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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1962, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE TEE CAKADIM< STATESMAN, BOWMA!qVILLE, ONTARTO w1~DN~gnAy' T,~ tM3~ tees DEADLN FOR CAIFD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T u e s d a y , 4 : 0 p m Births1 In Memoriam-1 Coming Events -1Articles for Sale - Cars for Sale - JARVIS-Vince and dacyA ERI loving memory1 Dance in Tyrorie Hall, Sat-!,HAY and straw. TelephoneK.o (nee Van Bridger) are pleased of a ber usband and father,1 urday, March 3. Clara Nes- 725-4055. 9-1' .0 te announce the arrival ofiCyril Avery, who passed1bitt's Musicmakers. Admis- GR' pigcaada, U D C R their son Thomas James, 5 lbs.laway February 28, 1960. ; sien_75c. __________in catan ht 10%i, ozs., on Wednesday, Feb.;IWe who lovod you sadly miss!1__ size 4 (blue). CO 3-2670. 9-le U ED C R 14 at Memorial Hospital, Bow-'i yu1 Court Venture L1892 Canad- WATER for sale and dellverod. Roy W. NichoIs assures you inanville. 9-11 A you ianteryar an Order of Foresters annua alCi ehcC -11 htaU a pcal ta It daw lns anor yea,1IFal Bazaar wlll be beld at CUCi Ptik O etar his Curic r Bomn in ar noly ours of i0pm nNv 7.--- 2t ihrhi orieo omn PEARCE-Mr. and Mrs. Doug-. bnig23 .. nNv 7 - ile lot is "DEPENDABLE". lms A. Pearce of WillowdaicI Thoughts of you are everl Pancake Supper, Sbrove FIREWOOD In stove wood This claim ls backed wlth ful are happy te announce the! near. Tuesday, March 6, 5:30 p.m., lengths. $10 a load. CO 3-2275- knowledgo and confidence of birth of their daughter, Eliza-1-Sadly missod and lovîng1y~ St. John's W.A., Bîackstock. 40-tf his product! beth Anne, on February 21,1remoembered by Gladys and 'Aduits 1.00, childrcn 50c. 9-'MXDsa1wo.Rswd hv -r 1962, at Bransan Hospital. 9-1 family. 9.1 * -- MXE--- oo.Rea 1955 h v 2-r ______ IMonster Bingo, Thursday fin stove lengtbs. Newcastle night at 8 a'cîock, sponsored 4136. 40-tf V-8 engine. A-i condition. RODMAN-Hermnan anid Eun- BOWEN-In Iovmng memory by the Junior Chamber ai HAY, 30c bale, delivered. J., 1956 Olds 2-Dr. ice, (nee Wilson), are happy of a dear busband and fatlher, Commerce. Red Barn, Northb A. Carscadden. Phono Orono Atmtetasisoes te announce the birth af their W. Henry Bowen, who pass- Oshawa. 45-tf 35 r 9. _______ 9-2'Atom bulîttradssio.nExclen daughter Karen Gweridolyn, ed away one year ago, onom ----- -radi-o. -Excellent_ 7 lbs. Il azs., at Port Perry March 4th, 1961.' Maple Grave Church St. 1,000 BALES choice mixed condition, dlean. Hospital on February 24, 1962. When evening shades arejPatrick dinner, Wednesday, hay, bas had no rain. COliax 9-11 falling March l4th. Settings 5 - 6 - 7 3-2670. 9-1* 1957 Chev. 2-Dr. And we sit in quiet alone, o'clock. Aduits $1.25, children GNRN aycarniage, ex- Custom built radio. Two-tone Deaths iTaoaur hearts there cornes a'5Oc. Phono MA 3-7062, 3-2158. cellent condition, $15. Phono turquoise and white. NEW, Mil'jdredj H.-At Hamil- j If hie oniy could corne home.i evrti_ - A 58.- -p-1958 Plymouth 4-Dr. tan on Sunday, February 25,1 Frionds may think we bave . ..WH tscm ORLNS as ps 1962, Mildred H. Jury, beloved i forgotten mig W.H Brown's Case also sweet cider. W. T. Cox, Power Flite transmission, wife of the lato Professor! Wben at times they sec usiShow. Yes sir, the big annual, MA_3-2927.91' hlewltis.Toon Chester W. New, of 112 Sterî-1 sie, ýevent wilî take place Friday.IÏJD- rolsknaceti copper and beige. ing St., Hamnilton, and deariBut they little know tho March 2r nBwav3l;xeîn odtosz 63)195 V mother of Gardon, of Portl heartache Tw al Phono MA 3-5735. 