WEDNESDAY. JAN. 24th. 1962 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Goodyear--Hockey Hose Edge Mats, Beits1 The top twa clubs bath post- the see-saw battie. Bagni! ed victories in the Goodyear opened and closed the scoring1] League double-header. Sun- for the winners, while DanI day afternoon as the Hase Girardi also bagged a pair and l edged the Mats 5-4 and the '"Jiggs" Cowling a single mark->i leading Fan Belts walloped the er. Lloyd Hamilton scored cellar-dwelling Office 10-4. twice for the Mats, singles The opener was decided by going ta Bob Sheridan and Ted Don Bagnell's goal with a min-s Fairey. ute and a balf remaining, after' The Office, accustomed to an the Mats went ahead twice, r overcrowded bench, were just wfe the leaders asa moving 'able ta ice a team, when only .in, front on twa occasions, insix players showed up for the lake Off ice isecond game. Grant Flintoff's' lhat-trick performance paced thcŽ winners, Don Prout and !Bruce Colwell each triggeredý a pair and Gerry Marjerrison, Jim McKnight and Bob Mar- jerrison added one apiece. Bob Marjerison was in on four other talles to account for five scoring points. Ray Crombie notched three for the Office, after Bill Cros- sey hiad fired their first goal., MEN! SAVE WHY NOW!l pAy DURING MORE? DUNN yS Town League Basketball (oronation Stops McQueen's Hotelers Blast Stephen Fuels McQueen Motors saw their i Other players:-! Stephens--Gord Ritter (4), Jour game winning streaki Coronation - Fred Cawle Glenn Richards (4), Eric Rose snapped iast Tuesday night (2), Don Welsb (2), Russ(2),nimAllun, Frank Hooper. Coroatin Cfe arn Lane (2), Larry Hancock, John Team Standings when CooainCf aeStainton, John Seto.i up ýwith a thrilling 31-29 vic-i McQueen's- Joe Markle (6), W L Pts. tory in the first game of the ýPeter Young (5), Lloyd Hamil- McQueen Motors ---- 4 2 8 regular double-header. Bow-, ton (3), Ted Robson (2), Grant Coronation Cafe-, 3 3 f; inanville Hotel kept pace withj Ogborne. Bowmanville Hotel 3 3 6 Coronation, defeating Stephen: Hotelers- Jim Hooper (2).iStephenFuels ---- 2 4 2i Fuels 40-20 in the nightcap. --___ - GIGANTIC I STOREWIDE Frank Sobil was the hero r for the Cafe tying the score on a pair of foul shots and nett- P 8 ing the winning basket wit eil*l ii~i haîf a minute remaining. Dan, M anE s M ai~ Seto scored 13 points while ý Sobil bagged a dozen. For the, laser, Barry Cowling notched Jack Gay of Courtice is sett- 14. McQueen's lead is naw jing a terrifie pace in the Men's onîy two points. ýMajor League this schedule. Jack put together games of Bawmanville Hotel grabbed 1276-288-246 for a high triple a 21-11 bulge in the first half;ýof 810 and boosted his aver- and continued to dominate age fram 253 ta 259 for 9 play the rest of the way tai games. This is what you cal post the easy victors' which real bowling but Gay is not dropped Stephens into the ahane in the race for higb av- cellar. Hook-shot artist Glen erage as Big Ed Leslie knock- }Iodgson topped the night's ed off a 762 triple with a sin- scarers with a 16 point sphurge ýgle game of 309 ta put bis for the winners. Don Martin ýaverage up ane point from 250 and Tom Pearson hooped fine to 251, ta hold down second and eight respectivehy and'spot in the individual stand- Doug Woodhock took time eut ing. In third place is managerl from aR standout defensive ef - George Eliott of Liberty Bowh for-t ta bag live points. Bill with a 241 count. George had .Nicolson and led ijadson' each picked up five points for! the Fuels. ILe tsT aIkl jor Te m Hap's1 Bowmsa Ken's1 C0w a n Jury & Kramp' Robson Bowma Lander Selby Liberty Stepheî Nels 0 Canadie Firth's Pepsi Le ague!, Team Standings W L Pts. B.A. 8 1 8 nvilhe Cleaners 7 2 71 Men's Wear --6 .3 6 Equipment 6 3 6 k Loveil -- .