THE CAINADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Lions Sponsor Barbershop Minstrels (Coming Here on Sait. correct bv Ross Davison and pared by Ross Davids<,n. Sidney Way. Clarence Rowan gave the L N SA T Mns. Hecb. Cappins' reportireport of the Cemetery Board. o! the Wornen's Missionary:ý Henry Jakeman and Allenl Congratulations ta Mr. andi Society noted they had sent Beer each expressed thanks ta Mrs. Herb. Cameroîî, Tyîoiîe, a hoaliof S249.35 ta headquar- Rev. Mr. Richardson for his wbo celebrated tbîcin Fîfticîh lers. In hec secreteniel report,' leederhip in the past year, Wedding Annîversarv on Sat- MIrs. T . Jackson gave an ac- aiso to James Somerville, t.he urday, Jan 271b. Several aI- catnot of tbe study programs student minister. ,tended the social evening andi held tbnough the year and' A letter fcom Mrs. D<>uglas supper held in Iheir honor et fiv c ales îth en vaSesTowshetip- ran!teMn yon mnî al missi , Iaaionshosa51~On Red Crons 0 h M.adMs S ol iniigNwasl oetra show. The Lions club has 'Mrs. Thomas Jennings, re- tîpes er th ak fr th e aerwr Sna spe Enthusiastic Meeting flatin theWastlertaraen quet the Lions Club is bring- therefore decided to bring the port*ing for the Wn-ensAs-xpese of t ed Cros Socey rcTrnadM.G thmnvle ands ter Para e i ing the M nstrel h w p o u -11 6 e so f h h w t ociation, reu)orted an aver-gu ts f Mr an M s. G o Bowmavilleand fter ome ed bvthe OhawaChaptr ai1962 ersionof hefsh22toat - or tforrRd Cros cRsediCracs discussion Brenton Rickard th1o h r~ra Newcastle ta entertain the; meetnda eo.2 a acome Nursing.ha was appointed ta acknowledge tion andi metig.Soe epirand __________ther a rsaF E Aex mktinadEncouragement opctieso-datteamhiben, mhdet te chuc kt Cham ber of Com m erceaionanw d t0 ia'eBarber Shop Quartette Sing: ta raise funds for their pr- caclh wiTAK VnL plan tosen a loatfro in inAmerica ta the Cmirmo welfare oki the adcuc idw.Dn- S A K I C h a m er f C om er e Necasle.munity Hall for a repeat per- village. tions went ta the church heat- Duringth general discus- formance on Saturday even- The programi whichwill run ing svstem, missionsth iss STronviaWshuerai r.nd rsG.roiad ets 1'~~ii'ciy' tc I:resh S tcjrt :1:in of the chamber, the meim- ing. for a good two hours iw'il.Mîlton Society for the Blind.rn, Trno iie r.RsOhw ee Sn G t w y I r sS t rbers present wvere in general1 This group presented the.consist of choral numbers Sick and sh ut-in members; Westheuser. ussoh m n lvo agreement that this organiza.'11969 version of its minstrel j.resented in barbershop style an e aie ermm- Mr. and Mrs. JohnSakBons tinshould not be in competi- show hiere on December lOth, (without accompaniment) and bercd as weil as floral tributesýand famnily, Mr. ad Ms r n r.C alr Newcastle- A new start wvas! meeting, will report on theirlheld on the subject of a Bro-1 tion with the Lions Club or . 1960l. to a full house and the quartet nurnbers and solos. In-'sent in limies of bereav emrent. Maurice Hallowellan MiBo anie. er wcku I . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~other organizations in the Vil co« eîpesdtrpre ihte msclTeSîdySho alhdceewr inî usswt miade by the local Chamber O fîndin gs and a geanerai dis-! chure of the village with many ae u hudb uiess wh te perormancpae terumersedwil be hialushe SIrcdea co. Hl hdMheer. dinrs. i r.Rn. Commerce on Thursday even- cussion of these ideas will be,deas being put forth by the men's organizat i o n which Socitv1 it was talked bu black-face camedy presnted MYrs. T. J. Jackson reported Mo tr