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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1962, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17th, 1992 HCAAA ATMN.OWNVLEOTAY from our landscape: What a and in their methods o01 so-I tragedy this wouldi be. ing them. The variety Off cul-I L) u liar, I leilr I'ci es W'ith this problern before tures, customs. crafts and! B A S E LUINE usthe Canadian Chapter off ideals has resulted in a spirit' Following the service for Sam Battams. * -the International Shade TrecOf tolerance on the part off Mr. Grant Bennett's mother Mr. and Mrs.D yuadto your colleagues to This is why I believe the relatives and close friendsievening to be wi F re e E n t rp r se S ste i akewhatever measures are county off Durham is a pro- cailed at the house to express Mr. Charles Br necessarv to prevent this loss gressive county in which the their sympathv. They includ- xvas gravely ill. to the people off this pro- freedom of ideas and the ed Mrs. Walter Rice, Mrs. Er- passed away on ve. If ail dead elms were pooling off those ideas has nest Hunter, Mr. Ed Coopercmuity woul] _________ _____stroyed, the elm beetle would tion. They are people who sins, from Toronto, Mr. and and Mrs. N. Bro have no place to reproduce. believe in good citizenship: Mrs. Sydney Worden, Mr. and, sorrowing time. -__ The final part of a speech, There is always a danger. Reducing the nurnber off elmi they understand that good Mrs. Clifford Wilson, Mr. andi We regret to delivered by Alex Carruthers, Mr. Speaker. tha-, in provid- bark beetles is the most im- lcitizenship demands indepen- Mrs. Hilton Tink, Mrs. Rex:M rhrGb J UST MPfrDrat h n n rgam uha hs portant factor in controlling ence of thaught and action [Fowler and Mrs. Roy Van-I in Memorial Ho tario Legisiature recently. 'there is a tendenc*v on the the spread of this disease. Although the welfare statel 'Camp. imanviîîe, and ma AV.,jVEDIThe past season saw the part of man.v students to take, The cost of removing dead wvhich our sccialist friends so Mrs. Gordon Turnbuli, El- returned to good epnn o eerlnw l the lac our vIChamilrequie elms in a community couîd strongly proclaim, may be'gin, spent a day recently visit- Mrs. John Trixr A~~~IVED! cening soffsveainewce the lestook.Iartpeae become o great a burden,1 noble la its purpose, it does ing her parents, Mr. and Mr--, rnntr shol i tecoinyto note that the department e it ohte osoiaio ff roiemore admore of. mav 4 th o ter choolatIno has taken the precaution inanA sbaueoth x hl manyoneroo sehols Inthis respect to make each off pense that many municipali-ithose things which men once member can speak after 1 arn October off this year, the pre- theecuss ri l en' is are not remaving, th,,ir provided for thernselves. troi-.Tesaenwih sent Hon. Prime Minister of-~ Tooîerxocî ~ dead elms, and each year the Mr. T. D. Thomas (Oshawa): scaltpann usmr ficialiy opened the new sec- Thti htthysi bu ondry chol a Cortcocurses are designed ta fit the problem becomes more seri- Tht va hysi bu and more people 'on the public . academie abihitx off the suî-ous. If the communities couidthe hospital programme before pvol tt hc whc asrlevdco ded assisteted inayol, sae hih e wcndtios at owmvhe addentcut he maun ofwoinbemeeting this: they introduced it. sembles a hive off bees, in ~ codaos aded anode and rentqutde mn on.taf orcost the main obstacle would! Mr. Carruthers: This in- which - contrary to the n FULL ha providd a modrn andbe removed in the contrai of cludes, Mr. Speaker, the mak- 1 ral law off the hive -te FUL beautifful building for the cdu- lthis disease. It is the hope off ing off decisions for People, drones multipfly and starx e SELECTION cation off the ýouth in that 'this association and all ivholwhich they once made for the workers, so that the idler area. iunderstand the value off our; themselves, and the assump-1 consume the food and the PRE-PASTED AND As soon as an announcement itrees ta the well-bcing off our'tion off responsibilites