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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1962, p. 12

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THT! ANADIN STAEUMAN J7.AA4VIm T V UT'iAetP WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17th, 1962 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Births 1 In Memoricum Cards of Thanks 1 Articles f or Sale Cars for Sale j _ HelpWanted I Work Wanted Real Estat o aeRa saefrSl ,ANDERSON - Gerald and'FOWLER-In loving memory I wouid like ta thank mylWATER haulage. Ciiff Cooper,'5 PONTIAC coach, custom!PARTTIMEbokeper, " UTOinig o a oe <an nee Bell) are happy ta of a dear father who passed friends and neighbours for re- Phone Orono 1441. 9 .1aio.oo1otran.1d1tOf. rteAvetse 1,USOreMA 3-5846. 4-atfme ânonc h bphofter talwyJaur 1t,199 aebrn 1,000 BALS of stra'.' -ho di5t.,Oawa 728 and BoX 10 tato n rieadetedant4workand ne- T N eil D avd, 6 bs., on D ec. 3 , D eep in ur earts lies a p t la d convalescing at hom e. 1 M A000 5367 af t r n e -3 ew re ekp y 2 4 T e tý / a a i Saend . -1 S EnE p ir.lPre e est-5ae. P a49.-Utb n a ow o prs d of l v ,M A 3- 36 li-y e arz . aId,,O s aw . h o e57 8roomB brickom a v i le 1961, at Grace Hospital,! picture I Speciai thanks ta Drs. Keith - _____ ___after 6:30, or wekns CARPENTER wr n e Ottawa. A brother for Sheilai 0f our loved one gone toland Harold Siemon and nurs- - -ATEEVRC foriosalendatantpars.ereeivered JRhon and Gerry. 3-1 rest, !es and staff of Memorial Hos- Call Cliff Pethick, CO 3-2131: epossessed Vehiele For Sale'vr w o he eeig1aM -75.3jREALTR n-om arekth 3bd In memory's frame we keep if, pital. Hazel Meteaif. week. Apply î2 Scugog GSt.d 43 Park Rd. S. bikOhw om rcudb ~i w COLLOCUTT-Harry and Jean, Always, we loved him best. 3-4* 324tf1953 Monarch SedaniBowman-Îille, after 7 p.m. 3-1 HEATING, Piumbing and Apartrnent buidn,~aat erosaddnn-om LADIES Wanted.trughig.Make Guldments, bidigLcae suhpat0ftw announce the birth of their son,I-Sadly missed by his daughter- FIREWOOD in stove wood Seral o.037H5-9713 $2600a wekdoing 5jke p toHeating,_Newcastle 4331. 18-tf seif-contained aatet e:coet ahlcCuc n Jamie Bruce, at Memorial Hos-!(Virgile), also his son-in-law We wish ta express aur, lengths. $10 a ioad. CO 3-2275 I90LcnePae o 965hm eigi orspre ta oain int akn1opti Fiylsae o yial owavile n odaMr. Frederick Evans of Ponty- sincere thanks ta aur friendsý 40-tf n Tr prACT Janar , 1962Anv breothe or Pool. To be sold by public auction to time. Write - Bunny, BoxR Repairman - Gas, anea, asking $2:,0 ihtns 0x15.Siai onpy ______,_96. -1oterfo Pol and nih ar f Cartwright Buny .1oxdiesei andgagexprncCl iMrt Joanne and Scott 3~l*, Townshipfor the loveiy ifts-ItoeD slab wood. 