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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1962, p. 6

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They had been chosen as the - Mrs. Derek Barnett. r.Wl as omte, Mrs. Ca-reMthl;PesadPb f~~~~~~~~' - t C l ubs t in g e m bers of - - I ia m W oodw ard, M rs. W illiam ence W erry, M rs . J e S a r li tyMr . od e B sh p From Statesman Files' <Iendfo EKN Werry; Finance Committee, Memberhip. Mrs. GatGo-Sca IIn the early huso at (neddfrls week) Doubles' Club Meeting Mrs. Harvevý Crossman, Mrs. er: Nomninating Cmite okn:Spl n oi~ I ~~~~~~~~Wednesday, Nov. 22, a Nestie- For the ladies who would The first meeting of the New Roy Robinson; Literature and Mrs. Alvin Spener;PormAssacMs ila o I ~ ~ uu m uau ~ ton landmark (Veale's Gener- prefer to attend a United Year for the Doubles' Club Communications, Mrs. Lisle Comrnittee.MsDogaoe a, Mrs. vrt Muto I ~ IL IAI ULUILUMI EUL *~~*ai Store) burned to the ground Church Women meeting in the took the form of an evening Noble. ýMrsýý. Donald GibsonMs e-adMs e ices lIE VV R WI V W V I ~ Inearly trapping the Norman afternoon there is an organ- of bowling. The mernbers re-__ (Continued fromn last week) -Frank advises that the pro- moit of the stock was sa'ved. last Spring. January lOth, at 2:00 in the and their business meeting. Octobe 4 pery alo t retv oppositel r n r.Rs rn eebr6 Lower Hall of the church. For Fifty dollars was voted to the Doiio trepaa ooedb eltvs n4th A seil4etng-s those who find an eveningGeneral Fund of the church. the newDoiinSoePaahnrdbrltvso 0h Ataseilmeigat meeting mcre convenient, theIrThe officers for the New Year During ilheir annual bazaar site, King Street East, hasiwedding anhiversary. IThursday, set us as a "Million- organization wiîî be heîd theare: Presidents, Mr. and Mrs. on Saturdav afternoon, Courtîbeen sold and eventually wili Generous loan of $3,000 pro-,aires' Night" stag to deceive same day and the same place 'Ben Hitchens; Vice-Presidents, Venture of the CaOF. L1892' become another s hoppiJ3ngvides financial aid' for Mem-'!the guest to be honored, 30w- at 8:00 in the evening. ýMr. and Mrs. Derek Barnett; presenteri a cheque for SIOOO0plaza. anal Park addition. manville Rotai-v Club paid a *Theecretaries, Mf and M S to the Memorial Hospital to,25 ! S-eriedTheSacamnt f aptsm. ad rs. San- Ian ipesv ceremonyýOctober 2 e-mr tediibute to J. will be observed on Suday, ,ley Ogle; AssistantScrti be u5zed for the new Children*s I U1td eBumavnl Bsies ngson orR d il ' hiivii Ward. *on Sunday morniing. the new ThWalter DeGeer, who is leav- January 2lst. Parents desir- ries, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Over 1,000 attend the offi- organ at St. Paul'_îmn ing to have children baptized Love, Treasurers, Mn. and cial opening of Courtice High1 Church was dedicated as a' an PrfsinlW men' Dspethhav ninoaerqutetoctctRv Mrs. William Hancock;A Schoo on uesdv bvthe'memoial To te Glory of Club taggers raise $500 for, Monday, 52.45 per cent of the Ronald Love. ssatTesrr radi Mýnister of Education. ýGod and in honoun of thoseUNICEF. 