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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1962, p. 2

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PAGE TWO ~~~~~TH E CANADIAN STATESMA N, POWMANVILLE. ONTARIO WDEDY E.2s,16 C of C Members Responsible for Dinner's Su ccess supported, was received by'day, March 2th as the date lEuc re P rty u nd ucouncil. The resolution record- of the Municipal Board's Hear- Eu hr P rt S n d y ed the support of Penetangui- ing to bc held here in con- :Raises Funds S p o rts gulation of the provincial gov- struction of a bridgeintiý ernment forbidding munici-~ new. industrial arca. Councillor r C. L.I(FROM PAGE ONE) palities Io rcquest relief re-Hor stated that although iro ~C1OO cpients to work for the as-* the Urne of the Hearing %vas TheFinnce Comitte'~sistance they reccive. not given in the lcîter rccciv- The Cerebral Palsy Pareiits report of the meeting held ofl1 Con-lr Hoe sae db onil. lhe had inforni- February l2th was presented.' that hlie eiex'ed this to bc a 'iation that it wvill be held at Council held an enjoyablei h was found that one item, go eouinadh oc 0olc i h nrig Euchre at Memorial ParklNo. 4, recommending that taionnvle Cu 1 "u s ufotnt o Clubliouse on Tuesday even.Iorder 10 encourage the pre- ta oitThwmas le cone Wo..Ting pe frtae ope h' mi- ing. Mrs. David Clcrk and payment of taxes for 1962 rer- Councillor Oke and carried. iwant t0Ooppose it," ý stated. Mrs.Albrt ose erethetain discounts bc applied Mrs AlertRoe wre heshould be dcleted. The Town A communication was re- The Ontario Municipal Board convenors, and there were 13 Clerk, Mr. Reid, stated that lie ceived from the Ontario Mun-lshojuld have more considera- tables in play during the ev-I had discussed the matter with icipal Board setting Wednes- tion. lie suggrstvd. ening. a reprcsentative of the De- partment of Municipal Af- The prize winniers were Mrs. fairs who had firmly stated Helen Bickle, George Mutton, that suci discounts as had been Ralph Campbell, Mrs. Lloyd proposed would amount to Crago, Oshawa, Mrs. Jonn more than six per cent as de- Humphrey, and Mrs. Eleanor fined by the Act. De Jong. The attractive door8 prize was won by J. Martin. Deputy - Reeve Stev P. ni , The winning ticket was drawn chairman of the Finance Com- by Loyd rago Oshwa. mittee, seconded by Reeve' by Loyd rag, Osawa Sidney Little, moved that item Mrs. Albert Rose was in! No. 4 bc deleted, and the rcst f l charge of the special draw for of the Finance Committee Re-To n f wm vil which a large basket of gro- port be received and adopted. .ceries was the prize. Mrs. Tus was carricd. Bessie Walkey was the win- D.S.T. Starts April 29 ner. This draw was made by Cuclo lnom uh A delicious lunch was seiv- ing Time be in force in Bow- OIE ed. Mrs. Ralph Campbeill w&~smanville from Sunday, AprilIUD E C ICIL the kitchen convenor. Shei'nUt .. JUlIUdy, U>CLULJt:%II 4OUi This photo shows several of the executivc and committe and Bert S\'cr-; h;ick m\\' A. L. Iloocy, Melville S. Dale, B. L. Burk,lw i td erhubaf,î would comply with a mnembers responsible for organizing and conducting t.he successful 1ilH. (;. ,MacNeill, R,. P. Rickabv, A. 0. Drysdale (guest