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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1962, p. 5

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WEDNESDAV. ET~ :-~ 1~2T CANADIA.N ,TATESM.\N. tOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO A!PV Dur ham County Club of Toronto Y4mazing Story of Plastics ReflIed by CIL Speaker 'flic- P. r . - 'c - rniniker c zi:tt (iif t Torc- ontcu*- ) i..C Cii vîb in tlie 1.0D.E. i- uri cornu .g frnrn Crico. In tlîa:îktr..thow . j n i- lertai nd. Pa tp. c icici'.A. A. Maruýit tt(t 'i .: rnarc of a good sl":i lo iuia oig thcy ca iiu :,andtrioneic xhkir the aud:rnr" (an ci ijo.. A good suret ci. t e i ird b: a8 uo Pooll' .. .a ,güo( accoclipait -t tn(-xh ~îk s;elf in the i *.'t ice lo %Vas MyI. :Ro::clcna Ruo cdc. Jormer(i ff d:inun xho ,va5 acconupanircl by M.r'.. NV. M\cNc-: I Both t ni 1.' tlleci Mtr. ilrtt' defitlittion of ; goocl' 4;ith c-uxn~*Lul- laby'" j i f:Omn "lt Fair Iad'.v t: t t l!IV lUne -1 Co-ilci I luxe Du cc a Il Nîgh1t Then ii"Sonncxliere OGrcThe Raibux cciin c îîtof .1udv Garltncl. lsi'u gluthe a udien- ces delîght'ied appicue fui- gond nieusuce. Spa:'sai efolcclt: lhicr îte n-t til ' p' tine xvîtîîan eMy on. tc iuruî. xx'bîle ruit biutepu Nothing s zmarc' of thi.- dav tbai pI. ti .c)Mr .Rb Beviý: tti t't i< xx ý,-ittro- uc-Lci dbyc M r Bert Abtna: a graduatr' of the Uniastity cjf Ma~Icnitobsaa a t 'of Win- nipeg, wh'o c anie Ca.t in - 19601 1 n . iý Ca nad i aniIn d.u-t1,riesý 1,ý L if.n bte fascinating fieldi ,lt: DBcx '.de eribeci plasticŽ a:) <ayc -ntbet"ic mater- nInccas a by-proceýs x't the 1cFfiniisg ut gazotîne. Plas- l ic v'.lien dpzigned correctl, wwz ~ u'.rd for is verýzatiIe util- i' lcbviy.wxxith hbi - and ccig: tii ononot%. Thle crit lind of plastic inuAt be îî ituî tue rîg-lit de-ýigi for tli.product. In looking for Lic xx dcas. sonirnes the xx cng uise of the xxcong plas- te bruakage r' 'ral'.'aSerWar Il in Ger- n:candc the States. folloxv- ing sýn icetic rubber inveti- l!, the lautgua-ýe orf CI .L. * dtîanes as Poly thenr, Poulypropý leirue. Pol i xili Y I ChloiotUt. P erspe 0X, Polyut'ec- thýa!ic Foani. Dialcon. Lucîte c:cpc' uccî (or didnt xplaiîi the difîerent kinds of plastc pruoduet's. Because of its great strù,i gtiî. non -cori'osioîî andi 'îîsclalioii qcalities. plastic is tl. cl inIllt eunstî'urtîi ni ein. n rockets. for- cables iniih .ýtree', andi foi'radîo-actîxe s hi elding. I' is alnio4 ,tex rcx'reini the' iîoîle' for food container-. cletrgeîts a i (l inedicîiles. pla ' tic is pushiîîg glass aside.1 It is exen usecifor oîilkl, ot-i i les in tlîe Netlic'î'laod-s! Vin.vI tilt' n useci on fluors, there is x'vinvl xx allpaper. î efigerator 1tin!iig. disîixxashLîc . cîair'-up- hioîster "vandixxcbîng. rugs. records. folding cdoors. Itu' si Ilgage aînd laundr% ba5ýkets-- iii a iîever ending list of plas- tic products, In fabrics andi clothilig