Local Driver Dies When Car Strikes Tree ~man __________________________Durham County's Great Family Journal j., , > Roy William Alldread, age 27, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Alldread, 71 Higb Street, was instantly killed in a motor accident on Sunday evening at 9:40 o'clock. His westbound car apparently went out of control on No. 2 Higbway, just east of the Bowmanville Detacbment of the OPP office, left the road and struck a tree on tbe south side. The demolisbed vebicle is pictured above. Constable J. T. McDonald, OPP, ;vas tbe investigating officer. Tbe driver's brother, Ross Alldread, age 21, xvas a passenger in the car. He was taken to Memorial Hospital by Morris Ambulance, and treated there for facial and head lacerations and abrasions. He xvas able to leave the bospital this morning to return to his home to recuperate. Ovr2,500 Tour -Building_ iMrrunifirent NeIw Wina For the first time in sev- eral wecks the Iast seven days in Bowmanville has hecin %vithout any misde- mecanors, or scrious inci- dents. There wvas not one (..r theft, break-in, entry, or even any moncy stolen from nilk botties. This last u eek lias been a Most wclcome change for Sthe Bowmanville Police, wiho have been kept specîally busy rccentiy rccovcring stolen cars. apprchcending the cuiprits, and investigat- Ing hreak-ins and thcfts.__ WiIl Head Panel VOLUME 108 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1962 10c Per Copy NUMBER 5 Doctors Ask Providence Family Narrowly Escapes When Home Burns Alfie Shrub To Visit Them World - famous runner, Alfie Shrubb, 82 years old, of Bowmanville leaves to- night on an unusual exeur-4 sion to Boston, Mass., where he will be interviewed and examined by two promin- ent heart specialists. The unusual part of the story is that there is nothing wrong with Mr. Shrubb's heart, so far as he knows, but the doctors are most in- terested in finding out how his heart has reactcd to the many long years of inten- sive and strenuous athietie activity. They, apparently, comple- ted a study of another fam- eus runner Clarence DeMar, a few years ago, and pub- lished an article on the re- sults and now want Mr. Shrubb for the saine pur- pose. They heard about 1dm and his present location through an article in the New York Times, which bail originally been published in The Statesman.M Allie is looking forward to renewing many friendships in the Boston aren. encoah- EUE WWU U E ~ VW W W WE~ed track teams at Harvard quite a number ef years agoi 0Of Memorial Hos pifailuinf Off icîaIIy Opened Friday WiII Play at The official opening of the in ttiese xvalls may have beenS ho s S1i,5,000iî addition tn s\îcnol- inono. also manv ciners. Ti nov - , - 1 ai Hospital was held on Fni- day evening. The chairmar of the Hospital Board, Glen- holme Hughes, who presided, àwelcomed the specia1 guests and the large crowd that at- tended the ceremony. Ma var Hobbs, Bowmanville, i Reeve Carnet Rickard, Dar- lington, Reeve Eari Walkey, Clarke. and Reeve Douglas~ Cunning.ham, Newcastle. cut the red ribbon to symbolicaly open the new wing. Dr. R. W. Ian Urquhart, chairman af the Ontario Hospital Services Commission, uinveiled t h e cammemorative plaque. "Exactlyv 48 x'ears and 10 months ago Bowmanville's first hospital was opened. Thi, took place about 3000 yards east fram where we are now standing. A few or you with- Ontario C of C President wee elom tenas you anc Sta rt [und iheartily xvelcome here to- -night," Mr. Hughies stated. ", .Let these walls tell you-!o a i s i hmntiiaugl'it put into Fo a iy them cani make thernispeak rn d how convey this message ta dO _vou: "Welcome, thank you for' Neighbors et the De ,greeting us now when you arc' family who were burn swell, if vou have the misfor-~J last iveek at Prov t tune ta become sick, or wound-.! have undertaken tor c.'d we are here ta hclp). fund to help theni "Credit for the thought andi re-establishcd. Theye fplanning that has gone inoa with their lives ai this building and its contents. clothes they .vere %v g"oes ta the Buildin g Commit-I Everything cisc in the tec, and othcr Special Com-! iv ont up infHarnes. imittees such as Funnishinig Donations will be ï and Equipment, and everv ced for the DePalma fu member of the board and thel the Banik of