aned rs.Mrey oi-Cmr Ing when îwelve members of held. members and on motion of should work for the promotion for niany weeks aflthe by the four end men. an increase in support of the dne at atFia v vsaFia vnn îîo the chamber were present jAfter some discussion af the[a cmley as ad Frnk Haarof ttiervibusiness landnuse Missionary and Maintenance coing :tteRe isns &long with Reeve D. J. Cun-'loss of business caused ta Io- acmite~a pone atilsrie nte vlaeEFuod, which ttlled950 look into the details and re-.'and advertise these ta tourists B IAYsn ota 950 Miss Norma HallowlTr radMr.M elt n ningham and counicillor Reg. cal mierchants due ta the bv- pott h etmeigwt n nutilfim h ih ET H AYseto adurr. Lovekin. The President E. R. passing of the village by pro_'pornta dadndfMr.htIands.lS <Dick) Lovekin presided at vincial hig-hways, on motion Erenion Riekard as chairman1 be considering settling in this 1 r Clara Armstrang wxvi- orn are resident: eight new'1MrS L. Speller, choir Caswell and family ieeSn a upr usso r n -~~~~~~ietr stated there were 18'day dinner guests atMrLlw rs arPcwadn wîth a discussion of the mer- Hoar, a btter will be u,,,ritten commitîcle. Off street parking ýforth in the plans for the fu rcuighramls ek atnwmmesb r n n mu.s ic tevapor,,Sun a Mr.and s. o tp Its af having a chamber of 10 Alex Carruthers, Durham fclte ntevlaecm trteCabri oeu is home again from Civic Hos-'fr tanmdbr dcaec.. commerce in Newcastle. Member of the Ontario Lgs in for considerable discussion that a large number of mem- pitl, Peterborough. I ehd fiiae tniebp-.Vxico. theY sang at aniver-' ton. Newtonville, WErercn derndd tht a e 'aure eqtîstinandion motion of Harold Falk bers will be present at Ie M.adMs F'n r5a Ilmq, fourbiad a d ie bp-sary sc'rviccs in the neighbor- ',isiîors with Mns am It was dgchddmttat tae- znd Murray Wallon a commit- February meeting and that the'adter agtrVaei gprsc fYletn od argniztio metig soul upthematerai lacngtee ai R. B. Rickard and W. F. Chamrber of Commerce inaesnigthswk in marriage. Mr. Richardson a,- NMaýnvers Station, Pontypoolt Mrs. Sid Hallowel n Hoar iere apointd to ook Necastl sollexpressedlyBahisorapprecA.a nd threlimnes at the Mîi--Nancv spent tew Feb. 26th set as a tentativesgs Ite ocate int o the possibilities af oh- start for 1962 and xith Thur- aly ei, howet v Amersad ffciais en-oronto. RGW dat) hmnaneletin itf- changentHgwa 01ad ýtaining such facilities and te- day evening's enîhus i a S M 'muca pageant had been pie- Mr. and Mrs. Xeit oe ~ ficers will be held and co-'h ot nrance ta ho i-pr akt the Feruryh: iý fplane to attend the funeral tioning in particubar t.he suc- sented at Christmas. The and family, Bow m anvle U EVC !E Cite poned ster- aonierablyisuson115.niviain e1 iefr i ise iss!cess of the training classes Juircorhdbeora-IwerentvsosatM."R A6E mites ppined a te e-lae n igva115.meeting. its work before the end of the Nelly Reid in Aberdeen, Scot- fo Snda Shoo tchroi r ed. Hoorgn-wrd rentvrows suit i dicussons t thi ___ _______ _____________ !, returped home on Wed- with 10 members recelving, Earl Wcatherilt reported an'ý Mr. and Mrs. GardonPwr(. ~PGT nesdav. i atetcertificates; the success of the ineres in attendance at theiClarke Union, Mr./ Co i u iyWilliam Phillips i atee school for EIders and Stew- bunday School and the finan-'Orme Falls, Marilyn adHr in St. Josephi's Hospital, Pet- ards in Bible study; the good cial report was prepared by vey and Mr. Charie rm Bowling _ are wishing him a speedy rie School and the Hi-C group.j Murray Henderson gave