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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1962, p. 11

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WEDESDY. A~ 4<1. 1~2THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANMILLF. 0ON,,TARTO PAGE !LEVENI Ik4e fPewcadL Gordon Agnew, Edilor R eceive Four App, For Village. Clerk fions wereeotîstdctcýrl h'. 'ier villageerouncîl a' 'ts rcgî.ii Mareb omeetrtg niNiot dax eventng for iht' coti.hîîted pcî. t- fions of Cilrkre iitEtaxi colleeior ndatc buil d inrg aritd w.eed inspecton. Ali applîuat s suked niore salaro ?tîatî s ýbetng paici ai presenai bi, xxcreie 0 S fban th(- salar'. 4eli,- lu tî )Drsefnt nemrkfor th' e ' ', ar. Th,-appinc'îl i!tr lcs orx rxpied ixeir' PD. Br M4any Attend World Day Of Prayer NeIÇ-ýras tije i'he \Vormp Auxîlîars' of Si ;er Church Oit? vith uIi, ter Churt'h Wnietti on. Fridiý\ -af 1prnorn in parlicipito, in i)( Wnrlrlsq Da,,, of Pra' or sorvie. Foilowiog prv Irld h,, Mvrs. Gordon Gra\ NîTrs. .R. I)ewdne\x Mrs. GoeAllun, 7Uis, B. Mcrtosýh and <l Mrs. G. 13 ickard îlw or ut, "Teauh MVe Io Pra':", baîftl sung hv Mrs. ae Brown and Mvrs. Gienî Allit. Mrs. Rickard gv a briet ad- <rcss otilt)nthle extent and influefl(nof *this annual hour i,0 Vt 2ilt. R B.Picigi tit Si .75. n 1<(t B ai',Iîaud?$2.5i00 an~d Pati l Sc 2.000ll. Dut- a' ( '<t' ci'. to 11 otilIte appît- cai1ot'. R 'î'. e (iiiimhat askcd MrL e'iarlif lie nadmit or-x ortdit ruo>de is re- bii 1t1r' -t,' AI'r ECt!itardc saiîd f lit m(n c dcclta do 'lie jotb forl lienxuiold hlaive told u-î'iticl lat nntlî SeieraI îOtttt tElîi 'ttîcc tlirx ixeit' ixýcî l rasPncitlî l'e xork ml;t thit'l'u1 tîtitdtîig amîci ice ii ans itsi ici break in aq liew man i i'l'c li. Mn. L.ciiaid ci i t ci cotîsistet )ri t!-it. toti i etidecl l i- ter'. t cw 1wanif lic applicails' a' fit:e îîa -R tianiv decision. I'etition for I.ighits A ' t cter iii thîe fatni tif pet iti ou ixa: ic'çe ed (croni iP j(, 1 o'ulitt' f V<e t. ix, Ieiglit s suiisrtitteqt gionstec' n ,hI1g oit Smiotî Boîtîci arcl a îtcl a fi ci sitiîic otîidecatioi a moctîin î ut <iti .cclaiitlictni,- itg 'lic('lia ai it anf tue-Pr'o- pier? t 'Cîttît lce in look over the ac surii liait' ilîîee or <5 itr x at ciixilfrom hi"Drir îcî of llîglîxxax'c ioffecritip lie pu tpeni x' ouni be ocui th sîcte of hiîglîxx-a-' 411 t Ic i Ilic rîiiillalit i foi- $1,1000, fou i t,,t, foci insi cia I dcxelopmcuet. - lii- lîiuîg the sottiileui on- Sion oî re r form ter Wlti lati1-m JTle ctiticîl luaci ne- c1îu da ceonit tis Proi- -. . EVERY FACILITY including arcniuuitdClape'ri.orgait mnusic antd privale off-stieel pankutîg,. For' ihose w-ho pnef'r a cluapel senuit'e Monrris('o. offrrs thp