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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1962, p. 7

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IWEDNESDAY, JAN. 17th, 1962 cSoca/ & t£Pef-rsonal Phone MA 3 -3303 Mr. and Mrs. Morley Etcher!valescing at home. and Ron spent the weekend Mr. and Mrsç. Tom Graham,. with Mr. and Mrs. John Wels'n Peterborough, and Mr. and and farnily, Tweed. Mrs. Harold Graham, Oshawa, Mrs. H. C. Osborne was a were weekend visitors with Sunday guest of ber daughter their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham, Liberty St. North. Eagleson, Oshawa. A belated thanks to the '* adMrs. B. Furlong cof readers of this column who so Týroýt were undayvisiter.i kindly sn nifraino wihher mother, Mrs. George their visitors during the Fes- Graham Sr., Second Street . tiv e Season. Please continue Miss Carol Maguire, Scar- ta keep us informed by phon- borough, spent the weekendiing MA3-3303 or MA3-3304. with ber parents, Mr. and' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupalc, Mrs. John Maguire, Brown St. 'Gary and Karen, Toronto, Mr. Sam D. Duidley of Col-' Miss E. M. Holmes, Oshawa, borne spent the New Year's' Mr. Douglas Pollard and fri- holiday with his son, Mr. and' end, Streetsvilje, and Mr. Don Mrs. Dan Dudley, Orchard H-olmes. Newcastle, were Sun- View visitors with Mr. and Mrs. View lvd.Wallace Holmes, S i m p s o n Mrs. W. A. Edger spent thle'Ave. weekend with her son and bis fam.ily, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11.1, Rev. R. R. Nicholson, aur Edger, Debbie and Randy cf Religion For Today" column-1 OPeterborough. ý st, has not been in good -tr. M J Whlan Sdbuyhealth since Christmnasan 4Ir. M J.WheanSudur, bas informed The Statesman Is visiting her parents, Mvr. that he will not be able to and Mrs. C. H. Palmer andicontinue his colurno for a few sister, Miss Karlie Palmer, weeks. We sincerely hope that King St. East. I bis health improves soon and Two cousins, one from Los' that bis column will re-appear Angeles, Calîf., and co frorn in less time than anticipated. New York City, bave been, guests of Mr. Johnny Seto ofý Last Wednesday, January the Coronation Cafe.j 10th, Frank Mohun and Art Sundyi Burgess, along with other hig'h Sudyvisitors with Mr. ranking salesmen for the past and Mrs. Hugh McDonald and1 îhree months, were entertain- Karlyn, Brown St., were Mr.,ed at the Park Plaza, Toronto, and Mrs. F. Sweitzer and by Mr. Stan ]Brown, Western Cindy of Agincourt.1 Canada Superinte n de nt of Sunday visitors with Mrs.lAgencies for Metropolitan Life T1. Depe'xv, Bill and Bud, Lib- Insurance. The new Canadian erty Place, were Mr. and Mrs.' president of Metropolitan Life N. Gilmore and Mr. and Mr. lwas introduced ta, the gather- Earle Gilmore and family, ail ing. of Lefroy. 1 This is a belated acknow- Mr. M .L. Roenigk, King St.'ledgment of a picturepot Wsrecently had the mis- card received by Dr. Geo. W. fortune to slip on some trea-iJames before Christmas from cherous ice and suffered a dis-,Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Dillingi located shoulder. He is, con- who were holidaying at Day-' STANDRWSJ THE CNADIN STAESMA, BOWANVPAGE OTART HiIIsdaIe Manor Dress Designers -Courtesy Oshawa Times Mr%. Albert Crago and Mrs. D. Thomas tonaBeah, loria, hic Mrs. Albert Crago, formeriCrago lived until about twoý read: 'Today we met a sister Base Lino residont for many .year:s ago on the Base Line of Crozier Hutchinson who years, is sbown loft in the 'and in Bowmanville. At that lived on the Middle Road,,'above photo happily engaged time she moved ta Oshawa to Bowrnanville (off Scugog St.)Iwith ber co-resident, Mrs. D.