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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1962, p. 2

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preciation of the large and Ane Bird was the lnvesigtn rilhahfth-etsoi Em os . ra for metng H tunot t heRotary A ns in Charge officer. acliinaanadsei ccnd Emmons W .CrawfordThere vter.'a theyr ticularly pleased to note that * * ~ ~ N ~ i U on Sunday at 1:14 p.m. tteYuga adi hni His Worship, Mayor Iv corner of Argyle and Otratci I ae org Hobb.-, the immrediate rpal ife o itt i t G y r o Streets. The driversoftera atnio toui isa G r at s N e i ordpresident of the Bowmanvil .le car invluoeuir Greates Need i W orld ral Association, was:pre WLambnyrt, Ito.rag1,;'B( set Descrobes M ny flet eliI o High Street. DamagetoUcuhoMtr lis E u a i n a s S e k r ies dealing with four major leils ccee 10O. Cnrtltosadsne Is Ed cati n, Sa s Sp akernational pr:ble:: off grave' Constable Don Andersn ogodwsCfra At iwaisClu o Moda importance furto Canada r rReebiittonOgaiztoneeve H*Faînilvatofftthe Duroa The greatest need in the Counsellor for many years, four and fîve year courses are ýproposed legisiation as set out: The wonderful work off the introduced by Mrs. Bernard world today is for education, 'and is a member of the Voca-'offered and diplomas are given in the Speech from the Throne. jOrganization for Rehabilitation Holden.Cub and the better informed court- tional Advisory Comrittee to: for each, the speaker asserted. "For cach of these great through training, and the bene- Mrs. Stewart McTavish an- ~a 'l e I oill~~wsud tre aeteopruiyt teDurham County District He dealt with another import., prolm h ib lPryficial assistance it has provided nounced tat ere hervon. assiccidebt Group - makeé a vitally important con-Hg chool Board, Mr. Hut- ant provision that has been has a sound and positive pol- for needy people throughout 22 registrations from the club, PROM PAGE ONE tribution towards internation- ton stated. 'made whereby certain Grade icY to replace the indecisi'on the world regardless of color for the Dist. Conference to be K Lna f ' e o e a r.lcdroMs .Ki ai understanding and peace For sorte years eduicators 8 Public School pupils may be and procrastination off the or creed. was described by Mrs. held at the Royal York Hotel, r oureduccd. ad Miss'Afe112x'. Bert As by providing instruction for iacross the province have been ý.advised by their teachers Io Tory government", Mr. Honey Henry Kingstone, Toronto, on Toronto, on Thursday, Friday, Thredcd.f 0I~ îistnîakdtchsesswf people in under-developcd and concerned that the H ig hi ake a special two year voca'- asserted. Hie spoke off Lîberal Frxday. Mrs. Kingsitone, the and Saturday off this week. District Accidents Trom rraitict willsovec orif"Wydd h e backward lands, Emmons W. Schools did not provide for the fional course which will fit fiscal policy and its concrete wiffe off the District Governor, Keith Billett, the vice-presi- At 5 o'clock this moriiiig a chng Cndas 5 rural bdistriThebtesnscre: ' Crawford stated on Monday need3 of students whose in- itherri for apprenticeship in a !plans for the stimulation andiwas thc guest speaker at the dent also spoke about the con- tractor-trailer driven byAdmpoaint a ndv n. onon toevurhnc evenng. r. CaMro.d ws teestsandtalenseweeecopanrde.oxpanion tfeth eCOlomY IRoaoyt unchn metin hel fmrnceindgsecia evets t Ledganbocok, sruck aGovromeîs onopuolationnctar woudiVtyou uzi the speaker at the Bowman- nect<-d with technology, trades Knowledge is ossenfial iloý 'O the question off our at the Flying Dutchman Motor be held durîng fi. Iguide post on No. 35 Higliway,0f rural propertv; in thelite On aînalreccln ville Kiwanis Club dinner held 