PAGE SIXTEMN WEDNESDAY. JAN. 24th, 1962 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ! the snow. be careful how vou 1 lTTAl eda Clav leto Park Receives Gift of Ca rd Tables K NA step, for evenv mark wil ari.OrB 5t, nd ,ç Miss Carol K E I~~1 D A L show." Ail took part in theFidv bv e.Jon . MissCaro Little and Ron- for ice from the rain which discussion of current events;. D. L. Featherstone-Hag -, ~nie Gay of Peterborough Tea- tell most of the day'v MNonday. Mrs. Foster read the poein we cez.Inrm tfoow chers' College both spent ai If it had ail corne in so we miglit ail tack uip, -My Kit- The deatlh of Dtrncan ar -i ien ak Cmtr week teaching at Dr. Hockins surely might have been snow- chen Pra .ver." Mrs. W. Mer- rence (Don) Feathe r s tone agî~ School. Port Hope. and spent, ed ini. The Seventh Line and'!cer read a furtber chapter on'Haugh. 65, occ-urred suddnl last weekend at home. Newtonv ille road were well our Pioneer Settlements deal-!on WtÀednesdav,. Januarv Plbrrs eîefeiow Mr. nd Ms. MrtinMan-sanded Tuesdav but we folk ing with the first homes built I1962. at Calga la h ebr fte Cnda ders and Gale were guests of in tbis forgotten corncr lbai at Pet erborough citv and' deceased had býeer in r Copof omiioar. Martis couin. M. andMi-<the glare ice to contend xvîtli countv and the great difficul- heFýlth for a vear andabaf- ____ Marin anganBolon.forfrom Mondav ev\in until ties thv encounitered getting TelI I.Faleso( abrha ceeaio Sau-Thursa noon. Then they flour and repairs. Imagine asa h ae r eti a tday gbrtonStu ave it a real good coating. xvalk fonPtroog Haugli -as borni in Enan dand aîtended schools in E Master Russel Carruthersý Sorne of the tobacco growv Port Hope and back. weight- and ted sho i spent Wednesdav with his ers have sent in their second ed down ivith supplies or re- Gras n aaa OnMarcb 18, 1959. heg 91randmother. Mrs. H. Foster. sbipment of tobacco. While pairs. . re h me'Nr ljî while the Carruthers familv the darker grades have been Our usual Penn)- collection Kýersiake. \vbo survives. TPV OGT14 s were in Toronto attending the movýinig better than the brignt. for sick and shut-ins was Fruit Growers Convention, 'most appear ,vell pleised with taken up. Thanks were ex- Th'le deceased bad r~ie banquet and floor show. the resulîs. pressed frorn the recipients ofin Ca1gaî- foi- the patI INPU8 T M S Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux Wednesdav cvening was not the 13 Christmnas baskets sent years and prior to thatinvr and familv and Mrs. Win. the best for a ladies' meetingiby the W.A. and Wv..ious localities in the proins Mercer spent the weekend with the temperature belo;v Three premium blankets had ofAH e rtda a aktnd~ a with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moorme. zero and the îoacl and side- been received fromn the ordt>r H. eirdav Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. walks covered with ice. How- of 'nid voollens." One of agio froin bis commissioar Charlie Roach, L ak e vi ei. ever some brave souls ventur- t1lese fias been presented topot 'Ha'ppy' the Couroux's rolly-,ed out to attend tbe W. I. Mr. and Mrs. Garczyniskv \vhioj Ile \vas a uiembei fth polly white and Yellow spotted meeting at Mrs. Hatcber Fos- had their home and contents'Anglican Chuircb. and as q dog went visiting on bis ovn'ter-s. The vice president. Mrs. burnt. The other two are on' memiber of the Alberta Uîe and could not bie found. Martin Manders. was in the hand. Services Instituite and Rxa It was hardlv safe to ,te,'chair. Mrs. Foster read tbf': Wbile lunch was