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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1962, p. 14

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PAGE FOLtRTEE~~~~~ THZ CANADIAN STATESMAN, L;OWMA.NV!LE. ONTARIO WDEDY E.2t.16 dare appreciative of the, co-operation and support given' S'lex ty Couples Attend vte ouiht o Iýdir peoecets, President Willia ms Kinmen Lades'Nig Toast ho the Ladies, and Mes. Williams, the wife of bbe pre- One off 10e r-,ni zursîîes[ful rrM (;ibý:on. lpeoxîdenu off th-sideni. re-sponded wttilY. Jackc ex-ntso!ih~jaon.ih Bo- owmnxlleLin Clb K. Lander on bebalf off bis fel- ,îanx-ulleKnse CluWs3 an- N. Mri.prre.idem't off th e Iow Kinsmen preseîîted Mes. nual Ladues* Nigbî Dinner and Boux'rnmîxlie Rotarx, C 1 n b. Williams with an exqnisite Dance. wa- borî ai the Lions Mes. Morris. Ross3 Jackman. bouquetoff rcd roses. '..,mmmîunîrî. ...îre on- "r da - ex-cine. Th(, 60 rcoup]es present noe ;ncfu e venin g The Kin:mnirob and bloc', %:r"r 'artiýÂîcal',, ijsed in the effectivceor lions. Beautifiil arrancements of 'Pllow draffodiLs Sndflubic finted carnations. crntred the table,-. Bill Mille. Oý;hawa, Pn excellent pianist, plaved a number off lovriv seloctioo-, fiuring the diniirr hour. SI. John's Anglican Chnirch Guild ratered for the dclicious han- cuet. Those ai hp br a (J1a h1 were Depuiv Diî et Gover- ror Irvinoke > Brovn, M Brown. President Os bo rn e Williams, Mmi'. Williams, %viîO s the prrsîdcnt off 1)10 Boy.-1 manivil E Kinette Club. I mxx l'Il make my home complete with CHROMAI ~~ AN DRIVEJ s 1EA-TERS Chromalox otters te (otrpiet, àt possible for evt'ryorn t o ernjoc Ileatng . . whetliber in new bc or added on Trooms! Aboaeare s"mtb of Ithe Chrorma I.Jnits- WeIl beo glad to showy to insfEah1 the typ)e IO'O 51111 ~ P hor R.R. CHOICE CREAM STYLE A&P coI FANCY QLJALITY A&P TOMA9 JANE PARKER APPLE P A&P SUPER-J SWIFTS,P oASMQi Boy Scouts Prepare and 3IMIW' 1PORIONur1 r U ilPORTION 1 CENTRE (UTS or STEAKS lb 39 c lb49 b69c BlAde Bone Pr.moved Fresh KiIsed - Loe, Thighs or Brenste BLADE ROAST lb 5 3 CHICKEN CUTS b47c Full Cut Red Brand Beef Short or Red Brand Besf SHOULDER ROASI lb 53 c CROSS RIB ROASI 1659c This Week's Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Feu! ures NEW CROP, FANCY GRADE ORANGES VALENCIA Fiorida, New Crop, Fancy Grade, Full Colis YELLOW CORN 5 for 49c Mexicar', Fît-m Ripe, Ha4nd Ssleccîd TOMATOESNo. 1Grade cello tubel 9< 5-lb cello bag 7 9C SI uper U <It S<MMarkts~ 1ce. borne busmness Iî-om last ! meeting was complebed. Wavs o! rnakinz money were dis- cnssed. Mes. Morris gav'e theý rmissionary paper and Mes. HL ýWhitc conducted the peogram.Z We decided to have every- third meeting a rnissioiiaex- ,meeting, Mes. Ti1. White gave' a report on the Pt-esbytery conference ai Cobourg in-Jan- a narv. Lumnch was serx'cd. F Mr. and Mt-s. E. ElliotI, Joa.n 1 Elliott and friend --petSu- t, dav with Me. and Mes. Il. Quantu-ilI (0 Mes. H. Quantrit. Mtr-s. TJ Morris and Mes. Thickson sPent last Monday iii Toronto iE and attended the 65tb anni- M versarx- o! bbc Institute held 'i ai the Qneen Elizabeth Build-ý ing. Tbev visited wiib friends M [as well and came honie Mon- 'I daY night. Due b ftic big %v *Storm Mrs. Morris spent the niebi t, tMrs. Tbickson's. at The ladies bave been busx, Si cleaning -Mr. and Mes. E. eWhiie's bouse in the village whicb thex- bought recentîx. Little Vicki Fait has bèeen D ;sta-inz ai bier grandparents'. ".and Ner..,Mce-cr. 0: No news xvas reported lastin *week as I was