'l Aten M F echica CorseENNISKILLEN 1Darlingto îMiss Lorna Wearn, Toronto E p n iu e The Oronio News iAttend M-FreTeihheraliCourse For Road StsRt ,hothnuss eeStra Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Wearn's. M.adrsAl'At Same s L stY a and Susan were Sunday t Clifford Pethick vsa-b sud ahmnho u Mvr. Wallace Wilson of Trin- TCarman Cornsh last Thursday at Newcastle on Monday af- r at Mr. and Mrs. Herbertpone rbefyisctrdx oloin th fustai ldad -a medical student at evening. ternoon. LehtnsBomnilfo 192atemeigofhrd hrsas Ths\s Toronto University spent the Miss Kate Foster,Ohaa Mrad rsAturMLr Mr. Lloyd Cochrane, Mr.Dalntn owspCuclsenddb Cunior rd wekedwih ran Mswas an overnight guest of e eundhm y'ln nr.é' ~ Harris, Burketon, Mr. and; held in the Township Hl nGS hadcri fe Ross Gilbart and family. vIïs. T Wilson and Mrs. E. ITuesday evening from holi-M IanCcread uy.o.1 Mrs.W. MElry Peer xrad lat ~~ek.daying in Nassau. - Mrs. . McEroy, eter-Gradylast eek.Mr. and Mrs. Sid BarrabalNsetnMrad s.aphm t weasoc borough, is visitng her sisteri Mr. Norman Rickaby, Tor-mîyvstd . Virtue were Saturday supper for ordering supplies adteRvso Mrs. Wm. Robinson and Mr. onto, at hais home for the we ek- and faml ite Mran guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan'carrying out of the proni ____________ Robinson. ei r sa dmRsnah Sharp. The cost of warbl l !end. ~~~~on Sunday. r n r.RselOms Mr. and Mrs. Graham Men- ý M and Mrs. Burns Kittmier Visitors with Mrs. Chas.M.adMs usi ris sprayîng wvas set at 2 et eray, Lion's Head, are visiting'and -sons of St. Mary's spent Wood were Mr. and Mrs. Neil ton had Sunday dnner with 'per head for herds numbrn their daughter Mrs. Ainsley the %veekend wvth Mr. and 'Wood, Lakefield, last Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sander-lup to 25 head, and at 2 et e G. McGee, Mr. McGee and Mrs. Wmn. Mitchell. day and \'frs. Geo. Crowther son, Columbus. a head for those withmreN children. Mrs. O. Cowan spent the and sons Charles and Jamie,Dran s.CrkIo-ctl oue lo Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilson, week'c-nd with Mr. and Mrs. Newcastle, on Sunday. land, Lapeer, Mich., Dr. and to pay Mr. Pethick $4anhur Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Connoly and famiîy, Tor- The Ladies of St. Saviaur ' I Mrs. Clark Werry and John, for drawing water to frsm AT at D. G. Hooper. onto. Anglican Church held a very! Willowdale, were with Mr. the township. ted her birthday on Feb. l6th,j weekend with Mrs. L. Hamil- Wednesday evening and a sec- MsLenr Stio wewapecittth N visitors with Mr. Cecil MilisHe was asked by the Twn when several f riends gathered ton. ond party is planned for March 1 7oIal rva shw hpCuit rp et the home of Mrs. John Mor-l Mrs. M. V. Carleton, Tor- 2nd. The prize winners were,,o al rva saasi oicl~peaetnLk ~ i ris as a surprise party for Mrs. onto, is visiting hier daughter, Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, Mrs. M.! Hospital. ders and specificatioform Stewart. Mrs. Alfred Pigott. Shierwin, Mrs. Ed. Dean, Mrs M ndMs.Jm1ule for a new truck and oae MVr. and Mrs. Geo. Westfall, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bradley, Fred Yeo, Mr. Lyall Lowery, Castleton, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar' for Darlington Township Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs: Pontypool, were supper guests Mr. Win. Tamlînson, Rev. D. Wright were Sunday dinner Thie counicil meetinÉ a Don Mercer and children. of M.r.and Mrs. Ephriam White 'R. Dewdney and Mr. Fred Yeo rget fM.ad r.Nr doredadcniudo Grades 7 and 8, joined the lest Wednesday. The Sacramenit of Baptism r man Wof rih. adMF.N