'town's 3.777 eligible voters Many Kedron residents at- Mrs. Bill Woodward; Member-~~ It was a great day for Cao- who served in wan, 1914-18 Roy Spry, Chunch St. and1 went Io the poils to elect six tended the funeral of Wr shiomteM rn &da at Mospont Park on Sat-I and 1938-45'. VcJfe~,Dk t r members to Town Counicil. Matilda Bennet on Sunday af_ Theoverar. mer Park'be startling neighbors these davs. Councillons elected were Roy ternoon. Mrs. Bennett, mother The Fbur etn îlb urday when 21-vear-old Peter October 18- Both have beautiful Easter'W. Nichoîs, Jack Brough, An- of Mn. Harold Bennett passe i . charge of Mn. and Mrs. BEST BUY! - SAVE 10c! - Raspberry or Strawberwt de etn-2-z a Ryan of Mont Tremblant, Que-I1 In the Provincial 4-H Inter- lilles in bloom in their gar- nie Oke, Glenholme Hughes, away at Strathaven 'usn WalterDai'gop bec, won the first CanadianiCu Competitions at the On- den, quite unusual for thisIKen Hooper and Wesley Fice. omNiuerr7sien The Dirs' eeigopth Uni- Grand Prix defeating Stirlingj tanio Agricultural College on time of vear. Irving Nelson has been ap- Recent guests of Mr. and Kdo Unted Church oeonsheda Mos, Oivir Gndeienan October l3th, the 4-HI Items *found on Short farim pointed store manager of the Mrs. Derek Barnett wene Mn. W the Rodnîguez brothens, and, Club 'Memnbers from Dunhamnitake us back 2,000 yasoInwBae ubrsoeiadMs.FR.SladMssW nsayvnng many other outstanding rac-Cut wr ucesu ye -ne'evrLme tr n rs .R atadMs ensa vnn Wa t f e J ens. 'winn t ree scometu idispa at Museum. 'Bowvmanville. He comnes from Joyce Sait of Oshawa. It was To open the worship ser- wining n hre omettins Legion ladies enjov happy Barric. whene he joined the the occasion of Mr. Barnett's vice, which was anranged by I3EST BUY! - SAVE 6c!Paag Large crowd present ta lent showing in the faurth present. manager. Salt's 42nd wedding annivers- Lee played appropriate music achMsL.BWilasctcompetition. 1b atnLte.Tesrp ibbo L. ta Wpnimu s eutFie1 n he1am:f urayNovember 1- Merchants plan to rent ary. b atnLte.Tesnp ribn oopnMuem. Freo tefamofMrrySteinberg lot to provide addi- A new teacher at Kedrantune was read by Mrs. Jacl d a ' A A S77 Darlington Township ap-'Payne, sauth-east of Newton-J Stephen Fuels have putnl fe prin.PulcScal sMisMorwStarr, and a meditation on S points Douglas Kemp new ville, on Sunday night caused'chased the coal business optinIofepakn. Tli oo. s Miss Morrow is GocFs Cneativity" was given Township Assessor. lan estimated $70,000 damage erated here by Sheppard & December 13- rfpTacno.Ms Guy Chambe by Mrs. William Hancock. A BEST BUY! - SAVE 6c! -QI'ICK OR INSTAN ag akg Real estate salesman Walter to barns__and crops, though Gi Lumber Ca. Ltd. for a Oven 20,000 people watched relacing rhuy ame- duet arrangement of "Bless great many years. magnificent Santa's Parade l, wose baby daughten was This House" was sung by Mrs.O Mayor Wilfid Carruthers here on Saturday morning. boro at Chbistmas time.Ro announced at the Town Hallý The thousands of citizens inMsJakCmbl ben on Monav evning hat h!thisa patient in Oshawa General Rev. Ronaldi. Love wîth the vE PECIAL PRICES SPECIAL PRICES 'aInMotsand fo evegta e this area affected by t.'Hsia since Christmas. aid of a flip chart, gave a talk Q U 1.19siz Ens 98 98 Pesodet Pste 79e in Decemben. He has been strike nt Oshawa received A Communion service was an the catechism and funiction BEST BUY! - SAVE 24c! - 18e Off Pack 1.3Iz ufrn 9c aumBtls 7o years. te-tha enrece _service at Kedron United tions ta the local communîty 79e size Vam -------_ 64e 98c Ipana Paste 79e Maderator of the Presbv-ý 16,000 will retun o t work. Church an Sunday morning. Iand to the needy of the world. 