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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1962, p. 8

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THTE CANADIAN STATrSISMAX\. BWAVL ONTARIO PAGEIGT Men's Major League, By Frank Mohun MNA 3-7234 ' MIDGETS NMUST WIN Bownanville Midgete, will havç t}-ieir backý agamlsi île vvall Saturday afternoon in Port Perr'.v.e they wfeet Ajax in the second game of the total goal -eries. The shoi1- handed locais were upset here Saturdav night 5-2. so X\ il not only have Io win, but their itr margîi must b east four goals. It mwîll be à touýgh chore. but teamn manager KEfn Sun. mersford told thîs reporter that hes sure the boý1s can do 0.i Unfortunatelv, %we missed the gaine here, but tOis Pattersotil mnust be pretty fair- - lie scored four of the five Ajax goals.! Game time Saturday at Port Perry is 4 o'clock. Ilw vbout having a little later supper and go. ing the bo', s richly-ý deserved support at our nooitheroneighboring 10w ýn. t t SHAMROCKS MEET TRENTON IN PLAYOFFS It bas been announced that Bowmanville Shanirocksi m iii meet Trentont R.C.A.F. Globe-Trotters in the semi-fiiial' round of the Intermediate "B' Lakeshore League ptayofffs.! Uxbridge slected Port Hope as their opposition iin the other! 8enîî-final- a best of severi set. The Bowman' ille-Trenton series is a best of fi. e a ffair.1 échedu]ed as follows: Thurs.. Feb. 22nd-Trenton at Bowmanv ile Fri., Feb. 23rd-Bowmafllille at Trenton M1on., Feb. 26th-Bowrnanville at Trenton Thurs.. Mar. ist-Trenton at Bowmanville (if nocssarý Fr!.. Mar. Znd-Bowmalville at Trenton (if iiecessar: i Both home games on the usual Thursday nigit iv ill start at 8:30, Games in Trenton gel uinderwvay at 9 olu. Weil1 go ouît on the limb and cali Bow,ýmaii\ ile b W:n- In four, ]osing the third game Monday'in Trentonî. t- -i Junioi - ~ ~ IThe Major Loague celebra-,Bud Moses 261, Mel Burges, ted Vlentine's Day, Fcb. 14th.1261-270, Larrv Piper' 292, xitli the grcatest massacre of Geor-ge Piper 279, Mlorlev Etch. the dead wood that hias bcen er '280. Bol) Ri(chards 280. Har- seen ai Libercy Bowl ini quite rv Akey 264, K{en Luxton 299- sonie time. Jack Parker smna-,261. Fr-ank Lew\ins 291. George -hed Jack Gay's i ecord of Filiott 64. Ernie Perfect 270, 359 that had beeri hig-h sinre Dr. Il. B. Rundie 2-18. Irving Jan. 3rd with a terrific 333 'Nelson27-60 Bud Henning , siigle gamne and this will be 278. Carl Leslie '264. *ff Tre. liard Io beat. Parker lias bee:i wifl 292. ____iln a slumrp ail scasOn ancd lOis Teain .Pt%. niay .just be wlipt is needed 10 Hap.s B.A. 17 4 17 get Jack back on the beam' Bowx ic Cleaners 13 8 11 _______________ ____________________ -- ...-. -.---- ------ -- ---.--- again. 1.aîder Iad\ae1.3 1:; I larr 'v Ga \ was lti mani for Liberty BoN-I 1.3 9 131 Lad B wlrs W i h st Plce t or nt A teno nthe high triple hav-îng gamnes Kramips Furnîtuire 1.1 8 13 r L dy owirs in Firt Pace at or ntoAft rno n of 321-238-313 for a terrifie Jurv & Lovel i l 1 1 11 872 total. Eltori Broc-k also hit lRob>onotor il in il fllover 800 witli gines of 26-StpeplîcuFuels Il)>11in1 Ladies' Bowli ' 64-280l for 820. Seflb Grant livat. 