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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1962, p. 3

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. Slst. 1962 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL~, ONTARTO Inaugural Servici 'HeId By Trinity U The well attended Inaugural Literature and Service of Trinity United tion, Mrs. Iv. Church Women was held on Supply and Soci Sunday morning. Janu a r y Mrs. W. J. Leas 21st, in Trinitv United Church. A splendid Rev. W. K. Housiander con- given at the Ir du d the serv i ce. -Mrs. vice by Mrs. W. C e Ives read Psalm 95 and er. The titie oý Ied £ recitation of the Lord's was "A Vision ol Proyer. and she tookî The minister, Mr. Rousian- 'Th-ýy that wail der, officiated at the dedica- Lord shall renev tion of the executive. Offic- gth". Isaiah. Cha, ers elected at a meeting held 31. earlier in the month. are as, "Today marks follows: President. Mrs. Earl ing cf a new v Osborne: lst Vice-President. churrh women. Mrs. Stuart R. James: 2nd sudc.en movemer Vice-President. Mrs. Nelson . United Church. Osborne; Recording Secretary, 10 years of thoi Mrs. Clare Garton; Corres-!and discussion a p on ding Secretary, Mrs. Roy to bring about Webber, Treasurer, Miss MarY' Mrs. Houslander Jewell;: Assistant Treasurer, "The purpose Mrs. Dudley Wate'rs: and wmnsogn Pipinist, Mrs. Russell Oke. nt l women crgn Committee chairmen:Prounte il fomten1 gram. Mrs. Chaude Ives; the ga tion forthe a thre?-Program Sub-commit- of teimehu, tees, -1. Co-operation in Christ- a eimtru Ian Education, Mrs. Stuart R. ma pe ss n theJi James, 2. Christian Citizen- through Christi ship and Social Action, Mrs.. feîîowship and si Ruth Wight, 3. Stewardship Mrs. Housian( and Recruiting, Mrs. Eva, out that the Chr Bragg; Community Friend- wouîd seem, is a uhip, Visiting and Member- one ç-ught to exp ship, Mrs. Ray Hutchinson:, "if we are aware Flower, Mrs. Arthur Collison; of God in our mý Finance, Mrs. Cinton Barrett; 'always be seeing 1 serving God. T KMON E y nw omen's org AVAILALE FOR will make us reai opportunities," 1 landier stated. M ORTGAGES 1H1Cd Tuesday ev, eral meeting of RAL H S JO ES held in Trinity U BALP S. ONES Sunday School. dent, Mrs. Earh Barrister and Solicitor comed the ladies, 130 Ring st. E. Oshawa was inspiring ta h RA 8-6246i attend. Mrs. Stuart R. -ducted the wors HOOPER', Jewellery & Gift Shoi 29 King St. E. She read Psalm 90. This was followed by prayer. Mrs. Rus- selOesang the lovelyl' ' ' ' i-,,iiIYF Lovely eyes are those thatse C W "Open My Eyes That I May , Life in ail its beauty- AISee". and she also played the Lovely hands are those that do I... vv piano accompaniment.Daywrkfr an ore - The president, Mrs. Osbor- . Lovlywlipsfare tho e ha ne, announced that geanerai!l ipsar hoethtspeak Communica-, meetings will be held on the' Kîndness each day, and every week- isn una fourth Tuesday of e ac h Lovely voices are those that sing ial Assistance. month. They will be at 7:30 Sa much happiness to bring- k O' , ck i the evening. ands Lovely feet are those which trod address was two d'cock in the afternoon i Tept apdotb o naugural Ser-,on alternate months. she ex- The pathomesap ed u th ove K. Housland-:'plained.Loeyhmsaefldwth ov f be sujec Atpresnt her ar 18Trust, kindness from Heaven above, f the Future". units f the Trinity United Lovey wrsin re those whic ay . as her text Church Women. Ail unit lead-Trtsneeyda by ay it upon the ers have flot yet been appoint- Lvl knees, are those freed fram care, v hi te-ed. Mrs. Claude Ives, the gen- Lhovene nfrvn ryr pter 40, verse:eral program convenor, said that it is hoped ta have a pro- _________________ -Marion Ford the beginn-igram convenor in each unit.1 vay for our The Community Friendship.