- live xith ber son, Mr. Lloyd about 50 years ago. Her fa-:Thomas in ilie plcasing re- ther at one time xvas agent creation cf cutting eutane Crago and has been at Hilîs- for Grand Trunk Railway. The dress. Both are residents of dale Manor since last May., Hutchinsons now live in Ot-; Osbawa's newest mod e r n, Her daughter, Mrs. Lawrenc tawa and tbey knew thelhome for the aged, Hillsdale Lonsberry, lives on Jane St. Goulds and Percys. We are Manor, Rossland Rd. East. B3e- 'On July 20, 1960, when over enjoying cur vacation im- 'cause cf the many varied re- 150 grandchildre-n and ret~- menscly with lovely days, sun- creational and occupationail gandchildren h-"ed uci 1ny and bright with 80-85 de-'facilities, thelouirs pass quick in honor of her birthday, she PRE BY ER AN CHURCH grees. We have just returned, ly each day. Thore is a sew -1 was the lif e of the party. Mrs. KLf5TIKINasaupin the Bahamas ing room., a craft roorn, a Crago, who will be 88hret Minister: Rev. R.F. Swann, B.A. - Tel. MA 3-2477 a few days before we return'each night scvcral gamcs fad irtha.i tl vesractive , home"" iechof ard greatly cnjoys.Zdreading Organst : Miss Leta Bragg, A.R.C.T. hoe"eche-r-i-r-r--__r. ndswig Mrs. Albert Chas. Hawkey Sund y Sevic 11:0 aa. OIT U AIESThe death occurred at Marni- MRS. GEO. W. LANE ERWIN ZILLINGER wood Nursing Home, Bow- Church School - 9:45 a.m. The death occurred sudden- After an Illncss of eight manv1962, on Tu.Aert Chaar- lat Hampton on Saturday,imoaths, the death of Erwîn les J-awkey, aged 87 years.1 ENTER INTO HIS COURTS WITH PRAISE January 6, 1962 of Mrs. Gea. Zillinger, agcd :33, occurredlThe deceased had been in< W. Lane, aged 52 of Bowman- at St. P,ýul. Minnesota, 1onjpoor health for several years.l You wiII be made welcome ville, e ndayecaedwas'2,t1961 The former Elizabeth Caro- at St, Andrew's The former Tressa Fowler,f TrheadcMs.erwasnheZol ine Souch, the deceased was' the deceased was the daughter1 ger of Germanv and was born the daughter of the late' NXursery for Children during Morning Worship of the late Thomas and Isa- at Kiel, Gcrr-nan.y. He re- Jame wsan MrySuh Se 1bella Fowler. She was born ed bhis edLication in Germanywa born at Tyrone and re-' _________________________________________ in the Township of Cartwright and in 19,50 marricd the for- ceived her education there.1 and attended school at Ponty- mer Helga Luebkc, who sr-On Octoe 6 94 h a pov.iv. ried Albert Char-les Hawkey TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OnNoes e 30, 1935, the!r Mr. and Mrs. Zillinger and wopeeesdhr ildeeaedmarried George Wm. familv roved from Bowman- Mrs. Hawkey was a resi- Mînister - Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A, B D. fane, who survives. Follow- ville to St. Paul, Minn., about dent of Tyrone district for' Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. ]gtermrig hylvdi1 otsao rm15 ams fbrhf.Freee for a year at Nestleton. Thcy 1960 the late 1\r. Zillinger year.s Mr. and Mrs. Hawkeyý il n -MONIN W RSIPalso resided at Courtice and was employcil as a nursery- f armed in the Tyrone area and Il MORING W RSHIPNewcastle before moving to man with Brookdale-Kings- then retired to live in T1yrone& Inaugural ServiceBowrnanville. For the past 20 way Nurseries ,whlen it was village. ebro rn- InauuralServce yars heyhave resîded t4 owncd and operated bSheNr Tii King St. J. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. ty United Church and in ear- United Church Women Surviving besides her bus- 'Zillinger's Eowmanvilîe home lier years was very active in' band is a son, Ronald.Th fol- was at 12 Second Street. the Women's Institute. Pos-1 SPECIAL MUSIC lowing brothers and sisters At the trne of his death, sessLn.g a bright, cheerful dis- 7 P.M. -also survive, Richard, Wilfred, Mr. Zillinger wvas an employee position, Mrs. Hawkey was al- George, Robert, Leonard, Ada, of G. V. Baily Nursery in St. ways ready ta l]end a helping.