WEDNSDAY FEP ~îh 196 ~HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BROWMANVILLE, ONTARIO i r-Itiu T TPV.h tions made by other groups ment for renovations.100. Keith Billett Pres. Elect and Individuals toward the Srecifications of dntos iil a t the presentation of a piece of S150, Ethel N. Cole saeR tr tC u t qimn. $,9; sltefrom Bwa- fe S ai sHarry V. Crydermian, Buildl-,ville Rotary Club, £80 pe-i ie ;Co rtce Prncpa T l/ing Committee Chairman, re- sure pads from J. FI. 50 eld in Bowmanvilleittee dring the astWomen's Hospital Axli., t r Tuesday Februay 6th,1962 th bus dwn ai te Mapy eartheHettpointedhefuontthatr.SH,2oi9;dJury tEstate,9; Jur E00at Tue~ay, ebrary th,1962thebus ownai te Male n th botornof he fontwork on the construction of, (cash $7.200, bonds 300 MisLliWat'rieen P u r p o se o f E d u ca fio n ifn~d i 4 Wila Grove Garage, Taylor agairilpage wvith the figure 10 on "Ithe addition to the hospital Bowmanville Kinsme orfo HaodTyo,9 ilalodhlm that, "they are ah ýThese were entercid as exhibits started on September 6th, Physiotherapy ffcie teedo S.EOhwwstoday co m- closed", then Taylor paid his ýand were found in a pile al the 90,ad stecorcor150;out enreCadJa ar nd he infl I ? c , t c i , ~ I c i s i f i c c i i ' ~ , i i t t e d o r t r i a b y t h n e x t a r e a n d r o d e t e b s t s - t o th ees1 9 60. a d a sm o t h e b i d gc o n ian O rd1, 5 0 ;o Fr e t r s . $ . 0 ; C a , p b l s e h r , court of com petent jurisdic 'a wýa. $75;a herona realdi gscnd- off. She is thiste lion,a judge an u. Harold Webber, opeî'ator ofthere were twolieOnino schedule. Women's HospitalAularonyfcrympoe mr Dr. Keith B ilett has becorne The crown had submitted the service station west ofithe attic started on the lath, He spoke highlN of the work $13,000; Branch 178 o htcmlt 0vaswt h presicaent-elccl of the Bow - exhibits in the ]engthy pre- 'Beech*s store, told of Taylor, as onlv the top side of the of the other members of theiRoyal Canadian Leginadtonay dent K. N.Morrisanone1dlstwe and was onclu-Grove on the day of the fire, xvas a piece of paper lvin Hob, Gnhle ugs iliary' to the R.C.L..$,0; mlmls a mCar et ther luncheon meeting of A ed this afternoon. aller the firemen had the fire across the .joists. ,HarrbsGe Nhoexvcust]eDr ,[ury Estate, $1,000, omn t*ie club held at the Fly~ Fred Vanderkolff an insu - Lnder control. He returned lu ' H Ae J < or E . T Iiutchmn Motor Hotelut Tradinaceagntogth hiPogstsaw Inb ,banswer t0a aquestion by B. Rundle, Mrs. Charles ia:vleKinette Club,$30 ýucha ïotr Hoe o ac aet f h Wit g-Ohaa ybu.Taylor's counsel, the lnspec ren, Darlington, and Mrs. Hir-IMcGregor $50; P. R. Cwii nswehhwsoeo Friday. While congratultn h eular ietrsme- dmaneoiandfo encv, told of receiving a re- The next day about 3:30) tu tor said he had been inveesti- old Gibson, Clarke, and forS50 Jury & Lovelli$5;mshfcetr wihrodd Dr. Bilîct. Pre:ident E'. i. TereuarDrctr fme and a ea ;e rmteq lest from Taylor at, the be- 4:()() .m.. lie agaîn saw Tay- gaîing fires since 1948. TeiWeir loyaîty and support. le: cellanecous donations$12aath Morris stated that the local ing of the Durham County President Erie Fals. ginning of August to insure a! rat the BlacRCa.I - aloHodetamesof t3t, isWat lnst p Lotarians shouîd also be con- Fedleration of Agriculture was Tepttii euetn otia apeGoe Tyo asdiig a l. o Taylor initial lire had used . e th anedM. o J'oalmof $33.03. Pan k;i-tulated in having obtained held al, "The Trading Post" onýTeptto eusig