PAGE TENTEE A!~ DIAN STA ESMA , B W MAN TLL, ON AR1 Decre a tibn ÇReviews By D>ouglas Rigg Real Estate Board Elects New Officers Aquarium Society The Bowmanviile and Dis-! Dancing Classes There are stîli a number of Lorna Wright. The first prize'!Sehool students and the Prin- was a cheque donated by Port cipal. Mr. Gordon Paisley, en- Perry Lions Club and pre-'joyed the tri-school skatingýr sented by Walter Wright. The party at Millbrook Friday, second prize wvas a cheque night. donated by Dr. J. A. and Mrs Lqurence Butt, Guelph Ag- McArthur and presented by ricuitu rai College, spent the Harvev Graham. Each of thei weekend at home. other ten contestants received two silver dollars which were Mr. and Ms Ray Larmer, donated b-v the school board: Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. and presented by Neil Mai- George Rutherford and .Ailani. colm. Iosha'va, wvere Sunday *wpper The speeches were inter-! -uests Of M\rs. Alia Fowier. spersed with musical enter- Mrs. Fowier returned with tainment supplied by the the Rutherfords for three pupils of Grades VII and VIII, weeks' visit. under the direction of Mrs.ý Messrs. Stuart and Earl Dor- Wonnaeott, A.R.C.T. An in- rel1, Mrs. Charle.q Smith, Mir. teresting and educational ev- and Mrs. J. A. Johnston visit- ening was spent by ail those ed at the funerai home in AI- attending. liston on Sundav afternoon Ail interested in Girl Guides xvhere a cousin, t he late Mrs. are invited to an Ail Round Davev, Nvas resting. Cord presentation In Centralj Glad to report Mrs. M.\erlin Public Schooi Sunday, Febru-' Sugaitt. also Mr. Fred Tre- ai-v 18th. a, 7:30 p.m. Six:Wfai oreunt hi Guids hve uaiiied forhomes fromn hospitals. their Ail Round Cords. There, _________ will be a program and lunch.' M.and Mrs. Terwiliegarj i Iýl\hfraa calied on Mrs. ".1M m ralH sia 1flarcy and Mrs. Me.mArgauespuna day.AreSun Weekly Report Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Archer, Marilyn and Jim, Whitbv,l For the week of Jan. 29- visite d Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert.Feb. 4 inclusive. Archer and Mr. Dever, Sun-!'disos-4 day. Adisos4 Miss Doreen VanCamp, Au-!Births, 1 maie, 4 femnale 5 :rora, snen't the xveekend with'Dshre -- ------6 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dshre - 6 JStanford VanCamp. Major operations -----__18 Mrs. Mollon, Port Perry, Minor operations -...15 trict Aquarium Society will openings for anyone interestedI hoid their next meeting on in taking Tap, Ballet or Baton February 12th at 8:00 p.m. at Lessons. the Lions Community Ceiitr,- Classes are heid on Wed- We have becorne a charter nesday afternoon from 3:30 toi inember o! the Canadian As- 8:30 p.m. and on Saturday sociation of Aquarium Clubs, mornings from 9:00 arn. to 12 this will enable us to have a 'noon. rnuch wider program, such as' The Wednesday class is un- slides, films and outside speak- !der the direction of Miss Irenie ers. H -arvey and the Saturday There wiii be a panel dis- morning class is under the cussion about the Canadian As- leadership of Mrs. Shirley sociation of Aquarium Clubs. Fowler. as well as a fish show and1 If you are interested in at- auction. tending these classes please Please corne and bring your contact the Recreation Office frieds ad yu ma wînourat MA 3-3379, Extension No. 6. tank draw or a door prize of Senior Citizens accessories for your own tank. The Februarv meeting of the Senior Citizens Club sponsored ~ ~ e~ ~ by Club 15 xiii be heid next -Lions Community Centre. ~br~ Miss Heather Webb of Bow- manville wilI be our guest, and' we ire sure many of you have1 hard Miss Webb's lovely voice over the Oshawa Radio Station! on Sunday mornings. The reading room xii be taken by Mrs. W. H. Carlton. r Teen Town At the January meeting of the Oshawa and District Real The next Teen Town dance Estate Board the new officers for 1962 were installed. Standing xiii be held this corning Sat iudy eraylt