ý Thle Sludy Hour Ella and Rena. Two brothers Paul. hand. About six years ago, and one sister, Roy, Louis and Surviving besides hie wife she had the misfortune to fal, SUNDAY SCHOOL Violet, predeceased. are thre "hildren, Michael, breaking a hi.p, and had re- 1 9:45a.m - unir, nteredite nd enir 1The funeral service was hcld Chrîstina and David.I quired care and attentioný 9:4 am. Jnir, ntrmeiae nd enor at the Morris Funeral Chape, The funeral service was held since then. 11:00 a.m. - Beginners on Tuesday, January 9th., and on December 281h in Halman The deceased is survived by, was conducted by Rev. H.A. Metbodist Chburch and was three nicces and one nephew I 11:20 a.m. - Kindergarten and Primary Turner of St. Paul's United conducted by Rev. Robert E. Mrs. Clinton Bigelow of Ty-1 Baby-sitting Service Church. Interment followed in Rollin. Interment followed in rone, Mrs. Mary Findley of' A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL Bowmanville Cemetery. Dur- Cottage Grove Cemetery. lJnionvîlle, Mrs. Garnet Mc- ing the service favorite hymns Coy of Bowmanville, and Ar- _________ were played. BRIAN SMITII DAMANT thur Richards of Tyrone. Palîbearers were Messrs. Folowinq Pan illness of six The funeral service was held Ray Fowler, Earl Walker, Ron- month s, the dcath of Brian in the Morris Funeral Chapel, ald owlr, loydFowerSmith Damant, aged 26, Oc- Bowmanville, on Thursday,ý R EHOBOTH CHRISTIAN Hod oerlad Gorge~ currcd at Mcrnorial HospitaI January llth, and was con- REFORM ED CHURCH 'Pote. __ The deceased was born In vleCxeey was the son of Mr. and Mrso eBaers wre PMer' iAfter a short illness, the Arnold Victor Damnant h 0; linclBLre Phare, br il, Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister t deatîi of Floyd Randliff Tho- iresided in Hampton at that ltne Phre, abertoh ilk,' Telephone MA 3-5023 mas occurred at Ross Memor- itime. Hie rcccivécd his educa-iltnVru n onWl liaI Hospital, Lindsay, on Tues - tion at H.-mpton Public and SOm 'day. January 2, 1962, in his Bowvraniville High Schools.l WORSHIP SERVICES 66th year. With bis familv ho rnoved tor MIrs. Frederlck J. Bennett 9:00 arn. - English The deceased was the son Bowmanvillc about five years 1Tedaho Msrrdrc 11:00 a.rn. - HolIanof Mrs. Beatrix Thomas cfago.TedatofMsFeerc 11:00 .m. - ollandToronto and the late Wm.! On Jul 'v 9. 1960,.lie married J. Bennett occurred at Strath- 7:30 p.rn. - English Thomnas. He was born in New-r the former Mary Judith Good- aven Nursing Home, Bowman-' castle and attcnded Publie! man, itehîr of Mr. ancd ville, on Friday, January 5h,ý Proclaiming the Whole Counsel of God and High Schools there. On Mr.s. Clr.' oodiii.n, %\bo 1962. The deceased had been October 1, 1927, he married suirvives. When lie b-caie ill in failiag health for some the former Florence MacKin- lie vas a poptular service sales-: Urne and was in her 97th year.ý non, who survives. mn at Rlo cii Mtors, with The deceased was the for-' "Back To God Hour" Broadcasts The late Mr. Thomas Ma nich ibe lbad been as-'mer Matilda Gertrude Cooper,l CKL, Ohaw, a 3p.n. eerySunayan operatoî- and train des- sociated for several '<cars. daunhter of the late Thomnas CKL, shaaat3 pm.evry unaypatcher with th Cndin The late 70r. Damant wvas a and'Sarah Cooper. She was' CKFH, Toronto, at 7 National Railwa.v, retiring in meiber of Ilamipton United born in Columnbus on April 10,' _____________________May, 1960 after 46 years ser- Chburch. île wav;aso a mcmn- 1865, and attended school at ~vice. For a brief period dur- ber of lHampton Soccer leam Raglan. In April, 1885, sheý îng World War I, he served and xvas particularly fond of marrîed Frederick J. Bennett, as a member of the Royal Air:boating. who predeceased her in 1926. Bow anvlle Peneco talCorps. Surviving besidles bis wife' Mrs. Bennett resided the The deceased Pas a mcmbe