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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1962, p. 8

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PAGE LnaT ___________ g SPORTropucs By Frank Mohun MA 3-7234 Wie are wvritiig thîs prior- Ionda iingP>t's game in;- Trenton wlhen flie tPird corutest xxiIl break the excitcng series' deadlock at one win apiec e. The Shanrck-s tUrîîed i a; strong performance to capturie the fîrst ganue, and v;erel sailing along xx uP a 3-2 and thetu 4-3 lead w Pen the roof~ fell in nt Treton. lere - the loCaIs outlasfed the R.C AY, club, biit tPe F1 cîs tici 1'the tables ai home. Tl'le returnin 1 actioni of Jlm Oliinski lhas boîsterer Ihlic Pirth Bi-os. tcani gieatty, but Ray Prestoni and tDoug Powell have ni.ssed bofh gaines because or the fui bug andr tcadvcr Junior West xvascînable to inake the Treniton trip. Tienton is a tough club to beaf, but if theSlao-k are ai fu!t atrength, this scribe stti expects them 10Iox to. d.'nnniV' A R fil A ?..IS MiUL"i Bowinanville Plant %vil] hosi New loinin iiin aninual Goodyear Inter-Plasit Chanîipionshiip clash, Saturdi * atternoniat Liberty Box. I Because of this, the feeriage howl1ers %vxx1 i anrt 0:00 a.m. wvith the juniors getting at If) 3f). - CURLERS FHOLD EIMPRESSIVE OPENIN(U Early Saturdav mn-iinc if, appeai-ed likelx' i'nai an- THE CANZADIAN STATE5MTAN. ~WA1'L1,ONTARIO Top Winners in Firsi Men's Bonspiel on Saturday ~~zw WEDNTSDAY, . !!tBh. 1983 Goodyear Hockey Fan Beits and Hose Earn Final Playoff Berths The 1-jose wh ippnd lie MN'ats .7-3. but the Fani Belts had a i ougli iimie betot e edging the Office 3-1inc Good car League1 pla '\Off art ion. Sucida atter- ,10000aithte M\emionial Anena. l'le ,vinners both look Ille best or fthrec--einic- final senies% lui tv,-o straîg-ht and wicll meet 1n a best nffîî e set for the iile stai tiîmg S,îndaY. March Aller Bob Sîci mdçliii scoi ed for, the \a*ts rai lu v ai.1:1.7. Ille illose suored six imn 20 miin- utes to put t he ganie on ice. i Ted Faire'. ancd Nelsonî Yeo scoieri to rlit the imarugin to 6-3. latei the gaine, but Dan Gîrardi baggrd Pis second, goal tii end the Scrrng xitîî tco nminuntes reila i nincg Don Bagnleil also ilotchied a pair for- fie suînnei s. singles going ItoJigt'Co\\sIlng, Jîm Finn i id Donm tilers. Blow 3-0 Lead Grat Flintoff qcoi-ed the wininer ini the nightcaP Wlth four anîd a haîf minutes left to play. Tpe Office wvere gWen a golden opportunit 'hleilBill LYle was given the gate for trpig but ît took only 10) seconds for the Fan BMIS la score while mhort-hancied. Liyle ivas tagged \with a nîisconduct %\i1iiithe sin bini. Geî ns- Marierrisou fired th« clinicher a minute and a hait laten as the losers, going il theirfîrst line for the final 15 îinnu:ces. tired badiy' . Bob Mai-errison had opeiiwd the suoriiig aitlîe 13:00 mark and Ra\- Crombie tied it for the Office a> 16:50. Goalie Gord Dudle ' was a big mn ifor' theloseis. îtiringii in sevenai occstaiîdinig saves iin his best effort ofrflic season. SOUTHVIEW GOLFERS MEET TO.NIGHT Just about tPe trne the Statesmian hits tne nexs s stande, the Souths -iewý golfers w iil be holding ihieir ann:ua1 pre-season meeting Wedneqda.