Do m nv îe 'ntc stl. liro sate . Bur,5i 1igbt nu Jan,. hth rs. and Mss. Aar'on Go- gavP e -iading, ."A New Yea.r*ss'o Mr n r.J .C .Rooiri. lîeîm Port Hlope. RR 2 20.00 Cîced- M".Ms S. Van Canîpý defic'ienry v ith H w a ile P neo tlWesbtoiî, wese nvei'miglt Ne'y Tuet inaugural nueeî;uig Zor Mr. Willard Harncgs, reas! au article on "To-Dayv", VASELINE rg Yeai"s guests wiîi Mr. ans!thie Uuted Clîureb Wounea,, Svivali Lake. Alla. 30.W0Ialso ini the absence tuîrougîî' IDAFER (huurh Ms. Kennellu Cavely. Hampton IoX place on Tres- Mr.,Janmes SIenîar, ihhuess o! Ms Albert Wrigh',i.U D DI 7 U Mî's. George Yeo attended day cvcning. 'Osba%%a, 2îmtd donation .01 >suc reas!thie replv'te thie mot-; Liquid 21 Ontamio Stret NorthFaîkiier. Mss. lHarrv Faiknes's Prax er and Bible Stuid' v as 2ndci onationl110the foundatiouî o! wisdom. t 5011nand Vitainin 1i3uea !hî itr i. Tî îsto u e':e o moumu.t -aetret 'a.ti'V C Srg 4 SUNDY, ANUAY Itîhftneral w-as iels!li Momtreal heid uîî the rhurcb on Sunidav. Anony.mous' Mrs. McArthur gave a very, hUD Y A UR t ast Wednesday. Ouir sx'nî- cvcning. . 2nd donation . . 1.00 1 interesting papes on "Aids la compound inclîmding 1I.."EED BE 10:00 a.rn.-Stitnda>- School path 'v is extended ho Mss.,. Yco. Thie Service of Inistallatio!l Bank Interesu - 1.82 !Effective Speaking". ici whirhî BI, B2, B6 HOT A TE O L 11:0 .rn-Dvotonl SrvceMr. and Mss. Clarence Tiîîk for thie officess o! the United' $1.13.091 she meîîtîoncd posture,, thie' 110 .i-etoa evc vere iii Toronto last Wedîîes- Clîurch AOTS Club '.s-as hield Couîrîbrîhoîîs ackrîow- '.alue o! a sile. voire, breath- Ne> harsh flav'or of Iron HO rT edfrouyar 7:00 p.mwi-E%,angelistic Meeting day te attend a birthdax' part\' as follows: Honorai'. Pres . ledged for 19.59 & 1960 ung. effective wording, and a Gaa for thîir cousin, Mss. Watson. Rex Msi. Page: Past Pres. $1.188.41 ;desise te serve and under- 1 uc .525 COMMENCING TUES., JAN 16 to SUN., JAN. 28 Ms. and Mss. Wm. Dadson and, Marsbal Francis: Pres., Ralph Total $ 1,321.50 stand.16o ne27 !arnilv,, Peterborough. spent' Bailard: Vice Pres., Hasveyi Invcstmeîîts: $1,300 is in de- MrsS.S Van Camp hhanked Nightly - Tues. and Fri. at 8:00 the us-ekens! with 'Ms. and Yellowlees, Sec., Jack Mac- bentuses aI 5 ans! 512%, ail who had assisted or the Tn.M.adMs oa:TesPrvDewell; $21.50 in bank. Debentures progsam ans! Mss. MrArthur *U AAý REVIVAL SERVICES Goode and !arniiv. Lakefield, Convenor of Project Commn., will be due iii Sept. 1964. when 1 for ber home. Meeting closes! PRESCRIPTIONS . . . .. K lIU E with THE KING'S MINSTRELS 'vese at bbc Tink home on Ben Killens: Convenor Mcmn-'the accrued interest and fus- witb The Qucen, after v.hich, Sundax. bersbip Comnm., Stanley Mill- thes conîtributions will be in- a delicious lunch was serves! REV. AND MRS. CLINTON IVARD Ms. snd Mss. Lorenzo Tstîll son: Convenos o! Boys' Work. vestes!. The interest o! 1965! by the group