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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1962, p. 9

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WEDN"cflAV, !AR. l4th. 19920 THE CANl'AD!AN STATESMAM,. ;OWMANvILLL!. ONTARIO> ffjce lipset 1the and the Machine ictoriotîs over the ]SO 5-2. Ils look high tri- vith a 734 'oMal, like Mui-ph '- 723., 1719, Farcwct[ 3. 'recd BagnecU antoîi 68o, . Tai,.» i-arnk W r-ight 67 ' 66r) c lxi .Thli led in the sinige ch :nciied fou.r îth a 316 cfîort,. *es wvent t10 MiRe John carter 3(2, I.?,iir-ax- G ra' BromeItl 2 38ý,, ckluirîî *276, -Ar- .inv Pipoir 27-,ý-. i27. 25,ac S ta nding s Recreation Reviews Prl. - ayground Supervisors LI,,cett both off Bowrnanviilie Port Hope Arena starting a' The Bowrnanv: lie Recreation finirhed First and Second in 9:00 arn. There wvill he a total Departroont requires prrson- the 10 vear old novice corope- off ine teains taking part in net fo act a 'sniax-ground super- litions. Others from Bowman- the tournament representing visors for ihis coming suin- ville taking part in the com-,Bowrnanvî,lle, Port Hope and P er. petition were: Brenda Henning, Cobourg. The wage si aie wii run $1 Jennie Stout, Dianna Therteil. The first Bowmanville game Io $30 re weck accoding to Minor Hockey Night wi be plax-ed at 9:00 ar. quafiîez'tIons and experience Arrangements are wvell un- when the Bowrnanville Atomes Of thc' applicant. The hours will derwav for the Recreation De- play Cobourg. At 10:00 amn. the be 9.*00 an-i. b 5:00 p.m. dailv partinent's Elev-n:h Annual 'Boxxm*ranvîlle Pee Wees will exce!ut Saturdav and Sundav. Minor Hockey Night to be'piay Port Hope. The Bowman- Employment bxl e for 'a held on Saturday, March 31st, ville Bantams receivedi a bye: seven week period hcginning at Memorial Arena. Proceed- the final and will play the Julv 3rd. ings xii get underway at 6:30 wý.inner of Cobourg and Port Ail suc cpesýfui appîican,ý p m. Hope aI 2 30ü will bp required Io attend P 'The Atorns wîll sMart the The wîinners of the variOuIs Plavground Leaders' Traînn ihtofwthtergaeb-lpagucs xviii advancp to the Course. starting June 24 '10 ginning at 6:30 p.m. and wjilî Ontario Charnpionships -whichj June 29th. play thiree fifteen minute per- sîrig e pra'NdinCobour Application torms are avaîl- iods.qatn pi2th able at the Recreation Office, uirBwigTunmn in the Lions Communîtv Centre The Pee Wee gaine ifllget uirBwigTunmn or at the Towvn Clerk's offic'- underxvay at approximateîv The East Central Zone off the! in the Town Hall. Ail applica- 7:30 p.m. and they will also Socicty Of Dirtor.ofRe tionbris mut h retîmnd pav ree cfteen minute creation and the Bowling Pro- tionfors mut b retirnd Plv Iree ifteenprietors in the district haveý to the Recreation Office aI îth. perioids. she-pand aJno BolgI Lions Communitv Centre no The Bantam gaine schdpan aJio Bwlg later than Frida'.