WED~SDY, ER UAh, ~2THE CANADIA.N STATESMAN. BOWMAZVILLLE. ONTARIO Ma nver.c 'For QUALITY Cars and Service" - SEE MtQUEEN MOTOR SALES . IMITED - garl McQuecn, Pres. 219 KING ST. E. BOWIMA NVI LL E Authorized Dealer for MG SPORTS CARS MORRIS - RA'MBLER MA 3335 1960 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan Standard transmission. A-I condition. IffO Rambler Station Wagon Deluxe Model, above av'er- age condition. One ow.ner. 1959 Pontiacs 2-Dr. and 4-Dr.. automatie and standard shift. 3 to choose from. 1958 Ford 2-Dr. Sedan 'V-8. automatif, custom radio. etc. A-] condition. 1957's - Pontiac Chevrolet - Ford Meteor - Dodge 9 cars frnm whlch to choose. ail in A-I condition. Also gond i'arlety of 1956's - 1955's plus many eheaper models Most, orf thesrcars lhave been thoroughlv checked through our shop and carry our own Quality Used Car Guarantee. Announcing .. . For the convenlence of our Customers wve now hate a 24-Hour Towing Service Service Station -M~A 3-3401 After Il p.m. - MA 3-5645 W. are now a recognlzed member of N. A. L. Our Shell Service Station la open for business now ls the tîme to have y ur car checked for ivinter d&g. We-,do auto body terspraylni.. CONTACT: EarI McQueen Weldon Brown Bud Fogg Ace Richards Iirn Crombie Jfack Ricard Sales r- b- by flghting in a public place and convicted on Tuesday. Magistrate R. B. Baxter fined Lionel Rowe, Jack Whalen, and Pat Goodwin $50 each and $$13 rosts. He forbade them ta attend a dance Ini -Boivmanvilje for one year. -3 DYKSTRA'S VARIETYA FOODS4 77 King St. W.4 Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3541t PORK LOIN SALE LEAN PORK ROASI 1-1b0 £ FRESH SIDE PORK LEAN POT ROASTI NEW!! SPTCED PORK ROASI onîy 65C lb. IT'S EASY .. . Ready for the Oveil HAMRESHI HAMSTEAK HOMIE.MA DE Pork Sausage SHOP WVITH CONFIDENCE be hadr Ail Our Meats Are (iovcrnmient lnseted MoncyV. Selected for us by J. M. SCHNEIDERS LTD. %vork ha Dermocracy's basic philos- er, China has undergone a pol- intisf oul think those x%'ho ophy is Christian, it exalts in- itical, social, and economic re- would destroy their dernocra- dividual worth, and is in a volution and Russia has emer- 'tic heritage. sense a faith. Rev. E. C. Kelîn- ged trom centuries of eclipse George Brown mrioipd à vote way told the Bowmanviile to become a factor in inter- or îhanks to Mr. Kelloway for Lions Club dinner meeting national affair-," hie reminded hix nteresting and inspiring held at the Lion-, Community his audience. address. The president, How- -ICentre on Monday evening. l'le speaker pointed out ihat r iin ls xrse i He charged that people forget, the rnost helpful thing that personal appreciation 1 h and advised that the spiritual hias happend in the last 20 i guest speaker. i foundation mnust be restoredlJyears was the establishment, Tebrha o ly lf betore democratic culture re- tf the United Nations. It .q ton %vas celebrated hy his fel- covrs he 'itliy ihernt ofrue that the UN hias ofien low Lions. AI Cuthbertson pr- it. heen criticuzed, and frequently sented a gift from the club to! Clarence 1-ockin iotroduced finds itselt in difficulties, stili Doug Kemp for his new baby , the guest speaker, Mr. Keilo- ijt