10Il o T1g-arnStandings 10 0)mr.1lre -k\Oc o ileloe 0I f Pated789. Carl Rab\, 779 (324). KeînCow.alit l',quiipoi)cot 10 Il 1 f Brooks10Luck"lîî* 1lxtoîî 78. jack Par- P'~ oa81 I le Icc~~~ki J55(:363). Met Dale NN 5.rc)s 1 I obb g.32]),> rv. Nelson 7a1. Ed Firt's Mg'ýcaIs 6 i s Co e. 6 . ' ,,. ,.Canadian Tii' 6 l15 6 YOUNG BOWLERS SHOW WELL Supervisor llarold Bennett and bis coaî'hiig staff vere. feeling justly proud although tired on Saturclay. Proul because of tOc way their y'onng bowlcrs hadl perfornied, but tireci because the futurec stars v.-etc bowling on somie sevent or eight ancs throughout Toronito and surrounding area. OtStrao h 0hxlis\h :mee Mr. Bennett. was verv happv in annotînce Ihat the ~'Oniîîîo firdan ofprinth 0 olsio Iefialpt Junior ladies and junior girls teams! qualified t0 boxx'l At Ille tue Sp)ort sllcl>us Show inMi-. Bowmraiîvil le lias SpoI'smans Show Nin Torontuoriext month. t Watch tOus tnw(Ier . ot f tlhem ls. ,lis g ru )tp xvuî columor for further details). r liist plaf-e ini th(, Jun iou Ladies civil-5 li ilr tcamTs The junior ladies v.ho rolled 2981, 500 morpiae ihair ch >.o>m Bowniativille cI Bt.>li ngtuun. ~Ic'buuxx'd at nearpst competitors, finislhed firi. They ai-e. Karen Oke,' lielen Vanstone. Mary Munday. Riehie Taylor. Marie <'lant! and Suzanne Bail.1 Junior Girls W iIl Appei The junior girls bovled 285.3 for a second place finish. Gai! Srlers, Johanne Bennett, Marylee \'eo, Susan Allowýýa.. Susannep Gay and Penny Jeffery comprised the tcamn. The girls were only 52 pins off the pare, wvind-ý lng up third, xvhile the junior nien rolled 3302, but Iain ltoý tough competition, finishing fifth. The winners bowlcd 3607.' A tip of the hat to the bowlers and 1 heit' oachee. and i a special thank you iromi Mr. Bennett 10 those who di-ox e. t t 1 ' PICTON- LAST WEEKEND Last weekend, this reporter returned bta he badminton toui'nament trail. after an absence of fixe vears. It vwas Picton -- scene of the Central Ontario Open Championships vchere mie played in men's and rnixed doubles. After an easy first round win, Gary Tighe and this reporter met a formidable Ottawa duo who knocked us out in the next set. Saturday afternoon a petite younig lady from Belleville was our partner. The first round wasn t as easy1 " tbis time -- we met Doreen Reddoch and George Ln Don't anyone ask us the score. Howevei', ihe boss enabledi : ; us ta enter the consolation round and we dîd get ta the semi- finals before losing out. Speaking of consolations- Bownîanvillp club rremibers w.on two events. Bibi White downed teamn-mate Gus Long for the men's singles title, while Joe Markle and Dick Lawrence were winners of the men's doubles consolation.1 The most thrilling match of the tournament was Fridav> night in the ladies' doubles when Maurice Chaî'lton anWà Verna Rose of Peterborough upset Ottawa's