Ter\ylene" anîd r roloti . a Tcirxlcne and ,v'ool fabrie. ai-e tops. xx,-hile C.I. lias prodîîced a plastic blanke-, like xvool. Fibre glass for patios and boat--. Prnxfor xx:ox- like Plexiglass and ini the fu- ture Polythene pipes -as ' vet theCï" k o Plastic Pipe made ,o replace "biolf' caber Pipe~- oil.v foi- rold wxater. Ini the U.K.. plastic is u > ed for- eaxcs- brougilis aîîd bathitubs. Here Acrvlic sinks andi basins are made in Bramptoni. In tfle gar - age. cbanges are i'orecast ii, eiigineut. tires, a\les. bodies and cox-eriings. As altitudes cha'nge. plastic is talzîng oxer ilexx-substitut. . Theicplastic, cornpany lias beîî naineci the groxxth industrv of Canada. M1\1. Bex-is coîicluded witl the' tiiocght thàt Ille fLiLre rnRY: liolci ex-ci a coîîplete x\liole Plastic Iîousýe. Delîciocice ire-hiîeîîts x c serx-ed by 2l-. .. Fail'r and Gîoup .3.xx'îiîe Mrs. W. T. XViI- lardC and Mrs. R. (". Wr-iglht pouredci cffee. Pasi Presicet Don Lindeni Ilantccd the lad- ies iid ini epl « ing Mis. Fair saici she xvas lîke theliclttie boys: onie liffle boy saîid bis failier a doctor' so lie was inadr w'ell foc n,iîotmîg;the other Iittlc- ?elloxx' îot to be out dom, -saîid bis faflîi- xas a mini- ister so he xvas mode gooci foc iîothing. Mr. Linden led the' sino:îîg of AulcI Lang S 'vii- xx-lîcb endeci the meeting xxith nmore tliaî its customoi vigor. YELVERTON On Stindax exei \v(,xxeat mialcoi a etijoxc'ci thle k-iAi tîo-pitalipx' ut the Fred Sta- cex s. On Fiiax- eu îg tSitAcori- ii uoitv gattii-reciait te Ciîur~ci FiaItto bld 'aum rc'x' i taM. and Mrs. Georg-e HcnÀlip xx<îo haxe mocc'U froni Yclx'ertoi H-owxard MNalcol i xx\as - i get-t lcîîai'rnan for- Uie pro- raniî xx'iclî x'.as Llic p'ano solocx AXarguerîle x:- son: Can dx- MalcoliîandcîAcie Pagýe. dîîîîinutîx-e tao rlancers, ini a cule ioutine: the XXibo!i lxxii. - Anti sud Norrria \XX' -on. niade a xvocal deh t xWîh a duet arroinoDnn>ed b' tIi"::' îîîotiît'r. Mî-s .Noriiîa îî VWison: Ft:zabrtii andclLîuda Ruxxai dlid! a fie ob ut a piano dii. despidth îe addecl handicap ut sonie stickx' kivs: Tue Teîp-o chiordettex. Poîtcta Stiîscît amtli Ubi Xnib W , bMeteu cetebiateci Buiriîs E:rtLîda. xx iti thet' l-li:IîiiiU Ftng. Miss pMamene 3MeGilItavot- cd %xttli a piano sýolo aîîd en- cu)ire. Miss Jucîx Robinsonn. outr bcid'nig Ihespitipi'oxîd- ecî a chiange ut pare xxlii an umAiit îg cadtig Mc-. Fr1 olé! pro. prox'icel t x x il rcrf: xed nmicbe i'. pnano anîdxvoral. Canîdx arA .\Uote reburiieci focr t'le Pciii tan dancecmttoie.Gar- r\ Bi-i.--toxx t Yelx'eitclis .lc iiank Snoxv). mic:xus as a brtde ini h s first appoaratice. ticoxideclîxxo xvocal niuiiîbc' xxt ittOxx' gciiti-arcippt- mnec t xxliie detighted tIti audience, especlallxthie ut .nt nieiicbet-s. Garî'v possc:,.îc'. a ci-v pîoîîîisuîîg voire. 