TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMAI<V1L, O4TAPIO WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1Oth, 1962 angels trirn their Christmas ceews hownm ntheewas "Untair to SalBy"Cr artRyodCm Euo enC so stree, Mrs. Michallovits ex- sc S A U TIenes, 'first the angel appear- to get their lcs wse rnadBtyMoe plained. The tree is kept hid- îng to Mary; second. Joseph twvice. "The ChnsmsBr- HahrML~a eie den beforehand, and is decor-l (Intended for last week) Davey, Tyrone, were Christ.- standing by Mary sitting with lar' was prcsentdicahr" ofsin olwdb ated by the parents after thei Mr n r.Jh ae mas Day callers. !the babe in hier arms; third, McLaggan and 1o onmnDiiDnc ft~egtRm chilrenarein bd. ttrct-and Kristopher were Chita Annual Ratepayers School!the shepherds sitting and an- dressed in pyjama.JntM-bw Gil.Teby in R o ta ria n s 1-ear D e tf0115 o f ive cookies, chocolates, flgur- :e ust f Mr. and Mrs. meeting was held Wednesday! gels standing in the back- 'Laggan and CarlBret c-wait elf n ines ,and candies are also 1lc Pu aek yoe n morning with ten present.!ground. Mhile Betty Moore re- ted as niother ad fte.cm no h eodatt' edo h re h ddd CrsmsDyguests of Mr. Trustees are as follows-Wal-icited "We Will Keep Christ- Jimmy Youtign a uga acs eaggrsdess Mrs. Mîcnailovits also in- and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. ter Vaneyk, 1 year; Robert mas" and "Sulent Night" was was mistaken forS( aCasTi elybogîdw h C h ristm as C eleb ra fio n s fre h club that real cari Mr.rand Mrs W. Vaneyk Careron, 2years, and Al:x ung. by the pyjama ca.Te nghnswih1ise n disntelectric lights, are'were Christmas Day guests o! McLaggan, 3 years. Treasurer's Dnring i nterni issîon ail joiin- lai- felt guiltv. s u akal Pora ne îhasn trees, yet there are fewer fires 'and Christmas Eve guests o! 294,38; expenses $4,796.69 witl-Gornd heBader ihipofMrs . enedngto.TisldWahpyBdSt'ad HrCo In T h ree O th er C o u n f ries teeta hr are in Cn Mr. anMlrs. P. Vaneyk, Ty- a bank Ormaneo $2,497.69 Muphy epiano."A Brght A recitation yRnSw wt el n Inteest n g acconts ! i utchCustms fddergoneand hedraos heasserted. Tetes rone. ending December 31st. Idea" î'ecited by Janice Saw- don was followedb h n-H ae n it n ad Christmas customs and tradi- Introducing M r s.J o h n'flled with unwrapped pre- ary 6th, and sm eanuntil Maller spent donheshe is Chrisambit yonnlieors singinandBfoefooted Maid- for vo tions in other lands were gîven1 Sweep he told the club that sexnts. Mrs. Sweep pointed out much later, she said There 'saiyatedd th ri Christmas Paith bere sistroters and orTeoraba.tet lke dad.l en". An intcrestîgpa vs Wealwsît hn u by hre laie atthelunh-she had corne to Bowmanville 'that people and children also also a celebration when the'oChrstands aRobertteho r other.an rs . t ar cen ededito Ynthedîg " s i laif prnc v im s tahr:VisVla oi eon meetiof Mr.taedBMrs. Robert CraigdMandandrMrs-.eEoratPenwar- kce awended withethengnesmisy wereariday Mears.oThis tnoegTeIlonpjpilu also ard.Royen ville Rotary Club held at tecide rmHladi 98 a n the presents are de- decoratio8ns packndtheed away, sheed Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilîs. Ty- .engguts o! Mr'. and Mrs. llanghs from al. îolored servant fo aa cvîrwihmd tajy Flying Dutchman Motor Ho- ýThey resided in this town forIvedtotercpntbyaed rone, with Mr. and Mrs. David G. Fletcher. Bruce McLagganvs complaint down south". Cntmrwecflvengora. tel recently. The guest speak.