Tw WO eSOluti/OnS eSulf Magis~~trat9' or WEDNESDAY, JAN. 24th, 1962 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FITEE1 cial and federai government, ford Dictionary, which defines rolling eu iciently. this f inancing was for con- gentile as meaning of or per-! If you have any intention of struction only, taining to any or all of the trying the curling, a new Memoral Hopital itsl snon-Jewish nations. By this!schedule is now being drawn M°emora Hsia ite: a g !'-'a "'""" °1°i tm mè; alu cwold therefore inclueld Held in Bowmanvillebins of1loalnclubs, n iesof every race, wehr 'FrQAIYCr f ~~white or colored, excephs Claude Patterson wasi sen- 'months and his license sus- driving without a driver's licýFrO mT a x a tio0 0 M eetin ga ac".Mr.Hol'detaed.®®t of the Jewish race. adSrie tenced to seven day in gaol for pended for six months. ense on January 6th. Donald A statemnent of law rud E drunk driving on December Kenneth Wilfred Traviss Joseph Bobe. paid $23 on a The increasing demand and lon behalf of the churhad 23rd. He pleaded not guilty and Bent Eric Jespersen. both charge of Careless Driving. need for the invaluable bene- ens said the trust wav cn but his counsel decided his of R.R. 4, were remanded one He was driving too fast on g fits of the latest diagnostic! trary to public policy eas guilt had been proven when week in custody on a charge of glare ice on 115 and slid into p n o e y Fdr tn services were discussed by Mr. itsdicmnaoynoprtn he 'told the court that hie arson. It is alleged that a ser- the ditch. Said Magistrate Hle.H pko h ae and involves the Fair ccm wo l ffer no defense and vice station operated by Jes- Baxter, ",efc ean by Harvey Malcolm that since industry derived the answered many questions pos- ance receive ng xt ud oainPatcsAthe MbTiRdAiLE wou ewpeak only to penalty. persen, in which a quantity of that it doesn t make it proper' t property in questio. h A passing motorist was dynamite was stored, was set that at that speedi and under On Monday evening, Jan.lgreatest benefit from results ed A lihe audience. equipping, and furmishing ofchrwadnsbitws lauded by both the Crown A,.- on fire by the two men. Bail. those conditions, this is care- 15th, some 50 interested folofeuain that all indus-, b d y discussion wihMmralHsia'slree-clecarl n subl o ais IIE torney and His Worship.Ross! was set at $5000 for Traviss,: less driving. The speed limit is:.( a good percentage were mun- trial taxes be collected by therap iiain.nsarhtnio.Te e ig1ilb home. alMQen rs Winacott was passing the Lib-l $10,000 for Jespersen. 60 under the very best of con- i cipal of ficials) gathered des- province and returned to the of answers to the tax dilemma an asset to the entire district, erty Steet over-pass at 3:45,Jsp letMci 7 itos o a o eedi-pite a very inclement evening miuricipalities on a per cpiaproved the timeliness of the and give the people of this Miss Harnde'swilisps 1 IGS.E a.m. and Saw P. C. Stewart R.R. No. 2, Janetville, and img 45. That was too fast un- to discuss Farm Assessment'basis to administer towards meigadtede neetae nu-odt optlo do seso 2,15 h O M NIL scuffling on the ground with Robert Wilson, 18, Pontypool der those conditions, the con-land Taxation at a meeting at :educa2tion and health adwl created y the guest speakers.1which they can be extremely home property, whic h Patterson. Hie went to the con- 'each pleaded guilty to consum' ditions that existed at the Orono sponsored by Durham fare services at township level. ShieldMidde ton kead yt Mr. rod sought o leavet the churc, Auhoried Dealer7for stabl'se asistncei ndtasisteingldquoswhietmiorsgt thitimrwhchiyueweriawaesContytedertionofeAricu- It asoasowsggesedwtatepst pe idnt oredroid h Mr.Holdn thn ivite the as vluedat $,700 MG PORTtCAR ed ,lhe officer to handcuff Pat- arena on Friday. January 19th. Of."tuethslaerevcssoldb such an interesting an n B. and P. Women's Club memq-1 Besides the churchteeM RIi A BE terson. They refused to pay