W~1WTSDAY, JAN'. '~4th, 1962 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL!, ONTARIO A P~t rtX~t'U New Officers Installed at Palestine Cha'pter R.A.M., No. 249 /10HAPMAN - HERON lwere unable to attend theý A .wedding of local interest Fo trvelindte bid took place in England on Dec.Frtaeln th bid 30, 1961, in All Saint's Church, chose a mauve wool dress with' Maidnhea, Brkshre, henpleated skirt, pale green wool MaienhadBershie, hencoat and black accessories.ý June, only daughter of Mr. After a short honeymoon, the and Mrs. Kenneth Hronwao united in marriage ta Donald young couple are now residing Elgin Chapman. son ofiNMr ai Lent Rise, Burnham, Buck- and Mrs. Raymond Chapman, îgasie of Orono, Ont. The ceremony' The bride had lived in was performed amid a setting Orono several years hefore of lighted Christmas trees and ýmoving back to Englaud withý large bakets oi 'mums in the! her parents in 1960, and iW At an interesting ceremnony recentlv, these 1962 officers were historie old church hy the presently employed ai the, minister, the Rev. Michael ýSlough Tradin.g Estate. The. installed at Palestine Chapter, R.AM., Nýo. 249. Back row, lef t ta Ware. groom vent overseas early ici right: Camp. S. Lancaster, M1,. af Ist Veil; Camp. R. Abernethy, M. The bride, given inma- 1961 and la employed at Van- of 3rd Veil; Ex. Camp. W. Pascae, lnstalling Z.; Ex. Camp. B. Tink, by he fater, ar ve îdervell Products, bLd. in Maid-i Scribe N.; Ex. Camp. R. Osharne, D. of C. Centre row, lef t ta right: byhr ahewa ov!enhead. 1__ ap .ByM f2dVi; ap_.R lded .. e x 1 K a floor length gown of! ___ emhroidered white organzai____ made on princess lines withý STAPLETON - BAFTIST an Elizahethan neckline anîd! long sleeves. Her bouffant Yellow and white 'mums H n r R cpe t o a o i shoulder-length veil was held formcd a lovely setting in, by a pearl tiara and she car- Centretan United Church, on .r& ried a bouquet af red rases Saturday, December 2, 1961,1- and white heather. at 3 o'clock wheu Dorothy Max' Her hridesmaid, Miss Esm, Eîl3aptist ghco .;eMr .and Mrs. MiltonBats Davis, ware a strcct-lcngthRR.2Batmrnd M dress ai olive green satin w<ih Thomas Cecil Ray Staple'o full skirt, high necklinc and wr ntdi arae h long sîceves. She wore white groom is the son ai Mr. and' satin shoes, white gloves and M1rs. Cecil N. Stapleton, R.R. headdress ai apricot and ycl- ~Nwate 10w flowers ta match ber - nasegav ai vellaw freesrias By oetF ak a andapict arn os Castîcton was the officiatîng clergyman for the douhlc-rin- Mr. Michael Smith xvas the ceremany an-.1 the wcddîng M. best man. music was played hy Marilyn The receptian xvas heid ai Joice. - the ome,,-r of thyi-,r 's nnr -, T- ents at 7 East Road. Castie Hill1. The bride's mother re- ceived in a ,heath dress of green figuircd %ool jersey, rnatchingý accessories and a corsage of yellow freesias. The grom's mother assisted in a gold brocade jacket dress. brown accessories and a cor- sage of bronze freesias. Before changing ta her go- Ing away costuime. the bride and groom travelled 10 Slotigh and Colnbrook to visit fibe bride'.s, grandparents-- w h o Thieuride, given in marriage by ber father, ware a whiter gawn ai lace and net lined. - , xith white satin. The two- <Y tiered ballerina - length lace - skirt was iashioned xith twa net under-skîrts and featured a satin cummerbund