- several years before taking uprtesOe.SedsusdCrita v ri hita a.Mr .and Mrs. James Sawden ers were Mrs. John Sweep, residence on their farma near Christmas Is mainly a re- customs and said that grand- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, visited Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mc- Newcastle, ?&s. Peter Verley- Newcastle, Mr. Hughes sai d.lig ions h oly day, Mrs. Sweep parents, uncles and aunts gath- iWillie and Linda, Lifford, Cromick and family, Bancroft, minHatot,anmebr o!. Cri SataClasstated. It starts with the cele- er at a family home where Mr. Jack Johnson, Oshawa, ~ y len, Hamptonma and SrsntttaCtasua, bration of M~idnight Mass in there are small children. Thiere Misse enJhno osn nSda teachaing isafcfBomaile teor rather St. Nicholas Who ail Roman Catholie Churches. are presents for ail and a trad- and Murdoch, Bowmanville, Mrs. E. Harper spent Sun-l tecig staffo ol. an iebrns toychi es n dth oNehe- Other religions hold their ser- itional supper is served. Mrs. were Christmas Day guests of day with Mr. and Mrs. G.; Drg So. le o' lrninteNthr vices later in the morning, Michailovits spoke of Midnight Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Fletcher and Mr. Stanley Flet- D.Keith Slemon reported 'lands, are separated mn te she added. Al] theatres, shops, Mass as the start of Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Flet- cher spent the weekend with e.ngtornaent.eCnbfom- edt hlas' feast is oeed and places of business- are Day. Later there is a festive cher and Mr. Stanley Fletcher his parents. îngTounamnt.He nfomedSt.Nicola' lastis bsevedclosed, and the day is the time family dinner. On the 26th were Christmas evening guests Mrs. Jean Sawden, Oshawa, the club that the Bowmanville !on December 6t.h and on the for family gatherings. Carol friends corne to sec the Christ- of the Bakers. spent Suuday with lier grand- 3,528; Branch 178 of the Royal children pnt ont their shees to and aise explained that on the Mrs. Michiailovits also told of ily, Bowmanville, Mr. WilbiirIMr. and Mrs. James Sawden Canadian Legion came second! be filled, Mrs. Sweep told the day after Christmas, known a lovely and picturesque cus- Marks xvcre Snnday supperJ and family were wità Mrs. with 3,365 and the Bowman- Rotarians. as Boxing Day, fricnds visit 'tom. Men and boys dressed as guest.s cf Mr. and Mrs. H. Mur- Jean Sawden, Oshawa. f ville Rotary Club was th ird In the Netherlands, St. Nich- one another's homes in Hol- shepherds tour the community phy.ChitaCocr with 3227. John Bain was ter olas, dressed as a bishop, ai'- land. before Christmas singing car- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mur- R EMtmsCocr high scarer for the Rotarians,!rives by sea in advance of bis Mrs. Verleysen. bier husband ols and praying. She also spoke phy, Margo and Trevor were Long Sanît Christmas Con- Dr. Siemnon stated. Ifeast, Mrs. Sweep explained. 