195-t,8 Ofldi.s. 2-Dr. Credit; Mrs. Konneth Gilles- Our smiles bide ail thoý Rock and Roll Dance, s KYScu wîl Automatic transmission, poworý pie(Magaet)of ornto! wil. KYS utautomatically, hl brakes. Two-tone blue and (MrgaR)on Torono;' whl e en sored by Lakeshore Girls' Juv- you wait, at McMullen Hard- and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e o!Mnra;alowf eenadduh enile Softball League, Friday, ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- and white. (Marion)ofMnra;as ieHlnadduhr Dar-I March 2nd, 8:30, in Legionille. -t survived by five grandcbild- lene.91 Hall. The Upsetters Orchestra. ROY-W.- -- -L ren. 'eviewa hl i te 75c a persan, $1.00 a couple. ONE rug 9x12, Oriental; aiso chapel ai the Swackhamer and Mc-GILL-In loving memnory 9-1' inside door (30" x 78") and Chevrolet - Corvair - Envoy1 Hilts Funeral Home, Hamilton, -- frame, (new condition). MA Oldsmobile on edesayat oclckof a dear husband Ray, who'The Bowmanviîle Choral 3-5895. __ 9-1 Chevrolet Trucks Interment Woodiand Ceme pssdSwaoMrci4et190 will present Glbert BA Sofw ira Courtice Bowmanvillei tery. ~~~~Thougb tears in my eyes do aSîety "M iaor 0 BLSo hetsrw 2-26MA335 '7. net glisten, at the Bowmanviîle Towni Hall Wa.nd 50LfonetySts N . M . 78-606 A 9335 -~~ * ~And my face is nlot alwavs Mrh89 dlt idLbrt t .Mme - NID-udelyinPrtHoe:o Mrc , 9and 0tat3-5290. ___9-2'1 NIN-Sudeiy ri or Hoe1 sad, 8:15. Aduits 75c, students SOc.____--__ on Monday, Feb. 26th, 1962,1 There is nover a nîght or1 - INSULATION,bîwn meh Rev. Canon Thomas A. Nind, I morning .- - ------ ---- od, with rock wool. Work- in bis Btb year. Service in! But I think of the' good 1 Woodview Communlty Centref manship guaranteed. Free esti- Port Hope, Wednesday, Feb. husband I had. '-Monster B i n g o. Twentylmates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- 28. Interment St. George'sJ Not a day do 1 forget you garnes-twenty dollars; five phono Clarke 2420. 39 tf _______ Gato. - iI my heart you are alwaysi games-thirty dollars; $150 SEEmrWluHmtn Cemter, Gafan. 9.1 b there, 1jackpot, and two jackpots at NOWICKI-On Tuesday, Feb.iFor I loved you anud I miss $250. Door prizes. Next for good used television sets, 20th, 1962, at Memorial Hos- you, I Monday, 8 p.rn., Red Barn chesterfields, beds, dressers, US ica , tr anbis 85th ye r Asit ends the second year.1Oshawa. 46-tf asbters, caiseaters, ranges,j S D C R oita, Bini 5l e, b-- ays remembered K1v1ities chaisOreHigortors loved busband af FranceslIwife Myrtle. Ke Saturday, April 7th new sleigbs. Cail Elmer, CO 15 LMOT -R Sowcbuk, dear father of Mrs., open for an evening of round 3-2294. 46-tfi Two ta choose from. P. Misancbuk (Rose), Mr. and sq uare dancing ta thePR AÈfo od ethr Autor,-- . c ustom radio. MICEII oig inen ui fFihsOcetain.arhead! rBath car condition. M. Zacbariowich (Anne), bat r foda ot MICHLL--I loîn ew c a Fsheslesmmtahed See us today for freeyond1 of Courtice; John of Water-oy o u1d ohr h ecste CmuiY estimates on Aluminum Doors yond tord, Morris ai Wainwright, Beatrice Ellen Mitchell who' Hall. Sponsored by the Mani- and Windows. You wiIl be 195U * MOUTII 4-DR. 1 Ala. ad ie f rati 'passed away March 1, 1955. aeetBor. Asinh. V-8, 3-spteed automatic, custom Alt., ndMik o Brntord. Though bier smile bas gone$î.oo e ordrAn. is9-1 amazed how economical they1 Rested at the Funeral Home poeer persan. 9-1 are from Cowan Equipment radio, Two-tone white and of Northcutt & Smith, 53 And er aner no1Dntmss-Ms.Wd-Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmari- red, real sharp. DiviionSt.Norh. uneal, touch mîan's Spring Milinery Show, ville, Phono MA 3-5689. 42-tf' oalyiwe Mlass was beîd at 10 'clock an1 Stifl we have such happy 'sponsored by Hampton Unit-.-i 15 LYOT -R Frid.ay momnirig at St. Josepb's 1eoisc brhWoe,~adG A E cyl., giearning black, dlean Roman Catboilc Churcb, Bow.î 0f the Mum we loved soa Mai-eh 6th at 8:15 p.m., ini OR YOU DIVEAY and out,t manville. Interment St. Greg- mucR 'ampton Snday Scbol1AudiCHRYSLER 4-DR. orys emtoyOsaw. 