% nighit. Ihat IF. The golf memnbers are being asked if tihe\, womld lmt'e to follow a silar agreernent aF was worked oui.tsc the curling club and the <-ripar',. That i5. the golf tuno wilI take over es-er' thing pertainîng to the operation of jgolfing for a statcd s.nm. If this possibly caii he doilp ue thnk i i% ani excellent idea. Sorrs t Iv scribe cocldntbe thet e, but s.e: hope that a large numnber of nmenîberg turned out for tPeý meeting. Wenrp glad to report that thp driving ran:gé,uill bc ln operation tlig sesasn Hope Io ha' e more details on thte meeting for next xeeks colurnmn. CENTRAL ONTARIO BAD31INTON TOURNEY Nexi. weekend, Marcdi 9tP and ltt, tPe Bwmnanville Badminton Club mwitl be a bus'.'-place as tPe Central Ontarco' B3adminton Chanipionships will be hetd here agaîn. Those, \vho are enthusiasîs xwill be presemît in large icumrbersF, bLiti it is also hoped that people w ho have not even seen tPe; gareme wll drop n. Action continues Friday iiight and ail day Saturday. wctlî îompetitors Pere from Whitb,\, Oshawa,ý Peterborough, Pictoni and Belleville. Ladies' and miens doubles start Friday ai. 7 oclock,ý singles will bc pta ived Saturda'.- inorning and the muýxed andý veterans exents get uiiderway in the afternoon. The finals- Saturday night. will bc ,vel %vorth sceing. This Saturday night - M1Vardi 3rd - tue Club is holding, one or its regular dances triî ttîe muisic of Bill Millar. Plan, on being at the club oin both Saturday nîghts - thie 3rd and: 10th. GOODYEAR FINALS - SUNDAY The Hlose aîîd Fan Bell-s v,1Il open rip s hes ot fis e. series for tPe Goodý-ear H1ockey League Cimapionship Suni- day afi.ernoon at one oclock. Ensuing games will bc each-, Sunday aIt te sam'e lime. ht should be a good sertes aF tPeý top two clubs i iie regîctar suhiedule clasht. NO MIDGET (H1AMPIONSHIP1 Now it t-ai be told. Ai-coi-cînig If0lice major leag-neý acoots Bovwmaîîuclle Midgets( were odds-on fax ourîtes to umi another Ontario chauîpioiiship foi-tP:!; tovri. TPe teain Pxecutive lîadn't xx antecl to tell the plavers they' iere tPe club ta beat, but Satuîday1 afternoon the lbrafis wettbu the wayside. Logîc-allv t imnuit bPc assuiied now thiat thie teain! w1hich ousted thern - Ajax - wil accornptish xi at Boss ran-ý ville cldiol. The stcspfetîsinn iof Bob Sleep aid in iuiernus ljjuri es iindoubtedly had ais mach t0 do wth the Midgets bowtng out tf the picturc as diri the Aja\ teaîîî It xuas a tough break - we couldn't be suc-e Ihes- woîld hax e vüonthe litte, but It would have beeii uccre 1 see the Midgets get a lile farther. CAN SHAIMROCKS DO> IT ? Bo,n anvîlliý sau- a 3-0 lead go down the drain