DEDLN FOR CASFE Tuesday,430pm IBRYANT-Mr. and Mrs. Nor- 'McINDOO-In lving memory D:1ance in Tyrone Hall, Sat- UPRIGHT piano. Call CO '51 PONTIAC, in running con-21N Tyrone, ten-room framne mnan Bryant wish ta annaunceof a dear wife and mother, urday, Feb. 3rd. Clara Nes- 3-2698, evenings. __ "iin hn A352. deln ihcoe nvr the birth of their son Dale Ed-lLena, who passed away Feb. 'bitt's Music Makers. Admission iL--bb- crag-hoe_____5-1* andah, good foundation, water;'1 LC ward, 8 lbs. 5 ozs., on Tuesday,' 2nd, 1953. 175c. 51*19643,Baktc.apoiaey1ar fln fa ,Cm ofor 1 WATER wr rnmisoith small stable. Apply, year for the ExplorerswacaedMsinBd)mtoocso.Foligwnpr. HsiaBwavle1 ubn Frnduht' toShaw's School for -sale and celivered-. adtasmsinires-, CîtnBglw C -35 edi the S. S. noom Tues-TesyinteCE.etresBstdsedlyCil lai HopitalBowmavilleiusband Fran, augersFeb f ethic, co 32131. eCOlience,5ewly pinted peilthanks ta Dr. Sylvester Ruby and Josie, son-in-lawitheir annual card party on j Caî Cwificencdayaftr school with 1wiath 9 chd ayMildens nd wed akTrn:bs rse 9th t 8p.m Euhre a ___________O -231 n ned Bn ursing staff. ProudJack and grandchiidren. 5-119t"00" pries; uch dmssad,32-tf MA_3-5756. 5-1 - *______ -memer s n toleaderipre1,ers i tedae. pna-gnRlhBwr;bs J graenafo r r. and M. îTHLLI oving me-ý 50c. 5-21FIREWOOD in stove wood Til Eia entUpon arrivai hot choco-!rival up framsho.Ms desdcul. eleAs] ndMsM.BynHampton. mary of aur dear father Monster Bingo, Thursday engs. $10 a load. CO 3-2275.' LBask ea1'dt e d cpckswr n oei nie hmt onsieadJnc air n 5-1 William Mitchell who passed nîght at 8 o'clock, sponsored 0 -6Ron uglo,3b w A rifmetn hewt teEp _______ ~~~~~~mns, garage, new oil furnace, officers were elected as folitreated al tobocooatAsetneadMrFeyA aryFeb. 2nd, 1956. iby the Junior Chamber Of MIXED slab wood. Resawedibres hief Explorer,Dineadcpcks.Ategthrgodieiseo-e. auSxyears to-day dear Dad wasiCommence, Red Barn, North in stove lengtbs. Newcastle lreltwt ri n e lCDan n u ae MiyaPnd DugBe rnie PulSixcalled Oshawa. 45-tf 4136. 40-tf î'Immediate possession. $8,900 Banni; eeMalcofKeeerLogD1, ian inrte Cra.h 3r e n h sd od n p le a s e d t a a n n o u n c e th e e yRc e a d D u l s a r v -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w i h 2,0 0 a s h e T r as u r ,c o b b i e M -of ' ato Df r m e n w E g i h si e a k e y sl e y h r aofter7l.1oz ayGone where the angels sing sa acon wovil al SDClare Hecla furnace, 60 Acre farm, goad trout Luhi. h Betof t ive -Pa rso ndthe oprdi a slni tednea aloihi b Saturday, February 3rd. Job go dîndtion, $25.00. PhoCAR stream, tobacco land, 6 noom'aglnTh etoteti!vro ndh sseDeborah (Debbie) Marj-! sweet SotsOceta pnoe A372.5 9:45p.m Jan 15: t '~dkneSNttsOnviheta.H noe~ d con 3.71one US1Dbrick bouse, barn, an good %'as spent in play"g aeswth the StJmsvrio h C t 196, bat Cam mtyMeoJan.l, Ab ae. odkewIy N*1 3vif e ockeyrlub. Una1CAmeeting ol 196y, born And taken wemen tlO Clu - road near Orono. $13.800).0). from Around the World. - which all knew.DnaM-teUiedCuc ndye' Proud W miss hm her5c per persan. 