at the waistline. The molded hodice was tapped by a self material halera. Rer veil ai nylon tulle x'.ith lace motifs and scalloped edging was caught ta a match- ing hala adorned with lace' , matifs and iridescent sequin L;rim. She carried a cascade af CHILDS' LADIES' WEAR 37 King St. W. GREATLY DRESSES 109/o0 SKIRTS to BLOUSES 4 SWEATERS 409/0 SLIMS OFF FOUNDATION GARMENTrS 2o0/ Discou nt . .AND SAVE 1 On Wednesday evcninn, January 171 b, Rupert G. Hamlyn, 69 Division Strýeet. Boxvmanx'ille, ivas prcsented with bis 1\asoiiic 50 ' veajawel.I. Hamlyn ;vas qualificd for the ,]CwLl last veat-, lav ing joined Jerusalcm Lodge in 1911, but sickness at that time :prcvented him from receix'incg il. Xhen he joined the ilodge, Postmaster Car] Ke red roses, with feru tips andc ýwhite ribbons. SMiss Nelda Baptist, the bri-ý de's sisteýr, Was bride.mmîa:d iný mass green velvet with lîtted- bodice, three-quarter lengt'h sîceves and bouffant skirt. The skirt hack xvas designed -%vitha unpressed pîcats falling from, twa self - material cahhageý roses. Her hat and accessaries were ai matching mass go-cen and she carricd a bouquet ai white 'mnums. The groom's brother, Mr. Glen Stapîcton, xvas best man aud the ushers were Mr. Dický Martinell and Mr. Harold Cale. The receptian was held in Centreton Church Hall xvhere the guests were received by the hridc's mother who worc Dior blue cri-pc with lace hod- ice over contrasting tafieta, fuchsia and wvhite accessaries, and corsage of whitc 'mums. To assist, the groamn's mother chose a twa-plcce dress ai 201, B. Wlbur 210. J. Siebarth sori-2s and corsage of pale mauve 'mums. Foliawing the receptian thc, couple leit on a honcymnoon I trip ta New York State and-,l Niagara Falls. For travellin,, the bride wai-e royal bliie sheer ou-en taffeta \vit h niaic-- ing lace jacket. wvhite acce ýS'- crics, grey for ja(-kct am(-1 cor- sage ai red rosebuds. Thev are' residing on R. R. 2, eva:r- r' -4, Present Card Tables * To Memorial Park During Euchre Party Am enjoyable monthly euchre-members cf the council. The - - was held at Memorial Park prize winners werc Mrs. C. Clubhouse on Tuesday even- Pardy r.Ja Bohel ing by the Parents Counicil cf deMs.Ja Boh ll the Oshawa and District Cer- Maple Grave; Mrs. Dorothy - -ebral Palsy Sehool and Clinie. Mutton. Mý,rs. Blanche Carr, ..........Mrs. David Clark and Mrs. Mrs. Helen Bickle, Thomas De - Albert Rose were the conven- Jong and Mr. Elcanor De Jon't. - ors of the successful event. A hihliht f te prty Mrs. A. Clapp w'as the licky A hihligt c thepart '.inner ai the attractive cloor was the presentation cf six card prize. The Wîiniing ticket wvas tables by David Gray, New- draw,ýn by 1\rs. Mui-riel Crago. castle, president of the Par-'The prize for Ihle special drilxv ents Council, ta Mrs. Annîe'was a basket af groccries. Thig Oke, president cf the Memorial xvas wvon bv Mrs. Boy Bacon, Park Association, for use in and the winning ticýket xvas the clubhouse. Mrs. Oke ex-:drawn by Mrs. Blanche Carr. pressed ber appreciation cf the council's thoughtful generosity, edA deliciaus lunch Nvas scrv- and thanked Mr. Gray on ho-ed Mrs. Ralph Campbell, Ilts haîf cf Memorial Park Associa- corresponding secrctary, vcxas tion. the lunch convenor. Sýhe w'.a% assistedt by 'Mrs. John Bothi- Comp. N. Wilkins, Treas.; Rt. Ex. Camp. H. Freeman, Scribe E.; During the evening 15 tables well, Mrs. Boy Bacon, Mr%. Ex.Cam. . DlligI.PZ.;Cap. . CemnsM. f th ei were in play. Delectable David Clark, 'Mr. and l\lis, Ex. omp R.DillngI.PZ.;Comp L.Cleens M. f 4h Vil.home made candy wvas sold by-Albcrt Rose. and David Grav. Front row, lef t to right: Camp. R. Anger, Junior Soi.; Camp. A.