ý public relations and on press Iplav. However, this great This is no Visiting and Membership Com-î coverage of the Advisory crowd responded one 'ca r nt within the mittee will have one repre-, Committee's projects during later 225,000 strong, at whicli It has takensentaive from each unit, and the year. time the great artist ivas pre- )ught, prayer, this committee will work withi Miss Isabel Davis. chairman sented wih a bejewveled miedal .t~~~~~~~~~~ Iv r e e h i it r r o s a d r f the W elfare and Visiting inscribed, "Presented to Riib- this union," to arrange vîsîts to the sick Comtei e nulr- nf n i ilnb h rexplained. and shut-ins of the church, it Shown above is the new Executive of the Ladies'i Colmer; and Past Executive Member, Florence Knight. Cmite nhrana e nf n i ihnb of the new was stated. Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion which was Front row, left to right: Secretary Comrade Helen port told of a rest home pat- Federation of Musicians". l'le y ient and welfare work in con- presentation was made in ap- zation is te: Two units each month will recently installed in an impressive ceremony. Inelud- Wallis; Second Vice, Comrade Betty Woodward; Pres- nection with a number of ipreciation for services rend- of the congre- be in charge of the program ed in above photo are two Past Executive Members. ident, Comrade Audrey Bate; Past President, Comrade other cases was discussed. ered in Grant Park. The at- total mission:and worship service for the Back row, left to right: Past Executive Member, Millie Bates; First Vice, Comrade Rena Bathgate; and Howard Gibson, chairman1 tendance was recordcd as a (nd to provide, general meeting, and of flow- wrdecdatnac. rh which thev ers in the church.Thstw Comrade Ede Rundle; Executive Members, Comrades Treasurer, Comrade Ruby Palmer. Comrade Frances,0f the Property Committee, wrdrcr tedne TT.. B eU Meb a aset he tereported that a talking book! Because of the great popui- ir loyalty and.units each month wilh also Jean Burton, Audrey Fletcher, Jean Firth, Dooty ruce, an Excutive Mmer, wsaen h timachine had been deliverediarity' of this artist reýerv'ý esus Christitake care of flowers for the Richards, Bella Marie Boisvert, Rose Overy, Nance photo was taken. to W. J. Berry and rcrig tion s for this cnetsbouîd an witness, sick and shut-ins. - .-- - ____ - ircadns ocr 1for it are ta be ordered. avad t nc o d ebrat AflAilunitladesIwre kl ClffSamis, Bowmanville "standinig roorm onhy-, as ït is tder pointedl to bring their membershipns lubrnnesnvaivrr-irt nuIV leorptinnf t rita ie t1lists to the February meeting Cele r t ons Club reprsentative, re no uusal fdor usens. in e tn H l otdthat transportation had ilPlaytapce hoss lifein hichi o th orgniztion Ifanybeen provided by the LionsI Tickets for the Rubinoff ofe nss uit w g is hes tohod a met-cD1hoolf I for 18 persons for eye service. Concert are now available at îdst we hah R oom s, its leader should te e .' i i f f f iT of te siri in inthe Sundy Shoa ~'~. .The Lions Club also provided Rickaby's Big 20, McMultllii new aysof!transportation for the regis- Hardware Ltd., Glen Rae nw asofphone Mrs. Stuart Crago, the 4 tered blind in the area to theDiv Carter Bakery rfrn 'hrough our meeting was advised.A @RDarofrn ~anzaio w END~D~q~à., 12 general meetings of the memblers of Bowmanvihle Ro- ù~Rev. W. K. Hauslander re 1{ melwhp indedi or thei te me 'H I Iu>Vmoresque Club in Oshawa,! tary Club. ience whichei . bers thatthe - adto other special levents idy for wider coe gyerwl b n o dithere. Mr. Saniis also inform- -- Mr. au- usmet.Hesad ha teThe annual