PAGE EIGHT TE CAKADIAN STATESMAN, NAZ WL ~ EfAV. JAlq. 10th, 1962 SPORTropuc, Intermediate Hockey Standings /~\ DyB Frank Mohun NIA 3.7234 EASTERN BOWLING CHAMPIONSHIPS p V L T G GA P. A week from this Saturday - that Is Jaflufry 20th, a Bellerilge 120 4 5 3 large turn-out of local bowlers Is expected te cornpete at xrde1 Liberty Bowl, in the first qualifying round for the Eastern. Trenton 14 O 51 4 18X Canada 5-Pin Championships.PotPry S 3 2 O 4 29 1W If you wish to enter, and are a recognized member of P__________________________________ orta le - l 3 ry42 8 a ladies' or men's league, pick up an entry form fromi___________________________________ Manager George Elliott as soon as possible. The top 251?0 1-- Lindsay --- 3 will advance to the zone eliminations, where 1mean i1Goodyear H ce Port. ow lineI ---12 ladies wi]l qualify for the Eastern Finals in Hamilton. M x d L u u o ln 4-polnters- The finals, when east meets west for the Canad ian _________ qas34ps tit e, w ill be held in Saskatoon, E aster w eekend. L arr y iperre c e h i a s i a g r o p e o e r a k l n : AX e u i t . equals 2 4 p~ rece tefnlsi agayacupeo easbc, ln'Leaguers returned to actionl*'apel iePedntad wt xBwavlieBob Gallagher. Be nice to see a local'A c G o auIie, Jo h n F o w ler LEG OI I d, te akng the eary lordMs. . arrnSeceJri follwngtehiay, ithe Jim Fo m ad'e bowler In it again. yEI La ~EG O leadafter trouncing Luxto .'rasc. Now back to the qualifying round at Liberty Bowl. Afh T tI Cf~ A I k ~ wnto ae n l aisfrepesn hi bowler who participates in more than one league must use: *il ajirareVYscore Hgare»ýC r*n I 'IV~~~~1 B W L N G one, but the total pinscotdneinerad he hîs highest average. Handicaps will be used for prize money~ In Goody-ear hockey, shut- Mats. John was pressed into 'Bill Lyle counting the Insur- wound up even and the score! On Thursday ev enigrto h hi n otne enly - Fîve games ta be bowled - Entry fee is three bucks.'outs fail into the rare category, action for the Hose In the sec- iance tally seven minutes fromn The second day of *62 saw 4/2 - 2i. kh hminhp r pnordb h oln r-t SIday'ftrnonmeeting xvas heid in the lug h etn.Amto a the ndecoriend.rig n the Legion bowlers in action at Three contesis ended in 5-2 of th ouihview Gol n id ohaeiqiism Th cam!oshpsar sonordbyth BwlngPr-~UtSudy ftrnon Jhnon econeffortut rnln na 1In the nîghtcap, Dan Girardi LiberiClu' '5Crg prietors' Association of Ontario. Fwler racked up a pair of spectacular efot Inar a he i ontwo ofDn thrdierty Bowl, as th~esecond HiaBokdeaedCrngCuf0raizthre*iinflcO.. Ma orsrksb nn,!ht-ahjb.I h pn 5-0 shlutout over the Office. hdino io ftreschedlule started last Tuesday One Etchei,,Spicerdowned El- 'ladies curling club. A el-trndcu l Mavyor sries e -tns' witewah obsreathhoenwbra swa anadd onD asersi onBrok nd ob Wftone Mr1E3WrCrwfrdandhi Ls ecesavwoatnone umei YVour head-pins few, .er, "Long John" helped bis John Clark opened the scor- also scored twice witb "Jiggs" 1nîght. Perfect grabbed the Bromeil. 