t83 lef t to right: Douglas Wilson, Treasurer; Carl Olsen, Director; Mrs. p.m. at the Lions Communityl________________________________ i~ iCentrraf! (2) andaDannyFWilkins Fceruarl thes rviulyIaccounted for the Pirates Pee Wee IIodkey goals. A DURO PlUMP In the first Pee Wee hockey Atom Hockey gaine played last Saturday In the first Atom gamne the Means Better Living !! morning the Red Wings scor- Bombers chalked up theiri ed four times in the final per- third straight piayoff win by UR DURO Water Sys- îiod to defeat the Black Hawks defeating the Vikings 5-1. tem gives us fresh, pure 7-6. Ron Webb (3), Phillip Mc- Bruce Welsh (3), Charlie Cat- water when and where we Donald (2) and John Sikora, tran and Lawrence Courtice need it ... adds to our con- (2) accounted for the Wings aeeounted for the Bombers venience and comifort of daiiy !seven goals. Jeff Giihooly () goals. Bruce Simpson scoredi life. ýDon Forsey, Clair Syre, Gien the lone Viking goal. MeNeil and Steve Summer-, In the second Atom game DURO Pumps are avail- ford xvere the goal scorers for the Royals came up with their able in ail sizes to meet in- Ithe Hawks. f irst playof f win defeating the dividuai needs. See your 1 In the second Pee Wee gaine Bisons 3-2. Ricky Shackleton Plumber or DURO dealer !the Canadians defeated the (2) and Ron Van de Waiker for fu information or write Rockets 7-2. John Worden (3), scored for the Royals. Steve for FREE folder, «Running Allan Maguire (2), Kim Rog- Forsey accounted for both Bi- Water, the Farm Necessity". crs and Bill Woodward scored sons goals. for the Canadians- Bobby How-' In the third Atom gaine o!, es accounted for bolh the:the day the Hornets came up Rockels goals. iwith their third playoff win In the third and final Peeiiby defealng the Rams 3-1. I.- Wee gaine o! the day the Bru.- Keith Mountjoy, John Kramp inms scored with less thin a and Ron MeLean xvere the - _ *- minute to play to edge out the goal getters for the Hornets. Rangers 4-3. Bud Depexv (2),iGary Prestonacote fr 4. IGary Wilson and John Taylor 1Ihe Rams only goal of the, accounted for the Bruins goals. ýgamle. Danny Nowlan (2) and Lee In the fourth and final Alom Lemon were the goal gellers 'gam'e of the day the Barons for the Rangers. scored with less than two min- Bantam Hockey utes to play 10 defeat the In thefrt atr gm fGiants 3-2. Richard Lowe (2) the day the Tigers defeated and Ficky Elhis accounted for the Cubs 3-1. Don MeMurte r the l3arons goals. Tony Balson 1 ccountd for all1he Tigr and John Morris were the goal ýoas. and Baupre pigte scorers for the Giants. The win PUMPS SOFTENER Cubs on the score sheet at wa h" r n o o h P MP NISOTE NERS 8 19:30 of the final period. Barons. L ON D ON - C AN ADA', In the second Bantamn gamne Lions lMidget-Juvenile Hockey ý the Braves bianked the Husk- In the first Midget-Juven- iIis bv a 6-0 score. Walter Rick- uc ilegaine the Generals chalked I ard (2), Peter Werry (2), Dayeu hi second straight play- JA K BR U H arrialal and Danny Leo f i y defealing the Acesý PLUMBING andi HEATING accounted for the Braves six '6-1. James Lape (3), Don Rie- e goals. kard (2) and Jim Archer were( Division Street South In the third and final Ban-1the goual scurers for the Gen-1 MA 3561 BO MANILLtain gamne of-the morning the .erals. Bradley Yourth account- MA 3561 BOWANVLLEPirates shut-out the Tee Pees !ed for the Aces only goal. 1Iby a 3-0 score. Werner Wall-i In the second Midgel-Juven-c THERE'S AN OLD SAYING THE PROOF7 0F THE PUDDING IN THE EATING AND THE PROOF OF THE RESULTS OF THE STATESMAN'S (LASSIFIED ADS Is in the many ""Success Stories" we are able to publish regarding these ads. The Cost Us SmaiI The Resuits - Outstanding PHONE MA 3-3303 Bertha Appleby, Secretary, Lloyd Bolahood, Director. Front row: John DeWith, 2nd Vice-President; D. W. McQuay, President; Sol. Hyman, lst Vice-President; Lloyd M\/etcalf, Past President. -Photo by Hornsby Studios and Mrs. Harold Martyn and, Sales Reach New High BLACKSTOCKMr and Mrs. Milton Han-: Twenly-two ladies and eight! Mrs. Gordon Strong. This had lan and on Lndayse.h kiddies braved the snow baniks , heen arranged by No. 2 Unit.: ekndi insy and icy roads angl high wind1s Unit No. 3 xvas responsibl' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Strong,l bo attend the first generai' for the prograîn which xvas a Salem, visited bis sister, Mrs.