ans! hostess anmd %vesc recent dînner guests Herman Van De Bell. wili be available for the use 'a social bous enloyes!. LV R N E JO H N SO ND RG Rev. and Mrs. Ward have conducted successful Gospel 'viîh Mr. aîîd Mss. Harlans! On Saturday a Conference o! bbc local commitîce early in The inaugural meeting of the: Services across the Anuerican Continent, using their Truli. Boxvmanville. and xith was held in tbe Unties! Church'1966 and foilowing yeass. ýUnîtes! Chusch Women o!' NEW CASTLE - PH~,~ 2 0 1 comblned talents o! music and art to the Glory of God -Mr .and Mss. Franklin Truli, in Trenton desîgned to assist' I wisbhIo thank Rev. A. W.!I Blackstock was held Thursdav Oshîninsaecopee adgvnaway ntheaders o! the AOTS group in Harding, Rex'. M. Freernan,liafternoon, led by, Rev. P. Ro --i _ ~m 011 p lnti gs ae co plete and gi~'n aw y la he ~ ~ îîiîosc W ilbri and the performance of their du - con îibutors amis the press forimeril who also gave the ad-A I r VD kr' w . m w services and eight instruments are used to asslst ini the Ms.Ry ibr. Tosonto, visit- es. Those who attendes! from hi ep neetas p rs "iino h uue *E *M unfoldint of the message of a Living Saviour. Plan cd on Monday wth Mr. and, Hampton were Ms. Hesman preciation o! this project ans!iTdfolwrg fies ec M .LEX . M cG R EL G I nwt no h% nprn hitcneesevcs Mss.: Wm. Wilbur and Msrs. Van De Belt. Mr-. Ben Killens to wîsh ail a Happy ans! Pros-1 installes!: President, Mrss John UJL E LI uow to enj , hes l spiin C rls-c nte ed ser ic s. H e wsonDI. and M . Ralph B3lard. Ieir pe ous New Year. !Carnaghan: st Vice, M rss Nei DWlý M L u ~ I ma ~ On Thussday .Dec. 28th. the chauffeur beung Ms. Marshal Mrq. W. J. MrCuliough, Malcolm- 2nd Vice, Mrs.H. REV.S. A GRAT,.P.Jr Girl Guides with tkmemx eader,' Francia of Zion. i Sec.-Treas. Kyte; Secret.ary, Mrs.Murrayl 11 WEDNESDAY, JAN. Inth, 1962 THE CANADIAN STATESMAY, BOWIýIANVMLLP, ONTARIO 1 .01 çcý WEDNESDAY, JAN. 101h, 1962 TRI CANADIAN STATESMAN', EOWMANVILL!, ONTARTO home was mnade most eno'JReeve is Optimistic Bvers: Treasurei-, Mrs. Jean? congregations werecnlr- able bv lier chance travelling __________Ni____ cLaughliti. ablv smaller than usL ,h ÏopnoMrs. H. M. EstalI.,Pormm.MM oi rMi. Walter LarmerXrdnI S oc alcopaio, n Kng- a theO f U -e s ra former Molly Simpson of fh i a Mrs. R. Van Camp. andM1,aitoba, is visitingma~r enroteoher homeEd stailpro-,aj O f Mrs. A. Ta ' ior and Mrs. Gor.: Mr-. and Mrs. Neil aom Phone MA 3 -3303 t fso. HerQueesbn iveaspro- don Strong: Christian Educa-' were amiong the gustaa I eso t uensU iesv ion, M rs. R' ame Msii-dinner at Mr. anîdMr.Hmlo, naro ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ _ a d om eni e r i a d te I fJtar, Education. Mrs. S. Dor-, Mýillet's. Toronto, au d yJ n a y 9 2 there tis ter aftera sab- flJ IfhlPC ~ lflIl'el), Stewardship. Recruiting evenung.TteEdtr Mrs. W. H. Birks wa!! a A. S. Badger and family,' batical