an and Mcs. John Star.,Fîa Newcastle- Folawingae__A1 L *. flm ' L Representatives fromnBthIr Richardson will conduct HCcui'o the wayk of the evening. the high scorers in the variau > 1 v ii t I u ' im~an.v attending the Inaugural! a course in Christian Fa 11h for t go upepesn thaekseM.dAndr and Mr. Dans!huka shwa leagues on the cammunîî oe W t i n e ity service of the Peterboroughi adults. He also expresscdtaheldrsndcuelrsSua, saavied t bowling lanes during the week1 Presbytery United C h urch, thanks ta James Somervil le, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beer. This Mr. M. Shutka's. endiug January 271h. 5ïWmnhl nGog tee h tdn iitrwî i group had financed and builtl Shiloh congregationai et f da adesLaeUrnited Church on Tuesdayi graduate in June. a new dloak room in theing was held at thehoeo (200 and over) - L. F'arrow 1 f e a g e ea c in g O ro n o ere Mrs. Thomas Jen.nings,I church. Mr. Orme Falls Thursa v Mrs.Car Poteou, Ms. in-The financial statement pce-1 Mrs. Thomas Jennings re-! coing last week. Rev 258, D. Mercer 256, D. Lang- rre pecrMs.Tomspared by the treasurer, Mrs.lported some repairs made toWhite was in charge adr LM IGHAI( staff 240, R. Couch 238, E.1 Ncwcastle-As the result ai local Royals have won their wîth Charlie Trim (2), Lang-Jasnif aSpncer Mrs. TH. ap- Preston Neals, was discussedthe Parsonage cluring the past ceived the year's repots Perrin 228, G. Couch 218, R.Igamnes pbayed during the pastfirst gaine ai the season. staffe (2), Bill Ellîs and Ross pn.and an increase in church eat- vear and outlined plans forý Mr. and Mrs. Gaori m Fuser b0,M.Graam 08,Y.weok in the town hockey lea- In the iirst game an Wed- Brown netling the puck for Normia Smith, daughter of tendance and monetacy sup-' further improvomients ta beand Mc. and Mrs. ErtTi Peel 203. igue, Newtonville has risen la nesday cvening the Newton- the winners. Gary Cooper and Mlr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, un- port was noted. ThLe bocks made. The financial report of and famibies enjoyed au-OOO 18 Tuesay cn'sLeaue iwitin Ipoit o!the leauville team dcfeated Harley's rcCntnwr h olderxvent successful surgery in'had- been aiudited anid found'the Parsonage Board vas pro-' day evenîn,, in Oshawa (225 andi wvr- B. Brwnlcading Orono tcani and the!by a score ai 8 to 4 with Ron scarers for the lasers. iSt Joscph's Hospital, Peter- 262, 1.M1eCu!iigh 252, K. Robinson leading the winners Team Standings bocough, lest Tuesday. '. Whitney 238, B. Lake 237, P., À with 3 goals fobbowed by Phil Ta LTPs Mc. and Mrs. Ed. IV[ lvn Gredy 22.5. Bill Ellis and Andy Murphy etnile- 2ei rborough were Sunday guests Ares22,R.Muro26,B. .i. i nsGimr it 2ad edL ne Oon 6 5 2 O12 n hersx hlre iPe- ~CASHIER \AREIE D Wednsda Laies eege- r xith one eech. Ken Gray with wilh Mrs. Ina Palmer. _ ýVale t e T 2 and Shermn Shields and Ho Halys1 Scout Mothers' Auxiliary (200 and oavec- C i-endry înî ea oas_---_1 7 0 2 271, J. Rieka id 255, G Couch ýward Quinney with one eacl oas The Cub and Scout Mothers' 245, K. Martin 229, B. Shad- Ncwcastle - The regubar were the goal scorers for Her- Auxiliacy met on Monday! dloclk 223, R. Couch 208, M. meeting ai the Aiternoon ley's Motors. fnqT RVnight et the home of Mrs. 1 X'ayiar 205, Mv. Couch 205. ýBrench of St. George's \Vo-ý In the second game Orono O U ARYkII Presýton Neals, with the fol-, man's Auxiiary was hebd an took the Rayais by a score o! lowing officers elected for the, Junior Lague- (170 and!Tuesday, aftecnoon, Jonuary 10 !o 7 withi Phil Long lead- Frederick Baldwin Lovekin coming yeer: President, Mrs. Over)- W. Flînlof! 