ý meeting of the U.C.W. in thelfilm on Stewardship. Mlýl-,John Wotten, Thursday. 1 C. E. Centre Tuesday after- ing closed with prayer. Unit! Sincere sympathy is exlend-ý noon. President Mrs. Carna-' No. 4 served a deiicious lunch.' ed to Mr. and Mrs. J. Wizgerde' ghanopeed he eetig b' Te anualBonpie ofon the death of their six - eang a messae m nbM h aialBnsi fmonths baby in Sick Child- Goal." CulngCubwa ensHospital, Wednesday. McKinney, "Our New G held Tuesday, January 30t, M n r aeGne The worship planned by No. iwith winners and prizes as' adLreJNpne pn 1 Uni wasgiven by M1ýrs.'follows: First prIze, Keith the weekend widi Mr. andý Kennetlh Sameils, Mrs. Mur-1 VanCamp, Hareld Sxvain, Har-; Mýrs Ch-is.Venning anidLinda.1 ray Byers and Mrs. Ruseli vey Graham and Ken Lee;' go uibe !teHg ?k ~~~~~~Mountjoy. Roll eall was, What' each received a combination'A ---mbrofte ih part cf the Bible would you desk lamp and ash tray. Sec- like tc study? Reports wei on rize, Herb. Swain, Nc'ili received froin the treasumer, Werry, Richard VaniCamp and l ail four units, kitchen commit- Courtney Grahamn; these re-: tee and program comimiltec.lceived a hassocle eachi. Thirdý The theme for the next meet- prize, Harold Hamilton, Johin. ing, Feb. 27th, is The Church'Nes'bitt, Norman Mairs and and ils Mission.i Gordon Pogue; their prizes The Bible Study took the magazine rack.s. Fourlh place, form o! a skit, "The Bible rink, Boyd Ayre, Lloyd Ayre,' Speaks," and was given bY Joe Snowdeni and Jim Stain- Mrs Bomeril, Mrs. H-arold tan received hammers. Fifth, Kyte, Mrs. Blake Gunter and place rink, M\'erliin Suggitt,' _______________Douglas Sleep, Harry Van- Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Trophy choosing their own partner. Camp and Dave Wilson re- for top office in Co-op listings and sales for 1961 iS Noci Wood was chosen asI ce'ved ash trays with curling seen here beingr presented by Co-op Chairman Lloyd the Rector's Warden and Carl'ebes h iksadn Smith 'ixth place, Roy MeLaughiin,ý Corson on the left to D. W. McQuay of D. W. McQuay Smn. as the Pcople's W'ar-' den.Emnorv Smith xvas re- Fank ~Hoskîn, -Stuart Dormeilkýk k r Real Estate as Lloyd Metcalf, President of the Board 'alctdancardno Sds- viehGray, received shov- - -e in 1961 looks on. Sales through Co-op during 1961 men. Mrs. Noci Wood will act cîs wihb the way provedl reached a new high, going over the $3,000,000.00 mark. as lay delegale to the SynoJ,1 quite useful ini getting the cars -Photo by Hornsby Studios with Mrs. Morgan Bigeloxv asiout of the snow baýnkIs tb go alternate. Mrs. Charles Smithl oe. The other six rinks or' uc gme he ornts hutoutwas appointed t be EnvelopeI2 men competing received a thgmephns2-Corne Ha-ou Jng Secretary an d Mrs. Noci Wood consoiation prize o! a xvater, 'theoru an 2-0m Homeniukac- Mxd ~ugasVsr with curling emnblein.' ,1thrneand im omeiuk c- M ied 10'was estr Clrk.The firsl prize rink cf course counted for the Cornets two The Rector, Rev. Regnald, will hold the brophy for the goals. The win moved the At las- they did il! Lux- Rose and the Wardens Noal1ycar. Coînets mbt first place in the ton's hast-placers finally broke Wood and Carl Smith xiii rze inesateLO play-of! standings. the goose-egg. rriday night il comprise the Parochial Tri- BA. euchnre pat ein.s0a In the third and final Mid- xxas Luxtoni over E. Brock 4-3 bunal.B..ehr atWdnsy get-Juvenile gam th -a "e winnems couid be called Sidney Way was apoointed night were: high lady, Mrs. iosdfae heRies41 winners for the