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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1962, p. 6

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PAGE SUX Oshawa Presbytery UCW. Challengîng Adc Feature Opening 0f Inaugural at 1 Ar' h111trrîc oven, torok place meeting planning commit, et King stric't i nitced Church, and Mr. Buttars who led1 Oshawa, on Woednr'sdav, Jan- dedication of the executiv ia ry 17, ,,, 1) n 1výornen' of the! Following the inaugurali fo)rr \x ornans Missionary dress by the Reverend f tand 'Woman's Associa- B3uttars, Mrs. E. G. Stc tion .rf th Pre,.>*hvter- of Osh- ,sang the beautiful solo "S; fiwa ate~nded the inaugural 'rament" from St. Matthel meeting of the United Church ý Passion by J. S. Bach. She m Wn, r,~n of the O.shawý\a Presby- accompanied at the organ ter'. IMr. Rhydid Williams. À wijrm tweleo(rnc! was ex»I The Reverend L. Wes] tndhv \lr'. Douiglas Red-' Hierbert. pastor of King Stri p:tipresident of King Street;United Church, assisted byt Un'Chiircii UCW. Reverend J. K. Braham, pre Fhe ruport of the nomîinat" dent of the Oshawa Presby'tE îl, orriomite-e was presented land eiders of King Str( bv MNrs. Carl Down of Ehen-:Church served Holy Commi E« ar"Di( thoe (lection of offi 'ion t0 the gathering. ]n u~ th(- charge of Rev- I rsiets drs %r:î luiville Buttars, pastor Prsdn'Ades oft PcL .pUniîîed 'Chur-ch. The nùw president, NI 1o1~,.~1f12the' election, an Richardson. was int.roduct JM1o1* i ý;111:.Iiugural service In her remnarks, Mr. Richai -,onduotieri by Mrs. Louîq 'on said "lWe are taking pî j' ~jcaruof u Whitby, pre- ini a very memorable meeti] * -'(' M ~y. j. Rcý_d ont. that has required a grE %vile ort to< li1(v rcd J. Red dco f planning, pastor of A]monds United W, arec making history1 Chw-ch, and Mrs. w. c. Ives, the United Churcli of Canac c'hîrîaîîof Ille inauguralII il l1)do my Lest to fulfill r obligations as your presidej 'with your assistance. :As part of the nominatio comîinittee, %ve kept in mij p three qualifications for t personnel for office in thisC Rate Reduetion ~ Ii Because of the growing pc ularity of eiectric heatin Ontario Hydro announced ,JZ\ 10 per cent rate reduction ISeptermber, 1961. The rate Our New now 13 cents a kilowal hour for complete home hea hospital Expense Polîcy iîng. gives >OU Year-Round Comfort Peace of Mind Attractive metal signs idei tify the more than 130 mote .Nntv(, you and your family ean jhotels, and resorts In Ontar lîa.e eaîstiprteciongaistwhicli are electrically heat( 1iaý talste roecio aaistfor year-round comfort. li &Ith ie y expensecf alhospital. dividuai thermostats in ea( ~effilîirg iUness orinjury. You unit or rooma permit regul c o f mind. . at a tion of temperatures te pe et anhc es n ti n sonal taste. -__ firnce can be taiiored Ioe meet FINE QUALITY your famriiy's needs and budget, MONUMENTS AND Çall us rfot ii4the eta, Il «A» STUART R. JAMES INSURAN'I~. REAL ESTATEI in.