Montrea], 3standing committees. The clili-! imanville, or MNrs. J.F ,gent work of ail these people! land, R. R. 4, Bowma TURN TO PAGE TWO) mThe.,..,, 17--.. il-. ujt cPal ma rned out )vidence raise a become escaped Lnd the wearing. le house accept- fund by I, Bow- F'. lley- ianville. Th Rted CroLiss,, theC Sdlva tion Army and individuals have already provided saine ciothing and other assist- ance. The essential require- ment now is cash with which they will bc able te replace some of their substantial loss. Coming Here Feb. l5th Stenger (ow For Chamber's Annual MeeWins Award MnI. Alin O. Drysdaie, Pre-'Manager. tions from the floon cf the Fordu to srident of the Ontario Chamben:1 The annual generai meeting! meeting. ln the Jersey herd of R. P. of Commerce, wil ho the guest 'of the Bowmanviiie Chamber The panel vvill consîsîof thIe Stenger & Son, Enniskiilen. *speaker at a dinncr meeting will iminediately foliow Mn ýthree visiting experts, Messrs '., h o nikle cfth ocl hmbr fCom- Drysdale's address, and xiiDrysdalc. Wilson anîd Ahr-Ry. Surprise- 262623-clas- nierce on Febniîaryv 15th. A! dispose cf such items of busi- ton, and three members of the sifidaExellntofhas just bee former President of the Belle- !ness as the adoption of reports local Chamben. issued aTnc odcrii rate. ln 1461 days Surprise ville Chamber and Stîpenini- for 1961, the presentation of Thp meeting is being arang- Iproduced 2,037 ibs. of fat. To tendent of that cit 's Canacla variaus awards, and the cc- ed bv_ a commitece comrpised qualify for this award a cow Cemient plant, Mri. Dry sdale tran of officers and directors of B.L. Burk (Chaîrman), M.:mr.is praduce at least 2,900 can be counted un for' a tac- for the cornent year. S. Dale, F. A. Kramp, W. G. Ibs. sc f fat in 4 cansecutive tuai andi dowîi-1o-cartil ap- Finally, a six-man p)anae Lander andl P. Kowal, with, years;. pra isai cf the cannent business w xill discuss a series cf local special assistance fnom Cocin- *scerie at flhc municipal and plans and pnoblems, suc'h as cillon Annie Oke who is a provincial leveis. the probable impact ain th, Chambeir dîrector ancd Presi-ý NEW BUILDING T\vo othen offic-cr>ý <i ihe lownocf the east-end shopping dent of the Memonial Park As- Il u'as announccd this weck Ontario Chamber xil accom- plaza now under conistruction.: sociatianl. iy Dr. R. P. Vivian, M.P. for pari' Mn. Dry-sdale: Mr~. J. T., Certain topies xvll be pro- The general public is rord- Ùurham,' that a new public A. WVilson. a -Directon and fan- sented fan discussion fnom the 'ialiv invited ta attend.' Tick- building for Port Hope has mer General Manager, andcl Mn. Chambers directars, but the ets'at $1.50 are availab1efna en poc yteFd Ted ,Athienton. the incumbenti panel will also deal with ques- iany inember cf the committee.1 eral Goverrment. Municipal Heads Otlicialiy Upen Hospital Wing A unique four-man team took part in the officiai sbip, Reeve Garnet B. Rickard of Darlington Town-:' ribbon-cutting oponing ceremony at Memorial Hos-J ship and 'Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs of Bawmanville. AI pital's new w iniz on Fridav ex-en ing. Tbev included.1 four municipalities contributed fonds for the $1.250.000 from left lut i'll Reeve Douglas Cnnnin-ham Of' project. ]Newcastlo; Roove Il. Earl Waikev of Clarke Town-J I I.- Mr. and Mrs. Vito DePalma, R.R. 4, and theirj two daugbters, Carmela 6 and Prudenza 1½/, narrowly escaped death last Tbursday about 1 . p.m. wben tbey awakenied to find their home filled witb smoke. Mr.ý DePalma was unable to use tbe 'phone to eal for belp because the lights xvere out, and, because of tbedes smoke, be aiso had difficulty locating bis cbildreni in their bedroom. They drove torîearest neigbbor, J. F.