'work and machînery anid also only as a preparation for life,!shameffnlly hîgh unemploy- Hofef. The sing-song was much 'Pl-ashr distance north of 'f at: the Flying Dutchman Motor wanted 10 continue thpir stud- but if, also lcads the way to ment figures vwe do have the The luncheon meeting was .Joyed. Mrs. H. B. Rundle, Mrs. 10tOh Concession off ManversltperY b o s Age3s06% a in xifhAu bagfSnt I{otel. ies aI university, Mr. Crawford liresponsibilty, independence, as answer. as have Liberal gov- unique, but most enjoyable. ît keëith Siemon wcre the leaders, Township. The driver lost te lniLosAedspulcro Past President Ted Hutton explained. well as to better understanding ernoments in Uic past. Ahl the was a joint meeting off the and the piano accompantiment control off bis vehicle, wvhich th adiIue spb introduced the guest speaker. He pointed ont thaf. Ontario and gives opportunities to help economic policies off a new Bowmanville Rotary Club and was played by Mrs. Keith Bil- sustained damage amounting perty. Urban horizontlad He told the Kiwanians that Secondary Sehools prior to the in the solution or the peoiple's Liberal governimcnt will be its Rotary Annes and the wîves letf. Mrs. Robert Stevens gave to approximately $500 in the urban -vertical (u in tf iîf( Mr. Crawford came to Bow- iceto f the prescrnt thrce- difficulties in other countries, directed fo recreating an en'- o the club's officiais carried a report on the Rcîbinoff con- accident. Constable W. Reî*m- propertý, may bc Govf. ~c i favlei 97we ewsfold systemn did not serve the the speaker stated. This is vironmient in which Canadians 'ouf the dubies off their bus- cerf. cr. OPP, investigabed. '1 0population, 70% apponte plnt ngieerfornecs o puilswhowoud wat od nteded Go pr- can work, save, and invest wibh mands' offices. Each Rotary Dr. H-. B. Rundie oo belhaif There was a two-car hodeslf' theGooyear Tire and Rubber 'neyer be able f0 get anywherel vided the wonders off the carth confidence in the growth off Anne was provided wif b a loy- or the Rotarians extended con- lision on Saturday affternooniird a<?Iie E es Cmayhere. After 34 years in bbe arts and sciences but :and tbrough education man the country and ifs stability.,c'ly carnation corsage frorn the gratulations and best wisbes lat four o'cloek on the Cadmus! u1turl in this responsîble position he needcd practical training in a bas iound and made uIse off An objective off fuli employ-,Rotary Club on bier arriva]. 1f0 Fred Vansfone. Mr. and Mrs. ' Road, a short distance nortb off' Education. which bhasi retired in July 1961. trade or cîraft fa enable bthem them, hc' said. et rQi P oeoet Mr.K .Mrrs ieofVanstone celebrated the 55th Burknton. The drivers off 1hvccallcd the "Key 10 Suîvi std ;iseaeceta hre.o d shipothessive ne raetc-rte ien oa 5th ieli h- l-aOrsaC f ter cas ' cr lo Dy o motati hol mental in starting the Bow-i After a thorough sud ofyisauiec tafthcewodsson, roresie nd3,c batonof Rtay' 7t brt- as weanddce RR.3,Bukto. ndiol adlt yaI Gveomnt Siniy îonîg eb2al manville Lions Club. and was 91l aspects off the problemn and!aIre af vital importance today- tical.- day a huge birthday cake In introducing the gnest Gordon Bruce Mýetealf, R.R. 1, and the cost by allitecou akdaohrse ow a charter member, Mr. Hutton lcnieal lnig h r-education. out-reacbing, and The f bird probieni is affect- aglifter \vifh lighted candles speaker Mrs. Rex Walters fold Nestieton. rinexad ta said. Later he becamne pre osi ent el nn , t h e edcm- 'osi.1vroe1saae1f dbyteCneraîzai' va îhhgbfthle event. the luncheon meeting thaf Abouf $400 tdaînage vaýs sus- rsyeinCu dent of the club, and lias also posite sehool program resulted ivast importance off education. lack orf a coherrent policy