4-2* USED Tires- passenger car, 1959 PLYMOUTH M aglntuh e vn.eig e.Rmrlaee Hospital, Port Perry. PodW is i eesvery7Ln5cug parents are John and Hilda, much, VItnCrSaty,. iflOst sizes, some snows. Phone 4-DR. SEDANM.E LEASK ag ae n e3-7111.____ __________ DaviomLarer.oRail waseaans-tand com.menttandOpfayirgand But we ail hope in Heaven to'aFb14h1928 p.rflQUANTITY of good quaîity' shield washers. Showroom 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville CARPENTER work anar-vird Lyaforit yn.A h inigo yn h MOFFATT-Lean and Ruth meet ýGood prizes, door prîzes, luinch 'mixed baled hay. LeRoyý condition. MArket 3-5919 pairs. Free estimates. Phone this vas thefnsmetgmiusoflclatnua (neVry r ap aa-Where no one says goodbye.'served. Tickets 50c. 5-2Short, MA 3-2479. - 5-1* 1957 PLYM017TIl - MA- 2 riauce the arrivai of their son' -Sadly missed and lovingly V lnie D ne at S u a4-ET I so e nn e oDR.SDAN i Acar.I G, e S t e e n A l l n , a n a n a r y 3 0 n m e m b e r e d b y t h e f a m i y . - VH l e n t i n eC R Y L E 4 - r . S E A NLe U e atyr e l s t u d e n t , 1 7 y r i n e r e r s O fc e e e a d t h e s u y b oa sR p r se e r c i v d r m 192tevnAleosha a nerl Hs-,b lall, aturday, February 10. washer, bath in good condition.ý odcencr ly elnwne 16,a Osa aG nrlH s15 iJim Fisher's Orchestra. Lunch Phone MA 3-7240. '1956D N Phorde11stne MA3-74yas01re w br pital. 5-11 and prizes. For tickets cali 17" -CONSOEtlvsolv- Autamatic, custom radio. LIST WITH LLOYD .-- taken so fan. dprmnsa olw:Ms POLO-In loving memnorylCO 3-2155 or CO 3-2504. 5Uycbnt odcniin tn Locally awned car in A-1 THEN CALL VOUR MOVER:HEATING, Plumbing and! Thene werenieldsatsonadMsDaonor _______ofa______________ddIandv15s1roughanineCaîlodGounditind.dSNo.co3dUnitnofEthesrU.grenl. Exp]orolrs, Mns.eP Rom Deahs____ jf den usan, adand ld vcondition. -.ode, 4BrwnS. -1Newtonville lIaig ecsl 31 8t ..wihmti h a-ei;W . r.Ru ______ ,grandpa, John L. Poolton, who .Hodvnyh-gI'sca--ode,-4 nwnSt - 1955 PONTIAC 4-Dr. SEDAN Full Price $,00FilPieat --Newonage 43 fC W edhih nsa feno.Muto;W. r.Sur R.4 omnvle nSndyi97 lvn iltake place Friday, Poe~t January 28, 1962, Roy William You fell asleep wt Phon2edinBwmnile MA 3-5735. Y153P*MUHSPCAL'oew! kichen, dingalow ok, Tearys, reside un& ment oadpaye.BbesuyKt;TonadCut- lb, Bged 27 yer, b71 ugmobe 1yu ilTown Hall. 5-1,CLEARANC aeatGo-4-DR. SEDAN lrelvn om~îhpatr hn MA 3-5605. 