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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1962, p. 5

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVUItE ONTAIXO Prepare for Jan. 26th Qpening J4,lect Mrs. S. McMurter As Head of Hospital Aux. At ttne meeting o! the Wo- Mns. J. O'Neill wes calied officers, and the convenons end znen's Auxiliary to Memorial on ta act as chainman for the chairnian of the standing com- Fospital, held in the Nurses annual meeting o! the Wo- ýmittees. Mrs. Wesley Cawke, F.esidence on Fiday after- men's Auxiliary o! Memonial, presi dent o! Region No. 8 o! ricon, the retiring president. Hospital, with Mrs. L. T. Mc-;the Women's Hospital Auxil-ý L. C. Mason, expressedi Laughlin as secretary. 'iaries, is an ex-officia mem- hrr tbanks ta the members Mrs. Duncan Smith read thei ber of the Executive Council. :Lýf,1 e as-istance, they have report o! the Nominating o- Mrs. R. G. Cowie, the treas- i h1 er during ber terni o!rniittee and moved its adoption. urer presented the outstand- office. !This was secondcd by Mrs. W.6igiy successful financial ne- "IIt bas been a rewarding H. Birks, and carried unani-1 port for the lest year. The sec- and stiniuieting experience ta mous iy. Officens for the com- retery, Mrs. McLaugblin, in be president for two years, ing ycar are as !oliows: pastlber annuel report also told in ta'-d I appreciate the co-opera- president, Mns. L. C. Mason; deteil o! the great contribu- tion and help given me by the president, Mrs. S. G. McMur- tions given by the auxiliary rrembers in the carrying out:,ter; lst vice-president. Mrs. during the year for the few of my duties. Mrs. Mesan seid. Jess Van Nest; 2nd vice- pre- wing of the hospital. She aiso highly conimended sident, Mrs. W. M. ]Rudel; ne-1 Annuel reports were also the executive menibers for ýcording - secretary, Mrs. H.Igiven by Mrs. Duncan Smith, th eir excellent work. and seid Saunders; treasurer, Mrs. R. Buying Comniittee convenor; i- ,.- Cownuie: crr? o infi-crt- U---- - -+, - Ce lebrate 5Oth Anniversary lil WAI"~U VTVU WEDNE51DAY, JAN. !th, 1962 V% r ,,% -1 Eu ILN KRAMP LIda HEAR YE! LOOK YE!. 14-i they ha bna n ~ t i n variabe-,u u Fl -'- -'-' ----bt!u"t- ývrs. O'Neill, convenor of the_______________________________ comfort to her as presidentiary, Mrs. Joseph Cuddahee. Marathon Bridge and Mrs. A. through the active interest Mrs. 0. J. Presson is the ' L. Hooey, Baby Wear Commit- they had undertaken in ail new Buying Committee chair- tee. The annual report of the Pljects, and their devotion to ý man, ber assistant is Mrs. H. 'Finance Committee was read Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pediar th~ responsibilities. TheylLake. Mrs. Duncan Smith is in the absence of the convenor, nhe home of Mrs. T. Berry, the Governor-General. bavé carried on the fine tra- the Finance Committee chair-, Mrs. M. L. Roenigk by Mrs. R. R. 2, Brampton, was gailv Mr. and Mrs. Pedlar were dition of the Women's HosiIa with Mrs. Bruce Heavv- Cawker. In the absence of the clecorated Saturday, Dec. 2.3, married on Dec. 25, 1911, at aý tai Auxiliary, she pointed out.isege as her assistant. Mrs. A. Bootee Project convenor, Mrs. for a reception in honor of b4er home ceremony in Tyrone, by She e'specially thanked the, L. Hooey is the Gift Shop con- Rudeil, its annual reoort was parents' 5th wedding anni- the late Rev. Higgs. vi ce-president,. Mrs. S. G. Mc- venor. She will be assisted bv 1 reed by Mrs. Hooey. This pro- versary. Their older son, Kenneth, Murter, for giving