to !The wives off fhe Fellowshio r.Knsoewseune tic y1l.Ee a.adAseuuini u ic bnBoiin.i!.xbnfv e held the higb office off Lions Mr. Crawford statcd. He dis:' he said. He explainied fhat bylshow il recognizes fhe dram- committe members, Mrs. Wil- af the University off Toronto approximatcîy $175 damaige wÀe icave scho(ll but cotîc District Governor, bie added. cussed teAt n cec out-reaching be meant the ex- a tic and important new tradt- liam Thicsburger, Mrs. W. M. Whcre she received ber B.A. b Mr. MelcaIf's. Constable as long as wve live, adutcd-clt heKikSson Mr. Hutton also spoke off the course wbich îargely corres- tending off instruction 10 back- ing patterns now baking shape 1Rudelf. Mr3. Rex Walbers and cec. On ofhe-toSu Mury oyOP,<ath ti budmaesefft l aevce if riamî guest speaker's active inter- ponds to the former General ward people fa enable fhem 1Io n Europe., the speaker sa3id.iMrs. Brr Holden, wcre us a physician in practice \Vith investigating officer. talents- We have; Our sbo îdldcin~bc osbc estin ommniy afaisandAcaeme Curs, te usiessbep temslvs, nd r.The. Tories [ail f0 mef bbc ,called n i, Mrs. Morris 10 his fathcr and the other a mccl- O buuialtd.i nangs stand emptv tnofibeiigol rcb Off his service on numerous and Commercial Course, and Crawford empbasizcd ihaf i challenges and opportunities i bl><'oOt Il "" alsueta Vr£~ r car driven by Ronald Albert oftetm:n uiesfriîim ess ~ boards and committees includ- thfic Engineering. Technology WOrsbipping God al] shoufd wbichi these changes repre-! Mrs. Jesse Van Ncs~. i, -Kin'ýsbone is a member off the' Philp 11R.1, NestIcton, aind coul'l bc, um ii tbemiptybidvrde.lly lfoFe in connection witb veterans. Iibobth bbc Arts and çScier~ iesadkoweg e a b Lbrlpoiy sfoB gan -af-cargse orftobn11,017- rf th, ad ialso mcm: Wcrk. Sundt lîed-contrv s iioiconhobDnlSuf c-pstpr Mr. Crawford ball been a and th,. Engineering, Technol:gvn akn.lîc rd ares bs kr drws ichrgeoff heWo - be ofthe anain ofCeabna iskCa n R a 7nor off Mi- wbut economie cia vPse fo o ll ardofc u Univ-ersity off Toronto StudeFntlbogy and Trades division% botb ýCranston Scotton bhbalff off necessary for flie survival off ey drR, bih ws on <-off The rgaiofRb ningiîc. Daag 0 Mr. iîhna oc-s vBtsa br 'i elwKwnasmý,dCaaaa togidpn-Mrs. Morley Vanstone and - ltto bog riig Philp's car anioiîted ta p Mr. K. in lmAfe fi lili'inir.flc e a vote off tbanks In Mr. Craw- lent. nation: We must adjnsf rxmtl 10 n hr. Mr.ts ilhv fard for bis stimulating ad- xilb the Common Market, and ýaddition ia Mrs. Kingstone al training system ini the world was about, $250 ta the tract or- niadf off public transportato.cmr vteohredr n diress. He presented a gift 1t move 10 obtain a share off that were 1r itit ae-soeae bvteOgnz-trailer. Constable Peter Den conciuded Mr. Rickard. h snn x i oi~eain M.Caor asastvnrtabL!ons pnrchasing power off n or Dr. Henry Kingstone S.flaon for Rehabiltatian Through Hoed, OPP, investigatcd. Govl. bîiilt raiiways viboftirulc-praioan Mr. Cawfod asa soveni som 400000,00 paoîe Pearson, Ajax, and George T'raining, Mrs. Kingstone sta- Ms unt apei. ddtp' le bgwy o rvr off bis vîsit Ia the Bowmariville Siocombe0,sh0,000bpeople. ted. She tald off the organuza- Pner. as aCharpel, w ii-tlpee;avsteaxvay w ibden ihtenxl'elr Kiwanis Club. 'The ffourtb prabiem lk dufe tuon*s inceptian on Febrnary Pca ree drivin g, lwig a pc.d ayovf.v eapintesinht.Adei ok DNTTHE Later in the evening a chaI- f0 the fart that after two x cars l9tub 1880, to fill a need i£0n carl s ioobewenthe cnga ar e-ho l ovt. e l oitinfowî 0srighnn EVENT OF lenge hockey game between off indecision, pracrastinatioo , i<~ Western Europe ta help people 'was drix-ing and anc driven bx' witb eaclb other-.' IlcotCriiawtnsiiBo an MISSF.R!the Port 1-lpe Kiwanis Club confusion, and contradiction R e C otsonacquire the skills fa help .joseb Wcmn apa.