PAGE EIGHT TTtF CANADIAN ~~~~~~~TTE5MA.~ 1WA~T.~.OTfT FTAF #,1~ S PORTopICS,, ~~" By Frank Mnhun ~ A373 RECOGNIZE WINNING HORSES? <i dc' r tone ead ablt the laîtI hot e race. b~t tîîgsîIte',a ftv' xx cc< age).ïF!im or 1gîeat Ut. .ar of the pasi. ;ralcd ti n':tns 'Ii se, bE laol ýj ftei tic p p!a',.eci ha e n.adje i bet, .tie scali(iii miee (i the cna tisx i be br-oketi t aid îte t t nt iîox. Tih fh\,I e %x te".iatlitals i'litoL;gnotI Eng- l an'd, the pla ci sxu ager:'tg o' :the numbcii(-r antd pho. nani1-e oif the hurse. Th îtu te irali drunti, s r ktirý.t)ii ti-m i ai' er lhe lacec. \Wci.C]î rouîc f i. iipl ch otmade onl.Joe iJarsn the Kiîutk' lcb. or194-. xx 'neacthe xx inner. 0f co i tei reailxv. as Jet Pt lot aH t the t meý SOunIdS itr-tig tha' s cahpîckîIng 'cm iitcha rd %vay'.'. t 1 Ihe aidcz \% t!1 Oc t1he :oî. - ou î'Oîtld xx in V'-s oil à dirk hnrýýe isd nioi-p r! the fax ou!îte. 4+ t t CURLING - -OLD STUFI BY 'goI y - i. e fou,:doui. se\rreai xcc ago t iat coi1- Ing an ti'exaiU.x'nexx'to Bîtxx nîx'le lu ifactilitactuaity is, perhap Ofatieio! o ociesi. sports. Ji',;jîsi. that v chad a long l ime bel'.'. eci) i m '.Mn. Gordon Beith ufai-nmcd us, 'that he c'iried wîhh i. faiiyi:%(ais ago on the ie at .Van-tane*s 1Miii. Ve ai raniged an ineriw xith Mr. Beith. but he was îinable ta sce uis ai that t m1ie. Silice theitr e" been bits' but f ipe ta tiax ehlis t ale of serasctii illiîg ini alltheî' cotuntîti. Ken lNiCk.-'iIV:ced bS Itle 1961 *(uiàit nitLtal" book sx'here listed amng the Ontario Sîtx'er Tankard xit'r IS BawmavîttcThe local eut ters deteated Caltin l',ti79. lost 10 Pont JIape Init he fiial tefolIo'.'. îg "e 'a id xuii' ruiîîîers-up IoTaornto Caiedoiîîali <m 1882. WP'ealso ineticeci ic falio'.x'tig iteti> A 1to t;al1c)!F61 ci ub)s sta rteci plav tin the T'aîkax'd 'iîaiu tcs ni I ie t188.5-6 xcasan aînd îiîe grouîî-x-.]1îîîieî s et in T rcoute te decide I lic haideî or thfe trca.-.iîrcuit 'opili i tmnig tfielilialîline x%%as \ioi e fltati4.000') îcxxtile: s Faid 35 <cxx'clubs haci joinrëd the Unfai-i Curling .~ a nb.',-lthecend of the 19-39-60G seasoîî. B\' itox'.'tiîî'c ni.t býýoven t30.000() ineii-ber rîtrlcrzin tte prov ince. 'Fhaî s a lot *la beat ta nea'h thte finals. but xxcll tope thlai Boxv:ma îî'le dçe.ý; t' agonii. 1'Cs becît 80) vCars iîcc xx elast umade il t t i SHAMROCKS IMPRESSIV E \Vhl ei Firthî Bras. rfed the Sua minîksaf t the t f pçerteui ot iî ca.' gaie it. rep li ' v voî'ked. Baxxnan'.ille rame up \vith a great. perfii nance ta came tram belîind a 4-1 defîcit. scariîîg se'. e f inies ta tîpset Belle'. itie 8-4.' ?erhaps the 15-2 bass ta lte sanie Pcp.xîs tlhe prexiaus higlit kept imaît fanis'- or il <uIdliîav.e been the seveneý c'otd weatfîer. Tuiev' ml-sedl lite Shnîîîtiraclzs seacndcotîsec- uitive exc'ellrt gatie. Thtis ie vwas ex'en better thaît tasI wecks cçffrt.i Once tflic tanî i'p ' that Belleie 11eî'uld br heaten.