away. ar S TARK VILLE Mer. and Mmrs E. Ruthven, Ziorî, visited MeIs. A. Dobsoni. Mr. and Mrs. Albert RogcIî and tarnil ' . Oshawa, spe:îî Sunday at Mr.M.Shutkas. The U.C.W. off Shiloh inet at the home of NMrs. Orme F ails Wednie-dax-. afternoon ast week. Mrs. Carl Toddl, the president. was ini charge. Mr. and Mrs. W. Simpson, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Bert ['rim's, recentlv. A feu, from ti s d istruct a i- ended the presentatiori for Miss Joan Reid at Newtonî- ville Saturdav evening. Mr. Gerald Hiallowell ai M!r. Jini Miller, Uiversît% off Toronto, spent the wekc-nd %vith his parent Mr. and NIrs. Brian aw' attended thie Mart Kennv,. Show at Woodbridge, Frida\ý venin g Mrs. Lorne Todid spcnt thr w'eekend with MNr, and NIrs. Don Staffleton, Newtonville. Mfiss C. W. Strwar in 'i )ýhawa. ha%-Î,me hurt !eci i ;n a fail Tucsda':- morning on rriving at school. l and Velma, Bowmanville.1 re Sunday supper guests ai' Serve Delicious Meal Kiwanis Club, Mrs. Jackrnan, Depulv Governor Brown James Woodward, president brought best wishes from Go'-, off Bratoch 1-.8 off the Royal, ernor Stan Roumbanis, North, Canadian Leioýn. and Mrs. Bay. He told the audience that __ Woodward.the District Governor ix in . hospital recuperating fromn ani Graro -,vas ,;;id bv Robert operation, and had sent a mes- Guthrir. President Osboriie'sage to the local Kinsmen'li WÀillhams gax'o the Toast 10 Club that nothing else couldf the Queni. The commmttee ii ever have prevented bts at-I charge off arrangements for tcnding the gala event here. the memorable event wa-s An cloquent address on thce composed of Fred Kramp, importance off service, and of chairman. Dr. John Werry7,ithe active interest taken by Walter Frank. Gordon Stur-,ail Kinsmen in the well heing rock.,Jack Schill and Robert off the communily was given Guthric. bv Deouty Governor Brown. President Williams welconi- He spoke off the ideals and oh- ed the guesýts. He also expres- tectîves of Kin, and also out- sed the appreciation of t1îe lined the privileges of mem-, Kiinsrncîî for the whole hearted,. bership in this great organi-ý intereslt aken b *v their xives, !zation. tii~~~~ Kîeis naltecus The Kinsoien Clubs.Bowl- i i d r'rta kitîig.î. The Km ien 'ving Tt-oph ' was presented bv' Hart-v Collacîmit, last years xinner, to Dr. John llendry, in absentia. The lucky door prize winnet-s were as fol- lows: Mt-s. Jackman, whio Members of the Second Bowmanyille Boy Scout receix'ed a Pepsi-Cooler don-, Troop built up quite a reputation on Satut-day îiiglit ated by Sniith Beverages, Mrs.r for their culinary artistry when they prepared andl Tom Cowaîî, a colored teie-fsr1 e fried chicken to theit- parents and several phione donated by the K is -v 'men Club: Mrs. Reg Rackam!guests. The banquet was field in Triiîity United anîd Mes. John Stutt, who each' Church Sunday School Auditorium. Donations anîd received a set of glasses. Presidemît William.s annouîî1c- memrber of the Bowmanv ile f ~'ed that the club's Curling :Kiirsmen Club, and Mis. La-ý Bonspiel Iîeld in Cobourg last; to town for the eîîjoyable ilWednesday, and that 16 teams evenit. Othiet former menîbees had been in the competition.1'off the club aîîd theie wives,V s t T r n The Dis;trict Curling Teoplîy w-ho were guests were Mr. anîd captured by the local Kimîs- Mes. John Stîmît and Mr. and LOXi men team iii be the fit-stMis. Girniel Sager. On Wedîîesda ' . Feb. 21si, E tt-opby to be placed in the iîew - 1962, tliree inemibers off tue Southx-ie\v Curling Club, he