1chaîrman W Czforelcionu o et a eiihete Adtevr etleague-leading Fan Beits ta a ling for the Fan Beits after 21 Cowling claiming the otherJ early lead, trounicing Samnis Hida-r1kld al ow- ficrmanlieor th e~l eankn:x a smdmnsu And ct e y bu,- i v r t e l st p a e ' i u e f s o el s l y ih m r e 7-0. The oth p-r tw o contests, ers w ith a 721 triple and a 280 1 the rew ards that could m C - o ta in t is w r os u se 0f luck ta you. w~~~ý%ere much closer, Elliott win_-1 ingle. Arnold Sleep picked pected Ironi the particiain(eewud ec'riu e: Back in Loss Column? ning over Dobbins and Wright 1 f the top scores aniongst the in a curling club, stressiu o e s~î savriic 1' t t ' downing Yeo, boh ~~~~~~~~ men- a 699 triple and 2771 onlyteejo eto th miin nîiesofse- sc V ores, single. "Hap" Palmer was next sport ifself b)ut also the flo ls k¶,ev tm~d. VIA TV '~~~~~~~at 631, followed by Jim Cas- ship within the club. eadtatwuiaetobtae Thi rpote kow h'snetth olyon wo vp5ýKeith Yeo started the newitle-661, Joe Nowlan-657, Vi visd the ladies o cosdrarof This reporterthe rgknooot itesNrnit theandonly anocktheho wasges f Sh inesmerlzed by the variaus TV Bowl Games on New Year' S am roc s B w t x rb g 3 h hmgh triple of 732. Ross -651. with the Ontario CurlingA~ -sdcddîsedo Dayandwe re ure hatthee ae adict wh tun te! Wrîght wvas next at 717 , fol- -Other higb singles were roll- 1Isociation, as it wouîr riak dials from game ta game during the time-outs. bigusing the sanie AI GlaspelI at the mid-way' Burgess finallv bt fr h edm y EnG rah- 70 Dick bYp" DolneradlJeN- 7sphei el aud soci)aeiiu' ttea ~rirtiSproe Hoeew'efnlyraie htti s' h vyformula as Bowmanville thie miark. Cherry put Uxbrîdge in'Shamrocks at the 9:27 mark, Pcrfect-620, George Elliott- a- ,V ors-6,Jmohrcuanscialhu n'ew-, te enjoy It - because after lt's all over you don't know wholprevious week, downed. thel front ta stay at the 17:09 mark with Marjerrison completing,68-rak1ams-09 an af-26 , Art Spîe-2568,r ther eiibndeetl mrvu ~it otnecrigo l Satrdy e aw Shamrocks 9-3 In Uxbridge, a h 6nes1eto8td tesorn w mntsFrmH ranklmer-609 and lt-6,An Biroc. niriieti played who m n n what bowl game. S tr a e sw tmwO'Thursday night. After losing, sete n r e r entheon sto rs ýthe end. ug hes amnute"Mfortmr R eýnI i eife nil t romplete and one haîf-game. Sunday - one game and Mon- svni ow h oasegan hmtote bsore-heevtorihareds augss d . the first, om rahm'02, sîngle lteam Standings Aelecaion a inhl ieis e.e~î a day two full gaines, three-quarters of another and haîf ci splurged in the second perlod' A pair of goals each by Tom- wiith Don Masters and, Bb .eahig fotaendihtn s ,i whcich M s tele asicnîunqiealthic pnother. Six and three-quarters out of eiglit andi we really, fdfetLxrdeer-but linson and Rennick along with lAbboft drawing assists on Mar- Tea Sandnginati -..i7 letdside;Mrs , NK. iFlsevev e hadthemaic ouc -onl msse a oule f tucdo cldub turmîed if on in the mid- a 7-1 bulge at the end of the1 The tearn was badly weak- ?g H. Brock__ hl the entIre 14 or .15 hours. Oh well - the worst (or Is itIdle session ta prevent the middle staxiza. 