23-tf' was conducted b n.Rm r.RyMLuhi;Cuc ligh stoeet, Mr.and ille ,!e-j But memoniesa! you Centre Ex[rad Fan icsedshFe,. utmrdo oal wed cdvalance and built-in book' eril. Following fieswr rasrr vnTopo r)f Kathleen, Clarence and- the yeans, igames-twenty dollars: five dolars ---IKY -u-at--- icll--- iieto --o-efri. wodbakth , 11Fu lar1tue.HHdirclcl;r. B ens reareMsLl,' Ras. ericewa hld t heWitb silent thoughts and'games-thirty dlar; l10Kyo u atatculln wHrd- asemnt, orccd ro ail ea. F. Cow, 12 lgirS.,Bow. rsig ; Mmeas rsi nsueCrWigtAlde Morris Funenal Chapel, Bow-ý unseen teans. iîackpot, and two jackpots a t 'eet oedarolh,.F roe 0 li tBw-Wih;M alEe eebrdb i i$5 orpîe. etware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- See us for Reduced Pnîces on Taxes only $83.00 yeamly. Just'manville. 3-4*1 Stewardshi.p,Mr.FeDa-atmnsreigodcd- manile, n ednsdy to-ve neemere b bs wfe$15. voillze..Nxtvile.3-f GGODEAD TIESAisedTInRetEnw y hon -'es Scia fncion ad kt-tio. hedeb o th C E oclock. Interment Oshawa!Bella and family. 5-î*Moda,8 p.m.. Red 'es;-in BSocial fun.EIALEwaanreuîe _______Os46-tf MN'S winten overcoat, wind- igBl orner at 2-51c2porELamy o ar ieqwok enMsatnDmel uligi cuc a$00 Uno ___ ey 5l ALMER ýo.tnprr rpr iewrceMs UnonCeetry 5 - __ - -~- breaker, size 40, good con-'1Cmunt BARTON, MarySTEPHENS-In loving me-j Every business man and&dition.'MA 3-2210, Newcastle MlfD (lr' ly n1h igtnhor caefein iy 1-laveVisitinig, Mms. IaTyo.rmi h aea atya BATN ayG.-uddenly,'mnory of a dear father, Upton wmnshouid attend the12117. 5-1 J.J.IJLUJ.SA1LES loy R±lfy idiig emt.C -20 Next meigwl ehi twthteecpina w at Memonial Hospital, Bow--'Stephens, wbo passed away!Chamber of Commerce -DinnenrpemitBCO--231 the home ofMm.CciHIlaesdedttelîta manville, on Satunday, January January 26, 1952. iMeeting at Memonial Park'4,000 BALES mixed bay, Dealers for(Ohaa umiô - 'fl hr ensa fsead.Ms modTyo 27tb, 1962, Mary G. Bebee, be- Lcoking back xith memonies Club House, 6:30 p.m., Feb. 15. timothy, claver and aifalfa.,pîymouth -Oshaa)ge - Valnithent'r j pn h ah o rd,1-Ddg aiat; CALL us ta look after your Feb. at 2 p.m Svrliesapite i h ... n loved wife o! Joseph A. Banton Uo tepthyuind The President o! the Ontario Best quality, had no nain. Tele-1 Simca Cars REALTOR ibuilding needs. New bouses,1o uieswr icse.Ms aeTopo p and dear mother of William, We bless the boums we bad'Chamnber will be the speaker.1phone CO 3-2628. 3-tf DdeTuk 2-13grgempis uhadobsesshhmnadbne one-v h onmgîo age 51 years. Rested at North- it;o wt Tickets at $1.50 availabie atI CRC cream spanatar, 20 King St. E. Bowmanville 101 Simcoe St. N. Oshawva'vanilies, room divîders, plant-dito.ipleofteaeBuc cutt and Smith Funenal Home,' And leave fthc est wt God.'To\,vn Hall. 3Masy-arigon oniindi5-crtioromhoî-n vn, lvnlde tnc h stn /53 Division St. N., Bowman-,--Always nemembered by tbe!---- C f ______________________!