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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1962, p. 11

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WEDN~SDAY, .TAN. 24th, TE! CANADIAN STATESMAN', EOWMANVILL!. ONTNRTO PAGE ELEVEN iain and are to be heartily in Lindsay hospital- r.ersoBnpilnPrte- O0 rono Tightens Lead inth program-whether tea- Wright of Janetviile, Nr.~i-igbom A i~~~4 I 4 4 ~~cher or parent compelled or son Hcaslip and the heliaeptirsnth - ~ ~~~~~~~I n *T ow n League Hockey "self -propelled". of our genial oppositio s.etin notecmcpae l e IV e~~~Ltc~ad4de ~e personally feel that pub- John Pane of Pont,,a. o h oalPr er tr Newcasle-Orono with two Orono staved off a bid bv lic speakiîîg should take a Masters Quentin ani Dr h uretwr ess o wins in the last week increas- Harles to move nto first mucoe ipotao lae iii rbnodp ntdbs eCeny elMlclHwr edtheir league lead by three place with an 8-5 wrn. Scorers the siho curriculum. S ihGadaadGadn acl n aodMLuh Godo A ne , diorPhne361 points in the Town League at'for the %vinning Orono squad many i o with above aver- Robinson in Cavan.Ra hali. * the local arena, while New- were D. Lycett, G. Cooper, age intelligence are destined accepted employment wt h ----____ tonville and Harley' managed Ken Lauzon, Phil Long, Chuck to have their "light' hidden Dept. of Highwavs o h onl tviapont. Te oyas utonHas osgaf, Jckuner bshl bcPONTYPObushngcL Eve ing W A avestil t pck p teirfirtWllimsandBobWesheu- li-the training and ,inceen- The Frank Glasbergentm win in the league. er. Goals were scored for Har- tive to get tb their eet inpb- il\ were Sat.. evennluss Te dne ad da pn In the first game on Wed- ley's by Ken Gray wîth three lic and coherently express of Mr, and Mrs. Aui a tveets for nis2y Orono defeated New-,and .10e Lewis with two. Gary bleetODer Meer of Port Peir oe vLOL8 ~slre tonville by a 7 to 5 score. Phil Barchard w as, pressedrinng oud ctohepCoirie celebraek:l teddo aud' vn Long led the Orono scorers,11into service as goaltender for available to ail and sunri, vron noe 14o Ici IrlG LIgLIrG I S erv ice Quiling ýnetting four goals while Bob- 'Orono came up with a fine flot just star pupils. Birthda celebrationsaewelr h 05 r~ a 14o l n u u a e v c ul by Reid, Don Roughly and prformance in the net. The progCanda il a o l botoebvofeveheni-vJakein o New~castle - The Evening !Jack Williams picked up sin- In Sunday's second ganne lw "'aaa"floe ythis iweekend. Bîav Brnh fbc oas ui- ges . Bill Ellis with two anI1 Newtonville moved ino a ti words ot welcofom the îary of St. George's Church Phil Giimr, Charlie Trim andIfor second place deteating tbc President of Manvers Town- OnSt.MsCad Ma- W udesndorhke C n u t d b i i t rheld a quilting meeting in the Bob Robinson xvere the sc or- l by a score of 6 ta 3.,ship Teachers Assoc Mrs. Ra ' colm eînîertaincd somer~plydt~ C n d c eb y M n st rParisb 1Hal n Wednesdayers for the Newtonvîlle team. Bob Robinson with two. R. RbJ so.ancîl e rsPic Schoolandoehl f evening, Jn y17th. ilWednesday's second game Robinson, Phiil Gilmer, J.speeches