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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1962, p. 6

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en health inspections. Vision I l A Ithe Aurora Community for 35 Ratepayers Association. which1 priate addrffl. TheCu.vieM. oVaapBs I j t~~~~~~ests were given ta 931 child- 0 1DBITIU A R IES lyears. Her husband died at xvas held at Blackstock trained by 'Mir. D. Chute.rx-Le.adM.b..Sown I I ~~~~~ren. the hearing tests leing E their Aurora home in April, \radMs o curdrdtofn hrýe.Tewr usa iioswt N orthumberland - Durham 1 done by audiometer, as report- <FREDERICK W. BATEMAN WEILLIA31 RICHARD BICKE 195j. He had been a station andcLimýi were with Mr. and B3rowvnie pack also attende.teltesduhe.M- n I H Ith u t R t ed~~~~nuresme 112. ubiho e Vl.ts ý The death of Frederick Wm. ý William Richard Bickle dicd and the Switzer family have .et-vi ire.Pes i, he uielaesad r.J'nHb1ii saa concernig eoo hildren. lBateman, 82, occurred at Wes-1 suddenly at the family resi- miany friends aroti~d Bowman- over 'lie eelcend. ,vhich also ten of thieir Guides attede H ea h nit eport I 11 home trd bolLt3 Cnesin1 vle\as a surprise partv for lutile the Catholic Church Ser~ Report for January 1962 ýwhere there Is much more'OhrPbi elhNrlg alntnTwsi.OlA t the age of five, Mary Ktyrubrrcie hrRh NottThere were 316 home visits'folloieing an illness of six day. Februarv 12, 1962. Hedro aetoCnd r ad Ms arnii i Communicable Disease tuberculosîs than in Nrt,*oneroncmet Ca'a Nr addl-s Lwei eeble t Auna 0f11 assreore di- rnrca ow~e onig behalf of infants and small w,,eeks. His parents were the late from Edinburgh, Scotland, ý hite visited their Mreenblni ing he nonh, 2 wre r-I ifcnt henthe child is childi-en. The winter seie The deceased was born InIThomas and Elizabeth Bickîe. with lier parents, Jeani (JakAdi eisnCoug adRsaPi.I SVL3L FO meaies 19chcenpx. ~ti~gandhasbee bo-n ndof prenatal classes started in iBirmingharn, England, and !He as bot-n in Darlington on so)adAde edrson ~'l be 88 tocniorrow (Mat-ch Mr. and INrs. Everett Beh mmpls. I a9 c hicerewa rogh p n aad, 1o tfour centres. was the son of the late Fred Februarv 28, 1398. and r- olv tPon dad ar- a lst).Mnad r.CrlBehM msome n aho topn c r oughtineci n ad ame fr the Twenty-eignt visits were.and Gelina Bateman. He at- rxed the former Alice H. Oke :t in Piante E de pntr i anSudS erc adnand Mrs. orlcy Cool N GAGE' fvrsamnla ej-an nunrecognized case of tIrl aeo b-i fcipldtne eoosi imnha nNvmc 2,12.leschool days. In 1900 she mr-PoW e'llunday. a candleight Bt-ian, Port Hope, wereSu fevrsalonlla ge rm n i~fa i childrer.. and ni. aýriine for folow- 'and London, England. On Ap- 1lived in Darlington ail his life, ried Hiram Switzer and( en ev as held in the church day visitors with the fore RL " flV meases nd ifeeloushep- c~O~i arnflgorf f mental patients. There ri1 14, 1902, he married the land engaged in farming. He ta live at Carleton Place. On- in the evening, withi a good brother, Mr. and Ms od titis. One rabid dlog Was r,,2. neighbours. 