___venladi ____ presentssdRubinoffaand Hisj$7.. Phone 2-09,T .Auction Sale Fdea modem woods and plastic lam- hmeigof U.GnnLreaiontxclntwka- Chpe o uedaJauayViolin at Trninty United!Gasell5e ____ -I_ -______ efer Fedat nes. Gea. Reynolds & Son, ensaeV 80tb, at 2:30 p.m. Tempoary;THERTELL-In ioving mejlChurch on Friday, FebruanyýUSED Bedroomn Suite, chest of' Real estate, funniture, carp- REAL ESTATE BROKER 4uldrsa25336.Wdnresd aevenn.Ms t-cmlse uigteya entombment Port Hope Vault. mary o! a dean mothen, Amy. a1Ms.Roen- edthBbî- ototans. Intementlate, WsleyilleIsabl, bo pssedawayFebl6th, 1962, at 8:15. Admission idrawens, vanity with stooi and enter's tools, dishes, bedding, 20Ars-10no rc CnemenltnyWeseyv-1 2ndabe, w1955. aaye.$2.00 per persano rcedno'edcmlt wt pinsadatiusttcpaetyodh loeiiexeln cidto. Ora VnD el:suy Ofcr orti ni m.Rmei.Te im"e ____In___eatsyurmeor Rtary's community proiects.Imattnesses, go o dcondition. 'estate of Mrs. Violet Lcslie;iPane -bpd an3lxGNEA OTATR are: Leader, MsI lnVa- adteBl" tecucii *OAJh-ths li nrhes yu aalal t:Rckbeshn M -54s -fsale wiil be held in C.O.F. Hall,!., mer; Secretarvban M.s' Kcith action) with recer;ding waa COWAN, John-At hislate liniekst aMallen at:rdare IsULPhnAi3-5bl49.gmet- Jntvlerommrn oue 60, stmam; venY productivei Brick - Block - ConcreteVaCmpTesunMsthnnoedbyogad resdeceBlck 1,Con 6' Awas tndr, on a,'LdBig 0 e RaenDardwarer----p.m.; îg - Saturday, Feb. 3nd, fr.Pie$200 em.adCretyAnl Tyo;Mmesi l.Meigcoe îhhm Clarke Township, on Saturday,, true, akyandnTieSo. od, wth rock wool. Work- t eev 150 Acres - 10) room folly, rodTyo Jan. 27, 1962, John Cowan, be-lTheres not a day dean mothen, 53manship guaranteed. Free estîi-sbjc-bî),in' EWWOK ad EPIR ad bearshpcMk. Nhoanmpeyrfoloin wic loved husband of Rea Blewett,! We do not tbink o! you. - mates. Hanny L. Wade. T o Jaetill.Maelicsomdembrck om, wit dear fathen of Clifford, Bow- -Ever nemcmbened by the phone Clarke 2420. 39tf for copeelit-etigwyfotaefwe kitchen, Mms. Hrl c is l GIANT BNO-le, ___ner -'igwyfotae we inanxiaus (M-sifa-i--.---11-ELauglilin;buCommunitytFniend-' RlackstockseFairauMakesBld avilneana Paulinoedn.'fly. !for goi used televisian sets,'3.f i8 ton a nn R s a, thron a raged - SE E om er W i bun, H a nptan,20 A cres n ear H am pton, good i A . B A A R l S s ip and v isitin , M s e ! F r M r u i r I t r s 81 years Rested t the an Saiurday, Feh. 3rd lîhestefelds, beds, dressers WEKiganden soul. ever - nunningl Lee. Meetingsartobhed Attirnuameig low Funeral Home, Park S, - 0hakonntevatiscar,, f,.sream, facing future lumbiyngh third Wednedyeeig edi lcsoko aun ________har,__figraos LIESOC ALETt' cubig H, ngo! ecdimonth.Nx n t2t li atngtAncl Orono. Service was beld fromi We wish t hn u neigb-'Ithi wasbers, ail beatens, ranges, Pnice $4,000. Down .51,000.thhoeoMrRcadVnualSctybdfnhei the Funenal Home on Manday,:bams and friends for their kind- 'LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRnwlib.CîleC at Durham County Sales Arena 7Are 5thmsoneose HOEMA3h17 Cmepn of tMiuirsb pa Januany 29 at 3:30 p.m. Inter- ncss and help during a time o R'e lih. alEmr o! -n-il - - --- - 'Horses, 7Acrespav5droad stnerbow-se, NPHONESt.Aow3a-7127Thannmet. etn n fv on eol aw ment Orono Cemcetery. 