'îe yteb~~-, Spicer5 best) Is over now. Just a couple of "rugby vi'a TV" ek1Shmos from enibarking Cherry bagged his third tally!Olinski andeRaybsesteo. Jack!Peîîot7 Lobb < I ~Dk ends left and then life ivill return to normal, ion a wini streak. at 6:25 of the final period and Mantle was between the pipes1rght H.aEcrrison21" Giso oeie tescriga minute and 25 seconds later1'or the scond consecutive: 4,I Etche2r L E2 But the Tournament of Roses Parade - now that's ear]y in the game, but Brian 'Rennick com-plefed the bat-!ganie. Only forpnlie'eeDbbn ~- E Br2F wht e at a ec-itrny equteawhile before weýHuèhes knotted the count on trick, bis three goals conîing!hnc otJEi.da on e ---- Broehk 2 get there, so if anyone bas a colour TV - lîow about an' a play with Ron Burgessand in little over ten minutes. test-three ta Bowmanvillc. 'Samis 0 -- ...- Luxton----- -- Invitation ta watch the big parade next New Year's - might, -...___--___-__-----------__ -A LA- A- as well get our bld In earIs'. No doubt we saw the Sugar Bowl in New OrleansMLege Sh mckAi SeFo several years back, and we do remember driving around the S hm o k A e o beautiful Orange BowI - it sure w-ould be nice to be there M enIsILijr L a u on a New Year's Day - but ahead of ail that we'il put the parade.1 The year 1962) looks like a 323-251. Hank Janzen had 7901 Nowadays yau read eacti sports reporter,$ vlews of big ane for most of the bowl- Cari Leslie 770 (3M0), Russ Pr Wt o t Hpr whic Isthebeter gmeCandia or mercan Wesa ers in the Mens Major League. Halîman 762, Ernie Perfect 761 whic luthebeter ame Caadin o Amricn. e SYFfty-one bowlers bave start- (357)t, Frank Blunt 743 (350), by BilOrme'ndMGapiai ulninsnm!e.Tisa tece ours is. they say it's theirs.~~~~~~~~ ed the yeaî- with a better thami Ray Fry 723, Ed Lugtenbuirggodprrmnendet-wnnlstek'eiino, Three major differences - we have the single point, ý200 average. Keep up the good i713, (320), Russ "'Shady" Lane \Vth just haîf of the tegit- igbetefrmeac iesouf. then St at ea"Ifaedta o: wedo' hveafarcach ndw dn' lwteamsto cllwork fellows and thîs mayliîad a single game 319 and El-.arcedlecnited, Bow- jn e. mac ie u ten"tion an who fotanly was tie donts.bave a farguatch andwn' gnt a our,1e m en v obetebeteer o'mok30.anville% Ilîtermediate hockey Durîng ithe game in Ux. mn aononf o or l o wall tieaus Yumy ruetre onsaans oui mnprvJack bey athe et ee.on WlBilOke02. rileclub faces what coil eacu bridge the other night, Slîan-abifctrn omvle opoe o1,ecetc. But these three items, in aur opinion.'Jc V a h eoo Wl iIOehdlwtil cial home and home set.wiîrock goalie Red Mantle played hving OHA. hockey this year' opposed to 12, etc.,the night with tlîe bigh triple '414 and Cecil Mutton bow led Pr oeOtrotefrtasadu ae unn sd but w-ho bas beemi behind this niake the Canadian game far superior na matter bow mnry 890 and