2152, T.!23rd. The meeting took the'ing the Orono scorers with 6 S. L. Speller; Vice-President, Alidread 929 J. Ctiniingham [foî.m of a scwing meeting. !follo\%ed by Terry Carleton Newcastle-A former Reeve MTrs. Addison Scot; Secretary, 2290, S. Barclurd 209, D. Bow- Ms.PF.LGelygva iitwedGryCoren and counicil 1 o r of Clarke Mrs. Nool Wood; Treasuner, e n 202, S. Cohh1cdiek 1)5,B! s.PF.LGelygva ihtoadGrCopradfrtey-twiMs VnntJko Couh 87,J.Chrd 5YR.very nice end most eppnap- Dav'e Lvcett with ane each. Township frtny-toMs.VcetJkon; Sociai nitetak a helaie o te ayis scarers were Ron Dick: yeers edaifln eietCneor, Mrs. Douglas Smeit; Good 182, C. Stonks 174. rsplendidloeadieps oprtei'isa 2)Lry eec () ithe township, Fredcrick Programme Convenons, Mrs. Thursdav Mý,ixed League -- dent, given ta the WomallsiGairy McCullough(2), and Jirn Baldwin Lovekin, passed aWay, Preston Neals and Mrs. Reg.00 U 20 and ove;>) - D. WliîneylAuixiliary by the retiriîîg pe ikr iha in Memorial Hospital, B3ow- IEdmtînds. f 4, B. Rawc 211, A. Rowe ýsident Miss B. Mebntosh ad! Sunday evening the RayaIs manv1962 n ridaeviy aur rs aodWite was wel- 200. sid it wes the wish o!thie performced an upe hnte 2,12bhiseet-seventh comed as a new merniber. Frîday im League-(200 'members Ihat Miss MVclntosh defeated blarley's by e score 1er The new president led a èn av-) B.Abrd 9 be made an hionorery Presi- of 5-4 xith Gary McCuîbough The late Mr. Lovekin was discussion as ta ways andl en'v B lde d ent5 orn et Kilcoli-nen Ferminmea-ns ai !inancing the Club's'- t a e d a tg R. Pearce 245, B. Hoogkamp () o Dcisn 2 n Clarke Township, the son of work and it wes decided ta' 233, M. lIe'îry 229, S. Brown Miss Mclntosh exprossed her, 'Jim Riekard (1), scaring the_____ redeeabeuti 22bS.Pwel 1, . eedapreitin athe' members goals fac the winners. Hec- the laie F. B. and Annie Love- hold a progressivei euchheS 1Cozfor 205. b nhec usuel inimitable -wav. ey's scorens wene Howard k, n adecndntc acUtarv abefalwe b _____h__ cs pr .' nie 2) hemSied f th e eariest setlers in the dance in the Town Hall on; ,n - __ _ _ un ng t e u in s p rt 5 Q îîn y (2 , h n m S ie d N ew castle district. iH e recc ived I M rch 9, w ith refreshm ents: .5 n ýý the meeting the members de- ýand Brien Rowe. his education in Shaw's Puh- for Sale. cided ta hobd a Valentine Tee'In the second game Newton- lic Sebool and the Newcastle!I Dou .ý,las Neels demanstrat- in the Parish hall in Febru- ,vibie handed the league iead- Higah School. edtrekosue nSot cd lhree knotnused in Scou- to 2Feature ing nonotea e 6ta defat n 1916 the laIe Mc. Love-. ing and teught the inembers teB* - kmn was merried la the form- how ta tie then. r AtestoreS 'ier Sarah Robinson who pre- Following, the Benediction, sjorcus$6in ons Tpesw0 deceascd bim on Januery 3rd, the bostess served lunch. The i YrnIt1 \Pe MMReeoIve 1953, and they left no child- next meeting wiîl be held et' eswsetO TFast, Homnetown Il w asleMr. Lovekin served as a JakoFb1r 9h Claimn Service C 7' councilban, Deputy-Reeve and Bethany UTnited Church LO NGAERIJUC for over c r Reeve ai Clarke Township and Congregational Meeting P R LO N SALE! RNG 1oz i S ocil and t.'P eisouUt vas a member af the United Tbie annuel Congrega'tionel JIC 5,500,000 Policyhalders and unham fNortahumberaid Chutrb was hdo Man ntd"* Umh-Ir -ar k. Cod uesam forlahumberafîid mrh eti hegdonESTLESFondUIK z Effctfv Fnîends ai Mns. Gardon Ash 1mw days lest week with Mr. 1er n vsawi uw i, kardb hLRv