Mary Armitage i and Edith Hayman in the semi--fîrials. The Ottawa pair led Wlîie te>didn'ft do quite ~vl as a;the .Juîiiir 14-12 in the third game, but Charlton and Rose ied i.Ito Ltir'Iain, tî-tese y>ounig bo\xlot s cumpletouçl in Ille force extra point play. It wound up 3-2 after Armutage and: Jii- ir-ls tournamient arnd cane secoindi. fl is (1uaIi- Hayman missed two match points at 2-2. fied luem i t appeal at the Sp(i'ISIIl~ell'S hOul( a ou. Doreen Reddoch, handieapped bv file fli-bîig, Jost the ladies' singles final ta Miss Hayman 11-10, 11-5 afteî' leadîîîgý Ille firt 10-î. Miss Hayman only has a sanal parf her - h m r ck ea t y o accident and switched to left hand playing is trute --(t. isnis l y f a eH certainly amazing. Others say sOc was boni that way andý Is a natural lefty - but we roubdn't pin down the truc stoî-:,Tx e tr-fu oir af 'b c(011" I h(ýInr-- Ralph Wintell, returning to the badminton tournament th is pape'r hlitho eel \lm oie> kyiî efaun foi. trail, after losing an eye, put up a great battle before losîîîg orî1a r-sleîciBxnani Tued, sguîIIC . Iluaxilîg iu to Jim Millen in an all-Ottawa men's singles final, vxilei-iculn ha s -lle olfi bue , i-eigtut lne gciduc-sur WinteUl, a tremendous retriev-er, was Up agaînsî oectmn stclclFrhicuu filcu :s xcl ooSlanirc tkc ~k'theOce ant Dc-'as lie is alloiclbY Ili o? the best singles players wex e ever seen. Millen V,0on Trentoiulcîitrotc the1 10 V lii lu<i'.liiii wèt11. lisl.- 1,5-2, 15-b, but despîte the score every point producd a long lir..I ofienia O~ of fîxle a trucI frItun1i of i111VSaiuoçx ra 1 1y. si in",i( i uoLk- Os-ai". ointii i-)nal g' trn the mens doubies, local menibers, Ueoige Lng1,01litnîcce 3gî-foup- aIl (iinduitns foi-s'on luai in:uî and Ken Smiîth led 7-2. but werp. off their garnies a.s i hex ectd c> i"sýioiild Or' r.>. 2ir'S ui'gîn' lost 15-8, 15-4 to AI Philiips and George Liddiard of Ottawxa xcw, u wau.0nili teu a- ide u ~gveIla ii fii the finals. tenudanuce O:sruî îttcgauilui puîu111 ~xxi Doreen Reddoch and Kay Hopk-ins, iembers of the' tops iin[la'f hulcviaci puS..uuug \ 'et. udi tir'1( Carlon nd owmnvile lub, ~vn te ldie' dubls ! 1 opes tof tilt':tolcorne of pri;'e foi- tiss Fnovxu a> S180.00,) Carto ad owmnvll Cub, wn helaie' dubesinOis lous ok a definite u-ad uIreliia iiatiitfigure Ihree gamcs over Charlton and Rose, but we missed most of isurý,n'- xith the returi, to thte until Mu.'1 it while watching the hockey gamne ou TV. liocup of J u un Oliuî>kýi. -lo i Oaci At thîe cuî1 uuîîv tcuc i.,- In the mîxcd doubles, At-mitage and Phillips: defeated b" utitîîoîfrn-nvStuI su-oie axai alu N- paie ci Haymnan and Dave Waddel! 