year in England teaC o n tinu es R E VV 5 ndMmbrhpMs.R c- ymahyi xtnedM. byurJn 3disu guest of hier sister. MrF. Mont- Woodstock, Miss H. Jennings, ing at Oxford ebrhpMsR.c-Smat, iex: orner-y of Oshawa, on New Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs., _________ Laughlin and one fromn eachiand Mss. Lewis Svan s rn ae Bt n ics ~ea r's Day. W. Mairs and Honnie, Town. While calling for continued er increase thanl in any or the are flot properly regulated unit: Supplvý and Social As-'and Mss. Herb Swain M-ad"re ctee" dedication by mrembers ot Dar- 24 municipalte i h Uie ndsgedhs ln s istance, Mrs. C. Wrighit and Mrs. Harold Sxvaii-, adn orcneofrdsad Mrs, Len Henr, ipindçoof r anJo n sal Ch rist-A PTONngton Council, Reeve Garnet Cute.~uyi tef i rewa s.R onix:PesadMs lrrc alwo h aarp bas been visiting lerparents. cipientsl. nbre o!ha Ms R N ani.o,:Prs adMr.Clrnc ial 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Witheridgc. mas present, a polar bear, B. Rickard in his inaugural The Reeve declased that we are expecting front our Publicitv, Mss. C.1-Hill: Litera- dcath of Mrs. Weir San~c hsmstes Scugog Street. chiselled out of stone, fson S xrpathy of the commun!- address last Thursday outlined some progress hiad beei made i Road Superintendent is rnuch ture and Publications, 'Mss. R.' Toronlto on Friday. trmn Fitheflongnora an Ms.Lo,-dAYehis nephe%ýw l-nwnTr ty is cxtended to Mss. Walker several important steps which in the administration o! town-1greater than is required of Ta 'Ior; Communitv Friend-! is being lield in Cadu Jnd family sent a few days onto sculptor Elford Cox, a'On the occasion of the death should be taken this year by ship affairs and recommendedimen occupying similar posi- shlp and Visitation,. not ,ctida.\ (Monda). etetesaepce i wjt Mr n r.DnlÏfre omnil os of lier brother. Mc. Brian Da-.council. 'that Iurther constant study and tions in othes places. There-' filled: Social Funictions and, Snow\ plows worked taiyb'tectywt rcs hc with MrOwn.SndMr. DonadforMr o n vile o, son nat. A number of Hampton 1 He suggested tha t due ta the close co-opeation with the; fore, 1 consider it essential 1Ktchen, Ms. Il. Vanl Camp, al nght and day Sna h~~amcietaln e FouldsOwen Sund. o Ms. Jhn Cox Town. pie attended the funeral in construction of two interchan-,various Boards which spend that hie be given assistance in Mrs. H. M',cLaughlin, and one School buses appeart hdmuhoteieaoa Mr. and Mss. E. V. Hoar. Mr. and Mss. Sydney Ven-' The deceased ges in High\%ay 401, it was "large sums of money" be en- 'executingsoeo sdui,"fo eah nt; omain, getting through this Mna hf rcs utr nyo Kig t.Eat.nee el, onspntChiiggcreknd, owscale.C om o hThetes treesa arni;eomnaios Rig t.Eat.weeNEV$to sen hrstaswekedlived in Hampton w hen iiow time for counicil to re- couraged. ithe reeve stated. Mrs. L. Wright, Mrs. D. Dos-,niosning on schiedulea Year's Day guests of s..and at