WEDNY-VýrAY. JTAN'. lth, 1962 T~ AAINSAEMNBWMVLE NAI 1. Rev. Nind attendeti a scl in England that poet Rudy Kipling went te a few y( before, although he said enly met Kipling once s( years later. CLEARANCE Savings ILLUSION & WALKING HEEL latura/izers Reg. $14.95 - $15.95 CLEARING AT .$4.99 ta129 GIGANTIC STORE-WIDE SLIPPER CLEARANCE S 0ES_ $ .99 CLEARING AT ___ WOMEN'S SNOWBOOTS Black, Brown and Green Reg. $5.99 - $7.95$3 9 CLEARING AT --$39 on Family Footwear WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES Reg. $6.95 to $12.95 CLEARING AT $3.99 ta89 L 100 m1.49 »2.49 TEENAGE SHOES Choice of Queen Ann Heel or Flats Black or Brown Reg. $4.95 to $6.95 - -2.9 --I TEENAGE FLATS Green, Gold and Black$39 Reg. $5.95$39 *BUY NOW ..... AND $AVE WOMEN SALL COCKTAIL BOOTS1 SNOW BOOTS Black and Brown AT, Reg. $12.95 $9. 95 CLEARING AT REDUCED PRICES BOYS' AND MEN'S MNSS PR DRESS SHOES CORDUROY LEATHER Black and Brown 3y A~Aa A4 CLEARING AT I ALL CHILDREN'S -ýAVAGE SHOES . .... .$4.99 Dack's SHOES Scott-McHaIe SHOES Black and $1 599 Reg- rown $18.95 $59 Reg. $18.95 CLEARING AT OTHER DACK'S OTHER LINES GREATLY REDUCED GREATLY REDUCED MN'8 - REG. $14.95 $ 0 9 BLACK LOAFERS. .. ON DISPLZY AT MONEY-SAVING VALUES I ELLIS -SHOE STORE BOWMANVILLE ,hool îard iears 1he some 1At the conclusion of the mea!, the Senior Citizens eleet- ed their new slate of officers for 1962 as follows: Mrs. D. Armitage, Mrs. J. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. M. Crook, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gilbert and Mrs. A. G. Brooks. The Christmas Tableau pre- sented by some members of the Jack and Jili Club was là IMarried in Toronto- Sunday throughout the Angli-1 Bishop Appoints cans-hurcheb ln th~e Toronto Ma ny Attend I is 84tb year, Canon Nindin /?e . T oras A. ~Ii uretired aine years age, ai- Sr. Citizen Pev.Thom s A.Nind though he is stili active in chus-ch affairs both in Cobourg and Pont Hope. Ho is an honX a P rt 'An Honorary Canon erarpriest cf St. Mark's. OnDcI3b Rov. Thomas Arthur Nind ýby the Bishop cf Terante, Rt. Nind starteti bis clenical career 96 Senior Citizens cf Bowman- of 109 Elgin Street, Port Hope, jRev. F. K. Wilkinson. lin Japan in the missienary vileatndthiChims bas beon appeinted _a canoni The anneuncement was madie 1 fieldi in 1899. Two years later, dinner meeting at the Lions - __- -l he was odained and remained Centre. The hall was ablaze M in Japan for anothen six years witb lîght from a hugo tree itwas during bis eight yeax»s on the stage and the dining mUn Japan that ho was marrieti. tables spankieti with white JA N A RK Y ITeNnscm eCnd candles anti pastel anti gelt 1 Th Nids cme o Caadaangels, which manketi each in 1909 with thein first Can- place. adian parish being in Minden, The head table was centreti C LE A R A N CE Otaio.wbee h spnt by a twinkling pink and gl - CONTINUES AT -!He was lates- te go te Bow- anigel, flanked on each side by ears.mas carols played centinueus- InIddiionteIhes, Cnonly tiuring the dunnes- heur W I E MN S A IE 'ne s adishes in th Toroanton erescen e b ve W D MWEAR Nind moved anoundt tevarieus wne muc enjoey vsy 48 KING ST. E. Diocese until finally taking Mn. H. Foley openeti the change cf the Grafton panish. meeting and everyene jeinoti DRE SES * C ATSHo spent 15 years in Graften in a toast te the Queen. Grace DRESSES COATS befone retiringan taking up was sung, and overyone sat * aTft~ aTTD"'iresidence in Port Hope. down te a delicieus turkey dun- SLIMS SK IRT ner, complete with all the * r~?TY1% m?