ý Stacey, Senior Soi.; Ex. Camp. W. Teeple, 2nd Principal; Ex. Camp. V. Cookson, lst Principal; Ex. Camp. M. Stacey, 3rd Principal; Camp. I// J. Abernethy, Principal Soi. -Photo by RehderU Senor. ~E ýryC/a ners %Uliucklzle es at the pools included the following grotîps: Learn -----o -n- sîdth 50 Year JeweI kSim, Beginners, Junior andi~ t h pioe conjunictian with the Royal happen to corne to thîs sad Lie Saving Society for select- 'place?" cd sw'immers anxious ta he- come instructors. Threc who "Well, sir," replied the con- passed the tests here and re- vce a,"e e nm h - ,ceived the bronze award were sent ta Toronto and passed he unhappy vlctim of the unlucky qualifying course for instruct- 'number 13! or here. Mr. Bagneli reported that a "Indeed!" said the visitor. .- number of other swimmers l"How was that?" addcd ta their qualifications: by successfully passing testsý "Twelve jurymen and oee in this area. He said that judge, sir." these pupils rccivcd bars ta alLsi their bronze awards, silver awards, or bars ta their silver CLOTHES CARE HINTS: awards. Guaranteed Cleanable - that is the assurance you should He also reportcd that the receive fromn the store when you purchase ncw garments. Department of Agriculture in co-operation with the Red OFFICIAL OPENING Program last summer. Mr. M M RIL H SIT L W N Bagricîl gav-e the initial lc- M M RA O PT L W N turc in this program at St. FR D i JA 26h*" John's Parish Hall. Members FR- f.ANUU h 7:0 ... of Four H Clubs and Farm- Saiety organizatians attended. "We feel that tbrough the demanstrations af artificial res- A . piaingiven in 17 schaols, and the distributionin3 sehools cf pamphlets on swim -____________________________ ' ming and water safety, the public was alerted hefore the ~first holiday weekeud in May- dorris the Immediate Past Master. nhe d continued ta be on guardTh de iTh ghut the scason," Mr.Th Moen cj was made at Mr. Hamlyn's home by throghou aste Master Robert E. Hcndry. Two other Bani setd To Be Traditionally,; year jewels were an hand for the occasion, Brown, left, and Dr. Cea. W. James, right, BASE UNE Correct lit ,vsW orsipfl Mst On looking back over the ~uL11LJILI IVlaWl_____________________________________coltumrn for the past few III- fie onths, there have been buti 11I tai number of beds o fwwes hnti cn- M rid in n l d sevenpar of crutches, flow munlty hasn't had someone illi the Loan Cupboard has 14 a home or~ in the hosptalj, p!rs-ir; fîve bedside t4bles; thre2 Le-t us hope that, with the rc-' draw-sheets, and eight bed- turn to work of Mr. George Y- pans. Coombs;, Miss Hazel Meteaif The treasuirer, Mrs. Eurk has gone 'back ta sehool; Mrs.i submitted the annual finan- John Trimble as well as Mr.I cial statement as follows: Bal- Arthur Gibson have came ance December 3lst, 1960, through their operations suc- $2,168.08. Receipts: Donations, cessfully», there will be a turn $2,670.38; Reimbursement from in the tide and we will get Red Cross Headquarters for:. the others 'back on their feet' Fire Relief expenditures, $409. and