1 She aitimes said we'd miss hiem, torium. Froc door prize. Re- AND CEMENT Automatic, custom radio. Two- Those words have proved freshrnents. Admission 50c. Phone EARL BOTTRELL tano white and blue, SAMIS-At Memoial Has-i otre,9-1 CO 3-2682 A-i condition. pital, Bowmanville, on Tues- We lost aur best, aur dearest - - -- - ----For-Prompt Service and 1954 PONTIAC 4-DR. day, February 27, 1962, Mîltoni friend, Attention all First World Dorop evie an5-t 6 cyl. Good running car.E Samis, Enfield, aged 82 years,l Dear Murn, when weiest War Veterans of Darlington -eiey -- Buy now . . . and save! Al1 husband oi the late Catherine Yeu. who are interested in attend- H M these cars are priced for clear- C Jane Cale, anid dear father ai -Sadiy missed and lovingîy ing Vimy Night Dinner to be HO E FREZERS ance and carry guarantee. Edith <Mrs. Fergusan Aber- remembemed by the famiîy. held in Legion Hall on Satur- Top Quallty - Made ln Canada9 nethy), Oakwoad; Fred, En- 9- day, April l4tb. AUl names 17 eu. ft. $269. - 22 eu. ItL $299 PAL MER fiold; Corsina, Oshawa; Elsiel 1 must be in by April Ist, con- New Magnetic Sealed Lid - atj ,&J.L.I (MIrs. Morley Gilroy), Enns- tact P. Geenfield, P.O. Box 1 vuu A E killen, and Donald, Aibemni, SQUAIR--In loving memnorY 239, Bowmanviile, or telephone' BOWMANVILLE 1 MOTOR SALES s B.C. Resting at the Morris oi my doar busbarid, R. Kyle MA 3-5521. 8-B.2 DeFRalersCKERrYSTE 1'uneral Chapel, Bowmianville. Squair, who departed this life, Phn-A357 Mrh2d 91 Bownianvllle Wornen's Insti- -- - -- - 3tfiPlymouth - Dodge - Vallant1 Service In the Chapel on Fmi- îacb2n,191.'Simca Cars day at 2 o'clock. Interment We cannot tbmnk of thein as; tuto Kopper Karnival will be BARCLAY SDdeTrik H ptn eetm.dead jheîd on Thursday, March Ist BI SDdeTuk _______Who walk witb us no more at the Lions Centre. Homo'eTSHP20KlgSt9.-1wavii WILTON.-At emria H Along the path o! life we troad' baking and candy for sale. 10 King St. E., Bowmanville --------- WILBOwN-Ariviema Tues-a, They bave but gane before. Afternoon tea, 25c. Aj n Phone MA 3-3121 for UNMATCHED QUALITY eial Bmua Williesa rsaro e tbey by ownershîp jthe many prizes are tre Noble Witon, R.R. 4, Bowman. ires, j dr-aws for those attending in CLEANIT SERVICE is what made us se lamous in!' ville, in bis Bth year, beloved Thougb out o! sight you'ro the evoning. Dmaw for prizos Free Pickux, and Delivery our Used Car Business husband o! Mar Ethel Wilton evor noar,I at 8p.m. Tickets 25 for 25ce____9-1 . an da fteraiWbse, tMissed, lovod, stili mine !from W.I. members. 8-.2 ONE ony,-Orientai _rug 7%/x 1961 4-DR. GALAXIE home, and Marion (Mrs. John You wiIl live with mein11 $69; one only, Axminster, (Ford's Finest) Ramsy),Beahvile. ostng ritithend ! tme. IAN BIGO ai pattern, 6%x9, $39! one White witb blue matching i-' st the Morris Funeral Chapel, onyIlyMates, uBIizteonGmoth at1"tc Bowmanville. Service ithe -Loilyeeofme.n(A' ulesrnsadanomtasisopwrbae Chapel on Thursday at 2 p.m. sadly missed by bis wîfe'Safur oay, Mvarcîî 3rd construction, $79.50 value for and steering, windshîeld wa h-; ItretCnrtnCernetery. Aura. --îm'Iý InemetCetetn 9-1 fnth $59.50; Acrilan, cottori cm- ers, wheel dises anidmany ____- -ILINS inthebossed and braided mats, low- other oxtras and elegant fea- - En aem ns VIN-hIn loving mremory of LIOS OMMUNITY CENTRE est prices ta lear. Murphy tures will make you feel that Mr n r.J ereKennetb, who passed away B owmanville manville. MA -3-3781. 9-1 * employment.plc Mm.phendnNwstl. eOrge, March 3rd, 1953, in bis l4th ai 8 p.m. 1 Unmatched Service announce the engagement <of year. Vokda ovnsSpca rw -~1U aScm e aSles T ae dGuarante. their daughtem Edith Mar- Someone knce tievns!pca rw -$0 jls evc.Pat.Sple h word I. GOa Ilyri (ynn),taMm.Daid One e oved - oh, sa dear, (Do Not Have ta Be Present) AlMae for only $ . 