being pre-!.Canadian Legion. D uri The Memorial Park Association was the recipient ing euchres to be held in their clubhouse. Photo shows, husdnesdo as ekmnute sibedateMueing s rd v rs. bosesses.Mrs.! te ritisharnI be arnd w of a most useful gift on Tuesday, Jan. l6th in the form Ieft 10 right, Park President and Vice-President Mrs. lin Nov. and Mrs. Fairbr-otlerlCourouIX, the ladies took parti Woî-ld WVar Il teCa- of six card tables. They were presented by President Annie Oke and Mrs. Victor Jeffery, Mr. Gray and Mrs.. cYON ave a dernonsti-ation oif ai-- in putting a jig-saw puzzle of dian arm. ranging floxver centres in Dec., Ontario together. Il seeins mn tebauil David Gray of Newcastle on behaif of the Oshawa and Ralph Campbell, Parents Council corresponding M dM HCTemicîlwsasee ) os fu uîlandabout Ann lebatflfoa District Cerebral Palsy Parents Council in apprecia- secretary, with one of the tables. 111. naming the 'Duties of a gond our own county so it \vas a tkn eetoefonWs LM IGHAWG tion of the co-operation the Park has shown in allow- ___________________________________________t___e__________ l elomlfeedsfofaçiiz.i' whil -efondwee eaUnitsaepzzealerai 1v niedChrc Coi. es _____tct__________theg _ souitHal l, rno aý sn vnn oaWoncns Supper ClubadEs UNE ELRts Cbe fact that sinceisseogurds mu7tv7:Hal. yon te.onain waNs donp. Mrs. Foster com- verv ple"s vnig1 [Public Trustee Office. Councl Gies Pemisson i27 at7:30p.m.on th occsionmented on the motto, "Eveî-v close. with also a special vote OOO 18 ____________________________ ad received their last salary !of thei r 501h Wedding Ani- -day' vis lk abahog ftak o Mrs. Foster. I hefunieral-ser-vice -a increase nf $7.5t) a mnnth in iversan lkea. 4-I _____ In tans January, 1960, tbere bas been Mr' n r.A.Gihre a consi derable increase in the .and ilr, Zion, ith r.A I C LL A I CH N E ND 0 U Electric V'1arning Siren icot of living.He added that a~and idr Zod rith . ATCL!LS HN i x, age rates in industry are ad- adMs .Pr r infomedcouciltha hehad orne Crago recently visited Afo To n H ll uilingIAletteri rom J.i h A oTo n H l Bu l i gbeen appointed president of Mrs Gordon Smith, Coîborne. i SPECIAL tbe Bowmanville Ratepayers' Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread, Association, and it requested,,visited Mrs. Herb. Murray.,~ the use of the Council Cham- Orono. oI Miay Be lnstalled This Year ýb forkB.R.A. meetings..He! Mr. and Mrs. Ebert John,,;Bd - at h o Perisson as îve b he lenolm Huhessecnde adertnt îstke t xas ta-be given representation on the per guests ni Mr. and Mrs. Ken Permision as gven t theý GleholmeHughs secndedadverent rindustriaas saCommittee. Com ande, onn on lmer.r Department of National De-,by Councîllor Ken Hooper. ted in the last issue nf the the Committee ni Adjustmnent Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman' fence for the installation nf i The Finance Commîttee for Statesman that Councîllio r Councill1o r Jack Brough and »family visited Mm. andý an electrical wamnîng sîren on 1962 was appointed as fol- Nîchots was chairmaîî. moved that the BowmanvilleiMms. D. Flett, Sauina. the rani of the Town Hall by lows: chaîrman, Deputy-Reeve A letter from Professor A.Rtears Asoiin beIM.ndMsFedEns Bowmanville Town Council at Ross Stevens, Counc unor Roy J. Dakin, University ni Tor- Igiven permission bo use the Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.! Its meeting held in the Coun- W. Nîchols, Councillnr Jack onto, refemred to the Bowman-i Council Cbamber w'hen avail- 1 Cowval and Randy, Oshawa,! cil Chamber last week. ThisîBmnugh and Councillnr Glen- ville project undertaken bylal o hi etns hsM.adMs ereWnsr was moved by Councillor hnlme Hughes. Thcoi gban in- Division of Town and Region- i ae fo teir meCeti. Tis Mr.and Mms ere Windsnî- ai Planning students. He ask- w-as second red 'Cuclo;Balntawm ed that the students' survey Hopr n are.guests ni Mr. and Mrs. H.