speaker), Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rose, Mr. request fromn the Railway As- Chambe of Cmmerceannua dinne lastweek. hey ae, frnt Glei Laand aMdE..L.RoyfStaintonrs.Ror.SsociatiMr.nscoatCanadaCna fororcc- Chaberof ommrceannal innr lst eek Tey rt~ frnt lcn LaderandE. . Cifln.and Mrs. G. Clarke, and David operation in having Daylight row, left to right: Walton Pascope, James A. Bell, Mrs. Annie Oc Gray,, Newcastle, the presidenl. Saving Time here co-incide ýffIif n Ohawa Peer-with the railways Spring and More Off Street Parking hil storesand Trontoeler Kiwanis Tbld Summer train schedules. This ol-.cilail av n Wenesayswas seconded by Councillor open f ail dayon W cla d taf Annie Oke and carried. t1ce , ntan v reasnn w h'LIse A copy of a rslto as loca nirchais d h iti <~e I~~'cd by the Town of Penetan. P a er-rnpî Pos l b oyc îiuîclinsadlhTrne e o r e uihene, w tiia requ est itbc Panel Dicusses Pssibilitndld AvalaSieutoAilot cYnr!TIil i c da'-s off fr o ok 1 0f Stores Closig on Monday h \7i cpigoe :0 a d ifFsj gIf SchoolFkip il on o Wencsay î p ngbiaddar diacamfotiThal. 1th. lima in laka A ..i l D y o ed e d y lino eiisa hopn nDodd'a Kidney Pii. Oodd'sa lsi imula#thé O p n n A l D y n W dn s a ier -centrcs for peoplei his Atiie-esig andinforma-c lpeci oofrti or iny erlèeti odto hc a A stimulating pantel discus- Park Clubhouse on Thursday Chamiber, Arthur D. 'ilooprr. Whher flrrwa soine di-'- grnafrcn as vn o ontransportationb o lo frcal stetoitbotru-kbotr. i sion en matters of interest 10 evening. The panel members dontewa cNeîîî. aIl.lox'd Cîîfîo i c-,- e of iî~t n Otariwîî~ o .va ive n onbtan port op oflnca _____stu__________ thé town and district was heid were Alvin O. Drysdale, pre- dn osacNil.Id ittonh cd in hScîooîiand feedcunes wiî at the annual meeting of Uhisident of the Ontario Cham- moderator. iffl-. hctlni111 ar-sho.Mr ua, fiiringc other.s from tie six Bowmanville Cham ber nf.ber of Commerce, Jack Wil- Changes in fil(- av ;îiîolniiiiiti i shopping hnîis1 1glici ,pcaIkcr ai flic dîîncr arcax; servrd bv the Durhami Commerce hcld in Memorial son, a dîrector of the Ontario huso ealbsnse lakiiig pllaie. A strong hclief mc igo i omîvleCul ititHg cîo discusseil. 'fietrend iiii ties c x[)pre ld 1~1h e -Kiwans Club lieli aM flic FI%,- Board.go i1 oron bl tonse engageilfilm Dutchman Molor Iblidi. The speaker also enter taitied (o and mosf towns tn have store n rlingbIn iake, a sinerre S vsitnu-dh-leis h iaîaî ydsrbn closed ail day on Monday ,ai emi 'i-nf""'n lic -\a nrdcr , lclttrKwnasb eciig anil openied both 1ridlav aind axj-hetif bbIocobnf iîl il(tv-. presideîît, Ron Br-ooks,. a rumber or amusing waý, BOW MANVILLE Ti-iurlicsvcofngswag fl. ing pubarc. tlhi ~ poranlrough which parents can de h ito It ws sugrstd lýi;ilBow-cvýt1hI, ilwns ýscrcd. hich\\,fl bcorn themsec-lfedeshfromes lie, haI ~ iR~Ai A SOCI TIONmanville %wouldhi' well ail- aSrcd o rixii tiib -,ivemosl endless questions askej[II d LI E'.ASO I TI Nvsed 10 adopt such a poliçv 'Fhe itîpat t ofrtlic casteirfec i te- epchriire by their children who liappen beca use il. would rcstfin iiiim 1ioppiiig pli./a oinbusiness up ctrc ilb gv. niito be High School student-0 ~vîI1 hold it~ proved ompet e ~ "iwas d 'FldiTc