before de-, teating Ajax 4-3 on a las, * iuetatI' nj!)a \lcdget B playoiff ontest. SaIurda.yif- ternoon i POa> Po Perr *The louais neccled the fhree goals 10 even the total goal series. and it appeared that * therv were on the wa ' vcari . John '"Buck\-" Hughes. George Bail îcd RirkY GaYblinked tegion Bowling, "e stanidinigs rcînacned uin- (hanged in I lle Legîoîi LeagUe. although the gap froin tirst to fiftiinrr indlulast TuesdaY iiiglits act in at Li Pert « Bowl. i League-learlcng ýPerfect îvas halted. dropping a 5-2 decisioci jDobbiîîs ceati Eltcoit a .5-2 set- back. Yeo. on l\-icmýibpt' of tPe top threce toxw n. defe-aiel cet- I iar--d\ývellcnig Wright, atso bv a -2score. Pete Dohhîns v-as the iîight',; top Powîcîx rot ling up a MiCe 7,68 triple. Ernie Perfect with I he high single ofE:340,. was next inin f>e a 726. Wilmia Bates \vas the pic-k of thPe ladies ai 6-4. fotlower li sGeore Ellioli -616 and ller h Coliinu-608. Tram Standings Pt%~. ýPerfert:3 Dohhinis 21 Wright 1.5 Air, Rail or Straniship T 1 C K E T S TO EVERYWIIERE NI nEoIllTt 15 King St. W. MIA 3-3361 Bo wnia nville Il'hc-e tVtiv ersms alkect off W'th top honors in C~e DPsc-s i nt- l aîn Botîspiel at. Bowsman v 11e Curln ig Cliub on Satutridat'. 'Top photo int-Itdes a local cluii) earn. ft tinc ight: Iac-uilVlk (CI-ils, BHIhBut-, (Voieu. Tînî iiinck. (Se-conu>.antdAI revaii l f ckcl ; )oitn 1phoito, a tra'2in tiomnh -lac-ktîocrk: Skip RI-ýTcv cîiie \'wu -M25k' IdnCo.rt, Second Neil Mlalculrnanîd Icad Ivan Thcîrnpmi e The lais 'cfl rmine second meicled \V il f RitsoiiTo.rIm C(iwatýll iiLv le ti Bruce ('lac ke %moi the Bnwnmville(, lub anr i anOshawa riink, -Photo; b'." tî enow stoî-m had spoiled plans for Southvie' official Curting, Playott (.pener Club opening. l'lie openiîug bocîspiel sxas late star-ting and tmre tearbus w'ere nearly two lucs laie arrivcîîg. bucit ùs Mae L a schedule was reise and "ie shoxw sent n. Sxteen rimiksM e stoc k, Oshawa and Boxvmanv ii le The man.v spertatons; saw an extra entd reqard w ien lc.oîiivi leSa imc two Bowniativille rnuks '.cocnd up deadlocked aftittheresfi lloommlIeP-tn jgames in tPe first drax',. Harol Falks ink xxouid ccp on fi se Lal-zishcre ic ierniî-c atc- top with Wilf Kifson*., ink as tPe lxx 0-game ,vinmners. ;senii-filiia sIries ss len 1 i u' Roy Turner's Biackstoc-k ent-v %von tPe seconud dr-axu def-a>tc-d Troîîto(i R. C.A. with George Campbell of Osha\wa. best for two games. Glb-'i 1tes.-1'lhiirsdas The Nviiining rinks-: -i iglt aithte Meii l Areima Harold Falk (skipc, Bill Burke t-u*kp-~f~here. Wroodlock (second). AI Trevait (lu'adt. Wilf Kitson, Toni Bwail Bl I 'le, Bruîce Ctarke. Roy Turner, Max Rocke-l, M. MNalolini, .1. Tîocipson. M IX ED George CampbelB:11 Milie. barr\ Ml'NariPall , C The ngon ing ý ýas a colounfu! spectacle as B W L N Ab Max-m and Gary Colc pîped the culers to tPe ice surface- Darlington Reeve Garnet Rinkard aond Bowinanx-ile Nla vor F o îflf i'.