ý tlîcv reatty t urîîed il on detetrmnied, x l-xetdplay, wliich Liad the mire e\penieiîued Pepsis befnddted. Rookie Alex W'iseniaîi excelleci, scorng three goals, v.x'lliît Iomates Ted Faire «v aîîd Deug9 Powýcii xx re nîgltin t ep. l \'m'as Ted's top perforarnce or the seasoii. SHAM1IOCKS PRACTICE TO LARGE CROWV[ Publici l anager Bill Oîme i'emiarked taottisreporter' Suîîda.v afternoanLlItai lihe Slianirocks nîciedeci faits and noix ihcy are turnhîîg out ta practlces. Bill was feeling bacly, about the x'vilole tiîîng as Sutîday' s scleduied exhibition tilt, had been cancelei a t'ore txxo toitrs before game Il.nte. Titere xxas a good cre'.. oniainiiîd - disappointc-d bei'ause tiey carnie ta see t iîe întpî a'. d 1irliî Bros.' cutir> and ail tliey sax'. xas a practice. 11axxexer, Ilite ciî'cuiîistancesj wer .e entircîx' beyaîd te Sliamroc'ks' caîtiol. Thec, werel advied by tlite Taronto opposition ai 12:30 tlitiIhex' x'.alciý be unable to coine becacise a Satturdav, night car accident b1ad' resulte i in several ptayeî's being iîîjuîed, andtul al a c-ouple had ta work. It xxas suggestcd that 1lite pi( kor icGod acr ca1.eagu, (exccpt Shaniroek. f cauid plaY' lite local liîîeicdiates but1 Ihis reporter was ioon tîcd fa piay atit'. aŽ. (That's a jokýe *' t t + t JUVENILES OUSTEI.) Bowmanvilie's pax'. cr inthe .Iij\,etiiie c1i isb caie to à sad eîîding Saturday iniglit lhere. %\,len lte were xxhile- %v.ashed 10-0 by Wltitb. hl'le ecce lias caine about anîdii.' cur western iteiglîbaurs hiave corne up x tli Ile bettel* teatît.ý Vve'll xi.ish flicrn succcss la the pla> -affs fi'".cgta good stronig teamn. t t t t t P. S. No Shlamrocks homne gainje thîis Week Tngae rernain, bath ta be play cd hiere -- Port Perr" a- n hsd Febriuary 1.5111 and thbm Lindsayv xili be herc on Mrvondar, February l9th. Belleville Wins l7th ~~ Trou nces 'Roçks' 15- a 'tno iatlih  plavedlas.t Vec The Pep,,ts cc wx't i xax's w shor e League. Ftî'hî sShamîroci toi-'- for tîte leac t7th 'n 18 ma Coîeh arete i beat Bette'l. t Juvendles OstdFrmPlyf\ y htb n aura .mmk. Boîîîuiv esSh ai 'ek .iwt.ei t es xxc ie oecsld IConth .le pla.x <if s <niSa Iticla vl, e\Cient Whi tbx i îfli mpeud<j\ei-thi ernfot' a i10-t>0 uto' in lte su-cond.gante' cf tc' c i îc \\ li ad aliso woni t he ep T e loIcali squwl tnimmboi~itclude: Lic i\ <t.'le k lu î'ig: ?uît'n ei tv'eii. maitacer r: d id elci soiit R ay('tentiie. Midgets Win Series Thit se in tAl idgc-îs of'Bowrnanvil lo ok tie fil s ciul mi te lc'agne p la'.ons. (ni cItitday n ipht b'.' de featitici Wltit b"(i t 1I inî a tee-v' Iii rg g'aiie lthaI aimui' ndcd iina iuaxx'] ilit ha couple, of imiitctto igo. Be"11 tuilok lthe itst gam rne iî'îîîî ltb'.'huteeoni Saitti ci' e t li ndot J '-'il! tit'.'. intct tl'e v' oi i l th r- A.a - Undtcsa.v se'ios. VTe titi itîicie kicîîelilip- t t'uîîîBal i Ia.;i *x To wn Basketball Ste phen Fuelers Win Mc Queen Gets De fouit fcr:of tilto\t't.'Bu kl'bai ainotiti' i« ii ut Lu "toîi of gîrt tii tIti' l 1 Kut"ily p iii- 15 i n a it t <tîtt '. 