were hmusical x a reai Oron Whîleopitaing againo Newcastle - The inaugural Rîckard. addressed the mcl-' LUnit Leaders During the meeting a start1 saw Harîey's sbeîîack the McCormack and Porky l.ang-ltions-- a quartet from South s i rthl --a i oabgernd ierta OU service for flic Newcastle Uni- ing, chalienging tbc member- 1. Mrs. David Gray; 2. Mrs. was made on assembiing of an1 short - handed Royals by a îaff were responsible for thebc tvboys Puble onlavsduaeated 6-5. ted Church Women was con- ship to greater co-operation William Allun: 3. Mrs. William oulfit for a pupil of the Indian score of 26-I1. The Royals chief isix Newtonville goals, while'chorus froro Bethany pupils On Sundav, Mr. andMs h cm dsre ductcd by the Rex.. E C. and dedication to the task. A Rudeil; 4. Mrs. Jack Holmes; Schools and final plans were trouble this year seems ta bei Royals goals were sco'red by' and anongan solo b: Miss Jerry Bristow, Garr. Cty Woodland in the chunch aud- briet business pcriod esbab- 5. Mrs. Alec Martin. made for the January Cardhaving enough players at the ýJim Rickard, Larry Peaorce and Linda RoNvan ot Yelverton. entier tained on the oucsono itoriumn on Sunday evening. lish-ýd the thîrd Wednesday of Conveners of Standing Parcy being sponsored by the :rink for a game. Whien at full Walter Gibson lac wilh sin- Those participating xvere - Jerry's graîudmothcrs 0h Pitposgadodgn An impressive and cballeng- cadi month as the regular Committees branch. strent the Royals bave as gles. Miss Fay Carknier ot South1 birthdav 7Mrs Fluenai stma RoetHlrnc- ing service, prepaned by tbe meeting date, witb the first I The President announced strong a teamn as any in tbe Janetvýilfe- Problenis of a ot Bethan *\. AIso presen vr rIsbs ltbrha c Rev Nonah L. Hughes, was meeting tobc be ld in the even-1 Christian Cilizenship and that tbc Church Vestry meet-le Where tbc fault lies in League Standings Mode~rn Teen Agir Miss Mrs. Hîlliard Bnistow adA-Jn 8h ay ay ap followed wilb Mrs. Woodland ing. Social Action- Mrs. C. Allin; iî.g would be beld "in the Par- icing a team is anyonc's guess, Team W 1, T pIs. Karen Miot Betian- Ian, MVrs. Rhoda JohosnM.eunsyonfeo. and Mrs Murray Paterson as-! At the close oftheb service ýCommuniby Friendship and ish hall on January 3l1st, and but the resuits show in the lisi rn . 0 "Cyc!iing Satetv'; Miss Hlbathýnd Mrsl Doug Graham r. W r ga e e siti~ hemiiser te anreatanreird o heVisiing- Mrs. G. Ailin, Co- ta h etrglrmeigo tnig Itebb o o ale o 5 1 ci- erSisson-Biography of Mns. Gail Moffat ot Petcroogeialshoeaanatr1 A most appropniale solo en- Church School Room. wvhereoperation in Christian Elua of the brancb would be held Ibis report. Newtonville 3î 2 I -Jh end -frtld'e n M.adMs .J1al asi optl tild Hm o hnkt Ms . .WodalLifford--Mistress ot bbc Sea,ilions ta the grand old ld n Bsns ectzn n Praise" waS well presented cher was enjocdbv ail pre- lion-Ms.EC. ooan; The meeting concludcd -witb'- by Mrs. F. A. Fletcher ,%rithsent and rereshmens wee Finance- Mrs. R. Dikinson;lthe serving o t retresmens. l ( h dispayed moui of the-r eaching