-, i- Ivani lobbs cdelixerced stonues w-uic-hbroke a nîbboîî - c-c ccd iistctuts, VFidt s- îigt. acosbutonue '.î,s norc- impotai the ice surface fI offîcialîx open tlie building tlan tuie otîmes cnz 1a-zgae-Irzidimcg A gi-cal dca] o! credît should go to Kenu eijmî oas>-lottel -ot Pu flarrisomi. chairman of the games comniittee. anud Emn. Ci-awfox-d. dubbed Sa' ilttîcr liage tcad cxcd the "Soutlisiexv Ccîlers' Frienci". As w've mentioned, a pre- Io 412 points os-en the xx-l nenc- :,Spive -c ccso'l bh s'itilin ipared schedule lîad tbbe tlirosi n oui. due Io teanis beîng ý uslu o. -rxicim c glw delayed. Hlowcx er. these t'.uo gentlemen wxoi'ked hander- and tc)imS taciý-c11-ulc-ms a ili11w u came up %vith an excelle-nt bonspiel, ouui monte. amud 0. Etc-ler sa - The ladies caî't Pc forgotteîc eîtlîeî-as thex' woi'ked.- bcontention. t'.'. cýi buk b from early in bue morning umtîlthte 'spiel finalîs' wouîîd UpÇ vBrlo f ,- k. \(r around midniglit. Also. xue haxve liard several fine con'- ý l7~n u~- -lP nients on tlîe wv. Ruds'Nitschke xxou Rd >0 keep utPe îc-e in oipumietn u i- good condition. io i tIc no-ut ion - crc- ncilcc t + ao!a liai f fr nt îof 1.cbh. LOCAL "KIN" 111N i Thie ccîcmc-reai{ xias roe ulux houIl. Broc-k sic mincI a - A tip of the liatI f o '. ai uicKinmicien rink ,-ihupset clefea, t ai ie uancîs ri -waîked off xxiithue Districul Kiîîsnuen Boisptel, hîld last Brmeit. week ini Cobourg, Soc No'.-. kmi i1 nitled mîdcîs z tc The local teacus -Ozi.ue Villiancs skîip c Fred Kranup 2711. '2594aid 246 tfir a fini - (vîce-skip), Charles Catti'anIr l. 2nd t, anîd Ber. Su er ( leadi triple UtlilE Trev '.cis '298 ganîs' ,von oser 15 otîe iet inîks fron i Lcidsar - Cobocurg. Oslîasxa, pcckc'I off Iicgli si uîgle cmu Whitby. Barrue aîîd Uxbrulge. - xi h 11o ie Fem î- raclu-.tlli ;-i Curlinîg rclurned ta Bo%\ ina.nville ou' t'. àa es'. icoiis 262 -:ig imd a 6t12!'nia:, &go and w;e already uîaxe a ti-ophîx courtesx- ofthuefu'McicsGrcaiit camce np s. mliia Kinsmen. WelI doue.25 gau. THE NEXT KINSIMEN *SUPER CAR BINGO *FRIDAY, MARCH 9 - 8:30 p.m. OVER $8,000 IN PRIZES $1,800,00 SNOW1BALLI NIUST BE WVON thi,, Bin,%o 1962 FORD FAIRLANE or $2.000 IN CASH Plusm Many Other Excitint Cames PETERBOROUGHM MEMORIAL CENTRE triple dcx isîom at 7 15. o'lueon scores gong b iiiut ;ait -65'). Ellbu P'cick 643., Nîîr- evEtc le: -6-1 auiciAIt bobo TrainiStandinut% Cas e Il ai-c' n i S gui-: O ~ H I-t-ml _ M. Etuher Lobb B non' e t F. Pro 1< 4> t; ..*1 2,.> 2 t q P,.)ux ' îmi I l e pLisF' l a ,; 1li' j ,ýa: I . : l( i! g- , ff 1c r- f c 1 t -'.-cf 11 - tskaingi --i eî-kng coi uîî !îe un sc.. a- , lui;, ocf Pi-:x- i icn-ti pup -:liiih( c-i <2 a i'- l H (' A,1-', pas-iig acct l ck v: 1',i rc1u i g j I 1 1 '1 - 11ia- Shlaî 'ccks takciig mc:- 1- c.i l-t- - - - î I:t1i- 's as pucîticutar-lx iutwil-ihte Ilsi- omI pc imi lin,- c-c-oud peniod \s'. lc-m ui kmn mli' 'I ccc i lui gcaine op"e InI. 