'and six cbildren came to Can- o! the fear during the first Christmas supper gnests cf Mr. cert was held in Tyrone Corn- BEST BUY! - SAVE5r Jim Hogarth and Dr. H. B. She said that hie mounts a ada from Belgium in 1953, Christmas after the Commun- and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, munity Hall, December 21., io. ote "Rundle were the winners of white horse and accompanied Mr. Hughes informed the Be-lists had taken control of the Blackstock. 1961, at 8:30 p.m., with a good' J IM the hockey draw. A letter of by a cempanion known as tarians. They have a large!country. The lieds w e re Mi'. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, a decoaTedhwith a "eu- [I EC. u o Sthanks was rcceived by the BIack Peter rides around the farm near Hampton, lhe add- plg o t eiiadfrcbahrist- 'Sm i .-th. wandiiM. Rwî th ti came inon te d i'. Oe- E N locl Rtaylocalorth Rotary Clubnor ilageforld the.peodonoa- h ucîtyhrit-Smoh.n ornv Ivillage.ei i omChild-n he oo.cde. ~tion it had made to the Salva- ren of ten are given a chanc eiln hisnas ms, but despite these orders parents Mr. and Mrs F. G iwali showed a colorful scene BEST BUY! - SAVE 7c! - Deep Brow~ned 2-zTn - ie AmyCritms ,ud. ta visit St. Nicholas at a local . vroeraae ed ateSihadGae C ' lo f a bird feeder and wintcr troduced y GChimsH-hpsseeoanelnBlmais Ftus difei'n 'per o ianted od mthD a nd - ihrstas Th»us.sekr wr n store, and tell him of their The observance f Chrstmas ' bi asrds. The opposite wall hiad a LIorC trodfrorn its celebratiangli-liai- She also told of the dîffi- \Ir. and Mrs. S. G. Harm-er,li"Peace on Earth" scene ef al es, who with Morley Vanstane, Mrs. Sweep related that onrldMrs. Verleysen saidà. culties cf ebtainiug a Christ- Erindale, were Christmas Daýouse, snowmen, snowflakes,ý,L BYS B -a past president, was in charge the evening a! December 5tb, 'hisms'spatcuanyada ias tree. The Reds had a lawv callers cf their aunt and un- trees and beils. Garlands were 1,.Pks !teprgm.M.Huhshlcennae ayad cal'- foi' 'oshispandits wonciarful banr.ing the cutting cf trees cIe, Mr. and F. G.F.mG. h. hung high lu the centre cf the BEST BUY! - SAV'E 10e! - Good Luck -3eOfac Sdecided ta calan the speak- rats in their wooden shaes terionsapcti mhaiceven on a person's own land, A Happy New Year t aih a ll and a beantîfnlly decora- 'a a - rs in the order cf their length feed St. Nichelas' white horse. Mrs. Verîcysen stated.seteirtyaanybncsadevynetdChstsTeewsmh o! residence in Canada. ln the rnerning theyfiindthe: Siie said that on December wvera tised for the traditial1 Club 5o ladies -wili haîd thiei' admired. for 5 9cI loi ~5th all the children find large tree. By the uext the Reds hiad ýJannary meeting at the homei Jimmy Yonngman as master: --~~~ discovered the trees were gaod of President Mrs. Don Davey, of! ceremonies announced the'BS U'-SV O! eua rCub boesan bsktstaplace business and dccided ta seli January 9. r prograrn which opened witb' Vacuum (ieritol Paramettes Pardec ready fer St. Nichalas. He does'es ia.Iihpie o nrýý dMs ae mt, vrbd ign 0Cnd" Tbesnet arrive by sea in Belginmu hma ihpie nor- MrandMs ,nesSih vryoysnîgaOCnd" - Bottlesbes 2.00 Capsules but cemps riding upon a white nls profits. Brianad Jackiy, Ajax, were 'Cbristmas Greetings" xvasl 1.C5 Nr.M alvt ttdta udyget fMr n r sn yaltepplwt ' EN EX TISSU E ço $ O 790 3 . 