- 'SC, E BowmanvIllie1 Otffice NA J-5681 Residence Mlrtford Accident àm lndemnityCmpn bmemberThe Iartflord Insuiatce Group 14rtiord 15, Cont? MARKERS or SAFFORD A EÉ5j RSLTD. Stafford Brothers LEMITED monument$ Box 133 318 Jiandas st. E. Whttby Phone WblLby MOhawk 8-3554. R OYA LMA358 THIS THURS. complete show 7:30' FRIDAY and SATURDAY - Starts 7 p.m. Last Complete Showv Friday and Saturday nt 8:30 - AIS" "Ring of Fire" DAXVID JANSSEN, JOYCE TAYLOR (Aduti' entertainment) Caler Yardley Specials YARDLEY 1 cî,kt s'o îp ---- 1.'.5 Red Roses Foamn Bath 5.00 English Complexion 1.50 - 2.75 C'rea jn 2.50 1 Red Roses Bath Emnolilent 1.00 Vry Skili Ureani ')-00 1.50 - 3.25 1.00 Skmn Freshener 2.01) Red Roses Bath 011 _ 2.00 'ertussin ,Sp raîy Pristati 1.25 .5. 5 SPECIALS I lVa'c Paper 29e (oaster Sets -88C Ro'.e Bud Soap, bo% 69e Flashtigliîk. ,compicte -wîth Batteries - .49c Z Nonibrite Pens 59e Vacuum Bottles -____79e 2 Haze! Blshop Lipstick -. -1.25 Soap Disli and Sponge - -.. 2 for 44e 98c sîze Brlsk Paste .- 991' size Ipana Faste 63C sizte Coigate Faste 63e size PePsodent l'asie 490 Pardec Liquid 1.25 -3.00 Hlalîborange 3.63 2.0-1.25 Geritol Tablets 1.35 3.29 -5.49 3.00 Value Ponds Cream 1.98 1.45 size Hlalo Shampoo --- - 1.2 2.00 se Hudnut Rinse 1.29 79o Van --____690 Nyal Multiple Vitailni» Capsules- 100 for $3.50 COWLING'S DRUGOSOR M3-529, R G T R WE FI TRUS SE S THE CANAX!AIN STATESMAN, flOWMANVILLZ. ONTARIO tXT.Y~,A arf . 3t 16 erintendent will be Mr. TedI junior members of the con-IMrs. A. Cuthbertson elected'last beil for churcli service on Maidman, and teroupsstantsgregation. On behalf of theto teBoard of Stewards as re- Sunidav nmornings would con- ?.fr. WiliHam Werry. Mr. Wal-C u c r u s i e Ssin M.crgIeprI-pe-etaýeo ntd hrl iu iIiii-fr he iii ter Davis and Mr. Jack Gle sed special thanks to "%r. andlWornen's group. 'Mr. Wilfrid utes miln'v. ver. 'E KcLtNr-,. Turner and tamUylv '%lr, Carruthers nioved t lchne Before acijourninent Rv-ý Mr. Ted Collis will again x el e t R p r ts~! M. Beaton, organist and choir: svyteni of electing church ci- Turnier. on beliaif of I e s sserve as Secretary, with Brian director; Mrs. Bownian, care-' ders for life, to acting for aland Lis fanijly, expressec! Spencer as bis assistant and w taker; each leader and officerperiod of three years and that thanks for the co-operatioiia Ray Tregunna as Projectionist. o f every church organizat ion:' nunîber Le increased te1,5l. received dtîîîo" the Car, S essi nTvin Snerand due MD.AvisA t St. P aul's A nnual hi enes etane nti oinbin ascleiIy sIlo v.,'i Th encauer anill be MD.aiscormme5 ethne nti oinbcn asd eii members of the congregationthree ncw eiders were electel, duiring Lis illneýs. Ref-esli- will be in charge of music. The congregation of St.,They made donations to UNI- fer their efforts and hoped: Messrs. Ross Stevens, Ken linswr ýre vlde sThe new director of the Va- Paul's United ChureL. Bow- CEF, Missions and Church.they would continue se thaUýMcQuarrie and Doug Kemp. -of the congiegation duriiî* cation Schooi programn is Mrs. manvilie, held their Aia ra Fund. ISt. Paul's would grow