'xtis. Davîi Wilsonî dici hec toutî Une job xAth txxo iaiîor tiistriinîtals. Mxitzi arîd Paîticeturneci fr a:îothcr tap ciatîcee l'OLitine. Mis. Noriaiî W't5ati ted cormmniit' siniîuiîg acca:'- pABSORBINE Jr.---. ADORN Hair Spray ARRID EDRN ilRJYLCREEM 1ENO'S Fruit Sait HALO SHAMPOO- LAVORIS ONE-A-DAY lTONI Reg. 51.89 55.C size 73c t tibe Ricg. 79r $1.19 size Reg. 69Ç $1.25 size MULTIPLE 'ITAMIN TABLETS.- 100s - Reg. 84.49 S2.00 (size 99C 159 43c,ý 59C 53c 89C 59C 99C 3.4 9 1.69 WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEI< BOW31ANV'.Liii-NEWVCASTLE VCOWLING'S DRUG STORE JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE ALEX McGREGOR, DRUGS ORONO I JURY & LOVELL STUTT'S PHARMACY Ca lifornia Holidayers HeIp Set New Fishing Record Eail v hu Januarv. the forner Buttx' Suxdcn (f Alaple Giove <daugliter of> Mis. L . C. Sîioxdeu and ier h usbandcl(Pts Prîit(-iclîa o<f'S la ni ck. nearc Uttaxva. .o6k ithe fi rst hulidax- Il eyv ae Iîad iiisevui-l \ea is and set m nethinî g tof a iecorc. l. hex xisituc lie r u nce .Aîtlî irBaker!Sa n Diego.,('ai ioriia. a ndl h 15 xxfe. foi'merl x N anicyShniubb tif'Boxxinanixillula Ms. Ba bei antd M.\l Pritchîardcivx'cre sclico naI us ai. BuixmauxiIl e -Iîgh Schtcîl..\lc Pt itc'ard xaîe itu sbo)-s lislî- ing on flie Pacil c ciiiil xas arrtînged 1'ui- *IanUai'v l6th. fie jo iii c a cita ilcr boat c rutise to Cci tiîu:cla I sla nds, Mlexico, xx iîh i 10tishiernietiiabuîaî'c. Iis.iheex' ran iii a .srhcîl îfor tales aurd tliu aîsec a sclh(tcl 4)f puiteci t> Dîit-oîLiR. ouni oi ti* a i t'l Iol.: 'n;tci 1 du! l F ' 'flic lciî'. cl ctuplse. 1,. \-iti fE nt ce I icnî'orh xioil e i tPaz e sic i ad p,îi e i tîri t wliîpe i tî l c' t4 a !îlM. 1u1 ar l icvtiM xr.aie tsi' - oew lîtcd I M l tîîîî l!ein aP 1, u:îv:.if-, ' 'M tu a:1 M -i .tîî c X 'î . 'l:tf i axîc'n- Mi c rii.lit:. d ai x id "tGtlrrîl 't ., <on l1 tilc'. I iec u McatI. i' t île ilie v b if !, cîiîc o 1 ra ic., lutin t' xCi,' ('ti cx 0 1:tî 0e. (f 0 211t 1 t ,e Bt i 1i i xx. l; ;ai ( îîcîît i ccilu 21.. cecI 'xt . Dît. l. Ft:: .xx ci î-iles:tie 1 i M: 11 ad 1d arci laîDttt. i I A: xxs ni: tt)tt.foiai îl ut:1 i reoe c":,: t .t: 'xiî'ii is t 't xxubî ul f et i: t' tx. it an met i -*tit f l- c' iXlt)s e Lat'.! '1:î w tk titd 2si; i l i tîi It>v'- x ns a-îP cctcl f.lxt muue il ii "t n Rt hI' î Jt'i-ýp Ecisc i ii x'i. \ e r xx -'i c 'xli' g: ils îîa:îx fit ceci-ý ý ! i tîe i: i i :1,î i c ' e Oi0 lt'-î ' l nit t!if Yc-l x % cm-n:uau. pt. u-: o\e ', o i, l'lic' xWx l 'n tC ,XttJ c tit cx l tv (ltie P-c' - .Jec:- PB i'ou' p: ti c,cdc so coîci n:î st-tcc,'p . -- i ii- f x lý ci' t- o l. : ' : " : T uee roc- u' 'c cllt moruti-bu tut ot acîu ci"flu l e. îr ' i Il . '1' n C' o ':îi,-c. i'- o:n- t i ,' \'.