2,695.00S Ross Reid, son o! Mr. and Mrs. The Angl aeadlthm2 AE T$0EC l ae James A. Reid, Oshawa, Ont. ngeorca19an8lotUSmT2M G3ES0T $1 EAC EFFICIENCSERVICE (One af Ford's Finest) l urday, Mamch 3lst, 1962, at And e.tu a n oey AND $100 JACKPOT Write, Phone or Cal Beige and brown with spat- 2 p.. i St. George's AnglicanNubr --Sadly missed by Mther for this mouith- 53 ?ITII eT~~ ss matchirig interior. The! Cewasle .i. adan amly 91AL LN UJ. only way we can tell this car' * ---9-1I 95 HUNTER ST. WEST is not new is the prico tag. i Photog-rarihy - PETERBORO RI 5-6852 Vemy low mileage. C rs fTnsCards of Thanks Vacuum Cleaner Speelallst Unmatched Service PHOTOGRAPHY i---- C______ of_________ _ ___ Sînce 1947 - and Guarantee Pnw.ralm - pasnor,,3~.ia~..,,~ ~te ~Jean Reid and Mm. gTV APPuT v tiÎ2?r .G Wdis nvesrei eeytakalfor kindnessli'pes s eraprieci wxsn taex- AS ALJ.LALIJ U U1i Wedin S Aia ersa ndescordy thk ahown thom in can~~ a t r E S ad1956 NIAGARA 2-DR. Speialy 'hei reentberavenen for the giît ai money and the; (One of Mteor's Finost) ASTOR STUDIO ___ 1,very enjoyable evening in' AERIAL REPAIRS Two-tono green with that ra. 22 Klnt St. E. Bowmanville: Mms. Wm. Smnith, Newton-iday. Tlhank you ail very: flOSHAWA ered witb its dynamic V8 ong- Phono MA 3-2502 I ville, would like ta thank hiem much. 9-1; i"" 'e, cushioned with the 41-t! friends and relatives for the1 VýTD T ' smootbest autamatic transmis-, ______ ----- zzlovely cardsanada giits at Christ- I would liket hn r' JAJ .L JIJ.> sien yau've evor experienced.' Reception - mas time and Valentine birth-!Hubbard, nurses and staff for 1 Dl e7288 Un thdSrvc ______- day. 9-1I* kindness and caro I neceived Phone78 10 and Guarantee Mn. and Mrs.LÊuas Nichols' - iwhile in Memorial Hospital, 51-tf The word li GO wîll be at home ta their T sht xrssm îcralso froenda and relatives fr_______________frel 850 friends on the accasion ai thanks ta iniends and ncigh-' cards, flowers and fruit sentiL es ckF rS l f " their 6tb wedding anniversary bars for cards, flowers and i me. Many thanks. ________ AkLFWrASa$3 at the home ai their daughter, visits that belped saernucb ta' Arthur Read. ASVE pis, ASs.$30~ DOWN Mrs. J. D. Tarie, 548 Fernhill wi wyshtnbus9-1 A319t rrnefnnig Blvd., Oshawa, on Saturday, Fred Trewîn -__ ______91 Cash - Trade Up or Down March 3rd frorn 3 - 5 in the-91 Iwiîtaxpsyscee HEREFORD bull nine months a.fternoon and 7 - 9 in the .- thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundl, aid. MA 3-2412. - ay em ev~g 91 nurses and staff aif Mernorial ta -. Your Experienced Guidlng - -- I 1wîsb ta thank ail ,,Hspta CrOWScaet tefreltt shwarc28-1552. Light in Fair Deaiing Tenders SNanted iends who were se id o kind cmt b1GmitOhw 2-52 R ' ce y p ists1and gifts, and aiso ta the1 ARTS thanks ta the nighbours and 1 1i FIVE Jersey cows due soon, 11 the staff ai Specialty ýPaper. insad eaie five and six yeams ald. MAnket (i Bevrly Sit. 1frca ,gits and visits. ,.iL B owmanvilleOnlario A oskn3-2353. H 9-1 C R MARKET 9-j91j1 OD ws amsir 194 - 196 Church Street ,Teder fo Scoo'and Oxford cross. Lambin Bowmanville MA 3-5064 'Tenders fCoNr SclTwu 1k aeprs n would like ta express rny April, $20 each. Phonoe lck 9--~- 1 - TENDERS ONLY ýsincere thaiiks and approcia-'sincere appreciation ta the stock 986-4753. _ 9-1 --______ WUI be recelved by the under-totaalm iresadmayredsnegusri- PUREBRED registered York- Business signed untîl 4 p.m. neigbbors who so thought- atives and the bowling teams sbire boars, tbree for sale, Op rtnt THURSDAY. MARCH 15, 1962 fully sont in se many lovoiy for their tclephoîîe cails, gifts, also ane ta swap. Ail barri _ _____ _______ for the construction of St. carda, candy and other splendid iîowe,ýs, carda and visits dur- Oct. 22 last. Phone 986-4213, Joseph's Sehool in Bowmian-1 oodieS an ry recent birth- ing my stay in Oshawa Hos- Blackstock. 9-1 ville for the Bowmanv Ill aymeNesbt.- pital. Thanks also ta the CASH OFFERED Separate School Board. 