bigger i After much discussion mcmei- the social hialf Lour whicl Grant Glover, and the Cradie Meeting on Monday cveniiîg, The Explorers liad received and r5tronger. cbrs prescrit voted te cancel follow\cd. sn aVearvisd by rmJe tarr, M s Harold A. Turner acted as films and guest speakers. Wlen ail reports Lad Leen' St. Paul's ('hureL after Feb- Air. Rail or steanj Ltee willing to co-operate? Ilar- Orville Greer and Mrs. Eari chairman arnd Mr. Geo. W. Thev visited Marnwood Nurs- heard and adopted, new offi ' ruai-v I 1h. other than specual T 1 C~ E E T S the mony canot be maintained un- Hurst. The Missionary Super- Graham was clected congre- in.g Home et Christmas whereýcers were elected where was feit that the T'J EV'ERY1%*IIEI 'e issevren pacie hege-intendent is Mr.,. Douglas gational secretarv. Aftcr a:thcy sang carols and distribut- essai-y. Elected te Board cf ýinînister could uise this timie Colt ed-es d erle nd eratic el- Love. The M. & M. Fund Sup- short devotional' period and1cd gifts te the patients. These Stewards. Messîs. 0. Dairymi-1te further the work of the J Il R 'Y&LOVEIL .Ar he ilig eerintendient. William Werry. reading of minutes. the offi- young girls laed devoted their ple, J. Bain, A. Ctuîhbertson,! vountg people and render other 15 ing st. IV. 3MA 3-3361 M.i hork? WcAre hey a igre to , The list cf teachers remains cers of ail churehli organiza-'efforts on Hallowe'cn te rais- T. Ta.ylor and Rl. Cole; Audi-1services where ilceded. Alsa Bulivinilr ;ac- ount cf work te do in planning the same, except that it was Iens presenied their reports ing $25.00 for UNICEF. Their1 tors, V. Miller arnd C. Purdy; cungregation voled that the1 ýwsour programs, in fuifilling our necessary te dîvîde Mrs. Wil- for 1961. rcward was te see the Danny --- vas purpose. There is a place for liam Woodward'*s prim ar y Woman'g Associations i Kaye UNICEF film. by ail cf us and each womnan class, and Mrs Bruce MacDon. Trhe Afternoon and Eveningý oh so Band pre hangdheld1 shouid take her place. aid is taking the girls' class. 'Wornan's Associations report-ýaregl r eigsturing oer' le .Ar hywiln o erAppreciation was expresesd te edhilg coriducted verv in eeigtrnn vr eet. This is a new teOrgan the retii superintendient, teresting and edu a tieOn aitheir total pro-eeds for theý ethis ith a purpose differen f rom . Jack Francis, for bis faith- meetings during the year with iýy e'tOmissionark1 si- the two previcus organîzations 1fuI work during bis terni Of several good speakers. Their YSelt ai c vîu olffice *cenibined efforts Lad raised' The Afternoon and Evening ery Let us conserve alorgvaniauentMein ofme$,2.6 ycteii Auxiliaries of the Women's; in- tiens." Monda' afterncon and banquets, wcddings, etc, and' issoay Scey tl ! un-tie s." SrvceOn voda fenonadbaar Their projects iiad their înany fine devotional' ' WosI evc evenîng the fi-st meetings cfbe 'poewns b u Id nspirational programs.1 The evening worship ser- the units of tLe United Church manse, gewrîs for the choir!Eveuîing inembers hiad