su ci an a ust u e rs nttv s o a v r the "Vision ot the Fture" siredb' members ofthbb Pro-, Flowr- Mrs. H. Jose; Liter-'.YLE T aeoaUNclpoeso i ictn.Ms ai ben ie yMs ae iinlCmitlalune and Communications-Y, V E K w I icie Garnet Riekard): Miss recipient ot an clecrcba WitingRo nWded3 y Ms Jmsvsaa ommîce. Mrs. A. Graham; Manse-Mrs. C M U P 4yu vrw js ls hr acann fJudy Robino f Yelvertoket and a birthd .mafeîoo it ereetai ,rN1 ficr . Paterson: Nominations -1 OIT1eI1Ulh Did you tvraxvndies ajuspecAlo niher eliaofunîbr honi asisan o bcx.n 0 n Sn ay Following the dedication of Foliowing is a lîst of the ot- Mns. C. Cowan; Periodics.waîcnaîytnpie tpcal comittes,î-not <- S h o ugitwli tbe in 2)00 a st Su.dall Mr. aî r.IofbeiadetTasott th xctvteRe.M.flB w igCouniy Council iii Cobourg! xvhil ]have new nieniber's el- A.D Mis. bhrougbbbcorys, lal J.Malolmr.and r.jtc îdrbi u tto b-sl! issaKthlee MortnnHovatdtahcoPreasdsaaid agen and ther ervics. Th Woodland, on behaîf of the attaîrs of the ncxv onganizabion T. Bnown; Programme- Mrs. W adi ehvalysidecdastrsexre alEspkngo 4-1vstdMs.MRb Church. cxpresscd apprecia- bar 1962. 1. Colwill, Social Funtions-'lNcwastic-Following arc the a mild cuniositv, wbctted. no year witli some special Vair-Clb vrk MatrDuasFre.cinin aaaeakre- tio o bc ccmpismetsPncsidcnt. Mns. Garnet Rick-Mrs. R. Dickinson; Steward- bigb scorers in bbc varindou bt ygnl n otr.dnsaponmns.A sblIarrx, Bcîh-athebcoiily Yeciton conmmunnt isvc.Sgetosxepe of thc former Women'sorgan- ard: Vice-Presidenb, Mrs. Ja- 1ship and Recruiting- Mrs. E. ieagulsonthie comunity bowl- 1dictary accounîs anîd evasive be expecîcithere is cansider-baeldtkigpr O epdcjsdrbepcsr etdfo rcgoes p izatians ofthbe cburch admsT rw;Vc rsdnC or pandndSca nglnsd1ng tewe anrs whcn direcbed ta able iobbying ta gel snupport onrveladtaDoini ar t- Can reanieconînkra we ia rlr ttuitbsnsec wiscdth nx. Uitd ngn-mes.Bwill iauell:Recrd- HAssst lanc-drs H os. eing an uary 2OtheIhs i bcknw frbb mr fvurdplou ada' missMrgite BeerCain-g m utescols na buie Th cae aswlprsne izaton realr bessigs. ing Secretany, Mrs. Gardon Provisional Comtnittee for- Monday Ladies League - Being in a more tavoured tians. Conîgratulations to the of Galioway Sclîooi lSbanp spots wberc two soiidabetadtcvwepomsdht The ncwly insballed Prei- Gray: Corresponding Secret- U.C.W., Sccrear- Mrs, Gar-. (200 and over) R. Couch 267, position bhan tormenly, w eîectcd Cilcig' is ailnVv-bdvadic a ocsint arcmmnalo oudg dlent of the Ncw,ýcaFtle United, arv, Ms. Alfred Graham: Trea- net Riekard: Chairman- E.'.1. Reamer 224, G. Couch 221, vil to an innen compulsion 1lp tCaah nlse an South Janebi 4Hmcl. abcCP sigfracn Churchi Womn, 'Mrs. G. B. Isiirer, Mrs. John Northnîip. iC. Woodland. - K. Conreaux 218, MI. Ciucii onrary ta aur better judge- 'ection on the uixtf ballot. Cubh Worýk". This Fniday* nighî inaettiabo e bc rsnts- 208, M. Graham 206, E. Fer-l nient ta lift tbc id anà part Wardcni Philips is the frst l'lcal u ote c otI a h ie eau Lanuier IHolel in Ottawa, in 206. :the veil of secrecy wbich eci- Warden eiectcd tram Cramabehe a b ede i ' tue oc- tort of pa therpiper frtîe iefr Iiatoeva. January 29 and 30. The meet Tuesday Men's League- guit-s tlîe workings of thatlin the 2tlth ciur. cr of Blacksback, Mr. Neil the ink) a Enîclre Parywl arnz teCPR orti îng is a policy meeting ta be (225 and aven) R. Muni'o 277, laugnist body as viewl froni On Friday eveniîig ciglît Baîlev aund Mr. Grnît Camp- be iîeld in Clîurch Half h lis evcs 1 6e'cast!e dents and candidates. 