so gener- Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Rudell and ject, %which had been planned Mr. and Mrs. S .J. Pedlar was a casualty while sei-ving ously of her time. "I do not Mrs. Van Nest. Mrs. Allan B.ifor a limited period only, will of Stayner greeted friends and with the ermy during the Ser- know what I could have donelSlese is convenor of the be terminated on January 25th. relatives who called durincg ond World War. Their second withrut her staunch support, Layette Committee. Mrs. Cawker moved that Mr. the afternoon. Gifts a n d son, Clarence lives in Toronto, Mrs. Mason said. Mrs. O'Neill is convenor of Roenigk be asked to become flowers were presented to, and there are two daughters, "Mrs. McMurter Is most gra- the Marathon Bridge. Other auditor again for the coming themn and outstanding was the Doris of Cleveland and Ethel clous and capable, and will be members of this commit tee for year. This was seconded by gift to each of a golden wed- of Brampton. en excellent president," Mrs. the coming year are Mrs. Ever- Mrs. Birks and carried. ding% ring from the family. The Pediers have nine Mason asserted. She urged ett Hoar, Mrs. Aubrey Smith. Following the annual meet- They received the following grandeidren and two greet- that everyone give Mrs. Mc- Mrs. Tom Rehder, Mrs. Birks, ing, MrS. MeMurter, the new telegram from the Governor- grandchildren, Terri Lee and Murter the same loyal support Mrs, Bruce Mutton, Mrs. Lloyd président, presided for the re- General: Their excellencies, David Haggarty o! Brantford. that she had received. In this Ayre and Mrs. L. W. Dippel].1 gular monthly meeting. She the Governor-General and Ma- Mrs. Pediar was the for-mer way new vistas o! assistance Mrs. Mason is the Membershipi sincereiy thanked the mpm- dam Vanier have asked me to- Florenre Rahm, daughter o! and achievement would be Commîttee convenor.1 bers for her acclamation to her send to you and Mrs. PedIarý the late Mr. and Mrs. W. H. open for the auxiliary, the re-ý The Executive Council is high office, and said she feit their warmest good wishes on Rahm. Two of her brothers tirmng president predicted. icomposed of the auxiliary's 'humble in following in the the occasion of your Golden reside in this area, Cecil at footsteps of Mrs. Mason, an ex- Wedding anniversar. Signed,' Burketon and Walter at Ty- ceptionally able president. Esmnond Butler, secretary to rone. A letter o! appreciation for the cheque for $6,000 whichT 1l;, ay were: Mrs. Alva Swar- brîns th euxliay's ontronebrick with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- AP >bution towards the furnishing1'fe ogly saa r GREAT !of the new wing to $13,0001 Lnodge Jacnstalis n an IA LIIIA D V Glenholme Hughes.n 4e ' r. and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Ross JM ~ M f I The auxiiiary received a ý N w 0 icersj Gay and Mr. and Mrs. Dave cheque for $50 from Mrs. C. Tyrone Unity Lodge No. Sutch f and dagtr weRelp ýA. Bartlett for the day-room 1244 held its regular meeting Gest oh. adMs ap M Gsi henwwn o h nDe.2t.e ach hospîtal. It was moved by with W.M. Sis. M. Milîson in Atu n Mrs. a rland Cath-an S A LE ~~~~Mrs. Duncan Smith, seconded the chair. ArhradMsGrlnCt- by Mrs. Jacob Uitvlugt that a After the opening exercises, icart with Miss McBride and letter be sent to the Hospital Sis. Cora Johnson, Past Grand 1 iRB wash Board with the $50 cheque to Mistress of Ontario East, as- MtRbnnwt r n S W INTER COÔITS explain this mony was de- sisted by four other members Mrs. Don Hinds, Peterborough. sigated orth da-romdra- of Janetville Lodge installed Mr. and Mrs. Don Mercer pes. This wvas carried. It was the officers for 1962: Worthy and son and Kathy Smith at Up to4 0 / Discount lalso decided, on motion of Mrs. Mistress, Sis. Ethel Johnston; Roy Mercer's. Mason and Mrs. Glenholme Deputy Mistress, Sis. J. Van- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes Hughes, to send a letter O! eyk; Junior Deputy, Sis. V. and Gloria and Mrs. Mary thanks ta Mrs. Bartlett for ber Chamberlain; Rec.