nmadeI rs, vice was ccnducbed by Mrs. Women werc heid. ad lre otiutos lil visits to honmes and sent' cd. Harold Hare and Mrs. Ress Both meetings were opened both Organ Fund and Board of88 eronsnwer-drin0t- - rd- HW; atya.Mercmiefall of Whitby. with a worship service on the Stewards fer local expense,'toit-s Lad raised $1.079.55 fer' art Mrs. Hall gave an inspiring b hemie cf "Frietidslipl", prepar- Sunday Sclool issos 119, talk cntitlcd "Finigerprinits". cd Ly Mn., Douglas Love. Ini M.KnRagScea~ eîsCu eat Slhe stated that fingerprintsithe aftlernoon Mis. Love wvas rpre a large inerezasýe ilere ort or th MenX, for as people. She continued say- cock and Mýrs. Clair Brown, attendance at Sunday Scîtoui. i!) Shreo r usces:Rd&W ieSoe etsaeprhsdfonpc gbue da n cEve îe min tc re-fln-derg in thell, ngbMrs. se u edrhpc n îfi fl]yeir Lvthe efforts cf very I under [ederal Goverrnient Inspection nY gervstWouid we Leopou in or ge Midchellsang I ostreatCarruthers who is serving Ili, f'w. A pîca wis nmade te al! mtger. Wuldwe e poudor noweiisan "Iow rea ,men cf the congregation te I )ecialI3 Seleated- Value Check'd Ried and Blue Brandl ashamed te have someene dis- Thou Art". Mrs, dcc Starr pro- 2. *5 eri 1uida SLol ala interestIin tliis Worth-: ms cever everything wc had donc ivided the music in the after- Suenntndnt1H a i O ,îl]e group, se tîtat geod, ind ech dy? W shoud dothins noo andMrsRosstlanked officers anîd iteanherst an Le with whoie-heartedness. Cveniiig.fer tueur loyal support. Meni- skr nvli nie n nd wt eah a? e houdtingsjnco an ng . Rs e i lcbers had contriluted ninre lage R jcts1LAKakn. or- Business Session IIIIrs, Douglas Love gave a bhaîî $1,500.00) for suppliesTemnhddtae 150 ON T A iy, uigtebsns session,'short talk on the ingredients ipu eding $358.60 i, M- rt ueCu-c ranFn'ad the foleowing delegabes wr needed to iake a succesa cf isnd ontg$400 )1 rpe nd evdabn- r Durig îe bsinsse newsiens anii dcinating (,ul(t prepare adcrmed b an- 3.named te attend the Inaugural bb e raiatodaîg htirch Organ Fard, 1 ' i îrhnimes nmeeting of the Bay cf Quinte a parallel %vith biking a cake. 1YouîîîCrouîps 1 A. & Al. Report iConference et Belleville, dan- The ladies who elected an Orcc aa S. Paul& con - auary 31: Mrs. Milton Pegg cf teno meeting chose as Th inaCnd, rbolgeatn udi tirslv; Inbeys' groups repoted iiietiIi4 , utt1iutig t misios ilaise of W hitby, Mrs. W. C. Glover; recording secrebary, reguiarly under capable lead- Ihüi nt hg.ash1 Ives of Bcwmanville, Mrs. K. Mrs. Robert Dale; treasurer' rhp. 'levhd ,iyd 0îhcls ontas higli as î.J ecalSectdwîsPrnin Rgar it- iW Farrow of OhaaMrçs. Barrot, ad ' rnic studying religiou.s îÛpîcs4uit-, u rws"ar, e $i567 peirîeetee Oshawa Irenxlum 'Regular F. J. Reed cf Aimonds;, and venor, Mrs. Clarence Werry. l;edL the oad fiPreý ws owadc e thw Nt-vSOK Mrs.H. M Kyb cf lacktockMeetings l"iliL e held te sec- tian Education, plus ieba!