first time. layman bth fe comn-ittee in' ioos dfetedth Rades 41.Casîle conlmnued to roll addition to bis position asMrs. Mervyn Graham; as high ýPal Vinish (2), Larry Hateiy along, postîng a 7-0 shuloul committce treasurer. CharIes gent, Mrs. Jimmie Gibson; w ýand Jim Coyle (penalty shot) over 'Lobb to maintain their Smith is the congregational low gent, Charles Smnith; door * /i'i'yu? D ýwere the goal scorers for the five point league-leading mar- nominee. Comprising t he prize, Mrs. Charles Smith. F7 4.Ading5 I Maroons. Jerry Falls account- gin. Second place H. Brock Church Council are the Presi- The Cartwrigbt P ub lie cd for the Raiders lone tally kept pace shulting out Spicer dent of the Ladies Guild, Mrs. Speaking Contest, sponsored Therino.'engraved (y late in the final period. 7-0, while another shutout saw Morgan Bigelow; bbc President'by the Durham Ratepayers Wedding and engagement annc Games scheduied for Saturday, M. Etcher taking Bromell. O. o! the Woman's Auxiliary, and Trustee Association, was mnts, confirmatinivttos February lOth Etcher defeated Harrison 5-2 Mrs. Ernest Lamb; the Sun-' held in Cartwright Centrali nuceetioninetatos le tie Spicer for third. day Scbool Superintendent, Publie Scbool on Wednesday, anocenst. Bantam League"Hap" Palmer set the pace 1iRobert Sisson, and the ParishJan. 31s1. Messs onHm i 7:00 a.m.-Flyers vs Tee Pees with the high single-269 and Hall secmelaa-y, Charles Smith. 1 lIon and Neil Malcolm arceI1 Thernio-e 7:45 a.m.- Pirates vs Braves 'high triple o! 763. Hilda Sidney Way xvas appointed'the Cartwright epresenta- <RAISED LET 8:35 a.m.- Huskies vs Lions Brock's G56 total took ladies' as auditor. Miss Mildred Sis-1tives o! the association and Pee lVee League higli triple honours, xith Dorc son xvas re-elected as church Mm. Hamilton was chaimmani Look$ and feels like the fineat1 9:20 ar.- Rangers vs Leafs Mutîon's 259 gaine, the high 1 treasurer. I foc bbe evening, opening with b ave an elegance and individual 10:15 a.m.-Bruins vs Canad- single. The Parish Hall comrnittee the singing o! O Canada. graving can match. ians Elton Brock rolled 675 and appointed were Rev. ReginaIdl Foilowing were the speak- 11:00 a.m.-Rockels vs Bears IJoe Nowlan 662. Other big Rose, Carl Smith, Noel Wood, crs and their subjects: Eliza-' Thermo-engraving (RA Atom League single games wcnt to Morley, Mms. Ernest Lamb, 'M. and beth Thompson, Brasilia (new l osts about ha!f as much as hand Etcher- 259, Ken Luxton- Mrs. Morgan Bîgelow, Bruce capiaaiof Brazil); Sheila Tom- &tth oprlaehtmks1 11:50 a.m.-Indians vs Bisons 258, "Hap" Palmer-258 and Smith, Donald Smith, Mr. and'ehishin, Genemal Motors; Mai'- t8hoprltehmae 12:35 p.r.-Vikings vs Homnets 'Stan Norrisb-252. Mrs. Charles Smith, Roy Jar-!lene Tomechishin, H awva ii; ANT) IT'S READY W 1:30 p.r.- Royals vs Giants I _________ vis and Miss Mildced Sisson. iNancy Dommeli, The Green Of course you can ori 2:15 pin.- Rams vs Barons Reports o! their succeý:sful Eyed Monster; Ina Kinnîînen, reepium, response, than Lions Midget-Juvenile League 'DyT~T eam's activities were given Finland; Nancy Fmew, 1121ld Select from our jianti 3:05 p.m.-Generals vs Mar- .IJ.LA I±i. foc the Woman's Auxiliary bying; Marion Adamns, French aes lditntv£ oons Mms. Douglas Sî-nelt; the La--, lslIands o! tbc Gulf; Bern:ce paper s di sinctioe 3:50 p.m.- Jets vs Raiders Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Stur- dies Guild by Mrs. MorganýMappin, Tea Dinking; Brian rcdsloa 5fr 4:40 prn.- Aces vs Opians man, Seagmave, were guethe Juniorow Auxiliaryunismoor, The Shmexv; Nadia plete witb double enveic, with Mr'. and Mrs. Clarence by Mms. Noel Wood, and thelSchwartz, Mercy Kiiling; Jucly Rowan for the xveekend. ýSunday Sehool by Robert Sis-ýCochrar&,, Pauline Johnston;, availal Goodyear Lge. Dr. J. J. Hamilton was bak- son. ýon rgt ySdLf en b Civie Hospital, Peler- Charles Smith and Robert Lsa omnuWhtMySawLf Upsets and shutouts chan- bocough, on Saturday night. Sisson exocresscd the thanks' The judges wceebhree tea- gcd the Goodyear standingsA Raiph Rowland, Calgamy,,of bhc Pamish to Rev. Rose andchers fmom Bowmanviile who onsiderably, Thursday night. 