'Resawed the highest bidder at the 7010, Adelaide Post OfcgaeqieswraeeerncCiSiMatn7391. mtadblneana5 lengthsandNSwcastie STIRTonsAipSfoucthenlRoolyuiToronto, Ontaria.hs.1Nrwnast8 rTI.T2V2NTSern kitcheni4-porontobatharuo. mentslprincipalonintorest-and ELLIOTT-Jon and Betty (nee lof Mary Latimer who passed'evening as a going-away re-1-.roPSTO o aeae Mcoad r lae oan-laway Jan. 19, 1957. membrance. GREY Gendron baby canniage, beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Highway Schoo, Courtice, î,L DY i ig. aýk fer lmi num as om s n cres$,80 osec nounice the birth of their son!Five years have passed Marie Ashton, Larryv, excellent condition, $15. MAT".L open. Applicants please con- or two children whiie their plmnu traedvend BLMFETR 1 ic htsddyDrsadDn. 3-1-5080. 3A1January L'tfl, sitM1J9o6s2wnk n yow om.arge lot, pi John Mark at Kingston Gen- suncitattadda.Doisan Deni. -I __ :-1nniskillen, jprnswr,1nm w oe eral Hospital, on Dec. 31, l96l. When one we loved COEMAN space heater; ellec CO 3-2608 or CO 3-2401 pnice $7,5A0-0-87Easy terms. Caentra ei Proud grandparents are Don' Was caled away. 1 wish ta express my apprec_. ricI Singer sewing machine. duties and responsibilities. 3-1 'BRICKEveings725172 -2817.K Mason nd Concrete SdMry 2-80 and Rase McDonaid. 31Gdto e oe iation ta everyone who sent'MA 3-287.3ý* ERE'S youâr future in l962!!work. Cbimneys, etc. L. Turn- Building lot,50x33 f,- _______It was His wiii. cards, gifts and flowers whie OEst fso trsan ETIFu1-e i Wti u ers0Nseofso ie-ad, CAR IMARKE.TI Seli 250 pnoducts consisting af. rTe mp o ra ry residence central locatio, Akn 180 hflld ~ Ld }IAASS-Her-man and Joan Wtinar 1nt was in Port Perny Hospitaliwheeis, 6.70-15. Phone New cosmetics, household and farm Phone MA 3-5605. 23-tf easy ternms. Caî x atn30Kn t . Ohw (nee Brock> are happyta helehstl.adsawHspaan to casne-'01 31 194 & 196 Church St. necessities. Top commission. 723-9810.:3i nounce the arrivai of Ronnie' -Even nemembered by hus-1aI1 those wbo remembered me --NILE OT Catalogue on nequest. Fmlx ôk - sband Les and family. 3la Christmas. BOTHOUSE for sale an EastW - Build - Better - Customiers Dept. J. A., 1600 Delorimier, 1OUNGweeirldsstarig at7 a r or PdelRa 31/ý ozs., an Tuesday, January Mns. Norman Taylor. Beach. Phone MA 3-2034. 31Mnra. 31I8 arn. Phone MA 3-2923 ore 3-________or Sae GOOsedpp-r--i3-7065. Ask ata speak ta Linda. REALTR15ArsonN.2Hgwy pital, Bowmanville. Specia] f my dean husband and fath-1 ONE 1O4t. _ __rtr 0 a roial uiesi tw-31ADGNR thanks ta Dr. H. Ferguson. er, Tom, who died Jan. 17th, We wish ta sincereiy thankpails. Phone 986-4315. George 15 ofa4-r shpofhitbebuiEs ind tawn- ASsapndoouato5 gt.. 3-1*1 1956. a lur friends, neighbours and Bowes,_Nestieton.___-3-- HARD TOP ington. No capital or exper- matic fiiing machine, cut faster,jBo tr n mk bPbn ienc neeed.anales selingcleaentrue. Had orcinctiv.withlanettunove; r teelicoine-tshe LANE-Gary and Mary arel1He once belanged ta me, Imunity for thein kind wishes Stmteri e cniin.16 icesalates603606i5ndjoin Dalersse. and other buildings.or This is wi ge of her augte o Dc 2, odba ananelupin eaeneltivs n heTynneco- AS pac eaer ewcodtmo, Sna o 239 in on ig localities doing F. Crowe, 102 Elgin St., Bow- aatetupstas.Ts aoefthbteram.Ra- happy to announce the bithýGod took him home for His and lovely floon lamp and 4- Phone MA -056. 