wbich3 workers perisb. ,,as made that a programme people that our governmenti were once theirs. Such a sys- Mr. Thomas: Who wrote REGULAR off vocational training asta wiil recognize the necessity ta tern does something to moral, that? be introduced, to the cast off assist in saving the elm treesý fibre off our people which iS 'M*r. Carruthers: I wrote It which the federal government I off Ontario. nat good. It takes away some mvself. would contribute 75 per cent . I do wish ta tbank you for'off those qualities, Mr. Speak-: Mr. Thomas: 1 sbould have CLEARING LINES and the provincial government ,. . ...i your interest in this problcm.i er. which bave-down througb'1known the hon. member of 25 per cent. the enterprising . xorveytuy the cenlturies- distinguished waei hmef citizensoff Port Hope in con-.JHI EL men froni animais. Paternali Mr. Carruthers: Tbanks. Il P junction with the Durbam 1 ovrmet- suc 3 firrnly believe that no govern- PA~T Di-trîct High Sebool Board,,' Pesdntour sorials friends prpoeient can oeperate business asm animrnediately took action witiî The destruction off this dis- su stronýlv, aimis ta elev-ate effficientlv as private enter- W M adthe result that plans have case, Mr. Speaker, is the con- man sociaily and individuillY prise. Ev*ery time governments cen ffaibut I amn partiral- b rtcin int ude tart experirnentinga in the W L P P R fra new composite wing ta larlv cancerned in this re- i and rb him off those'bsnsfedte'itmo at the present secondary sehool speet as the elm is anec of the suotl ofidpedne5 their experimerit is the pub- o ainth2t tawn. This sehoal xill most comman and most beau- neressarv ta good citizenship lic. This was clearly illustra- serve a large area. Mr. Speak- i tiful shade trees in our caun- and ta national survivai. The ted on more than one occa- a nationdoes flo sion in the province off Sas- Re u e rc s corses nd i aprove-four tht eery asistancebc given ldepend on a detaiied blue- katcbewan. course leading ta university: ita aur municipalities in con-iprint or a master plan, it i_5 Private enterprise today 'ka four-year course wbicb xviii traiiing this dread disease. ffounded on the spirit off its1 pays mnast off the taxes, it pro- avideneddtriin o Ae needed,1..P av1sugsttatrainibcPopenadigta -pri s formsto tejos A a A BER ETHY'S esponsible business positions, lNmarrders, at fa int 1d b dued, salki htsp ilitheS vdesmost toff isejobs, i adLà 1< AB R E H S atwa-vear terminal course 1 arn plcascd ta sec the in- wrks praramme, and a x erv, nation bc subdued. Ibas given us al aur factories for those planning ta leave troduet;on this ternioff a guid- fine example rould be set 1'[ The citizens off Durhamn and aur jobs. It bas built theC ala PAINTS AND schaol at age off 16, and a one- ance progranime in aur cle& attacking the s pread off thi's'countv - as in other parts off ships that plv aur waters, it v ar or op ti naPc ure orm ntary schoos in gradcie ev- 1,g e i h l s vib a d ti province -cia not simpy as deveoped the railways W L APRthose wbo bave nat been Pro-,cn and eigbt. I would su-- -'0 much beauty ta the graunds live and earn a living in their, that span our continent, t de- C U T I m ted from grade 8. :etta hspormeb around many of ur gverii-,respective. aras, but7 in tlieir, eops inventors and builders 33 King Street West Thbis programme, Mr. Speak : diectedalt spora mm Te par-mont institutions. ýfreeciom off enterprise, within off business through freas- Bowmanville er, wiil do much in provîding, ents m-ha must assume a greatý We in Durham countv, Mr..a free society, theY bave the sociation off ideas.' It origin- M A 3- 5431 a maximum off education for'deal off the rcsponsibility fr Speaker, are deeplv apprieci,-î- opportunitv off contributing ta ated the principles off effi- ouryoug poplecnitn h guidance off their ebjîdren ti'Je cf the înany fornis off as- the ronimunitY of which they1 cienry sa vital in the operaî1 Fres auit er aung p cnsiste- ntthe fomtv111 wit thir bîitis ad rn-in