15-6, 15-12. Mary, Arînitage ' sdu 0akeeuîIll [Ili;Osc'r uîghc-lax crS be îmorte to lay or or loal cub uder he r.n xon> in ia gaine. sud Io îrentoni lois Fnîda:. night might b motdtapa o urlclcuiudrte'ame! rec-uvcla hugon'luîtlasIfor 10e secound gaine of Ilte Ser- of Mrs. George Long. Tîîui'sd:uv as lie skated nutit 10 e-, alîuclansit'xv: îî lu The Central Ontario Closed Tournamient is coming upg týakc ,ungbetntuu10 vlIuusi uii. tciuu scon at the Bowmanville Club, More details later. gai ti- Ci3diit4 Port PvrrxM. Oh- daion i! t, seul uIoiuiian' I th clî-utnsivc mb eand) this xvi ~ li rnlo*1 2l3 0 SOUTHVIEW GOLF MEETING iv'u Slîainro(:ks uuaxiinuni s treiigth un lOis dupartinent. Ma xvil.Sueuu aI I ai Don't forget the golf membership meeting, Wednesday. The 'startung lilleup for Ille the' rink.Tsh. ai 813 I February 28th, 8 o'elock, in the lounge of the new club house.'Grecn and Whiite Oas lot as yet PflII. - - ______ -- been announcecl. but a itus Mtimn ItleanuOas roon oe oi thue inuured lusi - a fat t mnost cii - c ouiagiligi n o ('îaielî .J1 un' i de un--n OPEN BOWLING ÇoluadFuîMieo x "Night-hawks" Ladies' League Tearn '-'taildng' Buttery I ScOt t:11 Avecrage s M. Bic*.-îr-189 G. Bainî -18- G. SCOIti 183 D. Charles --.18 A. Plazek 173 M. iodfgýori 171 G. Coont Ocs 171 V P1'-kai'd 1631 MI. C:agiî 16 1. rtght19 HfigO Single-- G. Scott 2.58. iligh Triple- D. Charles 618. 200 (b.mes D ('laritc-s 255, G. SLot 2i M.N li-odg-ion 2.56. 'A Il iîcjou et n iRichm'ond IMil]and M ilappeal- cnii evisiuui iltiriilw in uale 'l'heyxai-e finiîn IcI tui rigi: airv )xOuudaý lýau'ii t lIx. SiixaniieBail. MNarie i('lant.[- i% Vansîuue uand RichIualuii . llîvalso niyAx .-socn ini aclionru clarly ai I.iberty !3ul bote. ýar ai Sport'smen 's Show Bickle - 734 (10.5). Moi le\ EIcher 7 8. Duiî . *Bill "J.ake" W la-e724. Holroyd -~ (3061, Ml\tlBurgess 7..Ji-k Cowangp -;Lander 721, Ernie Perfe ci 19, A~'erage~ Maurce Richards -,19.(.0> Dot Brookýs . . 226 George Piper 71j8, Carl Lcsli' Atîdrev Bickle 22 4 708, C]iff Trevvin. 700) 011ie Patfield 206 Yes there 'vere somu real1 May C o1 99 bad anes \wth Alex W isc- 1 H-eleni Duiî 139 niai, wiirîiliîg hoth the lrîw1 Dot 08e 1.37 single 107t and low triple 4:37. JO 'vce 1:,ý Y 1 2Jack Bond lOaci 443. 1Howard lovce Holden 11 Broinell camne through %vith ý Jean Lobb >72 108 gaille. Russ Laîîe andcl Don Doris 1-olrovd 1-70 Bagnieil were all C co ai 115. Bea Sellersz 167 Ed Leslie dropped his avci - 'Marion Gibsýon 164 age to 2'39 but stilltlias a 6« 200 (;aresijoini odge uvcr îunrp Aure ickle 276. -250. O1- F-i:îr' Perfet. Cari Leslie ancd lie Patfielci 266, Jovrce 1HodenifHarrY Gay are tied ai '2:32 foi- 24.Dot Nicholas '201. .21 gaines. - ~Somne real nuce gaines .\(,ie bovlvd this wveek. Jack Lau-, I * l U* der 260-26l, Ross MWright 284,' Legion bowling î cf'~ f rt place mn0ug xx a citoinfuxe points despîte a 5 -2 vbctiorIlo-et- Yeo iin Tuecdav- iglt's Leguon Bowl- ilug ar-tion. Ellunt rounred î-elar-dxvelling Wright 7-0 to take over aloîue iin the runner- uip sîot. Yeo. tied with Elliott p-ex-iouislx. nropped iîto third,' Onilv one Poinît ahn'aclof Sarruis, Whîo xaîpd Dohbins 7-0. Ger-ge Eliotti wa.