246, B. Brown 24,5, R. Mont-i Correspondent. in Marîvers Township campe- \vbo selccl Miss Karen Mc- prolect aind cveryoneiscd-ta my vie(s.R 1 M.adMrs. Russell Monînt- gonieny 2.14. 1bI divuiging its secrets, xvcbc for tap banours intbc Gi of Bcthaiiy and Miss Mar- ially iîivited ta bc presnan Paîeism igstsato. loy of Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Wcdîîesday Ladies' League! accept the risk of being oust- !township public speaking con- guei Beer ot Galloways as enjoy a pleaan social eeîgpars ida opti Freemaîî Eddy of Orono and 20 and over) A. Rowe 254,lcd bodl tram Ibat ornate edî- test eld in Yrlverton Clîunch.'the twn top contestantsbotbot Ev'ynlisenvry id Mrs. Fred Henderson of New-IW. Loývekin 229. B. Falk 215,1 fice whi'cb bouses tbc quarter I those participating did an lcompete at Couîity li Congratulations Io theCr-t obo s hnsami Mr. and Mrs. G. 1Hubchiîîsoiî with Mrs. Thas. Enwright and Mr. anid Mrs. Alfned Ganrod over) W. Pearce 243, R. Good 1boa many reeves on their de- .aîd son Gary of Toronto were ;Bulk entcrtained members of bbc 210, J. Chard 186, M. Dean puties stoop la bbc reading ot Sundav visitons wibh Mrs., Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Gray et Garrod family at their home 185, S. Barchard 180. such "heavy" literature as aur Pearl Hubchinson. Scarborough wcrc Sunday vis- on Sunday. Those atbending Thursday Mixed League - column currenbiy pravides Mn-. and MVrs. I. C. Miatthl siborz with '.%r. aîîd Mrs. C. were Mrs. John Garnod, Mn. (200 and aven) B. Rowe 314,1 County Council in Ihese Uni- FRESH G RD toSl and fanîily' of Clto xere Reg. Lovekin. and Ils.Gardon Ganrod. Mr. G. Barcliard 232, D. Wbitnevte Counties comprises some, ,weekend visitons with Mn. anîd Mr. E. R. L.avckii, Presi- aîîd Mrs. Gardon Garnod Jr.,1216, M. Couch 211, A. Roxve,42 representatives frani town,! 2\Irs. D. M. Bernard and Eric. dentofthbb Durbani Liberallfamily, Mr. and Mr1S. TIos 210. J1. Lewis 208. J. Pitts 204, incarporaîed village and coun- F Y N rRAT N M.Matbbcews s îakiîîg a Association will bc among Bna-wn, Mr. and M nRoen M. Lewis 204. Fr, apiigfnm28ta8 course iin Radai' Electroiîics at. those ateningthe National Brow.n. Newtonvil]e. and Mr7. Fniday Mîxed League-(2Oft (more or less). We neter ta Clinban. ~Councîl of the Liberai Feder-iand Mns. Wallace Coucb and an ovent S. Powvell 313. B. thei accumnîiatcd yasfo MIr. aîîd Mrs. Ris Alliîî and aino aid in thie Chat- Tommy. - crccn20 Conîcb 229,: their golf or bowling score, famly isicd vitî M. ad - - -C. Rickard 227. S. Banchard! They cansist of a mobley mass Mr. a ry Frcmte in Mapnd o bne he S se s227, A. Peance 225, B. Fergu-let maies anîd anc single sali-i cenKg Grs.av on S nanday. eCo bne hre Syt son -126. A. Rowc 217. S. Brown tar femme" to add color andi Mni. andi Mrs. Jîni Litt le oft 216, N. Hoomkai-p 211, R.'aspirýe a semblance of chival-1 Oshwa ereSli viito'.