makes, a valiant attempit o daughter. Rex-. Harold Turner way, who is the mini ster of sol ve problems and has great and David Lewis, Maple Grove, t he United Church, Cobourg. power for good, hie explained. were guests at the dinner The subject of bis address was Mr. Kelloway also discu.ssed meeting. *Where Do We Go From thie fact that in recent vears Plans for thie Lions Carnival H-erc." If we believe that west-th "have flot" nations hv werp icse adhedt cm ~ ~ ~ caee cutrInoh dmcai a realizatioiî of set, for Saturdav, August 25th. wayoflif cn povde hetheir right lo lree-dom and self Llovd Clifton :s the Carnival thîswr thn uteaiedetermination. "In Africa and chairman. Il.was decided 10 ihsculture and ils fundamen- Asia, society is in a ferment, ýhave a car drav o conuiection tWia aI rcp eheas sted. andseting unreFt seems Io %vith the event, and tht- prize "Wha ma neda i flt abe the order of the day", he 'for' the seller of the wunning greater mastery of nature but remarked. ticket wilI be $500. There will ýgreater mastery of himself, and of those destructive ten- 'It bas been said thait he also be a draw for a portable deocies that divide the wortd problems of the world are no television set. * into two hostile campsad[longer military, economic, or Th'le winnerq of the hockey leaves bumanity with ihe '!political, but spiritual 1because djraw, were: Saturday, March 'swod o Daocls hygig luman relationships are in- 3rd, John Snîidstra and WiI- over its head. volved. This is true. frid Carruthers; Saturday the Mr. Kelloway sfated that "The calil oday is for inen l01h, S. R. James and Ab Ma- everx'one must face the fact and women who iviii have vin: Wednesday, March 14th, th al they live in a speedilv great vision and dreami greati Pai Chant and Ed Foraui: Sat- changing xvorld. Siuîce Worlàd dreamsý," Mr. Kelloway said.,udy March I 7th, AI Starr1 War Il Germany lias disap- île added that vitality is more and M. Stanlick: Saturdav, peared as a great nation, Japan important thian size, and urged March 24th, G. B. MarloVwe hlas ceased to be a world powv- al lu remieniber that peuple and Doug Jackunaîun. Magistrate's Court I HeId in Bowmanville ucsday, Fcb. 21.h i posufion in tUermattrr.1-le f1f0 su' oIuuposesi%'e-o ycac- Jepro,27, Bowmauî- that a serions offence of ter m. esperon, jthus nature requires a iserat- .TUebei-mi of pr-obatuon sue ,s placed on suspendedj tence. if haf the Duncans report to Mc-. e for a period of bwo " epc iimsthgl .A oePoainOfcr -portiuîg once a wcek ccpethiuunsIigîyKA.RsPoaonOfes fisst six montbs once and 1 respect bis .iudgmcnî in Oshawa, onuce a week for bhe Io weeks for tiu'e sec-1Ihese maîters andl foc the firsl six months, twice a weck cmontbs, and once a !furst lime in almost 21 years, for bte second six monlbs, and for the lasI ci. tfeimsitiplc u once a montb for bbc lasI year. -son was cbarged ,,ifh go contrary Ici wiat bie A uîiue o'clock curfcxv was nconnection wutli sett- suggesls. 1 feel tUaI Uce is a imposcd, and total abstinenice f0 bs on srvie sa -Young mant who lias corne from fronu alcoliol. Magisîrate R. B. to is wn ervce ta.a foreigo country, withont luis Baxter poiuuted ont tUaI lite Lot 12, Concession 9,1familv. 