PAGEtheT'UntHe C Ac 'VmnAD!AN SATandA, andMAVTLLE.ONTAn March of Dimes Drive whic .Oid corne nto be Éî Cars Stolen MAPLE GROVE 1 or\ ie ancl. v. rI~n in Januarv. 1962.Tenitatv"'i plans were made a, 1his timeT The Map]e Gros e Home andi d r. with Mr- . W. Martini £Af7 fta farn a group here at Sa- 5 re k-n School Association met at Ile Mr and MrS, J. pott,ý. iviu crilina. plaWesn ateroaiond .WO reak-in(). estS. hVolMartineteceiteî a M o t e r Aaand an Ji Tes au trarvz96D uring W eek c f-eor. the meringcipa±s Supnve cenifngtlinghev o Vio th rsVisuai Aids" and Mrs. Dobbs.. Delbert off Weillsvî,lle. N..,en naur al m17 ela nie h d of bth schoaks co-perated i, were travellin,_ bv car Ia besoft en&cam im A 10 'cokti mr-p enting the film Des(,ri[")-Fiorida far ChrJsmias halidaS u p p ongttheeuseof filmsani1edc. - and the%* were 'involved in ' lina. Revcrend P.,X Page. No. 66415X xvas stolen from i nVr The maothers ýoff Eovman- reached a record hi-h level. who presided. opened the in front off Lander's Hardware played two piano solo,;hcn ina Mrs. Mart:n received at ville are on the mlarcn. This and these handicapped peî:on:s attended a familv gathering at mnecting w:th a brief xvorship'Soe in tet M.Ln-were appreciated bv themm-serebc iniury rcouirîan was announced tod-iv by M r. are praving their worth i' Il. and Irs. A1lc Blair's, pro n rsntdacha- er reported the theft to the Te ib rers. hospatter revdt ent nd vasl Ray Lathangue in kîckîng off campetitive indu:ýtry.- Brooklin. Saturdav night. Ilenge ta the ladies in an in- Bowvmanville Police Station. hNavf:îd ofM.1ae eavdt elvle \..Delbert was shaken up the 1962 funds campaiîgn of The March off Dîmes. whîch, Mrs. H. E. Tink visited Mr. spiring message. Constable John Bird is the mn-1Arthur Gibson are sorîwry .balv H frýelids wish the March off D<mes. in Ontario is the Rehabilita- and Mrs. Perc.v Dewell and, Mrs. Murray Vice presented vestigating officer. hear lie îs in the hospital tîn- Mr. vlriitc Serving as Chief Marching tian Foundation for the Dis- famnilv, Hampton. !the slate off officers which isI This marning at 8:19 o'clock der the doctor's care. lI .ar! aSee\recav- Ivother Mrs. Lathangue.* %vho abled, depends entirely n pan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fletas follows: President, Mrs. E. Constable Bird recovered a car Sarmn ofth Lrd ]ives a, 3 iMeadowý. Vieulex volui, tary contributions ta pro- and fainily were Sunday guests R. Taylor: Vice President. M.-s. that had been stolen recently Supper will be observeci on Mr. aiid NIrs. Douglas Straw- paressed her dedication ta' thîs vide the medîcal. surgical and of Mr. ar.d, Mrs. C. LangmI Clarence Vice; Secretary-treas- in Brampton. It had been Sunday. bridge and faîl.Han-pton, annual project. Hc1lping the retraining programs which arc and fam;jlv. urer. Mrs. Burney Hooex': Co- -abaaidonced behind the Arena Mr. and Mr,. Rus__e11 Nva!.wr ndl iiasa disabled to a neow life offuse-esseLntial in equipping the dis- Mr. anid Mrs. E. Larmer venor off Membership and Visi-lin George Van Bridgeras drive-l Mount Forest, Mii s s Cla:andMsWaerLvide. fulness and achievemecnt is not abled ta regain their rightful visited SLindax- afternaon with tation Committee. Mrs. Lloyd WaNI. NaToot:UerSudy M. andMr. Arthur Trewin a one-shot affair.' ship said. positions as usefful citiZens. McI. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- Broome: Convenor off Pro-ý Dave Edwards, 127 Central visitors with tlieir cousin, Ms and William wer c Saturdav "'Rather, il iS a cantinuîng, Noting the re markable ex- lees and family. grams Committee, Mrs. We 1'olvrOhaa eotdEn McGrath. evenins visitors i 1\1r. an-d process whlich îal needs pansion off the Rehabilitation Mcr. and Mra. Roy Langmaid HuIs; Canvenar off Social to local police last night at Mr yrlBars rs. Clifford Trewin's, Bow- cantinuin g pulblic support.: Foundation ince its beginning visiled al Lloy'd Pieston's inFunctions, Mrs. Ew'art Lcask ,10 o'clock that two blankets ili Hospital whee lemondr- cina n vile. This year we arc onueoff nearîyI eleven years ago, Mrs. Lath- Bowmanjville_.>j For the remaindeî off theýhad been stolen from his car went surgei.v on his nase. -M-an ,1r.Afed a- 300 Ontario commiunities tak- angue pointed out that the Mvrs. A. Balson spent Sun-! program- the president. the Arena.MrDoadWllm Ha- ing art iri arck'i Dim e ud ato ' is a pa g 1,wt c. a d M s . R E. R. Taylor. was in the chaji. A car w as stolen on Tues-lilon. spent, Uthe w eekend \iiiO Mvonlh. Thai, i\vs 1Ilm ask-nîtd Sll.616. Wîthin six Ta%lorý. It was decided ta hold meef- day eveningf at 9 p.m. fromIhis sister. Mrs.TmMGik In fr h flla;ýjsau- o ears the annua] returns rose Mc. and Mcar. Frank Cook ings on the first Mondav eev- the Bownile ihScoj Miss Margaret Arrnold, Os'i-L everyone in our « ta more thari $400,000 and tean children. Mr. and Mrs. Sid ening ,off each month at 8:15' parking lot. The owner, Wm.'wa spent the wcekend The pu "At the present sAaÏ"e off this:Foundation raee t e-ýlchl M.nd rsG.S-o'ok at the church. !Glen Richards, 201 Highlandfhran n nl.M~ n drie ar minpraiîen i te xcesta roiderehbiltaianvhesBawnanville, Mr. andl Members off the executivre'Avenuie, Oshawa, reported its, Mrs. D. Bailev. need for volunteers. Obvions- services not only to victims off Mrs. Lloyd Parker and Verna were nar-ned ta attend the'theft ta the police. It is a l954ý Mr. and Mrs . Jim Eiii ]y there cannot be a 1Mothersflpaîîio but also ta adults phys-jM, ýMc«. and Mrs. Carman Presbx'terial in Oshawa on Chevrolet, license No. A9417l.!and son David have returne 1 March unless sufficient inuim-ically disabled by any cause., Westlake and ffamilv, Oshawa,I Januarv 17. Mcs. E. R. Taylor Constable Louis Phillips is in-Ito Scvn- lnl, ubc f bers off our women volunteer In 1961, a high mark was: visited Mc. and Mvrs. Frank< will represent the gronp 01nývestigating eteramnthIsavsit withfl- to spend thîs one hour in be-Ireached when more than!Westlake Jr. and family an-dl thc, official bor f th A car belonging ta Raymond tives. haîf off this truly was ollcte byanMca. Frank Westlake Sr. Ichurch; Mrs. Frank Westlake (Bu") Welsh, 10 Carlisle Ave.,j The s-mpathv off Ibis comn- cause." Iorthy y of0~ some 50.000 voltinteers Miss Helen Baker, Mrs. C. onI the cammittee off steward,ý;,was stolen from a parking munitx' is extended ta mi-. Mrs. Lathangue pointed out in Ontario. This'expansion has Stewart and Gail Baker, Tor- , Mrs. M. Vice and Gladys Yel- -as stolen from a parking place1 la laka0 snJn that~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hienfomreas~'rgerdfrhresssenonaMrBarCwing, Mc.lowlees an the Christia'n Edu- on King Street ]ast night. The! the sudden lacs off husbaîd March off Dimes campaign hasiof the Foundation's province- a~Mc.HwdOristonctinjotite: Mca. S.