~. ~Canon Nind said ho bas al- tnimmings. Mll the food was rFJUNDAjTI±iJi G IjflIV LLSj ways founti great interest in denated and prepared by the *the smaller paishes- even Senior Citizens themselves, SLIPS BRASSIERES more se than in seme cf the under the capable direction cf * *S~EA ER langer panishes cf Toronto Mrs. D. Armitage. All agreed HATS * W ES where ho spent some time. the resuits were well worth * yeoqThe rural people, their life the effort. The tables were set flOSE and thein ways bave given him and decorated by the membens ,,much satisfaction oves- the cf Club 15, who aIse ses-yod the A ,ii r ..làff âwaears, ho said. edinn. is the son cf Mn. and Mns. Howard Taylor cf Courtice. Reports from was toldti t the Eskimos by the missianaries. At Christmasl the Eskimos would came te the, settlement, and after the ser- vice would enjoy white man's food. Christmas cakes and: shortbs-eads were appreciated,i an pork and beans were os- stateri. 5e told of thie Iugi quantities cf the latter tba were preparedti t satisfy th( enormous appetites cf the Es kimos. In conclusion the gues, speaker wished every mem. ber cf the club a blesseti anè happy New Year. On bebali cf ber fellow members, Mns Anna Watson meveti a vote oi thanks te Mis. Herbent for thE fascinating acceunt she hat given cf Christmas in othei places. The presitient, Mrs Frank, also voiced hon apprec. iatîon cf the fine address giv- on by Mrs. Herbent. The presitient thanketi Mss Bagnell for the lovely decora- tiens for the party. She als< extended thanks te the chair- man cf the Civie Committee, Mrs. Watson, Mns. Bagneli anc Miss Edith Brooks for tbei] work in judging the Christ- mas decoratiens in the win- dows cf stores and ether local commercial institutions. PIC Students Teaching in Town Schools Several local and anea s+u- dents of Peterborough Teach. ers' College, as part cf theix yean's work, are teaching in town scbools this week. At Central School, Linda Pundy, Town, andi Banbara-Ann All- e' *t (Intendeti for last week) Wishing you ail a happy leMNILEw anti a prosperlous year abead ýs- OWMNVME W 1. andi thanking ail the mombers Our monthly meeting for of the staff of The Canadian t Decemben was helti in the Statesman, - Young Pecple's Hall cf the I romain, id Salvation Anmy, Division St., f Thusday, Dec. 14, at 2.30 p.m. yors sincero1l'. '. We hat a vosyer dated Flonie Roberts. f ygo ted leýance and Prs. Mrs. Sam But- di try openeti the meeting with cthe singing f "0 Canada,"I '.the Institute Ode anti the (IlA ' CMary Stewart Collect. said in -unison. Mns. Otto Bragg is;R S O our regula- pianist anti we' sang a few Christmas candis. i D C R TN 1-Mrs. S. Buttery gave ara-7 7a N ing "A Christmas StomENTREn -business hadt t be attendeti te. Sec. Ms-s. Parks reati thei FOR THE BEST dminutes cf the last meeting,- IN - îr the tneasuner's report anti the' -reports cf the special com C S O mîte or eus- approval. Ourý usuai Koppen Kannival will, be in March cf 1962, but more DR P R E about this laten. D R P R E A comn-ittee was formeti cf' helpes with the sewing and,. AND knitting for the local Redi W L -T- A- Cross Society, headeti by Ms-s. W L -OW L Robents. Ms-s. Selby Grantý gave the motte, "Considen the tutle, lie gets nowhese until D ROA&IDLuuvI hoe sticks his neck eut." The! meeting was turneti ove- te:1ý Mrs. 1. Munday ant iber gncup. A contest was heli, I"Con- w Loain ýtents cf a Christmas Cake". Tw Loaon ninr, Wiehanwas tho luckyO H I) iwines it the langest nmOS AWA ,ber cf ingredients nameti. The, 