admis- John Rowe, was sentenced Erie Fallis of Cavan in hisikept strictly mn line with thefraiv vnigI asd felt bers to go to the hospi- were two other beneiarsMA335 Said Hlarry R. Deyman., sion to the arena and offered to three months in gaol from new capacity as President of ability of this source to ab- taanwhhdtketietal after the meeting and heimentioned in the wil. Q.C., County Crown Attorney, to the court, the excuse that January 16th on a charge of'this organization chaired thesorb all these costs. ott tedti etn eewudtk hmo esn "If more citizens took your at-, they had paid once and molesting other persons oni meeting in a professional man- Garnet Shield, Countv As- well repaid for their trouble, alyiondc thed torofmspec- trouble, the job of law en- h he osal odcnurn em of 3 months ng the Properties Dept. of the ties, provided pertinent facts ýof authentic information pro- Ti, vtation was enthusias-Cso raovylw forcement wvould be much eas- the court that hie worked 12'on a charge of causing a dis- 10.F.A. was introduced by cocrigfct.fass-vie noesoteeigi tically accepted. milege.Likenew ier." hours on Friday night due to turbence and a third charge|!Grant Wallace, O.F.A. field-'ment withini the counties and ýsuch an interesting manner. On behalf of hier fellowl Spectator0S at theBomn trate R. B.Bxe1 hraeo ep n hno saligBr Perry with man. members, Miss Isabel Davis, Iville Southview CurligCu 90 On ac4D corr ented. -You are one; the two lads were brought mi a piece of pipe. Donald R. Cor- Mr. Middleton discussed cer- D nts$ 0 a past president, moved a sin- Rink on Wednesday,Ja.1 man in a thousand. It seems1 they reeked of alcohol. Mackie nish was given the samne termi tain trends of assessment and ceevt ftanst r o-witnessed a display o od 6cl - odto today ht hna iiznses screamed for two hours and on a conviction of molesting taxation. He pointed out thatdefohiinrstgadi-culgwenheCtrgt a policeman in trouble, theyithen cried like a baby. He was: persons on January 14th. His the number of schcools will"" formative address. She also Curling Club brougtsx15 C e.I p l not only refrain from helpingias drunk as any person theterm also dates fromt January1have to be doubled soon to DIUD I eS O r thanked him on their behalfIteams out for a 1w-ae the policeman, they gather chief has ever seen. 16th. accomodate the increas i n g1 & P C u a e To r i for offering to take themn all:jitney. The ice waske • a O about and jeer the police tak- Mackie is to surrender his: 23 other charges under the number of children who will' on the conductedi tour of the ýcompetition strong andsot 6c.aumtiutm ing a man into custodly. I can- driver's license and license Highway Traffic Act brought shortly be starting to school . new wing. manship of the highestclbe5ai.A1cniin niot commend you too highly. plates of his car until Febru- penalties totalling $349. due to a higher birth rate and I ew H osp ital W ing The Martyn Rink wihHrv-- Yours was an outstanding ex-1 ary 27th. Wilson is on a 9:00 In Juvenile court, a Juven- tendency for population to a old Martyn as skip, Bl e- ] ampe o wat god itienp.m cufe. Sid hecouti le pleaded guilty to taking drift fromt city and counry to ,The Bowmnville Business buffet lunch at the Liigns Com- guson, vice; John Gmusc i"" should do." 'If you want to act like babies, three cars without the owner's, outskirts o rbncnteend PoesinaioenlmniyCnteonTusdvodHnoesAsesiela Sain9a O Patterson, 25 years of age, we will have to treat y ou as cnet Tecr elne owhere employment is morelClub last week donated $1,000 evening, January25h took top honors, whil et a ruk rie. rnrried wt ais Raymnond (Bun) Welsh, 10,aalbl.H ls sd 1tts to Memorial Hospital for a Van Camp's Rink withHrl 6cy.stnadhi.A- four children, was sentencedl Jake Voorhoof, Town Line Car1lysle Av e., William Glen: ties to demonstrate how thechildren's ward on the pedi-i- Guessnpesnt t he in Swain, vice; Art VaCmp to seven days mn gaol. His car: Rd. N., Oshawa, was fmned $50 Rihrs!0 Hgln v.umit cost to educate each pupilj atric floor of the newwig ner meetingim addition to scn n aodKtla, 15 O ta was impounded for three'and costs of $3 for CarelessOsaandLdeHrwr' has more than doubled itselfiThe president,Mr.Vcoi Mr. Hlolden were Councillory placed second. The ote0 fu Two ar lankts ere tolnm te past few years. UnderIFrank, made the presentation Annie Oke, Mrs. Ruth Barclay, • v li byIr rinks were skipped byRoMcDO X 4-r AS O from Dave Richards' car, 127 th rsn sesetst-up'of the cheque to Bernard Hol- Ms uyKwladMs Laughlin, Boyd AyreHmd 6cy.stnad hi, Centrl Pak Bld. Ohawa the farmer pay an inequit- den, the hospital administra- Leapha Butterall, Smiths Falls,: Property left toS.JonsHmlnadHeb w'n.utmrdi parked at the Arena. A trans-j able share of the cost of edu-1 tor, at the club's dininer mecet- the mother of Mrs. Pauline Anglican Church, Bowman- Leaueites dan The annual Congregational'Reverend P. W. Page conduct- istoir radio and another blan-1 cation as compared with homeling hield at, the Bowmanville IStorks, Newcastle. ville, to be held in perpetuity titionau in er tanHomeo96Pmtac4D MJeeting was held on Thursday ed a dedication service for th e tnfother vehiclen- owners situated on small lots,!Hotel. I nrdcn h us sahm o etl aisicesnat tsrdsr night.andReerend . ae prey meers of trh exeutieo lswreasnrcvre. wthe n ecion whalabltever :Others at thle head table in ýspeaker, Miss Velma Gay, told!is in invalid bequest, Mr. Jus- the first schedule neascm atnW gn sidp erandced i as.brncwo- theElorc group.t n A car stolen in Brampton terindvda aiiyt addition to Mrs. Frank andithe club that Mr. Holden was tice P.» E. F. Smily ruled last pletion.Deuemdl6cy.rai ohntsevicte seretr atuda f eno v ato as recovered in Bowman- paY.f h aypssbesl-Mr. Holden were miss Violet born in England and educated week in Toronto.In te M da-hrayLclyo e. A film, "Split-level Family"imemibers present. A mission- il.Acar stolen im Whitby tions suggested 'tto alleviate'GlucFee aters nd iis Vema m ter adiesokte ff ok May iharrià o ndenp, of grpla withx onkergam' lettt of stewardship. A vocal solo Canada was begun. There whe-n they were arrested. They taxation, in particular educa Audrey Cookson, the treasurer, aD arge hospital in Great Bri- made the bequest, specified the lead. admdl ocos rm by~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do alradahmr eegopdsusoso t t police thatruck ftried thtion-wis,two were favoured s"dthBoksCrspn-in,rccind entiondplthatashatovthas StmarwasHtome Th Tusa-rdygopAlbvecshve en 0aus reading by IMrs.RoyLang'- life of a child im five differ- Fina SSe on Highway 2 theyi and resolutions drafted t elyClis tc ertry nosia dmnsrtr fo mmr fhrmohradhrhvetogmst la n hruhy hce hog maid were enjoyed, ient provinces. Mrs. B. Tink, couldS n't getitsated Theyisent to O.F.A. for considera~ attra ctliv.e ackgrund fori he tal Briish atores.1 sisterv fli-mthrad irthe teamskipped by H .M-ou hpadcar1u w Thermueadoan a promeetin si d theworship service. wrAoigtIbekinotetioO n resotnmeig ihheadtitable was formed by a Since comning to Canada in'TeCnaaPranentGeeis leadinth ebr f ult sd a urne Paegv he rpot ofthe roll call wsanswered wlth a Fina Garage, but the dog in 1unanimous favour was that the eau u ianee 96M.Hle a ucs-TutC. xctrakdteCrigCu lce h Pag ga t reo ree tra-favorite winter sot h the garage started kicking up cost of education be removed roepo o rsadlally completed an advanctil whether the disposition was a following executivetodrc Ou ShlSeveSain suesiof the hurh board. meeting will be hld on a fuss and scaredJ themn off. fromn land and based comple- asgeochd hc wa S course for hospital administra- valid and charitable bequest, the activities of theClbfr sopnoruies... su,ýrter oa eacaurcf $782.58. February 3. The roll call will The older boy, wvas sentenced tely of house and farmn build- plIaced on the mantelpiece. The t>rs, Miss Gay stated. She and whether the bequest tol the remainder of the