ý materials, first sketch propos- Deputy-Reeve Rnss Stevens, Windsor. aIs, and final ideas received seconded by Councillor Fie: Mc. and Mrs. W. Vivian and fro th exccîe culd bemoved that the Town Clerk, familv visited Mc. and Mrs I preentd, nd vebaldes 'Mr. Reid, send a letter to the Bob V;ivian. anetville. - cm ption given at a meeting to IBowmanville R a t e p a y e r si Mc. andi Mrs. J. A. Rosevear' BLOIAI.UTpROOF be held here Litl scod-thanking tbem for their inter- adEte n~M.adM. miiurrrnýed by Councillor Annie Oke, I A communication irom E. Sunday guests of Mc. anid IVIIJ~~~LEK> maved that Friday, March 2nd R. Lovekin, Newcastle, eiermrs Chas oeDrfr.mkr ffefm M U F E S be tentatively set as the date ed to a dlaim b)' Wiifred Simp- CnmtlainM e A ornout leay mfflr s of the meeting. This was car- 'son against the town for dam- i MmszHecbuCamon on M h. anb, dangerous! rid g asd ywtîwih50th Wedding Anniversary on! Exhaust fumes are odorless, in. A communication fmom the backed up into the basement JaBEAUTYRES * Protect yourseif and your loved quested that a forecast res- at 87 Ontario Street, Mr .and Mrs. Ross Hll and' I MON visibl, anddeadly Ontaia MuncipalBoard e- 'n the bildin ownedby hiR'oJann241h ones! pecting capital undertakings The Town-Clerk, Mc. ReidcideMs et oisn Worth shouting about- Simmons' gorgeous new Countes e Instail a new Western muffler foc the yeacs 1962 ta 1966 in- tld council that hie had been Iand Michael, Mr .and Mms. A.' for sure, quiet safety' clusîve be pcepared and fîîed. inîormed by the insuirance'Thiessen and famnily and Mrs.! niattresses. Because they're such a good buyw'r Ross Stevens, seconded by had wîitten ta Mr. Lvekin in edMr. and Mrs. Horace Hall. offering te tteeincredibly o prices.. ayfmu CAR (Most) YEAR PRICE ~Caunicillor Wesley Fice, tbis September to ask foc the iMms. Edith Murphy. Mc. and __80_ matter was eferred to the 'amount ni the claim, but that Mrs. Walter Murphy and fam- Sinrnons features are incorporated in Countess: A'JSTiN A40 52.55 3.80 Finance Cnmmittee. as vet they had receive d no ilY were dinner guests Sunday 3UTI A5 558 49 Want Higher Fay reply ta this relquest. 1ni Mc .and Mcs. Hugh Murphy, AUTI A0 5558 4.9UP A letter from E. A. Jones, Reeve Little, secnded by ownrville. CHEV./PONT. 6 49-53 5.80 iWilliam H. Nichais, and H. Cauncillar Roy Nichols, mnv- The flowems placed In the: CHEV/PONT. 8 54-61 7.25 Hunt, School Cmssing Guards ýed that Mm. Lovekin's letter church on Sîinday were in PL./ODE 4-5 798 Nominal Chag applying for an incmease ici ibe reierced to the Town's Sol- lox'ing mnenom.y of Mms. lorne g PL./OGE6 959 7.8for a their salaries was referred ta ictor, A. H. Strike. The mn- Phare. PLY./DODGE 6 60 8.55 Isalto the Finance Committee on mon ia a carcied. A special meeting was held Se ,, lio aiCoucilor aopr8 ec- 1A written request was re- last week at the school to elert PLY/DOGE 5659 40onded by Councillor Fice. iceived from Mrs. Hester Boe,, a new Trustee foc 1962. Pre- FORD/CONSUL 56-59 12.85 T~ILThe three School Crossing!117 Liberty Street Nnrth, to ;sent Trustees are AlbertWo FORD/METEOR 4.54 6 30 E __ Guards were present ini tbe have the town remnove a mnaple and W. Vivian. LodSî-'.