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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1962, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STAI 'ESMAIq, EOWMAN"VTLLE, ONTARTO _______________________________________ WEN A, TEu. lm 1P ¶ YEVRTNMrs. W. H. Stinson o evr bined the flare for elocution (Intended for last week) as possessed by her mother (Audrey) and ber father's oratulagttos Bakto ck - brains-(both old schaol mates! Thursday, Mardhi st- Dur- Trudeau, Bowmanviile, R.R. 4.1 on Wight o honours ý of ours). !ham Farmn Management Asso- Wednesday, Mardi 7th, 8:30 the public speaking contestý Congratulations to Mr. and cdation Special Meeting. Jack p.m. - D ur h am Cucumber, for all}Durham. Miss Wright'Mrs. Aiban Sisson of Bethany:Clark, Economics B r an ch,l Growers Meeting, Lions Hall, Is the eIdest dau'ghter of Mr.1who celebrate their Sth Wed-lGuelph, gues-t speaker. Newcastle. and M-s. Walter Wright and, ding Anniversarv this week.;Friday, March 2nd, 7:30 p.rn. Thursclay, March 8th, 8:00 granddaughter o! Mr.- and'Mr. Sisson was the Road Sup-'- Durham County Seed Judg-1p.m. - Town Hall, Orono, To- ing Competition and orgafli- bacco Growers Meeting. zation of 4-H Grain Club. Monday, March l2th, 8:30- 153___153 1March3 - 7- Colege Royal, Drham 500 ushelPotato Tuesday, March 6th, 8:00 March 9, 10, Il - Junior, SHOW ÀAND SALE p.m. - Local 78 Ontario Far-1 Farmer Conference and An-, mers Union, home of Joseph' nual Meeting, O.A.C., Guelph.ý of Wednesday, March l4th - erintendent for Manvers TWp. Or'canizatjon Durham Poultryý B E F B M L for over 25 years. The same Club, 8:30, Brooks Poultryý B E F ~ L~combination of attributes -Farrn, Bowmanville. Under the auspices of THE ONTARIO BEEF CATTLE quiet, slow ta anger, calmness, Tuesday pi r,13 .. IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION lfriendly and diplomatie that .B aytc, Aprhamr, 1:3 p.m. this couple possessed andih- B lbatcknuaSh ort- A ~~~which contributed se much to1 onCu nulSl.Cn H avs Sa les Arena 'their popularity in those tr _tact John Rickard, Newcastle,» TRAFALGAR :ng years, likewise were con- Sales Manager, re catalogues. 5 Mies orthof akvlle n Iighwy N. 5ducive ta 50 years of n'aritali Wednesday, April llth - An-, 5 Mles ort ofOakilieon ighay o., bliss. May they have many nual Banquet Durham Short- HEREFORDS SELL ON TUESDAY, IMARCH 13th i more happy anniversaries. horn Club, place, etc. to be, SHORTHORNS, ABERDEEN ANGUS and GALLOWAY Attestiflg to the fact that announced. THURSDAY, MARCH 15th there is stiUl a dollar to be May 31 - June 2 - Thirty-' Showng shedled or :30 .m.eachdaymade in pig farming if done first Annual Conference and Shoingschdued or :30ar. ech ayefficientîy, is the new Oids- Annual Meeting, C a n a d ia n Sales will commence at 11:30 a.m. each day mobile sported by the Floyd Council on 4-H Clubs, Edmon-i Every Ontario farmer buying a "performance tested" Stinsons this Week. ton, Alberta. bull at these sales will be eligible for a premium of Yelverton's United Church June 18 - 21 - Annual Con- 20 per cent of the purchase price, but flot more than iCentennial year got off the vention, Agricultural Institute' $ 150.00, in accordance with the ternis o! the Bull ground as It were on Satur- o! Canada, Ottawa. Premiiîm Policy. :day nicht wvhen the combined Catalogues may be obtained froîn the Se'y-Treas. coroniittees o! Church Trus- Information for the Andrev C. Gaunt, Pres. R. H. Graham, See'y tees (church redecoration) Busy Farmer Lucnow Ot. ariamnt Ids.,Tooino and Centennial Com mit t ee A special series of talks on 15 13 met at the home o! Mr. and subjects of interest to the busy _________________________________________ evening of planning was top.iheld in St. John's Parish Hall, f Sped off with a lovely buffet Bowmanville. Everyone wel- supper provided by the hast corne. and hostess. Tuesday, Februarv 20 Pre- Mr. and Mrs. George Page ventive Veterinary Medicine- N O T IC Env er feted by Dr. Julian, District Vetri-i Irenon aturay igh at he ryLaboratory, Brighton. Harold Pages of Peterborough Tuesday, February 27 - Wills, on the occasion o! their 56th Succession Duties, etc., A. A. N oddng Anhvrsare GosfsH. Strike, Barrister, Bowman- N o e ha ge ofpresent were Mr. and Mrs. ville. (Special invitation i Location the Clarence Pages, Ion andimeeting.) Adee o Behan, te Hrol 1Note: On Monday, Februarv j :Pages and Gardon, Mr. and. 26th, we plan to move to ouir £ ffceArs. Floyd Stinson, Dale and new location. Teeoew Thne Durham County O fc Pamnela, of Yelverton, and the. will flot be sending ont ar of iguests o honour of Bethany. agri cultural calendar u n t i cfMr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore' about the 15th of March. entertained some two dozen Prepared by Ontario Dept. THE EXTENSION BRANCH guests on Saturday evening o! Agriculture, Bowm.anville, 'for supper on the occasion o!' Ont. MArket3-5513. of the ýBalfour's mother's 8th birth -_________ ONTARIOday (Mrs. Nettie Moore). She ONTARIO ~~was the recipient o! a suitcaseoilH sia and a trilight from al ber MemoilH s ta DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE chfldren andl grandchildren WekyRpr will be moved to FRANK STREET, the happy occasion. Guests xvere present from Toronto, Bowmanville, on1 Peterborough, Lindsay, Oak- For the week of February ...k..3.... Tr ? .....,l1.. ci,1. a in , wood and Cameron. 