ail will be serene once 15; Sale of Water Safety pins Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wil- - ~, '~'o ,.and books, $15.30; bank inter- more. ,-est, S33.79. Total receipts were son were Sunday dinner guests' 0 $3,128.62. of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ben- SExpendtu.res during 1960: nett. à Water Safety, $433.11; Loan Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilkins and Cupboard, $459.08; Fire Relief, Ruth, Oshawa, were Saturday $434.15; Welfare, $141.28; Wo- evening dinner guests of Mr. i men's Work, $482.97; Blood and Mrs. Edward Foley, Dora- 'jClin i c, $77.93; advertising, 'thv and Donald. 28.0 1; expenses re annual cam- Mr. and Mrs. John Luke, iIZj paign for- funds $45.18; post- Oshawa, were Sunday callers 77W 4. age and box rental, $33; pur- with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van- chase of a typewriter,. $115; Camp. T telephone, $41.36; bank char- Mrs. Bill Kolenko and Kar- ges, $5.70; transfer ta head- en, Mrs. June Forshee, Oshj-ý edn quarters, $1,401.42. Total cx- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold' Irients, coi penditlures therefore amount- Wilson were Sunday callers announcen cd to $3,698.19. Reconciliation: with Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson. I genert account, $5.31; savings Mr. and Mrs. Dean Grills, icant, $1,581.99; pctmy cash, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Roht.ý $11.21. Balance on hand Dec- Grills, Bawmarnvjlle, \v cr ember 31st, 1961, $81,598.51. Saturday callers at Mr. andr Looks and The chairmnan of Wornen's Mrs. Kenneth Hopkins'. have an e] Worlz, Mrs. Ruindie reported Grade XIII at the Couirtice, tI t dLirîng 1961 the followincg Hîgh Sehool went by bus te;i gravIng ca articles hacl heen completed Toronto's Crest Theatre on Therni and sent ta Toronîto: 4,052 Wednesday afternoon ta wipes; 2,265 swabs; three dau- the play. "Caesar and Cleo- , ss b ilbIeb d sî,ed (jLilt:: Il ladies' p)atî'a.' >They seemed ta enjov &tes the co sI xls; 17 itre-piece bahy it v-et-y iuch. Those attend- sels; 12 complete lavettes; 17 1119 from tbis eommunitv were 'bo's shirts size 14 years; threc Dorothv Foley, David Cryder-c giris nightgoxvns, size two1 man and Grace Barnes. r ycars, 14 girls nightgowns,s Isize 14 years; 12 boys shirts, p size twa years; txvo boys sweat -IfV I p U fI ers, size 12 years; 13 boys, fY Me I E sweaters, size îwo y cars- 13, Now and, thon everybody gels a ti rod-oul" pair ba.-s sock. finling ando aylehoh ered by backacheso pair boy soc s, sze t o Prhaps noth og sorlously oog, tuai a tompor- yea-s; 17 pais f bys socs, ary conditon caused hy urinary iriation or y a siX1 12rs f o f oc s, i ,,1e, ooinlThar, l1e time la lake size si eéirs: 1 pairs o boys Dodds Kidniey Pill. Dadd's heip ,imuile the Mr. and Mrs. Donald Elgin Chapman are shown socks, sîze eiglit years; five kidnys to relieve this condition which may folawngther ariag i Al Sin'sChuch Mid- pairs af boys socks, size 12 often cause backache and tred feeling. Then you folloing heirmarrage n Al Sait's hurc, Ma vears; Il pairs of boys pajam- clbte.r8boewrkotr. 1 enhead, Berkshire, England, on Saturday, December ais, size six years: anc pair of', :JO, 1961. The bride is the former June Herron, oil.y girls socks. sîze Il vears; five dalî,;Iler cf Mr- and Mrs. Kenneth Heron, England, pairs girls socks, suze 12 years; ilc lLe- nni hesno MadMr.Ray o ne pair girls sacks, size 10 ~'n t~e~rornist~~ O :ir nu rs .