- 55.56 7 75 P954I6.3 audience, and Mr. Jones on tcee on ils property a litîlei nec was elected to 1111 out thebý FORD/METEOR 555 .5 their behaîf spoke of their ta the soutb-west of bier homej termi left bv the resignation FORD/METEOR 57-59 9.40 îesponsibilities. He said that as il is in a dangemnus candi- ni W. Jewell. After twenîvkt 4yO FORD/METEOR 60-61 il.15 28 Up it is oflen bard ta predict what lion. jy,,ears'oi faithfuî service, F. È. 5'J.A¶%n child or driver will do. Most' On motion of Reeve Litle, Bymrsge ssc-tceasuc-,teP% FORD/MT. 6 5 8 90drivers are caucteous and co- seconded b)' Councillar Oke,, ec. Mcs. W. Vivian bias accept- - ~ FORDMET.6 5759 910 HLLYW OD perative, but some are smart Mrs Boe's request was ceferr-'ed this office. aV'b FR/E. 575 9.0 HLY O D alecks, hi' assecteci. cd ta the Roads and Streets S~j HILLMAN 49-55 4.75 He reminded the council 'Cammîttee witb power ta act. MUFFLERS that the Cossing Guards aI- ffTTTI HILIMAN 55-56 5.15 tend ta their duties in ail UDITUAflRY4.J e. . MORI MNO 5-5 550kînds of weathec. snow, sleet,, Ma<0 N E V MORRSWMINOR45-58 50.50 .0 rain, wind, freezing cold, or! ALLAN SAMUEL C'LARKE -- ' é"' VOLKWAGE 48-0 1080 bgh heat. He also spoke af the SAV ONOTHR EHAST OMPNENS azards fmom the occasianal AVAILABLE FOR The death ai Allan Samuel reckless driver. ClG arke, aged 591, occurred sud- Mr. Jones dcew attention ta lde ~nly at Memacial Hospital, i SA EO GAA TEDM O RTIGA ES 1 Bovvrmanville, on Tuesday, -~ . SAVE ON GAARANTEEiJanuary 16, 1962. e EC.Lodge, A.F. and A.M. and the The funeral service xvas held ..... MULTI- Toronto Lndge of Perfection nti hpln b oîet GRADE n h ctihRt.H a & Smith Funecal Honep, Bow-î secmetacv of the Oshawa Seat- CLEARING LISES mativiîle, on Thucsda-., Janu- O IL tish Rite Club. of aiv 18. and was (-uncucted b%, ~ Mr. Ogden iS gslir-d b- Rex W. K. Housiandei- of nI YT. bis wife, the former DorothvDAI T Tinty United Chur-eh. Inter-! L. Umpbre..and bis parents.* MIiimetwa n owavil STANDARD iet gorgeousowmcovers STADAtD Also surxiving are four sis- Duîinther sixe ra ~M~Ifiuda 2< OT. ters, Mms. Mariant Rabx-, ofndCmlc-- yu PREMIUM C-suc . Giadvs Farrow%, Drn h evc rai o n music was plaved bx- Mrs. ,OTG 30 j 390 OT ,Mis. Dorothv Clarke and Mrs. W LLPAPER Llioyd Ayre. VOTGHEAVY * Simmons "AutotLocko construction REGLATRS XC 440 OT. Hope. and two brotherz, at The manv loveiy fioaa tok- eTk datg rtisitoutr SA . pecfia ofa Clarke Township. Keduced rces teem in whieb the deceased piewiei The iuneral service %Vas held w as lIeld, wece from relatives. .% E RIENDLY $TORE 7mAT SAESyOU eý1ç at t h e McIntosh-Anderson friends. neighbors, Dept, 290 Funeral Home at 2 p.m. on~ and 293 Goodyear, Pceparing Thursdav, Jan. 18. Rev. John Dept 's 232. 233 and 237. Local K. Moifat, minister ni Simene L T V~ 189 Goodyear, Bow., Fîce De- 7 e Street United Churcb, con- B RNETHY S pa rtment, Bowmanviile Little ducted the services. Interment N.H L.. Bow-manville Sham- TIE& UT S PPY- r was in Osbawa Cemetery- PAINTS AND rack Hockey Club. Staff aof czThe palîbearers wece Stan- C.K.P.T. Radio Station, Peter- ASSCIYE TOE1ey Bacon, T. L. Wilson. Han-v WALLPAPER bacaugh. and Simpson-Sears F GaN, Frank Godden. Gardon Order Office, Bowmanvilie. 85Kn t .Clark and Ronald Clark. 33 King Street West Palîbearers wvere Messs 8 KngS*VTTe members oi Temp:e Bownianville Wm. Corden. Town. LeightonrR IU EHO E F R III M A 3-3134 A. Boyd, Prop. Lodge, No. 649, A.F. and A... A 3-431 Souch, RoY Flintoff, Oshax,3,L t.E B w aniî furieral home on Wednesday 1 37Hil.KRinMncStn. dg. evenin.i Phillips, Port Hope. 7--- J« ýd