19-25 inclusive: .LuraLLaUIy, a rcn isi.L Lb, J.IL Frank Street runs south from Highway No. 2 west of the new Shopping Centre in the east end of Bowmanville. New Telephone Number wlIIbe MArket 3-3348 A. 0. DALRYMPLE, Agricultural Representative, Durhami County. DEAD STOCK SERVICE Purcliased accordlng to size and condition. Smail animais removed free Phone Collect, Peterboroughi RIverside 2-8827 NICK PECONI, Proprietor Licence No. 117-C-61 ANNOUCING EWY FORD TRACTOR DEALER Se S. MORION & SON SALES & SERVICE MAPLE GROVE DRB. 2, BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-2279 Visit Canada's newest Ford Tractor dealership ...the Iatest member of the ever-growing family of Ford Tractor dealers stretching £romt coast to coast. This new dealership is now open for the sale and service of Ford and Fordson 'Jractors, Ford Farm. and Industrial Equipment, and Genuine Ford parts. Cail in soon . .. you'Il get a warm welcome and you'I1 enjoy the friendly, personal service. Turn in where you see the Ford Tractor sgn... it's the sign of fine products and good service. FORD TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT SALES COMPANY 0F CANADA, LIMITED Saint John, Montreal, Toronto, Regina, Vancouver Ford Tractors and Implements * Fordson Tractors Ford Industrial Equipment * Genuine Ford Parts 1> Admissions .. ... Bi'rths, 5 male, 2 female.. Discharges .. ...... Major operations....... M nor operations ......... Emergency treatments .. Visiting hours 3 - 4 p.m. and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. 47 7 63 12 14 13 j Dept. Higlîwaysý Rescue Stalled Motorists on 401, Motorists stranded this win- ter on isolated sections of Highway 401 are being rescued by Department of Highways patrol cars. Over 1300 calls for help have been aswered sol far this season. The patrols are part of a maintenance service on the more isolated parts of! 401 in areas around London, Hamilton, Toronto, Port Hope and Kingston. This service en- ables the motorist in trouble to get to, the nearest service station for gasoline or repairs. The cars cover each section in each direction at frequent intervals. So far over 200 motorists have been given a gallon of gasoline each. Towj trucks have been called for 370 stranded vehicles and high- way vehcles have carried ou, minor repairs to nearly 350 dis-I abled automobiles. In two ser- ious accidents first aid wacz given and in 16 known case.; the patrol cars have drivei for help. The patrols, whichi normally make routine checks damage, consist of trucks and station wagons. Among the emergency cases this year were the finding of 59 abandoned vehicles which were reported 'to the Provincial Police. Archie McKillop, Depart-, ment of Highways maintenance engineer, Port Hope District. says: "Motorists tell us they appreciate the service and we get a kick out of being able to help." One of McKillop's crew- came upon an accident recent- ly, flagged down a doctor's car calld the Provincial Police an(] then helped clear the lane for traffic to pass. In the London area main- tenance engineer Ken Living- ston has an average of eigch: calîs for help a day. Last month his crews aided 250 strandcd people. At one serious acci- dent a driver was found in a state of shock. First aid was given, an ambulance called on the patrol car's two-way radio, the police informed, and fin- aliy the injured man piaced oi' an improvised stretcher. Not all of the caîls for heli are so serious. One patrol sa%, what they thought was an aL andoned truck. They pullc over and shone a light in the cab. A driver sat up wl; a start. "Xhat's the time?", F asked. "Four A.M." he wii told. "Then corne back on th( next trip at six a.m. and wakc me up again," said the driver. The emergency maintenance patrcis will continue through the winter until April when the improving xvather wili, it is hoped, cut back the sched- ules to the normal summer routine. With the opening of the first Service Areas on Highway 401 this summer, ta be foliowed by additional ones, the need for the services pravided by these Fpecial patrols wiil grad- Uully be reduced. s just plain When you have someting to seli, be practical Use Our Want Ads 5c a word, minimum of 75c if paid by publication day STATESMAN WANT ADS SELL THE GOODS QUICKLY- AND FOR JUSI PENNIES PER AD! It's ust plain good horse sense ta get rid of those useable items - for cash And it makes equally good sense to advertise your wares where more people,# who are looking for a bargain, wilI see what you have to offer Phone MA Deudline 3-3303 Today - 4:30 Tuesday afternoon 7 1 1 - that your family no longer needs TESMANI igowmANVMtE, It Um ntenburn 4C14 1 THE CANADUN STAT PAGE TEN 1

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