ai lMal rv.Tyo a rvn 8o 59 blue oxygen and the smoke buîlt!his assistance. *n Equipment Comitepr.fle e-on esr ridanet len. sp cit, T w rsd y eo uion s . Ass-eggs. must have 5% ý off th- a motel an Inspector would sengrs a woman and a child. way Ilrougli the window tops mani of the Finance Commit- c mntehad a p r ovedt eM . Ro Ho pr 22 arih prsdn.producers naines: then a new hv < nsetitbfoeaPol- Webber had seen a similar car and the caves. itee, presented the financial re- spending of nearly$1000AendMsW.JStpeî de wcell r-calizes aIl the im- ment and Taxation were coni-'plan cao be drawîi up and icy could be issued. Ta lor at the Black Cat on the afler- Taylor was committed forport for the year. "During for the furnishings andeupr rw t h ilas plicatioîîs that will be involved sidered. T h ese resoiIutions, presented for approval. lter phoned hlm and told him inoon of the 13th off August. trial at this point and releas- 1961 the hospital spent a total ment off the additio.LittaeireovsiOonCrn in becoming the leader off a were accepted and forwarded' Io forget it as lie, Taylor, Enos Ringer bold of being e. o 200 $418,888," hie said and thenimr aeoffrihnsadeeyweehrprns h flot.dry Club, Dr. BilleIt staied. to County Council. and te the fuii nte company tai- n vi ay to work at 5:30 eo uns lound anoher to i~ on lisErven W.Chenette îl~ R Rgave an itemized aceount off equipment needed forpainslte M. nd rs Jopl Ile thanked the Bowmanville Ontario Federation off A.-rj* sure <lie property. on the 14th off August and No. .1, was assessed $58 tefxenoursunercd rooms, laboratories, X-yWatarbued Rotarians for their trust in culture. Heads Campaign For Donald Ellison, an insurance off seeing black smoke coming driving soutlî on Liberty St. al category.iDprensofcst.Df- We Arohe il hl e t ffceinJuy iewiPaharHrvenats"snaePlan ArA gec tt;ofMr a- Imile east of the Black Cat nIe was charged with Care- ecs, medical and surgical sup-Ispeelfications named i i osmdnotofhcfe dlo hisý best to make 1962-63 be added to the Insurance' lor comm g <o lis office on 'Inn. Ringer drove along and 1ls rvn.ileoeainadmitn1edr ald n aptain Du yeonaldeRilub of Repoto<leeS.tyCun August lOth and lhe, Ellison,isaw smiok ccomiiig from the,,William John Scattergood,!ance off plant, administrative were accepted. 11 isWtssatdt tSlai on ardy ws -fcilportsogive y ans et oiss-;went to Maple Grove 1a 10- Black Cat, from the four dur- 48, R.R. 4, Oshawa, pleadedi and X-Ray Department cx-, He commended Mr.Hdnvitfrnsiihopasad th alain rywa n-clwa ienb Hn eis1speet the Black Cat Inn. Elli-imer windows and lie caves!guilly <ot drivîng wlîîle im-1penses, etc.. was $106.559. T1his tîhe administrator, forih s ethmsdopn f it ducted into club membership berger. He reporldavr o cetd a chieque for $50 1althîe ends off the building. i, 'davysnacpepaired by alcohol on Febru- was paid by thie Ontario Hios- sistance he had given,analoofecugmnt in an impressive ceremony. s3uecessfful year. Seven mee- as a deposit. Tic balance offý He called tic lire depart- arY 4tlî. He was fined $50 plus i pitl Services Commission, spoke in appreciation f<i adod President Morris officiated, as-' ings were ield includinga a $31 was to be paid wien th-2 ment from a pay phone, and lcosts off $3. mu nicipalities' indigents lundis, wonderful contributionc ae~~tg h a ocr h was ssue.Ths co er- went to the house on lie Tn terchresu der ali and provincial goverîî- by tic Women's HospitlAx- o al oto e pr aisted by three past