PAGE POUR - - .rTr~ ~4VA~ TT~MA' ý N 'tTT' L ,AR. 14th, 1962 JIITORIAL COMMENT Optimism Grips the Community Personally, we feel that a general and enthusiastic vote of thanks should be tendered to the students of Planning * who did such a tharoughly commend- * able job of surveying Bowmanville from ail aspects, and projecting us inta the future, 20 years hence. * Since their report was received and * duly reported in this journal, there has been a changed attitude on the part of * rany local and nearby residents. The gloom and sourness of a pessimistic outlaak has, in manv, instances, been replaced hy a ray of hope and the brightness connected with optimism. While the students qualified their pre- dictions with several "ifs", they were quite definite in forecasting consider- able growth and expansion for this en- tire area. This, of course, was a pre- diction which offset the negative think- ers who see Bowmanvile as a small town forever. As a direct result of the survey, we believe this town's progress will accelerate more rapidly than if there had been no survey. With the prospect of a population growth from around 7,500 ta 18,000 or more, this community will certainly have an appeal ta those who are seeking autiets for their pro- d'ucts, and those who are looking for industrial sites. It might well be that the survey itself xill be responsible for bringing new industry and com- mnercial development to Bowmanvîlle and the district. We have a future with a real potential. Nowv, instead of sitting on the survey, we believe many of its findings should be incorporated in some attract- ive promotional literature which wauld be given widespread distribution. We also believe Council, the Industrial Commission, the Planning Board and any other organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce directly involv- ed in and working on plans for the future, should spend considerable time analysing the survey findings, in order to pin point and develop some of the recomrnendations which were included. For certain, one of the items would involve Bowmanville's harbor facilities and the beach in general which has been deteriorating during recent years. This is one area which could bring about considerable transformation if it were developed praperly. There are others in the report which will justify intensive study and action, to bring thema into being as rapidly as circum- stances permit. But, we stili believe that one of the greatest by-products of the survey was the feeling of optimism and pride in this com.mnunity that it fostered in aur people. Many who over recent years have persistently downgraded Bawmanville in their camments, can xiow raise their heads and smile with enthusîasm and say to themselves and their acquaintances "This town is really going ta be samething". However, this enthusiasmn should be tempered by the knowledge that many of the items of progress included in the report will not happen by themselves. They will re- quire energetic and imaginative pro- grams of planned expansion, and alter- ation. We are thinking particularly of the civic square, the recommended changes alang King St., and sa an. These are gaing to require concerted effort aver a rather lengthy period of time. But we can't help thinking anc dreaming of Boxvmanville 20 years fram now, with its beautiful streets, attractive buildings, new schools, new industry, great supermarkets and mod- ern retail outlets. lb should be quite a place for aur yaungsters ta live anc work and brîng up their f amilies. We only hape we'll be araund ta see it! - Some folks just can't seem ta understand our xvay cf