Bownianville anîd district Red s S said. Cross Branchi apent a few en- t( - ~ ~ e:: :-- e1eauaio ieîa MOUN loyable lîours ini Toronîto aIt -eibr forther otstndi.Red Cross IHeadquarters. achimemet rn outndin tIîý I I.and Mes. ChatileS lI0p Campaign Chairman Mis. ,R. Distch mt Cur in n 0PIlgY, , kins, Beax et bu, visied at .Spry obtained literature, pos guests asserted that the Bow-ý Rus.sell Perkins'. tees and infornmation peitaiiî-Y manvile Kinsmen Club well, Mes. Tom Corn1ýe. Tornniîjing ta ihe Red Cross Blilz s i merited success on the ice be- and Limîda, Scarborougli, spent whicli will take place ins Bow-u cause through its effortts arti- a few days with lir t ianville aîîd the surrouîîdiiîý1 f1r ficial !ce had been provided Mrs. Robert Killen. ýdistricts on March 26th. Wo'- for the Arena here. Master Scott Stainton !s Rimens Work Chairmnan Mes **Fý Tlîe District Bomspiel xiii patient iii Oshawxa Gemicial Ruîîdle anîd co-cliairiniiiTMr:.- be lîeld iin Bowmanville niext IHospital. ilr. llibbcn exploi-ed the cut- year, the home ofthie 1962 Mr. and Mrs. lleiir atliî et.oftî Red Cio:s. lOARD flEATERS winning team. Pres-idemît Wil- visited ait N. Potter's, Toronto. aîîd gatiîcred valued informa-x 'liamis vas the Skiýp, F redi and Williami Dart's, lcro ion from Diî'ector off Womeimîsý Kramp, Vice-Skip, Bert Syer, ough. 1carb or-f k Commi-nte Mis. P. God- EN WALLh INSERT Lead, and Dr. Chat-les Cattrail, : .CarkeMooevtedi dard. i aKeilh Staiiîton's on Suîîday. :Ail tliîiee neniber sxilvd rn A sng-song led bv Art Mrs. P. J. Rober-ts,;pett a the WýarehioLISe oli Duhte St. ti Hoopr, Lone Parer ad aMe. Williamns, in ccharge of c Hoopr, ionl Pakerandfew da-,s at Rochester ox'er isdp.ildoiauodrx 'Gordon Sturrock was e.njoyed. the wcekcîîd. thf er .sup lie îd outceixed tue? a. quality une wichei inakes Joe Murphy, Toronto, xvho bas :trSple n eee lcp y modern electric* won renown as an amusing Mr-. amîdNMes. Fred Dan ifolloxviiîg articles froint ilie 5 toes ... renmodeliîng ... comedian, presented ami en- aand familîy, Woodxille, ViSitecl! Bowîîîaîîxille aîd 1) i s t r i c t tertaining programi. Ilis clever at Henry Dart*s. alox Une of Electrie 1reating ýsketches and humorous patter There !S quile a lût.oof 'flttIL M~ l ,'oU how lit tîle it wil vost rcived mchtt-plause. He inthe neihE li i, b l s ou nedtwith amazitîgly realistic irn-igroxvn-ups.. and -'Mls. eo. i personat ions off motion piclure! e aî'M).fifrdFrm\\ee' i at star, anDotler1 and David. Scarboroughi. xisit- Misses La ise itd lM-,1jr ELECTRIC During the balance off theled at Robert Killenis. Mrs. R)1McInhosh, Wlîitbv. EL CT ICevening, dancing was enoyoed Killen, relurned home wbthý Rodney'Iri on Siînida\ x ne Blackstock 986-4212 Jbo the ryhthmic nmusic off BiII themn o Scarborough for a' xisited his cousin Bob Scotî, in 3, BURKETON STATION iMiller's Orchestra, Oshawa. few day.1 Kedron. Ti ONAROThe spot dance winners wereý Robert Killen is still a pa-' Mrs. Annia Betswortfi. Var- (il ONTARIO Mr. and Mes. K. Lycett anditieni in Memnorial loýspital,ý couver, B.C., Mr-. and Mes. C. Si Mr. and Mes. A. White. Bowmanville. Drummomîd, Toromito. xx e r e x ____________________ KiihLatange, fomer Mr. and Mes. Rosm Dat Sunday visitors off Mei .M Judy and Jay, Woodvillel Siemon. visitcd ai 1-enry Dart's. Mr-. and Mes. Raîplu Lamib. i. Me. and Mrs. Hans Geiss- Mr. aind Ml-S. Stuart Lamrb. berger visited ai Edwvin Geiss - Domina and Dat-la xvere wxitlî berger's, Victoria Corniers. f Mr. and iVrs. Lot-te Lanîh. Mr. nd Ms. MrlevW ýMr. and