meeting of the vies, and property, Hwr ed the meeting that the Bow- unit leaders will need ail the Bwavhe-Ws uhmGbo manville Lions Club had given rening a gen- help eh mbrcan give, .Adsry C mteeate Mrs. Bruce Johnson, R.R.!a cheque and a basket of JS theTriityandhe rge evry adytoCNIB was hehd in the Lions 3, Bawmanville, P. Hare,l fruit to each of the 21 regs ARRIVED! teT iniygive ai possible assistance.. Community Centre on Tues- Newcastle and G. Duval, Or- tered blind people, who gat- i Women was day, Jan. 23rd. The nominat- ona, were appointed mem- tedd h umoresque Club's nited Church 1The excellent wark of the camitee' reor pr-tbhe 1 Th rs-Poiioa omte nor-j ing cmtele n reor,' e ers of theWelfare and Visît- Christmas Party. - Osborne wel- Iganizing the Trinity United man, its chairman, was adopt- mi Cmmttee .Othr aerMiscA- . Sms aso rpre and said it Church Women was praisededmtemmbraeMisA that the Bowmanville Lions lave s0 many 1 by Mr. Housiander. He alsobyacmtin Hodgins, Miss D. Purdon, Cu a lde ,0 ab I ifomedth metig tatheOffîcers a n d committee MrsJ. Cale, and the Bow- chaîmenfor he omin yer mavile Lins lubpaîd over a 10 year period ta Jae o-recommends that 13 wamen be care o h oigyerýail in lb ree-1tenwS.Jsp' ap ship ervie appinte ta te valousare as folows: Honorary sentative, Cliff Samis. pr thenwStJsehsCm chuch oars.chairman, Miss Helen Cryder- I The chairman of the Baw- i payment of the first $100 in- Mrs. Clinton Barrett, chair- ima;cara GereVe; avie-WstDhm Ad- stallment had been made.FL man of finance, presented the' reair mrs R Ha. tnnse- visory Committee te the Mr. Bell, the campaîgn budgt fo theyearwhic Mrs. Fwhon; CNIB, Mýr. Vice, thanked the1 chairman, reported that theSLETO - amounts ta $3,850. A letter teehn eceaynembers for their excellent 1961 campaign returns werei from the Bowmanville Branch Crowe; rs. Rer. HA.-torel; He during the past year., $3,153.48. This was $99.28 less PRE-PASTED AND publicity, r.RHaton;e also commended themlthan the previaus year. The ociteCasked if lRed woen -recreation, Mrs. J. E. Hobbs for their money rais i n g results from the the 1960 cam RGUA Scieouy aseist th e wnln orD.Amsed;Se- ffrs n epandthI EU andMrs D.Armsted; pec 'ffotsandexpaind telm- paign amounted ta $3,252.76,. - knitting. This communication a vns isMr eelpartance of increasing fundsilhe said. was efered o te Suplland Mrs. C. Trewin. Welfare;ito assist the registered bIind I Mrs. Crowe, seconded byi Assiseredotane SCom- iland Visiting, Miss Isabel Da- i'people in this area. Ms ritamvdte CERN IE and SocialAsitneCmCLAIGU E mîttee, and everyane who MisMr ewlteSec-1adoption af ail the reports.' would like to assist with thîs R ial Events chairman, submit- olwnth meigacf- worthwhihe work was asked New O f...ilcers td her annual report. t. fee party was enjoyed in the ta get in touch with this com- hwdtate net re'urnsGre Room. mittee's convenor. Mrs. W. J. 1I i rom the annual sale of work, Leak. l e ted B which was held in Deceinher,ian It was decided that envel- A amounted to $456.29. The re- ; and tu wllea spring M useum Doard' ovr lst er UpleaiyentHs. AL PA E umb 1 1Mrs. J. E. Hobbs. chaîrman' D Atdan atur hBeforeric After the business meeting the' etn edo a.o h erainCmîte ladles d ivided inta groups and 23, the Museum Boar lce presented ber annual repart. ' dîscussed "Spiritual Inspira-A.MPoponcirafr She înfarmed the rnembers, Twts tion in Our Wamen's Organ-f nMnaM.adMs letF o 1962. Mr. Thompsan had nct- that transportation had been iHiuge Crowds iiu e Pie ization." They were given as-962 Mr. ndy February 5th, !from Whitevale tol live many 1ed as vice-chairman during arranged for the registered* N W sitneaddrcinb