life in a com- paratively small communiby. The fact that almost everyone knows your bus- iness, your heurs cf rising and retiring, yaur everv move, is toa much for those wohave been accustomed ta city life, bhere quite frequently you have no idea wbo lives next doar.. and care one ewsape, Th Sttesanpub- lishing the news that can be bold every week in as great detail as passible. But, we have anather news-distributing agency, with even greater circulation lacally and muîcb faster distribution than any newspaper could ever achieve. lb is called by many names, gossip, dirt- distributîng, rumar-mangering, or "the grapevine". Almost everybody is i game witb some of bbe good ciizens and bhey play it for ail they are wortb, eagerly and with fervor, neyer letting themselves be deterred by facts that rngbt upset bbe story-telling. Once this distributing agency goes ita action it saturates the town with its news, factories here and elsewhere, curch groups, bridge clubs, curling where that bwo people get together. in te c icýsaenewsy spots; ever stoe, arbe sho orhair-dress- te word. It's net only spreadh it deadly and there is no method cf haît. ing the merry-go-raund once it has sbarted. Al cf vwhich Is good fun, if it doesn't get eut of hand. Most small- towners xouldn't have it any other way, so long as the nexvs was about somebody else. But, recently a very nasty stary bit the "grapevine" and spread faster than any we have ever seen or heard. As it spread, it grexv, invelving mare and more people until it really becamne damnaging ta reputa- tions. An errer in a neigbboring paper mentianing prostitution bere added fuel ta the flames and ncbady wauid bel ieve the reporter concerned had misheard tbe word which should bave been "éprasecution" instead. Oooaoh, what a lovely, juicv,, lime everybady had for a while. If, was really sametbing ta sec those sharpened claws at work an neighbors. friends and mere acquaintances. Bowmanville' was having a heyday. This 'vas its finest hour. For some reason, nobody boîbered ta check the stary, it was toe good for telling the way it was, especiaily w'ben a littie touch was added each time ta spice it up. When it had reached its peak, we felt it wise ta inset a short item calling attention ta bbe fact that there was absoluteiy no brut-h in arn, cf it. We hope we dinln'f spoil anyone's fun but we feit lb anly fairt b cal] off the hounds before they complefed their destructive work. The Red Stole Red, green. purpie, black, white at- special Saint Days, Canon T. A. f Nind offen remarked that he laved ta wear a red stole. He dici not believe he was warthy, he said, xvhcn in January he was nam- F ed a Canon by bbe Church cf England -84 years aged, former Grafton rector ad these late years hanorary assistant at St. 1Iark's, Port Hope, and St. Peter's, Cborg 60 vearts cf set-vice. Later in bbe day rati-tis home, Canon Nind received the Mondav bbc gentle hand of death closed thceves cf a great and goed man. The red stole was indicative of a jayous gospel. The Catnon had such a happv lufe; in cariy years tramping by foot and ridinf bv horseback through the ru-rai hiatîshes. He said repeatedly: "One bias flot always been a very ciever or a very able priest-but one ha-, al- ways been a happy priest. I've alwa ' s believed God loved a happy priest." And while he lived, it was said of Rev. T. A. Nind by Cobourg Rector Rev. E. S. Bull: "When speaking to him in persan, vou're face to face with a great saint of God."