bigh single 359. Gay's telgni f18 Terrt Hope ein ahoe th i rs- t ater oumturluai. aeeDar.olorsothte downrs or players. ather two games vere 262- jîasters 111 and Russ Lane 115 club thtertrntefi lbld ndo n ccs ,D in sFoers o fpatheCrtal The worst of these is probably the time out. Not ro1269. Big Ed Leslie wvas next[ ln the team standing liap'sda vfhtertrehefl aeeado meocason owe a big vote of Ithanks ta 841wit ganesof 6îýB.. ad CwanEqu .lowing niglît at Port Hope. made an extreml painful bad If you'rc viewing on television, but imagine if yau'rc at:with wf gmso 67 A îd oa qipmnen, îe rtiete "" Red appea r led Cap Faires' for lîelping ta pro- th aehwtbeexcitemnent dies down when anc team 115 -----I bath came up witb 3 points t l'Bie Morrin rigtom Coanchbaten on hish g, bard anc bidmnower fianlsuppl orti the ganine bown te fel adthtohe a k ee ut Titheleadi teseod tatrainer-in-chief Gord Cowle but ait he last secomnd reacbedbu mno lyfiancwllsuor te nirhing on te fed oe a n e iothe aUrne uteP et R-n aildhelis confident that we have the out with his moutki and brus Sh amocs Chcaos olirsFil - ad ha aswhtwenoieda297 average and this will be strevýgh, ability land detcrmin- uk aside, continuing Te"cr"piebsrab ~a ~ r j ~ h a t o nly at e n d e dian c g ain e in lîe U nite S tate s J c k G a y sarte d off lfh th e p layh e P U Ce d $ 1 0 0 0 0 a n d c lu b o ff ic ia is Cho's Slder Fel -ad ha wsAbatteondŽ iadto hîîd.Ed Leslie is are o sar.wiininuar utilthi P13' ad r uckyl ______________________ ___________ jsecond witli 280 and Hank Jan- shtare of games and a pair of ceen carried outside aur zone. eapeful that es ae . ____ _zen____ ___ _a__2__63._ wins this week would go a long Affer a brief pause for re- i be able ta side the puck zen bas ai g hi a d ai, t e rem ain- Spo ts inner Dr. H. B. Rundle iwînner ' o way fa thec oyfrin s n I pair, e nsîd athef f t uhte o nddi h Sports i the bigh average for lcfîs l pr the bol-s n Intommit nig bfo thre o e o jackpot. Should a lady or hl If you want ta know whcther schedule is now in 30t becoming top contcnders inae aiigthe mr gO the holder af thc lucky1 A inumber of sports car rac- ý inoi- their group. stops. The Injurs', althougb rgamteso ilb torlf nuac rgai s igetuissfo a ion painful, lbas flot cost Red ans'rgame h ho ilb ,orpiartsuan e ro rafî i O nt sast ri o m varbiaus1 . I L Pt. Defenceman "W lîtey" Pres- tetb sa far but is eatirgbhab- made from the blue-line, w ile adequate for thejob i utdo tpnaseof Otelo iT ii W L PtS. ton stil] is flic team's top point ls iduneroa sliglit change menivill still be required to' tac u mst endnc atthellt anîuh}jp'5LA. 0 3 getter witîî two golsadhfrooft d- from centre ice. Corne for you . ust ask. Sports Celebrits' Dinner, ta bel Cowan Equmnent 3 0 3 leleven asé;ists for thirteen ' on, yuhce as e u hed n orn'oonThrsasBownanville Cleaners 2 1 2 closels' followed lis Jimi Olimi-f Oftemi, whcn giving credif lThtrsday and show the teani rhoes no charge or obligation. Febrtîary 1, as a fîînd-raising ýKen's MNen's Wear- 2 1 2 [ski and Bob Marjerrisoni îith 1ta those resporîsible for flic1 you're bebind them, and mby-' project for crippled children. 