49 3.50 -60 2.50 - J.50 hrs, udbi fhowr lak rs Mcaiovtestte ta Snca3 gtsshfMi. ndMr. ug y ilth ppis.wthPeerarivsgkti luî Hngranrds.teth Rd A J MLaga.Mr Rlp 'alrflLitiLSntittlge Santato Clurd oietTlsu egla SzeRei - ------ n h fllwigmonilcontinue ta celebrate Christ- aeSaeadMr. Don an reindeer on stage. SHC AO FRE Halo Shampoo 59, 89c, 1.29 Olin the hlown getmorning mas. She aIse spoke cf the, ~ Wade Penwarden gave. a UMA SCHICK RAZR FREE whn the elidrn etpthey ea senlbgealngck eicaming speech. Seven jun.-~g with Large Shave Cream Lustre Cream 1.09, 1.69 lfin for St. Nicholas' horse,, ildwith nuts and poppv ]Businless Drcîr ors each recited mystery ver- 'WH I E S 1.00 size Vitalis - 89c 63c Pepsodent Paste 49o has disappeared froni the boxes seeds, that is as traditienal iin______________ ses, then showed the letters cf 63e Coigate Paste __ 55e 98c Brisk Faste__ 79o n bsead wit p ese r tem, l-1 this country. c ou iancy_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ior ed wth pesets fr thnilsang "Ding Dong Bell" and - llrs Vrlesensad. he e- A. H. Strike moved a vote juniors sang "Old English 'laai aioag akdta dlse chnelf thanks te Mrs. Michailevits, RA J.DLLN Carol" with Mrs. Gwen Mur-;S ritG enm ntA p o d Me t Clerail FOR COUGHS Halîborang oankedttmats exeange Mrs. Vericysen and M rs. Certified Public Acco=ntant phy accompanying themn at the Creamn 1.25 The population of! Day.u Sweep, faor their most enjoy. 93 Church Street piano threnghout the program. 69-19 AND 2.10- 36 is mestly Roman Behlic ndmable accounts o! Christmas MArket 3-3861 The Christmas Natv i t y FRESH- PICNIC STYLE FOR RATN 69e____1.19 Drîstan Tabs. 1.25-2,25-3.75 2.10-3.65 __ the majoi'ity attend Midnight lcelebrations in Europe. Presi- IWM. J. H. COGGINS Stri-dex Dristan Spray 12 Multiple 'twe following Masses, Mrs.,sed bis appreciation ta the Second Floor KEDRON ins CTdand____ 9 Vtmn Verleysen stated. Afterwards' three speakers and prescnted New Library Building Pads Sins Tas. 69e Vitmin the reurn o teir ome lcach with a gift as a souvenir Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Clntended for last week) 90 NAremlde Caps 1.25 100 for 3.50 ýathy x return therd-om fe their visit to the Rotary Phone MArket 3-3612 Ailthrbysandgilso!th __________ __________ tionai Christmas breakfast is YALE,_____________ Ornal aps --- 1.3 1 Suday Scool ae Well toStreakedfor LxtraonaLean Syrp 6c ares served, she explained. At this & COMPANY bring in their collections from; Aenomel Vieks Cough Srp-6e Pre meal there are special Yule- , .g Acounitants and Auditors their "Cent-a-Meal" botties on' BEEF RNLS Cem Vieks Formula 44 -- 1.19 Lîquîd tide feods, meats, ceakies and(Veflorial nospitai Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy Sunday. fTA I"F rem Pertussln -__ 69c, 89e, 1.15 candies. t 6 Kiut. . 25-62 64Kig t.E. 72g61Christmas Week T A E ES1. 