-Cobourg Sentinel- Star. In Ontario $26.6 million was paid out in death benefits by life insurartce companies cluring the f irst three months of 1961, The Canadian Life Insurance Officers Association reports. The cor- responding 1960 total was $22.3 million. On 5,490 ordinarv policies, payments this year wvere $Ë5,378,000; an 3.270 in- dustrial policies $1,050,000; and on 4.940 graup certificates $10,169.000. que eabtmn Iett#man Durham County's Great Family Journal Est ciblished 108 years ago ln 1854 Aloo Incorporting The Bowmanvills News The Newcaatie Independent The Orono News "Aulhcrized as Second Class Mail by the Post Oflagce Dpt.. Otawa, and for payment ef plsage i4n cash" Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PtJBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-68 King St. W., Bownianvi, Ontario )ORI-I M. JAMES ErITOR-PUBLISE GEO. W. GRAHAM4 ADYTO. MANAGIU SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Year, strictly ln advance GEO. P. MORRIS BUSINESS MGI. $5.50 a Year in the United States I room with ber and they dash- I I ed up to the lounige. ag thev liad known two frienda that lounge ail night. The bu: 187 Barn Ave. calmer waters. The %vinds band calmed the old lady somAé Toronto 6 were î5 miles an hour and and cailed the Captain and De3r Eitor: 40 ft waves. Youi should have the ship's doctnr, DearEdîor:heard that wind scream. We To saY the Captain ,vas an- 1 enjo 'v everv item in the went to the Dance Room and noved. isý thr understatement Statesman, cspeciai]v items! the orchestra p1ay'ed like mrad off the vear. He was verv kind frnrn both home Enniskiiieni to drown th, noise. Most or to bier and the doctor gave and HaA on. aiso H-amopton asthe passengers were. shali we ber a sedative. The Pe otaini il have'relatives there. 1I do say, lndisposedi staved ricýht wîth ber- 1Thev not enjov reading Mvagistrate'Sý We iost two anchors.; and did iluvcstigate, but il',% diffi- Court but Bowmanviile lised i i turned the cruise into a eu!! Io trace a call like that Io be an aristocratie town free;,house party. We were there as js lîke anl întercom sys- from modern activities. q and couidn't do anythingi tern. There i- no switch- 1 rosent ithe verv thought Of! about il. The next dav the board. Sunday showvs and sports,. sunj shone and we went mbt But eercls we made Wý7hat %vould our forefathers sight off Nassau again but Ille most of the trip and al. thînk'. Please find enclosed couiin't get in. as 'we xvere tended ail the thinizs that were amouu¶ of $2.25.-flot able to safeiv navigate. arrangc- for us. Even 10 the Thanking vou, 1 rernain That night we 'went back toi Captain'sý Cocktil Party' and Yours sincerel >v, the Berr 'v Lzlands. The crew il 11a119iovely. The table was (,Mrs.) E. Rose. went ail out to make things set buffet st 'lve and the food pleasant fo)rLus. When tîhîng waS verY beautifuillv and der- Municipal Trailer Park, got a bit monotonous for us. 1 orati\,Elv, arranged. Dainbl, Tampa. Fia. 'suggested a sing-sonig. Elsir, cookies and sandwiches, little 'March 9, 196i2 Lyman went Io the front ar'.d cakes. caviar, pickles, celer\r Il xvent to the back or ihe pieces. coffee, and al] the Dear _Mr, Jam-es: lounige andi got tbem ioto the dirinks vî wanted On the Thought v ou nlighlt like I10 spirit of tbe thing. Ruth h ad hoii,ý(. knu w il a t else happeniecia stnong voice and she ,vas AUil te guests entered on dov,-ri hre to iis 'intbe rmiddle. Some xve'- the One Side off the room aud We dee,ýided Io lake ihe' plaving rards and thev sang the Capotaîn shlook, hands and cruise Io NaSSaL Irlaving Mia-ialorg w'ith us. The men har- weicomed the guestq. -The mi on, March 5th. There werelmonizeci and befone verv lon, ýphotographeri took everý'one'% six of s, il vom n, M rs.'1 ever-bod\- t ete, W" picture shaking hanc. ,andi out Velva Baile.v, Blackstock, M!