presi- , Water Safet ' Course, Safety poic ctns ýxWlteFbe Poster Conet adcmpt- d lie building for $9000. east and wakened tle people Iligîway Traffie Act broughimt grants, uninsured res- iliary, and the generouc oa ubi crs uens, Ixex aters, or&onlest0 and competî heard about the fretler,. Io sec if anyone was pnlisttig$9.iduts, and from the incorne tions off other groups. otto amk e ons }leyland and George Vice. tion for a Provincial Crest.Elislireti dffreeinaltiirv- ResWltrsocaimanoq Mis ats$ on tie 9 on the l4th living iii the inn. Ringer Ihen ofCourt adjournedpiv Rx aler, ha 'It is a pleasure and a priv- The Durham Co. Fed. off AgoffAugsCoudrtt sayed. I- eeu ent om5:50n191 ilege ta become a Rotarian ,' will assist financially agaîn' fAgs n aer had a s aye lthti scene until the,550 ate and private accommoda- the Nurses Rutm C o derhcebc Captain Ritson stated. HÏe this yeac. telepione message from Tay- lire dcpartment crew arrived. tlion, and out-oatieiit scrviees.:mittee reportcd on advrîe hnsewsawirs i pointcd out that lie believes, Announcement was ma dei lor's solicitor informing him which was about 10 minutes i -Tic balance stîcet as off Dec. ments placed in CanaanteGodcrno Bona- th daso oayaetP-frtecmn ha r-off lie lire and requesting an later. N :1 3lst, 1961, showed assets in- in Great Britain lirogi levleHtl ieyasltr l ed id te l o tya r e Ustpi for s t c ing i Ca t Pralladjuster ta facilitate the cdaim. I ho aso syp iDt alt Frecludng cash on h nd an co-operation of J. S. P r - s e w n ko n tc t b J-lep Oters, whch e sa Fe. 27hc, ventory supplies, prepaid tario. London. le als pksen25yrsaabi ctr oin a poster advertising the! Several copies of <lie 1961'at Maple Grove told off sec- off a six man crew and a lruck, 'Rubînff andHis Vohin' on- ar Boo werepurchesd Ba crCdtivnd stop a the cweu hch reoeretanoheviibleitems, a totaloff $99,908. Lia-'off the increase inrguai0sokperaon s l* cer' ' t be heldsoon undr the Blck Cat nd sbopitiehe onk caat1daterewere no viibln, staff 'byltIlieonlransderasworkingong sVafbeltth auces of he ldsoca o tandryîl door. Somcbody got out of tf l to be seen There was (FROM PAGE ONE) S13,257 îîîcluding accounts pay- off a uîumber off nurse rmTeb h igfo aupiesof heloa Rtayinteresting classification talk. tlaminese mk oigf able and accrued items.T tipatlm saf.Cn nuedaoelpht ,Clhubir. a f o oriM.Ser,<lepicplofcar, afler the lights on the car intenseasoke comintafro Couitha f o orii rtîpee Hîghehoonil, so 1were extinguished. This wasic cLaves and above thc dor- ý 'lie chaiciîaîi. Mr. 1-ugi es, balaîîce off the Revenue Fund,r Keilli Jacksoii, PoetI~Ms at hs n tie only third genertoc 'Euation about 1:30 a.m. ta 2:00 ar.. mer w.'ndows on tic front. Th ntePs ear Deccmber 3l1st, 1961. was'Commîttee ciairman, rprelred eewl ehpyt rncmber off tic club, was cc- 1Sehools.' ecn acon lie day of tic lire. Sheiireinien were able to con tai ewici ffcallyeeti ded witlî'Tic plant lund including'1on renovatioîîs and ridcrt e e nJnw h b ae y hs f lo oa - ac e th ca fo ab u ',' the ire in the stairwel. tc a n a etn , atoughicash on and and in banks, ing iii the Nurses R sie c. m k l r an ul re ho . watcred <le car foinaaboutor tle fiscal y-car ended on Dec. bonds and invesîments, land,[He also spoke off saving ider__ janr a e sby tanleylo rontor- Mr pel er s n ie o! an hmur and ten w nt to bed. 1 The fiem en ad difficuit ît _ _ îan. am s tale, or nt, O an evll, iee icre eied M S. JOHN 0. DIEFENBAKER Edward Downey1 a