1le is wibliuig ho work, ternis wece onerous but iltvas uil lew îflotetermslO~Jaud wibliîig ho invesî bis lime the alterutive fo sending them ba i isl pl o sy-c'and resources lhe bas in bUis 10 jail. thie is aeeproti ountry, anîd it as ouîly wben A charge of leax-iug thue sceuîe * lue xviii cot leaxe the'i xsgiu altl ire of au accidentl wiîiiout stopp- ion of th United thauîli coubd staund witbout iu'g snd guvung luis osme sud wluie o proaîbut.g1vivuî t 100 unuch considera- addî-ess agaunsî Clinton Brown, s Whle n pobaion luon ho thUe ightness or wrong- r) ,Newcastle, was dismisscd rate R .B. Baxter said ncss of wUaI bie bad donc, that becaîusc tUe Csown Uad no1 a vec-Y secious offence Uce commihîrd Ibis offeuice. 1 estabbisbd a prima fadie case. t eoough tUat the Gov- teel tUaI if lie hîad luis famiby Richard Lovekiui, Newcastle, tof Canada feet that ýhere ho Ican upon Ibis .vould acted for tUe accuscd. The of- fcarry a ýentence upnot btaxe lappened." fence occurcd oui tUe 6th Jaun- ears. Roy James Duncan, 17, auuditary. trate R. B. Baxier ,;zid WIliam Duncan, 18, Oshiawa, 1 A charge of iuupaircd driv' -entence repor-t 'eas were placcd on suspended senu- iuîg agaiuust Joseph Mautuel d iii conîuection with tence and probahion for a per-1 Fo-get-, 34, Newcaste, was dis- )n and indicahcd that bid of îwo ycars on a charge imissed owiog 10 the prosecu- no fear of xvork, and bof indecent assault on a le-iJtion's case not bcbng strouig yis a litIle greedvy fori maIe. Ordinarilv, probation in enough to upbobd a conviction., 1-is w'illiuigness 10 fUis .iurisdicîion isý for one year'Richar-d Iovelkin, Newcasîlr. 3s uiprcsscd nue great-,but Magistrale R. B. Baxter acleul for the accused. The of- %uwn Attorney Harry said in view o! tUe seriousneisa fpnce occurc-ed on the 141h ýbas indicahed bis opi- of the charue ho Lound it nec- 'Januarv.i % WHETHER UT BE.. * RECREATION ROOM * ATTIC ROOM *ADDITION TO YOUR HOME Our MODERNIZATION DIVISION can help you with planning andci hoice of materials. We can arrange ta do part or com- plete the job for you! And fin ancing need not delay your pro)ject ... it can be arranged with NO DOWN PAYMENT and NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS 'TIL JUNE iOshawa Wood Products Limited 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE 1'Oh Oshawa Office and Showroom BOHWMA PN CENTRE61- Phon- e 290 Main Office & Showroom - COL'RTICE - 725-161 ~~sang the solo ln the anthem.JChristmna3 and Easter has got-, 7(1 years. Tbev Jîad 1B so W E L E V I L EIt is a pleasure to sec Mrs. P. 1ten to ha quite a racket and and plenty of frozenipe Coun il jNews~vasreceved erethîsMrs.Reev w-a In harg ofSnell. Mrs. Ken Dinner and, the religlous significance is buckily the worst wsm ve s ou ci Nw ws eciedhee hs rs Ree ,vs nchrg H on Dinner, three generationsiai but lost. bY the timieve returne ro ý1e cas 1eeekend of the death of Dr. the prograni, and thre busines of on ' olv n othe oui We walked in the Garden lIllhvs Gencrai accounîts passed for C. Clare Oke in Chatham Hos- asrnuîdb te . Two blooms O l a rhdo e~sraeado h hi aet oi i pax ment at the February /f pîtal on Friday