-q. sang' ail the old songs. If wasiOf aIl those Wxho were there, Elsie LYmnu h, Mrs. Ruth1 an older crowd there. andi yoii we were the onlv thrce whose Hlainlton. Mrs. Ferne Fulien.'had to have what thev knew. nicture xvas on the end off the Obtio, Mrs. Leta WatermanlElsie and 1I had drawn up a film and didnit corne out. In- nnmd myself, We drove frO-M:list of songs te start on and cidenlalleY ou could buy thp Tampa to Miami in the car, we 'vent on from there. pîcture for $3.00. Got to make andil t was windy and in, On Wednesdav, it being Aýh 'a dollar, lViamli 79", and got on board'Wednesda.v, there was a hvmt-n Thev had i lirsf raeing andi ai '- P. M. sing, and a minister on board binzo. Three of Our- girls xwon The boat sailed at 5 jp.m. spoke verv nicel\. and toli at, bingo 0arnd reccived $10.00. 'We were to dock at, 9 a.m. the jokes bctxveen but got bis One got a beautiful straw bag foilOwig monning. The far- ipoint across. a.i a priz. o.S altogether we ther we went, tbe rougher itl 0f course there is alw-ays a did il right. got and as -vou know b now'lstiriker aboard. Someone with ,Tihe.\-did refunci oui- $2.00 ýwe rai n mb hurricane winds. :a penverted sense of humror! embankatioii fee. but I feel 1 1We ne%,er did land at Nassau.! at 3 arn. phoned ail older lady had m,-mnev Worth. It ~~~~ani rode out cote harbourlanc with a caim quiet voice' e\enfore n I uv kwith lis. ilaid lei- the boat was sinking,: the rest when I got back. That niglit '.e anchored off t u nbrliejce niNeyer a dull moment. bhe Berry Islandis (it was the ito jt±mp overoa-rd. There wei-e Yours trulv, Fýs(I clCam-ipaitu \vifl _pe___________dwhn aserSel \vl ettialhomes in Ontario in x-ding support to the %vork beinýg done ývhat happened to the western bthe Qîttarto Socicltv for- Cntpplecl Children and ils associated Service Clubs wI~orld when they began edu- throu-hout ilhe pt-ovincc. Service Club mem bei-s not onlNr raise ftînds for aigu peasants. Nww crippled childiens xv ork, but, also have a esnlcnr tacnolybginS U Athk-w' s good as afly- only bebgoen. We.toppie governments. b'- men and xvtnen interestcd in the' carce and treatment cf crippled boys and wecniticize kings; we de- girls. Fi,1962 brîie for- Ontar'io iF, orle millioni dollars. n admr monev for lcs.% vork we humbourcollec- tiv, nsesin the generai di- S P C rection off authorit. (2'o u,ïi - . , ~What, do \-ou gel when voî t outigi an s (? /lu filfi x .1start educatingth mas? By Bll milyvi You get a lot off smart alecs. cIlor' c ic n -til i bLîc1- i ou:-cr ýi foi- (le 'c e lcidecl lan urchase the IoEuato Vc s i h oudlk 0do .tst\ogsMr m ods n ulnti icw Il lc writcr lbus, but alilebcIcuiw ,r as cnl.y bei- A i.oî-er for another yea.r thanklthat.* In the big Commie cf these day.ýs their leaderI% since Dec . t 948, beeii man- ing alioxvcci crie nec' car pert- î. about everybody \varn-;goodness, and we eàucatorsl eountries, they are trving ta vil w-ake uip Io it, but it will ipuiýlI,abig iîguii- orcdcionthi, innd cor nanîr w a, cd il-,cf bbe regrets that %ý,cuIcicao get back Io the job ef do ]t rîght oow. The.y are, be toc tate. When ail those Austn -' it.îtt imc. c r cuîmber rightî'ciu n u hi l , v \~sucLîfootishues Thei leading hanses to, watcr, witbj having apparent success, anci educateci Commies get sick of carwaý tn iLiiý\vfor Can- outb bcbg urged on by fervenit ithat's wby everybody pantirsfble sanie old ideas and start unin rnd:c-ewaitdbeuî- rî~ie in the ncwsp&persýwhensever the ne wspapersa-lkigaon froenw 'r~aT h]r t îin iehuse pnntS:rnech- and ciuîll panels on teievisio00jnounce that the Russians are, cnes. there'l be a tremendoug IYl UI [ln]. uiu'~ ouin'tkuo hc 10 ItsstrngeEduatin uedinaw "turning out" 22 o e.xplion. Yoîî cant put iruelb: eiglitre-uihundned! tO b osdrc most v.:hatever per cent. more en- eibd i a concentratioln -, uc i tfv-five dollars waus toc boring topie ho the warld. gîneers than we are, camp. 