THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLE. ONTARIO Orono O UAC~y4n4"OKdm0Z4 Harley's Phone 3621 fT w Ken' Morris, Guest SpeakerHo iul ra Newcastle- The officiais ý Horticuturathe Town Hockey League are1 e most pleased with the fan sup-, port they have been receiv- Socity H ids ng recently and tonight or Chamber of Commerce peMetn Sundlay will see the finish of the exciting senies. Newcastle-An open meet- evening, the Orono teamn met P la n P a kin L o a ting off the Horticultural Soc- the local Harley's Motars team Plans, Parkingh LononSuLotevniati th frs roor of he ommuityHall game off the final series. With Snide of Com munity theoutsHallg gal__ nd___b Side of om m nit H al prsidntMrs. George Steph- Black Jack Gray and the scar- ensan pnesiding. ing power showvn by Howard Newastle-An asphaît park. chamber need flot make the passible ta dig it up. Mr. Rick- athseir ri th e sh uboet community hall in the evenng was advised ta get the neces- not satisfactory because it is gvnb r n r.J . N E W T O and provide off street parking sary bookiets and proposed installed toa deep. During theJaeiusrtn wth sds for shoppers during the day constitution frorn the provin- discussion of ways and means Josepitus taknonth sep. s .BanNbendau was a project planned by the cial chamber as a guide before off alleviating this trouble, on e o Bceatifulconethlies otripgtersofrnNoleas ndau Chamber off Commerce at its re-organization and election member said the sewens would aiuflwrtkebyM.sndgsvrldy tth meeting on Thursday eveningloff officers of the new cham- probably be installed In tieSterieusofnowersh n by mr.sedinfseerparedas at.the In the Queen's Hatel. ber. The meeting was thrown village before the tule bed r.Gg Stephenso n wlho me F r paens. h Mr.n Cailed by President E.*R.* open frdsuso ihM.wudhv ob u paan explained the circumýtances orf Noble is on a business trip Lovekin, the meeting heard a Morris answering the many and received the gufffaws of th e wbere and lbow they wene out West. talk by Ken Morris, secretary queries put ta him liy the doz- membeî's. It was deeided the taken. Mn. George Pethick, Tor- manager off the Bowmanville en men in attendance. matter should be gone inta fur. Following the evening of onto, and Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Chamber off Commerce Who Harold Falk, chairman off ther and a bookiet on parking pitnsMs Vn ilgnRdnp ecslwn e cxplained how a Chamber Off the committele appointed atprablems, sugrgested by M.i.Mn a er amitee ered de-p ewate wr Commence should be organized the previaus meeting ta look Marris, lie secured and stud- liciaus refî'eshments ta the cent vMitons KîthM n.l and s and necommended membership into the parking probleni, pre- led by the committee before members. Mn. ilme-mtonKmbîndMs In the Ontario and Canadian sented figures ta show that aj final plans were completedGierSth Chambers. tet-he a akn o and presented ta counicil for The gnoup off volunteers who Mn.Mari tod ow tenould le cnsrupared g onte * oval. are undentaking ta paint the Mr Mrrs ol ow th cul b ontrven n h Sunday School Auditorium. Bowmanville chamber was or- east side af the community to Tewre tarth Oan i ntutd Ei g Wnihmt ta ere pla ns dtake ganized and how it operated hall ut an appraximate cast of Cnaian Co hmeOnstfr i n iii-omk lasadtk and sme offthe lmistakemaesca500.Tis ppoxlimatuely x- frmatio regads b Pack -the finst step in prepanation lndfwanedfthe mlocal embes 500.This wpoudinctludesex- omtonngiîn ebn- Pans t ack for the job. The assistance off by that chamber so the local inches, refilling with gravel ship and ta ask for the book - ail able-bodied men, between and topping with asphaît. lets and suggested canstitu- th gso 6 n 0 h tions available from this office. ClotiT g B l nwhwt prt an Ithe discussion which