ýMoiîtgornîc 209, M. Dcwdnc1 ry ta these tined politicians. Oslaxv wre uidavvî~io,, i207, R. Munro 203, B. Brow'nlÀiAîything panticularlv ouI- Our DGflkifl Sysi~tem 21standinîg about Ibis group asý ~Chamber g y A reel i catnîre at Ille a wiîoie Not s0 tar a j naBowliii.g bancs xwas the nittv 1oudosre bsclya J ~~~~~~~~score bowled bv one obblas anrmlc b into WIM e tU nique in the W orld iuions. 14 vear old Ran Good, aiorallier anamnic but. dapper W l e t330, àWl g Strdyat- ýonsorially - pertccb urbanites terri Too bd itbadn'tand swanthy surnd id beel in a Ile garni How- burnt niusculau' ruralites, some OneckerTe Is Lons ever wevloe Rau also lbad a! On Thursdays ionsgood score ot 210 un bisIlgue otand adavcis. ane rall elhtand auncly, sae bi Newcastl-Aftcr more blian Newcastle-'Banking" wxa' i cwable cx.crv 10 ycans i-le game last week. Looks lîke theiecglîead intellects and btce Ail meat purchased a 'car etfîîîactivitýy x.e bave the suibject ot an address gîven said a direnlon of a bank must beguniiings ot a bowling cbam- ývcry adl 'oddal"wbo sneak- from Federal Gov- beli infot mcd tbaI lettons îo members ofthbb Newcastle be a Bnit i s bject and re- pioO dps i atpyn eocrmn npce li~egeeeu t almebes iusClb yLuîîHaod id 1 auadi know not bow, same blessed; Packlng Houses and of the local Chamber et Coni- Falk, manager of the local Unlîke the United Statesg c g witlî a 'cnowîîiog glory" -! ail unconditioiially mnerce, îovîtîîîg tbem ta attend Canaduan Imperial Bank eOf xherc Il cy apenate on a unit! t~u- ~ ~hick thatches of nial every guaranteed.I fCD ta meeting iii the offices et the'Commenrce aI bbc regulan duo- ssem i si teCnain C ul e hueothers not u"- eour-, Effective LEGS orChick. presîdeot, E. R. Lovekin onner meeting beld iin the Elm- cbartered banks wouk on a s _elves, who cao xvash bbc backs TblRîndi.ig Thuusday eveiîing aI 8 o'clack. lîurst Hobel on Tbursday even- branch sy sterni xverc bbeIofflhi~J5 r î~eirn scerLpt hi a.2, 2, 2, 27g For tbc good et bbc villageig moîîey us transferrcd back and En'I ys arty cyebnows without fealli SUC~îA nrnArnIT , ~ IE) SIDE BA O il is te bc hoped that this Temetn asoe ied by ,wherc needed f romi obstructiona o-eusesigPNAPEGAPFUTZI oi-Plo ri"rrubrrni 5 meeting bc well attended iTme îetpgcsidoene brancbta brandi lui ome Nwcastle-Tle Mrny Mar-the gift et fluent oraory wiîlî TÀ GECokdîked-îCr anîd ai-rangements made fa3aai îsnwilcnutd iak e saîd, tlîeîe is a largerîcd Couples' ClubotbcUithknk of szîgu the b~r Wtlituiscamuoit calliîg a iaîî Perhocy ne. tens cba n usîcsusnotysa-jmcîîgnt Lin oe iit tewwellclosiznuî rd, hMnt a reorgaîiizatian of bbe charn- Ibe routinîe businîess before a businîess, whcrcas iîî oth- ted Clîurcb beld ils Jaouarylcî'i.x oethme situation xith a> iur steadily, uf slowl grewing,Iwiîo inîroduced the speak~er. îgs depasits and in