con- Srcondary' Schools of the pro-,sta h aetm rvd for its merchants. U nsu f opiiininv as;that ýVInCe. Mr. Luicas staieil. There ihem with the information Panel memhe whi 1 a fcxv îndividîial hui-xibe an Arts andl Science îiiey havp requested. His dem- n s rnav sîiff'-r froniadcCore a Business and Corn- Ioniration of mathematical rncrcial Cours(,. andl an En- tk asio mprtivoon, tueoovgrcal vol-krc5 wa.s absolutelyfacn NU a ndL E E Il N G(- IirLittlebc 'tanksto Mr.Lucas forIli M A hi VII Jloxv naliîv culîdrilaie eri X Thc.t wl ill -, v jd divideri itb foui- aîîd fivce ex,,cellent address. Preside.nt ELECTION OF OFFICERS pet-ted 10 Io i yon asi uditio'iail tfiarexieand es-arcourses.'ie sbîîdents o!, Ross Jackman also expressei andl Laster holiclavsA s aaitx i îlo îrvc lithîrce five ycar courses willhsaprctinbheB - a h ntini'r of citikeuis are pr, -acîîe.sda eutpol take Grade XIII suihjec4s.. man ville Hiigh Schnoo prînci- th 98 Provinciaj1l 'il'o '(..î11usrîîut s-] B o es iib a albe o '_ the 19.58 hete:B%,xIii spcid iiore monev lot-a llv Boit îIibea ailbefr.pal for the talk lhe had giv-en. LIOS (OM UNIY ENTE oenxva-l1d \vas nîsti sttedil tuai a far parenîs and til sbidcuts dOs-! Plans,;were completed for BOWMNVILE cn\-liricr n 1 illiet greier volume o rrefo cribing liehe oerifits or each hfic challenge hockey game bel,-' BO 3AVLEcosdrr n( fflf lie uil,ý,_rroUIndîii contryside cure.ween ihe Bowmans'ille Ki- tornmi-s ii'ru eNlaions expei'cctilBo\wniianx'illc' sIoîdeiîl.< ss-hn waýni.S ClUb and the Port lHope00 cvcr hclci. Tic tiibltiel: a uiS leci b take flic EigKie ingi vianis Club. lt will takeopa Qi flc su l.o- c i . anginaeeingplace iet Mna vnig Z00.n mmeW pricelcniellcec, il sva:; stated iltîaitlticiî r noo wî.ý Is vsnuy veîn Don.s tic eiio rfcliheiîsllatonsilhci n 1d-Ctursc will have the oppor- :at tie Newcastle Arena. Re- fl M on , eb 2 th dH'sLitlNHL d-trirai ticni y 1t ttnd tfhc nesvTech- gardless of lie uomorti public relations Fuith as this <' assistatite 1 motorîs st-, speaker iii Port Hope, te hockey game a return match at 8:00 is no longer rcquiircd" nd lia 'hssbpeaikerabîngxplaîîîed.Bowman wîilbe played iPort Hope GUELitleT. SI>EAKER: il-,lici o tnîasat rking e spo, urIc iihSt-hon! iqnont gear [Thtirsday evening, March 8t1, USSLLC.HOEY Ceebraions ~ilparkî- ng, fightbchi approp i Citizen Helps Police ECONOMICAL1 Lierl anidtefo Drmof that opinion. Rcgardîng utw a'lRe o e'So e A t ou don't have to eý Liberal Cadidate fo Durham !incident whiclî look place 1 Tlw mnriby opinion ,-r-mrd'edo e t l n A t utwr repn 'Young Canada Nîght, this waý Ioibe, howvr-, fthai, parkîiîg [dc.wrko x -EVERYONE WELCOME - 001 a disgustnig brawl as fat- melers, shoulilbcw otinurdi, At 4.55 an.n. Saliîîîdavý Con- i-ar whith i.% nwned by Deanîhaigcmoti as flic players wcre coucerneil. bill tuaI ini-casr-d efforts1stable John Bird trîcd in stop 'Grills, Courtice. We feel thal tinat-conpanied shoulil hc' made in provide;a car which answercd In the! Two crs.novdiiaci A ER E C1 ____boy7, who rusheil onto flice (,frecc anil onvenienit off-strerb ilestription of1 one stolen iri lision on Friday at 1:10 p.m aIt ______ _ eontributed 1Inbuelcîeaiprig.i scelestsîggested Belleville. 