anci bis parents, are two bro- MOSt of her life in the Sun- Thedecase wa a enierthers, Lance and Dana, and a derland and East Whitby of heAngicn hurh ndister Mrs. Raymn a 'eTownship areas. She was a' aiso a member of the Scottîsh'ý mn akr 21 Church itari.H hdisid (Averil) of Hampton.1 member of the United Church OnaroStee orhi Linda rie h esast ,The fuineral ser-vice was 1and was a member of Zion's 21OnaroarretNot held in the 'Morris Funeral'Woman's Association. years. Chapel on Mondav, January, The late Mrs. Bennett is sur-ý Surviving besides bis wvîfe 8th, and was conciucted byvived by a daughter, Mrs. J.' JIMIVIVA SE VICE IN PROG ESS and mothcr are two brothers Rev. W. K. Ilouislander of Devine (Olive) of Illinois,ý with and two sisters, Rev. W. L. Trinitv Untcd Cburch. In-1 and two sons, Harold of Taun-: with Thomas of Winchester; Rena terment followed in Bowman- ton and Grant of Bowman- 1 (Mrs. Erroîl Brown), Toronto; ville Cemetery. vle "THE KINGS MINSTRELS" vi Mr.AlnSpne) urn h erieogni le. rivn reabo Newcasie;r. lan Sene fTr), muigesri c ,-spa e rAn- , AsoFr vngo refaTro-o RE.ADM S LNO ADonto. bort Cole. and a grandison, Grant Ben- TUES. - FR1. - 8:00 p.m. The funeral service wvas Arnon% the man.v beautifu1'inett of Taunton. held frorn the Chapel of the floral tribujtes. evidence cf the' The funeral service was held, SUNDAY - 10:00 ani. - Sunday School JMackey Funeral Home, Lind- esteem and affection in which in the Morris Funeral Chapel,' say, on Friday, January .5tb, the deceased was held, were Bowmanville, on Sunday, Jaxi-' 11:00 a.nî. and 7:00 p.m. and was conducted by Rev. those f rom Robson Motors, uary 7th, and was conducted, FRIDAY, 6:30 - GREAT KIDS' KRUSADE D. R. Dewdney. Temporary MeQueen Motors, Nichols Mo- by Rev. N. T. Holmes of Har-: entomrnent followed at the tor Sales. Ontario Motor Sales,imonv and Mr. James Young, with 20 Bible Puppets, ObJect Lessons, Magie Talitu, 'Riverside Cernetery Vault, Royal Canadian L e g ion of Oshawa. Interment was in Danny Farmer Boy Mystery Box and !Lindsay. Burial will be in the Bra-'ncb 178. Ladies' Auixiliary Bowmanville Cemetery. other captivatîng activities !Spring in St. Georges Cerne- to Branch 178 Rov'al Canadian Among the rnany floral tri- Itery, Newcastle. Legion, and Hampton Football butes from relatives, friends Rev. and Mrs. Wards talented rinistry can be an Palîbearers were Messrs.,Club. As well. manv clona- and neighbours were those inspiration and blessing ta you. Christ-centred, anoitited lErroll Brown, Ray Bennett, tions were made ta the Cao- from Zion United Church and prechngsuplenetedbymusc n egh intrmens Donal d Bernard. G. K. Reid, cer Societx-. Zion United Church Wornen. prechig, uppemetedby usc o eiht nstumets G.Allan and Clifford Sharpe. Palîbearers were Mess rs.' Palîbearers were Messrs. and enhanced with ail paintings cornpleted in the services The rnany beautîful floral i Glenn Richards, Brian Mac- M .LnSdnyWde1 M.E1LnSyn1Wodn REV. S. A. GRANT, Pastor tributes were mute evidence;kel, Charles Cameron. Bruce M%. L. Morgan. W. H. oskin., 'of the esteern in which the de- Caverlv, Milford McDonald MuLrton Walter and RW Hs Ï.ceased was held. i and Neil Mctcalf. îkin. rNew A-Kay Equipment W. Marx, B.A., R.T.(r) comlng Wednesday and Friday alter noons, and on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Mr. Marx Port Pery's osp talis responsible for taking ail ogist, cornes ta the Hospital on Reports Year ofIProgcress Tuesdayan hrdym. Reports hwee tearsstOtt About a year ago "New X- ties of Port Perry, Reach, Cart- was required ta accommodate report on all films taken. ray equipment for our Hos- wright and Scugog contributed the new Picker X-ray machine The following statistics give pital" was at the consideration a total of $4,000 based on a nd equipment. Another room an accurate picture of the and discussion stage, at the ratio of patient days for 1960. was renovated to provide an volume of work done in the Community Memorial Hospital The remainder of the cost of office for the use of the X-ray new X-ray Department frorn in Port Perry.