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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1962, p. 1

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Hands Over Kiwanis Club Ga vel i naAanbn ___________Durham County's Great Fainily Journal OUE0814 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY l7th, 1962 10c Fer Copy NUMBER 3 1Two Bedroom Suites LUXURY ÂPARTMENT BLDG. TO -BE BUILI ON LIBERTY ST. S. Almost on the cve of the club's first anniversary, Ross Jackmat w as installed as Kiwanis Club president on Mlonday evening here. He is shawn,' right, receiving the gavel from immediate past president Ted Hutton., while the installing officer, Lieutenant Governor Harold Anstey of Peterborough looks on with approx'al. __________________ General Business Counc'il Grants Approval To Request of Red Cross For Funlmd Drive march 26: Revising Polis Division Durham County returning &fficer Carroll Niche a 17~ceived instructions on the ann'ual revision of poiling division arrangements from the Chief Electoral Officer Nelson Castonguay, Return- ing officers are to omplcte their work by April 1. This lu a routine annual annual procedure. The dead- line for the completion of 6,11 revision is in no %vay connected with an election date Mr. Castonguay said. INI. Nichols iwas appoint- cd to his position in 19,-6 and bas been in charge of two federal elections In Dur- ham County. Bawmanville Tawn Councilgranted. This wvas seconcied at its meeting held in the by Councillor Wesley Fice, and Counci] Chambeî on Mondav carried. c-vening gave permission ta Councillor Fice soggested the Bownanvilie Brandi Of that each meeting of Bow- the Canadian Red Cross Sa- manville Town Council be ciety ta hoid a Bliz Campaîgn opened ,vith a praver. Colin-: for funds an Monday evencng, cillor Annie Oke maved thatý March 26th. from seven ta the cauncil led by the Mayor eight o'clack. 1111, TO PAGE TWO) c Councit received a 1,leir fromn Mrs. W. R. Sprv, iii . Blitz Campaign chai vmnia n.A/kt whieh also reqnested that thp e . aLoII nI Y .W week ofi March 191h ta 26t1î inclusive be named Red Cross F «~<~" Week. Mrs. Spry asked that B 4 the Bowmanville Brandi ofaI'. the Canadian Red Cross Soc- 13Y iety be allowed ta usee the Councîl Chamber as Blitz ca ni Campaigo headquarters. and tai the Red Cross Flag be floxvnStk ovc'r tht' Tovvn Hall. Couiicillorý Glenholmne Ho- da ghes maved that al af these ....lle îequests af the Red Cross be Co 1 Accident Details Allan Clarke. 16 Brown Street, suffered a stroke when lie was driving lis car west on King Street an Monda 'y eveniuîg ut 9:15 o'clock. Mr. Clarke's car w-ent ouf of con- Irai and struck a hydro pale nt the narth west cornrof;(u Kinîg and Ontario Streets.1 Damage ta the car anountedj ta appraximately $200t. Dr. Hl. B. Ruîîdle treufed Mr. Clarke at tlhe scoîme of the nccident. Mr. Clarke dîcd oni Tuesday marning ut 8:30) o'clock in Memnoriai Hcospital. Constable Leslie Riccrd iii-j vestigated the accident. On Tuesday afternaon at 5:10 o'clock. Miss Mlargvret Pickaid. age 16, Cave Road. w~asý cirivcog a car belonging ta licr father, Howard Pick- ard, when it suid an the ice at the crnier af the West Beach and Cave Road. The vehicle struck a tree. Daniag«e uni- ocnted ta abouit $400, but for- tuiîafelv Miss Pickard ivas un- injcired. Constuble Don An-' dcrcson investîgated. Tiiere xvas al bit aîîd rtin accidenît on Kinîg Street East, ii froncît af Jack's Snioke Silo!) a1,Satu'rdIa. ut 12.25 uni A car owiîed by FranikLw ins. 48 Jacknian oaud. 