31Noqut wel Frful no ma m nvl. 4* a l rm e -a kend picd Hfterdagr ospita 201 _own, jpiece set of TV tables present- LD' oeknjcej To be sold by publiceuto oDp.A10J,40 el nbedw amn.Bl 191Haoeona s putalau1 arrsto us. LD' oeki akt nthe highest bidder at the Richelieu,__Montreal. .3-1 a 'Bl B w avle A itr For' o p oan ta et bim heM d Anne ad K n le. excellent condition, size 36-38. sTIT VA T ucinRoom erman Van ue B l Fou-roomed buglw ad O min sre, N cat, John, Gary and Bannie. fan}O Phone . 5-f33 Hall St., Oshawa, Ontario: To be aur Representative intonidalfr etne cupeC4romsTvthbth lt lor _______for,___________Th_____ Give him your love - Y u a t omat iall y, wh il egnng a :3 . . O this County. Pleasant, digni- Brick - Block - Concrete Asking $9,000wth $,0 5 ro m i b h, 2 d f or ____h s an , t e b stl a e 6 i g S .E . o m n fied w o k w ith top earnings.j and C arpentry dow n. S al d w a m n , e s D eahs_-___ Ws fr, tat nge an caedTe ily ofBenntt he at r o at tHn Janu ary 241h, 1962 Full or part time, repeat salesl NEWV IORK and REPAIRS Fifty acre farm. poe~trso aac CLLKEARKE, Sddnl Allan-Suomarddenes is ibeyondnk and comparearaferyerville.ofsnoPHNECt3-28frHMPON40 ingay Bowmanviîîe, on Tuesday, yn.,Timewl ee elounexpresits inceore th anse- and ER h barriePHONEAMPTO 16th, 1962, Allan C Jan, m-! gefw, nyrbel aprecion for th mandex-KROLEu iigrooestaeel-ARTIN slack semsons, age no bri 3-tflh as been reduced npieadbtmdmkthn i u Clankub a d f E , e :l gOro e f r h wsfr t 0 0!Prn ess a tof sy m p a o th a n d wc a n t tîn n g- o n be ; elec- ca r n eed ed . T er ito ies a r e -- can b e b o u g h t an r so b e f o rs ai h at d s t a e d o Tri b î hsand d a f te lkajo udeep. w s f n r c n e e v m na r n et . P o e M n e A v A K Tfilling fast, rush our nam e s îlm s îodlvefr i knnt eeathet, ime a 3570t-nicCA M RKT and address for ful*l informa-i A. A f t James. Resting at the Funenal -Remembered dearly by wife special thanks ta Base LineITWO 30" single beds (set) 194 & 196 Church St. tion. No obligation. Develop- IfYooae H om e o N orth utt & m ithA nnie, fam ilIfgyoud harer ninterestes nd finndo.miles aeast nafhomronol 5 o m ei afs o thut. N . B m i ,A n m e a i y, g a d hi d e . ne g br-ad1i nd . : * p e e w ith ead boards,I B O W M A N V IL L E , O N T . m en t D irector, B ox 817, L on-, l l um b in g & H e at n r n w h m ,bCt t y u c o c " a m n 'Ville. Funenal service in the - spnings and mattresses. Phone lWe - Build - Better - Customers'don. Canada. 