9BNDS.w [members hati an exhange f' 9BNDS.W ,gi-fts. We closeti the meeting 723-4922 lwith the sinýging cf the Na-ý itonlAnthern, thon sat down PETERBUIIU ,,!to a sumptuous turkey dinner , senveti by the Salvatien An-' MARKET PLAZA my's Home League. RI 5-6874 Aften a voeocf thanks was' gaý9ven anti neplied to, wo al ,decidedti t go home, thinking, Dave Preston, Prop. csf tihose who would have beený 5Cnr t ,w ith us if it hati been at ahi 2 C nte t ypossible, anti hoping we will' Bowmanvilie hoýb able te meet again foriheMA 3-5912 n e x t m e e tin g w h ic b w i ll b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ beld Jan. 25th,_1962. 1Dry Cleaners C/iuc/MIe Hira boghta pink shirt. with huge pus-pie dots. In the rpocket was a note with a girls name and address, and a lrequ est that the buyer of the shirt sond bis photograph. "Ah, romance," mused Hir-: amn, as ho addressed the en- velope, and mailed a snapshot as roquested. cd a reply. Ho &hastiiyetore open the lotter, only to read: Thanks for the photo. I Just wanted ta see what klnd of a jerk would buy that kind LOTHES CARE HINTS: In punchasing anti installing the most moern equipment avaîlable we are entieavouring te give your clothes the best cleaning possible! Bowmanville Home and School Associalion Wed., Jan. 10 - Bowmanville High School JANUARY CLEARANCE BORDER PEI 1NT S ext yon he ro theeti. R.01113111U3 %J embens --hl eveyon enoye th litie~ENI ~I IIL~ ~ V~' ~L1, arein Miss Hoard's room, play, which was directed by and in Miss Hall's room, Pal Mrs. Jean Sumersferd. A choir . Ij f ~ 5' McQueen and Larry Jamieson, of children front the Newcastle i/es crioecd ft B . &. both of Bowmanville, are fac- District School, under the lea-0 in g the classes. dership of Mrs. Rosemary A U ntarjo Street Sehool h?,; ,Merkley, formed a delightful liI .'DL . Janice Beech, R. R. 3, Bow-ý part of the presentation.Te,,r . r* ~ i ei manville and Jim Crydermanj entertainiment closed with the y R. R. 2 Bowmanville in Missý reading of "The Littlest An- The Bowmanville Business ýnel was responsible for ahl the Hewitt's room and Terry' gel" by Mrs. Joan Mann of and Professional Women's Club lovely decorations. An effect- Wraight and Kay Davey, botl! Club 15. Mrs. Eileen Gatcheill presi- held its annual Christmas ive manger scene dominated f Bowmanville, in Miss Soxnl det fClb 5 cndcedaparty at the recent dinner the mantlepiece behind the merville's room. dra fo seera loelypri meeting in the Bowmanville head table. It showed the sta- The fledgling teachers ai drw orseerl ovlypizes Hotel. Mrs. A. C. Herbert was bie at Bethlehem with the Lord Elgin are Jon Moore, Eatons, Simpsn onad ick the guest speaker. Her inter- Divine Babe, Mary, His meth- Bowmanville and Brian Cox, Eatos, impsns nd Rck-esting address deait with, er, Joseph, shepherds and their R. R. 4, Bowmanville, in Mrs, aby's Ltd. The lucky winners Christmas customs in many sheep, and the three wise men. Price's reom, and Bertha Hig- were Mrs. R. Gilbert, Miss. F. other lands. ýThere was alse a realistic ap- gon, Bowmanville and Ll oy d Bell, Mr. W. Allin, Mr. W. J. Berry, Mrs. A. Honeyman, Mrs. The dining room of the ho- pearing small white church, Wilson, R. R. 1, Nestieton, in R. Nicholson and Mr. B. Pas- tel was beautifully decorated lighted fromn within, and flank- Miss Gibson's room. sant. for the event. Mrs. Mabel Bag- ed by wax choir boys. At Vincent Massey, Bill Bar-ý _________e I ahert An entire miniature village ton, Bowmanville, and Peter, "Happy Birthday" te