partidue to le smoke and because buildings including renova- Ilrougli epainting andro was the winner off the hockeyhils primary and sccondary"Bradlodnwsa-tn, e eev frepciainofuntr. drw.Gust pesntinadi-sclool education, Mc. Rey- Mr. John G. Deenbaker hot iebu rvrtl ofwr- h inosweeevre y "ernadmifonis a f h ap-tions, les rese,529or Eqp- vaon offfurniu A IS'FI ;nols sad. H grduatd in «Ofeentd teoc#otspitaly coir.Mardi 1lst, and ment less reserve for depreia- miltee chairman, taldc f h sel C. Honey, Port Hope, A. Li rr h nvrst f o o aad o h 9221 st as <lis was the day off tle was a lire up to the allie and las proved ta be capable and tion was $8,988, and due from Isodding off the lercace aiofPtil tnIg !l'horndyke, Stratford, W. Clay - To4 rothe U ed styo.mnfopane.frth 96 5t - ýToonto he aded.Anniversary Compajmn of Poiler ýBurley Bus Lines employces Ilere was a heavy smell of liard wocking. He lias ciart- otier funds, $89,671. Thisithe new wing, slîrubs ton and Allan Evans, boti orl Mr. Reynolds bold off Mr. Parents' Plon. Compalgn objective picoir. He picked tup Taylor fuel oul. Tley notieed otlier cd and adjusted lie internai totalled $545.401. Ilawns seeded, stumps rno-Bok Oshawa, F. G. Coyle and Mur- pesfu er evc n ht obete3OOod in Oshiawa, slowed the bus I winclows with oilcloth and organization. *Besides manag-1 Tic Constriuction Fund Bal-! cd aîîd grounids levele.Ll 7 ray ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h Rasotm oiofPt I CAF during World War dividual, oand groupe In Canada d, t<i aae tMpebakt tce vr1c. ing ,weîî an overcrowded hos-!ance Shet, December 31st,i Mrs. L. C. MaisonPbcL. erbocougli. II. Prcvious to acccpting lis 1Whoore currently assistlng distrest. Gav, ~lae he a yIlo" r yiheng t lcaiften le aue p tal ic btu iidin aoter b bank. .¶17cash.oncwbuir ld- tioff wok intue gadDnoc Speakx on Educatlon prescrit appointment lie wasi edichildren In Europe, thé Philip- id Teiar t B - seofft ri alca lndîlet e . as 5pt h uligadale nbn,$787 e ul-tl fwr nti Walter Reynolds introduced principal off tle Aurora Higi pinot and the Fer East through the brougit Tayor inoo owman- o h ieadfn gtecomn-îttees. Evcr.yone con- îng, $936,416, and new equip- durîng tic year. ShethneBad .4 James Speers, wlio gave a-School, and before that was plan. Mn.i. Defenbaker henseif la ville. ýHydro main ine switch at the cerned gives hum fui] marks. ment $J151,I771, a total off A. M. Thompson and MnelBcl . -vice-principal off the Wliitby fosten parent ta o lte Chine Downey said that hie was at off position. Tic Dep. Chief Mi'. Holden is a good admin-..$ ,l0,04 ess due to ollier Stacey, the other mni r f ory 'For QUALITY Cars Higi School, Mr'. Reynolds girl now living In Hong Kong. the bus depot about 5 or Io tiien bold of leaving firemen istrator." ifunds, $95,892, which leaves the commitîce, for td s oa . stadnHdeare ia i Information on hain ta fnanciai minutes and Ilien hie leffI on Louis Lyle and Wallace Rui- Mr. Hughes spccialiy prais- $914,192. sistance. As presidentofleAeae adService" ispaede r s a sresdnt fat M d.,t..a dcorepndwtu h <e return run. Whcn le got ber un charge off the building ed thcWmnsHsielAx rnsrcevdwr:ld Women s Hospital uxîay ude ike SEEiLinsClu. chlld moy bis obtained from Io tic overiîead bridge hie saw withi instructions tiat no per- iliary. "The president for eral government $209,090; pro- Mrs. Maison repocted o t Lions lru'.Feston parents' Plan, P.O. Box 65, Taylor walkîng west. He stop-,son was ta enter