14 fdsgci wis t exres y a-IA 3574.3 1 -1 -_ ---. PHONE MA 3-7127 show 'ou how leas li abyAtqik chapèl o Thursthe Jhome1 of yourWLchoice. New 6xpressom ranchA bouse, chp~ o husdyJn.18atYLLWLE-In loving me- Jpreciation for the many actsiCHE- EF-LDJunor-L --u1an.3 N_1nS. owanile hbednofoms 2 .m. Interment Bowman- mary of Norman C. Yellaw-JoCidesHn xresos0'ETEFIcrnE;D and -chair----Repossessed Vehicle For Sa unirel I 46-tf Lman istC-ptruhtisofcvnecsokbtalcn of kidnesJandexprssiosofcfaiooorsalfu5Nelcel-t ville Cemetery. :3-1 passed away Jan. 21, smpthaangonoenc;e-china cabinet 197 <1. Position availabie for on,- aesninicr0fad.ny$85, 1ees7. boend tables. Best offer. Phone 1 57 F ord C onache n th ge o 1 -S'J A art lesA 3 30 8 I HARPER, Patricia Louise-At To us be bas not gone away, tended by my friends and M -3954, Mi 60K75392rans etowoenthea. unorA19-A4sma.on.payment Jaete13borou ,gb aC i i Ho si ae N n b s he t a e d f n illness and death of m y belov-14,000 B A LE S m ixed hay, 1961 L icense Plates N o. B 9127 ountant. Successfu l applicant T t P T D TR fl r n c3-H A O D C PE W L Ja. :, 96,Panii LuieJust entered God's eternal ed wife. timothy, claver and alfalfa. ob odb uleacint ilrecelvle training inaiE LJLID .J.J Y±J.fl taaBrke Harpr, blovd daghte 0f homeBruc L.Berr, 6: LiertyN. Bestquality, had no min. Tele h ihest bidder at the facets of hospital accounting.R Pe5an EIIDIGtoSlemn:JhnHaii Mr. and Mrs. William Harper, And Ieft the gate ajan. BoruanL.lerr, 6 i lhanCORPIR ndRWIDNG Pontypool, age six montbs. -Ever remembened by bis Bwavle Ont. 3-poe C 3-2 628. - 3-t f SIThEhig T Auction Rooni, Apply tb -all your Eleetrical Equipment. REAL ESTATEBOE Hoe ,ted atk te Ba no Funena. wfe ndfam ly '3îNSULATION, blowing meth- 33 Hall St.. Oshawa, Ontario, A m n ef n .Sales & Service MA 3-3058 17 Ace, ra e b u , L-3 Service was from the Funenal Coming- Events many fnîends and neighbours mansbip guaranteed. Free esti ~- 921-1 __ 43-tf $ 14,000.00. Tenm. , 1-omne on Tuesday, Jan. 16, at - ihohv helped us in s0 mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele:j January LLIII, 196 Memorial I.ospifal AEMNYA 5 ce,8ra ul L~î n ~.or 2 Pmn. Interment Orona Cerne- Officia] Opening af Ne many ways during aur recent phone Clark~e_2420. young lady.ONEPhone MA7 3-re5,6 ti. 1*Wing of Memanial Hospitalat eevmnt lotak NEW CCM and Bauer skate -EXç--I- --e.Pie os ewJsaDr Mikios and the nursesouftasobceeuimt, ART'S A TXAOICOMPANY Dave's Shoe Repairme.Piedtoei 1GEHrlS.I saBowmanville, Friday, Jan. 26,o eoilHstaBw-uftas hcylqipnj WANTS MAN OVFR -o1340crs - _7:0_____2-__%_ff________________ s A llStore H ours: 8 a m o ~ p m 4 c e , 8 r o rc - Oa G D E N , a H o s tld o n- T uO s h a : 0p m - ' fm e nial H s i a , B w .. f e u a e t i n c s i J ( A D V "F O R B O W M A N V I L L E A R E A 8 a r bo6 P - l o u s e , b a n k b a r n o d s o k R OM n b a & T b day, January 16, 1962, Harold Reserve Januany 24th and Mrs. Arthur Bell and famil Hendensano 61 Liberty ARMARETNorth.SAREND,35epr frm Nulty's Sparts, Cycle and Toys,l 194 & 196 Church St Weand ee a go nay opj Q u icl k Service 10Ars ommdmPoeM 332. 14 S. Ogden, beloved busband of February 28th for Card Parties ______Bowmanville, MA 3-3531. 2-2 100NVLE NTAcrng.Ieprfrsmen 6ONAI TRE o eobs, nc $300 ___6_____ Donotby Lois Umphrey. The at St. George's Panish Hall'1_ .