their daughter and son-in, us eeomn odmTrigI h ao e- yurciîPRepresentative to Board M.Rp.Bes s.EnC notehpe !tena Mrs. H. E. Kerr, Oshawa. ýlaw's, .rM. and Mrs. LarsY, iqetadveomn od Tunn "h mjrepn Tire year ahead promisps.tOo! Stewards, MIss. H. Kyte: Gibson, Bow manvilleMi ~ cie hc meitl e Murdoch, Hamilton, and vwere' ,Miss Marion Prescott, En- along the Base lune. The ReevL diture of council. the road de-'be a good one. There is an i-Rpeettv oBad~ iîmSviM.BbBn or hmadbov h e 'Ms. L. B. Nîchiols spent New ondo hita a ~ field, spent a few days witîî also called for a continuation partment, the reeve saîd that iI-RpentivOfMra S iM.1 Year's with his son and dari- tersnan ies adM rnpaetM.and'of orderly growth in the town- good progress is planne vscseasîng interest ifl 0u5mui- îP Education. Mrs. 1. Thiompson: 'nett and Mrs. Long.,saamisi h omo uc ghtes-in-law. Mr. and Mi's. Mrss.Donald Venton Of Wes- Ms. Hoskin Smith. She visit- iship and fthe encouragement or!1a number of ycars. He pointed cp]t n o horctzns1i edr. r.R tfMr. and Mrs. Leith ByEsr.s'masoapieot th Douglas Nichols, Kingston. akfragetritrs ton. cd on Tuesday aftcrnoon atldevelopment which will at-lout that it is false ecomîomy ~nthe ffir o ou twnGi. Lani ered>. thrsand MJanice rvx audv Ba3 ote aiu ii Lre rml.sueta the A. W. Prescott home, trac' simi 1 a r developînent 'lay a hard surface on a road 1 inite afi four conscivp.' t uss M' and Mr. eb ak rascndi ue aw Lost rn e nTrim ble. B ible nt o - a ýt N i c nt n arA M s R s el M o-' M r. an dc Ms.KPe l Ke l an W c lm ke it ca ieo r yti r e lbae is st ructdbcriticisrn at ally opportune I t m eeting s wmill b e c l d , us taî , o nald-- and R l b.c v ra1fon\o'e ti i e E se P e nte o o stal Bibl e ol- fa t, V i ce t anMG i. S ar 1 Ns N a cv K e l , P o rt C red it. th e tow n sh ip to p ro v id e th e t a r he l a t w l e re- t m , e ve R e a dT u sd av . Jan . 16t .h, at 2 p . mr. ai , D n d as n eogdt ni r1n h u s n n ' o e lee.Peeboouh ws oe osuh.Mi.and Mss. Ron visited Mr. and Mss. Fred'services that wiIl be requircdbllequired to bcon-ea'r. aith some o! e fo Crsta ad e Ya's'cluded.tobar it sm o -and 8 arid Wedîmesdlay, land havertundfo a bc. for hritma an Nc Ye os.Mofat MM.andMrsnLeoMsone utue.ohe ackog ! lrgelxpedi-Janture. t 2p.m an 8 .rn hoidayof lahirgeugter Ths ausebasbeei fund -j' reuntion o! former high Lionel Tennant amnd Mark,' tertained the officers o!f the'at the time o! i jcto two Wyears. il, bas beemu a major RicRard suggested that the'Cmuinwsamnserdtel _____ conan lub Tooxîo, astan Ms. V Miîso. Tson. tevcornspleted the year's, sesiousness o! the trenci in the 1Of more permanent roads, hie townshi p with its cight miles C- Saturday. 