fol- Following the main part o f h ing ale the gef1nd 90, whoted Skating Party lowed, the matter off the weep- the meeting a deliciaus lunch ing tulelied for the hall was off sandwiches and coffee xvas Newcastle - The regu l a r Mrs. Wmn. Stapleton uîîden-ý mentioned and R. B. Rickand senved ta the mnembens by Mr. meeting off the Evening Branch went an apenatian last week En'oyed by stated that in his opinion cov- and Mrs. Dlugsz, with thein of St. George's Woman's Aux- and is pogressing favoably. col I bav n efc on discussion on vaniaus matters hall on Wednesday evening. ing off the Clarke Township Couples Cl.ub the action off the lied, but in off interest ta the cammunityThe meeting took the form off Area Board was held in Newv- case off trouble it would not lie was held. a quilting and business meet- tonville Sehoal on Wednesday Newcastle- The February ing. everling. meeting off the Menry Mannîed Sca Iff~T D O The usual prayers opened Mir. Allan Clark was in Ca- Couples' Club took the fonm S ci l & .-ersona1 U.L1±IPUUJ. the meeting with the addition jbourg most off last week, serv- off a skating party at the local Cnoff the Primate's Prayer. The, ing on the jury. Memonial Arena, witb those Caongratulations ta Fred Gra- Manvers United Church Wa- minutes off the last meeting Mn. and Mrs. Melville Samis, Who didn't cane ta skate were hafre son off Mn. and Mrs. Al- men met at the home off Mrs. were adopted and reports were Mns. Clintan Browvn, Mr. and' entertained with games off lfedGraham on passing with Fred Youngman, Thursday, given by the officens. iVrs. Hugh Stapleton, Ms crokinole and scrabble la th," Ifîrst class honors his Grade Feli. 22nd, for hi otl h ocsscearMs uryPre n r.C.M United Chiirch Sunday Sehool 110 piano examinations, held meetng. Mrs. Youngmnaan e- George Stephenîsoni, reported Jones attended the Card Party hall. recently by the Royal Conserv- ported that the two card par- that a bale off gaod used cloth- at Providence School on Fni- On the return off the skaters atory off Music, Toronto. ties hand netted $21.00 and due ing would lie packed at the day evening. ______________ ta unfavounable weather and inext regular meeting on Mardi The annual meeting off the ta the Sunday Schoal hall, the roads it was decided not ta 7, and the requisitian for the Pont Hope Telephane Coim- comrnittele in charge off the evening served hot chocolate C ar e u St. bave any mare for the present. ýIndian Schoal wauld lie sent pany was beld ut Newcastle, aaddouhnus a te mmbes ter the meeting, a success-1 at the saine time. Mns. Steph- Saturday afternoon. an of h cu ad. lowine hemr'Clr e D ful bake sale xvas held. Next1 enson displayed some offthie On Saturday evening, Miss lunch a short business peiod meeting will lie held at the knitted articles xvhich bave Joan Reid, whose marniage ta %vscnutdby the Presi- Tea chersofearîo o gila~s Logan. been neceived from some off Mn. Douglas Karkeck off Tor- dent Selon Prker ýTe cher Hea At ameetng o theCounty the members and finsoff the anto, will take place in Orono, The committee appointed ta 'L.O.B.A. held ia Norwood, Branch, and two dolis xvhich March 10, was honored with take charge off the March meet- IN 'A D Mrs. Fred Youngman xvas re- had been drcssed. a presentation, ini the Commun- ing are Mr. and Mrs. Tracy' e P oararn elected County Chaplain. Final plans were made for ity Hiall. Rev. R. C. White of- Embly, M. an Mrs G ronyFniday night's stonm piled the February 28th card panty ficiated as chairman and en- Emiey0n adMnGrdon o mounitains off snow ahi aven the and mare planning xvas done joyable instrumental numbers Gray and Mn. and Mrs. Maro The Feliruany meeting place with ail roads beîng iîn connection with the cater- were provîded by Miss Donella >1 ancck heClad i triNct actensblocked. ing ta the Masnie Ladies