hese ormtie -ars. sistance provîded bv this gov- are a part, and in that contr-ltion off any business. It basi Ontario Gr - - bitions. I wudas ic aadaenent andi 1bave releî-recl bution thev bave arbicyrd donc most to lower costs andl Northei word off commendatian, 1\11%ta but a fev off them. I shauld, dignity and respect. The prices through competîtion. It! Speaker, for the xvork off th(- mention the substantial as- greatest weakness off social- alone can raise the standard Department off Lands andi Foi-- sistance given ta the taxvn off isrn, I feel, Mr. Speaker, is off living, and it alone is the j stparticul- ir espectit, Bowmnanvilic in the addition that no individual - neither. beofarpol.W r the coitniud cevlopmcnt off off a large niew xing ta the the leader or any off bis fol-! going ta sec in the days ta the Darliington Pro v i n c i a 1 Memorial Hospital off thatloxvers - assumes any sense come, Mr. Speaker, that poli-1 Park. This park, on the out- tcxvn: ta the generous offers off rcpansibiiityv or account- tirai phîlosophy is going ta 3 -lb coui skirts off Oshawa. and 130w-loff assistance ta the Part Hope abiiitY. As bas1 been so appar- crystallize inta two main ,manvilie, is providing excel-,Hospital Board in the bauid- cent on sa rnany occasions in groups - tbat off private en- 1 lent recreational and camping1mo off a nexv bospital ta serve tlhis Legisiature, the blame is temprise and that off socialism. facilities for thousaiid. off that amea. The building off a aixxaYs put on1 someone else. Thereffore I appeal ta our . visitors eaclh season and is new bo.spitai in Part Hope in- I an tlankfrul, Mr. Speaker, ffriends, the 'lon. leader off theL~U~ situation ]ends itselff very' valves the sale and future use that I represent a people wha oopposition and bis followers, T A -AT readiîv ta tise as an area for'off the present hospital; and believe in and practire the ,ta forsake that middle road wintr sortsas ell. i hre aainI xvould ask for the'spirit off free enterprise witb-1 along the moonitain off pro- S ADIES' jv1oterish rt îthi me, Mm. :assistance off varlous depart-,in a framiework which pro-' gress, lest their feet continue ~ LE LSpeaker, ta read ino the re- ments off the gavernment-iný vide,; securitv for those xvba ta slip ino the lush green UID W ID EM A N WEARcord a letter xvhich 1 have r- a.ny way that tbey may be'- through nac facîit off their vailey off socialism. A valiey 48 King St. E. ceived from the Canadian able ta pravide - in making own - are unable ta take ad- xvberc life appears free off dif- ebapter off the National Shade! use off this building xvirh is, vantage off the oppartunities ficulty, xývhere labour is securePM mueTree Con ference xith respect: still in excellent condition. i avaiiable. and planoed for ail - butPM Il M erchandise Clearing at ta the spmead of the Dutclh dmi The vast majoritv off the 1 We bave seen wbat sorialist wberc there is a lack off mi- disease. people in my ridiing, Mr., planning cao do ta people ini tiative, Mr. Speaker, and D ra tic lly edu ed rice Mr Ale Carutiers MPP.. Speaker, accept private en-: Saskatechewan where, in the, whcre the gas off economicB KA Queen's Park. pensable ta their xel-being left that province witb few crusbing the virility and cre- Includes . . eerSr and progresse and in doin So' replacements. The majaritiative power off its people. Today tbousands off beau!!-1thev bave demonstrated those off these people arc coming tai Leave that middle road 1 DRESSES - COATS - SLIMS 'fol em trees stand dead qualities off citizenship cansi Ontario, xvbere the social phd-1 say ta o, scale with us - in SKIRTS - SLIPS - SWEATERS acmass the province duc to the responsibilit.y sa requisite n osopby is cne off opportunityltbe strenigth of private coter- spmead off Dutch elm disease. flic building off good ramý- baýed on reward for effort, prise - the bcîgbts wbere the 4ATS - BRASSIERES - HOSE iIf these diseased trees are al-;rmooity liffe. One off the in- irather Ihan