- reàs e-. Repor Oshawa.,MM is. ondBpregrarn.con- ui Hi-C ee ndge ub o! M. . uhbrto, huc * p" Roast Ib.83c PI (NI (S b.45C Following roil caîl. a quart- - Theout- c g aine c ub î,_ r ,Ctbrsn hr etconsisting of Mrs. D. R. Business Direclory eliioyed a good yeai' cf relîg- 'r-asurer, istributed copies. "Well Strcaked" Mlld ue"SealyBnd" qAildread, Mrs. Stuart James, iseuaoruii, 11 rio Mrs. L. Van Driel and Mrs. 0 t ---- ou dcair sîî L-rof ithe financial statenient RINDLESS P For Meat Loaves - Ground ýed Richmond, ail cf Trinlty Uni-î AC C oU n 1ICa n Cy weekly collections to purchase whÏclî slowed a very srnall 1A-1b. Fat e t nu k supplies, pins, ete. It was an- hiank balanîce, but with in- ~lbI ých "SepHl ae.IA DLIO t Robt. Carruthers would takce car. plus the installation of - - ~-______ a-1 Mrs. W. C. Ives inbreduced Ccrtilied Publie Accountant over the leadership of tLi, a iîew cliurch oi-gan wltL en. ______ r- the speaker, Mrs, G. A. Mc- 93 Clîurch Street group in 1962, larged choir loft, tLe congre-, Mullen, wife cf Professer Geo- MArket 3-3861 The C.G.I.T. Lad enjoyed a gation lof St. Paul's Church; BEST BIIV - Save 80 - Poucli Pack CýoIIege. Chartered Accountant eourse, tips 1-o tecns da.-ctiý- Lc0ed that the contributions Mrs. MclMulleti spoke of tIi,ý Second Floor sieýn and several ri0tnst ite Organ Fund would be ' R H C K M I E 6kg challenîges lacing thte cew New Library Building sp:ent studying 'the coperna- continued se that final pay-1 M O N A H C K I E ks7 9 C UCW and listed themn as t1he Cor. King and Tempe.rance Sta. tien of the different. denomi- ment woud Le made in 1962ý *foilowing: the challenge of a Phone MArket 3-3612 nations in mission wonk- Thu eand needed repairs te churchý BEST BUY! - Save 6c! - Pkg. cf 6 adventure in Christian L, RIDANE girls had raised ni o ne ykr(yperty cempleted, mission necessibating intelli- &CMAVthi-eugh sale of cards, clioco-' SssonReoraI gent devotion, an attitude of Accountants and Auditors lates andassisting at ô a aar. 'Mr- Alex MeGcýregor gave L 7 eagerly awaiting new oppor- Lîce-ns'ed Trustec in Bankruptcy -"---hi.s report of Session for Uic1aP l 1& EA BG 7 tunities and a demandinig ex 64 King St. E. 725-16211ond 'Wedîîesday afterflooli cf' 201h coi.secubive year. As he calen gecfadpt1î Oshawa, Ontario each rnenth, u Lsual, lie congratulated the: BEST BUV! - Save 25c! - 2c Off P>ack - 400 to Pkg. teth nw prochinfiý B. L. Yale, C.A. Ths h tene L v nini.ster, tlie Rev. Harold T I SI SU S4ks9c te îe rîw aproah il f'Y.~ FrIedlander, B. Com., C.P.A.i enîng meeting fornîed two 'l'uti îeî and all mnnbers of E E Mt~i * ~ U~ ance, te a more comprehiensive - ___Of - -ru ht-unt te cngrgaion for th conception of what the finan- r.10NTEITH -MNONTEItE i -0>to ~op h îi L cgregatien for Uic ciai Import shouid be in thei RIEUL&CO, iedri s.-lia Ht-sedipr5( church lle. 131 . e & ladr sMi. liaiHit seay porte sh at stforU ~ SnccSt, N. Oshaw cck u ecrîgscce y af cr re htfr BEST 811V! -Save 21c! 'reesw~eeî -Fancy 4uality -48-oz. Titis The challenge fliat f"pri-e Chartcred Accountants Mrs. George Mitchell, the tnca- the firest tinte during bis terni blem, nw ptenial andne 25-527.