t' iii tinEttdi~ul and reu'erentce. Morris 4 DIVISION ST. Funeral C ha pel1 BOMNA NV'ILLE nPECIAL LOW * ON NATIONAL BR kt Your Local Druggist's - TI ýDORN HAIR SPRAV AN DEODORANT AND AID Plastic Sti R1ECK SHAMPOO ROMO-SELTZER ETTOL ANTISEPTI( NO FRUIT SALT1 îIIUE BLADI NE-A-DAY Tabletsi MILK OF' MAGINESI.X WATCH FOR THIS AD LAI BOIANVI LLE IWLJNG'S DRUG STORE JOHNS[ REX NcCREGOR, DRUGS JURY & LOVELL STUT ILLETTE 'HILLIPS Tubs 1 ai a enoî'es itttrîng ~reds absence. E OUfli rs. Herb Lord is in Cîvie Hos;pital, Peterborough, wttere nhe tnderw,%eiit a major opera- R everts to lon atWenia .Lts PO r~eporis are ver' en)COuraglllg Candleliagdtveditrust recoveri' mai' be Phone 36291 Crows are bïiek and the AUUNew~castle -- Ji as rmnm- peski Starlings are again wt 1 bers of the vIllage coticîl lils. 'Se bai e keep a close were assembling for thei x att h on oui bird feeder ilr rnonthly rneeting on Monda'* hle asca ls ýotiId steal it, a l. evening. the enirie vilaeis fBow lers Have plunged into darkness. Hlo\-- lICG ioflS er oweniyll a i te- PONTYPOOL G ood Sceorr. job mn tx hall ed cal e- P o sit o n Nw(-asle--The folloxvîng order and coticillors and ntait aittnded thle xeddtng Ôf t'. lht'iý o high scorers in the delegations discussed îtern3 of Mr. Allait Da\ es of Cantwitrgili' a riotis leagties oit the 'omi- tnterest in the ivillage for a aiid Miss Margaret(,,oGodsni pe iv !ia iides! iîciit? iltin lx' b owýlinig allevs forthie hait hIour xx hile a\xxaititng tht' of Vi '\ trbit nthe U.nited aea th xvRala ýeek et'ding Ma rch I th. relut n of b> dio power. Cli ii ttWbîtbx' on Saiutrdaý and gbawav 4011. The' letter Mondai Ladies Leagte -- According 10 Putblic 1'ttli ti' etep.'l niOhawa. ' lien wsladasîde for f 201) iiiîci ve)H. Coureattx manager H. S.Brittoji Ill hert aste dttOshawa. o'lM. isttd '. -'4 1,R. Coueh 224, F. Corrîish cause of the 35 minute bydi ti ('coi ge theodnand he laiM, Mr. C R. Cari ciii, t hairnian 22.J. Krarner 210, D. Lang- interruption Was the main1 Il\-M'Godo t) eea -of the Memnoriai Ltbrar. Board staff 2019, D. Stark 204. dro fllne casi of the village in-- lit Goodsoîî Frmtlx' e- faddressed tue members of terrupting power service to cears teGosnfml e 1COttoCilregarding ibe riici- ,Tîiesdav Men's League - Newtonville. Newcastle, Orono WýiecIt xlend on tra tlatiot. 