* setting up the X-ray Depart- Technologist and the Radiol.jAugust lst, 1961, to November The Women's Hospital Aux- ment was contributed from the ogist. This room also provides 30th, 1961: total number of responsible for haîf the costIpital, amounting ta approxim- By the beginning of August patients, 219; out-patients, 111. of the X-ray equipment, which ately $2 ,000. the X-ray Departmnent was Total number of X-ray pro. was $7,500. The municipali-1 A great deal of renovation completely organized with Mr. cedures, 359. I~ JAUAR Y o DRUG Monda y fo Saturday January l.5th to January 2Oth ut ail l.DeA. DRUG STORES SAVE 25C/wo on IDA. BRANDS 16 ounce, regularly 6,5o Save 17e MINERALQIL. __ -48c 8 ounce, regularly 35e Save 9#- HYDROGENPEROXIDE.- --- 26c 100's, regularly 98C Save 25c COD -LIVER-OIL CAPSULES - 73c SACCHARIN TABLETS QUARTER GRAIN 500's, reg. 55e Save 14e - 41c Save 20e -. Save 20c..U~1C Save 33c 96c Reg. 2~I9 1.79 1000's, reg. 79e 59 BALL POINT PEN Retractable . . . ONLY Smooth-writing Metal to Plastic barrel 9 Buy A Dozen at This Price! 16 ounces, regularly 5oc Save 13e MILK 0F MAGNESIA _ 37C 16 ounces, regularly 290 Save 8e EPSOM SALT-- - 21c 3 ounce, regularly 40e Save 10e CAMPH0RATEDOIL _30C IDAMALT----' Reg. o 793e.1oz9 Sae 20e -59CSae31.2 Save 25% A.S.A. TABLETS Bottie of 500 67c Each tablet full 5 grain of Acetylsalicylic Acid 96C Il62 oz-1 PHILLIPS Lanolin and Cold Cream TOILET SOAP only 5c a cake Available In white, pink and green SAVE 2OcYo on R.D.A. BRANDS For excess acidity, laxative - 300's, reg. 1.00 Save Zo MILK 0F MAGNESIA TABLETS 80C Emulsion of Minerai 011 & Agar, 16 oz., reg. 1.25, Save 25o IDOL-AGAR -_-__--------1.00 &#UtI11tyI", guaranteed 2 years - Reg. 1.99 Save 40a HOT WATERBOTTLE____ 1.59 For thlck. softening lather - Reg. 49o Save 10o SHAVING CREAM -------------39c Pleasant Tasting Laxative - 6 oz., reg. 85o Paqvè IliC AROMATIC CASCARA ---- 68c Effective, Pleasant antacld - 16 oz., reg. 2.49 Save 50e STOMACH POWDER, -- _----1.99 Gives hard, durable finish - 1-lb. tin, reg. 59e Save 120 ""EASI-GL0SS"_FLOORWAX-- -- 47c Evelyn Howard Theatrical - 1 lb.. reg. 89a Save 18o .D.A. Brand - Pink, Blue, TOILET TISSU EGreen, YeIIow or White 6o 7 _______________egularly 6 for 87c o 7 I.D.A. Brand Regularly 32c ID.A. Brand PAPER N PKINSeg. 19c, 2 for 37c 2"r3' Nylon Bristle EvelynHIToward 3 c NAIL BRUSH Choice of two shapes only 9C each A special, one-time purchase makes this low sale price possible. Special off er on a winter's supply for the entire f amily IDA VITES MULTIPLE VITAMINS & MINERALS 100 capsules - Reg. 4.95 3 for 11,8 8 Solaray Automatic Electric HEATING PAD 3-beat switch - washable print floral cover Guaranteed Two Years - --------6.9 HAND and BODY LOTION Keeps your skin velvet smooth. Contains ingredients for smooth, soothing softness . . . others for protective and healing action. You'll find it's unsurpassed for prevent- ing red, rough hands. reg. 1.oo 79c Hankscraf t Portable VAPORIZER - HUMIDIFIER Ful]y automatic; delivers a steady flow of healthful stearn. Receptacle for inedication. Gallon capacity - runs 8-12 hours. Shuts off automatically. Ideal as a room humidifier. 809#5 Laurel Fully-Automatic ELECTRIC BLANKET Double bed size - 72 inches x 84 inches *PRESCRIPTIONS .D. A. REMEDIES* LORNE JOHNSON DRUGS NEWCASTLE - PHONE 2001 A&LEX. Mc GREGOR DRUGS BOWMANVILLE- PHONE MA 3-5792 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOV;MANMILr, ONTAIII() R 15%-oz. 31 oz. 62 oz. -41c 9 LE ý3c a

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