3.0 iz PndCram1.863 Ian Pst 4e teyofPeerorug, ev G'New Communion Bread Plates as well as the obligations ofa nS i eU RPk63 0O~îe on Cem 9 6e pnaPate 4 J Erahf etam ou.A, MllRev. G.Cunlers try out their skl were dedicated pnior to thelmembers ta the church. Mjs. lat S e e S ------_______ E raiB.. Mlbro at Southview "Open House"-- service. These were psnted 1Donald Gibson sang a solo, offîciated at the Induction of!A gaod cnowd, totalling almost to the chunch by the W.A. as LttBe.i*'ê..............I- 4EX 3C " C Pertussin FrCugs ols Sri-deic Rev. Fred R. Swann, B.A., in- 100. visited the Southview its as ifintLbtet t Mrs. ulsLvamm Spray Pads NsleonanfBalanfdi Country Club o first president, Mrs. R. J. Luke 'ber af the committee on UnitedMT ta te chrge f Bomanille a ad th firt e-1(1913), and its last president,iChurch Women, brought in aV A LUE CH ECK DEA S 1.39____Buckiey's 1 itRa 679e 98e limp Anressbv t eroyian Ch t.cening oftheir Open HMrs. J. Starr (1961), the for- resolution gaverning the lew' THE KING 0F ROASTS- RED OR BLUEBAN BEFCNDASFET ouke' u 7 n Tr' syein. ur Rtrinetrti 2 rip- mr;s randdaughter. Guests onganization. The group wil Pn -ie Vicks Rab - 64e 30AS.. odrada nics ar ihe arian enewite evie2eemebr 300ck Syru.69epIed childnen wt Chnistmasiat tesriewr ebr operate with a central execu- Nose Draps Vicks Forula44 -6.9 Tablets first ta instahi Christmas dec- o tei8t Sou Tooya r tive, whichwih anmeet oeTN D N Vik oml 4---11 orations in their store win- December 20- Courtîce and their two Scout- t onhs ad w 1.00 Dristan Tab. 1.25 2.25 59emasters. The boys ad the unîts, anc neigi h vn 1.0 Distn abs 125 225 9e d ow. Nexvcastle's $133,484 water- leaders were camping at Sam-jing once each month, and one Trainaol1vanvmbr8-ýoks system received officiai'a this weekend. meeting i h afternoan. Ther Triainiaol 125 Nvembr 8-blessing last Wednesday alter- c- initial meetings of these units Bayers rtna 9cCaps c,1.15 HtWac tat i eeme oun0 durin'g a special opening îwill be held on Monday. Jan- :IOS Nose Drops Prusn 6e 9,11 Botties :cil lifts by-law, dogs free ta ceremony in the omnt ]adrfr4xitnmnh.iHl.Hee Cmuiy Business Direclory uary lSth, at 2:00 and at 8:00 For Economy, Boneless Rolled PlateMahLef - 1l.ra DouglasCinningT______9e_79e__l__ at the church. QFM"a!1'TT1~- 1.5 ins ab 6e 79 rFrom unofficial sources it'ham ceut the ribbon. Cr The slate of afficers for the OS fPo oai lb. 49C ~DtIJ.1.Z is a rndth a thes anCox ui- T e P s fie a od A o u n i a n C Central committee is as fol- PpZLf - Bg l h Clo - Geritol - Llquid or Tablet Pardec - the Ideal Tonic :ga h ateatmi o-211,250 two cent stamps and lows: President, Mrs. Jae Spccially Blended "For Meat Loav es S ILS "TEES~ Contains Vitamins & Iran for Child or Aduît nen of the tawn has been sold. since Dec. 8th, 219,971 pieces RAY J. DILING Sar ie-Peiet Mrs. - al ef - 1-z aa 15-3.9- 1.25, 2.50, 3.00, 4.75, 6.00 Eariy this week, Milton J. of mail have been put through, Certified Public Accountant Douglas Love; Second Vice- Grou flu huck ib .y kg 1.5-32 .9Ellio'tt. chairman of the Bow- the cancei'ling machine.da 93 Church Street President, Mns. William Han- Befl.SIEcO O N Nyal ýmanville Public Utilities Com1-, Cotincil passes By-4awTq da MArket_3-3861 cack; Recarding Secretary, Ida'fo Baking (By the Piece) One-a-Day Multiple Tablets Multiple Vitamins 3.50i mission, announced that he in__twaprsicudn' wzJ.H OGN Mrs. Robent Dale; Corresod da o 1.49 - 2.75 - 4.49 - 7.95 Haliborange 1.25, 2.10, 3.65 I would be retiringa fromn office' museumn land. -hree Accountant ing Secretany, Mns. Harvey PEAMEAE 1___thcocluionof____erecod_______________urr, rs.Har BACîK~' Bacon lb. 69c ALTRE~ 0 NYAL CREOPHOS - For Bronchial Coughs - 1.50 A nepresentative crowd of:ful time the past few weeksiCor. King and Temperance Sts. 