'l'ie car took off, Churci and Division StreetF Flanicless Electric Il diil much tfaiaper lie offit- Il.iaba1,P11Il riern1. re venuLie de- bu t fili db nia ke 1 lrfie irî1a nd bat h received some dam - an individual thermo ais. rîl't(c frni parking nrtcrsail Liberty andl Conession1 agi'. Tie drivers were Miss; The Mlodern Wa) "If perhaps oir redîlor ilsui SLl h devoîcdIo b sichi a 'Streets. Constable Bird arrest- Ch-ai lotte Austin, 46 Division both cornfort and cS -supportrd oui, mollo "akce prografi. ridtso oys anil was giveti Street, and Sidney F. Nichols. products of conmbusti To Be Traditionaliyoý vour boy b liihe Arena, Don't' Btnefitýs iat acritlin- heip onbringurug lient intnoI48CluhSte.Cosae Send Hîim" finus inîlnl altercam- Bownanvlle Ciamrir o Corn- tic polit-e station by Michael L 1ouis Piillips investigated. LO TTE !'retlion couid have bcrs easily inurcvt-e huugi membcrslîip in! Puk, 273 Liberty Strcet North.'L O AT HE CretdeaIl wuth. fleOntario Cîsanber of Com-ý Assistance bIt flic police h', Fiuîally, siiii-bsu uvgabhr iercr ie outined hy Mr .a pri-\,aI e cjizcîî Iik i liaigiveui, o o i Vt lneesEe froni luis recccîît lsulct at Drysilalc. Cost 0f unnibmirship hy Mr. Puk is usuclî apprec- ai a OfICb verheai. the who] our efforts iin working \vilhu us $1.511 a s catS, anîd tise value-ut- vteciieoprmn.ta odbdom tlic youîiî of tlus cornmuusy of services gis'eîiv hyfie On- iTue lwbo*ys hretu Iprencr ecaton broo!, over" lhe past sevein s-car's lias tarin Cisaniberi u'ii xes' ie utroPo Incial Pol- aieSom bu 'I' cr îî-î farCinuesi fsto the Otari rovinciacal On ,é be of no svalue,(if tint anioîisf, lie sail. ice anil seutIlnf0Belleville tnt La ie t FscerrMst etilal.r lis (FROM PAGE ONE) -' people nwsis - t Mre m-luauî idi (lat daiage svaC.CGatieli.Y u oa n ciiî ira itht5' F.nuIis x u ltîi(ru lls lusistaiiccli v two t-arnsit a coi- Ts Ios 0G sl1oleC nrcos a T h e ' niertî u I c B u i b hi sv ! (,io 1u li wtl li u ug i l si t o a u i u I 1: 4 p ro po sed b s W . B r u. Jam e s * reeites.Bushv B. iuulL-t ui i *vc utuuu. iMs-. DrvosIlale 'lie actuilen .IapeclMarr, anîd Rt.W.Bro Charles ept a lly lînuics uh-t- li -I t tttt.Ni ut iîiitt i . l-p rj box- hae ken ul ii ri. ;out-iuttud.N n, n i, on Sc-ugog Street sicai'Knox ,Rycroft. Whiiby, replicil. Wm ke.urh B ouquethive ttc l <siîilisîunt.l o 15 t litwIiiilî Siol Tcdrse Bro. Charles Warrenclqet e tie sl)ilddbeli-vuîîuustiff urtUî tti lxstt-sci î ins-olved svereJanmes R. Wid- ý Y osd . 1uîtO ueE ,.ii~*jfyii W us oci-stuii u usl-: tue' v'ut t il- Ou.tunh i- icinaR..I- 1 nepos s's gis-eutEl Inv tat on 'c s ailiIltl; Ilu ufvud liltiuuî. drusn- us 1i 'in, ..1 asmton. 1 BrtoR Ms. eg. c , Wedding Invitations Thern-engraved (R.4tt E'rrERim,) %*edding and engagement annouiîements, hirîh annomutre- ment»%, coofirmation imiitalions. golden and ilier anniriisary announcemetil, ec. Therino-engraving, (ISIED LETTERINC) Look~s and fets like the finest hand engraving. The fettere' bave an clegance and individuality only the fineat hand en- gravilg con match. Thermo-engraviflg RAISED LE1TFERING) Cols about hall as much as hand engraîing, because it eimin.