werking on tue comm MLIiiit.V hall witb itlwitb. the gîft I oftoubility but f a srolîg Chamben et Commer- tebac ytmtebnsnwPeietM.adMsq1 aedlsukonaog ceeuddo mnîcb mo hasten - Ini apeîiing lus addcst he are abnyacblevs ettehbîk ew Pesies n nd or. laik arecod sokrounda nd isgrowvtb and assisb un it9z speaker tnaced the bakîgdemaods upon berni. mthe funst lime, round sud î'ound without get-2-o.I planning. idea tiom ils early begîînîngs i 134The sdbc an Tlcaîînual tiuîancial state-ing iiv doser to tuhe centîre et tins 7 c eALBOU ble waI ntheteî aîîdH ot CaInada934, asi e sateBansbcdment w'as nead bv thebcsecrt-the pr'obleni. There Pme also 3A 9M OF APE bil a witnai-iduîgmn anad aied i t a bksharnk,n, Mrs. Stan Powvell. Tuie a texvtiniaraus souls (like you ET R blroughtl bbc en n le ale t aly . uaniievnienîbers preseot were' knoxv who on bearing tbbc 'the eYORKn tBOLOGNA ORn KAMtheý k Elasind f ahid ta Canîada. igoverîimenb. The Bank et the secnctnvread a letter iii-! and tnuglbeunh idcs]mnî a aîksYesa-Rndbc isa aeîtto bcwccmc y AiOReidut ndsun t herowi aceica 4'Reeie$6O$6n.0usTae1W ii rdtai o o ere_îg_____ CIGARETT;ýlinuES i oulr ad cental bnk, bc cmThenia of bc evlumeoth o ney b in nbeteîid100ancrgedBill cen-teidsrict îatep yer h atno Cl i m Se vi e an a d ie sain s an a d unded bin the b ar ks, the act tih Do lscta . s w ft a cet tin, bi g 2 o 6 e P FR ovr Me andinOshaniw aork n c pofl e oy v one The cîî p ionunîaîoîlThe n i-tnsRcev 2.OinBns aesWt es the tbnee. ibi.,., ý j frd t e p e in aen - Thc(-oi e tnghe Fe bî'uary meet ingesfbth recButed glvt Tuic Canadiami Bauîkî (,smair th o an rbî ter Stons ,Ino t tcl u wih te Mr. and'bicupa eld o t onigiateon. al '1 C ISe: tei ia c o d itî uec ui- artebu sin. M Am r s . nain orFani ase meme nbeiogs ho Mrin e o7%44.4~ ,54.,<M CAO I HES Moi ti ie sîd sd ue ... iesidbc aadaGan-an on Miîo te sx tîîig oiiitv- ê'~,.lblEIe £o Wbn u bsîîssbd euîFiacetoas î uidgr pesGODSELWHTEAPSEFRUIEDTETS T hakçae u c <ate, eLkein nouinunrsev gavctem "n Se aant,10win ersei as-onMAGRIE lUA R HEd'nal GvOUTmOR .HalleABtona penîod et bowlin vea ut's' nevs and hdepîdits- 7o J #ETFOD ..WMTÀ YO NUL E YU IN OS FGA UTheaprcib A E;paeb 00e ppomt e c i Foînm t - Citis ouraue -o. bers wbc'i wasmnuch ci.îeyed Buttoneeves. N. 'oTederuaien 1tr bar the enlîgîîteuiuig Iadist-e niebeNs sudVtaArou.. PHOE .6~tci su tikes wre andd igh Man Bll llu L w here Thoe %iM U low 'Flic Misînel Shw is beig uieancd bOIt.Mrs. Bib Allîn ii iAi I IUUU 4 menan hne bcs AchrF . pu'odced iiiFebruay by'cbc and -orguioonîbned Mtsrsren-n- I UTM<O~E NSW.iC CMP'E ~ fr he prsevaiaî nd ci- ht m etng ivs no g in ln esg ot a nimtiîui . Cluli of (if> O n ai G a ~ i f 6 o Gar11îbchda thucenspme- f 9' enFo ini'lînruc aî Ott i br orsale.ptuî, Brîîtauî ikad cr e TLr. ril Osorn inBoa MALoneMTHE-44MLKMAN - - - bRY GLN8RE iRYt. W.raie n Pîcke nuîg.stawa TO-S'_ ORNGESARKET uic Bmanvloe adN atc Gle cl Pg Il Il 'î< a WED.NEST)AY, JA-ý.--24th,- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLtr, ONTARTO PAGE ELEVEN . iffl

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