5-l'need when aur home was Dow anvhe 32294 46t5OrNel-Eony SSi.e Calesmanvîîe nicThe0(li0. Trms -- 'by fine. PREPARE veathen etc. For truck pickup Phone ion't miss th is propemty' if ,ïo ___i 46tf o! St. John's Chuc.a edwt be or nmtesa H{OLMES - Suddeniy at 62, Maria and Vîto De Palma. at 8 p.m. ahead! Sce us today for free!Orono 5 r 18 by 1 p.m. day of are looking for a stane bouse. AED Monday, Januar 2d il neet ajno xiios Smsn veBwavle 5 estimates on Aluminum Doans sale. J. A. Reid & Son, Sales14mbrsiatndce Nadasjiodrcoi on Tuesday, Januany 30, 1962,' -- - pecial Draw -$0 and Windows. Yuwl be Managers. - - t V.L.A. pnoperty, modem ý anon Ash d wr is L 1__ IC ORS1me tvitb appropriatelin, NestvetanBMiss Janic yeasb(Dod ifare from Cowan Eepct o d. Pnice $9,500. Terrms. prayers.cMinutes o! î-1ByeTRsC BurketonmeMn.ngavid Holyecarsbdovd wife o ale Hbith ard, nurscead saf n2 GMS T$1 AC . 4Kng S. E.,Bowman-l ___ __ Orono, five acres, txvo-fati-,REPAJLlS and REWINDING to meeting wenereadb cr-Bligl lcsok r /}lolmes andAMEdean mothPhonefMA3-5 cane Ilcreieivedqiwmile.ina. Neil Bail John C., Newcastle; Ruth( Mns. Mmma optl loRv W SEILGMS vle hn A3689. 424f ýLARGE bniglit noom, g înly ou se, fulsy merni. Pic I orEetia elBic n dpe. rdun G. Poîlard), Stncetsviîîe, andHanold Turner, St. Paul's Aux-i AND $100 JACKPOT SNDAD RAEman. 205 King East, MA 3-3186. 1igwa N.2,OnaMle's Tiervice BoMAnv3-3058uay sho lcya' cii rn~.JmsBcs Jean (Mrs. R. Sbupak), Toron-;iliary, Odd Fellows, neighbonsl Number for this month - 52 SANDND_____L 2-tf Bunketon., TbMl '3Thr S. Bomnvle umayoft to. Resting at Marris Funenal ad fricnds for thein kindness. .1 Ieeyon1pol aS.East of Bowmanvilc ___ 43-tf tics, mentianingta hr aeebiie tfi ari SrviceHgfcd.AMSIO1 îo FOR YOUR DRIVEWAYS II-or bouse, beated, ail, Chapel, Bowmanville. S Sincenely, Joseph ihel.ADISO - $10 In the Chapel on Tbursday at! ý*- 5-1i AND CEMENT Iconveniences. Plane Newcastle Telephone MArkct 3-3644 f SAVE MONEY AT had been 3 baptss a-bt uiradoe lsc inges and 3datsdig'frevalyn. 3:15 p.m. Interment Bowman-,__ PHONE EARL BOTTRELL 12491. 5tf'Salcsmnf: ville Cemetcry. 5-i1;Iwis ta -nc-e-y--ak-*-eInDave's Shoe earthya.Te 1 iht icrNytakHl anted 1 CO 3-2682 ýTHREE-room beated apantrjent!G- Blyleven, Phone MA 3-5300,;dtak o h odwn Snc yfi raue hw LOVEKIN, Fnedcnick B. -At ficnds, ncigbors and day_1 For Prompt Service and 't9 QenS-,$0lAof'A J eiIOoo147Soetorh8e..t 6Pm0 fi ..,fi un2 dth oityi ondsae :wba sent flowers and cards and' A337 ar 3-3977. 5-t C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle 2248 'SKATES SHARPENED, 35c pr. Schoal, and alfi ogea rzs mutn a$958 Memiorial Hospital, 1Bawman-ýthosc who visitcd m uiapimeent.