Mt-s. Keith :MluGilI Me. nd rs.MoîlevW',- and boys wei-e Sutîdax dioner man, Prestomîvale, visitcd ati, uests ai Me. and Mes. Jini Hans Geissberger's. iKnmns ai-ie Mr. and Mes. Wes Carnet-on Mes. Greta Bailey. Burke- xvere supper guesîs ai Williain ton. is spending a ffcxx daxs Preston's, Courtice, on Sun- with Mes. F. Tomns. day,. Verx sort-N, 10 report M,. - John E. Griffin is ini Oshiax E LIZABETHVILLE ofrest' p Mr. and Mes. Hlerbert Leigli- ton, Bowmanville. Me. aîîd ,00000000n"_Al Prices In This Ad Guaranteed week ont- Women's To- Mes. Eugene Sewell aîîd Rickv. Through Saturdday, Mat-ch 3rd, 1962 stîtute mnet ai Mes. Clarenceý Courtice, were Sundax- tea fMercer*s. We had a fait -i auesîs at Me., and Mes. Gt-ain, 'tendance. The mitntes w'1ereý Wet-ry's. Reg. 2 tins 37e-SAVE 12o t-ead bv Mes. Wheeler. it xvas Mr. aîd Ms A. T.. Wearn deccded ta hav'e a cuchre par- a.nd Susami xere Frirîsix- ii- t.v. xx'as Mes. Quantt-iII's ing xisiloi-s ai Mr. ai*îd Mi.ý R ~120-fl-or tins gr~oup. We had a report on'Don Wearn'.s. ScarborýoîîiîI. R N 6 9 9 the Instituhe procedure helci. Mr. and Mes. Clifforri_ Pcth- aI Campbellcroft, tbe week ick xx'et-e x-itors off Mr. ard Reg. 2 tins 2c-SAVE 14c before, by Mes. Quamîrill. MrF. Mms. Pere Ellis. Oshaxva. 9 T Robinson conducted thc Miss Dariemie Seilick, Boxx-- meeting. Lunch w-aS serx'ed. mamîille, speiîî the weekeiîi M JU CE 201-o tis 9 c 'Little Neil Ti-ew xxas g!asFed at 'Mr. and Mes. Gor-domn Yeo's. Reg. 49c-SAVE 10c the top off the gas h-iiic aîd llax-'doîî. xxere Suiidax tm,î li aas ii ed ta vell. Mru- . aiîd f MIes . E. Wiits i- P xx1ý-iiî the flu re hcef;ýl- Suîday. T MARR!S that Jcoin yet! If you at-e torn beîxseen ""0o nmajor purchases, perhaps 1,11 don*t have 10 decide which it w~ill be. Maybe you should have bothl Chances are, you can, 100.. by financing one or both off thcm on the Bank of Monîrcal Family Finance Plan. W'hen yon don't have A the cash you nccd to buy what you want, the B of M Farnily Finance Plan is an excellent way 10 group several purchascs Linder a single, low-cost, life-insured loan. Monthly rcpitv- ments to suit your convenience may be exlended Lup to three years. So, don't call a coin - ealu on your nearest brandi off the B off M and enjoy more off the things you want righî nt) &rings cail 1your personal credit nseds undr on@ roof~ whth a low-cost à of M life-insured Ioon lsuwmanville Branch: JAMES BELL, Manager \-o]utit elp x-eî-e acknowledged f rom The Acres RestaLmearît, Ttimble's Store, McQuinn's Food Market,ý Sledmnaî's, Dykstî-a's Variety Foods, iRickaby's Big 20,: Milligaii's IGA, Glemi Rae Dairy and the Flower Shop' Carnation. Thle boys are shown with a platter of fried chicken xx'lich tlie.Nv cleaîîed up x',ery quicklv. I The sceipture was baken from em vers Psa]nîi 60, verse 3. She then M e m ers gave a x-ery, fine paper on "The Wine o! Astonisbmen t,, f, J (~closing with hynin 405an ~ ' ~~'The minutes of the lasi Bracl, Mici iclded90, nîeciing were read and ap- ~ra~ci, x hii iîcude 91<) proved. Roll caîl was answer-: .vips. 1i4.7)osx%-abs, 2 bite'ed with "A sermon in a nut- sxvatrs 2 'v aîs. 1 red sxvea-l sheli." TPhe World Day off , m- es 2 cars, 12 pr. t-ed socksý Praye- wbll be bcld Marc .h 911i xer.5 Pe. xvinle socks 2 at 2 p.m., with Mrs. Ritson off ars., .5 pr. greeni socks 4!the Salvaion Army as guesl eais, 9 pr. dark geecti sýocksIspeaker. 