1pal graît to10the lîbrar ' . M r. (2,25 and over> L. IHighfield and Pontypool and districts. V icdur11atatns 1Carveîhi saidtdibat il bas becît 279, R. Montgomery 276, K. ýThe cause of the failure bad 1-.1, 82 bepld iheit'r iegulai a lontg time silice an chlanige Whîtlev 261, C. Glanville 260 nfot been repnrted to local PUC mee"tinlg Wednesdax eveititi, b ý-as bedîthmae iii icofbrarv G1. Waoîî2, G. Kmarod245,officiais al the tîm-e of vrut- wttiha fair- atiendance. Iluwas grans arl he rîteof ook. B Roe 23, G Kibaî 23 , Power service was res- rep'pcred Ilial Ernest Lainte wasý likte exr'rviitn i-ese. lias been 1. McCullough 22.5. ioned iin a hait hoctr bv swîîîlî- i't lostial i l sa.Menm coniittally cîistng. île satd ,lie \edniesdav Ladies a Power sîipply ýfronthe bers 0f tht' O.rder atid frieiîds protvtnc'ial gr'atl5siem f li las <<(200 ) nd overu R. CoUch 251, west 10 service ibe area. wisi b iiii a speediý recox'erv, been a meîîded reciîtlv% and for .T. lqcCtaekeii 2:35, W. Simp- hol'tîe aittxx'îte- a slt.glît increase iniiibe muiii 'son 2301. J. McCullough 213, B. îetIisold b s I-la rrldwar Pe ciPal I grant a la rger pt'ivlîcia i Brctwi2001.. alsOc n>vr e lBoni !grant -w'ould be forilicomiiîg ittorLauo(7inli oa i e01Satttrl-ax. ir0 the librari'. Ife askýed thelover 1 R. Goode 252, S. Barccl- 'tt. andi Mis. Laîtretice Gýoci cotîtiul Io look itb ilîis eward 228,.J. Cuînninghîam 15 ff ~ cardc. Rowm nanvtîle. xistied grant system hefore strikiiîg9 B Coîîcb 178, T. Alldnead 176, a v i u i iitl ceotSît; th lt niIIraie. «?xlr. Carvet b al'q s'a ri uehreciSui; iiiforned cottiit I ue appoin t- Tlitr.sda.\ Nl ixpd Leagîte - C), rî Pee Wee Hot'ke T'Ieaîîî mntt.of JacIk Neshittin10 uir (20111and over i M. Ie -s 51, IJosew ia cllîtRx ii Jîîî leo 1 lbrar\bttard sbîttId have l BitG a rtbard 24.1, B. Row,ýe 2. 8I f1~ S Ptltt0daN plav-itig to a 6-61 lie. for iliree, îilt wo x cars'. .1. '1225. B. Morgani 219, F% i ttite 'In ie sirroittîd- A rsoiîtin i aspassecri hi S. BRarard 203, C. lVonigomn- Newc*as le 'Tt' loses .CFof î'lg tiîtîît xi Il Lie gladiIn cottii I tlial a3Il appulicationus riv 11. Nem-east le" i.,; don lue P page IPr t t itit~at e 10iaobe for bttildi ng perm ils shltId F rlai iglît ieagie w;;,,; tati- lbeadi ttg nf a feaiture arntie of ti(ý i ii tii service sti antiîîg ltîst be brotîgbht brlore ecoti'iIb I'l hevcause of tbe Ma;sonir flte spring îssîte of 'Gonortf 1c This on0 doIjtîb riti, fore t be petrtit isissuped. I. esNgt.Farmîing Qatr ',a naga- a lîti iii trtouîgb filic effoii., <t f )l/e ývcaciSIde So C beTi aui J9)e*sonial flc.Ilvihrf rl'liiîk snd fllrc Percv Dcxx el I of I la miîîouî 'e Satunda>' iitcrs xii tlu il NIs. .