* March 30th. uled to start at 8:30 p.m. and Tournament foi- thiS com îngl lhey %vil plav three fitteen Saturday, March lBth in C o-, Baton Competition minute periods. boLi rg. A Inumber -Of Vaici euteS The final gaine off the nigh' The Tourriarnent is open 10 frorr4Bowrnaliille and Osh-,will be the Lions Midget-Ju- each eommunity tin the East awa Studios of the Harvcv ,enile championship and it i Central Zone w hich includesý Dlanc"'Aeadem «v took partitn schedluled to start at 9:30 pr.Bwavle Oshawa, Belle- à Baton Competition in Kitch-, If any off the gaines are tied ! ville, Peterborough, Lindsay,i rner last Saturday, March 1th.! at the end off regulation fume,1 Cobourg, Trenton and Col- 'She group came home wîtin a isudden death overtime will belborne. Eachi league will be ai-1 total off 5 trophies and twAoliplayed. The first teain scoring'lOwed one entry consi-ting off rnedals. a goial will be decîared the: tîve boyvs and five girls. The Pabsy Blake and Av elvne 1winner. age lirnît for the tournament -~These gaines will brîng Io a iS 12 years and Linder as off close the 1961-62 Minoir Hockey September lsb. 1961, Iseason in Bowmanviile. Mlinor Hockey IUKRED CROSS 1Ail Mînor Hockey piavers 'Tîile piayofff picture fo will be admibted free off charge MfooHce Ngt i- l proviing hey how heirvery rnuch in doubt in the Pee i membership card. aIl others lWee and Bantain Leagues. In Aduits 50c and Childreîî 25c.ý the Atoin League the Barons LitleN..L.Zoe layff 1and Hoî nets have assured YORHELP OW Onl Saturday. March 17th. ,theinselves, of a piayoff spot the Eastern Ontario Little foi- MVarch 3lst. Iin the Lions N. H. L. "B" Championship Midget -Juvenile League the' _____Tournament wilt be held in, Generals and Cornets -will ___________________________________________ meet for the Charnpionship on IMinor 1-ocke'y Nigiit. This Saturdav, lviarch 17th brings to a close the reguiar, ,piayotf schedule iri ail leagues. H U S H U P P I S .1 Gaies scheduled for this Sat- By7GEB5 a m-.Canadians vs Wný :35 a in. -Rockebs vs Leafs Made nf unlined pigskin (washahle) Bantam League IVili repel grease and dirt 19:20 am uke sTgr For Men, Womnen, BOYS and Girls 110:15 arn. -Pirates vs Ljins Black, Brown and Sand 11:00 ai.. Flyer.s vs Brave Atom Leagîje MENI Barons vs Royals M NS1235 p.rn.--Gianits, vs Vikings Priced at - - .,$ .9 45 1130I-.m--Hornets vs Indians 2:15 pin.--BiSons v's Bombersz BOYS", Narrnw and Lions Midget-Juvenile League MedîiumWldth ..... 8 9 5 !3:05 pr.i--Jets vs Raiders W AA and B3:"0 .m. MaronIs vs Cornets C. and B, . 4:40 pi.