'were three visits Vo Ontario former Annie Wheatley, who wvas a member of Ebenezer tario. atcdrc.sooedbthBechJncend oni ported in Darlington Town-'?Children ten vears old orI Hospital boardng homes, twOipredeceased him. United Church. Sei irvvdb ixduCatenand thponrleders, thoe M .E . Jieadhtoni sa. arse n oI~O Bhip. vouner with poitive reIcnut-six~ home inspections and: The late Mr. Batemnan haRd; He is survived by his wife,,gtrs, Mrs. S. C. King (Mar. aiiisÇ l i e service. Mr.'spent Tuesdav, witli her dua 3 il i1. Ohw tiens are being followed UPloneinfant boarding Home. forW26.hLairdAnteu, gh. Tuberculosis a nebyHat Ui tff n ved In Toronto fr 6years shree sons,.TMaurice,ArhrIe,;Bladý_sC lae an ary.oThe y ndcriAudonUnithadrestedRon.dgaret), Aurora, Ontario. IMrs.BetSwdWx.LadtMradMr. odn. -64 Starting laei U art h n aduit members oiAdoer andh sed in Bowman- Jack an~d Rlald l of Dar-»IMacKav McLean (Jean), Chat. Jye 1.M- Mel Srnith Beech. achool children tht-ou gho ut their famnilles received ap-1 Aidiometer testing w aSI ville and Montreal before mov- lington, and four grandchild-iha, No r.GercLd f Oshawa ý tav a v'erv appt- Mrs. JveHyncbd, Bomn Northumberland County wererpointmnents for x-rays at regu-' sekttered tht-oughout the two'ifg to Toronto. He learneci the t-en. son (Wilhelmina), Markham, given tuberculin tests In a lar Health Unit chest clinics;icounties dtuing January. with art cf caning at the Canadiani Many friends called ta pay Ontario, Mrs. Alan Cliff (Ber- a programme carried out by tle older chilclren wit positive sOme being done in Brigh tn.ItiuefrheBndadwste- stepcs a 'el nice), Vancouver, B.C., Zvrg.. Ontario Department of Heal1, reactlons wi have x-ravs at1 Campbellford, Port Hlope and. employed in this work until loved and highly respected K. S. Babcock (Mary) and IVrs1 and the North umbetlanid-Dur- the mass survev ta be carriedCOOtg Ffvnn ui-abU ormnh g.ews iieadtemn euti- George Bilton (Audrey), Tor: hamTubrc-lois s~oiator ou inNorhuberland Coun- gramis were macle, indicatinga member of St. Cyprians An- fui floral tokens were evidence onto; a son Kenneth, Longlac, with Dr. Horner, Medical 0f- ty M.%at-ch 6th ta 30th. Idefectg or retest normal, ofIglicafl Chut-ch. of the esteemn in whiclh the de- Ontario; 18 gtandchildren and! 1 frt of Health, acting in an He!hUi ure iiethe 1018 completecl tests. iSriiga- i agtrceascd wvas held. 81r 1gacciîrn advisory capacity. 3 oe nbhî ftbr Fiffy-five percent of the Irtene (Mrs. H. Phillips) and Telreyatne uea Two sisters, Mrs. S. L. Ab- When a child hns a positive cul os patiesan .ter-~ defects were in one ear onlI-.jtwo grandsons, Leonard and was held from the chapel o! bott and Mt-s. F. J. Stokoe, and!I reatio tea tbetculn tst . ttsi most cases being the result Of Leslie Phillips.teArsonFuraHm, two brothers, John and Gor- indicates that he has becen ex- tcs bad tonsiis anid adenoids or h f Oshawa, on \Vednesday, Feb- 'don Henderson. ail of Toronto posed Vo tuberculosis infection. Immunization in-pacted waqx. frmThe Ck uneral riew Hed ruary 14. and was conducted also survive. i rm h oo unrlHonbv Rev. Harold Stainton, min- Reverend Jame nt some time. This is quite Dvring the winter rnoriths,l Thus far in the sehool year, Bloor St. W., Toronto, on Mon- ister ofEeee n ae 'Neill o usal or chidren bon i s. mmnization clinics are Kche- 1 audionieter testing has onlyiday, February 12, and wvas