-Sec., Sis. A. Luxon with John Thompson's. generous donation. Philiips; Fin.-Sec.. Sis. G. Mr.ClLn- Mrs. McMurter announced IBland; Treasurer, Sis. R. Mc-stfen dahtrMred Reg. $7.95 ý that the official openingofjRbrsstfan $45-88 ....ý the new wing wili be held on Chaplain, Sis. K. Davey; Mrs. Ray Moore and sons,an CLEARING AT _ Mr. and Mrs.GodnK - Fnîday evening, January 26th Guardian, Bro. L. Byam; Dir- inedy and famiiy, Toronto, were Reg. $995 7 8 at 7:30 o'ciock. Mrs. Mason.!ector of Ceremonies, Sis. R.,usso n adMs di CLEARING AT $ . who is chairmen o! the lunch Scott; lst Lecturer, Sis. M. Curssox. adM di _____________committee for the officiel on- Milihench, 2nd Lecturer, Sis. Cuox ening, asked for 20 volunteers L. Graham; Pianist, Sis. G. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Turansky, lAto essist in serving. Murphy; Inner Guard, Sis. H. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Turen- S LI1 M S_ _ _ Wallis; Outer Guard, Sis. P: sky and Ralph Turansky and Alldread; 2nd Committee, Sis. family. R. Bradley; 3rd Committee, Mrs. Wm. Mercer enjoyed -dUp to 3 C 0 Dso n OBITUARY Sis. G. Smith. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. 3O ~ ~ boug Geerai ospitl B ook; ucitors, Sis. R. Mr- Gergeerer d fr arents, ______________MRS. A. P. LANDRY phy; 5th Committee, Sis. G. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fois- Ahe ethocHATS n o-ley, Ss , rh, n r.AdJarvis. -- A Sbug eea opiaTe-V.Cabrli:Sick and Crub day De. 2, 161,of rs.Visiting Committee, Sis. E. er and s obtChistmas Dro tca l educea ayLnrwdwo h Goble, Sis. G. Bland, Sis. j.eran so ptChims ______________late Alexander P. Landry, Vaneyk and Sis. A. Barrett. Day with her parents, Mr. and who predeceased ber in 1944. W.M. Sis. E. Johnston then Mns. Hatcher Foster. 'Sh ws i br 2ndyer. conducted the general busi- Mwe ntd B rs.Facks a spnd A LL D R SSES ýShe was born in St. Mary's, ness. Sis. M. Milîson wes pre- ChnistmaBs Filh bis pens ýKent County, New Brunswick, sented with the Past MistressChita t isprn. .1cudng1/.sze and resided in that province pin and Sis. Cora Johnson avýe s uJcksfedsarhesrthatc lncLuu..Lng 1/2 sizes until nine years aga, when she presented with e gift fnom the CrsmsEeadbst e G rea'tlv Reduced home with ber deughter, Mrs. At the close o! the meeting, main there until he is feeling ___________________Louis F. Nadeau. Christmas gifts wrere excîhan- better. She was a member o! the ged and lunch wassrvd Celebratine with Miss C. W. _________-__________is Stewart on Christmas were Mn. SW EATERSSeeih-Dy dvntlt and Mrs. Lofthouse and fam- She is survived by five dau- V'T ~ ily, Mis Marion McKelvey and èSIKITS - BLO USES ghters: Annie, Mns.Louis F. KE DALJohn McKelvey. :Nadau, rs. liffrd PrrvMn. and Mrs. Percy Burley, adeu Mrs. liffPowderai (Intended for lst week) M. and Mrs. Earl Buley, of7 a Oshawa, Mrs. Veughn Cou- As Mr. and Mns. B. B. Fos- Sharon and Barbare, Mrs. D. 2 0 */0 DISC UNT gle, Mars Hill, Maine; and six ter wvere on their way homeVannetto and Cecil, Mrs. John -sons, Felix and Fred, of Monc- to Tennessee frorn Montreal: Bird and Dougie were guestis ton, New Brunswick, Samuel for the holiday they stopped'of Mr. and Mrs. Len Oughtred. S ISand Henry, Iishtown, New Friday night with their uncle. We were sorry ta iearno FULL LIPS '/2 LIPSBrunswick, William o! Saint !Mr. and Mrs. All1en Foster and the illness o! Rev. R. C. White O W SJohn, New Brunswick, and had a visit with other rela- and wish him a speedy rcv GO N Philip of Newcastle, Ontario. tives. B. B. Foster is taking ear.Hwvrw eepes IA sister, Mrs. John Duples- medical course at McGiil Uni-1 ed ta have Mn. W. E. Huskil- B b olP J M S î?sis, of Baie Ste. Anne, New versity and Mrs. Foster i oatahrfo oon Baby uo hrstms ervce Brunswick. 26 grandchildnen teacfling in Montreal. rtl~arCnsmsSrie and 27 great grandcbildrenl Folks took full advantage The chiidrcn and eduîts will el.qo survive, 'of the fine weather and ex- 'long remember bis story o!' ALL2 'ýb DISC UNTThe memonial service was'cellent roads this Christmas Jimmy's binthday partv which AilSals ina .. .. il als C sh lors, Moncton, New Brunswick, dal front street bcd been gîv s Christ's birthday, but w AilSals Fnal... Ai Saes ash JiFnîday, Dec. 29. Interment was e a generous sanding. g iV 2 av_ presents ta each other and in Elmwaod Ccmetery. 1 Roy Slecp left Fridqy ta flnc eto Christ. What should spend the holidn.y in Toronto Vwd give ta Christ?" He agreeci witli Mr. and Mrs. Lea. Wood- i thl the lad who enswered cock and other relatives. Mi"Our heants". The choir sang Lorraine Therteli spentM the Carolling On' with Mrs. Swar- *holidays with Miss Selena, brick et the organ. The bas- Therteli while Rôy is away. iket o! white fiowers were in Ls s Some mnembers o! the \Vo-i memory of Alfred Dobson. men's Association and the Wo- l Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Lang- ANN U L ' I nsttut pakdsane'staff and daughtes were Sun- ýboxs o Chistms ceerday gu1ests o! Mr. and Mrs. îThusda evnin fo a um-Bert Thompon. Mrs. Ken Saper berof ur hutinsandold spent Thursday witb them. folks et Mrs. H. Foster's. 1 Synipathy is extended ta . . . . .. .Miss Mary Lofthouse was Mrs. Arthur Bell and famiiy. theguet a be aut Mss . n thp passing of ber busband Wth !etbewr t i nMmoraCHositl,-ec air vents egorgeous covers edurable prebuilt bordurs eSimmans UAuta-Lockff constructieon eTake advantage of this lntroductoiy price while It lestât F. A. KRAMP Ltd. 37 Kmng St. E. FURNITURE & HOME FURNISHINGS Bo mi! vllle mkers of the famous by I MON EAUTYREST Worth shouting about - Simmons' gorgeous new Countess mattresses. Because they're such a good buy, we're trfering them at these incredibly low prices... niany famous Qu/iLt . Simmons features are incorporated in Countess: LM Àw - miatters at the breakfast This! Toms, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tre-I Roland Thompson, Hamptonx. H ol rj m ~ as carried. Iwin, Doreen and Donald, En-! Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrins H oly N amePlans for t.he establishment 1 niskilUen, were New Year'sand family spent New Year*s $500 ý f a scholarship fund for the 1 Day guests at Mr. and Mrs. I with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mor- Donates $5 0 upils of St. Joseph's Separ- Lloyd Slem0n's.1 rison and family, Oshawa. iaSchool were also discus- Mr. Frank Denby, Bowman-i Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Camer-.n l'o~ ~ Bl. e d . ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. spent Christmas Sunday with To BId . FundG arrard on Sunday. Sgt.; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Downey#, Houseman, Houseman Shaws. Pau Deane, Nwcatle HA DONand family, Petawawa, &peut: Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm Paue viereen,prewsie atDO New Year's weekend with Mr. and family were New Year's the vice-presiMr. ad Mrs. Lois Ashtonand Mrs. C. Gerra-rd. Mr. and Day spe usso r n the meeting of the Holy Name; r n r.LusAho and Mrs. C. Garrard. Mr. anec Mrs. salper guesTs o M . n Soit edi t oehsand Glen, Peterborough, Cpi. ry were New Year's Wate RamTyne Socet hldin t.Joep'sMary Low, R.C.A.F., Alberta,igsuppeI Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Cameroei Hall, Liberty Street, on Mon- Icaîîed on Mr. Henry Ashtonigust. spent New Year's Day witli day evening. te ofcr adteRea amlio un'Mr and Mrs. Clifford Reid MIrs. T. S. Mountjoy, Hamp- Ote fiesadte ea ail n u and family, Bowmanville, ton. prescrnt wcrc: Norman Hann-ýa evening. 1eeNwYa' v upr an, secretary, Delbert Hends-1 New Year's Day guests at'guests at Mr. and Mrs. Alfred' M r. and Mrs. Roy Graham bee, treasurer and Henry Eik- !Mr. and Mrs. A. Read's were; Garrard's. and family were Thursday ens, marshal.'.%r. and Mrs. Fred Ashton,. Mrs. Olesen spent New supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. It war. unanimously derid-d 'Mr. andI Mrs. Bert Ashton andYa'sa Teto.H. Degeer, Bethany. todnae$50t Rv F .Lea, Mr. Bradley Ashton and'M.adMs lfe arr Mr. Jack Potts. Linda and ta donatep$500 to Re. F K.friend. Toronto, Mr. Gordon r.adM.AfedG rrdTmysntNwYasDy Mlethe 'Duidlfr ey, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Barry were New Yerswtr Tomottw Collmg.a tebuilding fund and ote' as ihM. o ots ylig exDenses of the church. A sat- Henr Ashton. dinrouotdf.r ndMs isfactory financial statement1 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Downev, J. Griffin, EnniskiUlen. ..wilhdtertrs was submitted by the treasur- Anne Marie and Marlenýe,I M. ndUrs J.JoesWndme&i i fo 162on thui rst er, Mr. Hend,.bee, who moved .hwM.Gog esaefml spent New Year's wvth 'eeL an lh it dpio.Ti asscn-were Sunclay visitors at Mr.' Mr. E'mer Ward and his mo- eefnJn lh ed by Joseph Cuddahee and and Mrs. D. Cameron's. ther, Toronto. Sunday Sehool on Sunday carried.Mr. Donald Thompson, Avaj Mr. and Mrs. RossAshto0~norning at 10:30; Church ser. carried. ~~Valerie, Debbie and Donny, ,and farnily attended the Mc-!iea :3.Scaen ilb Sunday, March llth, wasý set Bowmanville, were Sunday Laughlin Christmas p a rty administerod. as a tentative date for a Holy callers at Mrs. W. Thomp- which was held on Saturday! Mr. Milton Slemon ks a pa- Name Society Communion Fon's. Ava Thompson spent a at the Blackstork Armories, tient in Memorial Hospital, Breakfast. It was moved by few days with her grand- Mr. and Mrs. W. Blarkburn,IBowmanviIle. We wish him a Stewart Chisholm, seconded mother. Dale and Neil, visited Mr. and speedy recovery. by Neil McGuîre that Leon Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Gra-iMrs. Jack Pearce, Oshawa, on!. Svmrpathv of the conimunity Davey of the Auto Worker's 'hami, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Saturday. os extendcd to Mrs. Arthur Credit Union be invited to givfp To-s, Blackstock, Miss Joyce1 Mrs. W. ThomDson spent Bell and family in the passin.g an ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~' Cdrs o rdi'no Grn . Brooklin, Mrs. Fred New Year's with Mr. and Mrs.'of Mr. Bcll. R i.' Il g i ............ PAGE Fi

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