1 Liberty Bowl- 2 It 2 six couniters and five set-ups 1success of ventures soine of the; be, take home a wonderful' Banner Passant . Among head table guests 1Nehs Osborne Ins.. 2 1 2 ýapiece for eleven. Marjerrison's1 main persans are for somrie rea- 1 prize, Game time-8:15_p.m. %vill be yothful Peter Rs'an Selby Grant Heating 2 1 2!linemate, Don Masters ilsnx MA 3-3258 of Monît Tremblant, Quebec. Bowmanu-ille Hlotel 2 1 2 with four goals and Rssists on I wbere we teach thec boys ta 14 Rehdor Ave., Bownianvillte Oeo andsbttrko Firtli's Meat . - 2 i si others for ten, Mort Rich- 1 cou t News help ather people regardless racing drivers, Ryan won theStephen Fuels- 1 2 li'ards wifb four &nd four, and; faf inconvenience ta themsevs ifirst Canadian Grand Prix at 'Lamîdcr Hardware 1 2 1 "Smoke" Bturgess with two amin uîî leis cul fNx rday lbos' SUNtiN SSRACEFE ASSOFCAADURANCE PrkonSeCOiiercalaJY Tre..----CAN12ADA Mosporthelastcopl D NParkrsaythonys 3Ot lat henhedefatd IPesi ir----------four coniplete the Shan-rocýklino01itlis o boy have been!will be holding an outdoor, 30lsuc mt wermainle' - known pqiCola - -- - i-- 2 1 top-six scorers. active iin scout trahining Quife game ln Bowmanville. Do naf ____________________________________________r riin trs astihn g M- nwnKass Jury & Loveil 1-2O13 w Late starters, Briai Hughes la few boys have been earing be alarmed if you sec ans' and Lloyd Hamilton are im-! badges and gaining knowledgef strange characters walking TIE NEXT KINSMEN of England anud Olivier Gende- Robson Motors 0 3 0, proving with each gaine amtd in !scouteraft. Charles Evans 'aroumîd thie town, This is their mu ~f ficia of BliMoso-. Pr, are rûalîs' making tlîeir, pre- 'lias completed bis Starmnans, part of the game. bie natof B ei nte Avernaes f sem'Ice feltt cad imne flues' te Camnpers, Music, and Swiiniii- YusiSctng UiUPaiERsneCinA RîaionI'NGOn to th(e ce,-;rs badge-.-StepheiJeffers' or n cuig 192auto racing circuit north off Jack G-ay 3 297 Our1 Rbet cee.(Kn FRIDAY, JAN. 12,16 'Bowmanville. have made ar- lEd LesUie .-..... 3 2o Ou lfetisive stremigth i»s bis Starmnans. Dog handlers, Rortaie.(ng)f rangements for a table at the :Hamîk Jamizen 3 2)6,1 saund, with Terrs' Masters,'Canoemnaîs and Swimimers Scoutmaster. Total Value in Prizes - $7,500.00O 1962 Sports Celebrits' Dinner.lfCarl Leslie - - 3 2571 Wlitey Preston, Bob Abbott badge- David Puk bis Aqua- -______- - Russ Halhmuan 3 25-1 rist and Swimnîmers badge-, Including $1,600.00 Snowball if won ln 54 Non. Ermie Perfect 3 254 PaulSWnershbadgeCsesadeiGo d 1962$600.00 in Regular Gamnes L1uà ra lnt.. 3 4 ertog luis Starmans badge and1 1am62e $1,000.00 Hi-Lo Gamne Rayav Fry ----L-t-nur--- 3 241 L- ianWiln.AlnLno, No teamiv as able to get the $450.00 in Special Gamnes iClarence Oke 3 2:3,1 f ~Ilan MUacquarrie, Brian Karp'unpothretwnte Junior Girls Jc Lder927 nid Chuarles Ewert their Swimn- ]Goody ear Bowl i ng second Nm ra CoteGoodwtn à - liately 0. Gay'G.Jack Elliott 3 2271 - mers badges. The followimîg ,sd îgt at Liertay TBawl ]eterborough emril enre5 X eaO ,Brow~n 3 - Mulh olLryPer ----- 3'2boys bai-e now conîpletcd flueir>,dyngta Liey ol __________________________________land 2.La1rs .... 