'W il struck b 'v anofheî' vehicle tia*t ininediateiv nmade off. Con-1 TURN TO PAGE TWO, Dr. S. Gco. Mermy On Tuesda'\y iîight, Juiuarv 9tll, at the annuii] installation and investiti ure tof cfficc'rs in the Oshawa MNasanic Tenmple, Dr. S. Ceoi'ge Werr v wus icstaileci as IVaser ai Lc'taic- on Ladge, No. 139, ATF & A.M. Dr. Weirry's pua'ents, Mr. and Alrs. S. Edgaar Werry, reside atý Sauina. eveni coulii imec fc TiiE are a J. A.* cillor N. E, H is Hobb aia and Cetn R evi " lai. M 11ev. Bat hg Cou n Mel J. Br( os b <c n sucil rie. i 'Mrs. Hlanil, _Ree. Befare summer of this year, Bowmanville will have yet another addition ta ifs expanding assess- ment. This will be a luxury apart ment building, locat- ed sauf h af Jane St. on the west side of Liberty St. S. The apartment building will have 17 unfurn- ished luxury suites, each with twa bedrooms, broad- loom, ceramic file bathrooms, refrigerators and stoves supplied, balconies, t elevision ouf let s, janitor service, and ail the ather f eatures of the mosf modern aparf- ment houses in large cities. It will have three floors, adequat e parking facilities and will be fireproof. Kamil Construction of Tarant o and Oshawa, who recently completed a sim- ilar structure in Cobourg, are in charge of the con- struction work. The new building will be known as Liberty Manor Apartmenf s, according ta Mrs. M. E. Leask of Bowmanville, wh-3se real estate f irm handled ail the arrangements and who will be in charge of rentai det ails. Mrs. Leask told The Statesman early this week that the building should f ili a gap in local housing f acilities for executives and others who have came ta Bowmanville f rom cities where they have been accustomed to beffer rentai accommodation than is normally available here. Many of these new residents have f ound homes or apartments in Oshawa or are commuting f rom Toronto. She does not f eei that the new structure will interfere in any way with present rental apartments within the cammunity. oun cil Con firm s ,ppointments to oards, Commissions -LwNo. 1~ I cnfirm appointmnents tIo boards,, roissions, and committees 96L'. suggestcd by the :ing Cornimiitte, wps pass- tthe nmeeting of Bowma-nii- Town Couincil heid in ftie icil Chamber an Mondiy ng. Ail incimbers of cil wvere prescrit at the ng. e appointiments for 1962 s foilows: Planning Board. Cole, M7. Lycett. Cotun- J. Brougýh, 1L. C. Masan, *Osborne, and 1. Smnith. Waorship, May or Iva 3s, is a miemrber ex-officia Il board ,commissions nieter v Board. Deput y- eRos.s Stevens, CacincilI-ý 7.Fice. A. I. Sturrock.ý H. Torner. andi Peler ggale. Hospi t a 1 Board, rîltor G. Ilughes. oîorial .Arena. (aiî cucillcir ugReeve S. Lit île. N. rne F. Hooperi. W. MVor- F.. Ri4indlk. uad R. Gutti îbavBoard, G. Vice, R. F. Sw ann, andi R. L. !yi. reatian Coninie., Coun- B&P Club Presents $1,000 to Children's Ward >~The Bowmanville Business and Professional KI omen's Club on Tuesdav ev'enin g donated $1.000 for the furnishing of a childrenl's wýard on the pediatrie floor of the new w~iiig of M.