the building 1961 was Mrs. Lawrence C. vincial government $242.900; wock and achievement u-DlBok 1 heU E cealps a stdnt 10s e lîing cd il. Dowîey.again sow&edian Inspector rom te Fire ability ii known bu you. She manville, Darlington, Clarke period. Hln~n.......9 ;elearl, b dîsinguishbetweenMarsIail's office. was a Hospital Board inember and Newcastle, $462,202. R. J. Dilling, tlie sec av ay oa 9 tIc essential and the trivial, Firemnaî Louis Lyle told off and chairman off its, Public Total off revenue: plant and treasurer, was returnuî f-Do k 9 andta ivehougitam syn ltebidn ntlRltosCmite construction, udD em rlierfrte lcio MOTOR SALES mn ndasser ft off T YO N E .sptaiga Icildo h ing u Thleîatons *s iospital 31st, 1961, $,4564.Srpu ,fv c orseelcio f leJoe yl s. . Halliday off dicectors.a w Mrs.nblA.MaL.aJean oLobeba.r.... 17l ah n d u g e t t a il n b eM isi h' o fcri e . L l A uxiliary's donations of f urm- flundis as of January Ist, 1961, H ooey and D ennis i k r Jo e Ho d n .. . 17 - LirvITED - hnit10fit. into ils place in TheTue Auînuaî Congre1 Presideiît - Mus. A. IlillitI ld off Taylor coming ta tic ishiiigs aîîd equipmcnt have $720,969. Increase for 1961, were lie serutineers.J.CDoiHord ..17 Eari McQueen, Pres. hife," Mc. Speers asserted. , gationai meeting was held1 Vice-Presideiit- Mrs. R Co- 1p remises shortly after 12 noon beeîî great. Thley I av e $824,635. ICovîc was tlie defeatedcn-20 ae Teaches One <o Think. Monday, Jan. 22, witi a very ombes, Recording Secretary-! and demanding admittance as amfounted ta more tîaîî $14000 lo Incomee lac 1961: provincial idabe.Aury ikc 22, 5, 219 KING ST. E. He explained that tlic priigoodi attendanue. Rev. G. Lok- Mrs. J. C. Cook;, Correspond-ile was the owner. Taylor was ýand are tcemnendously ap- grant, 53 beds at, $75 per bed,! - ----e---il 26 22 Ja BOWMANVILLE mary purpose of education is'horst opened <lie meeting with bng Secretary - Miss Grace angry when Lyle refuscd. preciabed. $S3,975; donations, $33,803; in- Cliarity begiuîs at homadLb 6, o ros29 to tcach one ta think. "Ilb is Seripture reading and prayer. Smith, Treasurer - Mrs. P.,Taylor bold hlm tiat tie fire Mr. Hughes also gratefully 1terest, $1.201; dividends, $1.252;1 justice begins îiext dooDic-Mcotovll 2,BaSl MG SPORTS CARS ta sifc out things worth think- cd as acting Secretary. Churcl munications- Mrs. L. Annisigoing lu Il ar the building MORRS -RA vLER ilîg about, thal you can putimenibcrship althîe close off Chîristian Citizenship-. Mrs.1down and build a motel. yourself in tic best position 1961 sîood al. 160 off wiorn .3911D. Davcy-, Mrs. H. Vandarp, i Inspector Halliday told off SA A W OD PO UT OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS MA 3-33.56 for cnjoying a happy iffe, were non-resident. Fînancial Mrs. T. Scott, Mrs. R. Glas- 'arriving betwecn 1:3<) p.m. aîd OH W ' ~the Courtice principal said. ýand Secrelary reports were peul. 2:30 p.m. on tle l4th off Aug- 1"Without education a per- given for tie different Boards' Christian Education and SO- ust. Hie examimed tle building 1961 Pontiac son could neyer hope to really and organizations. cial Action- Mrs. A. Hamil- ýon the oubside and tien enter- understam d lie world and ils The report nf tIc nonîinat- ton, Mrs. R. Lambert, Mrs. H. cd tle front door wîcre le: La re tin -D. popeorwht oe o i i. ing committec read by Arthur! Staint.on.i was met by a scenie off charr- Weoea vc V-8, automatie, custom He could flot handhe himseh f Hamilton were as