~Fred Cntuc'h Sr., Mrs'. Nornii tSaritutsandi M. Eesl 1<'At Iiii. j Coîîgratîtla1iomis suc ini urder bo Miss Iyida Parlseu a siiît denut, nlut1le Lakcsiiote Pult 3Schoîol xx in i as a thitcl prî/ce uliet <iL Salit ccIt , Niai ii Illth at the Kîxcautsis lîit' Fr'- lluiiPtlerbîouugli. ('ctuîe- in anIiu1s1" itlîeî'girls Lviu- Uda sanig ber solît tand xxos plat - ed ibird hv tue iîdges. fims. Merklev cf Boxxiititii le s le st baril sisustpevi son. A mIImIherFl of nieti)k)ft's of tue( loc-al Lionts Cluib acctuut îantied the District oI uîuBicti- toîî Hic-Rar nou h s officmual vusi10tlîte Cobot tmg Ibonsi Club ouin ' îr 'eviiltg. Those tiiakuîug the iiîîcî -u mib vusit ixere Litonts Breutic ict'- arnd, I larrY Jose, Pics Loivc- kin, Chas. Megit. Chas. Gtilks. Murrai PatersoniitBll stticks, autice PdxlI l urîîlrFa lk, Tlriunani l endet sou. Hia roi1ci G ibson, Gord Agtîc'x. Mn. aîud Mcs. Pecci' Tare îx'ere Stutda>' dîîîîcr guests r îvîh Mn. and IMrs. M.. MadioxiL in Oshaxxa. Mn. aiid Mns, D. fI, Reritaidc1 îsixthi Mri. anîci fs (Gor- clou Brttttîuu anrIfamîl>' mn BaI- lYdtiff oo Stmîdai. Me IA. . S. Gr'aham, D ... ('tutu tugliamianîd H. S. Britton otf icl ocal Public' Utilities Commuuission atteiidethbe joint contvetiton nf te Ontario MViinici pal K'lectrtc Associationt andthte Association of Munci- Fi5i Ileuitc U tillttes in tht' Rutial Yuork Hotel in Toromnto lai x tk. Mc. andîci ts. Bob StoRes aîud laituîi tif 'o'onmto were Stîmu-' dai \i sions' xxtb Mr.andi Mns Ti'ra.c ï iEnble>\7andi (amiv 'lcSacranîeîîi of Baptisîn xxas tîlseri ec at the Unitedi ('liii iiioit Suntdav nîom'miîîg xxie ith te Bey. F. C. Woodland <fficiated aitb le baptism cf ai'AlbertI,sont of Mr. aîud à1is. Iliuniatit Schmidit. inda 1 )itai i,. datiglluir of Mn. aud .\ari dtîigltter of Roy atud fvangarcitP c>anîd Rouald Ilacoh, sont of R4on anîd Yvonne 'Fa 1lsnia. Mrc snd flîrs. Lorîe ,Johnm- soit amd fauîiîy spent the week- etud onOttaa'visiting with Mus.lob oson's sisien, Mrs. R.1 Bsaliard. zine publîshed hi the Fari t Equipmeni Piibltsbing (CO. Etd of Torontto. as "A sîtiali but x ntbv ticil)Lutt'10 a (arn - ON, tai lias mooîlded a fine c- pîttation in Camiacla as breeci- ifr. ofgre-al -Holstinoprodîte- .1. H. josp aîîd lizson Frati- ris of Gladubrat' Fari are tii> liolders of lbree GoIci Ribhoin' for c'oxxs producitiv 200.0100 ti's. of milk iîî a life linue 'T'he gcîtd rihhons are gix-eti vhieicHO]- steîn Breeders Assoruialioiiand the Ibose*s are ilie onl 'N pri- x'ate herd owuîensin Itie Doti- inion of C'anacla Io haie carro- ed mor'e tlaîî Ixo. The four-page article feuls the histot'>' of tlie Jose faîîîlil' in sien' aaîd picttrIes fnom the lime Iibai 1-arni .Jose's great,- grandfatlier sett led ou i tis Jarnii one of tbc cadi' sti lers -of Newcastle. and a picitire of the 'ose bomîe builtitu 1819 stil ini use. Io the preset lime Miencî 260 acres are iii nie as a dauru and fruitt gcoivitg la roi. Harr',Jlcse and lus faîlien. En 1917 Nixhen x rkga 1100 acre farîn. pittclased tboîr, first Hlolsteiti and byvI1919 Itue farni bad gouue ittt iiii R pro- duon iniia îiocesi uxat xxit h 12 cours anîd seeuîîg andcl ci ii- iîiziuîg lie trendi toxxard mor- erniz'ation, adopied sonue ofý the' ncw and botter fanming methods, adi'ancitig with lî et imues until now the dail v muRk volume is approxîmatel>' 1000i potînds. Tht' Jose's have a boerd of 70 ainals, 34 of witbare nîilkiîtg cows. Iast seasoî thbe Jose'sý bar- xested '20 acres ofrxxheat. 60 Winners Receive an3 ce faps'ep-, an0acres of ats, 45 a'ie f a' iM in r H cke Awa d 1]enone .xieiding more thauu S 7,000 bushels and Mr. .Jose re- Neu ca-I le Ait of the buy.s prcen expre slng the pleasure 1fnom the apple on'hards. in Prirollec iîn the Milio Hoc-key- of Iiislf and te men in t wbicb be noxv directs mosi of t large in se so maltyoft Is tlime s rapui>' approach- lLeagtii sud ibeun fathens ucce faîbers in attendance. ing the gnoss incomne realized Prnterfined on Satiurday evemi- 'lh nom Ih dauny berd. îuîg bs' the eagute execcîti,l%, Te pneseîîtaiions of the evý- Teatcei iefiii tuheur coachues andcithe Ncxx -- entu gol tindenxxa.y with -t Th a tul bard fumrilnuîite castle Rec-îealiouî Couiimittee i nuasier of <eremonies present-padiabrdxortiatl th~e conîmîtluhall. Leagtte îug ilip Robin Hcod Oats val- ulirmanm. Paul Delite', - plaYer trophi orrali îng as master of ceeîîoîuues ; Waltoui sud Terry WSelîîIS ~spRe a word ofriveltornie I aofaIlheAoiLau.S - Parker. un-presîdenttuf lte Me----varried Couples' Cluib. iTh,> ehîînch elous ador- Mcc tt'chas rohy oi rgaiiists of Welcome cliaugp preuc te i t c lu sto h'v fr11 n ie o g t1l goal Ieuding toi Timmv WaI- w,,ere recenfl>. îvtd ,glu mu ~ tîlsc of tiue Atom leg en for a social eî'couug aithhe The R. B. Rckaî'd 'Jpeain To- parsonage wxili the Rev-. MacR pYý as presented by Irvin Mc- 'and Mnsz. Freemaut.Ilt was a P R IC S ( t.ltgi ta George Gray cap- 'iiost en.îo'ablc' eveniîîg sud in of(heBstnBruins on much l ite.A cdaiuttv 'il1 o islemma adluinch was served htle hos- RANDS *oac Bud Wagar. Tht' New- caioSporisuuamîs Club Tro- get-logeihen. hu s - Fri. - Sot. AItm nLcage was presenteci a beîuefil ccght for Mc. aîtd t 'aluable- Pla>\er Tro- The hall xias pacîsed xil f Re. $.89$1. 3 dnaIe b\ th* Rbinfniencs fi-ont port I lope alîci t- i o s t s (Co .. .xere p ru'senîu i stit -e te- a ls n i), totl i e!anc\ Io Bh'this faxoute tard ganit'uett Ô, I inigl a idMuilicI lu._ pla ndI turlail'le ptcid. a n n B arr% W a i no f t îe B a n - fo r t aîa te fa m tlx'ov 'Plie îîsîîa i amui Ieagîîe. A nexv trophy pruze!; wece laixarded for hughi ri pis Rg.rese;uiteci v hi le Recreation and bu' suore.,;aiso rdonc pnizec ripsR~ . 5~ 43( (omuiime fan the mosîval- Sumîdav Scîtool xxa% hle ici tustul>'piali cin the Midget 1:.3a.m., Mi-S. Hl> Benkei O ~ leagî evas presenl by Re- condutctiîg the sessionr. 'Plent' Reg. $1.111> .8 3c I îc-reatiori Cîtaîrman Sain' Bre- were 32 p'eîuei Diatît Mc- '-etol in Stanley Cobbîedick. Conîtell rvad tue su-i pliure, t I T< p resenialutin pe - tbcil binihiday- hx relouoîurr, O lwee hogttiacoeonKaren Osborne, Stisgn Har- Reg 98c 8 3('ccbc gi.1 coene"- n ociî'McConil g. ~ u~ ittbwordls of îiiank' hv he leag.. chtairmat to tîîe coacht- Suînnay Sebool ai;1 11Rn. nt'xt tl ~~ os-foc tue huitne îbev hacispent we'k MReg. $1.2.) $1.0 3ctîithue bois and the patience Tîte Joint W'orship Sr~- .,,i peodeci. sdh<e uxork donl Wa hielci ai ZîonUnited I iltiie arena dîtnung tht' sea- ('htirch ai 10 a m. on Sîîrîdsv. c Ô ,, >(11. tMarchi iltb 'l'Iert- was a gnond Reg. 9 3 , JC \ftrr ix'o corl films numbrrpreseuil. iiîcludumîg sex- ýinn, ii be enlommemit oferal frnu Morrishi congrega - 'nOaix i. e 1tire hou n. Tht' Rev-.M. Freemat xx eî doxxnstaus ho hin charge Jointscruvic-e .P Rnouuin1 paniake of a boui- etSna'lac 11,a t ti buiffet of sanidwxiches and etSnci ac 8h < 'i: nîtorcîlate rmîlk. wth eoffee for 10 am. Reg. $4.49 $ 3W.*5 W the' fatbers, xx'limh had been The seconîd qîiîll fonIius ýý:1 hi the uvuh\- th andi help- winlen was puit on and compît'- f u 1i a of several rtf the ted lasi week ai the home tof .i mnuot rr'. Mrs. Harold Osborne. Tiiece j. Reg. 3t'u ___5____3_________are uvhispens' of othens bn quiJt -time xiii bell. LCH WEEK G el Cash Today Mesdaes D.Baiul .lM' NEWCASLE i Miortie Beckett c xece proscrit ONWCSTR GE TORFor Old Appliances at the' Wld's DaY of Pravo- ON"S RUC TOREted Church, Fridayv, Macch 9ih ORONOthroul aI 3 p.nt OROM T A T E 9 M A N Mr. Fced flcConnelt who 'il bas been a patient in Our local 'Il PHARMACY I C L A S 1F 1E DS hospital is expected home wvth- I Phone MArket 3-3303 Jfl a lexv dayFs Neîghbouc's ~. - '~.~.I ____________________ ,have kindly undert.ake aL cîii zti,' i-o nmet irepresetîta-:5 Mes o' tf thle Board of Trdros-c port l'ai lx ut atnav lin -Star1l iiîg Ist Max all taits wimlI 5:1 ifag tber. This xiii gîxe etoleti se vie 1 Pet -r erbI)tctîigli and 'IToronto. At 1s ltîtîr date 1T iîl i gîxE xciiitht'; train iscltedi.t le iiiroiipb f i i s îîl'î.Il s îîoxx Litîf0 ar nie tr'c maRe î'liseof th s Spil- xiuv' as lîîs s otititrial ba.ýis ýF foi.' a ietr, 1lG;A Va rcv TOMATO JUICE 4 î BEEF STEW 41 E vaporated MILK 41 STRAWBERRY JAM Ip TEA BAGS LONG SAULT '.\I. anîd M T. Barnett and ipent Saturda a fi e,î' n nomoii faîtilv wvece Skitdax' afternooîî willb the 1McLaggan ch ldr o1i xisîtors o f Mn.r. Barrett, and hlad loads of fuin p!ax.v:î t Kcîidal. with the ]anibs. Mm', and iMis. A. Wood anîd tamfi . i'x:oie. *,Mi-'.\M. Ma- i. B3owttîatîille. were \Xed- EBENEZER îîesdav ...îpper i. ests ai NMr. wod Nrsý. Robt. Canieroît's Io The ibene of île' Ni, i litnoti' NI t. IletO. Caiîîroii's îeîrîgc 1 feri"i . r i ~ti-i. 'Is. lHecb. of the U. C. W. >, as i t'aiîeron l'ciltrîied Ioiltiu Chtlî'b"anîd ,vas plaîîieul bv hîomîe ilii"':-oiie ton Stîtda' MNrs. Gariet Tîtbb and I Mr 1'. M"r. andtîl ic'.. Wni. Carr alid Go.\ ne. failîl]- x i 'Sa? trda 'i- \isitous Thie'Scrîptuî e iî'oîîîs' J tif M r aid Nls..\.Gosle, w as read bs' Mrs. Goi te a ii Beeton. NIr. anîd Nrs. N. Dax s lie iedi.tatioiî was gix ci ' ixere SutîtîSi cx on 1:îîg gîtests Mrs. A. DO\wiifoir NIt li iri aitlct ai n wxxlo ixas îîiable tIc> Seti M" n ai MNris N Th . xci"le Clureb of Christixe.ast 'ý recl. vis<iis of MIr. anid pared 1o tht' casterîlstlion Mi J. bite, Tori'oti. Mr ~loeflock niav bclie i )!,!. Bami\ Prestonu andcIMiss Lor- ,possession. . Lik-u sîtcvpt %,x r,.iil SeGl .Betlhlitx.\ - t're need proteciomi andî g 1 i 111!it( ( FrîidaýINe. e :tg i tais, and lest uc falli tubexil. T'ltle îîrî M r. La lýnd .\îtîi'roiig. ellu- rShepherd is comccriiet i e t ili id N sSitt ie W'i Itis. welfare and aixiotis if oa: PO,Pnî iof . ci îîidla ' vsit- :iîissitg. Tîte clinrchli t ol 'r Per gitests of tue N. Daxîjs'. be reiexxed. We aie c;litid ý Mi-r. aid Nli'js.N. Pa\is \-ixeebeli<'x crs Itidoit r î ' Sa't ordav exetit mg gîiests ofs'PrOediiig lte gospel. b li' lie'r îîa rei>. Mn sud jMn'. Rve s eteinal lire,.iîhoiîut \lie't G li[Soi . ish. Lov'e Christ, loir t itee fi it iisx te m oe.People tiake a t lino iîîd NM .i'i-L l aiipom,î'ai or srnalt. Mrs, Dcinxxîc Mr. ai ind G. ('n.l1, Psi 'haciti iti x al'i Dît c'. Bohî'a r eon. wexe t idv pei'iod takct ii h% r Smbv dm- ice o M.Carl Dow i n a itiOSI tl andtîclx d 'icielsof .iing marimier. We, iiisi k iti NIaigie ('taig i ii Item' tont- Ille (':ttiaoa icllr %h lcits oit' sils ici xc (Nl'11ori a 1Il )iin 1 a l'. Qxerst'as 'e flospEtttlt ' xx tels soandt tien îiedtcal îxîîrk iin Korca. t spocci stvritaI d:. sz iili lier lion- Konig aîd .Antgola. graic~itictt. ic ainciMis. A. Wî', <f dtiplutiiti w I-luis. 1 telx' iie frica couitiecsr't< flIc :t.iCh (al ts Pî' tinPid (ttc lhit 'i r xx aîîeît. \\'tclcsutai&('atiiertut 101, ixhiccli are si cruu r %vxr ceSaîtirdax ex îîîtî gtiests tuen, but pi oie lhtle.r tif Néc aitdl 'ii 55\'ttîci R. etittreIi tapahie Orsc [loc Mr. n.Itîl cîîr e 0shlaixa, t.oIl a Story nf lift"gc' speit Sniliti\illu its qpar-! hop'lssiî-s amîd dt's1ttr Iti- es.NI r. andciN'Ir~.c il cciiidan lots aîeepted oiîe r!H,, suit for e cx wo of itr rî r cih ht NtttKlciti ITaici Pciflion.t a Vau pwcîîni shIo l'lirsav ( Cier 'xii m tso- i i cxci ng a! leieem x bu h(ltrcli aire lnîInîîî g] ,tt-t'11 SIhei, lie, ied vxiii Ethle piograi îorl:ecs iiin unpt't> CIi s, -ý ai liiv, i letlno ot, iwk Rada. mile lîoais sud ctone r stîppet andci >(t)îmal x v=12. inti ('ctal nîîs'îoîtn mii' sm wonxeu gladUcutsec ranîdlira: tic sotia I eît mes, liciiic. tiiand inii mi t'CFP R Wei uemiin i si tthnîîî, uieîiai xxoris. pi Fm'1cl iîlîn!l. ittuat xork amoneIîglcluiirtir Iitr'ami rai \S>ttdIcx Oniemîtals. sutidax sclionlni 18 - ozT in,, for 99c "i-o. 'iins 'or 99C 'll 'li1% for55C 21 ov. Jar q 39C kg, 4)f' 1001 69C IL, A. (old Min e of Xita iin "'C" GRAPEFRUIT 'o UIlO-FiIDAý Nlarsh, Serdles--; Size i96'.- Callfnrnia Fmpernr N. 1C(rafle -Runche, N1GraPeS b1cCarrots2for29c GRAPS i 11c N.I1Grade 1' oriita S unkist >Sehîgos r-NW - 51h. a Lemons 6for29c Potatoes 39c lu.,K E. trir l'o acco store S'neSlop t' i S!Iltkc .Slop til ii ia îc 'Store P MIX - 39 c ESE 43cPk -1h Bar 45c 43c 23C 120 Tae rap;, wiîh u. n~ 2 4n. ii 'fi t? ,1 Oic tM InE'T v t 2 1crio4~ ('anada's linest Red uand Bltivimie iE Att STEAKS and ROASIS SIRI5OIN - W'IN(; B(>NEI'SS ROUNI) R 1 'Il> Il U I 1h. Ce'd pkg. Tablerite WIENERS Ecnomical and Nutrtioi Sliced PORK LIVER 'I'ab i1ctite - N'aruini Sealî'd N- t .1 ( u>', Lo-af -I ich hi 4&. I inmil )I 1> l iiiiul t COOKED MEATS EXTRA ()f $3 Recei%,e S6.h00 in u1G J% î m ' PILLSBURY CAKE MIXESc IGA LIQUID WAX SURF DETERGENT c IGA POTATO CHIPS Re'criv S2.100iin IGA iii' IGA MARGARINE SMALL LINK SAUSAGE Fddroi G 'vernmnt n ýi '"' FROZEN COD FILLETOS P.E.I. POTATOES SHOP AND SAVE AT.'. BOWMANVILLE IGA MARKI Bowmanville, Ontario TOMS' IGA MARKET Newcastle, 0 ru, TELEPHONE NIA .-1-5490 "SERVING THIS AREA SINCE 181 B A ii D G 1 0 El co G1 L 4 2 1 ýý --w ==mvtt2EMM WEDlý';ES1:),AY, 'MAR 14fh. 1PA? home hvý ma., and air. i elasoîg 'Mrs Down com. n.rc'd *lle cho;rch to a car. l\e >iarge or small ail pi il, ' i work together. 'Fhel'Oe 1U;It>bte fuletor %we stand (;(id t!tile kevY that sets tl\tl.\:l,! 1h it moltin An \eci le eetinig of c1er i',efor .Mart'h 2Otli. h il> e f L lrrv Gay 'i\r f laxike ioulci h;'>laied ;il vcr <i 1 n brsart' remind- t itehi î~ :' oînt iiiseticloth. i tel. h 1101W.lastir, e,;i tI 2'i n or oOlai lthe Ap- e .\Mav etns.\ooI lel: Opko!lýz for an L U V,' 1 hehi tue rchurch e E ,î d,,î exeiitîmg, March h il,> ni 'llie rcasurer. Ni ~.\ epnieda total Ot loi Vchrn itiIa:v meeting. s r e't î:î' xxcieon dispiax., 1,1W. SI' TI:Smý%.N SoLI) 1T111«ISI IiDEALERS: t t!i-ii i tj gStore, Newrastle Fn xilI t .4tc. Neweýtonile Slvv <t N Ou te N I'Rt bi lrketon I INItit iStoeBlackstock P i-;illex Pott,'ponl S'~ ~ ~ v <ii. Btinîtv ronn V '<tti i~Keildal h << ci )tîîî~Stn, ("ostîaî'a 1I. . laue. (?sllawxa Tl iý; a< t T3îtlt

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