~ymnuyears, 1 pair, size eight years, ML K E Charmnof Giana, Ont. The bride livedl in Orono and il pairs, size t\vo years. M f -i-v vears hefore rnoving back to England with Three pairs of socks, two hecr parents in 1960. scaris, and two pairs of boys - pajamas were donated. Mrs, Rundle thanked Mrs. Submit Reports 37 foîeretr eters FIR T H Spy or ber wextra hep in ',cre sent ta Womcn's groups 47 KING ST., E. "QUALIT' ad arganizations mn and RZe-elect Ail Off icers arund Bowmanville. She re-- JUYTDE Red Cros Meeting d terepi h e workV AL lb fl At Red Cros Meeting'The ch lirman ai the Swim-VEAL lb ming and Watcr Safety Pro- armilmetig af J. Rundle and Mrs. H Hib- gram, Mr. Bagnell, submittcd R O AT 5 ii-ý!a!o-ileBranh af the bon, Ennîskiîlen; Water Saf_ his report for 1961. There was -nI-cd Cm a:s Society ety, W. W. Bagneli, Welfarc, :a n attendance of 140 at the i1ibe ffî,cers were Don Marsden, the past presi- Aduit Swimming Classes beld LEAN, TENDER___ la cffi( b-- acclam- dent, and Blood Donors, Har- at the Boys Training School - ~ù,J. )It'ce . fer he ryPool in the sprirg. and 140 at- f t l ~,U dn.an tho ~ rt~t~w'rele te~rnded t,m tcasses l a hed S O5DR I Tht' Loan CuphboardJ report'there in the afumn, \t r-'Y CF retoi, 1961. arezerîted b3.' the Approximately 36,5 pip i sI Iftt t' ~J 1- t li~ riairman, r:. Sprv showed wcr- ntutdntbCiid V M 2<1- F E' k 87 indmvduals for a total of Cre3m of Barley Pool and atL ýiýre1 5.613 da ' vs The following new fthe B7TS Pool Chîldren's EArN, STORE SLICED F 1 a c - eqiiipnipnt vas added ta the' Swim la5zes wp,,re alsa held at R A VE C "12a--tnllnw-5 Loan Cupboard durîng the' Cedar Park Pool, Hampton BR A F S V.' R..,-ear:' lxe \vhprelchiairs, there and a' the Waltona Park Po:l. 9 '~'~ I E ~m a'.':nîî ,vheelc-hair--; New.castle.Pol 'i un î., \cîk, E. two beds, tbis brings the tu-i The Children's Swim Class.i-W Iding Invitations %,ermo-engraVed (RtATSqEO LÊTTERt"NG, and engagement announocemens, hirth announce. rifirmation invitations, golden and suiler anniversary 'ments, etc. rermo..engraVing« <RAISED LETTERINC) feets 'ike the finest hand engraving. The fetter> [gance and individuality only the finet hand en.- an match. ro-engraving (RAISED LETT£rINC)' out haif as much as hand engraving, hecause it elimin1 opper plate that makes hand engraving so expensive AND) IT'S READY WITIIIN THE WEEK Of course you can ordler mnatclîîng vli(,lo>ure car!,, reception. response, thank you and at hiomie ards, ütc. Select from our giant catalogue of ttawlessly correct paper. Il distinctive styles of Jc'îmering. WXedulinge priced as Iow as 50 for $9.00 and 100 fur $13.50, coin- plcte witb double envelopes and tissues. available at îacltan Statesman VEAL SALE a n BRASSIERES BUY NOW Jet /0r6k rch, ý', S~n FOR MOTHERS' MARCH 0F DIMES Monda y, ian. 29th Sponsored by Bowmanville Kinette Club BLITZ HOUR - 7:00 TO 8:00 P.M. Ail funds collected during thi-r one-hour blitz will be turned nvrr tri the rehabilitation for poliom3'elitics and the orthopaedically disabled.j BROS. 'Y MEATS" MA 3-3081 LOIN VEALG CHOPS lb. U LEAN, BONELESS f STEW 4 VEAL lb-4 LEAN FRESH 3lbs. f00 1 VTDNESDAY, JAN. i4th, 1082 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 5 NIA 3-5081