Lancaster. Joan was asked ta j ws hld a te Nwcatle We were sorry we were un Night dinner.1 accept a purse, as a token off sehool on Feli. 19. Regandless able ta attend thie 50th wedd- With the next regulan meet-1 esteem and best xishes from af -tie recent heavy siow ing anniversary off Mn. and ing falling on March 7th, Asi ler many fniends in this dis- PA N A KE slom3 wichblokedteahes Mrs. Alban Sisson. We sendi Wedniesday, the members will trict. Unforti4nately inclement Il a ot fte echr ur best wîshes for many more 'meet at thec church for 'àe*vice weather "and imfpassable roads wern attendance. yeans off happy marnied life. I at 8 pin. and will tien go ta kept many from attending this SUPrP-E R IMn. Withenspoon, the pria- Healti, weather and roads !the Parish hall at the close off happy event. SPonsoned by the cipal off the Orono Higi School, permitting, we hope ta have tie service for a short business Mn. and Mrs. Don Stapletan, NEWCASTLE briefed the graup coacerning mY wife home fram hospital !meeting and ta pack the balle. Mr. and Mis. O. Edgerton, Mn. LIONS CLUB ýtic new system off secondary this week. After aven 6 years The meeting xvas lirougbt toanad Mns. Melville Samis and 'sehool education that is being off married li fle i t was a bit a close with the serviag off ne- Mn. and Mrs. Leanox Vasey introduced inta the province. rough ta get liack ta 7 weeks fresiments. attended the Nichoils - Wood- batching. hams wedding in Hope United M on., M arch 5 , He outlined fully the entire c Church, Danfarth Ave., an Sewvlng from 5:30 to 7 P.m. ited in oun high schools. Many B TTT-mCTommunuty Mn. and Mrs. Ross Brown in the 'factonrs were discusscd con- BUflI\L J. UJId nube o LIN OMcerning the guidance off the n .etrand a nme f LINSROMgad igt tdet1b he' Mr. Wayne Weston bas re- Bowul g tnîends from Pont Hope and COMMUNITY HALL .publie sehool teaciers, Into the turned home fnom MemonialthsdtrconSudaee- Cari Illbeplaed vanious strcams offfered. Hospital feeling much impnov- Newcastle- Follawîng is a: ing. Cad ilb lyd1ed. lIist off the higli sconers in the; Mn. and Mns. Wm. Weeks, followint the supper The meeting was an exccp-' Mrs. Greta Bailey is visiting ýivariaus leagues on the coni- Toronto, spent the weekend tioaally intenesting one due ta with Mns. F. Toms, Enniskillen. ' munity bowling lanes during: with Mn. and Mns. C. H. Lune, ADMSSON0 ~Mn. Witherspoon's vivaciaus Mrs. Ida Walmsley, Mn. and the xveek endîng February1 On Sunday eveniag they1 PubicSeholStdens Ocmanner off speaking, and also Mrs. Oliver Hulilard, Osbawa, 25th.eejondfr inriyM. Pubie chol Sudets 0eta the coatrovensy and spec- were Wednesday dinner guests Monday Ladies Leagrue - and Mrs. Charles Gray, Bow- ulation offfered liy bis subjeet. off Mn. and Mrs. B. Hubliard. ý(200 and) aven) R. Couch 297, manville, and Miss Marilyn Mrs. J. A. Tunnbull bas ne-1 with a high off 784 iin thnee Weeks, Scarboroughi. tunned home fnom Mmna ams .Gahm 24 . The Valentine Card Pantyý Hospital, imnproving slowly,' Couch 220, E. Perrin 204,M. sponsored liy aur Women's Ia- Mrs. Douglas Lane is in ýCoucli 203, D. Mercer 20(;. stitute, which was postponed, TheMemoial Hospital unden ohi- Tuesday Men's League- on account off bad weather, is senvation. (225 and aven) E. Schînid 262, scheduled for thîs caming Fni- -th weken wih Mss ayeG. Garrod 238, G. Barchard 1Mn. Arnold Wade attended ana lia ~i ies an Hubband.harE.227, A. Pearce 223, S. Brown a" OEBA. meeting ia Milton' P.O. Box 190 - Bowmanville, Ontario McLaughlin is pnognessing fav-, Wednesday Ladies' League Mn. and Mrs. Reid Wood and ounahly. - (200 or aven) R. Couchi 238, famlily xvere Sunday visitons Mn. and Mns. Mark MeMaban 'j. Riekard 207. with Mn. and Mrs, Ken Smnith, and family, Oshawa, %vene Sun-i Junior League- (175 an1d Tonanto. (L SSFI D W A T- Dday tea guss fMn. and M.nrs. aven> J. Cunningham 254, W.'ilMn. and Mns. Ran Bun]ey' Geoge llionand family. Pea re 254, T. Alldread 212,ý and hayoýs, Part Hope, viited on Sympathy is extended ta !S. Banchard 211, R. Good 198" SLIllaa'-with Mn. and Mrs. Mns. R. Davey iin the passing D. Rudman 197, W. Flintoff Claren'ce Gilmer and famil. off lier brother iin Alberta. 