~irer Mrs. William Snuîwden of office there were ne re-. 'Irlainshiewp bria ng. hech owanvl and thie program cotîvenox Mis 'mov'als freni the roll by cause10 R A N G Lm JI E2 tn le9 lreIn of orking InThe ci - Cail ZEnith 57i(i Bnian Lee. TLey decided toof eah, embs4,38: pas-R E JU C E is8 9 y ýlene of orkingIn nely- ,LeId bheir meetings in te ev- ý toral noerqight, 311, families ,finge teunitrsdinntercent-iPiiftrient:t(-F",A. ening on the fhurd VWedix-sday itotalling 1168 pensons; bap- BET U!-S e ffad -i-.?g cf bb chucli.A. B. Montteibh 1.Corn., C.Ac eer mnt. n's 33: mariages 19; bur- 6,lwcrking miore energetici lY, (icensed litiîsee) ini fLi' evening, Mrs. Jack Glov- 'ilt.le ssion had provided cep- 2 CLI à c i Te halegeo!ne oîv . î~RiLi CA dA r, or l servnd as it meeiuns 7of te(Jrou outte er f Eortenîng ks but also more effective]'b,-I iehx y rJ.,wi ev a edr esc lc(pprR o cause the locus will be onsp- ----- Lgtob .. Mus. E. Melchaî-d asý Record-, chur-ch faloilles n rsnc 1 i - .--- Secretary, IMrs. IlIano)Il ehurieh attendanee prizes te ETBY -Sae2c -10OfPck- -oJa cîfie projects. giiCarr as treasurer anîd Nrs.--------------------eOffPac ---ozJa The challenîge of learniuîg Cuhiïr o r a c t1c Peter Wilson as prognaico,01.-' lte work of the Church iii i t 1 ..-. --.---tr- varied aspects, The challen gel G. EDWIN MANN,, D.C, Mrs. Ress Pettes v'a.s àcdcl naw's Panel N S A E I S A T C F E 9 cof being involved in thie Chiropractcr t heCmnt y Fienl i Church's mission- the carr- Of.fice, IComnnttee of themaiEec- cc s ing on of the mission cf ChriUtI EgnS, cr fHre tive. l g Himself. This mission is ho L Phocne, MA 2-3509 i local and universal. God's love OfllÎr e ours: 13y Appointmenti il c(it~ of thiie rtwics [)elîcitou%ý encompasses the wliole wer- <Id'TTAV ' 'At O pen Houiiji ,e and Christian cencern caît ental J. iee tpwithin the walls of i- _ Open Hfouse was beld nt oesown church or even ai DR. 11% M. RUDELLrDDS WALTER C. NMI'RRIY h aw's Schooi, Wed., dan. 17,'l th oundaries cf our own Offie: Jury dubilee Bidgs. atil 3p.un Tiiere was a fair at- Miss Mi' lyin To-entecii Snda thean di-nosweabher and icy con- gave the report cf the courtesy i 9 a.m., r .m dally 2,16,c Watr ampbel dîtucîs, Flavorful and ?utrtious -ev11L.iWesle, -erbent pro - __ 1Phne .~ A3570 don&a ,snpinia,-n-is e- JIlfý______A4 Lorain-Le. KrigSt. W___-ý --o'"'mnvUe haltteMasn ad ias nni Mr.M'(bstýrgave construet. FRUSII BAKLD:FF!-SveS!- le( Vr l.'i Mis Eeanr ounjc seui, liuîis: ffceMA 3-5688 at Cadmus. Ont., on Septeniber v nwr fron thîe inspeci- the weekend with lier parents,, Re-idencr MA 3-5553 10, 1869. He wvas predeceased onate level and tue teacbers Westoni or Siniueami HA E PASTE W AX 45e Mn, and Mrs. MI. L. MNount- P biHDGN y Lis wi fe. tLe formeýr Nora WCrf> able te explai.n local'__ _ jov. Elcanor is spendirîg thrce' %UB ParnJer O GI Serena Xer-y, in May', 1948, pnobIems. Mr7,. Courtice and B l i[1'-Save 4c! - 32 ?11.8el-oz. Ut[. months in't-aining at the Tr-Netary Public Mn. Power Lad residedi in Mi- Bob Craig. who is also a BT ER ente Hospital for Sick CLild- Teniperance St. -Bowmanvill Lindsay for 38 years and be- member of the school beard ren. l_ fore bLat in Maruposa Town- and was in the audience, wcre: ER u Fui le n r 5 and family on Sunday attend.