-- OAAVLLOT ar 100 ree oene 6OTRO TET hme w an ]ate Mr. Ogden is resting at Newcastle. 3-1 We wish ta extend ourýSEE Elmer Wilbur, Hampton, We - Biiild - Better - Custoiflers between 30 anld 50 - . . who1 Closed Wednesdays10 Acres, 2-faiybue Mcîntosh - Anderson Funenal Jhn o cso ides for good used tlvso es 3-1 cafn mak: auto trps4- but tf bank barn. Prie$2500..~O¶a vftu Home, 152 King St. E., Osha- Annual Dance, Orono Townmessages of sympathy and chsefelds, beds, dressers. , a l on saltown i.. ndstnenis waecSeriee fntheivanitienflorahairsigsrefnigenatorsitesnghiRepairri 90toAcres,0. ciraom mfullywnmod-stman.PlMuseinbeRc0omcretable Thrsay Jn.18at2 .m Hll Studa, an 2.75c egbus relatives a ndýwashers, ail beaters, ranges, and rural property owners. episen bouse, bank ban1 xeln oman odmas rt Interment Oshaw Cemetery.therplossnof3aur 'nev sleigbs. Cali Elmer, CO'WRH$20.0 er ~~fienTT duWORTHt e$12ss of.ourQUICK SERVICE location. Price $23s . D wn A eti r 21, co an d Mas ni sevic, Weservicee n T roeWall ne-sda a ntMrDaarrceawk..3 d29auntt U EDMA Rs" urCarne in otHawars f'STU CO AND NE W R 43,0t -- ntemenng t 73.3 p raJa.2. Clr e-ISeil tak o R v S W Ncountry draw exeptional earn- 7 .~ . & j e n n g t :3 1. -1 un ay, Ja . 0. la a esJ P e ia R e G E W N G m ach in e, S in g er . 1961 C H E V . B IS C A Y N E 4-D r 'i g s 1 720 06 g - > ~ -A cres, m a vi le in' Pt 1,0 nayear. .L a LI±mbn ao ag i bitt's Music Makens. AdmissioniLokhomst, Dr. Austin, theýportable, ail attachments with16 cyl., Power Glide transmis- This opening in the Bowmnan- Kn T A T hmbnba PHARE- At bier residence, 75c. Door pnizes. :1-"Marnwaod Nursing Home andzig-zag. Runs like new. $43 sion, windshield wasbers, back- ville area is worth just as'54KngS. E. MA 3-5030 pens, gravel depst rcd aLCNE lynone, on Saturday, January - ___ the Marris Funenal Chapel for orn ine payments of $5. Write up lights, white wall tires. much to the right man. We 1 16t s cesnnb fBwmnlNrirrHm 13tb, 1962, Evelyn Brent, be- Dance and Draw aI Orangetheir services. iAdyentiser 216, c/o Canadian Demonstrator, in Honduras take care of ail delivenies and p - 9. cesno Xooevwie wi Lae Pare ndoallnPotypharan atudayHNalesndPnphes.ptatsma, PonBoS19,uBw-aanon. clletiosaaydarnngs n! umnnrivile, srea, bsh,24Ocre BOUH H19nNuringHom d'Cear mother of Jack, Maple Jan. 20. Music by Kawanthai 31* manville, Ont,_ 3*1958CHV.DEUX 4DR aacein. Write arnfinti mniae, worka Pie$,. -comdto o nvt Creek, Sask. Service was beld Ramblens. Admission 75c. -PEAR odcl eahr Tw-oe recSuhes rteaPetne Ca., ±nJ.. aybea. reabuat g . y cse i n the- Morris Funenal Chapel, 2-2 1 would like ta express myahead! See us today for free Tw-tnegeeoune TVA Fil lo, rs. SpicTak lanybecd JBowmanvil1e, on Tuesday, Jan. - - Lsncere thanks ta ail my friends estimates an Aluminum Doons 1955 CHEV. 2-DR. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. rDT"fTETTW $00.nwbidgoen1fstr in n6 th esa C m try - ih at 2:0 o'clock. Itesponste igo b rsdayand neighbors for their kind- and Windows. You will be, STATION W AGON B E R T.L± ±u urP îIN S 1 These are nly af w ofte w c me R as n be r e. men B îb sd Ce etry 31 ngh a S o'coc, po sa ed0e5 during my recent illness, a mnazed bow economical they 1955 CHEV. 2-DR. -31 NEW TONV UILE many farms we ba e fr sl. P o e Ne csl'41 3t by the Junior Chamben aflalso the nurses and staff Of are from CwnEupet~Ac o aePoeCak 71 See us befone you u.-____________ WILSON, Alexis (Lex) George Commence, Red Barn, NathlMemonial HsitlfaoheC 14K n t.E Boman- V8standard transmission. ___________az-Salewa Noh2,OneMillTHrkTTE4AN2O1 --A- Vitoiaic sitaorLn-ashwaospfitndalucneLon-eieOshawa.hoe M ..569 952 Manon 20Hosten aIle, owandI- ___________J asto!Bowanlll ATFOLOWNGSTOES don, on Friday, Jan. 12, Alexis- - ySpecial tbanks ta Dr. Miklos 1952 I CHEV. 1-TON TRUCK pigs, 2 hneipeet.D eehn Akt334 tLex) George Wilson of St. Plan ta attend Schneider's and Mn. Maurice Pedwell, a]s 1JlStake bodyecelnhhy rain nd fmplnitfo r LLeLM.Boins Sor, etan b4arys, Ont., in bis 62nd year, Film Program and Buffeta Rev. and Mns. GratNDe AND GR.AVEL ,Tecelent__ __grinad___________ ForIe belve hsbndof eln unliat heLinsCetrei ratth farm truck $275 the estate of the late Ralphi-ËD-sitîing room -and ithSalesmenJosnDugSreNwasl belo ed usb nd f Hlen Lunh a th Lins enteladies of the WMC and ahI the' FOR YOUIL DRIVEWAYS E. Reeson, Lot 22, Con. 6, Xhit-enette. Phone MA 3-5126. 3-1 G. Blyleven, Phone M -30 T n ngt e csl Mvills and dean fathen cf Lex spansoned by Club 15 on Thr-1cnrgto f the Petcsal1 ADCEETb U UT, utnrt ùA J cii Jr., St. Marys, and Mrs. Peter day, Jan. 25 aI 8:30. 2-2Cburch frte Praentsta ADREMNTnu Wv. NICHOLS b'Twsijs ot fLREbih .J euI rn 47NwateTx Eenderson (Lynn) of London. 1- - PaONtheir pmayers. LBnaoklin, on Saturday, J an. 20. naE rihtrom, gentie- C. R. Lovekin, Newate24 .Bon etnil Service was beld at the L. A. Dancing, Saturday, January James Barham. PHN EALBTRL Chevrolet - Corvair - Envoi' Terms cash. Sale at 12:30 p.m. man. 205 King East, MA 3-3186. 3 otrsSoe etnil Bell Funeral Chapel, St. Marys, 27, Newtonville Hall. Jim 1*C368 Oldsmobile Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 29-2 1_ __ _______ 2-tf - .Ptik nikle Monay Jn. 5.InermntFihe an Ochstr. vey-For Prompt Service and Chevrolet Trucks --WNTAR apartment, 4l ' St. Marys Cernetery. Mn. Wil- one welcome. Dancing startýç. In the mîidst of aur samnaw, Delivery 15-tf Courtice Bowmanville: WEKYinooms and bath, central. AppiyDe WiYAALALUL.8m)U son is a son-in-law f M . .a 9 p.m. sharp. Admission $1. in the loss of a beloved us-IJANUA RY Sle: loor- amp 728-6206 MA 33353J OMM Q E RC A 10 ce aSwitb.o Soe 3-1Waljats 25;- - tDramCut aesAea CA property on 7 roomed home,et.Akn A.ERiyBkto WISO-A arwad us emnilfamily o Contin-iaý$1'5 WISNA anodNr- eoilHospital New 1 Damant wisb ta express aur stea rnsniein-Or veyTun. :3 ..sietreehoa. M 3-3394ac2-f 75 cr 1,50 e ithhr,6KihBnly otpo S g9Homne, Bwavil, Wing. Afler opening, Friday, heartfelt thanks ta Dr. Ewent, etibdcopeewt ead-.5 H PN ALE Ooo es, CaTle, swi, 7:30IesmithREEfunisedrMmsAn 3o-d3oues9e4acin Su6 H/u s d a y d a n 1 6 , 1 9 6 , L u a d n 6 a : 0 p ..o ddnu r e r u , D . R w e , a i o n y ý l , S 6 9 ; î a d -y S E R o r , a t r u c k p i c k u p o nv e î h r c p e e h t r o , n a h r n a t i . P i e $ l 0 0 m m a y r n uesayJa. 