---- 5 4 5 's Furniture .- 5 4 5 iMators -- ... 5 4 5 nville Hotel- 5 4 5 SHardware- 4 5 4 Grant Heat.- 4 5 4 y*Bowh 4 5 4 onFuel 3 6 3 'sbomne Ins. 3 6 3 ýan Tire -- -- 3 6 3 Meats 2 7 2 Cola .27 2 a 707 triple and the bowlers had better beware of this man. L ofexperience in the Toronto Bo ln City Major League and is a real competitor when the chips Perfect continued their win-i are down. ning ways in the Legion Lea-' Othr god cors tis eekgue, last Tuesday night, de-, show goo scoes his eekfeating Yeo 5-2 te maintain sos Elton Brock 741 (321), their three peint margin atnp' Emnie Perfect 739, Clarence the standings. Runner-up El-ý Oke 729 and Carl Leslie 715, liott kept pace on the strengtbi Dave McKnigbt came out of of a 5-2 victory ever Wright,ý bis slump ta win the bigh wbiie iast place Saniis upsetl single game for the week. Dobbins 5-2 for tbeir first win Dave had 333, Jack Lander of the second schedule. '310 and Si Trewin 300. Ernie Perfect walked off' Ken McWilliams o! the with ali the mmrbles, countingý Bowmanville Postal staff Ild a 655 triple and a 289 single. 'a single score of 96, Kari Bic- George Elliatt bait for 649,! keli bad 104. Mel Burgess ilo other 600 scores going t& low triple, bowling games o! Deug Bothwell 627, Pete Dob- 115-110-125 for 350. Irvin Nel- bixn. 606 and Frank Samis 600. son had 395 and Dave Mc-, Team Standings Knight 443. pt§:] Hap's B.A. took 3 games 'Perfect .-. ........ .. 17 from Stephen Fuels ta take the Elliott.................... ....... 14ý top position in the temm stand- Yeo .............. ....... ---- îng with 8 points. Bowman- Wright .................... ville Cleaners bold second Dobbins . ...... ... ..... 71 place witb 7 points wbile Samis ... .. ....................71 Ken's Men's Wear and Cowan Equipmcnt are tied witb 6. Here are some cf the other La is good games rolled this week: La is M ajor Jîim Cmstle 296, George Elliatt 293, 262, Ross Wright 271, Clarence Oke 295, Bob Mar- Bowling tyn 282, Ernie Perfect 286, Don 1 Bagnell 260, Carl Leslie 268,r Brooks racked Up their sec-!1 1Harry Gay 269, Frank Lewinsjond straight shutout ta move 261, Ed Lugtcnburg 267. mIl ahane in front of tbe Ladies Maj or League, hast Monday i Average% night. For losing Etcher it. Name C Ave.i was the second shutout defeat. Jack Gay 9 259 Bickeli also failed again ta Ed Leslie.. ...... .. 9 251 pick up mny points, losing 3-0 George Elliott ---- 9 241 ta Preston. Four other clubs! Carl Leslie - . 9 239 ýkcpt their unbemten record in- Ernie Perfect ------ 9 238e tact, JolI winning over Budayl Ed Lugtenburg .9 238 .and Patfield clver Lyle by 2-1 Elton Brock. 9 230 scores, ta trail the leaders by Hap Pahmer 9 230 a single point. Harry Gay - - - 9 225 Brock edgcd Norris 2-1 and Les Smahe , - . 9 22.2 Baker defeated Haynes also by Clarence Oke . 9 221 a 2-1 score. Jack Lander --- - 9 220 Bemnice Buday, off ta a fly- Russ Hahîman 9 219 ing start, notched a triple o! Harik Janzen 9 217 692. She was edged out for, Ted Bagnell 9 214 high triple honours by Doris Frank Blunt (I 214 Joll's 697 total. Other hIlh aryPpr- 9 212 were rolled by Dot Brooks- Matt Harrison_ - 9 211 ý644 and Karen Beauprie-632.1 Frank Lewins . 