esn o stetm ohv pore aba nced Mint be answered withl a hym oteO t raining School ings alone. tabILs uwere also centred bylsaid that hie had spent a year the church was valid and free IPresident, Ivan Woolse;Vc.yorarhckdfrwnr The Missionry anldMainten..Brdevs o mnity lub thGelph.t he1-ea-lrTescodrsouin seroses and pomi-pom mumis. lin 1\,ontreal as the administra- of any trust. President, Kenneth Fece.diig ed uobd creaserin givinreve$751.40. Don met Frielay night with Stanwas placed _)n probation for O eafo l h e-tro 2 e optl n Mr. Justice Smily hield that!Sec'y, Stuart James;Tesudrpaig Tavorinth cmeer bar Millson, presdni h n er.Tedy1aur 0h bers the president expressed'after wards served as admii they were not, and that the !Bill Burk; Games CaptiJo report noted a balance of, chair. As this year is the; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wind-1 regret that the club was losing1 tratt r of the General Hospi- property falls into the resi-IO'Neill; Games ComitecNOUCMN $154.26. The trustee board re-CntnnalofBrd ey'sScool ve were Sunda guests ofeo ssot al oramnsrtOtHe due of the estate. ýCharliedBickle andLarneW aeplsdtonouc port showed a balance ofa tentative date im June was B R E O Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vickery. leers s ex monh tte up ocra Hoista hreo ey n Mis andnwodidoar•tedpontetofRs $1479.74. Murray Vice, report ýset for its observance. As a B R E O Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooely, a new position in Richm ond 11961.yi May 30, 1960, provided in hier This has all the earmrsf"AeRihdstousae ing as treasurer of the Sun-Irememnbrance fromi Bradleyý,'s ,Mr. Roy Hooey, Solina, wvere 9 TI will, executed Feb. 9, that the a mighty capable gropadsaf div School, told of a balar.ce slchool section Mr. and Mrs., Congratulations to Mr. and Saturday evening guests of: Hill. A gift from the club ýwas Mr. Holden assured the club Ichurch receive 10 acres of will undoubtedly keeptig on'hand of $475.28. Russell Vice and Mr. Everett Mrs. S. Pedlar who recently Mr. and Mrs. Tomn Hodge and Pr.esented to Miss McFeeters!t hat its generous donation for land, on which a brick house CNAT Vice, who are now living inicelebrated their .50th Weddmng famriy with best wishes for hier suc- the furnishing of a children's s dEr cue The Superintendent of theSoiavlaewrepend Anniversary.M n rs bM- cess and happiness from alli\uard in the new wing1istands. S. arvv Yllwles r- itha fireide, se an.a rne M. n MsrEwi"oc augln, ONIshawa, bM-radheflowm brsTepe-eay prcit.Hex- he huhadnwo GtY urP ceW dnBon tedtht S S ws hld45plate. For the-se gifts, Rus- rane. Raglan, were Thursday ,Mrs. Fred McLaughlin an1d entation was made by Mrs. y lained that while the actual1disclaimed the_ bequest, said'•BdFg mdysm 96 it a a-seHl, Elva and Everett expres- evening guests of Mr. and familv. Columbus. were r'e- Cosn itigo h e igwstehuewsmapo tt For Your Lives ckAeRhad, rage attendance of 98. s- sed their sincere thanks. For'Mrs. E. M. Adams. cent 'guests of Mrs. E. Mlc - Il was announiced thatthe iniaiiced by the four munici- of repair, with no electric trnhT C b sitat uprmenens rethe remainder of the evening-ý Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Craw- Laughlin. Regional Conference will bec l e8tsre, omn.lgtg n eta etn T A T E 8MAN.Im rme Pearl Leach and Stan Millson, ýLost Heir was plaved Tho:;se ford, Enniskillen, were Friday ------ eld in Bowý%manville on Sat- ville, Darlington, Clarke and system, andi no mndoor plumb- CLASSIFIEDSJakRcr secretarv , Frank Wstlak2 win.ning awards f or highest tea euests of Mrs. Gretal urday. April 28th. It was Newcastle, and there have also jig.Phone A rket83-303 Sale asitat.Lon n nscores wý,ere Fave Vice and Bailev. mocved by Mrs. Mel McNulty teeli grants from the prvin. They citend the ShorterOx M\urray Vie; 1anistts, ine Everett Cryernn Consola- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brunt, L.oca Dr m seconded'by Miss Gay, that tha -- - - Tik