ýtheft was reported ta police byi and father, also Ia other re- mnet wîth enthusiastiec esponse, [ieporm Ee ute Beatrice and David, Bowman-ý Milîson and A. Don Taylor Mr. Welsh, and his car was re- ltvs thenee i c\n reaerthis epninispand ville, visited Mc. and Mrs'.,an the Missionacv and Main- cex.ered a few minutes later by M.adM..AicSnw yea. Alhaghthoceablia-Tom Baker and family. teciance committce. Constable Leslie Ricard. It den were Fridav supp('r guies- tion Is disabled persans be- Mc. and Mcs. J. Knox anci An interesting histacv off the hai-d been abandoned on D corns mre nd mre uccas-farnlv îsied M. ad Ms. iblefco ut -.with MrS. S. Silawden and Uoe oeadmr ucs-S LINA r-Bbefo.isearlies. stagcs.,jvlionStreet in front off Jack M.Harold Macklin. Oshawxvc. fui' each year," she said, "the Wm. *Knox, Brougham. Igiven by Mc. Page, provd 1Brou gh's Plumbing Sh op where Mcn Mr s.R.Kv' rîumbcr off men and women! Bradlev's Community ClUb Pat Knox attended the Jr. vr nlgtnig1 al hei adm ntofga.Wland s the w cîi who have become disabled rwilI meet Friday night, Jan.ames Cofcn tth meeting closed with the U.C.W.' On Sunday at 10:35 p.m. ihbis sstcc. Mc. and M from accident, dîsease or in- 19, at theaha o social i Ewr oe Ithe, themne hymn and praye yCntbeLsi iadds» ab heried auss, a gowîn evnin. weeknd.Mca. XVes Hilîs. Lunch t a coveced that there had been an each year." The nissionar.y pco.gcam at' Mrs. E. Thornton, Millbroolk,Ienjoyed. attempted break-in at the! do_, payrt divide bebaîf Sunday Sehool on Sunday in- Mc antI Mca. Fred Samis, The installation- service foc Higgon Electrie, King Street.' do py dvidedsfor the-.cluded a story read by Mrs.!Donna, Beverley, Albert and the U.C.W. officers will be!He found that the door had H Y O nlacement off dîsabled workersiRae Pascoe and a piano solo Stuart, Enfield. and Mrs. A. hcld an Sundlay, Jannacy 21,lbeen tampered witb. It is ln wage-payîng positions basiby Carol HilIs. Bilcon visited Fcidav evening aI the church seérvice. probable that whoever hadý Mca. MatI Sm-iley\ and b:îb\. Mr. Bill Camnes eturned ta ,vith Mc. and Mca. Don Tay- *îîed ta, break ino the store'Burlinglton. speit, a fet vsa the Werry's iast week after lac and family. had been frighitened away as!wth-r aM , ERv ca RE rpending sevecal weeks in Mc, and Mca. Wes Werr __ t he policeman approached. ham and family. Oshawa Hospital. visited at Mc. and Mcar. AJ o nco On Saturday morning at 8:.25!1 Mr. anîd Mca. Art Gmv a ,, n Communion service was ob- Mîîir's, Cotîrtice. i Io'cock. lloyd Woolley, thelfamily, Oshaw~a, were SundI T N ýserved Sunday. Patricia Da-l Tle girls off the 4-H Club'mngr nore h o-viiosa c n r.Ce vis sang a solo, "Burdens areadledr wc t Orono on 1 r n f manville Police that there had Rahm's. a ; D ECORATI14G liffed at Calvary". 'ite' Satncdav foc Achievemen tibeen a break-mn and thefft at1 Mc. Frank Osmond. Bcit J. Yelloiees Day HePeGthOgirls Ien's Men's Wear, Temperance manville, -Mi. Roland Thomp -L CENTRE 1 cecently with Mca. Donald tbeïr "Separates for Sumnme" RMPG N Scedrn h igt p oHMto.wc'Fi" Yellowlees, Taunton. tVhicb they made ici the ce syteLrsPa ru nsn c\mtî 21 ncs a eeigtiiasa i.Wr FOR uE ESTSYmpathv is extended ta cent project oi sho at the starî offci counculo tlen mrn~. M.adM u:.'Vý IN -Mc. S. E. Werry on the pass- the Solina Club ,i,9 This tva' secoîîdcd N n of hs bothr, CarlqICLint honor. haingo.