'ta Officiai Board, Mrs. Alvin '"~~ 'officiaIs and area citizens areningidtyfoditij Phone MArket 3-3612 Spencer. VAUNPU aon hand last Tusa ftrýuin oneyfamilles this YALE, FCOMPANDE Stewads restiR osBoeare-lE P I of II C INý5noon far the officiai Date1 Christmas.&COPNStwrs s.RsLe;e-Ly iV uH 1 Stone la.ying cenemony atý Accountants and Auditors presentatives to Board ofCR A by harmn f he Disrc gem Me mon27-HspiC64rintSt.E. 25-621aidWryMsiodgMr sha- Clarke Township High Sehool, Dcme 7 Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy CnsinEuain r.Hn it~~ B1oard, John T. McCreery of tai at Bowmanville was grac- Oshawa, Ontario IpNChistin Ctizeshi an PHOE W FT PrtHop. d wlha brt onChistas B. L. Yale, C.A. Social Action, Mrs. Stanley MA 3-5695 TRUSSES November 15- Day. This yean a f ive pound, P. Friedlander, B. Com.,C...- ___munt Findhp - M ayor W ilfrid Carruthers'M . and M s. James Jesson. IENT& O . u ix j i N arfee c Ib ar wins Sweepstakes; for best box R. R. 2, Bowmanville. Santa 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa E. of appies at the Royal Winter, in the persan of Dr. E. D. Chartered Accountants Admetingofehe te fldesgef Fair. Hubbard delivered the lad, AmeigthteSudyfle nesc -z a caiedJams e-725-3527 School was held in the Church tends speciuul service markin'c vin Jesson, at 7:20 a.m. 'Hall after choir practice. Re-, Overysclcl g MA 3-5589 RmmrneDy- ay HCgnEeti' hita artn lî ZEnith 45750 iports were given which prov- yu se alyVe rafs gnoups parade. window display oan the Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A.c eystsatr.Pas 0 The Bank of Mantreal, here,' Chamber of Commrerc Presi- A. B. Monteith, B. Corn., C.Aixý;ere made ta engage a ncw THIIS THURS. TO SAT., JAN. 18 - 20 îost same of its arnate gran-1 dent's trophy. Honorable men- G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. lsteretar oth e new reg-ol deun eanly this wcek when tions wene awanded to The1 (Licensed Trustee) sesfrteSnaScoi* - chimney expert Herman Van Canadian Statesman, ons G. E. Trethewey, C.A. Iiii's ondiio wls ooE. eI wr~ l tiuwu ~ IVDV NA EALD LA W th crew handhing a h Chidenre. nar d Joan'y R.hoeFMr. E Mcaug- ott C.A. j M y og B u dy ':hecrw anlin ahu- hilre'sWerKramp's Fur- - ýimproved. crane, nemoved six -hmesntr tradLcesT Mrs. B. Hubbard was Thurs- i ANDer 72 theIrof.lSed op._C _________t__ iC: day guest of Mrs. Ruth Keen- Every page in glorious colriP N N Manv frieans Mali onrMn.eaah in KIM anyfrieds all n M, Ovr î well-flledhanpers G. EDWIN MANN D.C. ýOsh awa. d1M E m and Mrs. S. Venton on thein were distributed aven a wideCiorcr The C.G.I.T, girls enjoyed 40th wddinganniv ýare bv th Salvtion rmyýOfice:a skatiîîg party an the pond e5yasi h m u m m Nvmer2-this ,,earwt h edb g1 Elgin St., con. of BHorsey St. owned by Mr. and Mrs. K. G. i _________________________Christ Phone MA 3-5509 Gîak I JONES By aclamation Ivan _-_-bs__mas.Office or:B pinmtGlbk.aMM V eoue2Éz 1 ___ ous yAponin Miss Hilda Hall, Miss Lynda ______________Little, Reeve and Rass Ste.! ann a __ Ousshawa Mn.ucr_ COLUJM89 PICTIJRES RELEE /In COLOR ynDpt-ev STARK VILLE ______an Oswa Bowanviîeapparsdesin Foodmasoter nd r B cd ta have a eitin estion-' DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.DS. Hubbard. Thurs., one coniplete show at 7:30 p.m. on its hans ocunelectio Mn. and Mrs. orme Falls Ofie Jury Jubilee Bl1dgs. Mrs. Pearl Avery was a re- B IEGRMBOT on it hans forickeyl wA V1 15 candidates running for six attended a panty, Saturday40Kn St. W. Bowmanville cent guest of r.RDiky Fri. and Sat., 7 p.m. Last complete at 8:30 counicil positions. levening at Mns. M. Sherwin's, Office Hours: Hampton. B Y AO O K-A -W E__ _ _ NegbrOrano. 