9 'nurses, staff and doctor. P ro a Plans and specifiestiens mnaY ý ~ t Cecil Mills for____________ be obt&Lned tram the architeetthanks hta express my sincerei 9 -10 HYGENIC -supples - (Rubber e eoiof$00 hh iltakteDr. McKenzie and I goods) maied postpaid in plain In Any First Class Business on epsitof$500 hlc wllstaff o! Memorial Hospital 1 1î would like ta thank Dm. seaîe:d envelopo with price list. Ready for Expansion bpcfcesae re tumned whnpln n Bowmanville, for their carè1 Rennie, nurses and staff o! Six samples 25c, 24 samples OSHAWA. BOWMAN VILLE. good fcontion. r eundl and ta Rev. B. Long for bislComrnunity Hospital, Port $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, PORT PERRY. go codto.visits. Many thanks tealaiPerry for their kindness and Nov -Rubber Ca., Box 91, Rpishl usrc Lowes or ay actedr ne t iends and relatives for came, also iricnds and relatives !Hamilton. Ont. - 1-52 confidence. Write necesarly aceped. the carda, flowers and gifts for flowers, cards and gifts - --- JOHN STUJART CAULEY sent ta- me when 1 was 111 at and ail those who bave been i Lost ____ A vrie 2 ARCHITECT. home and rny stav i the se kind while I was in bas- Idefse Z 1619 Bayview Avenue, ha0pital. pitai. IHOUND, blue tlck, notb a! e/o Canadian Statesman Toronto 17, Ontario. -Mmi. Oscar J. Luxton.. Mrs. J. W. Bradburn. j Orona. R.ewamd.. Oshawa ?.O. Box 190, Bowmanville pim6uefl là 919725-9893. 0-108-0 garages, repairs, cupbaards,I AD eey apit us vanities, room dividers, plant- day, the 2Oth day ai March, ers, mcc. rooms, buîît-in avons, 1962, at the boum ai ton o'clock stavos, etc. Experienced in ail lin the forenoon, at the Tawn modemn woods and plastic Ilm- Hall Auditorium, in the Town inates. Gea. Reynolds & Son, of Bowmanvllle, for the bear- Builders. 725-3376. -Ï.4ing ofai a persans ipýterested in support ai om in apposition H erman Van De Bell ta the construction ai the works set forth in Schedule GENERAL CONTRACTOR "A" attachod bereto. Brick - Block - Concrete DATED at Toronto this 12th and Campentry day ai February, 1962. NEW WORK and REPAIRS Signed, B. Vickers, PHONE CO 3 -2282, HAMPTON Secretarr. 3-tf SCHEDULE '«A" ta the Foregoing Appalntment A. BA A BSfor Hearing Construction of: Plumbing & Heatingi. (a) Sanitary Sowor, on, PHONE MA 3-7127 Base Lino Road, fromn 35 Nelson St. Bowmanville' 225 feet East a! the ______46-tf 1 Centre LineofaiSimpson Avenue ta 965 feet East AHENDStoa the Centre Lineo f ARENDSSimnpson Avenue ELECT IC M TORS (b) Dual Syphon,.ow iom REPAIRS and REWINDING taý 225 feet East ai the il your Electrical Equipment.,, Centre Lino of Simpson IAvenue ta, 225 foot East Sales & Service MA 3-30581 ai th, Centre Lineofa1 43 Third St. Bowmanvilie Liberty Street 43-ti and on SAE MON6ÏEY -A i Easement. from Base Lino at a point 225 feet'- Dave's Shoe Repair l East o! Contre Lineofa Store Hours: 8 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Liberty Street ta the 1 Sewage Treatmont Plant SKATES SHARPENED, 35e pr. icuigsyhn ai Qulck Service icuigspomn 26 OTART STRET bles, and dlean out 26ONARO TRETchambers $30,000.00 Closed Wednesdays 2. 34tf Watermain, on: Bas Lie Radfrom Plastering Repairs : Wharf Road to 2040 foot East of Wharf Road in- QUICK SERVICE cluding valves and STUCCO AND NEW WORK hydrants $25,000.00 R. L. TA FT $5000 54 King St. E, MA 3-5030ý (1 and 2) l6-tf13. - ---- ---- - - _1 Concrete Bridge, Pumniui - over the. reierir i UU1I REAL ESTATE BOE 200 Acres - 8 room brick home in excellent condition; large L-sbape barn, painted. This is a better than average farm. Price $32,000. Terms. 170 Acres . 7 roorr frame bouse, L-shape bank barni, two streams. Price $ 14,000. Terms. 4 Acres near Newcastle, good garden soil. Price $2,200. 21/2 Acres near Newcastle, small barn, smail orchard. Price $2,200.00. 5 Room bungalow, bath, eil furnace, attached garage, in good repair. Price $8,500. Down $ 1,200. 3 Bedroom bungalow, 4- piece batb, ail furnace, garage, almost new. Price $8.500. Down $1,000. 