con- Chut-ch. Internment was In Richmond Hill, conducted the anoErpa conreduled in ut-ban elementary been done on elpnientaryjducted by Rev. J. Patterson- Ebenezer Cemetery. luea evc tTopo' FINE QALITY and secondary schools. Im-1 school children. but it is ex- Smyth. Interment was in Pros- Paltaes alnpes0FuneraI Home and at the' FIEQAIY munization is now being ot- pected that some wvill bc doneýpeet Cemetery. îthe decensed. wet-e Harold.1 emietery' in Aurora on Wed- 1 MONUMENTS AND fered to grade il studients ;oliii the high schools ln the neari Palbearers were three ne- William adGro Hawk- nesday. Feb. 7 eiBý -Ss 6 -Pul a MARKERS ta the.% may rpeeive acle-future. jpliews, Harold Lawson, Mon, shaw. Wilton and MNettonl Oke, qute imunzaon bcor1 Sanitation Itreal, Fred Wheatley, Toronto, and Bil1 VanderenI5 .4t* -M-.Ir@y eaving high school. In ut-ban' __ (ROE '\ aschols, ein1rci g does o' n e annual inspectiôn fland Stanley Ayre, lHamilton;-e r -4R0ýQfk schools, reinforrport on dusldnosf'TOtRantOand LlGorgotet.'e orofn UACH C k STAFFORD poliomnyelitis. diphtheria andschools hy the sanitation staff,Ra ai.GoreSre. MRS. HIRAM SWITZER BOS. LD. tetanus, as Wel as samallpox gond,1uimn , 1ih It,!Oshawa 0Il Smith's il-aveo6c!.EBo.ttiesh LT, vaecination, are being offered'ha, etiainwte Fi MryBt-sSite pse ta children ini grades 2, 5 and 1havnito, ate up awyà the home of bier dau- 8.eA ttal opr3 sessed 1th94giter. Mxs. Bilton. Toronto,Hea F r19 1 TA O K EH U6 fr facilities. *rgese ith 1 TVY I1M where she had lived since and44 cilren reeiedinspections bein.q nmade, FIe-, September 1959, on Monday -o.Tn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a a hr rrifrîgdssadp ra-e subrnitted annually, The Afteriiooin Unit nieet- noon, Feruary 5, 1962. pi f h opîa d Best Buy! - Save'lie! 319a5muoaies were vaccinated. 1878o, enadHodn LIMITED Sehool 1~~~nspectors and the Provinciall wa held in the Suindav School and h&d only been 111 since frteya 91peetda l MITED School ~~~~Denartment cf lleal. 'room hlast Wednesday .with 10 suffering a heart attack thefr the au 961 m esen of MYRKcmN E C N u ensAbout one-quarter of the' The sampling ef rav m lk ldies present, Mtlr- W Rahm last Friday in Decembet, 19I61. oheial H pal Corpng o ratiorn B~ 133 tme of Health Unit nurses isý used in fluid milk consump-1hacl charge of the meeting r.Svte-hdrsddi held in Bowmanville Town Bs u!-Sv 4!-Gvrmn npce spent in ellementary and sec-tinanth necinothMr.dth upyredhea i Hall recently: 319 Dundas St. E, Wbltby o7nclary schools. In January îpi-oducers, premnises a n d setipture and Mrs. - P Business Directory I"I came tea the hospital ona Phone IVhltby there were 33 classt-oom con- equipment has been te re- devotionai. Mýrs. A. Garsoil ¶st Mat-ch, 1961, andait ha 701 sehool children were giv- staff. This phase of te mîllk Citv." President MIrs. A. ll putinth conrct orsthe ain contrel programme lias beeflîpresided for business and eleý- RAY J. DILLINC str cotu rete 3flor o the mainae 6! Ppup40 turnedover a theDepat-t- tien of officers. Mrs. G, Lok- Certified Public Accounitant 'the niew extension. Since then, ment ef Agriculture as Of Jan- horst gave -the chapter of lte 93 Chut-ch Street te extension te Memorial Hos- I FB0WMANVILLE uary 1962. The sanitation staIff]Studr Book and questions for MAt-ket 3-3861pilhabenopetdndIC I Yoth loltUiontf ateur: tje hIo ne rs. A. Hmilt npeon lor- dt-an ildieng Cimtait-and pkgsX IS U E MA 5~8 cftheHeath nitat- no eah banser extroct- WM J.H. COGGINS details have been given to 30u R Y & LM -59 responsible on! \ for the ing tw bce held Mlarchl 41h iat 'c"îarte recl Accountant on this project by Hart-y Ct-y- Bs îv ae8!