nn WryMr. .tions were given to low scor-iBrighton, Mr. Gordon Averycneenemeigsadbn OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WODP DUT TikAne dryM rs M V .' mnge lady Mrs. G. Leask and Vi Mr. Joseph Aver. Litl Bri- quets be held at the Flyin Larn mad n st.icAshton (playing as a man), tain, Mr. Allan Larmer, Tor- WS O O Dtha oorHte. hi re m.trfor missionarpo- ITasty refreshments concluded Onto, were recent guests ofj was carried. rm rs. akis omitteeafor a pleasant eve.ning. ýMr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer. Iwas, decided that theý Mu. . akns cMmit H or1Solina Good Neighbors Club' Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grant Memberhip Comittee o Mlsn and rasH. Knox. •[met on Wednesday night with1 and family, Oshawa, were re-, which Miss Helen Devitt is ýtWEED O Mrs. R. Eakmns, president, m :cenit guests of Mrs. R. Davev,.! The Bowmanville Dramna the cýhairman will be in charge;o The report of the Three MI charge. The programi was A number of ladies attend- Workshop met at the Lions of registration: the club's pro- ç group (now disbanded) pre- planned by Mrs. Frank West- ed thie Inaugural Meetinig atý Centre on Thursday, January gramn convenors, Miss Ag-nes sented by Don Taylor, show- lake Jr. and Mrs. Wes Werry,, King St. Church in Oshawa; 18th, 1962, at 8 p.m. 'with Mrs. Waddell, Mrs. Mýabel Bagnell, edi a balance on hand of $51.02. with the former in the chair. ion Wednesday. iEdward Samuel presiding. and Mrs. Shirley Colliss will' Mrs. H. Yelloywlees reported Joan Westlake gave a read-ý Pte. Robert Ward of King-' The evening's activities be-1plan the entertainiment, and briefly on the activities of the ig "Boys Are Awful", and ston spent the weekend wit-h gan with practising the pre- Mrs. Beryl Hughes, public re- past year. Mrs. E. R. Taylor,i Sharon Spires also gave a!Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pedersen'!vious instruction's received in llationsg chairman, will be iný Ireasurer of the Adult Bible humoerous reading, "Girls Areand family. 'Mr. John Schoenmaker's charge of publicityN for the' u Class, reported a balance cnSilly",. Mrs. R. Fraser on theý Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey course on the theatre and con_ event,. hand of $5.20. Mrs. J. Knox,iguitar and Mrs. C. Langmnaid attended the Gaelic So>ciety!tinued with instruction in the Thie club will not hold a C.G.I.T. leader, reported a, at the piano provided enjo--1 dinner and dance in Toronto ý correct way to tiptoe and pace. dinner meeting in February yvear of manyhaed lites a28d6ai able selections. A film "Te'n on Saturday evening and were It was decided to produce!because the miembers will beý ibalance on hnk ead$8.r6.o to Twelve' was shown and a guests of Dr. Hugh Ross. ýthree one-act plays, probably'guests at the International Din-i Mrs. Bruce Tnk, ler discussion foMlowed. Lunchi Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greerlin March. The directors wijll e tiehedo Sna theExploergrup hr r- asserved. The February and girls, Oshawa, were Sat-! be Mrs. Winifred Wonnacott,i February 17th, by the Lindî- port revealed a balance tOf meetingý will have Mrs. W.1 urday guests of Mrs. E. Bryan.1 Mr. John Schoenmaker and sav Bus-iness and Professional $7.66 andhe5H mbers in rhe Gorr and Mrs, G. Ferguson as; Misses Lyn Lee and Lenore r.D oi rnhawoWmnCu.Te Civic gopgrureoconivenors of th rgram. IAdams of Bowmanville spen,t have prepared a short list of Comnmittee of which Mrs was read by Mrs. Francis Mr. L. Squair, Salem, wasý Saturday with their grand- plays for the members' ap- Rhoda Aniderson, is the chair- Johnston, leader, and noted5a a Sunday guest of Mr. andiparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M.Iproval. mnwl ei hreo h baane n an f .t·Mr.Roy Langmaid. Adams. The readings and c-astingsiMarchi dinner meeting of the:.. OSHAWA ODPOUTIa The group has an average at-i Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellow,- Our new. school