5 7_2.00___________Spray ___ 3 -53-0 1A rbeahfasityand later \eekly Report Oshawa, Ontario 'there was a seasonal ll n the children sing spec i a 1 Fo'r the week o! Jan. 1 -7 P. Friedlander, B. Com.,C.P.A. church actiitiets ie ostEtaLaWl rmed Smal Lnk Mld easne ft'U'flR~,be EW"FflUI'RChristmas sengs that they inclusive: MNEKed OTET iyprniesidn ejydfm OK- RAF TI .5 TOOTHA ST ITEMC A A L I~ have learned in the schools, MON EHL - CO.T1Hi~ pris 10oigate Flucrîde Tooth Ne o rc Mrs. Vericysen pointed out. Admissions 50- 135 RicEHSt.&N.,Oshw The famnilles o! Mr. and Mrs. DLII ILI1UI" b5 9'C A UIU Pte - 37cNe7ao1 Pri5. She also told of the wonderful Births, i male, 3 female.. 4 Simrere c S t. sw Carl Wilbur and Mr. and Mrs. ' - ~ U W U Chartered 9countant9 FrehWoodmhesd heir Christ ___________________..........______7__725-3527 Pepsodent FluoridePo er9e5.9 CiitsdinrbuadeDihags.. 72-37 mas party at Utica Hall with Tot Fse 7,67,1.5 Llud6 is .9 that turkey is net served at Major olerations ......... - Bowmanville about 30 members present .-l. i Tot Pse37,67,105Lqud - 6 is .9 i nstead there is rabbit cook- Minor operations .... 15 Call ZEnith 45750 Bath dinner and supper were' FEATURE! - SAVE 10o cd in wine, chieken and vege- Emergency treatments 16 Partners: served, wîth an afternoon cfA NYAL CREOPHOS stops coughs - Lge. bottie 1.50 talsTefitcorelay Visiting Fours 3 -4 pmo.J .Matih .. visitm.ng, games and dancing.CEA D £1 features soup and meathalîs, ad7t :0pm A. B. Monteith, B. Corn.. Cs.eAM. ndMs ot. o RO NBA B O M S L she saîd. The meathalîs are a________ G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I_î..Dl wr i' n Ms a mFaur!-Sae2 ~~~~~~ ~~~~ great delicacy and are pre- (Licensed Trustee) Dalapand Mi'. and Mrs. Dran' ETR!-SV i u'pn Pn rcs~~~ EW Mk pared from a special recîpe. 1iRT~TT G. E. Tretbewey, C.A. Duland fMri.lan . Frn ETR! SAEle-usp Pl C OL N G S !The iast course et the meal ftRVIJLiLE R. F. Lîghtfoot, C.AÀ. Yarnld o. LLLAN. PHN R G SO E wE FIT cake, cof tee and \vinc. Mr. and Mrs. Albe~rt Rogers ro rac c est at twa, weddings during ýo MA 3-5695 TTI""ES On Christmas afternoon. Bel- \Cished arMo.M. Srtka's hci Christmas wcek, the marriage: ie C e mà fr _____________________________________gians again go ta chnrch and vsimnd a G..EM. ShMANN DC cf Miss Sheila Dancey and Mr'. -EryRsBed-3 f ak-îî ____________________________ rcturn hbeefor supper. In lMi'. and Mrs. John Stark Chfropractor Wlamdre ls Un itsdo hc, i t ETR!-EryRie ln cOfP the evening there is carel'and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Office: sha U nted marna e o singing adpayr.Crit ffc:Ohaa nMtemr i'. o an ryr.Crs-Stark and Ted were New' 5 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. ýDr. Nancy Armbreust andM . . h C f eS 8cV L E T P mas is entirely a famiiy day. ýYear's guests witb Mr'. andj Phone MA 3-.5509 1Lamne Carson in Pelham Centre r so e BOWMANVILLE ýEach home bas its own smaIllMrs. Gaordon Power and fani-'OfficeHours: ByAppointment Churchl Fenwick. FAUE AE6 6o.Pg K ~ i ~ Mmm MA 3-5589 ilehemn, she told the Rotarians. MsBetSaryOshawa, ' Miss June Davis spent sev- - g Belias ist rlaivs ndspent the holiday