'Mr. anid wcs. WalperensMs. Rose for their leadership.decided the winnems to be: adi t 1 The Ilose Room combined hoth iowland durîng bbc epast yvea-r. 'hst an- Drel;seod,_ blasting the Cornets 7-0 la drop) duing bhc weekend._______________________________________________ fi nn ý i ...-.t.,.~~ MVr. and "Mr't Roheri't il- Mue IUltser UOkto t IILUU iSx------------- u -------- 1-1 Ipoints off the pace. The Com- mour and their son Terry o! bines downed the Lead Press Mallon, spent Sunday with Mmr. 5-2 10 stay on top, but they and Mms. Ross Camr. weme forced to share the leaci St. Paul's Vestry Meeting xvit th Bels wo inwed The annuaI Vestry meeting, down the hapless Office 7-0. of St. Paul's Anglican Chumch The Banbury upset btcexvas bcld in bbc Parish Hall,: Braiders 5-2, the Fan Belîs xith the Rev. Reginald Rose tounced the Laborabory 7-0 ciiairing bbc meeting and giv-i jumping from fiftli to second îng bis Incurnbent's report on' and thc Tigers won over the bbc progcess and needs o! bbc Machine Shop 5-2. pamish. The baIlle for high sin.-le Il xvas noted that ail finan-ý and triple honotîrs was vermy cial obligations had been met' keenly contested. Bill Shot- and that the debt on the Par-, ter's 740 total grabbed off îsh Hall bad been bonoured the hligh triple by two pis as well as many improvementsý %whilc l\Ilummay Grant took the made in its facîlîlies - a new high single by a mccc single electrie stove and refricgema-, pin. Tomimy Graham rolled a tor. The inteior of the churcli 738 triple, followed by Brian had been painted, a new slide Martyn-735, Bill IHolroyd- proiector purchased, also a' î33, Ron Maynard-714, Jack new electmic range foc the' Bond-707, Howard Broîncl- Rectory. The sewage disposai 697, Vemo Connos-696, Way- aI the Rectocy bad aise beený burn Adams-684, Phil Soueh repaired. A 'short resumne o! -682 and John Carler-675. ail church organizations' ac- Other top single marks tivities inciuded the Chancel' weme registered by Jack Bond Guild, the Woman's Auxiliamy, -302, Phil Souch-300. Brian the Ladies Guild, bbc Sunday, Martyn- 298, Art Spicer- Scbool, bbc Young- People's 285, Wayburn Adams-281, group and the Choir. Mr. Rose Howvard Davey-275, Joe pip- expressed bis bhanks te the er-271 and Bill Holroyd- individual leaders and the two 266 and 264., Wprdens for ail their efforts TeamStanings in bhc past year. TearnStaningsPlans foc 1962 were out- ~umbines Belts Fan Beits ~ - Cornets Hose-- Braiders -------- Machine Shop Lead Press Banbury ___ Laboratory Office --_____ 26 lnedanad includeci an evemy- 26 memnber-visitation, renovations 22, te bbc Rectory and a new 20 book-keeping s3'stem for bbe 19 Parisb. 191 Il was decided 'that 181 terly reports of subscripbions 15 be sent to indix'idual parish- 14 ioners: also that wheme parish 14 'visitations or personai follow-' il 'ups wece necessary that the' 4 Wardens shotild act officially,l ,Emnergency treatments ---- 19 1Visiting hours 3-4 p.m. and 7 to 8:30 pm DEAD STOCK SERVICE Purchased according to size and condition. Small animais removed free Phone Colcct, Peterboroigh ,iRlverside 2-8827 NICK PECONI, Proprictor Licence No. 117-C-61 nvitations RATSEO LETTFRING) iuncemnents, hirth announce- golden and silver anniversary 0 agaving 'TRING) hand 'n graving. The-fetters Ility only the finest hand, en. ,ISED LE'rrERING) id engraving, because it cuimins1 ehand engravingso0expensve 'ITHIN THE WEEK '1er matching enclosure carda, nk you and at homne cards, cetc. catalogue of flawlessly correct t;tyles of icttering. Weddingt $9.00 and 100 for $13.50, cou- pea and tissue. bIe at Statesma n la WEDNESDAI i PAGE TEN THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOMMAMrMLLI, ONTARIO LY, FEB. 7th, 1962