ý Blitz Raises $1,694.70 When Rubinoff visits Bow- M others Ba eSor tinanville on Feb. l6th, bo fui-B r v t r u fill his Rotary sponsored co-" D cent at Tinity United Church ýFor" Marcfl of L ies" rhe will spend a good part of! hsday visiting and playingr for DL the yaung people of the dis-ý:R h b lt t o rv trict.D rv Rubioff lwas inereTed hlu Bowmanville Kinette the generous response le thel in of dev lopin th interestedof u and dozens of mothers March of Dîmes by the people teyoung people in good emuista-nas h on hne the canvassers for presnt pogram~0i brved ngthe storm itM onayifBomnileehe as icwil prse prgramehigh f or the annual March of Dimes their yeoman work. "We ap- sach of theomadit, ric no ta t raise funds for rehabilita- preciate their help and co- scholsat owanvlle Ornotion wonk. Gales and heavy operation, and they have our and Courtice. snow did not deter them from sincere gratitude for going out He is also scheduled ta pay their door ta door canvass, and on sncb a miserable rîight,"' a specia? visit ta the Ontario they deserve great credit for Mrs. Lathangue said. Training Sehool for Boys, their devotion ta the worth- Since the canvass, more where he has promised to play while cause. The returns money bas been coming in for a short programme for the amounted ta $1,694.70. the March of Dimes and furth- beniefit of the students. The local drive was headed er donations are expected. This nicans that this world !by MVrs. Ray Lathangue, chair- When the returns are com-. famous violinist will be spend- iman and Mrs- Arthur HIooper, pleted the final amount will be ing a full and complete day inI co-chairman. Others on the published in the Statesman. the town of Bowmanville m1îcommittee were Mrs. Osborne, order that as many as possible Williams, Mrs. Keith Connell, NO DAMAGE of the young people in the com- and Mrs. Donald Stutt.* Firemen received a cali munity rnay have the oppor- The chairman, Mrs. La- romn 35 Wellington Street, tunity ta hear a first ratethangue said this morning that the home of Mr. and Mrs. muscia. te Knetes regratefulfo Harold Colmer, on Wednes- Ç3tts and1 tÇPjeces SWINGS SHOVEL -- Frank Pascoe, 59-year-old Darlington farmer, bad an intercsting experience last Wednesday morning when leaving bis bouse 10 do the milking. As be stepped off the porcb, a red fox attacked bim. Mr. Pascoe dropped the milk can, grabbed a nearby shovel and startcd swinging. Fortunately, one of the blows landed and killed his attacker. Later, it was learned tbat the fox was rabid. SECOND TRIP - An item in one of the Toronto dailies xiii bring back memories locaily. Capt. Otto Kretscbmer, one of Germany's World War II U-boat commanders, wiIl visit Toronto February lst to address 400 former enemies, flo\ members of the Naval Officers Assn. of Canada. He wasn't on such friendly terms during his first ,,isit in 1941 when Fie came to BowmanviiIc as a Prisoner of War. No word bas been received concerning any plans bo revisit bis former borne bere. CHILLY NIGH'r - For the record, Tuesday night was tbe coldest we bave bad in this arca during the winter. Temperatures in town xvero from 8 ta 10 below zero, fortunately witbout too strong a breeze. Probably the outlying regians went dcwn ta 15 belaw althongh no aeeiirate reports have vet been received. YOUNG CANADA-- Considerabie enmbani'ass- ment was experienoed by local citizens bore dur- ing the Young Canada Night at the Arena on Sat- urday. Apparently, during the Bantam gamo, there was a free for ail on the ice, with teams leaving the benches to join in, followed by quito a aumber of fans. Hardly the type cf celebration one likes bo see on sucb an occasion. T SECOND GAME - Wniting of hockey.,<our Juv- eniles play bore Saturday against Wbýitby in the second game of the leagne somi-finais. Whitby won the opener of the best of tbreo serios, sa the locals could use some support to even tbings Up. The Midgets probabiy will be in action against Oshawa in an exhibition game. Watcb the sign board for tîmes. Also, tomorrow, Thursday, Belleville will meet the rehabiiitated Firth Sham- rocks team here to do batlle. This should be a terrific game. WOLF HUNT - Building Inspector Mcl Moore bad quite a IFirili on Saturday. Whiie bunting nortb of Kendal be spotted a brusb woif and was able to gel a shot away wbich wonnded the animal. He foilowed the trail and finaliy was able ta catch and give it another shotgun biast which did the job. The wolf weighed 70 pounds and was 5' 7" long. This was a worthwhile trip because the bounty for maies is $50. Reports also are being received of red-coated wolves over quite a %vide area, which is most unusual. Heyland a few hundred yards soutb and called the Bowmanville Fire Brigade, wbicb was on the scene in 10 minutes, but tbey were too late tb bal tbe blaze whicb by tbis lime