morning, Feb- preai Nihos- plnethrusheilelcatur - I Motint of Olives wbich were Bs iecutx bnI~ Meeting of Manvers Tow-c I JI ruary ?3rd. Dr. Oke wai min-ideuit, Mrs. Claence Ncos'fuetruhth hrh nd, ieiertehoe usd fhom -i isalb sbu Concu hed u Behan Chet att in -esoî iserof heoeîcme hare I was nnonce tht ati-ilsloelvpiny muvecolr qit ner He hteloulideofnoimiauavaelbee cbng recently amounted 10 $4,059.86., of tbe United Church from dces wvouId be received at M,,, was a delight Io see. TheJesaun it. Wn itoc omc.Ivarad ad Ail members of the council 1941 fer almost ten vearslard etqfotec cd other lovelv plant. an azalea, brh (u yFauicnrsr-tosfrgighm wr rsn.Mi-'s Beverley Gilkes of the neil in Lindsay. wleen be left to go to D ' arol eî o h rpld!a shared by MIrs. Allai brothers) xvýhere Peter denied li August - one b ' b a a1 Three By-Laws were passed.: R.C.A.F., daughter of Mr. and 1M'-. John Rbckard spent last Centre wliere he was livingicuvilians and at Mrs. E. Bar- Clarke who lîad received it a' Jesus, auîd saw tie ccll whpre one bv jet-. We cain hm On motioni of Deputv-Reeve!AMrs. Chas. Gilkes, bas com- week bn Regina, Saskatchewan, ýn the feloiodah re ocoghsfrlreSv h: itd'v a.s kept prisoncr. w',C!fromlier'tsaleni bx- jet -o lire aclscne ypIeted hN baic-rachoir nav ienibers. 'Pl ohi saw Elisha's well, Jaeob's four linurrs froinTelAuvo HavyMiom eoddbybrbsctann Iattending the annual meeting !leyville People have a wo-Cluildu-en bale. Mrs. Rov ihtob maloreicpo1ais Councillor Lewis MeGilI, the St. Jean's P.Q., and bs now sta- of the Canadian Sborthorn As.! derful last memory of a loved oNbroglt a'roil fo tehoeSioauî.Caernuun. ang J'ope cer u- .xvl n- Road Account By-Law for t:1ioned at the Airforce Base ut sociation. * minister as he returned iuii - Mrs.P llaa iie aosi lehrsfed 1 uvvn hod%. $35000 for 1962 vas minro. 1 Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mrs. Fred Couch Sr., Mr,,. 1960 10 preaclithie morniuîg, Red Cross 'ehii sfichad ruade vtile ,s. P. llolda A.vislo!edc 94s isitep h lerd em o - bîriug ie cold wîcr. .l duced. It was given three Fniends of Mrs. Clifford INorman Samis and Mr. auîd ceoleouîial service. Ail of bis lierself. and Red Cross koit -ver, Oshawa, oui Fridav even- sip-sàst ftebrh u' o n vr reauns ad assd.Cufe ilibeplase blear±'Mr. ougas Row wrepeople bere, mourrul hs loss, tiuîg\vas given ont bv the con-, ing. Mrs. Glover is i-ecover-, place anid mi\,otiier sucl beiuig xaccinalcd. TIe Deputy-Rceve. second- that she is feeling mucb better guesîs on Saturday at the mar- but each one bas maoy happy1 vetior, Mrs. A. Austinu. A full1iiug fom a broken arun. We i sites. We caie' tlcougli x 1- Bve fori- n( cd by Councuillor Rod Porter, ýand bias returned 10 ber homee nage of Mrs. Mare oo- emories of bis years ii Ibi s1report of the inaugural oîeet- are happy b licar that Mrs.ile.v wliece Joshtiu&s umen pick- Gar introduced a By-Law to estab- ifrom Memonial Hospital foi- hams 10 Mr. Dougla N chcurch. A message of synî-'iuîg of the Cobourg Presbyter-i Brookini lias returned rr dtqbuci fltg rps lish tile bank borrowiig limut lowing bier recent operation. in Toronto.pah was sent to Mrs . Okei laI United Cîiurcli Womeo,:Peterborougb Hospital anîd is' visiled the Dead Sea-lowesî A inidenti. wliiclu îgu for 1962. The passage of Ibis ' Spring is about to break Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMul- Jand sonsý, Beverley and Russell 1 held at Cobourg tire latter i presenit with Ivrs. E. Payne place li hie world. Some tricd' have resulted ui n accient B\v-La'v autiiorizes Reeve il. -e tbought, when Mrs. E. len and family or Scarborougb and their familie's. 