7- '. b' Bilu Ni<holiiii'î Ix' tvt ' ia i'hî'i-c t t:. Iii hL e'.tit Io ii !t"ug ra' ;( it 1*N <'l)i: t t tt'x tut Legion Bowling ii iti' l i" ue "' tI In t-'i t tlie't, tt' i t" t l tt forc. fer tiittposiltoit. Vi'ce Prouît look higli ta !-pie îoîtotirs xx t: fia 691) t c i..foi- loxx'd 1b'. \ern C(oniîîons 1.<. Ross Wrigltt .647. Pote Deb- 112'4 attnd h: i oitctbi gano 10 i.apuiîi ec î g: top sol "1<arn Staiidings, Pt.. Yeo 1 Dobb..ts 1 Sa ....nt.. --- il- cci, bc'ii't i cd f17 foit'. file il t hit'e î'îî î. a tiui ,te Fcl lci il-9 ailt(,miii- t 22. inii' it tit. eî h Sadig Batd- So1t til.ieU Bowi'mtamit' le Ili tt RaIe piekel I. La 't '.Sa iiis. Dal'ici Weî i x Lati". Welsli. Lec Sonieri sca les, Doit Kcr' t, Il îtgiî Saillis. etî,:elt I 'ni Irex'.'.Jon Iiilaiteouk. Bill Bi'exx ic ep' Dickuents, Kunt \'itu'i, J tnt i itt.Senti F.swi'anîd P>aulI lutton. in Whitby on Monday Night Rogers. Doîig Nihltoh. 'l'lly 'Titornpsen, I-lev.aî'd i3rc's atrv Wial. C h'îe Bèsuu". BHi LaPaîge anîd Ricl-'C ap barkimxx': Coachies Johniiiandtu 'ike Osborn'ie. 'luci ni'avBtienu'î, 1id) Sie (tiitus unie timothi afiei bciig liiibv a puc'k lîci eSaîuiwd >-, Lat'î'v Pci'is. .John lcige.Dave Ko t t. Irwxh'i n('iixxelil, Ted Jatc'.IKtsurn cisi nid. MEN'S MAJOR ) il RR tt ilîEb, 11 iît gtei 1 i .' t i lxe î33k 1 poxx 11le1tIti t l t i R t7t ie h ftro l t o' 1. ' o v :1 t 0îî 1 ~ltlIt 1,p :i ll l t i ttc:":;. -' (('Ji t'li te ' .-) uxxitît i il! t»0.1 t i 0 ! 4~~ ~ ~ f I t ct I-t. ti a113 . iit 1 i If' l "i 1), xx tii t. lI it tý an i t e i,,l ' p xri'. ' hoi' î i ' ta lo i î:u-j d 2 Lit Ralu 260, . ll-itili't tî i '16, arî x' l>pit 21 ilt S Roî,: 270. JI.l.k ( x' 1 12,6 . 2 t. itil ii'atî ""::. B1.j I (h:t f i l:i.tt1. RT t Bi i ý G?î-1. Kd L~,, ,;!)i. , 13; i Bti<otf 232'il t [ivt" 27tî, Pi't 'w a tc Ilï : l 23:1 o Il tO i .. (Ga'. Cii ILe, i:Ii li tî:o 2:11 3tani ' i p t go i(jlîottil j Train Standings. Ttam W 1, 1't%. 11 à p' ý B.A. . . -.2 tI: Bou'..vxllte ( "atie's Itii 5 If) l.tbî î'tx' Boxx' 9 6 'A IKc"tsXtc'tîx\Wear 9 6 4 hOu iii Mo9 iif lii'& Lx 8'.7 KrtaînpsFu:tt Itîttio c:, Cox',att Eqntpiît1et ;; 7 Laider Ha"dx'.aivî' 78 S i b' Grant Ileat. fi 9 fi NeIl'. O born n b it 9 P (3 Box'. 'illI lotel fi 9I f il Cattodtail TIte <6 9 fi Fl-Ii"s Mp1aIt' . e) steprct1' up1h- .- : Pepe iCola 5 Io .Nve rages * Ed c'ti 15 24; Jack Gay ........ 15 238 l'nit te PeI Kuilr I leii i (t' Mati tit.u 1'idattIVs 'This1 1u cj plt u lt 13 t. 13 13 t i t 3 ~Veck Lit il. t) Il R i.. t!cu C i lt ii t.ti it lt (t t i t t t 'i l.i'. tiI a tii :1:'.' Boxx'ntaitx tile If -21a> 5 -1 a t !tle c et i rtiic f irA 'ý. alid 11 - 1 Waker two pet- iods. The winiier.s \x'ere pý,t'cd bv Hon Huti. broth-er oor Bo- b\' HIfkl t ilte Ch cago BlatX;, Hjaw kS, and Bob Ta'. or ulto scOlred a hat-tr:ýck aPîCce. D>- xc.Jnniez. the Ie'agu&*s topi poilit-nIan. b agg ed a p)ar! atoig ig xtt threE! asjist.q. Sîngý" 10s-qer divicied among ChuIcký Rai'. bottom. Flan G a oe g a r Iinter l'un Elti c hIt!g condition- an~ xmînercet ogels for, k t - ing. hunttîtg l iiieftshn, er ut plain