ýci : ci 'Xî. s : c% ré!:onuu -e fxoe of !Op or b' St' 'xlai c adr ::- fît' Rtit iî:e.tuhiac'î Umîîti' gt.n x'a ciut cri CMIe' Hea'.tîî'et v, th e'i-laic:-i the famed xw-itîe sea bass. '1'lese fish appear iin large numbers onyl once iin fixe tii seven ycai-s. lu al. thex caughit 25 fisî, oune bass xveîhiig 39 pciuîds.1-1 ouinces. The spectacuilai- îexxsxvas i adk>oploned lu shore.,xxhere fîeýv wei-e met b\- pholog aplteis. îexs men and TV' cameramen. The local papes lfeatuied t hîci reinarkaWbe catch aind thle fu Ilcîx'iig evenhii g. thîev appea red on telexisuion. For the PritCiards il ivas an evelît Iioîenieibei'. 'I'hex-let 10 c to i l farîri home on Janîîaî' 26th afier eiijoyiîîg i woc xxeks of brilliant siinsliite andc excitenieiiî .Mr- Pritchîard is thle foult h fisherma nfrom the ru glit iii thle photo. News Richards, Editor NIrs. Ct". il te Chai tettitt GCiai-, ol atîci Davidîclspent Sticî. x xx iti X .andi IXrs.tX'arshaii Chlaiti-rt oit 2d.andciMrsi. F. O. Ccîopeur ani t a icMrs. CuifX'îîter are liol ida '-imig iii Ftorida. Sîrs. Fred Taiblvxi, Mr. ai 'xrs. (C ai'los Tambtxvil, Mr. andi Mrs. C. E. Millet. attetidecilthe fcieiloftifbe laie Mr. fico. E. V't iiiHore io Brookîtinotn Satlt: U. Mis. lic Dxi.Boxx tuait- x l e ixsited hlîciîltlier, Mis. D.N. NIMx teS OitlScîtda. 'xlv. aind Nrs. Cm-eu C. Mxallev. Qu'u4vxxa. Mir. anîd MiV c.. aiîev Keli . Euigjllart. xx ete sîîp- pel. gtie'is trf VIi-r andc hxrs. XX'ti. .ilo uitida> Miîss F. i'xabel Da\ ey pasý~- (,CI a xxa c iniPoct Pcrr v H uspi - icîl eîî,iJaiuiis:'x lh Futtîcat serxiu l'wxas lit-Ici cii S5ttcii cx [itertic:t Ou îîîîc Cemii'ei'sr 'xlrc anîd NMc>. I-ai x Xîu c olC-cl oitn Xr' Vnt Xl e uit Scitida x o fteî itoni. NI oîandlMsîciAulx'viiin v. Mir. Il Egeis. Prct IHupe. -1W. atii ci NI rc*s. Excit Slapittu atîd sonsw lioxx',aid anîd Joi' t- xxev-!e ditinec gucsts of XI ru. .Joliîîvorrisbast 'tiiesiav eceîî- iîîg. Mil. Pitîc i Nts. laiti Mml- clcîciti. 'i snd 'i-Bu li-> 'liri'lOmand soit'ixts'elMui. atclXi-I ecîlîclrgiî'on Siiii Mu attd NI:'. Win, Btiimti xxiio t 'ii' iltx e î'iîde fîcîtî St. XX'îltîsîîxait'(,îîîxx iesiclitua, ai the Siîrtticcîbsc' ofii orthle Depaotiiieiiit Latici" aniciFurosis Nui cci \ ill 0tio )îîîî \Ir..Bîttît îîg xxas as- su ~itSctieinti-iideniitauil: ' loca]tNîsc fm îîîîî 19501 to t1954. aindi s ma o f picîs- î'm'îîîg sud m xeî tîîx îil tii. 'ta 'Ftue C.G t .T hlucî 1 luit:, Iîîevintîg o t thle ihome of Xl ix E" 01ci 1t u Nlomda x ex eti- lta1 'xii adlXl'U.. j o itiiiît G mi-g De b bte aiAtDI.oiiie, Petc-rýborcuiigi. i-ai led ciiiMcci. 1). N. Nîx les adM- anItuid Mc'. J1. ,ît t,'uiii i t n Sctii axVîsîuîtu u xxllî 'Mi. aiild 'l. W. Noi nil Pîtulc-î xx îe Mi. atîndM'.Douglas ILogani. Mail xt r. anMcsd Xl cc. Murra'. Pou dur anid f iîx Newxton- vite. Mc'%1r. Noif Porte'. Mi s Albert Moioni, '%Iand Mca. Cai IBiîtîmgsý 'Unib No.t3 o,'thtueOrcîtîn Ui'itecl CIîcich XVciuttcui leld thiî i i-t iieimg a-, lte lhomne of Mrs. A. WVatsciîotio Tuescia v a ltei*t:îîoîî. And (Uit No. .i hîcîc tlîci m neetinîg at thie hoine of MXrs, Ccx'iIle Chliuce on Tues- day % etîîtig. AxL. Statu Sex mocîx. r 'liOt ci x'tsitc' liiiami! ics Vni. Sex'!II' t