follows -,- Programme-- Mrs. G. Lok- cd wood and paper. A snal îU radIowhltewalls etc. in an imenst ih Sfot. Session (Elders) -H. Brent, horst, Mrs. K. Kilmer, Mrs.!partition had been dcstroyed ;D Locally owncd car, aslm ahm sbshm year, Y. Smith, 2 years, W. R. Coombes, Mrs. A. Hoar by lire. The lire had started IM real sharp and school. He could neyer Vaneyk, 3 years, A. Hamulton: (Devotions), Mrs. G. Brent on tic main floor al, this point 0 s yu e eh e - ___ - relate himself propcrly ta ttic1ý4years, S. E. Whiite, 4ycars, (Pianist). as there was no undernealh C s or T e eh 190Ra be problcms off others, or achieve !P. Werry, 5 years. Community Friendship and charring. Hie tld off blankets là« 196 R rnber the peace off mind and under-I Trustees-- G. Brent. J. Bro- Visiting- Mrs. fi. Skinner, land oilclotl over windows. Ambassador 4-Dr. standing ome must have ta omne, H. Skinner, L. Skinner, Mrs. W. Ralîr, Mrs. G. White. 1 lic bld off laking samp»les n I V-8, automatic. custom support oneself lhrough the ID. Stainton, L. Annîs, A. Hoar,- Parsonage- Mrs. W. Mur- ýof wood from the floor and 0i1> radio, white walls, etc. cie nlieta om atyW. Jewcll. phy, Mrs. A. Knowhton, samples off lie 0rA re fi P la nning Local, one owner. 11,000ali s' Stewards--- R. Glaspeil, R.' R. Hilîs. mains off a blanket ta tie At- I L original miles, llke new. wîTe speaker remarked that Hill ,D. Craig, T. Pleasance, Flowers--- Mcs. G. Alldrcad. tornry General's Lab foc, -- - - 'iohn people talk off educa-IM. Hamilton, R. Camerouî, R., Nominations-- Mrs. A. Har- analysis. 1959 Chev. formai education in sciool. IR. Coombes. A. Wood, Mrs. S. Goble. magazine G.M. Topies witl <the te7 - ~ vagn "All education does flot lake Organist-Clioirleader- Mrs. Social Committec -- Even- n ame Lawrencc J. Taylor, 94 St.aion W go place. in sclool. Many famous G.' Brent. ing Group. iWellington St., Oshawa, on lb, 1/1 6i cyl.. standard %hlft. ýmcm, self educated, bave ladl Preparation off Elernenis Quilting Commitie - Afftcr- off rcoveiringa nnoliti- -- ( our ~p amd (-amy aur ~ 'thnedcvotîonal oui thic'*New ,visitcd Mr. 'John Malette _ . n d Ms.W.Raimr'"..P US QU LIY.AT RIL roqahiy a a rinipa aYear's Resohutios". Varlousitic Oshîawa Hospital. IMc. and Mrs. W. Ralim at- QMaIi Uscd Car Guaramiee person must have years Off annual report,, wcre giveui.1 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Label, tended tie 401h wedding an- tcaching experience, a Univer-ý Mrs. H. Staiton auînounicecdiOsîawa, spent Saturday even- iiversary off Mr. and Mcs. Cecili T Ab ut* ea A.nnouncing ** sity Degree, and have success- that thic 1-H1 Achievcment iîig wullh Mi. and Mrs. H.!Ralim, Buckeion. i a njyyu nwymd d h h Foi the convenience of our fully conîpletcd post-graduate Day \voulîd beIeld at Tyrone, Windsor. Tyrone C.G.I.T. Yucnclo ornwyrorie on o customers we now have a courses iii administration auîd Mav 12. WVorld Day off Pcayce- Welc-one <o Mr- aund Mrs- The cleventi meetinîg off the paying sniall monthly paymnents to utyu ugt guidanceliemsidinug at Tyrouîc United John Vaneyk aînd baby who C.G.I.T. group was icld Feb. -1. This may be arranged witb NO D W A MN n 24-Hour Tic work of a prinîcipal us Ciîurch. Marci 9. Alter auîy lave moved int Mrs. H-ather-1I tl in hoei Sunday School monthly paymcnts commencingJuest To~ing one off service, Mr. Speers sta- trema'iiing businecss off W.A.,lys aparîment. lrooî-n. The meeting opencd r- o -O Srie td.issr I o ticst- aund \V.M.S. wa.s lrausacted Mrs. T. Findlay, Mrs. Edîlli witli tle C.GIT pledge follow- E.4-o dents includles lie obtainîîg O Rev. Lokliorst callcd for tle Walker, Thornhjîl, visit c d cd by the singing off the lymn. U .W a sityoii bann Business Hours MA 3-36 efficient teachers, organîza- nornating report whiclî xas Mrs. 0. Vîrtue. Tic minutes wcrc read and ;Dnortgage ban. After 11 p.m.