ç lite ton boIlcer. N'ith a 750 triple suda a 281 single. Emnie Perfect 0Kt for- 7>9. foilowed by Harold Bennuett 713, Keith Yeo -,>1, Bob Stocker 67. Frank Sanus 67.Venu> Conruors 656. Vtoi-e Pr'out 649. Pete Dobns 6 f34 and Wilina Bates 632ý Team Standings t:- Pc rfec-î lYen iSaillii Wrihtî pif- 26 16 j 3 iMixed Bowling suighii a 0o xer Brom- :Il) . le lague-laders ex- An 112jonts larrson posted the itigl ls other shutout. blanking E. Brock 7-0 ta take ovcu- the rtunner-îîp slot fi'om NT Etelher. 4-3 bosers to Spicer. Lasi-place Luxton edgred H. - Bio -3, the upset enablin thie xvinoeis ta docuble the- 'Fiocx roi [cd aai nst 19 ot huer tearns ficuni lie sIIain ara previnus point production. 0. l Etelter dcfcated Lobb 5-2 ta ann(l ceiin action afIDuforlini Laitns. Fri-cm lc'ft to staý' n contention. -giýifi: M a rv!rf1enu. Cail Se ilors, Su zannte Ai iiixaY, St.auî Nori-istO took high triplaý .Juhanun-Beîîn=tl [ii11>,.Tl'frvatui suisaiule Clav\. Ioiiîs w-oh a 7128 ltriple. fol- lnixveclb>' Morley Etc-hie- 716. ______________________________________________ ali Harrison 7 15, Elton Broc'k-,06, Onie Etcher x-îth Goodyear Hockey League at 6f)ondRu687, cei 'Fue l' 2i..ian! et uIi'. huai Iwo nitoes lier, Ebip17 cam o m -i l li a lu e, li'.jui l : lî-, nic Il.t t2-i a ttisî1x'ei1mou- Oglsingle. Mati, Harr-ison was iiîii\ ' t ' lit t .; t i d pio!, We ' oi,'uilput tht' men'sbesl wibh '311, aotier Guuî.t i. I.' ai' c- u - 1- ue 01t- (,\t lt- ~,lt'op Scores going tb Staut Nor-ý uitroilliii'\ \ h tu- .liuil I l. -t- s ii uit u Iruinsh- 306, Elton Brock--298, .Of> ý1 tu 'oal in Ihicv illllis _lîai" Palmer '285, How%%ard I ùruaI Aiuuu.u. S i:ti ne iiiiu.Oîti: i 1il le x ne p-uand I .o. îdaBck It xý,i - 92 lui' thi Fou i ilu un - h î il BuIts asu ci foliur nitii.e B o-'68 'î, li utii, ltlii' he 'n-lgîu Io tuhelir *e-t gauuli- 9 -2 68Mot-le>' Etc-hem- 263. Malt e:ilii u fi-9,î) luI iC. M i -ui li cî'u'C I i [ aui -ouu 259. Art Spiret -5 11;1,c ' "W i i' i- nfi'cI'e t ao il) lie- linu-iiiuk. Don aud Clîff Trexvin i 255. t' rui i-utuc u- --u--P-uoiil uiîii-taentat )]IC uiiinl uu'1'earm Standing% c iu'tî-nîi:ivi1.:iîve >ti 10 tii J.ulle C s r Gi-o.1M. arrison29 f M a I . Etcicr -28i. 0 N El Yr V 4. oeuh in ohîoxe ftlelIn ýe take '0.Etc-ler '26f Io ar a -;-LU Ll l)'A.Lobb " 0 Hl. Brornel 18 %Vl1 11B1I i OR ~ui.iCPE. Rroek 1 I ici \la ilru fi: <b fx . Lito- I' a d ivHa L Palmner'226 tulini iv uc x. i t>0 Il -.Benntt 219 RALPH S. JONES i.W iil -lu goli IXL Etthen 2:15 P arrister and Solît-utor lNu> s.uui ij(ilo ui a ii ý I.-Bî'cher 211)) 130 Kinîg St. E. Oshîawa Pa' oi'ifiiu IHarrisonîu RA R8-6246 iiig tii I (I Lkd int . ati iliontiaiuld 1ete '\. GCat206 M.,(Liant1201 L __ adies igO Siiugle-E. o rani"t-lii u ce ,i tari Ouf i l' tc îu tI a le î,ici ~~ Let me tell yau how. B.XNNI;ltPASSAXNT 1.1l Rhder Ave~ .. Bowmianvili? SUN UIFE ASSURANCE CO0MPANY 0F CANADA 1'1E NEXT KINSSIEN ~SUPER CAR BINGO FRIDAY, FEB. 23 - 8:30 p.m. $8500.00 in Totail Prizes 1962 FORD FAIRLANE plus niaîîi Casil Prizes ssso 01 Peterborough S8500.00 Prize¶ olMmorial Centre Pi s8 ujooayear Lge. Bowling 'xi ii t 'e .k h. [e i - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 , <' n (o Ile.i t..