ýbyDepnty-Recve Ross Stcv ýOuîîy a littie nmore than a EacI Thonipson. Cindy anjj hisanbrother, Charles terehCo eenan -'Vhonora.omsohavingan CUSTON 1Wecry, off Oshawa. fompleted six Homemaking Clb ean daney .Little sllot,- oth agortherenad tbeen an-'vlere SThompa. aîî-al Two ttîdent ecrsro pro jects. Congratulations, Lois! c inyohrbekm adteta ilwieStra alr officiai tel a sapl off 1 yeofKen's Men's Wear. More than Mrs. Thompson's. Toronto Teachers College ae;IIi-('Groiîp bookenda pceseîîîed ta former $300cad beTen two l ontat here at u-e tcvoo thuliit ten- flfftft~ft xv'rx ruce Bedeil at Bradi-1 The Hii-C Croup met Wetl- Mayors off Bacvranville in theocso. eto clrt cesa u rolli vck, 1 ~~ Ic~lys Sehoal Ibis week and are nesctlavý nigblt with Lamne Tink,pa.Hemvdhtasiir weîre caught by the Bowman-' John Ogle and Peter 'No'tt i Fuir t1osc xvlio are unable D AND ng w r n Mrs. ipresidlenti the chair. A let- pair off bookenda be presentedid. p n Miss Barbara Chasser, Wh x vii] h e macle Satui-dav, J A ND Bruce Montgomey. ýter o th.anksfcom the Salve- by tlie council lta Ex-M ayor 1 h r wa ab e k-n t Mc by sp t t e ,-e e d w llJ 28 :2 to 4 .m Mr n r.BueTn1o rywsread, regard- Wilfrcid Cacruthers. This was Tir a ra- tM-bsetth veedtiu Jn 3h a4pm WALLTOWluA L L i-ngtîîe lytri .m- r seconded by Coun c Il1 0 r Gregar's Hardware, King Street Linda Patta. OA LO M M uaI iV Il had uven îlîem at Christmas Braugh, and cacc cd uîîanî- Wthecrluri s oFri angt r . and -____' Don - -..- - tine. TheIrceup is iiîvited tI ousit __ ______fatuday-- gueus ff ue octmintec mrning. This was reported' CbuccblelHi-C pliceup 7:47 an Unitd Curc HiC goupailSaturday. Howevec, after Pay In reased the openun- off their new a , onJaiuacy 20 in Oshawa. nuul iis stfing the so nc IFrancis 'Jolinston coductedi 0nlsicfo tesoe nr L'aios ~the election off officers whici!C n a glass panîel fram a back door. OSHA VIA ~An increased scale of dîvid- reaulted as ffllotvs: President,' f m !a engandb OS A Aend distribution to the policy- !Harold Yellowlees: Vice Pro-î Constable Don Anderson is in- 19 BOND ST. W. bolders off The Mutual Lite aident, Dianuîe Tink: Secretary, PROM PAGE ONE) vcatugatng. Assurance Comnpany off Can-IEt'elvn Hackadax.: Pianist, PatDuiham Couîîtt District 11mbgi 723-4922 ada in 1962 bas been announ- Knox. School Board, L.A. Parker. ced by the presîdent off tbe Thie pccgam was ici charge A ergran - i PETERBOBO0 campany. E. A. Rieder off Harold Yelatvlees and hisl Strike A~ccid entu The dîvîdenda ta be paîd to ,roup. An neresting diseu Cham b er off Commerce. RI 5-6874 year wîll exceed $13,600.ü000 ttrang tcith prejudice?" was Lake Ontario Consecvation D eta iI an inrease off Si,300.000 over led by Harold. Barbara Hooey Authoritv, Councillot C. Hu- the total in 1961. Ail Mutual led ici games. The next mcclt-ighe . Lake Ontario Develop- P(ROM PAGE ONE, Dave Preston, Prop. Life dividenda go ta palicy-ý ing on January 24 xii be ini ment Association, Dcputy-stbeLuahîIPisnv- 25 Centre St. holders. i charg-e off Pat Knox's group. Reev R.Steens : mn~leMr. Rieder stated that the L United Church Women Cammittee off Adjustmeiit. tîOgating a 10:1 p.'c Bowmanville icrease bas been made pas- 'Icithie faîl off 1961 a group Byron Vanstane, T'. Relider On Fere aa w 10a ciso .3-Il5912 Isible primamilv thcoughi a con- !off ladies off the communî! and W. Caccuthers. the formeria h odiiteca hr tiutonofthe trend toward met to study the funiction off aorueuiBar.A.Mycbod)re bcms ue ta the vehicles totalled ap-J proximately $300. AI :50 arn. on Thursday a car