'T lie \V ,. i >,1til, \,.i % i -l i î --a r boys lonhel afttîtlime :C-oî mmc O--, >îhie -w.îcc la fil-st p;uic-mi anamu mitîlil a 4 mic- 'iS -Amui- mait c' cm i1li iiiidl ic srs o n le <ci ui I Pi. -c', ' I c imîci- - i nt l liîc 1'il E,' s' ccc c 1. poureunsgoal niw7101 icf ce 45 sumacil cl & lî' fra'l : ua, fcI periol xxîîjîTh i'ma'.L~- tîjc: I C m i 1 c lc '.' to Gruandce off for charginug. Gcoalt-- the- loi kc-cpc-: [Su I ctrîcc 'uns clcî's Mc I s î a mer o mi il c1d A! aftn: stnppuccg fBoPl) reiiil\.l. r 101)i 'Ho o hr ic coke ciglui l ciii n a pa- u-'cîî.i c i- m' . i IrIcl fi'omi Dciii . i ai ei -l 1)Iîîsl. Dý,ancm West nuade a- ain>mcix laPc-k 'c 'Pui- e vaa-a'.evll ai flhe ionien (if thme cage- Pc- : ica'i'. -c' mli- lIc ctep- tore fu'î-tcîg b-ol liii Rauis,- ;fi ! 'i :1- MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMAN VILLE PUBLIC SKATING 8-10 P.-M. FRIDAY, MAR. 2nd SATURDAYI MARCH 3rd 8 - 10 1).111. PUBLIC SKATING SUNI)AV SK.ATING - :T'lO P.M. lu Ill HI Iý-vS ccic'.ue-s Iliii o'. eri- -l( l o'.'gamce 'w.iil 8Frankc o iii rauk t i Ilis s'. cc-t:k , . c- 1111 ins anid Kenii ui'toiî how.. - icI Mc. - îciii s e a 785 cil 0,tii) )ck Bat field l103 ai ýjIîil- 'amI LusIie lîmci 7; 6,11cm - (8îGa-ýý 109.11 at feld haci a-k Roil) 773. Ed cgîciga ipc-cl40)5 amccl--;eneral' i9. Noim nORnîîke7îa, IînJoc- : -ý --2 bnci-s Piper 746>. I-)imut,- AP:i ogoing Cnifor liigh Kciigh 7 NI - '.l 1 iR11-g fs .raePo Ilmîtlie Leslie :38, . ce Nuxulami 025 aui ndriie hmnt1iî--. Big EiSIlias'2:38 foir -riâ Vi & 824 iaics xihile is ttle ro- Rcu: Broc-k i-cl a 329>siiite ilium Cai-t s ltxio îmtF off tlle mlle ii s ii itq) miii'. this pauilct2:36. Ri ie Perfect andi jj.iîîîc l ii e gcIii lit Ed -, l.mugi-biing are tic-rtat -234. 7. Bnci Ntr-î-c- :î6.Iliiip PalI- t1t a 1pc- B. ,\ - eann cosu lias o-! 3(1 an aid .ck- Bondcl3032 ciiml, a '2'poli: edgi- ov.em- he Irmi" 5t'O f ,e the Si-a- Boss ilmil le Cleasu-is 1ca ni. I lps triii fis 18 pcniis suhil Sîc- îîîg s liscadifago1d Goodyea r LgI-. YîîîÇ.nîîîs a e iAd a> 16 11- Bell, ,,,d e .. mnil o w..ic-ct tli s voit. G tc ~ il-gui ilO >- F': 29:1.oc Nos'.an 3. liarrs' on ii ic-I mdi- i G t a -Gai I Clajke 267. îmcclt-a L.-aiio 'Vhiî- divNo-ii ) Ecîi te '2831 267.Lir' gP.troiciîîig itl nhoi altoi's -0. xsPhiIliith(, oiiliiis slipj- Pipet 299. ('ai-I Lestîe 251-266- -ci t sî pois:-, bai-k afii îP--259, ErnicePui-it2 i.'r eg th linTgcr 3-0.'TIe Fuic 1i-meH I288. Met Bcm gess2M,1 eh 2-uini-m n,..mlIce1-' S umi BuigMîc 264 Gecffgi ou c'.s -Pi OffUice . pIclpCtic-'l ici' I lac-c- fconî sus c-cn 11i lo ici 'i1h posiion. A ic a c iw ,.acii' s. ms xxilltou îcc:cm ili'- boocks xx mc IIlleo ( 'onIîu-l 51n 'i-ipped ip 6)-1I lu' therBacîbncux. M '-bic, Do .I c a d i i > c- li ti hc- 3m ) 1kuc it'i ('. m ýi i!i - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i! ;-7'11 îo' l c c' 6 c 1:-l tîiu-gci"io aci uck lîmmi f;74.'1'eI uimul 672. Vsci- Godf - ;cî 6,\î(Cminic- lic-k FBundc I 1h.tugi ý îi -dicù \.s.i a 2>17G acu î-, fl- Bouni agac:îa:, 'MI. lin 2 78,: .