'part of Jauiuarv, was giveuî bv:1i Port Hope. swinîming-all thev hiad f0 do occ-ucred on Ttuesda-vei, Ai. Jakenian. and the CIerk- !Haigh called us on Friday w~ere Suuîday guests with Mr. ýdelegate Mrs. Oraid Foud. 'was stretcli out anud keep liîad Fcbruiai-x- ýOth, aft, leC.J Trca-ýure-r. R. D)avid:ýon . 0'unorning to inform us that two and Mrs. R. B. Rickard and Tire regular mîeetiuîg Mr. and Mrs.lHarold HIale - borrow fromn a ban]. as requlir- robins were sînging and flitt- îamiîy. of the United Church Women !Tire devotions were ]ed b' of Toronto visited with Mr. up as water is so salty and crossîuig. soutlî on Male ro cd for towvnship u. c. iog around ber home in the Fniends of Mrs. W.* H. Gib- -as held at the borne of Mrs.!JMr.s. Reeve witb Mrs. llcctoriauîd Mrs. Hector Darke lastbuoyit. aw rdRiver rod sbs -ad. w cna Burled-sbn AB\v-La\w ,ijîîroduiced b'- beautiful sunlight. However son wiIl be sorry to learn that, Ken AsbbY on Wednesday Dau-ke giving thue scripture!we'ek. Mr. anîd Mrs. Ross wic id vrî d Iltcs s Bcilefantldco, i CoucilorMcilJ seouuedtheilusin oondiappard se s bl nd asbee IFeb. 21st, wifh about 24 ladies resoonses. The Bible stud.v Dread aiyo Tcut'banks the previous %week. ~ rcsBffu lcpeec bv Couincillor Porter, appoint- on Saturday morning when we fined olber borne for thie past pre.seuit. The group led bv'm-Ili wull be a regular fea-x\.itiîd at the sanie home dur us aR muddy. dirux- j01ooi2of nuund of flic bus diue. cdfec iwr.pun wk ose.ýure of future ieins 1 ai- beaulriver but at auiotiier viexv diàd assistance of Mrs. H.Cr-i- cd Fnce uexers.poun awke bsee tUe winter's three weeks. erîuîng b ganiZtheweekend, also Mr. anna îîdlecooc-aîno kec-pers. livestock aîud sheeco worst blizzard. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiare ~A î i wiîh the churcliniiiJerusa 1cm. Mc1 s Pdd. ;h fBo -ot appear quite s50 nudélv. bus condpaflicudrulopd î valuahors. a school attendanc2 fHec friends will be sorry ho speol Friday and Salurday ils be.-innirug was dsrbdmn-le Mr. and Airs. F.; On New YX'ar's day we l ae liad nc offcu. ad wed nspctr. eao taIMrs Mr. istin - LJ*' d bv Ms(Otulasisl d btela îuhmr ofcrana edisetr er htMsMayFoster vs igwitU fruends un Tor-*Ms cc- sited '3Y Karx-oneui, Scarborough. spent a picîîic lunucli on te shoressriu crusin COUClisrcec h on siiadi ain nMern- 010 and Burlingbon. /'sevrp mnier w rcad, Sunday afternoo-n 'ith E. of Galîlce. We visited a Kih- îr u Cvc~îcuseu ýhiu Clerk. Mr. Dax'idsouî, luoc-mil Hospital in Bowmanville. Mse Danny Gray, infant Frst iee a (itr qý arwIuhý,btýasr rM. il rdrla p1ýrioi-Fi rmnit Mr. and Mrs. John Voutson of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth i'ln r \îîO~ fipfîe