-îfor DeLy ycais159; iCOver Stree, fo ey Blac' ville on Friday, January 26th,,my stay at Memonial Hospital ------yBychis 51 pnve tret oery Bon' -- 6-NAROSTET - -wh ad 196, rcdnik B Lvekno!also faorflic kindness and carýiOF'FICE sccrctary requircd for students desks, complote Witbismith shop._MA 3-3394. 26-tf eWiîh Ra Estate Closed Wednesdays tpt I rts se u-coc ihablnea Newcastle, .rcceived from thc nurses andîCourtice High Sehool. Phone lamp and chair, $29.50-, table!34-f'c----14-4-n--n- hubad flice late 'Sarah Rob- ' Dr. Kith Siemon and Dr. Gill. 1 J. E. Speers at flic school, lamps, ne g. $11.95 for $5.95;- 1 'TWO large bniglit rooms and __________________ inson, in bis 77tb ycar. Rest-' Milton Slcmon. 1728-5146 for particulars. 5-1 only, cedar cbest, reg. $89 fan bath, near hospital. Plane: 160 Acre farm, east New- - Financial repotwsacp-Mmer xrse>upr cat Nartbcutt & Smith Fun-' $59;nkitchin suites 4 chainslMA 3-2259 affen 5:00 ociock.cs ,sma,10 6' barn,: r-iasferlng Repairs cdaI edbjNi aly'o!te4Hpommadofr enal Home, 53 Division St. N.,' Isales. Over 20cs products. Noiand table, bronzetonc re-m7noe oseeti ac QUICK SERVICE assebiv. Hecxaietatadtcalclbginli Bowmanville. Service was heid I wisîa to express nîy sincene money needed. Establjshcdl1dcrome, $49. Murphy Furn-ILARGE 2-bedroomn apartmenthcten, modemn kitchen. STCO N EIsOR s ermsaltmn nda-yar .,mite a p in the Chapel on Monday,'fth1nk5 ta cvcnyone wlio haS;'districts available. Write Dept. iture, 57 King St. W., MAlover Statesman office, King sto0 ckrod arnebrlck-ose. scNDNEssmKItetmsill n agrb one t e fteew Janar 2th t pm. ntrjshown kindness ta me by way jB14O-HH, 4005 Richelieu_13-3781. _ ý1 W., ncw bathnaom. Availableic 1500 wth$500 dR.L TAFT ýused by flic Syno.Teetoohrcusi edo pn ment Bowmanville Cemeter. of cards, letters and flowersiMontrcaî. 5-Ï1'---- -- - --!~Dec. lSth. Apply Statesman .1Wl . own. nvosysprteieswî o n t fe atk n - duning my stay in bospital.'- ---. .-_- - jUSED. office. 75 Acre famm as a going con- 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 rvosyep LADIES wanted. Make up t ___------ - -- 'enwihmcinr nism 6t now be known sapnin tercu tfi am PEKIS- t odsocSpecial tlianks ta Dr. Miklos,2 oawc on ip mentfor liccomîg yar andl' MorRatph ammr wafre PRIS-A odtkand flic nurses and staff o! hornc sa eng ingurspr LINCS THREE furnished rooms witî caffle. Price $11,000. Terms.------------ ment. St. JOhnsap]in i heeeto !ofcr Ont., en Monday, Januany 29, Memonial Hospital, Bwa Ameswn nyorsa PPLANEown kitchen and bathroom fa-' 200 Acre farm with good Pmpmglen$50600.the c nrgto lce rsdnM.Hme 1962, William John Pcrkins,Iviîîe. John Pluistn. time. Write Bunnys, Box 7010,!DRER cilities. Available separatclyharn, imiplement shed; 10 roomn- P- vo ed$0.0T I uetemsos-Gahmwseed1fvc agcd 75 years, dean brother a!a- Adelaide Post Office, Toronto:'TELEVISION -DYR or as an apartmant. Plane cd bouse. Askirîg $1-1,00. midt asr Russell Penkins, R.R. 1, Hamp- ____ Ontario.