ý Ates the copper plate t hat makea hand cngraving w expenaive &%nfl T'S RE&DY WITHIN THE WEEI< Of course you cano <rder matching enclosure carda. recepîlon, respan!e, thank you and at home carda, et-. Select fromn our giant catalogue of flawlessly correct papers. Il disinctlivc >tyles of lettering. Weddiuuga priced as iow ai 30 for $9.00 and 100 for $13.50, cout- plet itih double eni'.lopcé and tissuem available at (3aniaclan cStatesin ws wi suth Iieic n-s molreiluis- portanut repuitf m as tiavinit the iost scii is a nnitres a 1id sportsnianlike liii- s att lit- Tournamenis. Vttiurs fotr guturiq)m i . Lit t Ir NUlL Execçuiisc Presitil lEil Bundile. i n'aiirer George Cawkeu - Secretars' DousGilliooiv. PLAXERS' REGULATIONS As;-a uienitir of tise Lîtt l N.H.L. I pronmise tisat i. Ixiii usof smokr. '2. Issill îlot uegict" school xs'ork .3. 1 I -ll gel plenty of slccp. 4. 1s i li e on limne for pracluces andl gaines. .5. 1 wilplay hard nd auslcan. 6. 1 will xsork iii hariionv ss'tls nsy coachs and trm. Î. frssii be a good winner or lîtien. 8. 1 vwiii uol wecar rniy swcatcr ex- cept during Leagur garnes. 9. '1 ssili bc a ererlit 10 Tie LitI le ,N.H.L. at ah turnes. 10P. Issvill <onductrnsyself iii a gentlemîanî- ly ssay on anil off thiseuc. anîd wiil respect ail property,. AIMS 0F LITTLE N.H.L. Tise amnis of - îe Lit*tie NHL. arc 1.'I o teutulu fair play ausd gondsîorsraiss i 2To teach Le ntîutancc of selhoo)l xork. :, To hip icr hoxa- become gîîod tit:/euîa. Parents ansd fnicusis are ask- cil ta corne oui andi sec i-' gausses. Thuis cencoursages tht, players andI thi e sc' slo are coachs i us g ai-i .,:lsg 'trams.p, Zone Finals 5 ,'-l. 'A PAC, ru-"-., -r, c.'xx proh1a bls' ie lield Pu' - tsoorouigls. TliseDistrict puhlic Spcak' :igl clainsiaus. Conîrade Tnixie Tlsomilsori, wsci s a rnrmbeu (if tise Ex-Sers-lu-e Women's Brauschi of tIse RoYal Canadiar Legîoni Pe'- rborouigli, w a , prcseuit at lie Zonse Contest here oui Saturday. Sue wa. acconspausici by Conînade Ruth' Hitysosan. wlio alsti is a meni- ber of tise Ex-Service Wo- mnis Brauscs. District Commndier AI Bur- ge.i-.s, Dunharlous. extendd wuloietus al s'ho hai eus- terei lthe Zone Contest, anc to tlic nenîbers o! tic audu- vicî'c ssho hail corne to hear i!ie addresses. He sail lie foîusd suith ex-ruts most inter. estie and euioxabie, an d wvudi-dus'ns i-îzs ouse for the secouxl P,1:-e (1 ilsers s'r .Jiu:u.or Elcuicntas'. R obhe ru Bekkevoici. Lincoln S tre et Su'hool. Pickcrin,, hose tlpic w'15 'Whiv 1 AnsGlail To Bc A\Bs- Setnion Elentars- Pcggsý- :Iilsouî. Soluna School, ,x ho gw--e ail e.sprcua1ly goor Duke __Street, -Ieft -Uthe road a aaI ~SAV', mrs.t.i-.L.LlU ActeIUt Ili cousr o Liery Srec jMrs. Alvx Carrutîsers, Gardent South andl Parkway Crescent. 1 Hill, Murs. Charles Rycrof 1, Il cut off a hydro pole' anil Whitbv- Mrs. C. Greenham. ai rut-k a set-nud one. There was Mrs. Charles Warren and Mrs. considicrable damage f is BiV -gg Car. and tise driver, Mr. Wilsonî 'St. Pauls tiutecd Cîsurc-l recels-cil minor abrasions. Cor-;.Wouiicn prepaucil and served porai K. Frcethy iusvestigated.I fie devlicioîus lurkey dinner A ca drieusiv TunoMrs. FranciF Thompsan wa; lieca-aterung convenorriSh Backstrom, 36 Liberfty Nortî,t. sva steci h I lienpr sidet svrntinlo a skid and slid off wMss HaroliltFergu s t e te road