Mr. A. warden and family visited Mr.,of bouses, and twe churches Belsey, Newcastle, are teach-! Shrubb, who was celebrating and Mrs. G. Fletcher Friday;formed the background for a in in Miss Ga1braith's roomn small replica cf the Bethlehem and Eric Barr, Town, and; Ghi l bithay ethda. rs. venMisen Jhso. o-manger scene arranged on a Paul McCullough, Newcastle, achei thn ldtegopin Ms enJhson. Bow- aned sheif along the west side of in Mrs. Fulton's roomn. a crolsin-sog, ccopanedmanville, Mr. Jack John.son, the reem. Red and green tap- by Mrs. Evelyn Dunn at the Oshawa, with their parentsor in cytlcdescs piano. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson on ersighted the dinn alestwichs The meeting closed with the New Year's dlay. iwhe e trcively abored with Dr mr u singing cf "Blest Be The Tie 4r trcieyaondwt r m r u That Binds"~. As they left, ecd Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk red poinsettias and Christmas Senior Citizen was invited te were Saturday evening guests 'centrepieces. Lovely decora- selectoa Mr. Mrs. Paul Vaneyk, ins in red, white, green and M y P o uce edwith dzn fgaiî wa y roe goid very one ç1tfferent, rmar- pdpackages which the Club Mr. and Mrs. David CraWgked each place. 3 New ly 15 members had brought for and family were New Year's' A beautiful pair cf brass them. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alberti candelabra were presented te His, Tyrone. the club by Mrs. Bagnell on A meeting cf the Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hind-ibehalf cf the George Heari ville Drama Workshep was LONG SAULT man anil girls, Ham.pton, were family in memory cf the late held at the Liens Centre on Thursday dinner guests ofFrances Hearl, who had been Thursday, January 4th, 1962, Ms.Wm.Car ndMr. and Mrs. D. Craig. la leading member cf the Bew- at 8 p.m. Mr. nd rs.Wm. arrandmanville Business and Pro- The meeting cpened with family were Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McLag ýfessional Women's Club. The Mrs. Edward Samuel wishing geOshaw Mr. and M Ms.. G Baker ornil ewYMr.andpresident, Mrs. Victoria Frank, the members a Happy New Ogde, Ohaw. M. ad Ms. rrs.G. ake onNewYea's.expressed gratitude for theI Year and then anncuncing the N. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. Robert Sim was New gift, and speke feelingly of lpreduction cf twe or possibly Harris, Soina, were Sunday Year's dinner guest cf Mr. the affection ail the members three one-act plays in the evening visitors cf the W. and Mrs. C. Bradley, Bow- had for the late Miss Hearl. Spring under the direction cf Carrs. manville. Miss Lucy Heari stated that Mrs. Winifred Wonnacett and Mrs. Penwarden and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovars it had been the wish cf lher S. Frenchman. and Mrs. Earl Penwarden and with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gable,lsister Frances that something A theatre trip ta Toronto family were Sunday evening Tyrone, New Year's Day. be done for the Bewmanville by the group was discussed. visitors of Mn. and Mrs. M. *Miss G. Smith accoiupanied B. and P. Women's Club It was decided te find what Kellett, Janetville. Mn. and Mrs. L. Harmer, Ernie to which she was deveted.1 productions. were in the off- Mn. and Mrs. L. Hardie, Les- and Beth te Erindale, New iss Lucy Heari lighted the ing there and make a final kard, were Sunday afternoon Year's afternoon and weretapers in the handsome candel- selection at the next meeting. visitons, and Miss Shirley spe usso