6 Room bungalow, insul brick, facing Highway No. 2. Price $5.900. Down $800. Hlghway No. 2, One Mile East of Bowmnanville Telephone MArket 3-364 Salesmen : G. Blyleven, Phone MA 3-5300 A. J1. McGill, Orono 1407 C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle 2248 9-1 -For -Sale or Rent WATER Heaters - 40 gal. ca- pacity dual element electric water beaters. Ontario Hydro, MA 3-3530. 8-4 IN the Bowmanville area, modern poultry barni, camn- pletely equipped with incu- bator, batchery and allied equipment, Suitable for tur- keys. Range and shelter available. Write Advertiser 223, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. For Rent -Line Road ta relce APARTMENT for mont, MAI S entic Tanks the present bridge, such 35.9-tf r new bridge ta be 70 foot THREE-moam bheated apartment TIY~m "" in length, having a totalat90Q--it.l60 ne Bu- TO PK width ai 37 foot and.a'3-3977. ____ ____tî NEWTONVILLE road width o! 28 foot, in--- Phono Clarke 4721 cîuding immodiate ap- APARTMENT, tbmee rooms, 52-tf, proachos and dernolition hoated, reirigematar, stovo. - o! the oxisting Immediate possession. Phono Elctic Helinstructure $66,000.00 MA 3-5995. 8-t! For Sunroom, Recreation Room,! 9-3 APARTMENT, five rooms Bathroom .- . . any room necd-j- - ----- bright and cheerful, two bed- iîng heat- or complote home.; RepDairs rooms, centrally located. Tele Yaur Quallfied Electrie __________ phono Mn. Wakelln, MArko Heain Cntacor RADIO and Television Repairs. 3-3345.. 9-1 Hfiggon Electric Ld Prompt service. Pick-up and 1THREEiurnïshedrooms-with 38 King St. E. ___ asan___tm.P yon IMA 3-3305 BowmanvhlleIGUARANTEED telovision andîo sa prmt hn I -4-tf radia service, toalal makes. MA 3-3591 or 3-3231. 2-tf __ _________ day service. Television FIVEroom heated, down- W anted Service Co. Phane MA 3-3883. stairs apartment, hardwood Ct.SH on the spot; bigbest REPAIRS tor ail makos ai me- mediately. Apply at back pricos paid for dead and cnip - frigoratars, domestic and corn- doar on 32 Churchi St., ater 6 pied farrn stock; pickod up merdiai; miîking coolers. Hig- or Phono MA 3-5274. 9-1' prornptly. Telcphone collect gon Electric Lirnitod, 38 King THREE-bedroom bouse, near CO 3-2721, Margwill Fur Farrn, St. E. Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tf Central School, large living- Tyrone. Licence 115. 43-tf -_________ -- __________o DEAD AND CRIPPLEDLCNED hcated, all conveniences, gar- FARM STOCK Nursing Home don, garage, storms. $65.00. Write Advertisem 220, c/a The HIGIIEST PRICES PAITJ SOUTH Haven Nursing Home Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box R A Y V 1 V 1 A N -Accommodation for private 190, Bowrnanville. 6-tf Locust JHil an d seri-private atients. -_ i _ ____ Phone Markham 11603 CollectIlounge TV. Fully ficonsed, BoardersVlan-mted 24-hr. 7-day Service new building, modern. Visitons -_____ _______ License 102C61 we1come. Reasonable rates. BOARDERS, maie. Apply 91 20-52 Phono Newcastle 4441. 13-tf Ontario Street. 9-1' Newcastle Donal d Mousn tRoss Davidien, Bethany, 30R3 Lorne A. Perrault, Clarke 2231 Idso Wlersnia, Orono, 1649 9-1 Wcmted ta Buy BUILDING lot in Newcastle, central. Phone Newcastle 4161. 9-1' HIGHEST prices pa!d for live -poultry, goose feathers, leath. er ticks, scrap iron, rag., 1metals and raw furs. Phone tRA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. 48-tf, ALL kinds of live poultry, feathers, new poose and ducký also old feather ticks wanted. Highest prices paid. M. FiaIt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phonoe'7 r ES coilect. 