1, 962 Laranuresand staff of Memonial board, $59.50; Lazy Boy chairs. eCA r ruck 18by~pm dayPone 0f Tumansky, Kendadalom buse s Wilson, aged 75 years, wife of tusb1Bad ebrStJaptl sa famnloS9.1 A. USDCA S 'roo5re yIl & Son, al fes opil.PhoMnA3546.thenms an ange. Hnesn o«Sorhw tnde dlate oThs. G orge Ia e , t 4 p.m.2-3itao9pp.m., also friends, re ativesichine, reg. $119, now S 9 5 . D 1 0 s n es o a , a e 0 M anagers. 3 -t. m m ediate possession. .3-i 150 A cre farm on a ig -M es Pl c , sh a (r.CJ.HendersonPrtTe - - - and neighbouns, for flowesMrhyF$n8re 9-g0S. Dca r, 7,000oialmineagwe, Ca. ihas8ot1, o1IorStesaofiKngomdbuewthiloemR.4,Oaa TMhe C Oshawa Bnanch of the donations, cards andi many acts W mMA 3-3781. 3 2-berolike new.n Credit, and Doris (Mrs. DougIandan Diabetic Associatio fMidnsA pcilthns3a- -371 i- - cas o o oi10"rSatsa ffcK n eine la KnanWannih, l .will hold its manthly meeting Rev. Houslander for bis con TT TnRC'15 AO -R. iTws! f alnln 2W., new bathroom. Aalbecneine Resting at the Morris Funeral o hmdy January 25 at forting words, Morris Funema., TV A.tIflALS V-8, automatie, custom radio. mile south of Taunton Raad, Dc. 151h. Apply Statesmanwîb5,0 on - omniî Chapel, Bowmanville. Servicelo T8 sdy p.m. in McLaughlin Hall, 38Hm o hi evcs - One awe.ýn east side of Manvers Rond, Office. 49-tfý 236 Acre DAIR AM RcaysLd Bg2' ithe Capl nFriday St.N Ohaw Evry UVYfl anu 1959 BELVEDERE 4-DR. 2,16:Stds arwslonkice n ahamf-coeHt. 1 omt os, PasnsSoeSo 2 'coc. ntrmntBo m- oewecme1 I iwould like ta thank Il ~6 cyl., Power Flite ta Smi-barwsoulialrnse dilchte Avadbe pan ae ol rlmoemtc enece.P1ceG0ens any Str ville Cc etery. :-1 ___ Iose responsible for the kind- A E RJI LRT A R S sion, 2-tone paint. One ownerjappox. 100 bus. fal wheat, or S a p rmo. P oeàn e m Bowmanville Rotary Club ness nd ne, wibIncieicr magd aipae1ntr hmdfir M -59 r -21. 2t 9 cr ameceln s- Jr nLvl N o tL onice sme be s.Attention, Hog Producers- REPAI S an ti ewinding, arm m- DEAD AND CRIPPLED agarage or woohshedNehardie 3 -16 tranget. r e a Noticese Annual meeting of Durham atues tunedt ll makes af FARM STOCK waten with plumbing. locateti - - -1 ag -Our 196C2ic One, C om e A l - T o C ounty H og P roduce s A ssocia - elect i e m to s. H iggon E lec. H IG H E ST P R IC E S P A ID convenient y nex t to re a t H E r 4 n o u nshedi T o s m - e a h t r c îo l s î o a ln o es -close toalal cammuniîy facili- apaniment bn Bowmanville,'homes with ail moer cni were mailed D 8, 161. Dance in Solina Hall tan. Nomination of Cauntyîî'ic, 38 King East. Phone MA R A Y V I V 1 A N ties. îmmediately. Phone 725-4293.1veniences an eacb ie ot iniyClsijda 15 . for any reasan any of our , iteeMen ta Ontariol3-3305. 