driven by David Sutcb, R.R. 3. Pontypool, collidcd on Waverly Road with a pick-up j truck driven by Harry Col- A. Oke .119 Welington Street AGAIN IN '62 Town Af faim'i THE CA1,11ADIAN STATESMAN, IROWMANVMLE. ONTARIO INCREA SED.DI VIDEND S FOR MUTUAL LIFE FOLICYHOLDERS T1he Mutual Life of Canada policyholders are accustomed to big dividends. The company is famous for its outstanding dividend record. The increased dividends that wilI be paid to policyholders in 1962 will further reduce the low net cost of their insurance. The Mutual Life bas been providing policyholders with insurance coverage at the lowest possible cost since 1869 and has been 'applying the same principles ta group insurance since the coinpany entered that field. You can share in the dividends that go with. Mutual LAf of Canada policies. Your nearest Mutual Life representative will provide complete information on the advantages of Mutual LAf of Canada protection. The Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA The campa ny with the out standing diuidcnd record ku62-2 FPROM PAGE ONE) i.This IuUck is UwLiCU y ban- offWoks.cbicmuî Revedec Hardware. There was of Wrks chirma. Rcvecoîîsiderable damage ta bath Sidney Little, and aIl mcm-, teliclea. bers off the caunicil.r 1Industrial, cbaîcmnî.Caunl- cil I o r Clenholme Hughes. M I r Councillor Ken Hooper, Con' a II f cillor Jack Bcough, Nelson Os- ,L l r l m l borne and H. C. MacNeill. <PFROM PAGE ONE)i :Wagc Negotiaîioîîs, cbairmn, 1958 procedure ia being etain- ept-Reevc Rosa StevenS cd ini tbe Junior Library, how-ý a n d Councillor Clenholme 'ever, but thece will be no Hughes. charge foc a card thece cither, Emergency Meastîres, chair-1 unlesa one is bast. Member- man,. Councillor Clecibolme sbip terni in the Junior Libramy Hn uihe uuu Deputv'-Reetu' scl] continue ta mun ttvo years, Ross Stv.Do'. Contrtil, as iO.fbas been doin2. a t. a V ah lb-mas c.Mr lF ce anil (oLinilor A'e C aret Middup, and Mca. M. J. Oke. Hutchinson, wcrc present at the Board meeting during dis- cussion off these niatters. Also presexît xas Deputy-Rceve Bes ëi3 est Ès tees ereetigride because Ïtg ejtaet Mayar Ivan Hobba; Chairman A's a Car , ýeet-sgr ,4 Aph H dgis, Mc. R y t.ilithe aror bn t l se pe . g George Vice, R. G. Hamlyn, E., evroJ0 . t b e t 8ness Luniney, and A. M. Thompaon. U("')Jp t rd e .'atefxcl i .adqie PROM PAGE ONE A number off discarded books Coak aj. gs es yo. Ch nail tIiisiuey r tee arc: Mayor Ivan Hobbs, which have been on sale in as 72~5 fen tuckçs in as Meep arX ull{mhne Dr . .RudeM. uhe.the library for 10c or three foc î hînugarîclnsuanY 'cd ' re baund t -lg, Hari'y Jose, Newvcastle, c Se ilbe given away free,! in atudor and s 0et unrva Harold Cibsoi. Clarke, uîti wsdecided. I î Chevr0«1 t nüss!N Mca Chcle Warei, Drhig- Plans were diacussed ta m uigic hk -o.prove the lighting in the work- 8P 8 esWeîi l a L l, is expccted that many 1,00M. Additional shelving foc EU, nembers offtepbi ilb student books ini the adulte 9 peetat the opeîîiîg cere- dae fceilJnorlbae[s ar cCOj~ mony, and afftecwacds wîllur 'io-d hravee ocdredJnirfroGodrh<, azionr w take advanîage off the guidcd hvbran Farca. fl fl VI,. tansrt tTO inspectin tours heVtew ll jhv effertlieYoFr> y :,the new facîluties anîd cvecv The fi car as rated, shfow-1 '<'r,)e biný er 0. forofteeenii 0 the va a r.etd5o Tr 0,seCel er El T ý 'n eorer aer year vle flo ft tnint h ing the grant from the TownlijvalUe, yea e rvaluebU 1t l in~~Oc ro, ta Wided riel, op &e, ~ hsia.