'spnt New Yeas'sDay with work'township debenture debt adccardlo! shore line, the services o!'C"iuichs Sundav morning. Marlow vvas able to euo ln tpcla htmdl M.adMrs. Robert I, Ste- Ms. and Mss. A. E. MoffattiOr hae nasesetihe and Dure to bad weather and a homne !iom Toronîto hsia g lassat e es Ms. and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iMss. H. Galbraith, Mr.q. ad urged positive action be - '"Ou nraeiiassmn be rail-ways adhighway good many b]ocked lanes. the on Saturdav. emle o h te clw yens, Debbie and Charles. Prospect St. 'Joncs and Mss. G. MacLean.fore it xvas too late. "I tan tue sad prfgraixamsonin40, th cesbltyt ita Kingston Rd. W.. rctusned last New Year's Day. Ms. and' o! Bowmanville spent Thurs- n0w say with some assurance th . d rga without sais- sport, te new Darlington Pro week from a week*s vacation Mrs Sydneyr Venton had as day with Ms. and Mrss Mer- that some of the decisiomîs îng th e miii rate. This wilI -vincial Park within its boun- In Nassau. ýdinner guests, Ms. and Mss. win Mount o.wbîchbhave been made have gîve us a soad progsam scveral daries and Mosport Race Track Mss. B. A. Green. Barrie,',Wm. Bickle and Mr. and Mss.ý Master Barr\r Thompson is caused a strcngthening i the ýtimes the swze o! many town- adjacent, as well as the gen-, Conipetitive Pricei lsProa evc Ms. and Mss. Wayne Hoocy,!Herb Nichols o! Ebenezer, and jspending several weeks with' financiai structure o! this ships anîd ncighibouring towns,!eral topographîcal features it _________________________________ Toronto, were holiday,, visitors Ms. and Mss. Howard Alfin of bis gsandpascnts, Mi-. and municipality," hce continued. and bc comparable 10 that o! possesses. gave Darlmngton with Ms. and Mss. A. L, Hooev'ý Newcastle. The following dy Ms. Lashibrook, at Passyl He also pointed out somaconti ,h said. We imucch 10 offes in attracting fur-' :rad r.rvna Mino. hav, many inter sections which 1thes dcvelopmcnt. and family. 'M.adMs.1vnAun on.iwhile some municipalities1 Holiday guests with Ms. Newcastle. and Mr. and Mrs.t Mr,. and Mss. Gordon Chant' wese tundesgoing decreases 1111 ànd Mss. L. C. Mason wcre Norman Down o! Ebenezer and famiiy spent the weekcnd Population. Darlimigton had; Mvr. and Mrs. E.Mason, Davi eredinner guests at te it h sed t d~ îe- honagetrices u-W o m en' O rganization adBiuTrnoan rhoeMran r.HretPe-ing 1961 than in 1960. a great- 1__SEII AUE N EIDR and Msu. E. Marden, Oshawa. Mr. and Mss. J. Muir, Osh- rot t, Roger and Erin, Ennîs-A VA Mr. G. F. Purdy has return- awa, returned home on Tues- killen. visited at the A. W.t Mrss edCan, a apatEWII H Id In u ur Pd !rom a five-week visit with! day aler spending a few days, Prescott home on Wednesday: in the Christian Education r bis son, Ms. and Mss. Gcrald wt hi agtr n o vnn.Roor. A horscshoc xvas form-! Purdy o! Northridge, Calif.,t n-law. Ms. and Mss. W. W.t On Frîday eveni5ig the Sun- ced k' the Girl Guides. In O shaw a on Jan. i 7thS EC A SOL just 18 miles fsom Hollywood.,Bgeî,Suo S.Weend day SehGoo Room wa.s the Fu e er si e fo e -a u gSft-s Mr. and Mvssitohs with Ms. and Mrss scenre o! a 'happy gathering ceived as