$2.0 aya e esnfrvil ln ih hc-sse THSTH EA!-nd the Bawmanville Kiwanis the Conserx'ative Dieffenbaker themselves. sThereWs au $20Hamapto, s1n5.Q locya Gerxperscuvcscîucisofoie onîuîu Club was played al the New- govcrrnuiint still lias not de- At precri_______________bou_$00__________Ilocl ovt s casleArna Te or Hpec-iedonauineligbl dffuis ***'p pesui OT oud ucts 10 Mrs. Campbell's car, and and aroîînd $200.00 ycarlpr clb xvonabyTaescor, offe iht poiirCnaelgeda." pa es 650 s mhoanrehaini40000Wicmnx'i cl. Cntbeig scoosudtinDrn- < clu wo bya cor ofciht oli fr anaa."Irsciandooanrainin40 abot t$150 danmage -1Iothe îînbic school pupil, $51000 e Bo mavil C orlSoieyta five. A uturn match bas '-The Liberal Party" over a FO AEOE people are enrolled as students i.1. T. McDonald, OPP, was the',bot. ~Cs oa Prsnebeen planned and will be beid Va ago sbatcd ils policy. If pla ined. at present, M rs. Kingstone investigating officier. The e a- Mr.liniSier]oix'v r~ILBERT AND SILliN~\Son Marcb 81h following the is opposed ta nunleau weapans During tbe p- viosxear, saud. Site explained that the cident happeoied ouithie Tauii- with lielely ice uplrd o fIH ol2hn Inter-Club dirnner mectiuîgf.0 Ian Canadian soil. How cati the' assistance was givcuîin 41,educabional[standards are bigh, ton Road, just west off County a prpraetem oî ie.e hc lîeld by the Port Hope Ki- Conservative govertiment jius- cases because off need or loss auid added that hundreds Off Road 57.'yeari MyAin Folk" aso f aisCub ify spending huuîdreds off mil- from fire, Mr. Marsden said. Skills and rades plus mat he- On atrda muuing, ,a"Myuî 'Ari nTie bMeoulkrro l"'i.M .~liorns off dollars on bbc acquis- He added tat a large thtermos mlaties, (iemistry, pliysics, his , Rid, Scîgog Street, lasf con- "Loak 10 the Rainbow.' h * ~~* ~~ - ~~~ tlon off tiese weapons, and is ho be pnrchased s0 that lua tory and languages are taugitt. 'trot off bis car oui No. 2 High-lacc-ompauuist was Mrs. Mr P * N A FO R D E ib e ai llnet bave any poliey 1 I drinks cani be provided for Mrs. Kingstone spoke off the way, tîcar the Solina Road, Wrigbt, a native off IleWet C ASSIFIEDS **M USay Ibis is iruesponsibiliby and ffire-ne.n during their wol-k.o wonderful achievements Off and if, went ino the ditet.ý Affter playving 'Yoiil er ln extravagance off the bigbest W. W. Bagnell. citairman offORT in the countries off Northt damage Io th, car was about iakAoe r. Wilî hn Akt330 BOWMANV1LLE TOWN hALL ader. fthe Water Saffety Ca mnittee1Af rica, and the Middle East,,$401). Constable Ken Laton Waldcltis:î,' aM rer-______S_______1_ SMc. lHoney also spoke off the annuiuuced that Water Saffey'and the many people Who fainvcsîigat.ed.ici:"I ad TH R .-F I A .(nmPG Nb [iberal*s proposed contribu- Week will be June 3rd to 9tht been enabled Ia ]ead useful. ___Town______Accident.%__________ THURS. FR1. -SAT. ('ROM PAE ONE' tory old age pension plan, and thi.s year. responsible, and independei onAdentM MARC 8 9 10Mason, Q.C., John îM. Tair.sq, explained that il bas been un- T b e Campaiguî c-laiu'man'lives thanks to knowledge and Jaumes Cbarles Dickisoîî, 191 M RC 8-9-10Mrs. Len Li.icas, and Mis. Alan idec study for samte lime. Mrs. Spry sîaîed tbat. .pe r ai i g they had received !King Street, East, Oshtawa. losf, A)MISIO 75 - TUDETS H.Oshmne.