r n Mrs. a bra. at the invitation cf the Then ail the membership ac- Willis, Pontypool, and Mr. suppe resoMr. and resident. tively participated in the con-. Lloyd Armstrong, Bethan.y, Mr and Mrs. F. E. Aexan- Mrs. H. Singulan, RR 2, Osh- tinuation cf Mr. John Schoen- Mrenday der, Bowmanville ,were Newawa, was the winner cf the maker's veny comprehensîve Mn.andMrs N.Davs. Year's suop er guests cf Mn. Pyramid Draw. Pnoceeds cf course on th*e theatre. This par- d rn and Mr.f hs.Pnwar- Robert Sim. this draw are te go towards ticu1ar session was cencerned de n amily were Friday Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McLag- the furnishing cf a ýchildren's with stage mevement and con-' evening guests cf Mr. and Mrs. gan and family visited his wand in the new wing cf Mem- sîsted cf instruction in the R.enaeunay e aerviions parents Mr. and Mrs. MeLag- criai Hospital by the club. Mrs, correct techniques used whcn, wereSunay venng isiorsgan, Port Perry, cne day dur- Herbert was the winner cf the walking, turning, kneeling, ' of Mn. and Mrs. L. Adams, ing the holidays. iucky dnaw. Mrs. Jean Billett squatting and stumbling in the' Bowmanville. Raymond Cam. _________ was a special guest at the din- profession. The course centin-1 eron had suppen at David ner meeting. A delicious tur ues at the next meeting which i Iontended or lunat weeknr assevewill be on Thursday, January1 JonstonscSnde o ay. ee COURTICEOke modinn f is rved. l 8th, at the Lions Centre. Mrs. L. Penwanden spent O oinc isIae New members are aiways INe Y iDavis, scconded by Mrs. Bag- wvelcorne. If you are interested ew Year s day with Mr. and The Inaugural Service ofneil, it was decided te donate i n setc h har, aMrs. W.onBrownand Mn. h nWy orme a d un-edr10 towards the expenses cf please come down and sit in ani r .Bon hrc oe a edSn the Santa Claus parade. Mrs.once fcu metgs r Mn. and Mrs. E. Penwarden day mroningl, Januanv 7, 1962,9 aronJfony scnddonie our meeph nsrsEd and family were suppen guests at Ehenezer United Chiurch. ýMns. Audrey Cookson, moved ward Samuel at Orono 227 fer! cf Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cam. Mrs. Allan Down, pas r-tat the club accept theindtaednf mai. eron on New Yearls day. Mr. sident cf the Woman's MsviaoncteLnsa Bui- d--______________on and Mrs. H. Murphy and fam- sienany Society, Mrs. Wiifned'ness and Prefessional Wemen's lily were Sunday supper guests Brown, past president cf the'Club for the International * at the E. Penwardens. Evening Auxiliary, and Mrs.INigh.t Dinner te be held in Mn.andMis Dugls Oe Ache Mirpas pesientcfLindsay on Februany l8th. This No,, and then everybody gots a *tired-out' and family, Oshawa, were the Berean Class, took part in was carried. feeling and mair be bothored by backaches. New Year's day visitons at Mn. the service. The address, ,.Vis- The special guest speaker, Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a tempor- and Mrs. Robt. Camenon's. ion cf the Future," was given Mrs. A. C. Herbent, was intre- r cdtion causod by tiiinary irritation or Th aerons wene Friday by Mr. Russell Cnossîey. duced by Miss Violet McFeet O Do dKnPille.fort.Tah. lim ta tthe suppr gustsat the D. Okes, During the installation cerf- ers, a past president. Mrs. kidney.KîtnbY el De hs odi httinwicmla1h Oshawa. miss Kay Davey, mony, the following membenslHerbent toîd cf the icyc s oter.OU8sbotta~er.afld oter O. ThoYIl jTynone, and Mr. Ted Bartlett, cf the Executive cf the United iringing cf church belîs in ah .1bte, oIbte.wokbte. 