9 211J Dot Brooks took the nigbt's Bill Hearle . 9 210:top single-276, followed byý Harold Bennett .... 9 210 Bernice Buday- 263. Karenl Jim Calan. 9 209 ýBeauprie-263 and Doris Joli- Russ Oke. 9 208 248. Bob Richards - -9 207 TmStnig ýBob Wlliams T9 206tanBrooks Ab Piper ~ 9 206iBJol 6 5693' Dr. H. B. Rundhe 9 206 Patfield 5 7ý Dr. AI Sylvester . 9 205 Brock 452478 Bill Westhake 9 25'ae 4 514 BceVin....9 204 Norris ---- - 3 5378' Coulson Woolner - .-- 9 204 Preston .3 53 Ken Luxton 9 203 3Budav. Ray Fry*.v 9 203 1Havnes 2 5327 Jack Bond -- ----- 6 203 LyIe .. . -------- 2 49529 Bill Shotter,---_-- 9 202 BickelÏ .. 0 2 4965' Ron Brock ---- 9 202 Etcher - O 48935 Gýeorge Jones 99202,O 489 Bert Enghey . ---- 9 Si Trewin --- ----- 9 'Don Oke. - .9 Features This Week Hîgh Single - Day. Knight .333. High Triple-Jack GayF Low Singe- Ken McV Hirrms 96. Loxv Triple- Me] Burg .350. This Schedule Jack Gay- 359. Jack Gay- 890. Glen Fry- 93. Terry Masters-339.__ THE NEXT KIýqSMENM SUPER CAR BINGO FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 8:30 p.m. $8,000.00 in Total Prizes $1,700.00 Snowball if won in 55 Nos. $ 600.00 Snowball if won in 51 Nos. 1962 Rambler or $2,000.00 Cash $1,000.00 Hi-Lo Game ]Peterborough bMemorial -Centre 201 Average% 200 Bernice Buday ---- ----------240 200 Hihda Brock ---- -- 213 Doris Johi .... .. 2o6 Bemnice Terry -~ 202 Mc- Dat Brooks...........-- -- 98ý Donna Preston ----. ------- 1961 810. Shirley Davis --------- --1951 Wil- Joyce Lyle --------_-193 Norma Norris - --1911 gess Karen Beauprie -. --- ----1 Peggy Hmynes --- --188' Olive Pmtfieid ------ ------ 186 Ada Richards ---- ----- 82 Norma Gay.--------- ------- 182 Onie Etcher -.....----- --181 Marg King ..,-------.........180 200 Games Dot Brooks 276, Bemnice Bu-'- day 263, 238, Karen Beauprie 263, 230, Doris Joil 248, 243,, 206, Lola Wright 245, Ada Richards 232, 212, Mary con-.ý nons 229. Donna Preston 227,1 Joyce Lyle 224, Enid Tennant 222, Hilda Brock 220, 216. Helen Piper 215, Ena Etche- 215, Doreen Rowe 211, 201, Murieh Hoiroyd 211, Babe Brown 210, 201, Marg King 210, Joyce Tennant 209, Ber- nice Terry 207, Norma Norris; 205, Hihda Sirnnick 204, 201,, Shirley Bickelh 203, Dot Bond 202, Grace Blackburn 202, Emma Bromnell 200, Irene ] Whitney 200. SAVE pj MEN'9S SUITS Trim new styling . . . rich worsted fabrics! . . . Specially purcbased and exceptionally low priced. Featuring handsome single breasted, two or three-button niodels in the Iatest styles for men and young men. CarefulIy and îneticulousIy tailored by leading ianufacturers . . . tailored to add a note of distinction to nny m-an's appearance... In sizes to fit men and young men 34 to 52, regular, short, tail and hard-to-fit stouts. ECONOMY RANGE Regular Extra Suit SAVE 49.50 1.00 48,50 DELUXE RANGE Regular Extra Suit SAVE 79.50 1.00 78.e50 CUSTOM RANGE Regular Extra Suit SAVE 69-50 1.00 68.o50 HAND GRADE Regular Extra Suit SAVE 89.50 1.00 88.50 Save on Men's Slacks Tailored from thse finest English and domestle ail wool warns, dyed worsteds and flannels in pic n' pie, neat. plains, and sparkle tones In grey. blue grey, medium and dark brown and blues. Hook and bar fastener above zipper fly, double pleats. taba on back pockets. Sizes 28 ta 48. ECONOMY RANGE EXTRA PAIR 9.95 CUSTOM RANGE 14.95 17.95 19.95 1.00 EXTRA PAIR 1.00 1.00 1.00 SAVE 8.95 SAVE 13.95 16.95 18-95 B ~,'.r r L**4~ j W SPORT COATS & BLAZERS Modern two-button, three-button single breasted and link models, tailored from the latest fabrics in soDlid A 4 . tones, checks, basket weaves, blue, brown, navy. grey and multi spiashes. Sizes 34 to 48. Talls Inciuded. (Harris Tweeds inciuded in this group.