aroclulî.iîut asrt o le l vec p-afic fac pla'es i ticeç fule po mn hîpnc-î t tre---n v s ti g G - s a patient in M em o- -- soîî 'as "Tire cru al churuh W lule ladies wee qiit ii -- g at Blckgtck. pla-c- wihîfhil TonsiseltUe eer. avndtng u ay s aunuvimouaiLJsu rvive,-and xvs -nt Miss Clara Dacke's las: rtluius slarecl. Thiii calling for applications fi0 r.Leslie Km-! Hospital in Boxvmao-ulIe. Mveeing riere cnif iutefrn fpc1îedvnurînte a we had a boat ride across hlic, h-BasClU h Neigl oositiiois cf two warble fly iii- pueseuted i h onio ic,-Ti s mrýg he ida ea of Galile b tU te uuiuîs of bo U C uiCetat.the lone1 speclors. Oîue ispector will parcd rea.souus four tUe affirnia-ý busy lime keeping the qu jît-, Caper atuni. We staved 1 xxo Mr'ls. A. Baries oui Wcdî d Lion ttesdeivellastî Tt Ifo-stran-sipeUrt'rs. -1ruAsluby, and.:ig strai.ght while watchiog! uights ici Tiberitus, x.'lierc 1 afheruuooui af 2 tînt. preowns-hiclpýerf0 trasport ci te E ec raimeetinug of tlue Newcastle 1 for lte iicgative Uv Mrs. jXiiithue launchinp of Astronuat sm bucus siwr lvu iiic- udf Ih fuxnsii c- e tauu'-United Churclu Women xvas1 Walter. Botlu iad put conisid- lJohn Glennu. anid the conupeli- pick cd s e tagîtie. V --hed n ededa ep.inerb1*tni kunds of citrus fruits gu-owvnvsfis~ccu uno i. e u ispedh t nsort e ab etionebLd on W edn sdavenng.thab e iîu e nd tiouulil lon . betw eeuu cardiuas, p"'le tiese cou utries and w eri Plans w ei-e lad fo i od pcove mbisongraie nspaunc- SCIl-Febury2,intechurch!thlis and the discuissinuî 'wluïclu gcosbeaks, and juncos aI Eau-I - 1 le' * sUD C nn n ha oc-,lroom with Unit 1inbofollowcd seemed Io shuow vbleAshby's bird feeder. 'Ple quciltW hr r clad fr uîî fMs lfodWlou il joi. Applications for these iE~charge of the omeetiuug. oîui\,reasouu a chuirch cotuldutot xvas fiîislîed oui Weduuesdav -ýThrce apps ofli'. hie folboxv iogwck.Aso C rr k-s Office oui M arch 3rd. u >~4M s. D avid Gray led the de- sui.ive i ltva ie absence or ev nif nd atU e r M d"utcwi i su on r. G u ud va fuid a c lo . r e l ud a Areqiiest froni the I 719 6 2 P resicient !votionis, bascr] oui Psalnu 100, people. Tlis , dauic-u \a&, am, ce n a 1grw p uparcd f Gopufiiug roc inîturomvin l e u- O n t i' o D eve op ouc tuf A ssocia- w itli M rs. N Mu rrav P t r o i lpo ît d ou t Ut M s. A , l h o9hir'e)I e . u.a ud s u e p acr ips fo r e la cl v hî-e or luh Uou - e flue zr uu oui rc-gardiog a relief case Newca.t le ThUc Febrturàr truc-t ScUol acud Chie foi- ('ErI- and Mcs. HowAard Qicuney as îu .lsiie spOku' of ther disap- ;Mlaufd. A nccamel vralîd douikx s ucht bu sr'e aud soia wvas tahled. Ail soplication foc dinner meeting of. the Lion- ebral Palsy. .ssîng. Peauaiuc-e ofthe snuall rau-n. (11'"er ploughiuug with nid1- hudf louc cnjoyed n rerf figthfon James Street efttes Clîub was brld in the Elm- AFoe ucze -utet Tehusuesp---d xa ollowîuup £rfhiq ci py -a:u anproved, Councillor Il. iurst Hotel on Monday even- 'oudur1d1yrs1. u- ouduct-îd by tue presc,,deili, r. gi-suliue tas a ,;ale, ofruu . esavel x'oîigi iN us.Laningons ent-t A. Mc-Master andl Councillor uuîg xith 12 members un at. -oidAtdb r.D uW tvdtv ih nNý ,-Bn'itn \icGujl 'ere appounfrul a com- tendance and the pr-esident.!ingbam proved most inîercsf- Mrs. G. B. Richar-d, w'ith thec des brouiglît Uv nuenuheu-s lor 'Plie followuuîg ter turif- zauetli, a v'r siabhx littie weckeuýid Ai tUe home o usdng'ng anîd the prize was won by convenocs of tUe varjous com-ithe *bahe it.ou' uuak-e it,'. feu, Ut Mu-s Grace Trul lowuu. A -'tplaces. er Ja' uI M rs. ' NnIf mile, f0 select a suitahie pole Mrs-.. R. Dickinson presiIng u-.P îis. 