~Tiemcwil be baic ensoti uonhasbee gi efrmis-,îitrough the organization. control offbbc car lie was driv- j ' Wilfrid Car-ither, the for- !off $75 a montit eslablisfîed as ustofeb Counicil Chamberý Mrs. G. Edwin Mann on be- ing on Saturday at, 12:40 arin. Iricken Avalablefrou er Mayor off Bowmanvî,'lle, solon as the Liberals take off- as headqniarter,- for te Red balf off al lte local Robarianq Tbe accidentlîappenied near TlcetwA lbetram intraduced Mr.Illaney. He fiice. Titis is a $10 increase avec Cross Blitz to be lield o Mon-Iand Rotary Annes titanked thIe bridge by the Creani of' spoke offbi.iont st an ding Illte 65 now being paid,'" Mr. 'ay evening. Marcit 26t1i. A Mrs. Kingstooe ffor hl e r Barley liera. The Diekison car T W career, bis wartimp. service Hiooey stated. tea will. be iteld aI lite Legion lhougitt-provoking auîd inter- wen t ver lte bank tnwards TW F BW A IL ovreiwitb lte RCAF, and " The extra $10 will nof be Hall on Mondai', Mareh 19th, eslîng address. Mis. Morris thie streani. Conisiderable Al --ae- bus active intercst fin communi- paid otut off taxes. Every wage Ifor tlîe canvassers, and W. R. alsa expressed bier apprecia- 'darniage trilte veliicle result- l citizens - ify affairs. aî aaycae iîcn McAdarn, Assistant Commis- hion ta the guest speaker. cd. Constable Louis Piilips in- Mr. Hanicv e xprrcssed bi.s ap-abdribut e a rnal er icn- ffIs'ioner for Ontario, will be - vestigated. hris or e arningspechntit. lit'te guest speaker. Garnuents -Al. 8-55 o'cln-k on Tbîcrsday to hear hieoto hi r e erigsechmnt.ýmade bv local women will be ~L A .I there wa, a collision between Every employer will be re- di-,paydaInttis event. IllignI-nawks a eau-r driven b.y Mu-s. EdythiteI.:,'M :u quired in set aside a furîlier m ,Dbo14LbelSrelSf small prcenlag." Mm. oney -and a 'bread truck driven by UVIL expla;ned that tiiese contri -Ladies' e q e Atu Frencht, 101 Soutitlawn butions wiIl pay lte extua $10 * * Aventue, Oshtawa. Damage ta ..::::«:::-:.::::... ' ' 4ter.fHe buted that ihrough Etandigs 6 morethan $100.Constable ......... Sctl f.5 iA car driveui by Melville ......monthly will be increased in FROM PAGE ONE) Wright rv Taylor, 16 Division Street,, future years.- Fuu-uising, Ke it .Jackson;, Coyle 12 sfrîick lte rear off an autoCO N L CH M E S .....Ho ,aiso explairied ta fo and Staff Recrui ting, Rex Wisemno-~die v Rbi enr anyone wbo dies before pe-ýallers. Averageg Butler, 97 Queen Street onî TO'¶NN H L Ssionable age bis contribution i a uvr vM- elG au 9 Saturday at 5:46 p.m. The ....... plu ins esfactar will be18 ;acdnonure l h on an interesbthat tie Negotiating Commit- G. scott acdetocure8a.lieco. paid to bis rstate. Persans self 1tee acmoe f ieBadM utr 8 er off King auîd St. George - ~~< enployed, business ar r-Cliaian, Mr. Hughes, Mr. M.Hodgsonî 175Sres aag olt wo fesinl17n ayjon0 cars <vas avec $110.Conistable F r d y ( ia ch 2 d tessonalmen.may llun- IStutt, lte vice-citaiu-man. anri D. Chtarles 17a.P5e ivsigtd farlyhaadedMr. Walterg. Titis was second- G. Coambes 169 The campaign cliairmaci, cd hy Mr. Bell. and carried. .1. Evans 166 Oui Salurday at, 10:29 pni.' -A Globonir- Hugihes ga veP bis JnOu-imotionnoff Mm. Stil vgen-'NM. Crao -16:Kcnnebh ToY, Toronto, los] Vour wife wiII buy 2,000 cartloads before he starts earning No inaLter what happens, your wife will buy groceries every week whether you'rc there or not. And you can guarantee them ail, through Lufe Insuranoe. With an insurance policy you can create protection with guaranteed value that you cao he sure of, always. Undoubtedly you are presently iusured but your circumistances are changing, so make sure your life insurance keeps in step with your life. Tell your life insur- ance agent what it is you want for your faniily's future. Guarantee that yotim fanily wilI always enjoy the comforts and security you have provided for t hrm. Make sure of tomorrow, today. ONLY LIFE INSURANCE CAN PROTECT YOU THESE FIVE WAYS 1. Guaraîîteed protection, no speculatiouî, ne guessiog. You Know exacfly the oumber off dollars ta corne. 