r day revenan wen to Oronio ligh School students' c n rs o;a:lln1vsamiitrdb Rv aî Bruce Milîs, Toronto, was readings were given to v last Friday morning at Orono ý sMr. adMs Crt on-E ogattergJa evc home for the weekend with i Law ta amend the Zonig y Unied hurh ad hardRu-r ih, r.and Mrs. Orville Chat- at Orono United Church onlbohrCetradM.E ILwrgrigcranaes Uiteoff c and h iolin.tertan, Mr. and Mrs. Roy For- SundLy morning ta the fol- :1boXV hseradM .E.W1La erdncrti riofadlasvoi.ester and Mr. and Mrs. A. lowing children: Gary Williamp", 1Beizley and famnily.Conisethraefrod J. akean ttededa dnc Arstrngsonof r. ndMr. and Mrs. Angus King,! expenditure during thecon Maiss An Bemuaeisinho- Lakeaetenddatu da vno rs .N Armstrong, oKre n Little Britain, were Sunday ing year at 16 milîs, thesm ayin oss in Bruda tnd ,ing nakfer on Sath uday eveaAkn rsW .Amstr of Kr.George MeNair, (left) and Rein De Vries, of Sid Lancaster, Massey- eveningc visitors at C. Averys. rate as last year. Onmoin I K V nthAgriconv entotyfKin Brndaand rT on Mitcell and Mas rienolv in aghte -oFerguson dealer in the Newcastle - Newtonville area, recently attended a one Lr. and Mrs. W. Bowman of Councillor H. C. Mirse-W R Onthagri Culeni tture oiyof f r. and Mr. onGoodell an Mrs ard on autkns fweek advance technical course at the M-F Service Training Centre in Detroit, aura and Eric were Sunday onded by Councillor Sde Edward otel, orontoon 'an frien of Keee weresup- Menang Mcallersn CatvMr.evandg CarnishntMrthenraadnisupereinten-u WEdweyar ndotlTourontoa onnderend of enewsip Mr. and Mrs. M r ynJa rin Colv-in hian.Established to e o better customer service at the dcaler level, Mrs. Rusell Ormiston's. dent, R. M. Short, was ato HA W Unit No. 6 of Orono United pier l ouests a. he of Mr. and Mrs. WinKer.LnJanG A . u the centre offers M-F dealer personnel a choice of 14 courses, ranging fromn shop Very .orry ta hear of Mrs. ized ta hire a book-keepr o Chuch ome hld hei fist Mrs. E. Grady is visiting in Grady, David James Hutton, management ta tractor hydraulics. The one to four week courses ensure deal- Turnbull and her daughter, of. the road department. meeting ait the home of Mrs._ te Hmito Dsrict this sonf JofMr. n Ms Chas. Hut- ers are up ta date on the latest industry servjice techniquies, as well as the Buretnvnga bafo Thee TechetoonCrke daug Serofvr.andeeManning, maintenance and operation of the camp any's expanding lunes of agricultural a on StunrdytenofEn. Wile 4 rucheqes onalm i h ecer fCakedultr fM.adMrs. Vic- and industrial equipment. The world's largest producer of tractors and corn- 0wisthem b ataeedy re-i, hadoeo h uirM mm USi Towshi hed hei metin tr Mnnig.bines, M-F markets its products in 161 counitries. covery. arganists, Miss Mauree Mc L. 1. SKAIFE____________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Muller, Nair, who presided a h McDonald, Fred Bailey, James U Castieton, were ?riday even- Hammond organ. The( sn fhD CHARTERED m a i aben, on c IHM PO Nmg visitors at Mr. and Mrs. a lovely two-partathm ACCoU TNT La ndsaadndRForests a ey. vcf AU I NEd-jar Wright's. "His Wonderful Love"Mr20 i "ILittle Miss Tamimy Rogers Mr. n r.SdCr hc de saewr eet M. Ted Werry, with bis, Crawford is recovering rm Saturdays and h~~~~~~~~~~~as been in the Sick Child- Mcs. George Armour andI Miss dinn er -gusts with Mr. and'sa lwn ientia taka fubti i ýmade the neighbours of the' deter hirn from delivrig IVak Yo rN x by Appointment W eeklv R ep ort ren's Hospital, Toronto, wvhere Bertha Armour attcnded the Mis Kenceth Caverly.I south end of the village happy stirnulating message. P..BX6 RN she hiad an opecation on onle funeral of Mr. Ambrose Ar- Mr. and Mrs. Bil Harrison' Saturday morning cleaning, Although the attendanea r~4N lir~i PO. BOX 68 - ORONOlec. She is home now, but has mnour in Oshawa, lest Tuesdayi and Kim, Coiborne, were out their driveways after the Jr. Church \vas disapponig i ILU IiLU Main tree Cottage Owners cautioned of the camaraderie that usuel- a1at n afenonvecken i .sitors at the G. Ad- heavy s.znowfall. due ta veather and 'flu.ths Teehn 3 !Onr fcotgsi aiiv exists between camps, un- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rogers'l Mrs. Sam Vinson, Mrs. Willi cack home. Mr. J. A. Werry, who hasýwho were there enjoyda Telephon 138 Onro f cout ges in H ellofficial recagnîzance Is given youngei daughter, L autr ie Armour and Mrs. Walter! ,11-S.JoGaanMs -bencvascgethsauitrstn flm tip Th __________________ arrange for snowv by th e camp members ta each Ann, is in the Sick Children's'Spec eeMna vnn eMs Sullivan and go- hter's, Mrs. J. H. Barrow- Seperd n -i h remoal fom he r cotage amps huntîng area and en- Hospital, Toconto, whece she'supper guests witli Mc. ai-d ald Gall'rnt, Oshawe, visited cle, Oshawa, was home Sun- The weekly prep aration roof beore ong Sno dethscroachrnent is avoîded asz uc ihd a cyst renioved fcom in- Mcs. Geo. Armour. 111Mc. andi Mrs. G. Adcock and day and visited et bis son's, classes for churchmebr 1, . in that area have been report- as passible. side her mouth. Mc. and Mrs. John Rundle Haccy an Sundey afternoon. E. A. Weccy, home, mueh ira- ship hes a roll of sevnen Cetf d rw r 41ed ta be avec 20" et present There are at present 180 Mir. end Mrs. Allin Snow- and Gail were Friday after-1 Mr. Hircy Adcock came pcoved in heelth, returning teenagers who received hi and fears are expressed that such camps in this district, den spent Saturday with hec noon visitors wiîth Mc. end1 homo on Satucday, afler quite back ta bis daughter's in Osh- third instruction periodls the weight of this accumula- however, these are scettececi parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. ýMcs. George Armour. l a stey in Bowmanvile Hop-laa for a few mare holidays. Thursday, conducted b c O' AT'I PIG ted snow will soon be a haz- throughout, îeaving ample Wilkins, Part Hope. Miss Feve Smith spent thc tel. cr. and Mrs. Clark Dor- Crawford. ard foc the raflers causing room for additional hunt camp The many friencîs or Mcs. weekend et lhec home atl Mrs. Chester Borek lf ylnLpeMciaD.E .Wryla the roof ta cave in. locations in the fallawîng Ada Cooney are sorcy ta leecrn1 Frankfocd. 1 plane to visit hec mother, si-;r and Mrs. Clark Werry and usuel two trailer loads o e-ad oehu or fr towvnships: Dalton Digby, Hin- that she is in Mernoriil Hos-1 Mrs. Ralp Ballard andI tocs and brothers eit Koszclimn1h, Wlodlwr e- l o otelae h ahnsadtatr Ordr Paniîî StckEarly don, An s onr, Lutterworth, Pital, Bowmanviile. We lîiBrenda visited hecr mother,iPolancl. Tercesa, Richard aniudy evening callers et E. A.ween.l ths hien If you wait until spring it Shecharne, Stanhope,Snw wish hec a specdy recavery. IMcs. H-arcy Appleton, Whitby,'Barbare Borek are staying!Werry's. lTed Wercy loeded 17 ser iigcrflatnint i -~~~ will bo too lete. Troc planters don, Galway, Harvey. Glem- The many fciends of Mr.1 nSu'y.wth their aunt and uncle, Mr. A h una evc the wihwr vl iihd rare avse oorder tertrees.dealNO beoeteSrg edvse ta thir organ, Cavendish, Monmouth, Cccil Mills are soccy ta îeacn Mrs. A. J. Balson, Salinea, and Mi's. Wodkipwicz. leadership ia sang wves entire- A. likes Montreel mareti now ta ensure delivery etAnruhrBulihCrifttheasidanyepr- spent the weekend with Mr. Mis. Paul Kelly, Port Ccc- 'y in charge of the ladies of late winter and early pigvuh Splantîng time In April and Chandos and Methuen. tion ia Oshawa Hospital. We and Mrs. Harold Balson anddit, is steyîng wilth ber moa- aur congregation. Thirteen O TNWI May. A pt aemp hc are glad ta repart at tiine of fnily. ther Mrs. Fred Honey, during teen-age girls end six women, D A T C r Ifor teetbiheto i apn poita deloation fe x-and chiber of angstonquHe t Honev inBowmanville Hospi--cluded Ile leader, Mrs. E.1 ucaeacrin:sr A DUIRO pUMlp They are nat available for camp location, is meintained down with the 'flu and the daughtec Mrs. Bucrows, re-1 Mr. Lloyd Avery, Peterbor- FrYor Sm laimais relA ornamental purposes. To quel- e h ititOfc nteiese.tucned ta Kingston with the! ough, visited Mcs. Niddery Fo au ivGstocaz PaeCletPtroo Means Better Living ! ify, anc must have et îealst Government Building, Oak- Unit 1 and Unit 2 will hold' Bran-tons. Mci. and Mrs. Rudy1 and Miss Mary Niddecy on through Rvrîe282 ..2 E CSL two acres of land exclusive of wood Road, Lindsay, Ontario. their meetings on ThucsdiyI Jammer andi bvb, Oshawýa, Sunda.v tfteriiooii. 1 S T A T E S MA N d 2- 0 UR DURO Water Sys- that occupied by buildings. Although the selection of a evening (to-night) et the', soont Sundav with Mr. andi 'Mc. Jackson Wcay and Miss C L A S S 1 F 1 E D 8 NICK PECONI, ProieoPhn Care23 tem gives us ftesh, purei Trees cost le each ($10.00 specifiecempsite location js church. Unit 3 will hold their'Mcrs. B3urro\ws'. iMaxine Wray, Osha wa, vitedý Phone MArket 3-3303 Licence No. 117-C.6 wate whe andwhcr W !per thousend) with the exeep- the responsibility of the indiv- meeting an Monday evcningi Mcs. Johin Cacrigan spentý Mc. and Mcs. Thos. Wray on ______________ waered ..-adto ar cn ta o coc Pn wihidual, ail passible assisac '>1Fb -t-e-tehm Sn- n ide atnig udyafeno. c n1 _-___-______ _________________l_______________ venience and comlart of daily sells for $14.00 per thousand. will be offered up ta tbat point. of Mcs. L. C. White. an international meetingc of Mrs. Sam Keane and boys, life. If you are planning a large Quite a numbec fcom Maplei Business and Professianal'Wo- Oshawa, were Sne e DURO Pumps are avj1 scheme, a tcained forester Grave attended the M[15Ollicý men's Clubs of Group 5. Mem- guests with Mc. eand Ms. i NM #TT M WP? able in ail sizes ta meet in- ýfrarn the Department will in- M PL GR V Ladies' Evening last Saturday1 bers of clubs fcorn Ajax, Whit- Wray. i THEA E'S AN OLD MAPLE GRO e t the Lions Centre. by, Oshawa and Bowmanville Mc. and Mcs. Bryce Bcown,l divdul ned. ce seetyor copct an po-Miss Janet Beech, Miss Pet went ta Lindsay by bus. Oshawa, visited Mcs. Mac- L Plumber or DURO dealer pare a planting plan for your Being Girl Guide and Boy MeQueen and Mc. Jim Cy- Mc. and Mrs. Kcnneth Samn- garet Chapmen an Sundi- for fu!plaiyoufplrnation orwt giaco oasuesucs Scout wcek, a special service dcrmen are teaehing et Black- cls >r Saturdey visitors et Congratulations are extend- W ~ fo FRE foderu~j~ pln yor plntaion ow. was beld et the church on stock for twa weeks. Merwin Mouintjoy .'s. dtMcanMs.LoKzk"P Watw, the. Fam N<aaaity.' Land Office Business Sunday morning. Both the Mrs. Louise Calliss, Mc. endi Mrs. Mecwin Mountjoy spent 1 h o r. nyce r.Leated th i M Continuing lst w e ek's Guides and the Scouts enter- Mcs. Roy Colliss and famul'Y,! e fexv days with relatives near: Sîlver Wedding Annivecsecy.' , theme on "available Crown ed the church ia a body. The Minden, were weekend visliBarrie: also visiting a cousin,i Mc. andi Mrs. Sam Dewvell k land for publie tise" let's con- pastor, Rev. H. Steintan, tors with tho former's son, Mc. Mrs. T. Kenney, xvÎho is quite ýwcce rocent supper guests sidec hunt camp sites. preched an excellent sermon Ernie Colliss, and other rela- ill. with Mc. and Mcs. Tom West- of Crown land for which an quartette composed of Mrs. C. of Toronto, spent the week- -Mrs. Peccy Dewell and De- O F T H E P U D DN annuel rental of $20.00 i Russell, Mrs. T. Dickson, Mr. end et home. vid wece Sunday evenin g sup- chrgdpemitig heece-Doug Chute and Mr. Ken H YD NMcs. C. W. Sleman, Niagara per guests with McradM- ~ I . tian of a camp from which Brooks, sang vecy nieely "Gad Falls, Mcs. F. O. M1Eveen1, Bruce Tink, Saline. 