bad spread tbrougbout the entire frame building. Loss is estimated at $13,000. Upper pboto shows the bouse in flames. Lower photo in- cludes Mr. Heyland, lef t, and Mr. DePalma. Firemen remained at the scene for several hours. day morning. An o11 buru. , Îmg furnace had flooded. There was no damage'.... "Word No OurBread Basket" No Need Feur Comm unism If Western Nations Unit e -Canadian Club Speaker Sioce Khnnshchev came ta hand is neady to sacrifice mil- all aven the world, and bis power in 1953 his prime ob- lions of Chinese lives if doing extensive expenien c e h a % jective lias beco the eventual so would secure a Communis- qualified him ta spcak witli domination of the wonld by tic world triumph, Sir Robert special knowledge of world af - Communism, and lie hasýassented. He pointed out that 'fairs. shrewdly set out ta achieve this Mao has compelled Krushchev1 Four aspects of life on thi.% thnough economiecocmpetition, ta support wars of colonial'planet will have their effect Sir Robent Hadow, K.B.E.,, liberation in the east. Sir Rab-1 during the caming years, Sir C.M.G,, M.C., told the meeting ent Hadow, a noted British 'Robert pointed out. They are of the Canadian Club of West diplomat, was the guest speak- colonization, ca-existence, e-. Durham in the Lions Com-ler at the West-Durham Can- lonomie competitian, and the munity Centre last evening. 1 adian Club meeting. His tapie relations of Russia and China. Mac Tse Tung, on the other l was "The Moscow - Peking He spoke of the ambitions Axis". :of the Red Axis, and of Chinasi Il Th, pesident of the club, ijnvasions in south-east Asia C e rates P. G. Newell, in intnoducing ý f territories where teihh the speaker said that Sir Rab- tants have no ethie or racial cnt Hadow had joined the Bni- similarity with their Red con - 50 Yea rs tishi Diplomatie Service afterquerars. By looking at thc servîng four years with dis- .map anyone can sec the vaist tinction in the British Army. stretehes of conquered lanids ý Ni 1914-1918. He info)rmed the between the Caspian Sca and meeting that Sir Robent hasthe Pacifie Ocean naw owned held important diplomatie pst TURN TO PAGE TWO) St. Andrew's Members Hear Progress Reports At Annual Meeting The Congregational Dînnenthe Sunday School Supenin- land Annual Meeting of St 'tendent. IAndrew's Presbytcnian Churchî The Board cf Managers re- teck place on Monday, January port, presented by Chairman 29th in the Church Hall. lof the Board Jack Roughley, After dinner had been serv-lindîcated record receipts and ed by the ladies ta an excellent jincre ased expenditures, par- turnont of members and their.ticularly in the Church's in- C. Erie Rhder families, 75 in ail, the reports! debtedness ta the Home and OnJnayltC. Ernie h e st of the varions groups were <TURN TO PAGE TWOi On anury 9th C.Ernstheard, The reports ofth Rehder. head of Bowmanville;,Women's Missionary Society, Foundry, celebrated 50 years1the Evening Aftiliated groupý with his company, which hadiof the W.M.S. and the Ladies' > a rc s Pa been in existence for 10 years Aid showed a year of increas- when he joined it. Mr. Rehderled activity for Christ and His! is stiUl in excellent heaîth aad ÇChurch. He re on Sunday motactive in the firm's The Sunday School, f rom the affairs, Oaly last year, theyi Cradie Rail Department up taý Bowmnanville's Intermed- completed a new plant ta re-,the Senior Hi Bible Class indi-ý late Shamnrocks wili be in place one which had burned cated an iacreasing enrolmenti action here on Sunday afLer- ta the ground. Gradnaily,îand attendance, with 75on noon at the Arena agalnst they are building up their bus-,rail and an average attendance eher Port Perm7 or Lindsay. iness again, with Mr. Rehderýof 42. There are eight teach-1 Garne timnela 3:15. Silver stili playing a most important;ens in the Sunday School. Plansj collection. There wilI be no roie. His mnany friends here for the further improvementl Intermediate gamne here the will wish him and bis wife of the curriculum and facilitiesi foilowlng Thursday due to ma ny more years of gaod ln the year ahead were eut-J the big Lions-Rotary Mil- lhealth and happiness. lined by Mr. A. H. Sturrock, ' ionaires NItht. Roy AlIMi 1B Community Crime Free For a Change -lý .ýý; : « :. , -'.. , ýý>. . ;k.ý7: : ý:C