ino a Isydro pole ab'T.Hrl egsn - Liberty and Concession Street3 Tfli enberbainment was ex_-i son Friday at 6:50 p.nî. Dani- î-cptuonallY good. Les Barker, ýi'age te, the Backstroiii cariuTorouito, a cleyer cartoonist,ý amounted 10 approximately amrused lie audience with a, tS200. Constable Les Ricard was serues of humorous drawings! - lie iîîvestigating officer. whiciî were reflected on a largei Oit as screen. His delgilful sense of OnRavines Street, known 8u fun was illustrabeil by is' thie lane to tie Goodyear plant skilled caricatures o! local - {rom Qucen Street, on Frdayýpeople and figures from lie a 2:25 p.m. a truck struec ainternational scetie. a parkcil car. Tic truck driver Frank Palmer, as soloist, was Normn George Chese- ngaumeofsnsrm - boro, 733 Lakeview Street, -sraday sherow s ncluding Oshavcýa. There was less than'Broabdwvay sountin" fromg r10dmaetitie pakdle Sound o! Music and "Tiey c 'Cail the Wind Maria" from -address oui 'Buffaloes." Ju..- Paint Your Wagon. He also jion Higi, Tina Hughes, Bow- sang the perennial favounites * nanville High School. The "Valencia" and "Tic Dookey subject of lier speech was Serenade" and several spirit- - ~Eglaud'.uals. He gave a lovely rendi- t Zone Commandier Ah MNas-lui,, ion o! "The Lord's Prayer"' t Branci 178 Public Speaking as an encore. c chairman, prescnted all the During lie balance of tire e prizes. Those who had altain' tvening dancing was enjayedý 1cd finst place in each divisions 10 lie varied popular music' 1receuveil a scroil in addition o! Charles Cochrane's Orches-! 1 to their prizes. tra, Oshaw.%a. o#oia %or nrV uam%# wiII be held 0on Wednesday, Feb. 28th rin the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, TOWN HALL, DRnWUAWT1 tV é -' T . 1 DJ.JVVMtYIAtNV ALJLiI L, ti .JU 11.1 for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposcd assessnient or accuracy of front- âge measuremcnts, and any other relating complaint witb respect to sanitary sewer con- struction on Liberty and Third Streets; and watermain on Bradshaw Street. JIACK L. REID, Clerk-Treasurcr. iard-to-hieat roomn? attic roorn? )UR HUME COMPLE xvvitli ~50 INSTALLATION . xtend or strain. your prese nt heating systemi. No isive structurai change% are nccessary ta> provide he added space! MFORT . . eat providcs the ultiniate i heating comifort. With istat in each electrically-heated room, you control ost. Electric Hent ik dean, no dust, no fumes, no> tion! SE ADVANTAGES ... rie Heat no heat is wasted up a chinny. No nced le house ta make one roomn comfortable, Ideal for a draiighf y roorn, attic room or that basemnent itario Hydro Office and Electrical re working together ta help you orne complete with Electric Heat. :NQUIRE TODAY AT ýRIO HYDRO PHONE MA 3-3530 61 Temperance St. Bowmanville OR THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS LISTED BELOW NEED EXTRA WARMTH? MAKE YOUR HOME COMPLETE WITH 44 i S. W_ ý IF I BUILDING A REC ROOM?. MAKE YOUR HOME COMPLUTE WITK SAFE, CLEAN, FLAMELESS SNOWDEN ELECTRIC MA 3-2359 R.R. î, Bowmanville WARM AN ARCTIC A1TIC ROOM WITH QUIET? CLEAN, SAFE HUGGON' Electric Ltd. MA 3-3305 38 King St. E. PAGE TWO WEDNESDAV, FEE. Ilst, 1962

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