uiSUItdaxMr.c andi ixrs. Malcolm iEl- forci. Porît Pc-rrx . Fred Daxes. Blacks,.tor-k. 1\1ir. aoU Mcci. Kennecix' Grax' and soit Dav-id, Cadmrnus. vusîbec Mir andt Mrs, Reg. Sut tait Nî .JohnitMou ris'x%,r. a udti Nîrs. Execettt Stapleton andc soîns xxere diner gueu.ts uf Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapletoît anîd -on Bill on Sunida. Se.ecal ft ornt Oî'oo anti ci tircîc ai teuicec tlie openiuîg Ceremnonipe of lte splendid tex' aditioni of the Memorial Hiosoutal. Boxxmanville. andi îîanx ltois adx'antage uoflte tou t nthe Saturdaý anU sunday. Opetator orfluic - Oîtî 'c-le- plicute slam f is tum tîuîu Inlt- buis x celt titr-sper aIliat'tttg Nî'f Sç etia .lî':t Allut i XXood pasSc'ci aixoxt'a: to! it Sabtirdci c ol'uub-I tcsin ii 1-I rcn F'uwid csic- xvice xxas ouinitit:c ttttt-t ini titi fîttt' plut li t Oltiit 'xli'. Rit I N i t1lt(iîn Aïr. ai ci lits.(Carlos.'taîîb xi aI iticci i ilith ce îî'uî ilte laie 11ev. Jchnîî XX'tllctt- iti i lJciihatotî b'tb-cClîîîî'î'Il tii "Lcie.;d a v. Inteîîîuî'î .vx-u i n r Bei iii sUaCeittti': s xtjlt 'xli. anti Mu.s Luthter Bar rab'al;xx ii 'lv' Eldoît Es evmiy. Coý tîî cii- Hc 'Fciscioc andMî r.IcanîdMs.Rý D. Barratiutîi. Iticixantd DaiUd, Ata pIe Gicîx e uitctilx Mrs. James E. Mr. nntiti'ut:r X n tir\ lttFx l)îxx:n i. thotu lite '.ectd xctii Mr. - î:ul rs. fHorate it Mr.aind ittrs. 'l- C ha iiin aiet~ t \ u 'îî. Dr .. and i Mîi t. atcMi O: x i i (', cititl-c it u iii plo ti r s teJ1tex.s Mi.- No!tu t:ai t'W 'e'.a adinigt xxc cf: ~ 1 c('- co: h lie ta% etu'îur. T!Pe gaeuotf*tl ai' uoîi tt'-t' es fis! i C Idc il:t i- 'cl xc: e lx<us5 A\i'iuiRox a 1 11ii - ' d î Spi'vi11c(-'e andi Ctuigi'aul'itb.ius lui -Xr. In':- i x Bn ix': xxi c t: t5 eem prio- t sstirx sl.utgertottsitue'- \.>o. îf lu.s cepaiiimîetut. Il.- ' 1 !Il( lt et îxx i t t: itla irii Ic i ft Cie. toe':nithie ciîîghîîtutgo's Fi etcualiscca'tn ' otf 'xl tici 'ii- ilacix X'5t oXu gntf Pttuî'x ptîcîl i egiet lt lieu. r if Ii-' 'tufouile iite î hisxn tstoili'c mre antd homte,. ancl hIeu c luitct c-udOorcds t o e I)v t i t'.(. XXe ii-g bite !nltle lu- sjl v di t ii t-o llt et 01)po 1! li c d t ', tfo lPic t 'u i .I ci Ia'i! aiîih tu ro-' c 1) cx' (if Mx: - a:.lCI M - titi N utlictît S.0f l!h i ciii. i'.. jWESLEY VILLE plrai is. ILBatiolcxx & oîigh. n a:d \r R. 11,1 of~ ~ PrHoeand plu and plu. E. Barrolouigliatteiided the luneral of Ithe latter', grand4- daugbtcr. 1bab\ Ellen Kari(- lien in Scrborouph l a'.t Fr - dax afternioon at thv itom-e of bher parent-;. lr. and plMrs 'E. Karvoueii.Etten clted a!t I-. East General Hospittl on Wed- nedvafter beîug H, tbcrc 'snce the prex mus Thursdav. lu teruien t il talce place later in CIVeyv 11eCenicviv. On Thcîrsdav cxci ng of labu wveek Barbara D:inertuai. part ài the public Žpeak ing ai ýWeicorne. Gloria NichKs \\1") xxas otanug to0spcak also txi il. Col mwx athrie xsuppose ,o d: cu a e 1w preadcf o Tfu germ>-, but the partîcular type moing the rounds renwe to flouc:s-h ln belnxx-Ze ro wea- ther. Bot!] aduits adci h ici-E renl have heeti the su ffercs aîici atteuclant e xxa. x erx imvx las', wx cd in soxciaîl îoolc LaMt Tcrsdan anid\'dues. dax- \lesclaine. IKeilii Dînur aund Arra:cj Thccncix ke i - teudeci deinon-t rat toitsin 0!