(based on 85e per capital mn rift 4 e135h in urUdet'leesdrv Following the tours on Fmi- 191a 6220,adfo u.,0~,1~0 the am... ore akesa 5n 16 asS,1.0an irmb -teXrtra Ad tocluBîVe iof Pi day evening. coffee. tea and 1lh, Province, $3,126.72. A ALUE..-at miea49 xh M i cYU oclsv biscuits will be served bv ýtotal off $2,599.05 was spent on' .rir 409 hp-V_ leTolet membeca off the Womcn's Aux- ceading material, this figure ici- AG fALMOOS Jp c'o s e"'s iliary off M em orial Hospîtal cluding coat off periodicals for! iewittiesopiII IMhxta os C1 62 in uýe rcnle lr caf- 1962 and 1963. A total off Mode Î ili, sitraied: i; paxa Sport Sedd'?IewI rso.tnaMexacsi - 7C teria. S5,105.10 was expended an O;1 Satur td a t. atternoon. salaries and wages. The 1 January 27th. froni two to four Libracy paya the Town $100see anna'lcteefccaeae evcsRYW IHL o'clock, and that evening frorn 'month cent, and $50 a montlîO V"V IHL ýwill also be guided inspection,ý Membership for the adult'BOWMANVILLE O H W [tours thcoulghout the new libracy stood at 567 on Decem-hn Phone 728-6206 r wing. Therdb will agaiti beber 31, and thece wece 971AJ 1O g u id e d lo uira o n S u n d a y a fte r- 'ch ild ce n h o ld in g c a rd a in th e B u e t e o a i n t e C C T e w r a h S n a .c e k y u o a i t n o i e a d c a n l R M M U 0000. Januacy 28th, from two Junior Library on the aeeonnaatI<CB-VetrkahSidj.Cckyulollstnfitm n han. ito lou.r o'clock. jdate. PAGE TWO WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17th, 1962 rard and Barrv x'sited Mr. organization held tlîc furlt and Mca. L. Griffin, Black- meeting for 1962 on Thursdayv istock. Sunday. - evening at the home off M. 'Mr. and Mca. Rosa Ashton,' LloNd Slemnon. President Mrs. Siierv]. Betti and Allan, Mr. Jonces opened the îneetnf aîîd 'Mca. Lloyd Ashton, Mls. Mcc. J. Potts. progmani: devý. Russell Orm.iaton were Satur- tional. Mcc. T. Smith on Pris- dayv diciner gucats off Mca. cilla; reading, Mcc. J. Jones.; Muricl Bcowniee. Toconto, and'piano solo. Mca. Lloyd SIC- tea guests off Mc. and Mca. mon. Meeting closed and.' Cordon Wercv and visited lunch t-as secvcd bv Mcr. Miss Emma Werrv. Potts and group. Februarv Barbara Ashton speîît Sat- meeting will be held at Mr.s'. urdav tvith Linda Sharp, En- Arthur Reed'a ini the afte~- iiiskilleil. noon, Fcb. 8th. Mcs. Arthur Cleîî Ashton spent Saturdat' Trewin's meeting on Missionjs. with Dale and Brian M-cGill. Svmpathv us extended t(- Mcc. W. Thompson attended Mc. Lame'Phare and :zq nd a bicthdav partx' at Mc. andl the Brent familv inii ýd Mca. Gardon Tavlor's. Eîîfield, den passing off Mca. Phare. Sunda 'v. the occasion off Coleen, TaYlor's birthda-v. Mc. and Mca. B. Pederseci, M . Heiî\ A hon vsie Burketon. witb Ite Sm ithI Mr. and Mrs. Hecb Camerait. family Stinda. evening. Tycane. Thucsdav afternoon Mc. aîîd Mca. 2ovd Slemoix off Iast week. visited Mr. Milton 'Slemon aIt As. Rosa Ashton and AllanllMemorial Hlospital, Botyr- visited hec mother, Mrs. Edna t'ille, Sundav aflernoon. Gl-ii M.ýeLaugriulin, Burketon, Sun- ta knotv Mr. Sîcîn is cocu- day. ing alouîg vccvv.-ell affter bs Trhe United Chucch Wome-i o'pex atuon. >Iic is cordially invited to attend the FICIAL of the W ~I(e at BOWMANVILLE on at 7:30 p.m. îc'moîîîcs conducted louis xxill bcrnade hrough the iîew building. ta attend Fciday evening, special conducted tours [an. 27t1î: 2 ta 4 p.m. and 7 ta 9 p.m., also Sunday,