-~ht rClue oi -ýo King & Teniperance StS,,have been very comparable, plats. There will bc close col-1 morning ervice was "The Phone MLýAtket 3-3612 with 1960. Theacomdto M tneS t2 ..1Depariment of Agriculture tandî cvG. ok1rstwitî as-mal &COMANDË Ctswsoero edtto ltue- eOfPk-Sae2eFetr' ae23!-hUhlSac Maie a,2~the Health Unit ta ensure &C15-o Faur! c .fPckTine 2c eau eontinucd high quality mlk attendne, Aeçounit<its and Audîtn ugitout the year and it wîis ne- Snowflake 1-lb. Pkgs. CLARK' production. Sympathie !i exterided to l(ensed Trustee i cessiry ta have patients in the 111 as er c, the I1/orll Fify-five înspe-c 11ions efMr, Thoitms McFtoberts un tlite'in Banltruptey crio1a i ite. rl. Sliortening 4 pkgs $1 Pork&B a s 7 or$ M as er f t e W rld ýeaingestblihmetswere. passing et his sister, Mr. A64 King St.'E. 725-16211 "Sucit overcrowding bt-îngs l made, adtowr closed E. Niddery, Toot.1 nai problenis for patientsr , Feature! - Save l1i Feature!-Sv e JULES VERNE CLASSIC IN COLOR because of unsatlsfactory con- Sort-y te hear Mr. Arthuri B, L. Yale, C.A. 1tîves and staff and 1 wish to, Reeves - CRICKEN 10-oz, Tins BillIy BeC1md 20.Tb Starring Vincent Frics ditions. Rahît returned te MémoriilF. I.'relander. B. Com.,C.P .A.Itake this opportulnity e itaýnlk- foHN4I 1 betIse!on Hospital, Bowi-anvi]le, on MOTE NI- ONTEITH ,n a]saf o teÀ-teîe- - LA -uKING 3 fr$1 O HYîo0 ~ _______________________________________Mea In~ec1onMonday. We ail hope for a RIEHL & CO. 'dous efforts dut-ing 1961 s'îdlheod E-tr!- ae2e Two veterinarians reperted speedy secovery. 135 Sïricoc St. N., OshavWa jkeep the hospi tai operatîng so Feature! - For ad6ceSas Vtu MO .t H R .(4oy)M R - on meat inspections. 0f 597 Mrs. Edith Murphy accorn- Citartcred Accotuntants efficiently under titese diffi . CoId Plate. - S-aicio - Sav.eIlc FancyQult -o.Tn M~., i.runi~. 4 cicy> '~'animaIs, 582 wcre approved. panied Mr'. and Mrs. H. Mur- 728-7527 cuit circumnstanccs. ,~~~~$1J iefr$ 1962 Academy Award Contender These included 304 swîne, 219 phy and family, Bowmanville, Partners, "Certain changes were -made 1 '%#N A rujuu 3 for $1 Tomao calves, .13 cattle and 16 lmbs. .and Mrs. Myrtie Alldred andi Hon. J, W. MNontcith, F,C.A. In the departiments. during tite Faue ae1e eOfPc Forty-one portions were con- fa.mily, Oakwood, A. B. Monteitit, B.Ceint., C.A. year, and 1 wosiîd like te Feature! S ave 5e! - Mashed - Veat'.î Gat20 ot o auwwm~~~~~~ dentned during the month. Ms eb anrnrti- .W iii .. Icomment btieflvon tiies. Scalloped - Irench '.çInstant aeý AIIM. ~ ' FMembers et the Board of ed frein lte Memeorial Hospi- <Licensedi Trustec' IVMalI.e housckccping staff and BIIJ , î1 Hdalh for hcath Uni-tal, &wmanville, on IMonclay GR . FTt-ehewey, CA. egineers are now in uniformnt P % T7 oE S 3 pkgs $1 WA P P R or$ mot"- iHaîlifrhatiteaNth Uitfr ad isstaying with 4Mn. andIà G. E. îgtoot ,CA -adîatindering is donc by Ilîeatare!59eVale! Saeve 25etu LESIE CARON UAtIUICE CHEVALIER Denyes, Reeve of Village ae t Is et Crn gnj-- - ---ltehopl rca.iiipend a e tr'-5J au!