- MA 3-5645 tion off classes, a proper lime prcpaed bhy Mrs. A. Knowl-, Mc. anîd Mrs. S. Goble aiidapprovcd. We thin had the IZ REMEMBER . . . your ho~me kpoal orbs iVe are now a recognlzed table. thec observation and suip- tou. Mcs. A. iamilton, Mcs. H. Bruce visited Mc. and Mrs. roll caîl. The roll caîl foc tihOenvsten0 member or N. A. L. ervision off metiods off inistr'uc- Staintouî and Mrs. P. Wercv. Murrav Shortt, Creswcll. I nexb meeting is to matchi op =ivstnn ~~ * * ~ion, aîîd <o make certain tie'Il %vas decidcd tîcre xvould be Dawnl and Ellen Varie y k Ilalves off valentine cards. Col- __________________________________ Our Sheil Service Station full course is being taugîl. He aftcrnoon and evcning units, spent a couple off davs wilh llection was then taken. Anme is open for business. also spoke off tic importance eaciî unit zocctilus mvii their grarîdparents Mc. aîîd .Skin:iec and Gail Scott will O uîow is the imne to have off student counselling by ZA leader Afiernoon unitb wilMrs. G. Yeo, Hampton. get garnes and Miss V. Kocins O your car checked for wlnter iprincipal, and tic planning off meet Fcb. 21, i tIe S.S. rooni. Roy Youngman placed well and Mrs J. Coombes will sup-O unesryn.Mr. Speers also spoke Off tie iomr off Mrs. G. Alldrecd. Tic, Hampton last week. Roy us a nexl meeting. We tien had Ohw odPout servcesa pincpalgivs 1 next gencral meeting will be pupil off Miss Valda Kocins off business. Il was moved tiat parents and <o teaciers, and March 9. (Six meetings a Long Sault School. w aeabwigpry COTC:rcferrcd <o bis responsibiities cari, wlcu i te World Day off Mrs. E. Murphy aîîd son! Norma Davey and Elainpl 1 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU Earl M1cQueen <o the Higi School Board anci Pbra.xer Service \vill bc follow- Bert, visited Mrs. Edîîa Me- Annis are tic new press re: 11= WeldonBrown to t:Ri Departmcnt off Educa- cd bý- a business sessionî. Mrs. Lauglin ai Glein Cedar Rest !porters. Miss Kocins rcad ano- U Oshawa Office and ShowroomM Weldon Brown ~~~tioî. Perîxrv was appoinîed 10 Home. Columbus. ither ciapter from aur Mis- O OHA ASOPN CETE7861 Bud Fo-g AI Witherspoounimovcd a represent tlie U.C.W. on the Pat aîîd Dianne Wodlcyf are OionAWudy ooOPPINGs orCCNTREC Ace Richards vote off tliamks 10 Mr'. Speers Board off Stewards and Mss. s<aying witi heur grandpar-iTon". Grace Rock and Janice ÏPhone: 728-1617 Mi fieadSoro Jini Crombie foc liis fine classification talk. A. Huis on the Officiai Board. cuits Mr'. and Mrs. R. D. Hodg- .Taylor comducîcd worslip ser- BOWMANVILLE - 728-1611 Jack Ricard President Morris also expres- Th(-ffollowiiîg is a slate off kinson, Auror -. vice. Charlotte Annis and Sani- r ~sed lis appreciation to* lie officers foc tle United Wo- Sy mpatly us cxteuîdcd ta dra Hall led in games aiftcrl Sales speaker for lis enjoyable ani mcii*s Organizaîî<îof f TYrone- Mrs. J. Wý Wilkinson and :which 'Taps" closed tie meet- 1A Eih290 informative address. lor lie àycar 1962. ,Lamiuly gn 1.he suddcen passing iag.- OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA 1ODPOUT WEDNESDAY, FER. 7th. 1162 PAGE Tllitt EM