%emorual Hospital. Mi's. Victoria Frank, the president is pîcfured above piresent- irug the cheque ta Bernard Holden, the Hospital Admicistrator. Lef t to right in the back row are five past presîdietts of the club, Miss Isabel Davis, Missý Mýad]v-n Wilcox, MNrs. Mary Gi, Miss Violet MclFeetet's; aînd Miss Veima Gay. The monev was raised throuîghi sc'erai specual praiecis, The club's 'Wa 'vs and MeN1anis coiivenoir lasi 'vear \vas Mrs. Mairv Cannoî's. and Mrs. Marvleen Bird is this vear's Wavs and MNeans Iconvenor. - cil lom G leuiholmne Hugli e S, Counicilior Ken. Hooper. D.' Stutt. P. Chant, C. Kiimeu', C.; Sacras and Miss D. Purdon. Oshawa Regioaa Plauînin- Board. IMvay ai Hobbs and A. i J. Cole. Traffic Advisary Bo-' ard. Reeve S. Little, B. Kil-! patrick. P. Pattrick D. Ken-' nedy and E. W. Crawfard. TURN TO PAGE TWOc ÇýI81ts andi Legion Speakers Here Jan. 20 About 30) entries have al- ready been reeeived for the Canadian Legion's branch public speaking contest here on January 2th. Subjeets chosen by contestants will cover a wide range of inter- esting topics. The competition %vili be- gin at 9 a.m. t1,is Saturday at the Legion Hall, Queen St. and the general public is cordially invited to attend. (Dt. teces IIFTY YEAR JEWEL -- Thîis eveniîîg, repî'e- sentatixes framn Jerusalem Masonie Lodge will visit tehome of Rupert G. 1-amiyn, Division St.. where thev xviii present him with bis 50-year M\asonic jewýýei. Mr. Ham]vn, an abie writer witb an intense interest in histor.v, xvas ane of thec authors oif Boxvmanvilie bistoricai Centennial boak, pubiished in 1958. NEW MOSPORT FOLDER -Bawmnanville Cham- ber of Commerce is now iin the proccss of prepar- ingÏ a 1962 edition of flhcel\osport Park folder pubiished last year. This popular and informative publication will be eniarged bath in the advertis- iîtg and the information sectians and foi- the first time wili be distributcd at Sportsmen's Shows in U.S.A.. in coaperatian ,vith LODA's pi-omotionul cndeavoî-s. Local merchants wbo arc interested ici having their names appeau- in it siîouid contact Ken 'IMarris at the Industriai Commission Office as soan as possible. C031E THROUGH - TFlicItîtermediate hockey Shamrocks who have been having their organîza- tion worries of late, came thraugh last night in Lindsav and wvon the game 12 to 7. They play Trenton here Thursday with the Scoro prize at $120 in merchandise, sa let's give thcm a boost by a tt n din g. ALL VOLUNTEERS - Apparentix', somne folks in tbis arca have the idea that the hr-okn members of the Red Cross Brancb arc receiving money for their services. Once again it sbould be strcssed that tîev, arc ail volunteers, unpaid and ail tao often unthanked for the tremendaus joli they do. If disturbs them considerablv when uninformed cifizens suggest they are receiving' monev foi' their efforts. Their satisfaction cames from knowing the xvork they perform is wýorth- whiic. ANOTHER INSTALLMENT - Durham MPP Alex Carruthers tells us that another paymcnt f romn the province is on ifs way ta Bowmanvillc. This is the fifth instaliment of the Provincial capital grant ta Mdemoriai Hospifal, Bowmanviiie. lie didn't say howv much xvas involved, but usualiy these instalfments are sizeable. PAINTING DJSPLAY- Courtice High School wails are beautifuiiy decorated these davs witb original paintings bx' artist Charles Gagnon. Tbev1 are an lban from tie Ai't Instifute of Ontario ibis week. Public invited any~ affernoon 4 - à and Thursday evening 7.30 to 9:30. Scout Council Plans Activities for '62 Several methads of impro\'ingr and exliaiidingc the financial returns receiv- ed f rom paper drives wcre arnong the items discussed here on Tuesday Nvheti District Scout Council met at the Lions Centre Hleading the