4veuî.s, 5pi. rose socks 8ý The supply committee band- cears, 4 pr. saîid socks, men«s cd oui baby gowms and lac- ile , 5 3-pce baby set.s, 6 'kets to be sewn up. The t-cas- c'loiîeîs hals 5 gci1-]s flami. uuer's report was given by iiglitgoxx-mîs 14 years, 2 gil's ýMes. M. J. Hobbs. lan. iiigtgowîî-s 10 x'ears, ýý Mr. Ex-erton White then ri. bo. sPams 4 Yeamrs.slîa\ed uîs some vcry lovel- . 1>3 pr. gils pyjamîas 2 yýeaies,irpictures o! bis trip to, En«-ý pr-.grl overaîts 6 years, lauîd, Scotland and Switiz- :pi-. box 's oeralîs; 6 x ear2, lauîd. Mî-s. M. Stainton favoredý 2 girls panhx' dresses 2 years, us witb a piano solo. Mrs.ý qcrib quiilts, 8 complote babyirAllan Werry expressed tbanks ix-ettes. ýto aIl who, hclped with Uicý 'flic xvork dlone iii tîis dept meeting. The meeting clsed is l voluîîtee- work and all'Iwitb theme song and prayer. îaterîals are supplied. YouirWe moved to, boa tables vey roc spelît imi tlis dept. is' appt-opriately dcco.raied in red reatlv-, apprecialeci. Aîîyoneý and white for Valentine's Dax" wisbiîîg to sexx-, lknit or quilt,'iand a very lovely lunch offi ilease cetîl Mes. Rumîdie, MA?3-' sandwiches, retishes, cookie.3,' 4:30, or Mrs. llibbem. CO-itamis and tea was served. 1750:1. .Mes. A. Werry and Mes. J. Griffin wcre convenoris for! and five cbldren present. 4da atINIM ati 1\11,s E. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gel!-1 i\'r ight fin and family were Sunda\- The ebriarvinecinc eveoin- dinner guests off Mes. Tue~~~~ ~ (eiîi 'iîe if ~N.Collacutt, Bowmanville. ie Uoited Chulii Wornpni 11r and Mes. Clarence Staiti- va,, leld in the church base-: hon were Saturday eveniîîg ent on Feb. 151h ah 2 P-rn-ýcallers on Me. and Mes. Keilli bhis meeting xvas iii tlîe form MG1 l )f a Valentine Tea. Mes. f-, M r. and Mes. Stanlev Tue- Iernom opeed tlemeneetinîg rirOshawa, xvere Sundax ibh theie noto and creed. diniier guesis ai Miss Elsie, Mes. F. Tonîs gave the De- k.i n rthrM.Abr utionai, opeiîîg vib hueOke's.adbohr r let est two verses off hvmmi 263. Mr. andMes. Elwyn Dickeyi JAMES McCANSI-. Manaqcer WORKING WITII CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 FrP 37"S I I Y. Jewellery and Gift Shop1 39 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE r' 'I i PAGE FOLMTrEW WEDNESDAV. FEB. 28th. 1962 1 Mr. anndrsMr. .atC. Mr. Crawford's forceful pr-~ and familv, Orono. visited i;s sentation of his message en-,aet r.adMsF' titled "The Path of Oppor-1 partesMr. n andaM. "IV tunity" was a stimulation t arnr.o Snay the Sunday morning congre-1 MS. T. Barrett was a Fr gation. He clearly pointed out1dav afternoon visitor of M's.s the real value of spiritual Anna 'Barrett, Bowmanvillc. richness as opposed to secul- MNU% and Mrs. E. Pen\wardcn lar. A lovcly anthem, "Able'and famil *v xere Sundav suin- to Keep." in which the boys per guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. and altos had the leading t-oie,iKellett, Janietville. - was well rendered in spite of Mr.anîd Mrs. e7cZi a'îî- their attendance bcing lower- eron and family were Sundax' ed due to illness and bad dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. roads. M. Kellet. Janetville. Mrsý. C.G.I.T. meeting on Wedl-'H. Camrnton, Tvrone, camie nesda *v enjoyed ils first Mis-:home from hospilal on Mon- sion study session prepared day and is staying at the Robt. by Laura Griffin and Lois Canieron*s for sorte lime. Ashton. It was presented by' Mr. and Mrs. N. Davis wvere Lois Ashton, using the new Salurdav evening \isitors of text book, "The Future Won't her parent.,, Mr .and Mrs. Rye Wait".Gio. Oshawa l3ranch: m LONG SAULT

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