lel6,M.adMrs. Albert F.lyears prior ta 1902 when Mr.1the latter part of 1961. I blind from the area ta 12 gen-ý Some of America's largest NEW sistance and direction by the ~~~~~~~~~~~Cox,' formerly of Bowman- Iand Mrs. Cox were married,'.lofcr lcewr rimeig ftelmr îisa u awl gen eandprag hemconvieorville, now living in Oshawa Mr. Albert Cxwas born n'M,,Mel Wiseman, scetr;esque Club. Oshawa, t i- aiga h urne ro er- l UAKIIETUV'C Mrs. veos, n. hecmite1 since 1909, are planning ta Bowrnanville on July l2th, Dr. *John Hendry, treasurer; lnic and garden party there come Rubinoff, world-famousEN I convenors. - I celebrate their 6th wedding 1877, being the youngest son' Mrs. Roy Lunney, publicity.ý during the summer, and ta therdian coetatsad P NT AD anniersry itha rcepionof 3 cilden f te lte r :Mrs. L. B. Williams continuesi Humoresque Club's Christmas 'bis famous $100,000 Stradivar-' ~MON Mem rialHosptalat the Adelaide House, Osh- and Mrs. David Cox who came as Henorary Chairman. Dinner Party. Ed-i.voin 1 r omn ALAE awfoMhirrlaieNadt Canada from Oxfordshire, Mr. Tbompson welcomed R. Hawthorne, bd-lere, Feb. 16th. LJETUE %AII R port many friends of Oshawa and 'England in 1872. As a young etane ersnttvsrationai convenor, reported Oi n eodbekn uin 33 King Street West UETTE veekly R p r Bowmanville. man, be was employed y teth w ne rpestaiso ercrdbakgaue- Mrs Cx, heforerMis DminonOrgn nd ia o r council, Mrs. Annie Oke iI ce, thrilled by Rubinoff and, Bowmanville For the week of Jan. 22-28 Blanche Pingle, was born in. Company here in Bawman- and Mr. Wes Fice, and also Z ion (Hope Tonsyt"ivýibs Violin, was in Chicago's- MA 3-5431 inclsiv. W itl he h o th vile wereb lerne bi ftexpressed regret at the re- MLWL~Ljifamous Grant Park several Admissins -. - ~ lateevae, agter eisinto of a valued mem-1 years ago, wben mor than______________ Bdis5ie4. ema.. -- 59 le . Taerd wr Tnoinsberatun in ndricte agufidano, ber, P. E. Greenfield, wbo îast Mrs. Del Whitney spent 150,000 gathered to bear him Pinle.Thre er te inhe tuin uner heguiane o'vear acted as treasurer and several days last week with' ---- - "Birts, 5 ale,4 femle 9famihy, with ail living except 'the late Mr. W~. B. Tapson. . -ead!Ms ho.MrsOhw Dîshares -______49 treebroher, Ocar HaryI Wilein oWmnvîleheconribtedmuc tie ad rs.Tho. Mris Osaw Dishares -------- 9!treebroher, sca, HrryWhie i Boýmaivileheeffort ta Museum affairs. The many friends of Mrs1, Major operations _____8 and George W. Pingle wbo learned and played the clarin-, The Board for 1962 is comn- i Wm. McHaIm, Morrish, were Eminrerge on 16 passed away last year. Living et in the then -famous Organ poe fA .Tompson, happyry '?leanersoutI?/iuc/r/e iEegncy treatmentis Il 1 are Mrs. Sam Glanville (Flor-, Factory Band with such ohd paed f . M Thpp tase be eu t cbrc the I imes s hs athr-n-lwMrs. Mcl Wiseman, Dr. John last Sunday morning, after a; r 43.5o r Mrs. Annie Oke and Westelaise ~~~~~d~~r RigHowr. Grt aly w s u sn a ated. ePingle fa ox.redade !te. rvo slytu ner o te Ms îem n Flown1t d y e ein, Jn 1, a ion, Afer ota c s e ad le for and day guest o Mrs F. oms1 il mav d t Bow anvile Wihinms Pia o Co ipan un appo. itm r p eent ou cil, t h urch WA pnot l ck su peiz t heo ret r a k d ino k Enniskiandhlen.Jak G-a derinthelate Harrv Salemn th Mord. ecde e ueuofm was naod befoe t h ee iskeper tandchage thecutoer S~ ~ ~ B R E O ovdm nWdedyeeig iBlleeponeta, ilof pan it-latenewton9 Jarnand Mr. would spbeciahepoit thle erS-î.There was a ar attngen-gat-h purch e T A sgnd heChrc Hal urCogr- ices Rherfreshmens wre pser- Chares Pecock fmOeting tades nd crfts o the rea, nceharged thebokepr whicbthe ldies rovidd a eds attheirhome ridayohawa