planning were, left ta right. Regional Commissioner Lew Griffith, Council President John Bain and Quinte Region Field Carnmissioner Larry Wilcox. PlnnngBd. Has Home Appoint New Commîttees To Conduci Town Af fairs A request frain the Plann- ing Board ta bc allowed ta use a rooni in fice Librar'v Build- inîg as a board rooni was grant- ed at the meeting af Bown'an- ville Town Couincil held ici the Caulici i Chamber on Mondax' enering. This' îaom wili be ax'aitabie luictul there is an op- Dentist iShows Touch 0f Humor Even magistrates pay pen- alties, as revealed ln a con- versation by Magistrate R. B. Baxter, overheard in a dentis'u4 iaitina room. It seenis the good magis- traie had been holding court in another district. Nvas un- able to keep a dental ap- pointmnent, and through a inisundertanding the dentist Nvas not notified until a few icour-, later. "I got a bill ut the ed of tht, inonth for 1,100," com- mented Ma pistrate Baxter, "and took it rather serioucclv until 1 notired th e littIe Phrase, vvith costs'"- (o- bourg Sentinel-Star. Librarians -portooijty fo reot it. Ilooper. C:r,,cil'-cr IcL...,. Caînmittees of Town on. ie and Reeve Sidney bittIc. (il for 1962 ivere appainlci as' Public Propertx', chairnian, ioiw:Fire, Chairmail, ('accui- Cauncilior Jack Braugh, Reevc cillor Wesley Fice. Coccocillor Sidnley Little and Counicillor RyW. Nîchols and Counchi- Aîoe Oke. Roads ancd Strcet, Ior nnieOke.Mac or Iv-an chaiimani. ('oincilior Rav W. Hobbs is an ex-o)fficia nie-.Il Nichisl,, Reeve Sidney iitti(3 bIer af ail counicil conimitters. aD ciCounc'iltor .Jack Brough. Finanice. chairman, Counicil- Wcifare and Civie, chair. lor Ro.% W. Nichais. Couicii.. maii, Councilar Annie Oke, lar Jack Broughi, Counjcitlor .Couincilot'Wesiey Fice ancd Glefflhoini Hughes. Pal i ce~, Cocinicillor Ken Hooper. Board dlia iao Coutncil lao r Ken TURN TO PAGE TWO> Hospital Preparing For Officiai Opening On Friday, ian. 26th 01n Fridavxen .Janluarv G lerlmonime 1iiughcs, MIVior. 261h, ut î:30 o'elac(k Ithe '.orai lHospital Lourd chairocil, aif Baxtoaîcx'îltc ailiv Rc Rev- v.ili îîîcside t I lic official es oif)Darliiîgtmn. ('Iccîkr cu j ' hi.e('CiiiO'v ii\ ll Newc t l xvii s ni al aIMtae lac oar flie cew i i ape;! Ilile nr' xcg <f Memai.- cl tan tali( haspîai l tic1! li t I a. xicclserv es thie ltcg" cori'iar beyoîd Ille spac'- c e faour noilc cri coUS hb paîil îî-. Il. 1. 1 ~cii, liryV. Crydermac lc1p lo<f i i(-01-ca rmaicc fcfithe BtccItîti i cuits., a. xxchl1 ucii-fl a cccii- bers;Of tIlle Bai idilig Ccccîcmît- iliccciirattxe plaque. TIJRN 70 PAGE TJO c Revise Card System Assistant Librarian Mlrs. D. McArthur, ef t, and Librarian Mrs. Margaret Middup bard ut work on Tuesday evening, changing over the membership card sysfem. Thr new memnhership cardcc one ycur at a charge of s1.00O. memberslîip card Is the sanie ut Bowmanile Public libraryýTh(, iibrai'y u, s etitirelv free for> as that used in most libraries xvtli bic griod for thrcc( vears Bowmnanxvulie rn!ridcnts, how- in Ontario and in Bowman. taor- tithlie Sourcld e- everc, c'. ri the i tc charge for a ý'îlie replaces a 53 steni af a cuded atits meeting heid Janî. curd being abolished, exct'pt card or ticket. for cadi boolq 9th. For rion-residents, the '.vhere a member- lasesý a card.iýtaken ouf, begun in 1958. The Imernbership terîn will remaini The system of a singlei (TUtN *TO PAGS TWO) m à 1

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