227 'T" b'Loy r- Five of the six ganies ended ________ ___ _ _____ ____RugssLane-.----------3 - u 2 6 !inu5rfoocorese-LloigGrd- 'iglu Sîngles-J. Bromue] 12 18,1 Harry' Gays-'----- -- 3 226 i ham, Ken Martimu, Rodnev n52soy- evn ns B. Brown 217, 202, 'Dr. AI Sylvester- 3 2'-' - syer, Johnm Gebocrs, Carl M&- -.tiree points between flic lead- llih oule- BBnwnf ebrc tehe --- z,- Mullen, Doug Sleep, Georgers anid fhe cellar-dwellers. M E O I L A E N1419, J. Bromiell 341. In. Col-n 3M - vans adRbers Elis. Offlycontest t deviateahnfrom' M EM O IA L A R E A ...... Pul els ba ben eecte Shp ege he ose4-3. The ,)"I, ITroop Leader hv flue Court of ýOffice feil to the Banbury,' MA N V I L L E ville 5 - Beaupnie 0, Etcex 5- IDickz Patficld - --3 1 HonmotîPauli Wel!sh anid Ste-BriesowdLadPe, Leaclu 0, Jack Tioud .~ 3 221 phen Jeffens' have receîîtlyif m Ct ve obns Higl Sinles B. olvhle u~sOke ---3 "'0 Icompleted their First Class 'Cornets defeated Laboratory, - -l-gh8 R.Beupie- 1 ,92. J B bi ca rds n 3 218, badges. B th of these boys are; and the Fan Belts were wnm-' --V u 5 L 360, R. Beauprie 328. Clil Bud Moses . 3 218 Qucen Scouts. 52 PUBLI C ~~~~~~~~~~~Teenage Girls 'Keni McWilliamns= 3 216 atTusysmeinwsDoOkcmepwthi Wesselhs 7 - Cale 0, 'Mul1lioDI- Ted Bagneli .. 3 2151 ?fltM vêmIREi Ls hrdysnefigwsOecm pwt lamd 5- Pedn 2 Muda' Gen andr 3 14 fl* UU Eli in the formn of a "Good Deed bîg 354 gaine, which should 7 - Vanstone 0. 'Dr. H.B. Rundle 3_nih.2t13nco the scouts1take some beating during fhe' S K A Tnle -. aI N Gouso Wole 3 212 IK Y T E amsta do a good deed every ýschedule. Other fine efforts:i S K A T N G 33,209,D. esslls 49, M.! arl ick ll -- - 20 [I ELY O R da tosome person other flian ýwere turned in by Howard Ed- ' P. M Muday242, 220, J. Paeden Les Smale - -__ 3 209 trll nelgn o isl.O hrdyteby mondson-32î, Ron Maynard- 234. S.Burgess217. S Alla- arcld enneft . 3 20 sent ouf without previaus 3 10, Mike Murphy-297, Frank 8.0wae 3,S B urgss21oS lamd08Bio-harlBott 3 208 concentrato weIl, pay notice to seek out people Who Sainis- 285, Bill Joli- 281, P.Jefe'20 . Jo Nwa 3 20 attention to details and needed belp. TIies were luckyiGeorge Dadson-. 