21-ti NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effecie Match i. 1963 ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCKL FOR SALE FOI RENiT . RELP WAJiTED CARS FRoaSALE LOIT - FOUNI> AUCTIOZO SALES *ET cash fRat@. . - . set .,th a minimum of 75« Must b. paid by date ofiInsertion. If charged, an additional 25e will b. added. A charge of 25c will b. made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES -COMINO EVENTs AND CARDS 0F THANKS B111311 - ENGAGEMENT MARIAGES DEATHS Sc a word wlth a minimum et 11.2S for 25 words or les IN MEMORIAMI 81.23 plus 1oc a une lot verso Do" Clamallied ut 81.75 e lic lwth a minimum of an. loc. Additlonat insertions uat1h., came rati. AIl Cla&îified Acis must bc in this officeflot lat.,r thon 4:30 p.m. Tuesday S.nd cash. stampe or money order and &av* money. Clip tbis out for handy relerence OFFICE Rouas Mondczy through Frlday 8:30 arn. ta 5 P.a. 8:30 o m. t 2Noam The Canadianm Statesmau Dial MArket 3-3303 lot ClcmsUl.d Ad Service Kil 1/ Help Wanted Auction Sale Real Estate for Sale Recil Est YOUNG lady of good appear- WEKLY Groceteria, Courtice. Exper- LIVESTOCK SALES D. W. McQuay De Wilh ience helpful. Dial 723-3051 at Durham County Sales Arena Mem ersaiOshwa&1isri 0 sAarel( for appointment. 9-tf Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 p... el Ero saewa&srictgOoshaa , 1 1 --.--,--,Ilo~Hrses,, Cattie, Sivine, Calves, Ra saeBad go an DOUBLE your income. Sell etc. For truck pickup Phone Commercial brick building, $25,000. Te cosmetics, brushes, bousehold Orono 5 r 18 by 1 p.m. day ef central Bowmanville location. 164 Acre and farm products. Coin- sale. J1. A. Reid & Son, Sales Presently rented at $135 a area, L-sbal mission, bonus, 30 day trial, no 1Managers. 38-tf month. Asking anly $9,500 roomed bric frisk. Catalogue and detaîls oni with a low down payment. conveniences request. Fanulex, Dept. J. F. Auction sale on property of 124 acre farm. Two streams macbîinery, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. Mrs. William E. Jamieson Good bouse with 4-piece bath, terms. 91Lot 23, Con. 3, Whitby Town- barri. Located near Orona, 160 Acre f SINGLE mari for dairy farm. ship, on Roýssland Rd., 1 mile $15,500. Excellent termis. 100' x 36' b R. B. Brown, MA 3-7232. 9-1' east of No. 12 Highway; 56 50 Acre pasture farm. High- 130 acres wi LADIES Wanted. Make up to Holstein cattle, 3 tractors, bal-' way passes property. Good home, runni $26.00 a week doing simple'ýer forage harvester, bulk tank, trout stream. $120 per acre water, kitch home sewing in your spare fullne of implements, hay with ternis. 100 Acre time. Write - Bunnys, Box and grain, on Wednesday, 100 Acre orchard farm, 50 way, large. 7010, Adelaide Post Office,1 March 7. Terms cash. Sale acres of apples and pears. barn, drive s Toronto, Ontario. _1at 12 o'clock noon, sharp. Ted Large biproof barri. $25,000. bouse, ail -Jackson, auctioneer. 9-1 TernTis. lerces. Pric IF ou re mbtios, ou an4 Bedroom brick house. 75 Acre fa make good in our business.i NoticesCetalotin ThsIonvlewtbm Full time in Townships Whit-1- -___--- of the best homes in Bowman- cattie, barni, by East and Dar]ington. We Dr. Keitb Billett's office willH ville. Price $11,00i help you get started. No ex- be closed March 3 to March 7 3 Bedroom brick, close to 150 Acre perience needed to start I inclusive, while attending the new shopping centre, $13.500. way, with Write Dept. C-140-2, ____IMid-winter Congress of the Excellent terms. bank barn, 'RchliuMotral 9f Optometrical Association of We have a large selection of home with -_____ - - Ontario. 9-11farms, businesses and homes. veniences. 1 A TEXAS OIL COMPANY P._ F.- E. -8 798-6 -21 Caîl $5,000 down. WANTS MAN OVER 30 N 10 Acres 'FOR BOWM~ANVILLE AREA NOICE WLE RN house, barn, WE NED goo ma at nce177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanville WE~~~ NEEoa oo$m2na00nc and we are willing to pay top Bowmanvillc ow 2,0 earnings. We prefer someone9_ 2 APARTI between 30 and 50.....ho P1~R' --- Newcastle, can make auto trips for about. - -~Peler Kowal coneniencesn a week at a time . .. and can i '*ens Rn caîl on small town industrial1 IN THE MATTER 0F Sections BEALTOR Only $3.000 and rural property owners. 