-1 ILo r tgg e S The deceased became ill jusi fnnm their organizatien y'Il, ï'Packageil I,* 11' "tE - Save 1lù! Stuffe d Manzanila - 16 oz. cd tLe christening of Melanie, SADIE-gIwo days prier te Lis deati. . ýMr. Rickand skillfully led daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. John SDEHAMTILTON- ORONO He wvas a member of Cam-' the panel and audience discus- Knowles at St. Paul's United, rigeSrioneie CtielsiiirFon 16prvou I- ChrciDuds.Fu-shoerigg ud rig tetUi6dCuesot.Funbsprvese <CORONATION OLIVES 2.9C Onuch unda . an 1Mi. i rsîdencote -Frms Lindsay. perietîce on school area bo- ROE FOD ETRE-Svee-Z-.Poyla On Suday .%Ir andMrs Resdencs, -Farm SurivSunviving onsarel twodsasd rsetWl]-le'arofcsFRZiNdOODresent!-Svknow2-1.dgey cf Harold Werry and Mr. anci Business Preperties fred and Frank, bath of Lind- townîshtip couricil and bow any 3 .Mrs. Meredith Mof fatt enjoyed' Morgaze Loans- say. Thi-e e hildren, John, des- changes anîd improvements in Regular 35ceD YE P A 9 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee on; HAROLD C. PEDWELL and Eva predeccased their fa- Richard added censîderably te Thursday werc guests at tLe Real Estate and ther. ;tLe iîderstanding of many, ON SALE THIS WEEK - VOLUME No. 3 401h wedding anniversary celc- Mortgage Broker The funeral service was hcld prohlents. bration cf Mr-. and Mrs. Rus- Newcastie Phone 3856 from tLe McArthur Funeral Mn. M. J. HoLLs, supervis- ,sel RbboTm eowant]l . ome Lidsa, o Wdnes-,inGOLDENncipal, NLTLLUpUIA only9 9 MiJai ne*envatend , _______________27,__ad____ conducîedby Rcv. Audf usomns ___GOLDEN______BOOK________________________________________ cds Jheanqtine cnecr teni- odce yRv.Al fdrce i a.Wt o with the banenl etin cft ITH A. BILLETT. 0.D. Cambridge United Cîîunch and- 1450) chilîdren in the South ircsefciee h içe id&WleFo trsol with he Anual eetig ofOpt'inuebist Rev NM. R.Satidenson cf Ton' Da!rînT-gtn School PieAreetvenae bhise &Wit on toe ol tLe Ontario Couîîty Jufnior 141 King St. E. - Bowinanvllie ente, Intentent was in River- fast growing section presentr Farmers held ai rebn- Office 11Lours: 8y appointment side Cemetery Vault. Liidsay. 'naiîy preinlu providing MAPLE GROVE MARKET . . .. Maple Grove :United CLurch this weekend.ý Telephone MArket 3-3252 Pa]ibeare-s, ail grand sù-ns, 'schccols and facilities. At the Annual Meting cf, Mon. - Tues. - hr.-F1 ecGog osJh o- Tis in attendance bene- ,the Sundav ScLool tLe new q a.n'. tri 5 p ri' sley, Lewis Da-e:., Jark Lou- fiited y h dcuson and 1saî cfofcrlcsapoe hur dt: evenrrng, deni Larry Pow~er and Keith cninnuctivc- crîtîcisms.Me- ilFor 1962, the supervising sup- %'ed. and Sat. - YtE1 Power. -1gajunc S ' A K T rn UTýTIN7ýqnAv -T&M 11.4 inéz*

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