'i iiorsucli a littîr car: we!iNow. ,itil i a conversational I'd like to make a littie! Andi with these few coil a ~ îjii gt u brde ii vluef gmbi tht xili throw any prophecy. Mark this down fuising thouglits, letu s xtrirci 10 delntil: we would gatlieniiin m a verbal don- and pass it aiong to yourfare\,,ell Io Educatýion Wee. D isIrt ant P t hi' utubo tigo On anovlong nvbrook before %,ou can spiut-Ichildren. ilere it Is: Those as it stow]l"v sinks eut off siglht nish--rieo_ being toc ,'er "Egerbon Ryeison. production line education sy's-:foi' another cear. And lot il., i ratupoc, na o g ronin for- hack Cifresns ta eevte eW fear are <urrentlyc sare a bear for- mv son Hugli, Frocsan.Theeutrînsselîgrrs; wo cveen - 0 adilît who got. past, Grade 4, is, sowing the seeds of their O"ln who chose tbis, cf ail weeks, Juatriu)tic tIo buyv a foreîgn car. -an expert (,n the subjeet. destruction. ito corne home witb bis werst iL 25?FAR GYRSVS t Te:U;c T W îhe r dEvervone lias ai, easteone Lootk ae'report cao thyea boîîîg. l-iraf'\- i ~Vo' Zr lo n S W~llcr o ý \açzOuWr moncy andi Ibat. if the!* * *R tryP e ae LO'~r Cc KC. -mi r-Simp son wxviie IR'as,thie day would corne c tivIzItb,çIbis sîstcr. Mrs, Hl Mi'. arid MI-3. Abohla Pincbhave ta charge less for their'1iki hi adac el Cipe hlre nwta1îddclie o atiu Carpcui ~Brmdhav rturi n frCleveland rducmk mie a'~ elinestly that tOday'S]Easter Seai gifts provide the ition te the lives of others an r;i, M r JC lir Ei'- î c1:' îs n- Cevü,-c a c o nie i frt.n ceds ar-e "lazîer'n hourd dogs." chance that they need- the whose activities have beenl atVb Wmen w-ho couldn't sta'g* chance ta improve and in seme temporarily restnîcted through ave lorrabîlt u;îc-rp1nz To"c.ný(o e;i en Ti. '2. -11Itkno -te an, en rer eto rde9bcuecases, even remaove their phy- ne fauit of their own. Skatiîiz cIli C'11-11i il at Mý- on h1tr bon trnjng - 1-- 1lirv l'ave lhad tte make a crm- îtey w'ere sn absorbed In .10e. sicai disability. Oi ac 2nd nerýt pic L'nf arr i . iit'Giar- ija -pibalTon- A tesup Pac- and iviioquit as soon as theýV Te aserScalCma s0~0v~rh 2nnal "I. li- mi ' V '1 'îî Il, The ' "i"ra cîtc îîîe b Xisi i 0 bs ii~t ar becste a ap n2000 .00Eastem Seal mailing. Wi- i cIr'n':io:a ii 'l \t~,-'1.V l'randl \'ilA'utiilrima Idîst'îî':î co il]c him, ivili declare vehementlv establisheci for ('are andci t-and fetoing hnies oce ai i ýI 1.i R. Et: e i-ii -ouý!Ii .NichcL- hîco riirîhsstflic a chance cii cric VirI1l, c o dîd,'that school girls these days ment of aven 15.000 cipe eor faci searcig for aprut S irAi'r, th i nu I iltier zliii o r f'a ?. rEl- and iio ontoilt. Re- ail "go steady" and think chlidren neecis not jcraip ie'c elp 94rs of cnîpplec<haveon MiVuI clu . l ' 'he-iiii Vg 'uti'ii c ofiw-iiventlioaboat ncfhnuIra cf 1butthoysh ci hours bbfora cemrnunity ef- and stili do guarantee to pro- s\I.u, Bci - . I.i-i'1: cilll9io.ilil i'i rciiplcm ilc tlNe oemiesustify iaUnMed pursued hursbbts frvide useducadticoe it vieecreaiotionreai anan sotrialcmcir ari latfaîblîful lîbtibe1 rec-, n aou1ha eiio thvpurpose fervently anci effie- progressive health pregrani- a uoiî rthor 'cg'îicro f ' M r, i i .