163 and 64 of The Ontario and GENERAL INSURANCE 5 Roomed WORTH $12,000.00 j Municipal Board Act. (R.S.O.1 52 King Street West castle an Our top men in other parts of;I 1960, c. 274), ' 99 King Street East furnace. Pr country d r aw exceptional' - a n d -M -43o A356 $1,000 down. 1 MA3-253 r M 3-868 9 Roomed earnings up to $12.000 in alI IN THE MATTER 0F an" Looking for a moderato class main street,' year. This opening la the application by the Corpora- home? Try this! 3 bedrooms, store and ir Bowmanville area is worth tion of the Town of Bowman- living-room, kitchen, 2-piece upstairs. 01 just as much ta the right man. ville for an order:bah grge Vrycnal Lre, a Wo take care of al delive»ritheaag.s'ycnra.Lrgr an cllcton. ayeMeinsl (a) approving the construction Taxes only $128.00. Full prico bungalow, îa dvnce Wit a oni- of certain sewer and wat- $6.000. $1,000 down. broadloomed, dintida leerite H.Sa lonfI er xvorks and a concrete Book and tobacco store, attacbed ga Prti es. othstern PG. e.traoum' bridge, centrally located. This in- kitchen. CIa Co., Box 789, Fort Worth l,1(b) approving the issue by the cludes stock, equipment and Anxious ta s Texas. 9-1l applicant of debentures in building. Substantial turni- 9 Roomed -_____the sum of $121,000, beýing over. Get into business for on 2 acres, r the estirnated cost thereof, yourself now. Terms and $1,000 down. WTr V ne__ repayable over a terni af price at office. 9Roe WASHING arnd ironing, ca,"e-* twenty years, and. 5 Room split-level home bigbway nor ful work. 725-6007. - 9_l* (c) declaring and directingi with. garage and ail modemn 011 fumnace, - ~ I that the assent of the appointments. Priced reason- cold water. BRICK, Mason and Concrete, electors of the Town îably at $14,500. Ternis. 5 Roomeï work, Chirnneys, etc. L. Tumn- 1 of Bowmanvlle or those Frederick Ave. Beauthful S- Oshawa, bas er. Te mp or a ry residence qualified to vote on room. brick bungalow with at- rented for $ Phone MA 3-5605. 23-tf money by-laws, shaîl not tce aae atflydc oe o CAPNRkitche ,n .-cu -p-i be requisite ta be obtained orated tbrougbout. Priced $2.500 down. boards, rec. moins, tile and' to the passing of by-îaws right at $ 17,800.00. APARTME hardwood floors. Cail Perc .ý for the construction of the Want a new bouse buiît? Bowmanville Allin, 4161, Newcastle. 9-3 said concrete bridge and See us. We have ail the in- $3.360 which - the lssuing of debentures formation, Including available ed consider, SAWS sharpened. Nothing' therefor. financing. offer. square about it. Every tooth FrLIst Co-op with us. Lots on has the correct pitch and bev- A pitm nSaem : Price $750 pe el. F. Crowe, 102 Elgin St.,j .T.J.A. Barton John3-09 CALL us ta look after your THE NARIMN lbuilding needs. New bouses. THE.ONTARJO MUICIPAL, , 'j..... Realtor and( tate for >a1e iReal ti farm, 8 miles from 0roomed home, 1stream. Asking 2rms. farm, Blackstock ,ed bank barn, 8 k home, modern s.Price lncluding $21,000. Easy farmn at Newcastle, âank barn, stream )rkable; 7 roomed ing hot and cold ien cupboards. farm, No. 2 High- L-shaped bank ihed, garage; stone modern conven- ce $21,000. Terma. arm, near N n îchinery andl some 6 roomed home. A. Easy termns. farmn on a high- creek, L-shaped water bowls,' etc.; ail modern con- Price $13,000 with with 10 roomed silo, located north e.Price $6,500. 'MfENT HOUSEtin with ail modern sin both apart- it $1,260 yearly. clown. 1home in New- double lot with rice $6,500 witlt d brick building, N~ewcastle. Large nodern apartment pen for offer. anch style brick practically new 1, stone fireplace, rage, Hollywood ose to bigh school. sell. home, small barn paved road. Only brick home on th Oshawa. New running bot and Only $2,000 down. id bungalow ini sement apartment $75 monthly. Ail aveniences. Only ý,NT BUILDING tin *Yearly income could be increas- rably. Open for Taunton Road. er lot. Easy terms. .De Wiih General Insurant Phone 33411,' ntjey, MA 8-3959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO W=NZSDAT. MM. 2M. 1082 oupur %,urcn Un uàr, imabu 1 PAGE TWELVI .L %&44&"JLALi

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