-Si 8 BROBrgto, himaMrG. S itte Larry Walker return- I ILSON & BURROWS gnriapaac n ae I[I1)OTUFr2-z is Coc uli 8o.Tn CHARLES DOTER-HORST DUCHHOLZ BrgtoCaina: ateed home te Hampton atter' Clîariered AceountntFÀL gîater recognition -,ù titere TRE TCNCL OkW NE RS Philp. Reeve o e aint ,. iot wt two invaluable groups. A ne". 7R ND2 for $1 TOMA O S5fr$ Show ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ownsnip-, Mr. F. Bamsey, sedn en ihM.114 sysS.tesinshwa o! departiment requis-- -- - Q aM Hope Tewrs7:30Fhip;e aMt-..mSort-y Mr. JoixîMaynard sjPartners tioning was introduced, along ____________i it eO _m g___ 7:30 Fature t 8 p i L . Gibson, Reeve of MiIlbrook; on the sick itRHp e'l onald Fý D Wilson, C.A. with a new purchasing 111- Aduit entertainment Mrs. Ruby Meggs, Goi-cs oan be feeling niuch imiprov-I G. Edmond Bxrrovvs, CAn. Muhyrprsfotd Specially Selected - Red or Blue Brand-'Cnd Fet Landin.g, Provincial Represeri.- hoe ,8-53IpartIents %vcre redesigned ii tative, i- yîlBw- - Pon 287o e-ler te irovide lte necssaryTNDN Comig M r. 2 Towe Drm Sng' harott M.f1ontý, iinformation for thte Annuall Comig M r. 2 'FowerDru Son' BCArotM. ,i.îc, nll, vsîe o ona - i rp a c t1ijcReports te be subnixîted tei Chiroractr - ithe province IBdR tAeS "o5 lb 69 Medical Officer of Iealt1-,i Maxgarct Wood, Oshawa, G.-E- - - N ,-- ,C io BueauBt Satitie spent the 'veekend with Jean là"ThNtINN C io ueau folwngarebista i _____________________________________Mcflobei-ts.1 LJMr. rak ery 4 Office. tisties for the year 1961: Sehnelder's Platter Pak - 16-oz. pkg. , an d Mery lsi. 115 Elgin St., cor. ef Horsey St. Energency UnIts 840, lab-! "S t l Cold Remedies Cough 1n rne Hoper Orno Phone MA 3-5509 I oratery Units 23,130, X-ray 'iCou. ntry t le S 1Mrc anîd M G. 1 Offie l0Houx-s' By Appointment Dept. examinations 5,690, Op- j Triaminicin _.- 1.25 Nyai Creophou __ 1.50 Mr. n Mrs. E. Prescott - m---eraien 1,495, Admissions,l Weili Trimmed- Extra Lean "Ideal 1o tflg~EtaLa Naremide -_____1.25 Vieks Formula 44 - 1.19 on Sunday uwîîh Mr axlI De l a A6.92 ittits 42fina e atets BUTT àMeaty - PR Ornai .1.35 Vlcks Coigh Syrup 69e kIMr Elmer Éat-t-cl, New o-- .6. eal o ianeil~~~ Groves L.B.Q.- 59c, 89e Pertussin Ile 89c, 1.15 o b,.lJIigations n' DR. W. m. RUDELL, D.D.i. bee deOt ithby he Ctai-- SPA Bucklys Cas 45e 89e uckes Mixure1iMt-. and Mrs. B3ilI Hall and Office: Jury Juhilce Bldgs. iman ef the Finance C ~ KE I bqY 87e, 8c OLputy - Governior IrvînelIfamnily, Toronto, .Mr, and Mr-s 40 King St. W, Bowxmanville i "1962 brings a new chapteri - -- --- --- .ak)Browvn gave an inspir-1 Russell Hall and friends, Osit- Office Rours: ln tite histors' et Memorial, Str-dx ig ddrsscxiKisme'sawa, visited on Sunday with 9 a.ns bt 6 put1. dailv Hospital, It wilI be a year of Feature! Red & White Tali Tins Ireature .ie1e -Coc ult Ê" -IaîValues -1.23k size l ea ss 011obigainsma e M.d îsH Hl lse au -dayan1 Sndy reat chatrngandroranr;iza7.