- Genci-als vs or- B WO ENI~1 T$.y h ans schedled bet- B -ALSO 1- In he Ranger-s and Be , Hý and Raiders and Ares will njot R Men's Safety Toe be played as they xiii have no'Rc ' ITCU DTDDr~ _ - - effecI on the plav1off standings. .LJiLJar £ 'ZuLrirI. Lightest safety shoe made - $19 Lloyd Ellis Shoes PHONE MA 3-5941 44-KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE FREE PARKING AT REAR 0F STORE League Standings as of Mareh i0th .4tom Leagnie IV I., 6 1 6 I I 2 71 2 s s .3 4 2 4 1 S O 5 .1 Il ime ts IIndians Giants Vikings Royals Bisons _rn1.aîrcs SAVE Up TO 30% SAVE ON OTHER EXHAUST PARTS BRING YOUR AUTO IN FOR ... SPRING lUNE-UP so you may enjoy Carefree Spring and Summer Driving TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO. - ASSOCIATE STORE 85 King Ste W., Bowmanville A. Boyd, Prop. ýTij iPi] Br ;CL] Te H Lil ,Particulerly Suited for Narrow Lot - This brick veneer three-bedrooin bungalow bas been designed l'y architect R. Whiteicy. of Don Mîills, 10 ensure good internai circulation. The floor plan i3 so arranged Ihat any part of the house may bce reached without crossing the living room. The large kitchen. which can bc uçed for dinng, is convcnientlk Iocated in relation Io both the main and secondary entrances. Ample cupboard. closet and storage space is another attractive ktature off ihe plan. The front door is protcîed l'y a roof ovcrhang, which is ex- iended to form a carport. For besi orientation the front door shotild face north. TÈe total floor area is 1,095 square feet and the exterior dimen- sions arc 30 fect, two inches, b> 40 feet, 10 loches. Working draw- ingç for the house, icnown as De- eign 292, may bce obtained from Central Morigage and Housini Corporation at minimum COSL Ppee 1WepLeazue 'ings6 ;ruins 3 safs 2 lawks2 4 lrcgt'i's 2 4 zckeis ( Bantam îLeazue gers 4 1 i cilales 4 1 1 -aves .31 . ihs 2 5 i 'e Pçes i ions Midget.Juî'pnile. i v. i. D SGeneraluIr> fi 14 Cornets in 2 1 - Maroons 1 7 ~ A. J Aes n ri ~ cILH Orphan3 2 4 I Raiders o 5 1 mug Series K, ThF Mug Series v, designeri for ail teais who rio ont maker Micior Hockex Nicght The tein- ners of the Elcilonabioci Tour- VRn:s ciamectin >0 ech icapue xciii hc Maît presentcd xc îth a Mg. ioccl The Mug enesxcigetl cm. Note. demway on Saturda\, Marci 24th listed beiow is tbe sched- ule for the.,Mucg Serirs: Saturday. March 24th 13anam leagcîe Gaine ým No. 1- 7:1)0 ar. - TeainNo. 5 vs ,pla.vf TeamN no. B. Rv Pee lWee Lepagime CGarn Rv No. î:745 a m -Teain No.;. Keit.i 5 vs Teain No. B. Dean 13antai L.eague Ga nt, N o. FRobh F; :35 a.rn. Teain No. 6 " Don1 Teain No. -4. ui Pee Wee Leagtie -Gaine No, 'bm 4--- 9:20 a ro. Tearo No. 6 vsq Ray1 Teani No. i7' Mort Atoin lagiie--Gaine No. 5 Alex -10:15 ar n. TearruNo. 4 \s Bob Teain No. 9. Atoin Leaguie- Gaine No. 6 Chucý 1_11:00 ar.. Tearn No . 5 v.sTerr'y Teain No. 8. Ted1 Atorn League-- Gaine No. jr 7-- 11.50 arn. Teain No. 6 .c ,v, Teain No. 7. A SBantaro League c;aîte No. Doug ,B 12:35 pi.