the negative pur-'challenge is great but wherc lowed ta remain stanidinc tolteresting and exciting feat- suit off the welffarc state. vision is boundless, where the FOUNDATION GARMENTS, ETC. ýbe the hostoff the bêectle ores off my ridingc is that i0 Mr. Thomas: The bon. mem-brahofredm rsbn whicb spreads the disease itlcansists off people wbo differ ber is talking a lot off non-th air, whierc opportunities B tJY N O W\V ... A ND $A j ut possible that the cmi ýwideiy in their back-rounds, sense now. are unlimitcd and progmess is will disappear ram pl1e t el1yin their ideas as ta pmablems Mr. Carruthers: The hon.. the goal. * patient in Memorial Hospital, Mrs. George Coombs and farn. i Bowmanville, where she has' ily on Saturday. undergone an operation. i Nel ronelMr. and Mrs. Clifford Wil- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wil. NeilBrowellson were Friday evening ca,'. son visited Mr. and Mrs. Dick on Thursdav ith his father, ers with Mr. and Mrs. wm.:Thompson. Oshawa, over the Irownell, who!Curtis, Bowmanville. weekend. Mr.Br~vnll Miss Norma Taylor, Toronto, Mrd. Thwel visiting Mr. and Mrs. George' Mr. Garth Ferguson, daugh- ld like to ex-' Coombs, Bill and Jack for a tr Rs n os H w r n Daty o r.few days. Garth, Oshawa, were Sunday Mr an Mrs SamBattn'sevening supper guests of Mr. ownell at this Mr.anM sSamBtas and Ms. Dany Batamsa-Md Mrs. George Coombs, Bill reprt hatand Samny motored to Elgin, and Jack. ;n is a pain on Sunday and spent the davy Mr. and Mrs. Sam VanCanip paietwith their daughter. Mr. and entertained a number of rela- lospital, Bow- Mrs. Gordon Turnbull and'tives on Sundav in honour oif iav be soon bei family. Mrs. VanCamp's sister who la dhealth. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tilling.1visiting frorn the United nble is also a Oshawa, called on Mr. andIStates CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND BEEF EAKS OR R OnASIS IRTERHO USE,. SIRLOIN.. WING "KEN L EGSI 'S Fresh THIGHS,, KiiIed 13REASTS lb 8 9C lb 47C sh Fruit and Vegetable Features rown, Cold Storage Stock, Ontario Grown, Large Size, VeIJow ienSpy, Fancy Grade Cookinig, No. 1 Grade kPPLES ONIONS 3-Jb ceIo bag 5C Ontario Grown, Washed and Waxed, Laurentian Variety lobag2 9 TURNIPS No.l Grade lb 5C fBERRY JAM lona (Colour and Pectin Added) Reg. jar 47o-SAVE 4o 20e Off Deal Reg. Prike $1.33-SAVE AN EXTRA 4o PKIN PIE Jane Parker (24-OZ WEIGHT) COFFEE SmLur1lab ba6 5, 3 lb bag1.89 SAVE 4a SAVE Me UO~~SUBo.,UW ,,. ALL PRICES IN TMHS AD GUARANTEED ~¶I s;. E r : [ t ~THROUGH upe mSATURDA', LJANUARY 2Oth, 1962 24-fi-oz jar 43 C ling size box 1,92 9 each 49C F.Uýt E.f RN 1 HIN 20 (HESTERFIELDS by BARRYMORE, KROEHLER, BRAEMORE and SERTA For Example... 2.-Pce. SOFA, 4-Seater and Chair Regular $229.50 CLEARING AT- e2-Pce. KROEHLER 1000 Nylon Caver, Faam Regular $289.50 Value SPECIAL CLEARANCE ------ 37 KING ST. E., F. BOWMÀANVILLE F 15 KITCHEN SETS -'DHROME AND COPPER-TONE Ranging irom $39.95 up See the Liberty Suite of the month (Sale of Sales) 36" by 60" table. Genuine Arborite, self-edge, heat, stain and scratch resistant 4 chairs, foam cushioned deep box seats, nylon tip swivel glides on feet, won't mar floors. Save $40.00 .$89.95 COMPLETE A. KRAMP 'URNITURE AND HOME FURNI 17 BEDROOM SUITES by KROEHLER, VILASP, KNECHTELS und ANDREW MALCOM For Example. . . 3-Pce. SUITE Triple Dresser, Chest and Bookcase Bed CLEARANCE 3-Pce. SUITE Double Dresser, Chest and Bookcase Bed Walnut or Seamist1 CLEARANCE SPECIAL -------------- LTD. m~~I~ MA 3wum-7073433311%4 4 5 - CHAI1RS - 45 We have 45 Occasional Chairs, Lazy Boys, Rockers, Cogswells, Swivels, Ifostess, Odd Chesterfield Chairs ... Good selection! Bi*g --Reducti*ons to Clear TELEPHONE $1 89.50 Bac k, Arms and Cushions CONTINENTAL BEDS & MAÎTRESSES MISS MATCH UNITS Drastically Reduced ta Clear 9.~ l75 SERTA POSTURE - EACH -ý $ PAGE PM X"M%.Xrl rivi THÊ--CANADIAN STATESMAN. IROWMANVMLLP,-ONTARTO 9% A ý" "-- il $1 9.50 ,$199.-50

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