ICIiiig î'îght ýtltbroughl t he xvnter monîh..s Because eletiic heat wil w9n pti a rwenm mna IC'. niint.tes, Il is paiticulaîl'. suit. able loe Ontarioýs chang',eablc Climua te. Air, Rtail or steaniip T 1(c K 1.: Trs TO EN'ERYINIHE Censuit .1111V & IlOVIELI,.1 15 King St. wV. MA 3.3S361 Bowma nville ý Sh am nie lcéks lotîi 13akevr, LioteiBatI. for- the po\ve:- Garv Gover. Ed Siartneau andc Pe osa ini a n Tain Omeara. cvague fuxtur e Rax Pre.:n tandt B:"i, adnrsdax night Ilugis score-fAroi' i lts. Vunce vaiîstonc xx'aa je i al for, the taI t V'0 perioclis. a fférr lititîed ite,'John iFoxiler had s*tartedý top thic Lake- Dean IWec mnade bi% fW!- rni n ir g a'~nrancc wth ithe Shawo As 5- %' ocks. b'ut Bob \ist lrrioit, 1k 5-2 'itîi o. Keith îati Raye Wes:, idr unsarceand Dou.g Poxx'ck didii't niake amthe titte M1akr yotur home camipicte %vitis Elcti Ilt!" ('omfort Iieating for olte roolnm- or copirte homie. COMM1ERCIL anîd INI)USTRIAL Yotir Qua lified Electrïc Ilatiîîg Contractor ILETR~I LT. ICNTRACTNG EPAIRS~ I~~~~~O IIF!RtRXi11,1 '(*'It11( JOitiR- UhS-S VIEI 'Fi'~~ - lA)( PPI 1 A CStI *:'~ 1961 CHEV. 1/2-TON PICKUP Long box, %vide sides. Rdo Low miteage. f Very leau 149 1961 VAUXHALL Station Wagon Radio and healci'. Just o>ver 5.0001 miles. Bahance of niew car ,%varranitx' $1895 1960 PONTIAC 4-DR. WVhite in color, wvith Onte uoner car, v'ery clean throuigiot SEDAN li i te %vah11 tires. $1895 1959 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE FtiilIy power' et(uipp(td, tustoin ti i)t rado.1( Gleanîing white iluI ijîiinacuhlate écondition $2 5 1955 BUICK 2-DR. HARDTOP ANutimatic. etustoli radio. Exceptionally deica$69 .Nhai nv-idhier inakes and îiodehs to chîoose froui ROBSON MOTORS LTD. IV..MeMeclian11, Pri sîdt Buiî('1 - Posiî fiac - Acaciian - Vaix ha Il - (01C 166b KinîgSt. L. Boss mialî% ille New Phone Number MA 3.3396 (:à' lies to serve voti) O>shawva direct line 725-2712 YOU ARE ASSUREDO QUALITY SERVICE ALL CARS ARE CHECKED AND PARTS INSTALLED BY LICENSED MECHANICS Our back shop is equipped with modern tools and machinery to give you satisfactory service at the lowest possible cost ! TiE&AUTO SUPPI.Y CO. - ASSOCIATE STORE 85 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-3134 SlUth' Uclub 1 Con you honestly say to yourself: I1 have enough life insurance Io look after my wife, my children, BANNER PASSANT 31A :1-325 14 telidcr Ave.. Bo'.îiiville SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMAN VILLE PUBLIc SSKATING 8 -10 P. Me FRIDAY, FEB. 9th SATURDAY, FEBRUARY lOth SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1llth HOCKEY .300 p.i. ROLPH - CLARK STONE Lcadîn.c East Toronto Commercial League BOWMANVILLE SHAMROCKS CHILDREN'S SKATING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY l4th J:30 to() 5.0 p.rn. Children - - ... ... .. 25C Aduits accompanlying children . . . 25e DURING THE MQNTH OF FEBRUARY The RESTAURANT wi1 close at 9 The Motel will remain open 24 hours a day as usual. a WFMIMIMAV, Frrý ith, ineZ