memnbcss--Sharon: l'ihe new organi7auion o! the or, ednesday, .Ianuarvy i ,h, Ms. an Mss.John KlleenBagmucl xvere their daughter1when a miscellaneous showerlCockburn, Linda Botbwell United Cîîur(h of CanadaJt2p.Alwmnacugd T...BadAtu e 8 4 mn Rsmay wecNe wtad snin-law. Ms. and Mss. was held for Miss DarlenelBcth Robinson and Trudie, Yea's ay uess o be ,' R. Robson. Toronto, Mrs. Rob- Fowier. a bride-to-be, The Wi]kins. A coiour party xva- The United Church Womnen,ito attend. tes~~~~~ ansrt e-n-a . M . on re mnaining for a eek'si o m was attractively decor-'lield witb Julie Payne carry- ca m-ý. into being on Januar At 2 p.m. 'egist'ation akes S O 1 A-H O V D E-9-- 1 89BO-P N and m~s OrvlleChaliceandisit iiliber parents. atcd -with pink and wvhitc'ing the Union Jack and Sher1st or thins ear 1962. It is ex-h ooed yopn or IA.radAS. 30rg9c faiy rn.streamers. Darlene. ber- mo- m' Chant casi-ying the Com,_'pected that this organîztion51p, election o! officers. andIA A A L T 9e.PAT~TPK famiy, Oorm. t olidys ith s..the r and bier friend, Miss San- j paniy Flag. Thc erecmtwî retvercithe lm*sinauguîral service, etc. Stpper D S L T BET niolds spent Christmas w-ith and Mss. Maurice Conwayl dra MacNab, werc seated at: accornpanied by anr escorl.o! the wolnen of!Ithe C _uchwill be served at 5:30 p.m. their daughter and soi-ini-law, were the lattes's sistes, Mrs. the front o! the room. Misses' Ginger BaIson and Sally and the x arîous work facets o!ý The evening session begmns EvlnHoad egI0 .Mi'. and Mss. Paul Weiiivei Doris Hall. Mss. L. F. Mundy Ex'a Ye, and Arline Short as-: Payne respectively. the Church.af7p.Aogthrims! HAND and BODY LOTION79 jui Lur, GeesbroN.,,anid Mr. Mundy. Misses Bas- sisted in passiîîg the înanv' M'rs'. Rumcell gave out badge-,; r reimorane n gi cal iitercst. the dedicationi ibad andura, GreenHaboro81 NfC.llpIAil tlake place and the gîest! 40, Alberto Ciemne Hîmse smth 1.89 si7P rcturning home at New Year's.baandMrln alIlo lovely gifts. Darlene thanked'tothie following: Ei-igetncv wome,-,, n mn is distict is the speaker xiii he Mrs. W. C Mis atCowa, .N, O'tt obaa.Ms.. Al Paskin te'jîî 'mn ensfrthe Helpers. .Julie Payne. DarleneînaIIî_ural Meetingof Oshaw~a Ives. Mss. G. A. MeMuIlen wi Il ALBERTO V05 HAIR SPRAY 1.8 MisPtCna. .. ctBaygeorn. Also inn hplesmt upie at Pic-Hall. Kathy Hall: Little IHouse Preshyterial United Clu ccli loge an address and Bible' op quaity weczcrs with 53ic -size and bote-in-law, M s. and were Mr. and M s. F. A. Hall, unch w e sve be f r e hch'- Nure, rln Hl, JulieP y ;Ho e which w li take place 1Stu1 M- to wili be gienT' las m nth to vist ei- sit~r fa ilufocSh.a di n st r s ere ak e aft e whic N ursbe , D Jle ne H omnule'- m n et o sB A N D -A ID S h e e r S trip s 5 e7 o 5 Mss. R. F. Love o! Palo Alto.iMs. and Mss. Ray Anfang and esyone set out for home on Pavne, Kathy Hall, Globe 5l t____ Cn af ad stan0W 01 Hoib t0 5 a ml,Mr. and M