- 5-Î'RANGES - REFRIGERATORS'MA 3-3591 or 3-3231. 2-tf Ternms. Seplic Tanks bility o! anotlie 100t-peîet n atrWih Restng a th Maris.I would like ta f haink all my .EARN mon'ey easily by scllingl IVRINGER WASHERS TWO-bedroom apantmcent, close' 200 Acre farm %v\ h ecep-PP fMVT.c isEaPm rsne u aCm cetdfi oi Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville.'kind fricnds, relatives andhigh grade products in youri ta business section, availabie tîonally good buildings and ex- Miss LL ~evPrrt.te !seaytesrr Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Inter- thc Ladies' Service Club and fol, not necessary. HigI com tier21, /oTIcCaadanDARardRwaraes. « honeCLarE CanGorge Alf sRctr aean oTrotw ment Zion Ccmctery. _ __-the W.I. for al the lovely cards missionî ta scil casmetics, food 3 ig t . omn ieratsan217 x 9, c/B Caa arge L-sh aRcd 2:3ancrens2t;Wadnfr16.NelBic udy usso m n --- and letters sent ta me, also Dr. products, daily necessities. 5-1 ýmanville. ---- 4-2* drive shed; 10 rooîcdhiuse, 1 5Mrs. Austin feaco9k Engagements K. W. Slinon, flic nurses and'Catalogue on nequcst. Familex,1-'OSEt et3 erosall modern convenieiîces. Price ý r~--was elected PiolsWre Mm aîdMr. rue . anstaff o! Memrnoial Hospital, Dept. J. C. 1600 Delomier11 TV:ERIALS ' "andt, tems amranged. ljcU1iL,.LJeainfg for 1962. The ana eot m n am us M.adMsBrcE.Hn'Bowmanville, for their kind-!Montneal. -i TV AERA spaciaus living-room, kitcben,. 150 cresann, sra, -lo Snom RcetonRoof the W. A., Cuc os'mo m eiTmno thorn isli t annotnce th mrage all cnveni near'50Lecegue, SundavamS-hoolorand were wcreakind guests o! Mm.nd thomo wîs tanassnonce flicdurin" myrecon ERA ant frmod-t aagalcavneces, nashaped bank haro: bouse with ;athroomn. any raom need- C t B db adMsKDn qtâv TOWERS ~~~~~~~and CnrlSho,ý6.Wie tr o engagement a! their daugîten savin tp a mý lylHEDSM -_ -11_fo1Cetra S1ool $6 . Wniîa11modem conveninc:.Priceing --orcoplteho-. mecv or e . som --coc.-n:-- ccsin ,i.nterest ancd encouragemenît 1-e ville area there is a salesmani pied Ianm stock; Picked up Bthony XR. Plane7 r I'u11aned 4eaRwrd wîih EaT inimum ..- . thi onithedocin An(gve me in the short pcniod lic over 30 who would like to i promptly. Telepliane caillcct y calicothon 7 r 13'Rooed hmeon2ccrs a1.0 or25wordscioriimumsof 'ntr metingduingwihi'Ms lHm ii n n versary._______ 4-2.attcî-ided me. settle down in a steady, blg-fCO 3-2721, Margwill Fur Farm, -_____wadcietaucas25'MsAlenWigt ---- -' Mrs. John U. Wlyte. tPaying business where he can Tyrone. Licence 115. 43tf with baro. Only $1,000 dov.n.INMOAM adeidt Boultr, On. 5-1 be st forlfe 7 Roomed honme in Enîniskil- [ EOIM stacking chairs frteC .M.adMs no alr LICENSED 'Butr n.61b e o le len. Oniy $500 down. 8 1.00 plus 107 a lins for verte roomn and a scne o s cmoogi ecSna -- ~ IV ae noenn orsW DEAD AND CRIPPLED OsbyCasfe t3.0prwf i rjca.