'Ple eularmittees Oulliuiuug plans anud tUe *Articles isappeared so capjil\w-as receuveul by ler rela- 'asfac1atuuug. sea<- sa rtrulf0leanugt wt nu-aicî. Foloxinga dcicius inner da rz aswctHi laesUogutcn lai ladies uuuust luave iuad a tive. luece and iuuakes veîv loked luke a iave-ci acu er daughte for a visit Couiucil decided Io fake uo a letter was rend fronu the Pet- mnliy dr rsJon oiopa w on nles fr dsdussougu ro-keeiu kuuowledpe -or nar-e! iîuîeuesîiuug ceading. Mssluaor omasîud ui Mu-s. George CoombEsiic acuion oui tle requies fronu the erborough Lady Lions Club trenuds-. Tiîev realized aboi:! TriilI, a formier teýcrali the'ule u orsa au OisaGtr-lHo tt ('P.R. toi approve the closing iacceptmig the invitation of the During file election of of- Diing flue prograin xw'ihî1 -,. Rfc1muî rx-ddBs ieSlîoi o 0we crev-eanteceuartlîealealu1 Oswaeeal ndrone a of Bethaiuv Station. TUe ap- * ocal club 10 attend lUe March r ficers, Luoo Chas. Megit acted, folioxurd fwo lovely vocal du'-'lue oppoctniit\,for couundhirexchsige leacluer iii Eug- sector.- Arabs of .Jor-danîarc opcraîuou on anle of heee plication of Bec-t MeMullen foc 'meeting and conduct tUe in- ýas scrutineer anud the following ts-, "Whisperiuug Hope" aud 'off suiv dis-cussionu lot. rom- land sud spentftue Chris- et- tscfu f u iiinWr ail wislî ber a nt]ckre uiîe position of Weed Iuspeclor stallalion of the 16 fies.ofcr1er ice orhe"ovGreat Thouî Art"' \,e'c e cîu. na oodf firngTeuuuthvH N îey divis ion iu oe 'e-as accepted. sud bis salacv 'Puis being tUe 101h anni- ýycar 1962 and will be instalicd 'sweetly rendercd Uy Mrs. Ross Rt î~ ~<fu icu-Holv Lanud. cf vlulnSSfoiaeatl Mr. and Mcs. Edwat-rFoe- sel ah. $985 aàt-cc-. versac-y of thUe club tUe mem-iby members of the Pelerbor-IAllin and Mrs. Glen Allin. A brsvAiii okt( ii-lf ii osafotg n becs decided to make the next jough Clcub ai the March mccl-i shuort skit on -Suguuals for tUe'b. sof lis iuigh usclîo foc-ti Dear Folks, a vec-v pool- airpou-f,.Je\vs au-eiDorothy and Donald Wr [fo îa iib ride oui Saturdut ua toudrulli Ibo be given credit for,îrauîs-!Sunday dinner guestsof r. meeting bbe anniversary mccl- ing: Past Presideol, Mrs. R. Sixties", wiuich pounted toiforrî1g1real egeadesef L. ockii, Male G-ove ing of the club and to i vite Dickinson: President. M s. D.Iwo ctiwhilc readiug fo c ll n taIn d ite cotul utucn ed i a letter îîeue is o uîîy a bsh fomg etil e g -v esr M H i n. Ri le M is u- îoenmbers of theCobourg Club Cunninghanm; Vice -Presiden t» memnbers was presenfed byltobthue lighçbchuool for refresh- rof hUgiigbtýs 1cao give voit. saazin g!fetie du-curve Msslro ndraek Melile Fi e o longwihtefierimem- Mrs. R. Carvelh; -Secretar \, i Mss. G. B. Rickacd and Mrs. imcut.s aftert-au-d. * Gl