- 'leam No. 3 vF Winnem Gaine Nol. Pee Wee Leagîce Gaine Noi 9 1:31) p i. Teain No. 3t Vin Winnem Garnie No.2 ,r rs. 1 7 BR. 1) 4 .4 B. o A- PIs.u [r 10.x lu d k lay Pr BOWMANVILLE SHAMROCM vidual Scoring Records for Regular S'eas Marjerrison Masters Preston Hulghes Wîiseînan Oiinskîi Fa i re * R ich ard x Fairme\- S hemridarc Powell Masters Wc st A bbott ------- -- Glaspeil HIamilton -__ A.rmstrong___ .Vest G. P. 16 16 15 16 17 Gxoal.,; 4 n IGOAL KEEPERS' Gjmèm' Assjsts Pt%. 13 123 15 19 9 19 Il 15 64 l7 7 1 4 4 4 AVRAE, A 11 ,il4 Masters. or We st, Preston tRichards Wisemnan k Armstrong y Masters Fairev ilaspeli ZPcîceili f, Vaibstonl G. P. G 0a ls 5 .1 5 : 4 1 4 1 23 4 GOAL KEEPER%' G.-P. A esîsîs 4 :3 :3 2 3 2 AVEAG Cia I'. A C, Em S 9,féllowed bv "Duke" d veii:jg 0ff 2rn 288, Joe Nowlan '278, C'omets, 5-,?a eague 2un99- i ~- . Howard Bromiell -65, Joan, E nop werýe vii, miE111N-',),r BOVYS rinit-"r 'oumatorv ai: Brow n AO-GEv .BOTS ip and Jim Thornpson 2155 Ken Nichol B5 - %Charles 2 , 7.nstone 3 - Other high triples xc ere re -1 ehonocîrs v ,9 Chrls 2 Vastne -coî-ded bv Howard Brornelc"I McKnight 4. 62Hid i- t66 :ollowed bv 1\1 Tean68tandin Duke' Broot66 a .tohc GOode Philips T mSadn .. 8- DLkeag Bue tand5n.Blackburmn 69: GavueStadixs 686, John Stai M%1cKniglit ... ..... Harrison46 BroxvnI 673. Fi Brown46'-'Arnold Lobb Brnone .20. FIcher _--- .. 4 Cartcr 656. Vastne.Spîcer 4 Ch amles - - 18 .B40...... John Goode High Single T. C 18 H. rock . ] dlx-i'sionl. xhic 230, N. Va.nstoiîe 246, 22,ALa iEn eil ....... . 30gr.s - 222 MM. tcer 21-O mepso Charles 24(1, 205, D. Brown! Lobb 236 224, D. Gav 221, 208, B. i E. Broock.......... NlMýrpiw% 303,J Coornbes 221. t Mason 213 rLtixton...........- 20.icc'a3-d 204. S. Oke 209, G. Akey 208. 92îî Sioeîir3 Hiali Triple D. Browic a rnld iÀ Bb '27 650, N. Vanstone 62, . CaJoGo dnar Stibi L tob27 les 609, chaiohGoodaenroL TEENAGE GIRLS T i - %n vrteBn ed Bagneil 2' Vanstonce 7- - Wessells 0 big 7- wîi e ombies - the Ban- M u h o lla n d 7 - C o le 0 , M iic 1 -1p t th1_b n e c Fi e i I da S -Paediî bt- bitthe thick offlthe bat-,Eclts Tean5i- Stadin. lie for first place ini Goodvear Fanî Belcs rWessells 38 bowling action, T h ii r s à a '. Comneîs Mulholland ..... ... 'ni ght. The Fani Beits dnxvnedHose V a ns o n e .... - th e l ose 5-2, lo s irg th e g au B3ra id e r.-5 Munda........... . - Io btxo points. when the lCQIII- Tîgei s Paedeic 7 Byt wt aie 9n\ oMachine Shop o ethe Lead Press 4-3. 1Pie Banbur\- Cole 14,Combines t-ail by foui-. Contet"s High Single - H. Vanstone A 5-2 victoc-y enabled teé,\' ... 240, A. Kitson 2.33. M. Mun- Tgr otetelsn îad ,a rs da\, 227. IfI. Moore T 21t tete]Fi. ri-iec r3 High Triple ---l. Vanstone rS for fiffth place. The cellar- Office .516, M. Chant 540, iv. MuIn- day 540. JUNIOR BOY'S Etcher 5 - Colville t>, Beau,- Prie 5 - MacDonald <0, Leacýh 3 - Carter 2. Team Standing Bea upr1ie . Colvilie -2 Etcher -2 Leach ..18 Carter 16 Hiffiî Single R. Ebchc'r 254, P. MacDonald 2,15, R. Beauprie 202. High Double R. Etcher 418, P. MacDonald 409, jR. BeaLîprie 397, W. Leach 333,- D. Harness 32.3.- Mulholand 3 - Goodwiîî 2, Vo9-Brown 0, Hateiv 3 - A k A G)2.Team Standing O MNW Brown . - - . :4The Red Cros Gay ........2. 21o Looks to VOL, Yelolad1 Mulh Slesa--n.d 18in 22()hJ.Siomls1. din Th e huntalitarfan achlevementsc 220.h J.BoubleN 185. edCos een n or ee 338, D. Wilcox 1(0g. Yow' dollars proVide and carry 0 essential Red Cross services Mixed BoWlina programmes in your cornmunity. 1After seeiiiîg their large R-ed C.ross serves you ar KS ,ilead drashicaiiv î-educed a -theui plan your doriati< -son -6 couple of week.- ago, CastebetfyormasA 1 launiched a new effort and etoyurmasAg Pen. InNMin. tast FridaY' night. was no ex-, wifl do so much for so mz 8 ception as the league-ieaders, 10( & i0 mise.! swarnped hast-place Luxton 18 & 20 rnise *î 7-0 Runner-îp Harrison de- R d cîsioned M. Etcher 5-2, but R d C i ffeil 81z points off the Pace. 4 10.Ece dgdH re - !0 E eh r d; e H B o c 4 3N e e g 14 &10 nîisc. 10 hiold th-ird. whliilf>Spicer, 6 & 10 ms. > winners over F. Brock. m 0 ~~look ocer s<uie possession of!,V u e 1>foulîih lpo.-itioîî Broniell de-ý 4 fpated lxobb 5-2 to roove up'ILOCAL AD] o two nOteltes Io sixth place. r.(. Box 4 Once Etcher tui-ced in a fine r BOWMANV performance. sweeping lite' ONTARI hlonours with 9 766 triple and i ;Nrs. 1%. R. Spry 0 ~a big 335 single. Jibmi Castlel CampaIgn Chairmian 4-9 10î miscwas' tops for the mien, i-olling' Phone MA 3-2343 ;I M0' triple and A 315 sin'gie. oainm.vbsntt R ýingr pn ofl i daBro-k amp lOly Torontn-Dominion Bank, 18. g Aveag ;ige i ofa10 aie À tLw o rcs Jane Parker (Large 24-or Pie) BLUEBERRY PIE New Liquid Cleaner with Ammomn AJAX LIQUID Green G;amt, Fancy Grade, Médium SMALL PEAS 3 15 floz tins 5 3 C Rail 2tr$39e-SAVE Se :9 .1.-' .1:, . 2 i) -'q -r 19 N 'AVS of the ,,ro s ity. Dn th e sand ia any ways trio id your neighbour on or pledge to the generous donation 'ross ýds [p Now )DRElý 1419~ VILLE~ iNIrs. Wmf. Rudei pregiden. Phone Newcastle 3551 the aibov. addresq or POINT POINTS Pen. In Min. 2 4 7 Il> rnix<., 7 n fi 7 2 6 n Goals gains Arg ivumge-î ic . -banie Nî. 11) be, lcco weittv niibiiie per- N i h - a w s 2P15lp.-- TeainNO, 4 Vs lods wvitlifle last two min- T1eaccî No. 7. iles of bihe gaine stop time. Ici Midget-.Jî.v. (;arne No. 11i case of lies sudden death ox'e- L d esf ea 3:op.mni-TearniNo . 5\ ibote cillbe played. Firstbe.. Teant No. 6. 3:50 , in . At Io sconre wîns the gaine.La es e g e Pi-actîce, (Homneis & Bar-nis). Nlinor Hockey Night 4:40 pirn. --Mid-Jîix<-G«etit- .March 31st, 1962 i March Sth, 1962 erals & Coineisx Aton Chantpcoiship--6.30 Team Positions Saturday, March 31st p rri. Hornets v-s Barons. Pee Wpe League (,aine No, Pee Wee Championshmp--- Evans ..2 12-- 7:00) a cii Team No. 4 7:30 vs Scott ..- 19 vs Wiiînei- Garnte No. 4. Baîtain Charnpîonship -8:30 BUten-x ... ..... 18 Bacîtanti Lcague Carne No. pi11nWiht1 13- 7.45 Tearn No. 4 Mo - JUV. Chanîpionsbtip Wih .1 vs Winîîem Gaine No. 3. 8:35 -9::30'p. . Cornets vs Gen- Coyle . 16 arn.---Pee Wee Practice. 9.201 erals;. Wisemanrî...... 15 Banhaîn Practice. Ail chacnpioitship gaines will Averages Atoni Leaguie- Gaine No. be lhmee fitteen minute per- 14- 10.15 amn. 'r<'ai No. 3 îod, wý,ith last thmee minuce G. Baîin ..........195 -,s Wicînem Carne No. 5. of lite gante stop time. In case NI. Butteîw - - 186 Atom LIeagcie- Gainle No, of ics sudden death ocertîrne G. Scott'. . - . 1 pl 15 -- 11:01) a.min Winne- Ganie v. bl be piayed. First teain ho D. Chartes ...... 178 6 vs Winner Gaine No. 7. score %vins the championship. M. Hodgon . ...... 178: Mîdget-Juv. Garne No. 16 Skating Club Pop Concert W< Piekard 172 _11:50 ar. - Teant No. 4 vs Sparkiing entertai n nm e il t .1. Evans ...- 16.5 Wînîeî- Gaine No, 10.xili e presented in the Bow- M. Crago . .16 Pee Wee League G-aine No. niacîvie Skating Clubs Pon) M. Wisemanî--1f 17- 12.335 p it Winncr Gaine Concert to be heid on Thurs- U. Hagemman - -- .159 No. 9 vs Wccînem Gaine No 12y. day e'enîng. March 922nd in HghSigl M. Hodgson BantainLau Gaine No. île Memorial Amena. Fort * Hiv 308e g 18--- 1:30 pi.. -Winiîer Carie >oung people are in the cast No. 8 % s Winer Gaine No. 13. of titis shoxc. Hîgh Triple- V. Picka rdi Atorn League- Gante No. Asý art added fealcîce tb th- 612. 19-- 2:15 p. ni.-W i n ne r G airne Pop Concert foui- of te local 4100 Gamet; No. 14 vs Winner Gaine No. service clubs wcll take part ici 15. a Hlockey' Tournament to de- I. Wright 212, U. Hagerînan: MNidget-Jux'.- Gartie No. '20 clame a Bowmanville Service 209, J. Evans 221, G. Bain 206,1 -3;.5 p ni-- Wintner Gaine Club Hockey Champion. The M. Wiseman 236, V. Pickard No. Il vs W'înner Gaine No. clubs takîng part icn the tourît- 282, 1M. HodgsoDn 308, M. But-ý 16. :ainent willbe Kiwanîs, Rotary, rteryý 256, M. Coyie 237, 209,, Ail Mug àieries gaines uil,Kinsmen and Lions. iM. Crago 243 D. Charles 231,1 Nighest Quelity!lowest Price! A&P Super-Right Meuats CANA»DA S fNES T MLALINY RED RAMt» EF STEAKS ONELESS ROUND OR BONELESS RUMPI OR POINT ROASlT4S S fINRO-7 CORNED BEEF PORK SAUSAGE PORK LIVER PINEAPPLES SWIFT PREMIUM, LEAN POINT BRISKET CUTS BURNS SHAMROC)< SWEET PICKLED, VAC PAC ESSEX BRAND, PURE, COUNTRY STYLE CHOICE QUALITY, SLICED n25c RED SPANISH, NO. 1 GRADE, G REEN BEAIN I MPORTED. NO. 1GRADE, Iut39 K,79c 1 53c 143c «Ch~ 2.9 Reg. Og-SAVE 200 eaCb49C Reg. 19ec-SAVE 140 3211-o obti 7 5C Alil Price. n This Ad Guaranteed Throuh Saturday, March l7th, 1962 Theserordsq do tiot inriiirlei, hetwo againsi Port Perrv. SHAMROCK INf)IVIDUAI, PLAYOFF SCORING1 PAGE FI là- CARpffl ià Avfralre Teenage :Attractive ThreemBedroom Bungalow sille yucil-Llllgit% oi v v

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