9 a.m. ta, 6 p.m. daihy Our Sunday Sehool and g. g' Oc «*- GleHur6-zClo 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q ~~~~Recently the God o thi nadMr.LlwHal-Closed iSatlru n a n nayChrhSviewrewlat PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO _____________________________________________________v - I TO EVERYWHERE or-ganization ai the United Phones: Office MA 3-5698 i!Mn. and Mrs. Harold Mc-î Save 2lc! - 2-lb. Paly Bags j J is iR Consuit f Church Women af the con- Residence MA 3-5553 ILaughlin and family, Black- I Coming'Disney's nabes inToyland '& L 0 V ETL L gnegatîon. The solo "God Will LIBBnd MIXED VtosAs tshfo _____________________________________J15 King St. W'. MA 3-3,361 Take Care of You" by Mrs. MISS APHA 1. HODGINS stock, Mn. 1and Mns. Ross Ash-.ET _______ leJiniC s elw s gety a Barrister, Solicitor Itan and famihy, Haydon, were! ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___Bow an ii e r mCia e ii w s r aty ap'Notary Public Sunday guests of M s. E. M c- Feature! - Save 6c! ______ recate. -Tempeance St. - Bowman.villc Laughlin. Choice Quaity - 20 oz. Tins3 jMn. and Mrs. Albert Adams A L E ra tl O N ~ o MALCOLM THE MILKMAN - - - by GLEN RAE DAIRY Moia andgMrls, Flemaig, Mh.wa, Feature - StyeelCi M o f ga ge s !ill Oke, Miss Fleming. Mr. 'CECIL. GETS MIS "àAND> MIS NOSE FRQM AND MENDM Er Phone 1 r 16 ýwere Sunday callers at the. Cheerios, I1,' oz. Wheaties, 12-oz. - Frostyo's,9V-zO EYES FROM MIS MIS GRAND MOrMER,. GETS IS 0 u ..AN E C - iSDI hMLON-O ome of Mn. and Mrs. E. M. IN RMFirst Mortgage Funds IGE EALdLLaERALmspg. BAWL/ PROM ME '~' ~ Business Properties M.anMr.BSige-jBkyFatr'-Rgar9! MILK ~~~~~~~land, Oshawa, werc Sunday Bkr etr!-Rglr2c Mortgagc Loans callers at the home of Mr. and Sunbeamn - 12 to pkg. Prompt. courteous service i Mrs. B. Hubband. 'jlC TAIUD II CII HAROLD C. PEDWELL jMr. and Mrs. Stan Paine and l3own 'N' Serve TWIN 25 H fUflII'Real Estate and Jeffeny, Scanborough, Mn. and, monMortgage Broker ýMrs. Cecil Hyde, Miss Lynda Feature' - Save 10e M Newcastle Phone 3.56HdTrnaM.RselPkg. of 12 HyueTsofonoMr. RusselloeEfhUI à J Spinks, Oshawa, were Sunday O E SL N RI E O0pifo m eifry Ho_______and__________and_______ KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. Argue. g n aiyadMs RGr& 14KigOptometrist Choir practice will be heidý Prices effective at the listed Red & WieFo trsol ~A7% 11 KngSt. E. - Bowrnanvilllc at the home of Mrs. Esther' Office Hours: By appointmentlCarnochan, Thunsday evening, IM PE GO E M R E al rv For Prompt Delivery Ml a Telephone MArket 3-3252 Janiîary l8th at 8 p.inrM PL R VEM R E Phone MA 3-5444 GLEN RAE DAIRY 98 King S. . 1) Mon. to 5 'P. F. Ohaa wr Snaya ul C R IHS MA K T.. . . rn Thursday evenings ai Mn. and Mrs. A. C. Steph- O NS M R E ____________________________________________iW@&. and Set. _ 9._la iemnand iamily. PAGE SIX 1 THE CANAD" STATESMA.'ý;, BOWMANVMLE. ONTýUIO WEDNESDAY. JAN. 17th, 1962

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