-ltomî Ris lumîc c) , 27 1.) A. t Spîcer -26:3.'sermi Cîicior- 2ziti. Kai t piper -2,17. Bilt Sîcîjtîr '257, Walter Gonde - 26. Walt ut 1 e1c-254.- Dmvo iî'. ci254 andil I îsa md Team Stanmdinmgs Bey.,4 Fanc Bec:s ':19 il gp -cc- 11:aclui e slrp - tOmm's re a In 11 aP'.- B A,1 Bcus'ic ttc- C liîc -1 Kiuim>)5Fîiliitir 14 I Jlliry Lovi-tI 13 1 b ,ibi-ri Bris'. I I3 I tctciîlic Ia- t ;l'ais\i -11 1 -.î t 1 F'. , E oi uIl i Iîcl i ( nIa ) ci î NiA vr îcî a i < N-î a1'li Ed Lccigtenllbucc g bancs Pipi-c 11 ai ru vGa' Jin-k C. s (G'o: go Et I itt Fe aLu res lfi di hipli- Ins i:gb 4iî,C Jji ç . 24 222 Bu os-, 85. '1"11! , a 27u -I >i lic c-. l',,lfîî.d TIhis Schrdlule Parkerc3:;m. Guia 12> ti,.i l the red li gli n ithe opening session. That tied the series ai live goals apicce and Ille teams battled t hroughi a scoreless seCond perîod single defence pla * er in thec flinal period. faltered as Aja.x ,wrapped in three rnarkers to knot, the score and go threp up on the round. The locals started v:ith oinl v two defence- moen and wore redured to onp lrv Colwell (lie vth a bad legI wvhen iNivhois was injured. Rick Gav bagged the game- w%\iiiner. but bv thon the serles was out of 1reachi Mýake yotir home complete wivth "Electric Hcat!" Comfort heatinz for one room or complete home. COMMERCIAL I NDUSTRIAI, ior Qualified Electris Contractor FREE ESTEMATES EECTRIC LTD. CONTRACITING REPAIRS PRRIGEATiON -ELECTRIIC MOTOR - SALES - SERVICE T.V- RADIO - APPIIN S YI 1 The life insu rance 'cati didn't httv niav' fot cost \ohI anv-thing. But fhilik of vvhat il eoutld cot \*our f amh lý iake su;re 'Nounhave esuougIî life instirance. BANNER PASSANT MA 3-3258 14 Rehder Ave., Bowinanville SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA INrERMEI)IAT1E "IV SIYMI-FIiN LS Thursday, March lst TRENTON vs. BOWMANVILLE t4ti(Gaine) .Xdults 60>c Studen V lI 1960 CHEV. 1/2-TON PICKUP ('ustolm rdio$1495 1959 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN Au tonti transmission, custom radio, -white w'all tires. Low nijicage $ 6 m 1959 Pontiac Parisienne Convertible Fuuill' power cquipped. 20.00101 ori ginal ilil les 9 guarunit ( d. One owner$ 3 . 1958 OLDS. 4-DR. SEDAN Cumstom un ii>radio, îioer equtilpped. new $139t5 1956 OLDS. "Super 88" 2-DR. -Xutoînialitu. ctustoîn radio, excellent tire,%. On1e oier. Outstandimîg condition for mîîuudel y<-a r $995 MIany (>111(-makes and inodels to choose from Watch This Space for Our MARCH SERVICE SPECIALS ý-YOUR QUALITY GM,ý DEALER ROBSON MOTORS LTD. W. .J. MeMlechan, Prpsident Buih-k - Pontiac' - Acadian - Vauxhali GMC j 166 King Si. E. Bowinanvillef New Phone Number MA 3-3396 (3 lines to serve you) O)shaw-a direct lune - 725-2712 1 1- Midgets Edge Ajaix But Lose Out on Round

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