s. L. A. the teacheous ice. t Trotter Badge. Darlene H l: j f ' ' a < f gE i l e10 Ounce __ _ _ ino stfotStnodHopt. Parker ansd faiiy, al o! Wil-1 Ms. Charles Howsam, Mr. Gardener's Badge. KathY Hall ,H om e m' "' N XZ MA SkiC lrumb.3 PaoAt.los'daîIe, Mr. and Mss. Ron!George How-sam, Mî's. Jim Julie Payne; Reporter's Badge. N X E A Si Cra About 25 of Itie 1961 coumi- Hall, Sturgeon Falls, and Msi.1 Baird and Cindy. Port Pesry,' Darlene Hall: S w i mii i Ig ------ aelling staff of Woodeden Bill Darlin#g of Washington,!Mr5. L. C. Snowden and Msr. Badge, Esîl'me Basson, DarîcefI Regular 65e size tube CipelCidesC a m p. DC. t Bob Snowden. Maple Grove.lHall. A chie em ent D ay LISTERINE Tooth Paste - 2 for ?c London, Ont., were entestain-1 Mî's. Geo. W. James attend- were Fsiday afternoon visitors! Mr.q. Chant presentecl Da- ed nt -a luncheon ast Satu:' - c natroo e te witb Ms. and Mss. Sam Deweli. lene Irali ho Mss. Rudcii vho j4cr îxîlvkrn hamo ih9cs ciay by 'Ms. and Mss. Walier homre o! Mss. H. R. Pollock, We w'elcome Mr. and Ms.'gave Dai'lcne bier Ail Roundi e d in uEMA LE NS othPatn-98 H allWIdCery RyodansoDai. 'Arbour Glen Apastments, Tor iD. Lapiarni ho our comnmun- Cosd. A fine pictusre o! Dar- - - - Medicated and Christm'as guests vw th Ms ýonto, last Saturday evening.ýtyThey have purchased th'e lene appeared ini last xeek's Th, 4-H llomnemaking Club Mss. Lloyd SînrTmn ____________ and Mss G. Badges King St.Although the weather was in-,pew bouse on1 Temperance Si. copy of this papes. Alixee- a' frth i Sk idnner..~SmkruDr Es.includes Ms. and Mis. clement Mrss James' bustrip in the village and nioved on Guests present %verc. Ihe, jecî -Sepamates for Summer ýEconomrist for Duihani. Peter- at__Satu rdaY. Badge Testers. the SecretarvN. was bm-Id mn Orouîo on Salur-l borough and Victoria Counties mi MsMary Wilins. O.hawa. the District Directoî', the Mn- da\. x bnibi 6h Approxi-,was in charge o! the program- VP I R N T H R H guest witli Ms. and Mss. Har- 'Page. Lunch was servcd mb'. ' v75nir' r ompie- me. She vwas ass sted by 1v!ss XO RA U N IT E D was a New VWir'sE e iin t her an dRe. Ms. a d te !e projeciwhich onsist tHai bara Hill. Clotlîng S M in st r - Re . m . . lou la de , B A.oB. . h Wilkîns. ' M r. 3e t he ir l G ude C s ,. o'l-icriof maXig a blouse and alist, Toronto. Organist- Mr. Arthur. Coflson, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. FIoskin«s Sunday Sebool class days a Tor Alpha Convention ________adhotsif________he____ pojctwil e. ca red out the story ! t e w s h l n T r n o xih f u Visiors attending the aller- "The Cereal S Ielf' w lî ch in arly application isually 2~ 6 IlNORNING WORSHIP small sum io! mlonm, thev -ai nmeetings anid nany fin sec the Faslîîom Paradeof! cipes foi- the lise o! cereals at peet he ti hl $10.0 I tlýe worý,'clrisian eadrs.The imsSurrmerSeprate cosistng:bre k fstIiifcliandatnni o!foratin Coidt o Soror Sacrament of The Lord's Supper of the Sunday School. 