Osawa. re Mr.eum. irTebuinvae orihadZo onrg-,ad nd Rng s Mlov ehy unhbringinga us gtfte.TePie' evnîng.M-,xr ad Mrs Counerefo ve r rWie an.some aisn csstos. ev. MrJa. Freemat in fe h utre a e pa mied gf rup F ornsiin Tmoroto. of Cox"Wilias OrPi tano omanyeun-' apn mednto heaarmctChurch Womenot ganizaprtionpito dbs ok W. Hikie. afodspnearn- is ateeMaDnadeOh lae oryaryS atmo fnc-he Bardidseretedonuteumowa nvd Mefreh ecket-,1 rt cag h estre ss r dm- Onableenng o ngn Iawa, eehSaturdmay odinn erswaon Jonan Mr.he ln. pie n hee rsid he s afir Nnd- htewpcalle Lofs lb lsre So A sined ýtheChurh Hll or Co man ande. Rfaesm ti e. wsere Ca s e oing ta Oshawa . and es atnd ed afsftessions of of the two organizations. I I Mrand Mrs L. R. Arg e and ipp nur7b Seho l Or- by !e-Ontari- 111-riýff-a- Mix and Mrs. John.eneille-, Quartette from Osawa, as Burleigh formerly of Bowman- i mnies on Oct. 6 with over' I __ * follows. Messrs. Elmer Down, ville, Mrs. Fred Srnith (Flor- m3oi tedne ewe -v ~IEKen Brooks Len Clement, enciý), Mr. Arthur G. Cox, 3in t 6ndnc1o D. 2, 1 I mornng worship. niversary, and Mr. Clarence' useum, incuding a numberi 47 KING ST., E. "QUALITY MEATS" MA 3-5081 Yuare most cordiallv in Cox, botter known as "Fliv" of groups such as church' vitd t au Chritia Yutbwhomarie Mis ele Dachgraups, Women's Institutesi vitd t ou Crisian'huh ho arred is Heen ar Senior Citizens, schooh class- LEAN! SWEET! PICKLED! Service on Stnday îorning of Boxmanvile. and is at pre- Ses, E po s iat 11:15 a.m., Fcbruary 4th. o st T ndax h e v ote Cnit-y;Chairman Thompson thank M ;Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Divid-ofsaaadadoed0l ed Mrs. Wiseman for this re--- rig s son, Zion, Mrs. Charles Teýrrv (Ow rdSmt.Teeae un'o 91.H hna- ,and Laurie, Zion, were Sun- three grandsans, namnely Ron - psumed o mte o 1961..iCthenGa day guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. aCox.sanJofAh. and Pete rasns Property-Bert Syer (chair-U AD $ V1 oMran r.Caec oCuiilrWcs Fiee, Mis. A I~ $ A E * hiJrd practice xill be heîd al lvin iCoxaw , a),CunilREnneAkLt M in the church at 1 p.m. Thurs- NrCxka6Ap HdnsManagement TREAT - s da\ ~~~evcning, Februaî-v lst. beofteha nc iht- and Display- Mrs. Mel Wise- miFb O hI There will be a social ev- gale Lodge. 100F, Bownian- Lunney, Dr. John Hendry. DELICIOUS, FRESH LEAN, MEATY, FRESIH 1 nn a h hm f r.E.'ile oh r ndMs Cx Apropased operating bu- ___IIOS Carnochan Fridav night. are irn fair heahth and able ta 'et was drawn up for the'E Congatuatiosrt Mr. and get ïaiound. Mr. Cox stihi en- %-ear. Though the money wîlw- Mrs. Cecil Rahm on celebrat- joys going fishing %vitl- hi. be from the funds given by M ng her 4thwedin ani-sons andi daughter, and last Mrs. L. B. Williams for a! v ersarv. .oar booked and handed a nice museumj the figures wîll be LI E31 H O CK S lb.2 O V E a ~a n ray 2kv 1e Mr. and Mrs. Cox wfflbe p o r TO ESIl.J A l s 9 VER 3-~3361 * Bailey. t rpot the rs.F.. p ioîn and would this year were discussed and!B E K A R S McLaughlin is not sa el 0128, . Mrs. Smith, from hsfr Friday, Bay18CONhth * ** lateix. We hope ber condition in Bowmanvilhe planning ta season running throug B C NH M U G3Is89 will soon be improved. attend Monday's reception. Thankýg'ving in October. _______________________________________ Bow n- ISAVE! -SAVI Bt I I I I I Rexa R EX-ml Savir BUY NOW a a 0 I Prices Good Unti *-At Your Rxl JURY & t *15 King St. W. WE DELII qummmm PAGE TE= WTDNESMAY, JAN. 31st, 1962 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, tOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 New Exaciitivp- nf 1 Ae4iAc Aiiyilimrxi LOVELY THINGS

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