(hs iioso r n n o NaversingHomer scRe, airtespr Nusn o eRDisa man if he is slncere, alcrtj iGHE MSTOCK 1,j F. vvnndat$1, 0 o ___ .1nd orty o fuureadvnceST PRICES PI on e 7L inch, with a minimum of one inch from whom the(uc epl alr SOUTH Haven Nursing Home RADIO and Television Repairs.met.Our records show this R A Y V I V 1 A N RatrndGealInsurance rdîtoat etos h. ,eaillhvebeen amrwn cen m adMs rodTyo - Accommodation for pnuiatclPrompt service. Pick-up and franchise is ivorth Locust 1h11ecsl hoe34 i lsife csms e a Meigcoe n d semi-private patients,' deliverv .George's, 14 Centre $12.000 IN A YEAR 'Phone Markham 1160J Colleci MA 3-3303 ecst hne34 hi is ofied t atteru tb.haMtiong lsdwt cy.gcf !Mm n n.K lounge TV. Fully liccnsed,St. Phone MA 3-5713. 41-tf!That's not too much for the! 24 hr. 7-day Service r Donald MountJoy, NIA 3-3950 4:301 p.m. Tucsday ' There was afamcoda' n.ndrsJhnLde new building. modemr iitnn.- - man we tvant, because we havel License 102C61 Rs aisn ehn,3RSn uh tmso oe re h orn we!come Reasonable rates., GUARANTEED television andia nation-wide sales force of j 20-52'Rs avdoBehna 03 Snd sstrn av mneyode sfe oaning Tent] e ac n unradM.R Phone Newcastle 4441. 13-tf radia service, ta al makes.i top men who earn up to, $22,0001 nnn Lorne A. Perrault. Clarke 2231 Clip this ouf for handy referont.»'and held inflcRcetnMs.EDrya4Ms.. --- Same day service. Television il ea.1 Idso Wlersma, Orono, 1649 Ca.PlaeiA 33a8 ' erieneIvstin adersonal SRIE___ ___5-1 OFFICE HOURS Centre Friday ngt h alge udy Roorn-Bd. V/anted iService C.Pon A3-83 - euren nvsmn-ad SRIEMonda, hugFrd wsttely 4.9.2 pay big weekly earnlngs in HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber -- --- 8:30 ar..fa 5Sp. sic was pmoid b fIatedIcBrCnnioii GENTLEMAN requines room - - -advance. IVrite me an ln-,gaods) mailcd postpaid in plain u ,.i 4Saturday and board, must be comnfont- REPAIRS toa'a.] makes of re-formal letter about your ex- jseaLtd envelape with pnîce listV fL'JL int00an t 2N'ACutyTrvles rhsra taaFmdyad audy able and warmn. Write Ad- figeatons, domestic and com-iperlence and background. D. Six samples 25c, 24 samples . - ' m A il ohattenddweeairdFl.2dnd3dadhoe vertiser 219, c/o The Canadianmercial; milking coolers. I-ig-,R. Swallow, Pres., Southwest-,$l.00 Mai] Order lDept. T-28,1SALbueo 3o -ro- Th aada tatsa i3-pn3w3i0i3ahin ~spn una ih n Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- gon Electrie L'imited, 38 King erm Petroleum Co., Blox 7S9,Nov.-Rubber C. o 1idapantmcnf in Bowmanville.î for Dlia M Adet .33o!tcfctis od ay rs o nnkae aanville, Ont. 5-1 lSt. E. Phone- MA 3-3305. 7-tl'ort Worth 1. Texas. 8-1 Hamilton, Ont. 1-51_PoneMA_-593.__1__ ..a______drss m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PACZ TWELVE xAlwý *là+- lcAlk