~~ i,-us tc h m e' md ýniliert)c. t d w il, I e C. n (31 M~~~~~~p 1ln îiî ii2~ b gw-2. l> img ot ut chdcr opby andi aMge oo i h 9 and t-1 ', c ntî o.î i tuer31 1 rame. U auigns n-2 'cui1 4-> ' i I it-2B,! . ý , . 1 'ln-fJ 'tIl Ca -ier :,0ui :1 - e n.- e Ou' jui P x.i-p u 2 u86. T ralu'c Ladlies H igh ipe .Eti- lc-ns -IblIlO single- 'M a t lfar:-ison 1> Mens 1-ugO Triple -'Stan Ncirrc .0 72 28.5. Briat-, Martyîi 276, Murt- i-av Granît 274. 254,1J o h !i Cooinbes 2-69. Vero Conno.a 2M6 . -Chuck" Wright 26 5. .NckJe Mcîrphy 260, '245, George Dadson 257, 240, Jtm Houc-k '256. 250, and Jack Bond 255. Joc Piper rolled a nîce 751 triple. followed hv Murrav. Grant 7:37, George Dadson 718, %I;ke Murphy 710. Bill Hol- ro ' 'd 67d6,Jim Houick 671. John Coýonibrs 668. Hovvard Bromell 664 arid John Carter 659. Team Standings Pe 1ts Combines Faun Beuis Braidersi fHos,e C om-ets Machine Shop Laboratorv Banlbu r'- LudPrc,-ss Office .15 926 2 1 1.9 in faîîîîlx tii Na inp G Ae Eru e, Per fect 21 ,e- Carl Lr-iî 21 232 liarry Gay 21 232 End Lugtcnburg '21 230 Jl:Ck (av 21 22q EliîBou k 21 227 Lae'PIp uer21 22 5 Rus lalman ' 2 Geoi ge Elluim 18 223 Features .This IWcek Il1:h Sînkle ,Jack Parker 3V2. IligOiple Ilpri Gay 872. Low vSingle o- Alex Wisemn 107. Lruw [î oie Alex Wisemani 4:37. Thins elrdule Jack FbPrkcî 363. .lau'k (ay--890. GlIen Fry- -93. INTERIMEDIATE "BI' SEMI.FINALS Thursday, February 22nd TRENTON vs. BOWMANVILLE Adits 60C Students 30c MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMAN VILLE* PUBLIC SKATING 8-10 P.M. FRIDAY, FEB. 23rd SATURDAY, FEBRIJARY 24th 9 - 10 P.111. COME. SEE AND DO THE 'Twist on Skates", Out-of-tovvilexperts wl I e present to showv you howv! REGULAR PRICES 011 ADMISSION SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25th SKATING - 3 p.m. CHILDREN'S SKATING WEDNESDAYI FEBRUARY 28th 3:30 to 5:30 p.rn. Childrcn - - - - -- - Aduits acconipanying children - - 25c 1961 VAUXHALL Station Wagon Ctistorn buit radio, heater. Just over 5,000 nmies. Balance of new car warranty. $1875 1959 Pontiac Parisienne Convertible Fullv power eqtuipped. 20,000 original miles $ 39 guaranteed. One owvner$ 3 , 1959 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN Aulomatic, radio, white walI tires. Excellent condition $ 6 a 1958 OLDSMOBILE "SUPER 88-_j I-uIIy eluipi)ed. irnma(ulate condition. Redîccd$1495 1952 GMC '/2-TON F"air i î,îmn'g tonditioli -uper special- 0 nlI.y Tis wek; Many othier mak-es and niodels to choose froni ",YOUR QUALITY Gil DEALER" ROBSON MOTORS LTD. %V. J. eMechan, Presîdcnt Bîîick - Pontiac Acadian - Vauxhalli-GIMC 166 King St. E. Bowinanvile New Phone Number MA 3-3396 (3 lines to serve you) Oshawa direct line- 725-2712 EVERY FRIDAY EVENING after 9:00 o'clock SATURDAY EVENING after 6:30 o'clock BRUNSWICK AUTOMATIC PIN-SETTERS Phone MA 3-5663 FOR RESERVATIONS Get your party together for an evening of bowling .a .'t LIBERTY BOWL LTD. BASE UNE BOWNIANVILLE ZIMWll9ý1 1 . '-Il 1 , 1

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