~î sn-ii l i alacabough tlS 'were at scheol. screarn for hentlv. mes wbich are channelled inta lîcir v gotclaighien, Mar iîtred iniir honi a 4it n-sflvlcm o ihî -tw vîervthigshr ofa oal Yur local Rotarv Club, a d-ynamic force for the crip- Dîîainc. Io "VMnClaronor 1la' Ia, ftoriacui ci-ile -uiutîicg îb tousaîd rnilEF-. Comnmissionî ta unvestîgate,! 'with bts dedicateci volunteers, ipied chld and community bet- ccc Palme'-, roll cf NIr. ninl a suc l ic br . O& P. Co , Al iilasi îtii faig-uc coup- \ichen àa barber giver their1nb s ot you as a commnibby ermentf. MUn. t t'mgh PaIiorcnf Pont tIble caccl ic cvas eutmigmc- Idaîcîth rondsit look ils bu l.Jcbnn-î- a dirv look, after he -____ Hopre ti li umiiïgng otak- iîuîg c tIi sic'h farron.gainst Io Ilip poinît cwhorrib was un- bus tnicci la lice uip te the elci SPRING - IN THE AIR! place qi'îiotl'.'iii Aini. l.îîa-,î idn ljrmmod.aai ul rconîtent tanmuuuallcostl 'n e- 1nîao's rejut-ation. 1'm sure that Spring is near Mu - îî -m. rý- ý -Ml, no- iini puîs-chîcl illmoni tthai c-e mci Tbon iheno areIII hie pen- W 'i Ecgo:-, n.. Ja. V1la'- 'ms . âciuiahsrir1 bc-o chrices -buv a nec' nia-'pp' clîo tbinkIk tat the lob of: o er e ottp niewn M. K. E (n'\. Mn; F_ cui William.Ii, ci liaveiacobo&rchine, onrc'a 1k. So raîhrr liati flic ýchoo1 îs flot to educabe The sound was very, very clear Forgusau ianci'c %V"c. Cai- slct-ciig a couple cofnuiionbtî; hu\, 1962 plates forI'lle nId people. but ta teacli bherni And al -te harmany a-tuned. nîngîî:îîîattriidcclthe îîaiîqiuî t îc.tlm leu i dr .uilaulut, Nu -ýgirl.,ccc <race ta Poberbor- hcc tin iake ;a living. the big- Ali, yes, Spring is planning her debut; andllv lîclha',paru' cf Pcb ci - andui. 'Il. 'ci lb anis., ilî- oi gh on Mnrh Ht1h fo sec xc'hîît gci fie bellot' This being se, Thhaproisrewtng ap braCliapto, C) Ofý.S , ii Ct ueSt . lrfti TI1r-cIýii'fe-i' imctof a dent c-e rouldcio- Wh% dcI ulîe b each the-inTh hap roisrew tngawm c-acoî un ,îciuîig ilicir mu Lio i,' su Moicirîo 'îiaatr. pactrndLatîinainîd ail that That scian ail will be fresh and nepw, Mn' cc ti~î:în. iaH lt, U.Av-Pccne of cîr fiiianncial .mînk tc n icruse'."'For S pring is in the air! mîdeloiî ail-A Mu'I. Steca rt G1 I Mr 'A.B uu hum ica ru"anr- i ingcncv, cv-odîdn'tgo shopo- I * -J\Iýarin IFord OiulOtlii-iccokîug fr anc-ttîng intue Rtls- i Tm -icIadopting a houier- t t florn. Pt cnrîrn apui b I r MnT. Il. T:riîecr'. i.dsa'- -, or, brackeb. but sopc thtan-theuatiueowral îceckcnc th b-Mrl. anîd 'i . i. M dui . I.- :Xoksc'acticmppor i i- hese people. Before I wan-'ETPOFTEHL * B. E. î:igiia'iî. dTHE TOP 0FVo THEcn emoriu K AFa'tc clni cci-îîîîcineci dta do husi- dercd frornthie Et.ysian fieldis Se mcc V ve reactiec the top cf the bull, n id în. lgii Span.i.. i " b Icc i r t Ji c us-sif tJhe-dealIer couid bh olu- ni* the weckly newspaper ltt-epus o saeI rfet cfon iîuh' cu. ilu i ciru ý ic 1 JcýJo ot sdw a-iitiiilgte . r f nc I o mTealv' long for that stcep climb stil1, Joim c.- i',Ro'awmmviJlî-nîtiub. Wililtllîro. c c hecuineiglass ticbuise and fineci rocksi When lId youtb, andi strengbh in my astep7 lis badg. A.O.L'Vi' .inîToronito. im mrs-î ia sinll. foreign at il('o seu.There'x ane advantage atap of tbe bill, :'i f: 13 l'c i adIî 'coIn;ln îrýs Al]I(i ' o Ihu Ipn . ; cIa Oh ra lIcclB..x'Il i-. apontv 1 stili think there are rnany o a c ie vsa bt av SpeIic ' tir cko:A I c .thîilu .1 Claruc cIauoIi ici uî I.l utkiîmg. tîo e1 u :1lcîiok11k e goo'di ,f law-s in i t, man y gaps 1n h 1i o a e id it obw.> par-cn'..?Iur, and M A . rc-. urnirm on f thî' -izedl doughimuts. tbc engieîisprocess. and a good deal of Wtt-h fierce sun on my back. tho' I'd ctimbed with a wîtl, hlone ni'.fo l-)i iiil. . cno Il "tnoilîr bai'k. anct is air-cooleci, bewilderment about the diit- I felt peace, in it- westeringras Rev ý'i c: ' lt-- g c rliiiiith cui- cvcîelînders,III-)e<'tion in which lit's geing, batl You'Ilbave lime te see flewers, along the way clown, son, Botha.