is making for these plays will begin at!Bowmanville Business and tendnceof 6. eeswere guýsts of Mr. andigood progress.ounetmtigwhcisn Professional Women's Club.hepyuwttisercabediio The following are the memrs. Russell, Robbins, Bow-I Those ýparticipating in the Thursday, February 1st, 1962,'The Regional Adviser, M is s to your home, wihwl aetewa .b Ta o.A r L asac;iinc ývrl red fAr- ' L:-ýarea as the industrial centre.'agreed that it was more valu- r, Nominating Commrittee, Lloyd not's on);, ais b>iriiiday,, on Mon- for the Newtonville W. I. on Bowmanville, in this area, is able and interesting thani the E- Broome. Ewvart Leask. John dav evnn.Wdnesday afternoon, Jan. 17, la busy town, with the Good- previous type of meeting. t hisiae apoi tti n Mr Mr5.Lornerce t ersattdancurisitors. riesplant,nthe oundrv, nur- Ihereretred FOR T HE D00 -IT -YOURSELFER . . . It was decided that a suit- guests oc- \lI and Mrs. N.' President Mrs. C. Brown others, and was a manufac-'by, Mrs. Lowerv, discussed able memnorial to the late Mr. Wotten oee the meeting and con1- turing town ini the last een- reading and phonics. Thev'c . . . We can supply you with all the necessary materials . . . alsogieyuxpradcen B. G. Stevens would be plac- Mý' J. cik Hak er, Jean and'ducted the business. Mrs. M. tury, when the Domi.nion Pi- evaluated the various reading the planning and construction! ed in the church this vear. James B1ker isie aisra tmiue, fmn- ano, the Upper Canada Fur- series and outlined a phonics This would be cared for by Mrs. San: D elHampton. ancial report. and a large niture factory and Williams, course for grade 1, 2 and 3. the Board of Stewards. on Saturcjaj amouint of correspondence, mn- woollen millsq were located The junior group, chaired e Lunch was served b'v 1la di s -Mr anyI Mr1s Ross Cryder- cluding a letter from MNrsý.'there. The newv museumn keepsby Mrs. Lunn, discussed the,: of the Adult Bible Class. man an('hkie visited on Ly'mburner, president of F.W. alive the old way in an age various problems encouintered O saaWodP Several from Solmna attend- Suindav - .'th Miss Jean Run- I.O., and a numnber of "thank of great and rapid advýance.,ini the teaching of literature. ed the Burns Night Concert die omnile. Mrs.l you" letters. A Valentmne card Mrs. Wiseman closed with a'To many of these difficulties et Hampton. S. Rund e aMmra Hos- 'party was plarnned for the poem, thev worked ouIt satisfactory ite mesdames W es H1ills, E. R. pita e; venmng of Feb. 14 to be helld Mrs. Mi;lliglan read a short sol utions. O ylor, C. Vice. J. Knox. E. Mr. À %1d., Keithi Rowe in the Community Hall- poemn, "I,, Shows in Your The senior group, chaired 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU ire, B Hoey nd war ani hrem Bowmanville, Mrs. Milligan, convenior, hd Face,", a thought for us a!l to by Mr. Munro, dealt with geo- Oshawa Office and Showroorn ManOfchadSoro eask attenided the inaugural were d sitors with Mr. charge of the programme, and keep in mmnd. gr*aph.,. Mr. McGee lectuired0 service of the Oshawa Presby-- and MNrs, George Knox and calledi on Mrs. Ormiston for a The roll call was an article on the present geography OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRECORIE-7811 terial of the United Church family1. 1 reading, "Regret". for the talent table. These course and text books. Mr. Phone: 728-1617 Women iOsKivaStJat nited Ho kadý Hockadav, Mrs. E. The guest speaker was Mrs 1were sold at the close of the 'Munro demonstrated the use BOWMANVILLE -- 728-1611 AA Eih290 Chure .Ohaac an.1. Hcaa and Jean attended Wiseman. u ititpei tn. of various visual aids. The inaugural service for the presentation on Saturday dent, and she spoke of Canada i M rs. Milligan and her group) In conCILusion1 al! three r!i- ase LnedonChuinday :nen r -h n ias- onaeall forMr. acnuinportatmanufaetur- ser \,dlch and ou i enioy-ed p ed h r ndilogther and îOSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS -M WOSHAWA WODP DUT Over 50 Attend