at home and i>en ýaierai days in Toronto as the' t IBB friends an Boxing Day, but entertained a group of friends. R.W.M DD..guest of Miss Johanna Now- ýfl 'NewYea's ay s atim fo DR W.M. UDEL, .Dum 1CEREAL Thrs a 730- n &Sa. t adeven more visiting, the speak- and iamily, Newtonville, and 40 King St. W.DELL, anviezewski Thr.a :0-Fi a.a n .. er said. _ Mrs. Lorne Todd wcre New Office Hours: gtheheme o!Chi.mands t i FOE D FAUE!DSON RCS IMrs. Verleysen told the R ersdnerget ihMi. 9am o6 ..diy Caenceoer r. ianddlum Pkg tarians that in their first year Yars. Cargus i rl.Todd. C losdSturday and day FOE OD FAUE AROOSS in Cnada-thy . ad.. Ni- I_ M . and Mrs. r Bd.rian CaswellaOfie hee- A -590 G estso!Mi.adMs.Rs Yo1 Eve celebrations in Hungar,ing a few weeks wvith lier King St. W. - Bow'man f Mi' )saw dMak os and stated that the little cbild-1daughter, Mrs. AU1en Cornisb, Phones: Office MA 3-5688 ren consider that the gi fts tbey1 U.S.A.i Residence MA 3-5553 Mr. and Mrs, William Werry ROYAL CLOSE WEDNESDAY receive are from the Infantl Mr. and Mrs. George Knox -- ___- and family, and Mr'. and Mrs. ROJsYAaLi isHi brtda. ad am]y Shin, er hu MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Orval Jackson and family spent ____________________________________ esasiti s lso birha.lnk d a iy sts w ere h+ i Barrîster, Solicitor !Christmnas Day witb Mr. and The_________________________________________________ parents,ý Notary Public Mrs. Arthur Rowan cf Yelver- that the Infant Jesus and Fis Mi. and Mrs. Howard Farrow. Tmeac t Bwavletn MA CO M TH______..._____ AE D IR M r ga e days wcre Miss Olive Luke,'Pe um C~L~ 0)4JMY ... THE YAKITY V AH! .Il~ Tl4AT COOL, DELICIOUS1 , AITY AK SADIE RA31ILTON - ORONOMi'. and Mrs. Bert Luke and YAKIY YArry AIJEJNG EFREITNGMIYAKLL....I Phone 1 r 16 'John of Toronto, Mi'. and Mirs. 'IA(Iy PIPPS MAJO wc'MTfYygyy UNNJNG SOOTHE, L.UU. ANI YAKIT YVAKIY RECHAR6D Furst Mortgage Funds Everson Norton and family o!f DOWNLIKE YAK Residences - Farms Mai'kham, Miss Bei'yî Mountjoy37 YAK A COCK PLYAK HER!TEAK YA Business Properties e! London, and Miss Beatrice ~i' Lans -Meuntjoy cf Oshawa. Mortgage .ozi About 30 members of the ýrY~'\I Prompt. courteaus services family o! Mr. and Mrs. James - Bkr etr!-Sncm-Rg 9 ~ J)> HROLD C.PEDWELL Cookson enjoyed a rennion atBa naG etC k Rltgae Broed the home of Mi'. and Mrs. Newc ase BPhene !Walter Davis. Guests of the Newasle F-.n 3856'Davis on Christmas Day were :U Mr'. and Mrs. James Caokson 0 p m e r y and Mr. and Mrs. Vic okn Yo! Maple Grave. 7,5 KETHA. BILLETT, .D Christmas guests of Mi'. and " W 'T Optometrist Mrs. Lisle Noble were Mrs. Prices effective zit the histed Ic WReFodSorsol ýfl 141 King St. E. - Bowman-tilie Emily Stover o! Kingston, andE Office Heurs: By appointment Mr. Jack Stover o! Port Col- M D fiI! aa . ' For romt Dlivey MiIcBarTelephone MArket 3-3252 borne. i MAPL GROV MM K I**** For romp J)eiver Mil BarMon..- Tues. - Thurs.- FrL Mr'. and Mrs. Stanley Ogle' Phn A -44 OmmwED I Y 8Kngs.W 9 arn. te 5 p.rn. spent Christmas wveekend with: O NS " A K T R A I sdy veins .7li. ndMr.Park Pickard S ' A K T ... .. r n J eLadSI 2'ndfml iKent ridge. .PAGE SmX