odPieîADU h Janand.a31,welFeb.n 1,ht 2,ir3db*Ythe ev. wiil be pieesed ta leern that' and Mrs. R. B. Rickand and fruit gnower in the township1 George Richarson, wao also PASTRY, FLOUR,2, 3R ociscrch J she neturned to ber home frnm famiiy. belone bis retirement 8 yees led a bncif devotional service.': RP AT UGR Gaua Memoniel Haspital an Sunday, M.cand Mns. Stanley Hoda- ega. Eiri Weatherilt. secretery,FR ENFO Rib Portion xvhere she is canvalescing fol- son of Boxvmanviîle were M. oeknvdese read minutes ai the previaus- lb. g b~ IlIf AA ono' lowing hec recent illness. i Sunday visitons wilh Mr. and Lieutenant in the ald 49th1 meeting. L IJ VA Kla iii Ottawa on Friday and Set- 1IedM tPh.Hr mme ite oa rn e b session, pnesented tbhe E CTTE e f urday atlending the mid-\vin- were ini Brighton bast week !Lodgc. He xvas a mme isliate of officers foc Ibe nellvo. aieyPg ter meeting ai the Ontanîc wvýhere îhey ettended tbe GoI- Ih N1cetcUiedCu c ac, xvhich were eleeted as IGA CANDa IES 290ePor Section ai the Canadien Bar rien Wedding Annivcnsacy Of The bale SMr. Lovekin is sur- follows Tneli 'Tll ' 0 1 Assocition n the haîea Mc c r M T. E. Cape. vived by oneC sister, ý rs Th71ree new EIders wene pj'uiae ~ riAT atSz Laurier Hotel. . Mn. and Mcs. George Kim- George Robino and a lirotiier'i electcd, Dc. S. L. Spelber, lb-AgPortionV waso I Mn. and Mrs. R. B. Rick- bail and daugliter Joa-n wcre C. î-lginald Lovekin aof New- Preston Neals and Vincenit D3NNERS Frozen PqT ard xere in Deseranto on Suurlay guesis xith Mr. and casîle.Jaki, as well as the for- Moidc.v and attended the Huhl Stepleton and fam- The funcrail service vas con-! nier niembens, Henrv M. Jek ?- Lions Club Ladies Niglît. Mc. îly -n Newlonvible. dce ylsmuiîc i rruî ii(dclk), Aiben Been, Don-! TOM ATO J I ChopsorR a tecie$inBnsTps it DIRK BRINKMAN 'Rickard was meking bis af- Mc. and Mn-Is. Fred Candi ýRev E. C. Woodland in ti:e iýýd Loces, M-ýenvvn Porteous, Heinz o o s MILL ST. N. - NEI%"CASTLE ficial vîsit as Governor ai Dis-: \isi1ec wiîli hec moflier Mrs. INorth Il end Smilh funcral Hary.ý Preston, George Wedf- TFlaincyLve facn ranseie PHONE3671trict A-3. J. E. Hawke in Toronto on:prlu d(o,11nile~ cil, Ecni Weatheriit, Leslie Fn aHOdE3Miss11, MAbel ldcicl V1111-1 0-111e--eknd isiiî avleCmeeytrni onanil i.) _____-------______ hostess et the conclusion <ai AntiiorWrighit,.6-0z.pkgs. C 7UIKRRUE3 Goz J7C tbe evening. Cemetery Board, Charles seeev hergtt TIniauguration o! the'tWeatluerili (chairmnan), Wil-, I6-oz. C IGAtBeead ea2O( S t r o , F b rd Uaited Chunch Womnen teck lhemr L. Rnwan, H. L. Challice, limît quantities i place Suîîday et tic United Mauîsel Fianey, Thomas Jen- at 8p.m.Kawartha Juaction Orchestra Dav'd.son and Mrs. Mansel day evening. Thev will be Prel4ytery Men's C o u n c i 1, SPONSORED BY THE NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB bc gi e. e.3d hre eteii My wife (Mrs.R.Pye Rowan: Communiion Steward-BOW M ANVIttE IGA M ARKET has been in Hospital now foc ess, Mcs. Walter Neals; Re- B w avle naj three wccks and rmaking good>presen'tîves ta Cub and o m n ilO tr Admssin *$125 nd 0cprogress. She expeets ta be Scout group, Edgar Beer end fobbowed by a 6 months cest nuial reports, Mcs. Ross Cerr. T et horne. In b is ministeniel report T M ' I A MR E e If yeon want mort news tell Rev. Richardson accounted 128O tai us about it. i menîbera on the xoll, 98 of WEDN-ESTAY. JAN. 31st. 1962 7Iv Aewaicca4dle *90 s40 Àw j'a Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 _____ ____ _____ ___PA GY~E LE lm à P-10 1" ý-- z