19,B-1ti 7.iM'.En akvi ted THESTA ESMNesyWNB-A RDBA K 195n.Rand Mis George Carter Fniday Mixes (0)anatvn f oo ted- WE AV r ~ rearMHwand Malcolm; Tra- per:od, Phil Gilmer put Nw Chee Whch lansYouDesre:surer', Bruc-e Taylor. Tne din- tonville back into tic game, E] Rn Ti Fobiddn DAssin Bx Nuberectans decided ta pravide $2)5 assisted liy brother Jim. Char- ~J Rn Tl Foblden l AsigaBox umbr "fareach off Durham Countys lie Trim took a pass fnom Bill or 'Q[AgnMcaiunBoxaiRsepliessp1- Ellis at the ten minute markî fl~~~~ R uB__ _ T m s C il B oxM e p e sore di a b acon class . o f th e seco n d pe iod an d sh o t El Payment Encloued 1 Many Yelventonians attend- iit into the net, ta put New- pestetaction an n. an Ms.a Please Pint Your day and laten on Friday, the Narne________________________ Alban Sisson on the happy oc- CtCs oa S casion off their 50th wedding Address__________________________________ nnivensany. FrOdA pine Address ~~~~On Saturday evening the FrOdA pine £ Rae, Victor, Ralph and Han- 4 _____________________________ ~y Malcolm gathencd hene at 1 euaMalconia in hanaur off the S T A T E S M A N - mRNr on the occasion off ber ___________________binthday-.CLAS91F1ED8 Telephon \~Y SERICE fr' The Ralpi Malcolms spent C AS FI D ____________________tic xx eekend witn relatives in Phone MArket 2-3303 S- Janetvîlle and Bethany. i PAGE ELZIVM? WEDNESIiAY, ME. 28th, 19 Gordon Agnew, Edit FRESH PORK! Frcsh, O'ven Rcady, with Dressing - Boneless Pard Beef and Gravy - 2c Off 15-oz. Tins Shoulderc DogFoo 948c Pork Roast Ib39 Dog ood r8g Frcsh, Boncless, Oven Ready, with Dresng4 Aqua - P .ink - Yellow - White Pkçgs. of 400 PORK Bull ROASI Cb4 Tasty and W cll Trimmed K Ieon x 8 C Fresh Butt Pork Chops lb 55c jewel1lb Pkgs. Swift's SIDE BACON 59c Prcmiu m 1-lb. Pkx. Shrtnng3~8Swift's WERS43c Sh rt*1'elg3or 8 Skînless - Pure Park - Brookfield 1-lb. Pkg. Instant -.Ja Swift's SAUSAGE 45C NESCAFE 88c I EXTRAof s28TanesI BONUS TAPE GIFT 0F TUE MONTH Anchor Hocking EARLY AMERICAN Prescut Crystal FLOWER VASE FREE! , Fle ($75.00 in IGA Tapes) or 39e plus S37.50 la IGA Tapes Receive $4.00 in Bonuis Tapes with SPAGHETTI or MACARONI Laincin 2lb. Pkq. Reccive S2.00 in Bonus Tapes %vith Big "G" CHEERIO CEREAL "P' 'k SPAGHETTI SAUCE a15?oz. Tin Kraft . Old Enqlush le on. CHESESLIESPimenta - Conadian Pkq. BOOTH FISH STICKS 8 oz~. zP SLICED BOLOGNA 12 o. TrIMATOES 1 z la A Gold Mine of Vitarnin "C" I IM1V. 4ozriq Large FLORIDA C Aun SHROVE TLFSDAY SPECIAL 200's Aunt lernIrna u i rikor Reg.1-1b. Pkg. O RANGES doz3 PANCAKE MIX ALL49 Crisp, No. 1 Grade Heads P C -ORn SYRUPn JEHE FO Garden Fresh LETTUCE 2for29c BtrCikOR--SRP49 California Finest Table Variety - No. 1 Grade P L S U Y R U 1 EMPEROR GRAPES 21bs39c GdrLLMeDuInI RO -s. lic A hearty energv food - No. i Grade 50-1b. IBa' FREo N CH e I rozE fr9c0.Pk ONTARIO POTATOES 99C FEC RE fr9 SHOP AND SAVE AT ... BOWMANVILLE IGA MARKET Bowmanville, Ontario TOMS' IGA MARKET Newcastle,. Ontario 982 decided not to have the pro- iby Mrs. Don Bebee, lesson posed fowl supper at present, 1 thoughts by Mrs. Dawson Be- ýu sts N e w to villeother activities are planned1 bee, prayer by Mm. Frank An- uss ew onvile fr, Smi~ng wllbehedin1Te ~~.program arranged for I f'0 5the Sundav School on Tuesday use in U.C.W. curriculum for the 20th at 2:30 p.m. Tea com- this month "The Church ini T ak e i ae nixttee includes Mrs. Fred Cor- Jerusalemn" was taken In two nishi and Mrs. Harry by Mrs. Frank Ander- Mrs. William