7tf hoe Locust Hill Temms: îi-of Cn b o -2 ivestment. Priîcemnmm fo. nh custorners or fientis did n d)rJHog Producr Marketing i of rePh kham160c p u ede;baa c e wît- :3.2* i . neantesAdtonfisrinst .mae receive one please 'phone MASaturdav an.27Board, Omono onHlWdýrgrtrdmsi n o- 2-r -a evc adi 3-5615. Jack B nugh Plumb- in ad of Football Boys. Archienesday, Januay 17 at 1:30 p.m. merdia; m lking coolers. Hig. License 102C61 cahbe ra ng ci. s mandatee. Pnice 54500 wîtb 4hi taler tho _______ hshr.(Nmntono o- o leti.imta18 King 20-5 Highest or any tender not HIGHEST pnices atfrhie$0dwn4:0.mTusa T h eg . 3 - I f C oun r c e ra n i s- ïlt. m it t e e M e n . 2 :0 0 t a 3 :0 0 P m ) S t . E . P h o n e M A 3 - 3 3 0 5 . 7 - Il _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n e c e s s a r i y a c c e p t e t. p o u l t r y , g o s f a t h e s ,fo e t $ 5 0 0 ds hoc a m a r mowy o r e g cf the,51-00 p rprn ~ inClame Curtin, Zone Dine--iIseto ofbeulnerickgs, scra rn, fragéFeWhh.adBaemn Memorial Hospital Cor oation! There ae ilafwtickets1îr, guest pae.I h'Iseto ftebidn rtcs ca rn as of Bowmanville will ýe heltavailable for the Canadiantevent of an election for Com- _____ ____________ iGlY a rice m yb ragdb otcigmetasad rw fr.P oe John OuFfr hDd InteCouncil Cbambers,!Omder of Foresters' Diamond, mitîee Men, il will be helti en;HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber For YrnesNo.ite,_RR._RA__2____Ohawa ______ 9:30 a.niad. b Sr Wednesday night, 31st January!Jubilee Dinner anti Dance toTuesda, March 6t, Il a.m. ta goos) maileti postpaid in10plain or Y ur L v1, k Ex C amr. PhoelnftGar nHillA, 8tf N wasl Pok331Mndythod F at the h ur of 8 00 p.m ., fLrv ee eodkoecutor. - P1one96GartienPoHilIg A LLhski tisnoaialive epeultryth DonaldisM o1nt loypM Altry3950aldatunrday aIthe our f h 8:00 pm. or e bethe o n an ua y 2 , 1 62 6 p m oli g B o hs b O o o se k n e op i h p ic iIT throuth A r 2. f athers, new goose an ti duck 1R o D avidson, B e h n ' 0R _ _ thepurosecf eaingrepntst he owmnvileBadmiinton Town Hall anti Bethany Town Six samples 25c, 24 saml 8esT ESMANAW.K YET soadfahnTik atd and election cf tirectons. -Club. For tickets Phone MAlHall. Door Prizes. Laurence 51.00. MiEre ep.T SSIFIDS MOrono.,K OnCtani, Hgsoopnies pa ti. M. atLrd..Prrut Cak 23 heC0d5n3atma 3 - ~ 1 LS e r e a yM a ilH n t o , O n e r e p -2 3 , _ C _ L _ A_ S_ S_ 1_ F_ 1_ E _ D_ 8_ _ _ _ 2 2 1 1t a7ir,1H' I ds t W i e r u m a , O r o n o , 1 6 4 9 D irn eMA .kPtrr a3lt . R.J. DWling, Secty-Treas. '3-5597 or MA 3-2918 aften five. Staples, President. Howardti-Nav -Rubben Co., Boxv 91,1 Phone MArket 3-3303 Solicitor fan the Exeutn.beth.any R.R. 1. Phono e ' 7 for Claaaliled Ad Imi0 PAGE TWELVIE IrRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 13OWMAMM.T.lP n7ýxrÀnTrb

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