcre os. The snow had Did YOU sec thern, Please1 Barrie ,%here Fie scrved si meeting. Reeve Rickard tienlLindsay fime deparmnnt, bu; changed ta sîelt and rain, and, 'phone Jutta Gunther at ycars and is now rcctoî' of St. gave a stiming inaugur'al ad- becau0 the toxvo bas no tire aîthough thcy kncw their boss- I Cuthbemt's Anglican Chumch, dmess in wbich he o TlieTwuîship. , alwn nn eswoldbevey adIfIhy 25431 r m.TonoatLeaside, Mm. MeMechan stated. policies and practîcal plans agreement v-i t I Man v e r s dld flot return, they could flot 723-7711 or Jutta's borne at Discussing the secmingly for tlie corning year. Deputy- swemed. tind their way back. So, we.728-6495. iuniversal urge tri seek happi- Reeve A. L. Blanchard con-' Keith Wright of ]Bethan.\' ness, Mm. Wright stated that gratulated the Reeve on bis Isaid file station was opened' any book thiat purports tri ave excellent presentatîin of pol- earlier this yeam. He saîd work advice on Ibis subject is cer- idies, and said that ie was in was stili undemway on the e- tain of an excellent sale. Ev- full accord with the state- taumrant which was scheduled eryone is anxious bo learn the ments hE, had made. tri open Ibis year. secrt o bapinssbe ta- Counicîllor H. C'. Muir also Il is believed one rit the car; Sjted. except those who have the offemcd congratulations. Hle lost in the blaze was riwned mistaken idea that, a good man predicted that the members of by a Mm. lTravis, xvho is em- cao flot be happy. These aie counicîl xii] carry on business ploycd at the station. P ANNING TO ... the sort of people who find and thleir dutcs wilh diligence, Prvincial police fron Liiîî- enjoyment iin talking oif their and do their vemy bcst. le say xvere ai. tle scene foi ai- own and other people's troub- stressed the importance rif rost an boum betore beîng re- lhe added. budgeting carefuîîy, and mak-liîeved hy offîcers fromn the 1The speaker told the Rta- ng the best possible use oft the Bowmanville detach m e n t. D eco ra fe ians of the many problems pre. . iTofey collected frenx the Te etoloesaa Ai vice. They hope ta find an im- rringratulated his felori mp - exploding. ___ lAI I n'diate solution for ail ils, D O IT O W OI h asscrted, and gave several I nstances of the variaus types,; GOOD SELECTION 0F iof difficulties recaunted ta bini a c by daiîy callers. IL AT B RGAI PRIES $$ $ thiflgs ta different people, be $ $ ATBARG IN RICE $ $ sid.Two Arabs were broughî COLORED TRANSPARENCIES --- The Santa la London alter Warld War 1 Claus parade organizers have been asked ta contact IN ROOM LOTS by Lawrence of Arabia. On the photographers in the district ta obtain, if possible, eve rit their etumo they were W A LLPA P ER OR BY THE ROLL asked what they would like as ariy colored photos of the Lindsay Kavaliers Band a mmeno o thir ripto hatputonsuch a good show here. They could England. They replicd if tbey be lef t at The Statesman office for forwarding PA N O VR U P S could have a bot water tap o ith htgahraewlin t d aeten PA N O V R U P S aeback ta the Middle East iftepotgpesar lngadntete Be sure you ses what we have tbey would be perfectly happy, ta the cause.t tt t to off or befor. buying! 'Ihat thenomads apparently DEADLINE - Folks stil dont scem ta realize that. beîieved that the tap magic- for more than a year the deadline for classified Smae witercotn ba and display advertising and routine news has been tbere is no happnessin the~ 4:30 on Tuesday :f ternoons. We continue ta Hý tatd tat eole fte r mcrquests have ta be tumned down. Sa, please try Poit and W allpaper cati hoxv happy t~~werc in the past, and also-look for- ta scnd in those items on Monday~s or ealy -puies- 33 King st. W. MA 3-5431 ward. tri appiness la the fu- day to avoid disapp-,intrnent. u________________________ ture when Ihey hope ta attain i t t t t t 0 A weII known symbol is like a good repu tation-d imeuji Io establish and even more difficult ta maintain. During yaur daiy activities-in your store or in your home-you corne ino contact with many trade marks that symbolize an assured meastîre of performance or quality. They rnay range from initiais on an electrical appliance ta wards like "sterling" or "prime." Like its cotînterparts, the membership symbol of the Audit Bureau of Circulations* rrovides you with a reliable measure of aur circulation performance, based on t& highest. t.anrdardls known for eit ber print or broadcaf'u, media. The A.B.C. xymbol cannot be purchased-it must b. earned through performance. Continued use of this symbol fi; predicated on our ability to maintain these highet standards af circulation value. Whenever y'at think of advertising media, it wilI pay you to ask, "Does it measure up to A.B.C. standards?" You can be sure it does if you use the advertising columna of-" Z)teanatÎîn %ttît#mn *This newspaper 13 a member of the Audit Bureau rif Circulations, a nonprafit, cooperatîve association of publishers, adverîisers, and adverlising agencies. Our circulation is audite<l at regular intervais by experienced A.B.C. circuilion auditrirs and their reporta are made availabi. ta aur adver'lisers withaul obligation. 4 MEASURE 0P SERVICE...MARK 0P INTEORITy PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 10th. 1962

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