-- . ---,ýt,,u M T 1'F 1K'..i muamrl tati boIt. no distbibctor andci1Iamn aise aware of somne (Of Lovely sunsets off amber and rose, bus ciiuMr. ai nd V ' .1i ciIc mu i. 'l'cnu i l .'î ao ii n.air atn fpits the obstacles in the w.ay of wt if' ak tepei niwr o o C. IFurgni. cm. Imnuo tuttend i h.t ~leu falui u-'cli or oi. 'l'lic' fuetla i csîapa - making il, perfect. a g atben:ng cf for-ier mc-nm- C K:uug u. Kmîloîai-cc it '.,s six Inîperial galloens; Perbups tbe higgest of these, Let's enjoy this sweet limne off repose. bers cf Carlton St. Urîîtud speuIt Sund,'%'lîcre, Ilirro's tic gas gauge; ebilciren lies in the matenmals usc'd. Ini There's a lime for liviîng, for clumbing thehljl. Churchi, Toronto. NI r. T IW Fu(-( cumr. or îmîîidgets coula use filic rean manufactuning. a produet off' eesatm frrfeto, a iet esil Accrrdirg tle(> "Niasse':.-- ito{ usisbrr.m acMrs. son'. bîgh qualîti cao be turneci Teed,îefrrfleto, atm ebsî] Haris Necs" lieuse oegnfli- c , ?îeii. ula 't wccc. T'I'bcinme i15 s c bic that-)clt f certaini procedures are THE GOOD OLD DAI'S that gr:caý lamai implement M - W. .1 i'.humro ifeut-i îgbt bc- a gooci idea te fottoîcied: 0Obt-aining the best 1 ponder in my big armehair. rouîîpilnv. W. S. S'aplcs. thein vcitcidlfimml nN III knonlan tEskgroîntec raw anleint-ats d cmsmîrn the elAs I hear my nephew bolier, Bo\wnîamîcuhle agent. :s doing uiîuc.iilk uEkm neîn neupnn.aîifloîgte Gee whiz! dad! just wbat cao voti grt a rcal job. A lîumnîem cf ladies :i:o ct-iloo. IuS prier cý,as cigilîleneimst efficient nîctliocs. - Necsl: JliýGb Iili, anidci rmuneclunvthcîlicue uridreci andctfifbv hLiiks. wr , But in eclucatien the tunit For much Iess than a dollar' Neci'cusbe: u-s-Jour G.b oiceur Cc., liai-c crpamîzcd cycre atîowed one tioncneci andci omîing Off the production finie! olri h dy akwe son. wbo lias bt-en livin', a (-!'clciii is t- cbuknioic'n fiftv for the Austîî,thnffî-u made off flesh and btood. a ihsbyn i raming, Mrs.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l f'ilameo'; iu, -te "Goocis car Gîmlc." The eoe sales tax c'as acideci to the It- breathes andi thinks anc lias retumniecom lier hloupe mnt rr cre-letcI ffin-mrs ac nraintor se that cur newest- fûris ac eesa aghs . A quarter, or a dime, perbaps t-be lake. Presiccllrit n'T. J. 'laiarti,;,atimootîvýe acquisition <-est You can't mod or press il in- Even that bock careful scheming. T\-ro)tuc: 'l'Sdc-liai:- Fun t X'ic Nil-. ID.Du Sec- :secntecuI i bineci andcififîy- to the- cesireci standard shante And oh! bhe magie in a cent c-Tonoto.; u pci:-iusicd oui-h"ec n.W i am nesmackeroos, whîcb lca'os îi s/.ca tttoapr-As ta the bakery shop yeu went, fle fauî.c.pnd hib%- Mn. 'ireasuî-c'r, Mn; .1. -M.IL. lis c-itb a batik balance off age. aruia pecidle it- îhrough an. H-arolci Birgess i ýFoîclur: Secretarvc, Mrp> Il. 'W. Ilbm ol -blarsi aaîi-lt- vn,1 cxpensive adîrtian an And staod and looked witb wary oye, jItauîiptouu : Cori,,rat LI!ih0crz ta 'Mr. rd nzr. Burt Mcmton oui *he lirtlîoff a daugbitcr. Enfielci: Ms.Frank Gibentl bas t-he record beateuî far early chickeius ibis ye-ar. She' b as ticnc -uil eciîîe uc11he a lt-hic chicken. BIack:ock Mr. ,Jaý'k îci denabot imet- . al n accidentf cc-ile suuwing cx ood andci ias irifeu-tuuate c.uhte ho-m a frge~?r. Orono: 'd.aiicd'clus.Ro.' W:ntera andi dauguter Betty hiai-e î-turnued frouîîthiceast 'where t-bey spent tlhe w,-inter. Coopt re V'-thebbcdeuter. Henni- Na- sales tampaugo. