THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ;OMANVILLE. ONTARIO WÇEDNESDAY, FEB. 21szt, 19 aciliiesin Bwmanville dur- "For QUALITY Cars , iService" -SEE _ R MSOTO SLES - LIMITED - Earl McQueen. Pres.• 219 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Authorized Dealer for MG SPORTS CARS MORRIS - RAM'NBLER 91Austin Station Wagon 10,000 original mile%. O9nc owner, like new. 16 ambler4-dr. Station Wagon Hleater, radio. One owner. A-1 condition. 1960 Envoy Station Wagon Locally owned, with low mileage. 1959 Pontiacs Two to choose from, 2-Dr. and 4-Dr., one automatic, other standard shift. Both ln excellent condition. 1958 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sedan Heater, radin, automatic, A real buy. 1957 Pontiac Sedan Delivery Good condition,. 1957 Pontiac 4-Dr.Sedan Hleater, radin. A-l shape. More than 50 other makes and models to choose from. All above caýrs have been thoroughly chcked through our shop andf carry our own Quality Used Car Guarantee AfnounCin ..•.• Fer the convenience of our eastomers wer now have a 24HOur Towing Service ýusiness Hours -MA 3-3356 After Il p.m. - MA 3-5645 We are now a recognized mnember of N. A. L. Our Shell Servie Station is open for business . . . now is the time to have your-car checked for wvinter drivilig. We do auto body undersprayingr. CONTACT:fQen Weldon Browvn Bud FoggE Ace Richards Jim C b.rombie . ack Ricard Sales Round Steak T - BONE ROAST STEAK on 85c bonly85< lb Shoulder - Wing or Club Steak Roast STEAK only 8 ( lbi only 83( lb BONELESS & LEAN SAVE!I! SAVE! ! WANT US TO BUILD IT FOR YOU ? CONTACT OUR HOME MODERNIZATION DIVISION for FREE PLANNING and ESTIMATIES We will build all or part of youir Rcc. Roomi for you. Financing can be arranged with . . . NO DOWN PAYMENT No Monthly Payments 'til June - OR - A Low-cost C.M.H.C. Mortgage Loan ALL OUR BEEF IS GOVERNMIENT INSPECTED - RED OR BLUE BRAND SELECTED FOR U"S BY - J. M. SCHNEIDER'S LTD. PAGE THIRTEEN p O nne !•Speaks at Annual Dinner Such action would result in .tated ithat the seaker's al economnic expansion, reduction! uable advice should befolw ýpe C o nCCnu en of unemploymient, the manu- rd generally with leaderhi Accden facture of more goods at less'from the Chamber of Cm e 1 labor costs. and competitive merce and the governmet ~sellingP in the markets of the This would bring about cn my f E pan ionRoud-U Icre se ion Pro uct vityworld. dit ions beneficial to thecon tua 19on a sstypialothe turn i ies condi t rin I hrm edco ars re xea leyto Canad an Ex a Sionfoi- vrJbiiepr-pesc prcanf served by The Bell Telephone Taxes totalled $73,483,000,p.m. m1n1acciet o H ighe g w n afjb r lretr u ttedne ..ay15 ut4ot o h lost throughl imports to this meeting, and for the nume Company\ of Canada, it was3 or $8,752,000 more than m ,Brentwood Motel. Two cars counitry. This is the crux of of ladies wvho were pren. 82naannualreport ismpany s 1S6hareholders numbered 178,- ter shouldrwhthh heroa vs h agetbjýi fonnreon u-onaidthe an ero wveek. Expenditures to ex- 126 at the end of 1961, an in- struck by a third vehicle. foreign made mianufactuired'many mnemibers of TownCou tend, improve and mechanize creasze of 6,838 in 12 m-onths. osal e d... gonds in thle world, hie added. til hiad attended, and saitha service totalled $192.600,000, They received $50,786.210 i oPtblwh en rn soh Increased prýoduCtiv'ity isthle for' 1962, hie stated. Productiv- Short Term Spending "Production must be increas- their support was a sourc o the report states. Telephonesz dividends at the rate of $2.20 115 ,Hihwa rvishoth beorenecessary basis for the expanl- Ay increase begins when peo- 1Ini addition to certain taxa- ed to comipete withi foreignl strength. in service at the end of 1961 per share. t15he accint ot e rei sion of the Canadian economny, p)le put ideas rallier than mi us- tion reductions the federal: consumerVI goods. Japan h1as The ladies (if the Memria totalled' 3,69.5.107. an increasc At the end of 1961, the comn- the adt Hdothecruis- Alvin O0. Drysdale, presidenticles to work, hie added. gýoverinment could use thle me- iincreasýed production by 100.Park Association wvere thak of 180,100 during the year. P2ny had 34,302 employees. eroff h od n akdi f the OntariondChamber of Room for Expansion thdo ditoapning for per cent in 10 yas ete y.r ukfrtedlc On the local sýcene, some 54 Wgsad aaisioaldon the shoulder to investigate. Comre, on thuslende i isg"Ini a vast - t - -vlikeC shrtem comi bnftGrayby4prcn. Can-luidne-he a peae telephones were added, J. W.16,85agir .8A wage icrevse. Lwi .TopoRR rsa lusaee d hr so frep by increasing gran ts toin iver.: ada by 11 per cent. That is not and erived so well. HEas Lowry, Bel managecr for t his ain effepet t ethe e No- 2, rnoRfolloe tpsol icie anville Cham e r of sion Canada as oifirvexptimessities. hospitals, and other mn- enouig. Th'le answer is good comphimented Mrs. Annie k region, said, bringing t no eath, e91,fllwng cf ol-,cuisrnof fo e the ndpark-comeehl t eoia lle world's average productive stitutions, the speaker suggest- Planning, smlart thini n Ilg, and the Memorial Park Asc total to 3,266 as of December ltvebrgain, ooing ed h crisrfbtehioand to seeCifmPrkcloueda e raland per capita, and also the ed. greaterproductivity, and hardiation on the fine additiont 31. l~~~~Etensriontephneing.î dh cl ofer ny a ossist a houegreatlest park, areas. Il is the(.Private enterprise c-antpro- selhing, thi: epakr stated. the clubhouse, which is n s Accordin, to the report, n- homes now equal 17 per cent When James Donald Hinkson,' He pointed out thiat anyone1 second largest consumner ofvdehelossaroftee- Frvryjbgndmsttoheomuy.M. incmetoaled $5,60,21 o rsiene ai tlehoesR.. , shwa wo aswith control of people. nmer- eetia oe ntewrd otncsayt cesepro- mnanufacture another will beOke thanked ail for con g fnoe thelat ya ialent t7, 905 1.of' 0er dcetaof telephoes i otbudi ovrilchnie reupetibead a nydvlpd 3 utvtwhich in turn would made in thle service inidustries.!anid said that she hopes ha 52.50 ~ ~ ~ ~ I pe'saeo0areun pfercent ·otlepin nsaw the cars on the shoulder,'to increase the productivity of pe et fit s .vr-eetrcresult in economic expansion Greater productivity mneans'the people of the town wl six per cent on invested cap'ý New butildinc or.additionhle for somte reason applied hisis own organizationl. We powýer. in Canada. the Ontario C. ofi less cost and more profit. It mnake good use of the expad ta!.so ain brakes and hlis vehicle went 40,000 Chamber of Commerce! C. residient stated. Hlemni-!wouild also result in an imn- ed clubhiouse in the futur Operating revenues for 196! munitico nud 6inechang' into a bad skid. It struck the!rmembers in) Ontario should an ærestr le v t-I.te Ion tined that, public ownership proved standard of living, and lte chairmnan of the dinc wer Elpercen hihertha wee cnvetedto ialopea-Thompson car knocking it intoMsart the ball rolling, hie ad-! tiln wtras n twois a serious matter, and spoke ýcould affect general labour imeetinýg, Mr. Burk, also thnk in 190.e repohhr thati es tion M re tn 95 per ntofthe OPP cruiser, spun around ývised. iprat alas.aIti rstofthe dangers of too much 'ratesim a district,"he explamn- ed the. commit ter memr this reflects anl intensified the comspanty's telephonies arpand then crashed into the, B. L. Burk \was chairmian, in nickel and asbestos, lhliesovenmeninuterferentcius- e d. e ur erpint ot tat Mel D ae, eternowLJ. mýirke(ting" effort and an up- now dial operated. cruiser itseIf and there was the largest ai- speaker pointed out. lie also iessadidsr att egwudgad gis nl-Fe rmGenLne et alone to make a profit, he tion, and thle secretary-manager K Despite 1the considerable tendance there hiad been tin mentionedi the timiber mndustry, asserted. Iin moving a votel(,of thanks N. Morris, who hiad workeds damage to all three vehiicles,lyears at a Chamber of Comn- fishing, and other naitural re- NMr. Drysdale strongl.v advo- in Mr. Drysdale for his excel- hard to mlake theý evenin a Co n i H G s Re o t fortunately no one was injur- mnerce Dinner here. Those at isources. caed inltcasinig produ ctivity. lent address, R. P. Rcaysces rd im the accident. Constable the head table in addition Io neloyeit(tegr-g • • • ~~K, H. Suddard, OPP, was the: Mr. Burk, and the guest speak-- nmlomn1atgre Ö fi Po centvigestigating officer.! er, Mr. Drysdale, were James! Why should affluent C'an- O f Police à& ctivitiesTher a w-a 1_ A. Bell, president of the Bow- ada with thie second highesi Youngsters MustBe S own erIwsa'w- a.t manville Chamber of Com- standard of living among the 1 i sUiy E"OnNo.2 nihayast merce, Bert Syer, Ithe vice- nations suffer from uinmploy- The local police report for not been present as apparentlyminutes past hr"ee o'clock.Tegym nagr i l iftonet jlinasen and c iH ard W ork V itally Im portant January, submitted by the through some error the Cen- tw rvr nvle eehe said. The problemi is par- Chief Constable, Bernard R. tral Lake Ontario Conserva- Mitchell Lorne Galbraith, director of the Ontario Cham- tlially due to Canada's fai ur11e Kitnev, was received bv the tion Authority had failed to Courtice, and Ralph A. Jeff- ber of Commerce.toeane -1 Bowmanville Town Council'ntf i ftedt fteey cggSreOhw Representatives of the Osh- absorb its ince asing po la o( 1 V nnU ( S at the meeting held in the meeting. Councillor Hughes erBth ars ustamed amcnia wa. Chambter of orl Wmerce'tion, he contended. Counicil Chamber on Monday urged that the authority be Cerable Wamo u tzaae rsn wr olvWmn evenling. It showed that thiere reminded of his appointment CntbeW.Shlz OPP, a director, whio is also a dir- Hligh Birth Rate was one traffic accident result- so hie could attend the mneet- investigated. rctor of the Ontario C. of C., Mr. Dryvsdale spoke of C an, ing in a non-fatal injury dur-'ingas and defend Bowmanville On Satuirday milornling at DouIglas, Fisher, the manager ada's high postwar bir-th raite, R b n fTe lR o a yC u ing the month, 1l with prop- from undue assessment by it.18:40 o'clock Williami John Mc. and Jack Marnnfthe assistant Only India hias a higher oner, erty damage over $100, and1 Deputy-Reeve Ross Stevens,1 Clelland, age 17, was driving manager; Port Hope Board of h le claimied. The11re are 2.000,000 the samne number with prop-t Bowmanville's representative on No. 2 Highway, just east Trade, S. Smart, the president, children under 1,5 years of age Tt. is vitally imnportant tha at-nille Rotary.\ Club. The Coniservatorv. Warsaw,an ert dmag o les han$-0.on the Lake Ontario Develop ,of the Gravel Pit Road, when and C. Locke, the secretary-'in this couotntry. he(r. arke, yong people be given inspir- latest donation is a ventilating, was i:>Iduced by the renowe Offences in January were ment Association stated that he lost control of is vehicle. manager; Newcastle Chamberiand explinerithait the labor ation and enthusiasm, and alsio fan', a persona] gift from Da-cmoeVco ebrt as follows: Breaking and en- he had attended a meeting of It knocked out eight guide.lof Commerce, E. R. Lovekin,:force isroin rapidlyi lethat they be imipresed by th e vid Higgon,." Mr. Morris siaN ýemigiPr tentolth UnitedSat. tering, five, one case cleared its Board of Directors on, Feb. posts, and the car itself was presidenti, and Lorne Johnson, job opportunities ae- otin fact that hard work is necces- ed. Rubinoff was then onlyr 1 an w eroscare;2d.Pasha encom- extensivelv damaged. Mr. secretary:- Orono Chamiber of creasing fast -no augh ot slàe;rv for suicces.r iin any en- years of âge theft of myotor vehlicle, four, pleted to bring publicity re- McClelland wlas not in.iuredi. Commerce, Hiarvey Partnier, "w groups shouLld work deavor, Rubinoff, thee .noted lm a enÎlwse-Smrie. tenhebeam fm three cases completedi and two garding this area to the nlotice Constable PC.HrteMx president, and Bob Hiazelton, to expanid Cnd'cnm violinist, told the Bowmian- ' db i lb et r s olitcodcorwt juveniles charged; theft of of many people through a well, OPP, was Ithe invsia eceay1hegvrmn adpiatvl oav lbo rda.. ressMorris qao said that al teteadsmhn rhs over $50, two; theft, $50 and booklet that had beent prepar- ing officer. Introducing thle guest speak- enterprise. The r ealg, The famiouismusician, hi heRtainsae ldih ra,..and hlewn addedpr- uinder, six, two cases complet-,ed for distribution at, the --P r Lloyd Clifton said that Al- ernment c-an provide a clfi- accompanist and associate art- Mark Roenigk has recovered truh i'adopo rd, and two persons charged; annual Sportsmen's Shows in vi0. Drysdale, plant super- mate conduilcive o xanio.nit David Burk, and his mani- fo h nuisssandi gramn. Mr. Thiesburger sad ryther offences under thle Crim- different centres, he said. Warm Churches intendent of thec Belleville the speaker said. Hle pointeel ager. W. Gatrehouse wcre a recent accident, and welcomn- "eemCndyuh inal Code (except traffic) ,It was also reported by the plant of Canada Cement, was OUt thlat this couild he d(onle guests at, the Rotary Cl1u cd hin back to the lub. wonderful schools," Mr. u thiree, two cases completed, Deputy-Reeve that according, At the beginning of 1962.president of the Bellevillethrough ,ws fiscal policv, lunchecon meeting hld in theei amc'c bnoff said. He comnplimtrr and four people charged; pro-,to information received at theielectric heating had been in- Chamber of Commerce in 19,56 'removal of restretions. and cn.- Flvingt Dutchman Motor Hotet PreidntMori tld Rn he Ro trins ohe wel be vincial statutes (except traf- Board of Directors meetinglstalled in nearly 70 churchesland became a director of the couragemnitt. Othe(r guests present wer off thathclbwsav durie th noeencrhvdsuents he had see fic) three, three cases complet- 1rospects regarding industrial lin Ontario. With thermostatic Ontario Chamiber of Commerce ,etrciv .xt Newt Richiards, Charles World cumstane- tecubws aluring mei la la the orn ihnh ed and four persons charged; foclations had improved in controls in each room, no hieat that year. Mr. Drvsdale was Rsrcie' xto and Bob Brown, all of Osh-igislnho etn nhdpae tBwavle driving while impaired, one, recent months. is wasted for areas not in use. elected vice-president in 1960 "Tloda.v personal inComle tax awa, Keith Coleman, Toronto. the dirning room which ist Courtice., and Orono Hg the driver was charged andadpeieto h-nai lae itefrivsmn j n o rsrnBwa without. a piano. This was a School;. [He also, stated ta thecas coplted muiciale ee C o 961 H isals aother enterprises. In 1939 a ville. great disappointmnent as all the1i boys at the Trnin by-laws (except parkmng) 15, OiUn a emberrof the Ontario Region- ;mani who earned $20,000 would The hirthday of Jame the members hiad been, look-ISchiool hiad been an aL.tiv 15 cases completedh with 14ïLe io u ii r al Committee of the Canadian hjlave the same takçehomne pay Speerss celebrated by his ing forward to hearing thrland irceptive audience we per"°n chared.T h e 'r• CamerofCmmrc one who earned $79,800 in flo Rtran.Aon erfamous violinist's music, but he had played for them. 57 parking violations. Citnsae 1961. Income tax today sv- Pret tedac1, wsi t woul1d be i mpossible for hlimn Rubinoff told the Rotaran Counicdlor K e n. Hooper, phions off muc(h rmonley thIat! presented to .Don Morris, by1 to have his piano accompanisti lithatie was gratefl to Go chairman of the Police Com- 1nie Efotould uisefully be put 1o work the Attendance chairman, Tomlay!M.Irrse-lmdfo h aet1ie i e mittee, moved that the police Th:motneo ntdin business and inidustry\. Palmer. Fred Vanstone was the only piano in it:he building cause he can give joy 4ox th report be received and adorpt effort was stressed byv Mr. "Corporation tax at 52 per the winner f the hockey! was in the banquet hall which e rs by shlarinig il He dic- ed. This was seconded by 0000Ater oo Drysdale .By working togethcen lt restricis th(, montey avail d 1aw. was bemag repamnted. ed i,, career, andi told f l CotimeillordGlenholmne Hughes er to plan for future of the!able for expansion. The, fed- President 'KN. Morris said Bill ThiiesbuIrger itoue friendships with Will Rges anCocar r Hghs hoha At the meeting nfthle Bow- ranged. A chartered bu.- will community and by continuing eral govýerrinment gets a larger that for somie Years conitribu-,Rubinioff as a great, viol inist George Gershwin, Phil been a ointeduhe own's mnil ais Axlayt ev fo nfoto teti ooeaio nteeeu hare of the profits of ani un- tions to the boardroomi at the|whose career dates back to Sousa, Al Jolsoni, andohe repen ativinedo the Cewnralthe Royal Canadian Legion, Legion Hall at 5:30 on Tues-'tion of the plans, people are dertakng than it.;slsharehloldero Lins Community C e nitre' 1911 whien. he graduated withgreat figures of the enteran LaeprOsntaio onseerao which was held mn the Legioniday afternoon. :able to accomplish muich ofniav ben made by the .Bow- distinction fromn the RovaI ment world. Atoiy inomdcuclHall on Monday evenmng,1 Arrangements were com.- lastmng benefit, he stated. Athty e frmeti n ftelComrade Rena Bathgate, the pleted for the lunch to, be As Bowmanville is situatedi ta th irt ine1962 was theo st vice-president, gave a com- served atl the Bowmanville between an agricultural dis- Janar 3thwhe ofier plete report on the kitchen and High School At Home on Fri- trict and Oshawa, an indust- for the comiing year wereeqpmnmvtoy day evening. Comrade Ruby rial centre, it has a cross sec- The Land and Reforestation'ar h sc Pmras ifrauefaca rolo n rssrsa i 0 S . 0. Io0 O SH AW A W OOD P RODUaTS Committee of the authority1 Commun ity Centre recenty ae n. serted. Jie commended the had presented a complete tedb P 'en The auxiliary decided to Bowmanville Cham b er of schieme for the installation of drpresBate, th enveor accept an invitation to a social Commerce for its achieve- W E C A N N OW B U ILD O U R a flow gauge at a cost of $5001 Comrade Edythe Rundle re-evngtob hld ytemnsadttdtatewa in Bowmanville Creek. This, ported on the plans for the Sunderland Ladies' Auxiliary impressed with its annual re. project will be 50 per. cent visit to Divadale Lodge at to the Royal Canadian Legion port. subsidized by the provinca Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, on Thursday eveming, Aprill Mr-. Drysdale gave his opin- government accordingmeting next Tuesday evening by' 12th' ion flhat increasing produictiv- ERAINOM Councillor Hughes stated. 1 members of the auxiliary.. Follow&i ng the business mneet- i t Y is a fundamental1 solution He explainied that hie had Homemade candy, cookies and ing a social hour was enjoyed,1for all problemrs, retait, manu- apples will be taken to the and a delicious lunch was1facturmng. and agricultural. patients, and a program of served by the convenor, Com- This is; the theme of the On- ,%we attended the A gentertainment has, been ar-rade Bettyv Woodward. tariot Chamber of Commerce Free Instructional Course A ýsks For Five Month Extension '-h a e Rereation Room! . . . l'u to :fnmae ~oi 0T (0mplete 40 Year S'Service Mayor Ivan Hobbs was au- Town Clerk -Jack Reid. Fire tIo have a blowert in the shed thorized by the meeting of Chie[ Calver wrote that when .for snow storms. Trucks cani Bowmanville Town Council he received his present ap- follow along behind it and held in the Council Chamber1pointment he had been inform- they are loaded by it in a mnaf on Monday evening to sign the ed that the retirement agelter of seconds," Councillor annual petition for the grant would be 65 y ears. He added Brough asserted. Hle said he to be received under the pro- that hie had reached that age would recommend to the Roads visions of the Hlighway Im- lin January, but as he wouldi and Streets Committee that a provement Act for the expend- hlave 40 yecars service on thelblower be boughit this year. itures in 1961. ýFire Brigade on July Ist, he' Employees Driveways Tenders for Supplies ýasked to be allowed to submit Cuclo oprifre Counicillor Roy W. Nichols, his resignation as Fire Chief onilrHoe fre seconded by Reeve Sidney Lit- 1to be effective June 30th. , counicil that he had hiad a telle- Ille moved that the Roads and Councillor Nichols nmoved ph onn alll rom a thaye te ta calienders for the fo-0 ignati t etoCh ectival sie ad ben sc lo\vig t owmng: 1. Supplymng and ap- 30th be accepted. Councillor driveways belonging to three plication of approximiately Ken Hlooper stated that if an town emlyes 55,000. gallons of M.C. 3: 2. extension to Junie 30th bel "This no rigl t irregardless Crushing approximately 5,000 given Fire Chief Calver the of whether or not payment i, yards, more or less, of gravel'council would be breaking its made for such special'service," to pass through a five eighth ow,%n regulations. "Hie should Councillor Hlooper stated firni- screen: 3. Stock piling gravel be retired now, and wie should ly.lHe pointed out that thiere, off lakeshore, Bowmanville stick to that " lhe said De-'*lae hr te Bech wthcrwlr r cr-puty-Reeve Rioss Stevens, sec- needs to be hsereo the eep' per..1 onded thec motion made by work, and said it looks far teridi-ý be submitted ntatConcilogNihos-from good for the department later than four p.m. on Friday, Councillor Jack Brug concerned to have the jeep MNarch 2n'id, and are to be open. moved as an amendment t,'! used for some town emiploy- ed t te eguar eeingofthe motion that the Fire Chief's ces' driveways. th Rad ad tret Cm-letter be referred to the Fire Councillor Nichols, Roads tee ids nd a rch. Cn Committee. This was seconded and Streets chairman, assured is Worshi Mayor obb by Councillor Hooper. Coun- counceil that this wfas news to sai th he equstyor auth.', cillo r Glenholme Hughes ýhim, but promised Io check orization to call for these ten- speakmng in favor of the into the matter. ders is unusual as the budget' amendment said that it wouldi Sub-Division Agreement has not yet been approved. He' be a serious mistake for coun- Mayor Hobbs stated that at added that about 5,000 yardscl bekit sh the last meeting the Town Sol- of gravel had been purchased, amendment carried. ýictor, A. H-. Strike, had ex- other years, however. Dicsigte ev nwpected to have the Sub-Divi- Deputy-Reeve Stevens sta- fall Councilorhroheystated sion Agreement ready for this ted that all the w-ork planned tat whene was Roadhstaned meeting of council, but he by the Roads and Streets Com- tretshairmwa adsyars ad found 10 impossible Io mittee would only use 5,800 agetrcairmen afwere eploy-have it fully completed in yards of gravel. He reminded d all along;awen a flash snow time. He added that it defin- Councillor Nichols, the chair- strlaete eeteeitely will be fmnished later man of the Roads and Streets available for extra jobs. He re- Ithis week, and all members of Committee that a considerable marked that no snow fences ýthe council will receive copies amount of gravel is already had been put out this year. of it to study before the meet- stock piled here.• ing of the Board of Works The vote was taken on the Suggests Snow Blower next week. motion to give authority to "When we boughit the front Councillor Hfughesý moved the Rtoads and Streets Commit- end loaders it was done with that the contractor be advised tee for the calling of the ten- the knowledge that it was ad- there has been a delay in the ders requested, and it was aptable for additional equip- solicitor's preparation of th- carried. ment, a plow, and blower. I agr,-eiet. and that he w-ill bc Fire Chief's Retiremient would like to see a snow blowý- notified when it is done. This A letter fromi Fire Chief er purchased. The price is wvas seconded by Counicillor Frank Calver was read by the 52,9-.. woul1d be a saving Hooper and carried. FRESH HAM STEAK Sirloin teak BONELESS 1 Limited 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU Oshawa Office and Showlroom OSHA WA SHOPPING CENTRE Phone: 728-1617 BOW:MANVILLE - 728-1611 Main Office and Showroom COURTICE - 728-1611 AJAX - ZEnith 2-9600 %2 Oshawa Wood Products