273, John FRIDA IANP.2th igh ripls-09, VaJsoe iTi'wm 3 208 when you write lotters in lots of cases and found pco- !Carter and John Coomnbes- 658, M. Munday 6:36. Paul Chant 3 207 yo u iIways I ficlu de: pic who wantcd help but there i 264's, Jim Houck-263, Leon Teng osDave MKigt 3 20 were other cases îvhere flic Connors-262, Bill Shotter-i SATURDAY, JANUARY l3th Tennge 5 -Bon2s a.,Keith Shckmletn 3 0 M Your correspondent$ people stared at the boys and ý261, Arnold Lobb-253 and H fstone 7 -Chiares 0, Mknight uk Brunt 3 205 full and correct postal I suppose thoughit boys must Lloyd Forscy with a pair of H O CKEY e ________ 3 205 hie fooling. Thes' were not. This 252's. 6:30 p.m. High Singles- T. ala Bob Martyn -__ 3 203 adesYuonae Go edDiei ato h Frank Samis' 706 total edged 267 24, 19.J. Callan 7T.Eon rck___3 20 adetrnaddresslnupper Character Building program by Don Oke's 705 for bigh triple UXBRIDGE MIDGETS Msn22 .Vasoe21 .Aif Samells 3 202 loft cornerM ANDTHE COR.- -- honours, followed by John Vs,. Gay' 238, 220, 204, B. Flint 236, Ross Wright - 3 201 Coombes--677, Howard Ed- R. Virtue 225, J. Brown 215, e ale ieîn~ 3 201 BER IFPOTAR OE ITNM mondson-672, Ron Maynard- BOWMANVILLE MIDGET*LS :203, J. McKnight 210, J. Oke lxWsmn3 21 BRIYOAEWITN 666, Lloyd Forsey-665, Jack 'dls2e-Suet 0 10,L en 0.Murray' Larmer - 3 200 TO QUEBEC, MONTREAL, Dunn-654 and .Art Rowe- Aduts25i-Stdets10 24, l. esia20. Cla '74BilîlWesthakc -_3 200 OTWTROTWN653. 8 to 10 P.111. ýD. ~Gay 662, J. Callami 633, J. ilHal ---- _320Ta tnig PUBLIC SKATIN Brown 612. an w~grse . g Fettures NIPEG, OR VANCOUVER. Pt. ____ PUBLIC_______________________ Eight boys adtogrl r ihSinge-Jack Gay 359. H.Ip us te sp.ed yorM 3-3303 Banbury . -___5 RwwM«Nýneeded f0 fili the teams in High Triple-Jack Gay 890. mail-check the yellow fer Braiders 5 SUNDAY SKATING junior bowling. In the f eenage 1 Low Single- Cecil Mutton paeofyuTl@ SLF~LF~ S ATNGleagues, two girls and ane boy :108, ae.fyu o. ITA Belts ___5 3-p.m. wil ill hebill. 'LwTil-B ke 414, phono Dlrectory for fulli TMComets - ..___ 5 _________________________________ ---- ------ postal Iinformation. SEVCE Fan Belis _____5 CHILDREN'S SKATING INE3EDAE«B"HCEYMciehp4 INEMDAE""HCE ahn hp ___Thursday, January llthHae ..______ WEDjNESDj"AY, JANUARY l7th PORT HOPE vs. BOWMANVILLE i. ( Office______2 Chilren3:30 to 5:30 p.M.* 2< Thursday, Januar-y l8th LadPsu_____..2 Chlrn. . . . . . . 2CTRENTON va. BOWMANVILLK ,.» Combines --2 Aduits accompanylng childrri - 25C' Aduits 60e Students 30e -06- cLabaratory ___2 Lr MTigers ...______2! U~%0w AMKA5 AND PROJECTORS ARGUS C3ARGUS DELUXE "500" AUTOMATIC CAMERA SLIDE Comiplete with Flash and Case PROJECTOR $4450 $4950 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF. PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT KODAK SIGNETAUO TI SLIDE IL PROJECTOR CAMER with bujit-in Changer$ $39*50 Aill Above Carry New Guarantee JURY &LOVELL YOU1R REXALL STORE 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 JANUARY CLEARANCE 0F ALL 1955's 1956's 1957'si PONTIAC m BUICK PLYMOIPTH 0OLDS M. DODGE * - Sedans - Hardtops - Wagons PRICES GREATLY REDUCED PRICES START AT. $495' BUY NOW a90 AND SAVE "YOLJR QUALITY GM DEALER- ROBSON MOTORS LTD. W. J. Nlclllchan, President Buick - Pontiac - Vauxhall Cars - GMC Trucks 166 King St. E. Bowmanville New Phone Number MA 3.3396 (3 lines to serve you) O)shawa direct lino - 725-2712 w ONTAMO PAGE XIGHT