8 Bewmanville, were Sunday Chunch Women came forward cities, tewns and villages in evening visitons at the R. and nepeated their vcws to!Nonway at Christmas. She Camerons. strive te do God's work in this spoke cf the preparations for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carr and organization cf Ris Church:lweeks ahead, and the special family wene Saturday evening Honorary President, Mns. R. E.ibaking done by Norwegian Cechran, Enfield, and spent Ian Down; lst Vice President, larders are full, and the giftsi F IR I Sunday and New Year's with Mrs. Wilfred Brown, 2nd Vice wrapped. Even the cattie' 47 KING ST., E. 01 M.and Mrs. A. Gosley, Bee- President, Mrs. Carl Dcwn;1there are given a second help- - Mrn. adMs .Dvswr Recordine Secretany, Press;ing cf food on that day, and R D & BL Mr. nd rs. . Dvis ereand Publicity, Mrs. Chas. El-: birds are tneated te tidbits.RE L Wednesday supper guests at liott; Corresponding Secretary ýMns. Herbent aise discussed Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Carr's. Mns. Archie Muir; Treasuren;,lthe iovely custom, symbehie cf SMALL LINK Mn. and Mrs. J. Wright and Mrs. Hanry Gay. !the Light cf the Wonld, which ~ C I Shirley, Bethany, were Friday Leader cf the Afternoon is traditional in Austria. Car- evening visitons, and Mn. and Unit, Mrs. Carl Down; Leader] cîs are sung on Christmas Eve. O K S U IMis. J. Irvine, Toronto, spent cf the Evening Unit, Mrs. El- The father cf each fml EIIUNTIIU Sunday andi New Year's day mer Down. i hightsthe firs specialcandie O wihMn. andi Mrs. N. Davis. Chairman cf:- Christian Cit- and chants "Christ is born." Mr. F. Peterson, Oshawa, izensbip and Social Action, The children take up the PRLI was a Saturday caller, Mn. Mrs. Robent Muir: Cemmunitylchant. The second special can- and M.ns. Len. Fisher and Mis. Friondship and Visiting andidle is cenemoniously lighted LA RS H. O. Williams, Alderwood, M e mbe rs h ip, Mrs. ROSS On Christms Day, and the third LEN RS were Sunday visitons, and Mr. Hawke; Co-openation in Chnis- on New Year's Day, she sIld and Mrs. Glenn Pugsley and tian Education andtissoay In Ineland it is eustomary H A M B U R Duane, Toronto, spent New Education, Mis. Stanley Cox'-,at Christmas ta light candles, iYear's day with Mr. andi Mrs. erly; Finance, Mrs. Gannet and open the window curtainsLEN MATOR Rye Gibson. Tubb, Flower, Mis. Brooks'se that the light may shino EN ETPR Mn. andi Mrs. John VID Peance and Mrs. Douglas Oke::forth as a sign cf hospitality, P R Bnink, Hollanti, wene NewILiteratune and Communica-lMrs. Herbent explaîned. Thel M elbIl DRAPERY SAMPLE LENGTHS up to 6 yds. rH BROS. E BRAND BEEF ONLY SAGE $ .00 S, FRESH M 1LEAN, STORE SLICED 45 5cIBeafst I59C AT PIES0 EEF 4 for $ .00 1Government Inspected and Graded Meatu ii %..ieurinIy (I Reduced Prices Substantial Il 49 KING ST. W. i -- - PAGE TMR ............ i-- 1 - -.àý MA 3-5081 59c o UcI SAMPLE SQUARES ____ _1__39c ea. ""Coais"" WHITE SHEEN f Extra large 100 yd. spool, No. 50 ~ A Linit of 3 to a ustomer - Ony ----- --- E A FREE Heading and Hooks on ail Custom Draperies ...ordered during January Clearance Sale. 1 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO W. a ýý -- m Carl Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Taylor cf R. R. 2, Bethany, are shown above following their marriage in Woodgreen Community Centre, Toronto, on Satur- day, December 30, 1961, at 2 o'clock. The bride is the fermer Gloria Dawn Lenore Eaton, daughter cf Mr. and Mns. Ellwood F. Eaton cf Tononte. and the groom