-- 01n0 to peuh!e rni for st,- iii a a 4-Il Club 011 OuSa-- u rday aftrnoon a! an iorgani- 'atîou înî'et .ug liv:clat, t:iî l'orlîe of :\rs- A.lut tîcixko about txxclvxe cernber-. stari, îng. The pre-:icnt \iýý ari' I Io.-k n ur Wecoîîîe. tepic'- sidei . Gloria .NicL. a -,I seccetar' Slharcou Thorndykc We w~hthern ervYsucces.s ýn thîs wxorthwhile venture. A quI~t xwas ('onpleted at Clara Darke*s at the begiin- ning, or Uthexxeek. Sunidax exeing Church e- vice \vas attenided bvý Hi-C nienbe-rs. several of xxhonî took part m the service. The isuolisx e Iess.on as led dv Marvlîn Clarke. the scripturP. Ies.son xxcas read by Garx' Rose- busli. the cihî!dren,'s scripture bv Boninie Ausitin. the offe- torv- praver wvas by Ron Ash. bv. anid the usliers xvere Larv\- AhvanidBill Becket. RV. M.l Fraîi's sernion was o:i inifanit baptiir and explainPci somre of the mîsmnderstanrl- înigs concernling it. and macle ulear it,. nieaning and place in the Christ iaii church. Carroll N cihols attenidecl thp nîeet:ng iii Canipbellcroft o)i \lonýa y evenînfg of this \ýveeX; xxhere those xvho \xere inite: - ested 'ni-lit lcar a talk oni the, xvork b be undertaken iii the liexx vocallo11al school ini PoI- Cet Cash Today For OId Appliances Ihrougb S T A T E S M .1%N C 1, A S S 1 V 1 E D 8 Plione NlArket 3-3303 MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL COUNSELLING SERVICE . . . valiuahIe assistance for those %vho wish informîîationî on funcral arranlgements. If xO miare in iteul tf SUCI information 'xou arie ve îu'tec u x'isit or telephone NIorîix lt ieua ICltapc', NI A -5481. An expeîienced nienm it'i ofhtu r staffxxiiassîst Ymo iîte-em-y x'ay peossible. Morris 4 Division St. IFuneral C h ape 1 Bowrnaln'ille Teleilliolne NIA X3-54801 "Si'This 115Area Sutîce 1981" TRADE-IN SALE Philîps TELE VISION $ A v E * $ A v E 20 SETS TO CLEAR Cosl 1 ~ 'i~~~I962 NIo<Ic I FOiR LX XM1PIL "THE BELLWOOD" 23" C'onsole - Modcl (11 Price Trade-in Allowance YOU PAY P. i\ YM EN'I'S AS LOW A.S S59.95 $100.00 $259-95 $11,00 MN O N'rln CIIO()SE I'ROM! $ A v E * $ A v E COWAN EQUIPMENT Company 134 King St. E. Bowmanville are a girl first lave t ha t - lox-e lx' $5000'- Up Dr-op ini alîd look nver nul- Ta re e cction nt HOOPERS Jewellery & Gift Shop 31A 3-3747 »19 KING s'r' E. The Orono SECIAL LOW PRICÉS, *ON NATIONAL BRANDS* At Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Sot. SENO HER A VALENTINE CARD BYE. v. STUTT'S PHARMACY OIZO NOt Pholne 168.1 PAGE PIVE 1 ' 1 1 1 MU m T'El, 1.112 1

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