11 IS focays in purstîit of deec and 1vll tee cace of you." Uie hrhWmnhl Oshawa, Mcs. Sykes and Mrsi Mc. and Mrs. Gea. Yea moose (in seasan) mey b ei The Gudes were supported thoîr Febcuc etnge 'lcA. E. Bilîctt ,ere Tuesdayispent t1he wceckcnd with lie.N proids fr her cmfctendfoloing wthadeir bages. mi,, Mrs. J r. tso1"yi, hrhat-discst e nwth Mc. Blandl M r . el]'.i Sr. nd vers. Cr i acm d fa Mrc. Paul Kelly on the Mc. cccl rs. le Rhmdoah of a loving hushacd and __ weceSatudayevening visi- 'f' r - M ~ M tors off Mcr.and MIrs. Art Gray, fa TerSna.oolated M Du o scns n oi ance w-as 139 lest Sunday. __ M onday, Fe ruary 26th ue tasicknss an roadAt the Church service, Rov. AS . 19 2at 1:0pm coitiaon s aynorPorcc>v Page told the childcen in,,.thcnonS clas y r-i the story off 'Bleck-Eyed Su- To be W IUVN~AM n hrhSrvc vsViysin," so-igthe childcon heda TEV EN F5AI'aAUMLT. el t ndd tn<4a ngh. t Goci loves -ali people, the 5i whicb is on the Scugog Road 15 miles north of Boivman'ville and ' mile haine jfrom \îeniorial HoFpital, black o the white. His sec- temn ScesSois eaecbet south of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perry via Highway 7A. Bowînanville. on Satiîrcav. mnt leadrpol a hs cs Mr. and Mrs, Jack Èalter "EqLialit.v andI Bcotherhnod," pbihrgr gt an d f mil s. Jun erk Mr.tC. poiting outitthat God mae r g r 50 IVE OFFER PURE BRED .50 SndffielyOh, ine, Mc.nC.ahl people equal, and aIl peo- day visitors at Mc, and Mcs.pl hudbbrtesunr H A HO S EN C T L HE D Ron Rehm's. For ful details Gate Fa.Ither eto'.%ail, H EAD HOLSTEIN CArTLE HEAD ~~~Sunday Schoal will be held, drap in and se dvee.n t73 pm h o tU m I We are offerlng a useful group of Fresh and Springhmg 1Young Cows Surday morning et 10:30;, a veint 7n3G .iT. tMn and 2-year-olds, as vvelI as a number of Yearlings and Calves. chucch rerv.ce et 7:30. Hamplori TvrosmeTus ACRDIE - VCCNTD LODTETDMrs. David Malcolmn is aý DIRK BRINKMAN dev ev'cnng e .t 6:30 p.mi. ACRDIE - VCCNTD LODTE Dpatet nt in Mý%emarial Hospital, apr tilFied The Resuits -Otsa d g The majority are ready for Immediate export. Ail cattie tested or Bowmanville. We hope lier MLST . N ATe ssocgocs met Wed. et 2:45 eligible to enter listed or certîfied area herds. condition wili soon improvo. MLLSTHONEW 3671 ,.n, PHONE3671Hampton Eplocers met Wed- NEXT SALE IVILL BE HELD MARCH 26th taditt pm People who fly into a rage Hampton Sigma C met Wed-I Sale Managed by: Auctioneer: alweys make a bcd landing. $TATE FARM MUTUAL. ,, nesday et 7 p.m. TREHAENFAM LDA.l'lIK BUBCHR, Success cames bofoce wock AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Hamptoîi Choir Practice Is R.R. 1, Burketon, Ont. Kitchener, aî ntedcinr. i~I ITbursclav et 8 p.m FLPHONEIAZ3-U11 Phone Blackstock 986-4957 Ontario. ony n h dctonr. ,'PP The Hampton Home ar.d Quality bas everything In HeUad ffce otuoa Citîcol lb was postponed ________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i t s f a v au r i n c l u d i n g t h e p r i c e . i ma n d u e t o t h e h e a v y s t o r m i. _ _ _ _ _ PAGE TM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMIANVILLE, ONTARIO V7,DNESDAT, M. 2lot, 1982