> o .SPOIRT COAT 29.50 EXTRA TROUSERS SAVE 1.00 14.50 ECOOMYRANGE 34.501.00 SAVE Boys' Nylon DUFFLE COATS Hav e detachable hoods. Colors: grey, green, navy. Sizes: 8 to 16 Reg. $12.95 NOW 7.84 À Men's Sweaters Cardigans m Pullovers The finest of fine in Men's Pullovers and Cardigans made of Hi Bulk Orlon and some of 100% pure lambswool. These sweaters are made by Joy Berma, Highland Knitting and Puretex in Canada. Ail colors but not in ail styles. Ivy, Brown, White, Olive, Walnut and Blue. Sizes 36 to 44. Regular Price 8.95 10.95 12.95 Extra Garnient 1.00 1.00 1.00 SAVE 7.95 9.95 11.95 "Where Smart Men Shop" 36 KING ST. E. (2 LOCATIONS) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Brand name sports shirts made from the flnest cottons. Long sleeves, short point collar wvIth sewn- ln stays and breast pockets. "Sanforized" for safe, easy washing. Beautiful cheeks and tartans ln shades of blue, grey, tan, black, yellow and red. (14-141,) Small (15-151,12), Medium (16-1611(), Large (17-17!2) X-Large. Regtilar Price Extra Shirt SAVE 4.95 5.95 7.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.95 4.95 6.95 BOYS' PULLO VERS and CARDIGANS Made of Orlon and Lambswool by such famous makers as National Knitting and 1uretex. In solid colora and stripes of grey, brnwn, green and blue. Sîzes 8 to 18. Regular Price Extra Sweater SAVE 3.95 1.00 2.95 4.95 1.00 3.95 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Boys' Sport Shirts and long sleeve knitted ShIrts made by Star Hollywood, Style Gnild and National Knitting. Ail sanforlzed shrunk ln colors of brown, green. grey and blue, the most wanted shades. Sizes 8 to 18. Buy a haif dozen to lat. Regular Price Extra Shirt SAVE 2.95 1.00 1.95 Cars ... A MID-WINTERi CHECK-UP If your car is going te give y ou trouble this is trne cf year' it picks ta do it - when driving con- - ditions are at tLeifr Winter worst. A weak battery and an untuned engine usually show up with the fîrst t"ally cold speil. Plugged by carbon and weakened by a run-down battery, an engîne lx unable to spark itzelf to life. Any automobile will start reliably ail through the lowest temperatures Winter can throw at you if yau keep the ignition mechan- ism in top condition. An exhaust system that la about to go usually picks this time of year. A faulty exhaust system is bard on Kas, cuis performance and can endanger your lîfe. Have it checked if it is be- ginnlng to sound louder than uaual. Proper headlight aiming is doubly important now when reaction times ta avoid accidents are more than cut in haif due to poor driving conditions. An aly sis of stopping distances on snow and Ice show that it takes better than from two to three times the distance ta stop on snow and ice than on dry pavement. Snow,. tires reduce the difference 28 per cent, tire chaîns 60 per cent and reinforced chaîns are almost on par with dry pavement In effectiveness. There was neyer a better tirne than nowv, %wîh the new year just getting under- way, to get service w'ork done. President. Attend thse Officiai Open- In of the New Wint at Me. ârial Hospital. flday, January 26th at 7:30 p.m. Robson Nolors Lid. 166 King St. E. Plione MA 3-3396 (3 Ulnes to serve you) THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLLP, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JAN. 24th. 1962 PAGE MTTým ré