2. Guaranteed imniediate protectionî, troni the moment you qualify. 3. Guaranteed benetîts at big expense linmes. You cao guarantes funds for future expenses sucit as seodiog children fa college, 4. Guaraoteed retirement incarne. You have an incarne you cao never ouflîxe. 5. Guarauîfeed protection for tie borne. Your faniity wilI <ever -harit an uîipaid riloi gage. WHEN PEOPLE DEPENO ON YOU - -. YOLI CAN DEPEND ON LIFE INSURA4NCE TrHE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Lakcflieid <on Saburda.', Ïivarc i exeeedingly pleascd will'i lie. i iOtli. ew Gift Shcop iin tle addition to lte bospital. Asaisfactorx' fiuancial re lteasnc-f RxWl Iport was picseuited bv thea nteasneo e a- treasuer, Gorge ' uc las. chairman offlte Staff Re- ras îeporge ashe cmHecrutiuîg Commiltea, Dr. Ewert acudit had been comip lated anîd ceprted a need for more nurs- the auditors had fon-d lte u -afaî bszdlt booksto bein god shpe. ecessit\ ta maka conditions )ook 10 iî god shpe. off empiaYment attractive. 'lh" animal Legiouî Ladies Mr. Holdan, te iospital ad- SNiglît duncier aund danîce will uinistrator, reporîed thaI pa- be lîcld on Saturday evening, liants wece moved inothie Marcit 31sf. Oui Friday, Marel' new wing onu February 7th. 1thl. a banquet will be iteld Sin,,e that lime lte uiumber at flic Legion Hall for bbc play- off iospital patients bas in- rs aod coaches offte PceaWce cre,%sed 60 par cent, lie said. and Midgct baseball eanis The administrators report 'viicl mere sponsoî-ed by also sbated taIbite conîractor i Brandi 178. Further plans is going- ahead wilh ltae were also umade for lte Vimy ' morgue and aulapsy roani Nighl banquet for aIl World iareas, and also tite kitchen War I x'eterans in ltae area.: area. A contract ba.s been let If %vil ha ield an April 141h. 1îýtte Wrougitt Iran Range The next Legian member- lCompan\'ý for $18,000 wortit off shiup dance will be held ic tite new, equipmant for lte kit- Legion Hall ou- Saturday eveuî- 'cite including trucks, new îîîg, Marchli 1th St. Patrick's dishwashing mnacines, %work Day'. tablas, and alter items. Keilli Fcrgusoii. Properfy Mr. Holden pointed out ltaI Caunnîîfbc chairmauî. raported ;the remaining ameas for ra- ilhat two new Unionî Jacks had niovation wiil be undertaken heen purchased focrltae oulside jas quickly as possible, ai-d il tlagpole. auîd ltaI ninar re- us hoped iliaI ail titis work ta pairs badi becîî umade to the lteaIder part off lteitospital Lepîouî Hall. will ha cornpleted bv lte enîd The %vinneu off the 50-50ofof titis e-aming June, draw \vas Mrs. F. Abiumv, 512 There were 44 patients and King~ Street,Osaa Mrs. Ait- nine naw boro babies in ltae urvs pru.ze amaurîted ta bospital at the bcginning off S243.50. Januar ' v.Dtiring tite mantit Peter- Batlîgate. Poppy Chair- theme were 168 adult admis- mnî, reportad tuat four mcm- sions, 61 pediatrie, and 33 new bers off Brancit 178 are pat- born. Discitarges ini January colts in Memorial Hbospital. He were 163 aduits, 57 pediatrie, said titat titey have been visil- and 35 infants. cri by members off te Poppy Titere were 43 major opera- Cammitîce, mwho bave also vis- lions, 80 minor. and hwo Cae- îued alter members who are sarian sectli-i perfformed dur- c onfuned ta theur homes by iuîg the rmonth. Emergencies j linesL. j numbered 57. HOW TRUE!e A man who went broke in business said: blame it all on advertising." His f riend replicd: "What do you mean? neyer did any advertisinq." You-à "I know," the man answered. "But my compet- htors did." ONLY A MINT (AN AFFORD NOT TO ADVERTISE ~t4te~flUflT Iii t a id ni ni THE CANADIAIN STATESMAN, BOWMA"MLE, ONTARIO PAGE TWO WEDNESDAY, FER 28tli. ln62 eanabian J1 -li

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