'or, of the meetings wcre Io d oof gathered skirts, stramght!Buving, storing and uise o! For cvery antiseptc .5 5 Ms. and Mss eleHslwaeerpsil oiîraeskirts. pleated skirts, pop tops, cereals wili also be discussed.' or Fever Blister. Medicat- "You Can Be New Person"Thorntonl's Corners, spent Sat-'1 Temperance work. and Puît c-sadBîmd hrs The training Schooi for hIe fPd for quiik relief. lJaihy ne eedo 7 pan. - EVENING WORSHIP mrda'y evening with Mis. John ldown Ille great cvii, alcoliol.ail, made bY tie club niemibers. ' 4-H l-omemaking Club Lead- ts corîsîiioris ie lips, "'a"somai. iThere w esc 288 'VOuîg people A programme o! exhibis amd rs wll be leld on January A N1c 5 Sacrament of The Lord's Supper Mss. Albert Balsonl, Solimia. present. frorn al[ oves Onîtario. demonstrations were psesented '301h and 31st au the 10,0OF. h<cnps theni soft and D ET TO LkP T xisited oin Saturdav îith Ms. Miss Eva Yeo, Ms. Gordonî bv the club memîîbcrs and eni- Hall. Orormo. If yoîî have inter- îîcaîtllx'. D-T "Futile Fretfulness' and Mss. Hasold! Balson and Snîahe and Ms. Bob Kossats- joyed b 'vaIl who attended. ested girls in your commuiiîy TIM i ODIEuN £IS»IC rnhd odCpue îUDY SHO fanîiiy. 1wceepresent evesy day, w'hile Ccîunl'\, Honours wese pre- who %vould like to forin a club594c,7 ,1. ,2 SNA COLiMs. and Msrs. Burrows vîsit- a 1Iumbes o! the other vomnug.senîcd to: Lois Ashton [rom 'woîîhd yoli please contact.Mss5949,'c,12,.5 30s-15 9:45 a.m. - Junior, Interniediate and Senior ced Ms. and Mrs. Eric Pihhlips. Peo>ple attcnded sorte o!rIlie Ihe Sommua Club: Gwemi Glas- Marioni Waddell, Home F on- North Oshîawa, and wese Sun- meetinîgs, Mr. Gordon Chanit pell. Esther' Rosevear aîîd Ly..n- oîiîics. Omntario Dcparinent o! 11:00 arn. - Beginners dlay eveniîîg dinner guests zpsonioted the interes oro! us ie Staintoii. a11 toi Ille Tv- Agriculture. Oakwnod Rnacib 11:20 a.n. - Kindergarten and Prirnary wth Ms. and Mss. Rudy Jam-,young people ini Ibis filme coi- sone Club. on conîpletioii o! Lindsa.v, Ontario II mer. Oshawa. fesence and iooked alter them- six Hioiîcnak-mîg Club pi-o.iec'ts. . -IN*Cny il Baby-sitting Service Orn Tbursday evenîiig the:registration. The prcsentatiomî xsas madeD dd Kdnyrg S P I m~0 ladies of the Ser-vice Club' At the Hi-C nmeeting last by Mrs. Wisemnî. Presiden< B A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL c tesd . a dinner for the wAeek. Mlis.s Eva Yeo xvas ini o! East Durlîamr District WoOC M embers o! the Council andcharge o! the nmeetinîg in Ibthe ns ýIistitmjte. MiN.NATIONAL BRANDS79 __________ -their wives. and tb ail tie absence of Pre.s. Mi- Gor'donm The leader,, o! hlik 4-14 hostces foithie Woinetr * bI-Pr esEfcieJn ay8-3 lonsbip Em~plovees and their' Siale. Eva chose scripturi, Hnîcmankiîî lLîhs ii-iqiurhaîîî wIle. lMspîasntUvn ..a..s n fi *vti---Coîiy ee:Ms. ...Pis-.stuiîîeilîg em-sdv.! 'DA eqv me 0 u a 9