vor aiscusionsread speuf e wcikVud wit t'Be i bers o h Peterborough Cu Mrs.. Stephenson; Treasu'r-' J. T. Brown. Tbei-e vexe nuIil- 47 ai Suut- for Ilîrre will be a lonîg pic-' We Wee lut in ntsque.s parents, Mr. jqnd Mrs. E.Vn toef0help thcm 10 celebrale their ler, Mir. J. Rickard; Social 'Hos- 'Ple repeatiuîg orftle Mizpah, day Scluool, snue ntftire roadiq turc show xvben r gel home. ouîe eontainiuug the 10mb of dj-acck and Ros. 10tb birhhday. In addition to tess, Mss. Wun. Sfosks; Nosp. Benediction brought thue meet- ' were ulot opeuiculand several We flew Io Cairo by jef auud Jactmb. We lialIr) cernoxe our- Mc. snd Mrs. Clifford u- F i"Ii~ ~ ~ meting, the club voîcd a grant directors Mrs. B. Rickard and unîit serx'ed deliciotus refresh- itUe superiuutcuudenu. TUe scrip- (>nt to sce the pyranuids anc-dCnM ae ouisl d her son. Mr. and Mrs. arl of$5I h saaand Dis- iMcs. C. Knox. meuifs. tuute tuas read bv Barbara 1 sphinx---rode the ladI quarterl pecially wome-ubren alîowed, Wilsoeî. Oshawa. A t D an e Lio Club bld curccli ,el-vice Rex-. M. Fi-ce-!i.nside tUe biggeet îpyramid Io<, cam-els. Womnu. tiany0 tf ams, Ray aindf Valerie, Egn unan's ser-moun tas a continua-1 sree the tomb of en ancieitheni still w-car Iraditional,'eere lUe wrekend guessc 'A t D an e i ,ons Clb T ldlion of lUe sec-les on bUe God1 kig. FIrw over the desert to costIume of long dress andul t'euhis pareulu.ts Ms. and Mri a Loca poice receved i '-e serve. lie spoke of tle'.eruisaem - we w ce in thieacr'O-9sa tUe face. T ey stili go!;Battarn.q romplaint of a disturbance M u M big"e onc-arby5am s a h sulýt the village weli for water -M.adýîn.Lwe ut Pmoril Pak Clb-Çec-e Uc to-ru-guide," sud werîf rise over tUe desert! In asud and carryc- .ugs on. hirr leads. pies,, Bar-y an-d David, eh ihou1:4a. c. o nstaur a lengfa show thaf one maun's around .Ierusalem we swMtY me"uw-carlurIlaulear'ý. o, erxeSuniday Eeng conscience us ituuuh dffercof. many Biblical sites or uus-ualîvJliue ynuu sec picfurd on1 gupst,; of Mr. and M rq. Ed1 r John ird arestc I toel c..: ' i r- Nfrorn atothicu's and is a re.siulf hhey w'erc tradit.ioual sifes iChrisîmas c aisdlon oexDforobhy and Donad and tmmmnnsed Jacek Wha -nteabe r Roe,54Kig tretWetof custom, ofteiu, rallier Iluan ofruvbuch bad a church r!obes Thi.s 15 Jiof, sor0 * bl M.and Mca. Don Jsu len.ý p i it a Grael lIRoa RR I U G I J IU I L I I o criptural teac1uiuu'. Besides builîtoves thenu. Somne had bi sraeb as iiiJordan. Iin Jor-l and family, Newca-stle.wr len GowavlieRoud, Pal e are quulfe able 10 "tlk oc-uc. mosque% or Orthodox vluur-,dan il. looked stu-suge 10oae PSatnirda v e-ing pe 3, ow i. ntre Pret. t iuue b elliuug Us loi ches. I gof fed iup crawingimen in kbaki uuifou-m %ear- guesî;s of Ms. a'nd Mri.Jh appear in Magistrate's Court. wr 11-enmmesi ietrb and caves. Anywa *-v Whiie w-e weu-e away Euig-, Bu-cnda'a birthiday waa -ee Tehrewr hre Re o ver IrîIerent Vi" jf i yi lUueentoTlreaondnduisdout0ugIstyefhagar Tuovcan aiy The hre w.rchhoir and Mrs. Kent Diuîner flue sbowiuug of sncb places ai land had ils worst. sto n-csiun brateul. with creating a disturbance Ë ËË l" 9 Ul 9 1 m LFI WEDNESDAY, FER. Igth, 1.162 PAGt THIRTEEN