MfcHolmn thank-I son and Mrs. William McHolm. ed the miemrbers for plants, iThe meeting closed. with the H o ck e P la o ffs fiowers, cards and letters re-1 Mizpah Benediction. iies. Se aso equste bvthecominitlee, Mrs. Don rQuinney, the Harley squad Harley's and Brian Rowe and sem-thaea si tan o ebeean Mrs. Calvin Har- took the first game of the fin- Ken Gray with two each and1 take thýe report when absent, ness urn th soal aî als by a score off 9 ta 6. ýBob Stephenson with one, the s oto desnkidyh ur ding t the soeasure ai In the Wednesday semi- local boyýs came up with a 9 offered ta do this for aur re- Tea Time". Mrs. EthRn Jones, final game Orona eked out alt itr vrtervlO- porter. After the collection, jT.C.S., Port Hope. was a guest. 3 ao2wnoe h et na n squad. Orono scarers wýere1 this part of meceting conciuded. A vote of thanks ta the tea toll 2 win to terthe Netan- Chuck Hutton and Gary. Coop- m1 0 Tie ieI ecmite a rpsdb vile suadta akethesereser with two each and Eric Car- Hmn50Taetetabco îtewa prpsdb 4 pins t 2 Erc aneon(2 leton and Phil Long each nett- Holv'" opened the second part, 1 Mrs. George Harniess, carried and Dave Lycett were thel the Scripture verses were read1 unanimousiy. scorers for the winners while ing onîe counter.--________ Charlie Tnim. and Phil Gilmer The final two games in this neted he wa aunersfortheseries should be %vell worth lasers. as Orona hias been lead- jingte league throughaut thew re uto twn b t With Haward Quinney scor- season and now find thenisel tw p o e ing four off the nine goals for vesan gmedon s he g ino the final playoff senies. Morris * E Will Orono, tie the senies ta- ýN V L L E night? If sa will llarley's be N y i Lable tocorne back again onun ra tonville ahead. Bob Carruth- Sunday or -xviii Orono take the " -ra ers aso drw an ssîst afte r losing the first one" IfCh pe The teams played evenlv i the third penîad, but at eight:Y are a hockey fan yau -a dte minutes, Eric Carleton tied itmistifnsh up for Orono. From then on, -- it looked like the previausokd f e two gamnes.- a tie, but withM RRS a minute tri go. Carleton agnin O RSevrtig" scared and that was the end The reg-uluar monthly meet- off the game. Referee Rayeing off the U.C.W. xvas . held in 1 West hianded aut 6 mniaor pPi-, the Sunclay School on Tuesday,1v , orsFnrlCae a aecmlt alties, with the lasers taigFeray2Oth at 2:30 Mori FnealChpe cniak cmpet 4.Thene were nine memibers and charge of funeral arrangements to or from On Sunday afternaon, New-lonie visitor present. The prie- tonville wvon their second 'sident. _Mns. Harry Beckett ~' any place in Canada and the United States straighit in the Port Hope Mer- conducted. Hvm-n 148 'Eneathe oroercuti.Thsevoeaes an cantile League, when they de-lion me Breat h of God" and feated Matthews - Canveyor short prayer opeiied the meet- people fromn extra worry and very often, Team. by a 7-5 caunt. ing. A new procedure a Bob Weiss led Matthiews' stanted this year, the business Il from needless expense. attack with a pair off mankers. session came first instead off1! Newtonville scaners w e r e: the uisual devotional. part. Langstaff(3 from Gilmer and The raill vas called and min-' uMra aounoux, Gilmen (2) from utes read by the secretany,!r iS C a e 1Langstaff and Couroux, Ted Mrs. M,,ortan l-lendersoii. The: 1 C a eM Lane from Gilmer. Langstaff minlutes \vere adopted as read. l IIINS. O M NIL from Courux, nim romA quilt xvill be set up in the Langstaff. Sunday School on _Monday. theTE PH N MA -48 It 'vas a very cleanly pi ay-,26 th ta be quilted during the! EEH N A358 ed game, no penalties ta either week, ail ladies wrishing ta helpI teain, althaugh twa Newton- will be welcome. "SERVING THIS AREA SINCE 1881" ville players picked up cut Fees were paid by members from flying sticks. ýnot prescrit tast rnonth. It was1