- RSE2-o.Tn Planîs were completecifo itatmuffins, aftet- wvhicitarseSlctr jo hrn Hle n o ,II P 1 II Ite Ladies' Nigiti Dinner andMivartie, Sandra and Janice NBatrePubSlictortSion Ho oesnist Bob n ae!- ode Bo Danct- te lacheld by thte Bov- 'trmade bt-an utuffins. We learu- K ntr ulcBron vt osa.sseW.sO Sl odnBokFAUE O cdlta itjdgigntms eKngS, .-Bowrnanville were Onutted Ot S anîll Knufnfintse LensPhones: Office 'MA 3-5688 1 Dont forget Wonten*s 1n oueý ny IRV USA PHO E onmunity Centre on Satut-- itoulîc consider tise shape, Residence MA 3-5553 siue"4 onso na" PHAN 3-65!U ~ VLF day evening. Fred Kramp isicrust, volume. texture, tender- 1 a situe 14 poncs ! rca1 99c TRUSSES citait-tan of the comniitîee i uess, colour, lasie andi odeur. MISS APHA i1. HODGINS cus i iecu-hiaee etBy ae2e ________________________________________Icharge of arrangements for tite The muffins ruade carlier were Bt-iset, olciot jf i; Motdy .ntîc,. atcî 'l ladies of ertheret Slm Mlk o'de 3lb Pg -- - - ~~event. served for lunch. Notary Publicti.a P.tAlldsttte Fresh Baked- Pkg. of 12- Reg. 29c ntn IK 7 - . TenîperanceSt - Bowmanvllle comnitnity a-e welcome te Thiq week's bakery fenture Is 1.E1L MLICMAN y RAE AIRY Moigages att end. spe-ls MALCOLM TH M LK AN . .byGLEN R E D I Y ----- --S The Scout andi Cu, motîsers' WIN ROLLS 2 5c Best B1 ae4e -b î - SADE - -- - -Salut-day evcning to Scout and, DISCOUN'T FEATURE!e ie Y U 9 yOuR.ILJCUS WY OHIBEINE 1 SMAP.I Vl> GRLS RE DINSAHAMILTON -ORONO jCuit leaders, titeit-%vives, and Rg 130 Gan uie PhonoMy t- 16 lady friends or boy friencis.-Bet u3 0MYSOITS 1) GREAJOB ... M40 OON"1 Fit-st lortgage Fsxnds Arnong te visitors were MissCea $1 onyase3.-Plsbr VNcohMPUMENTING MY LET ANYONE TELL You Residences - Farts DeeOa.Lilb-oMse 'ental e m for Bcwea r6 OfPe to iOd. DE SE . LOO UIESASCAU/ uiesPoete Joyce Milîs and Bat-bat-a Mu- FROZ N IFOOD FE ATt IIS! ButtermlkV zPg Mortgagc beaits gites. Aftex' a wondet-fui sup-, A*e __ --Sae c!- -l Prompt, courleous set-vice pet-, thte balance of the es-en- L1b10Mxd1ae e2lbloY Bats PancaeiU HAROLD C. PEDWELL mng wa spent at the bowling:~ 9c Faue ~pg Y Real Estate andi alley inBowntanville. -SaFe4 -RatVlhAde Mortgage Broker 1 Mrt. andi Mrs. C. P. Swallow Fraservale - Save 6c! 24 oz. Pkgs. Pectin) ae6 ta~er 4o.a y Newcastle Pitone 38561iwere Sundav visitors with ber __ - Ô~~~ i o m e i r m-inother, Mrs. Ash*,on, Toronto.FIS &CHP59 Ra bey JA43 KEITH A. B[LLETT, O.D.< Jackson, Bowntanville, wet-e Pie fetv tteIse e ht odSoe~o 14 igOptonietrist .Ftiday v eiug supper guest-s Pie fetv ttelse e Rome141 ingSt. E. - Bowmanville ai the foruet'g brother, Mr.: Office Heurs: By appoinntentiand Mifs. H. G. Freeman.Mc For Propt Delvery Mlk BaiTelepitone MAt-ket 3-32,32 Congratulations to John M. MAPLE GROVE MARKET....Ma eGrv lFor romptDeliV" Mil BaiMon - Tues. - Titurs. - Fni. ;Cuirk on %ùruning l-st plare in, PhneM 3544G EN R E AI Y9 ) 0 , o5 p.ns. î esi-ripublic speak- C RN Phoe M 3-444GLE RA DA RY 8 King St. W Thursday e',enîngs . ng ontest sponsored by Rie C RNSH'S MARKET....... ....Orn _______________________________________________________ Wed.. and Sal. - 9 - 12 iDurhamn County Trustes and1 WEDNESDAY. FEB. 28th, 1962 TFR CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMtt, ONTAMO PAGE six

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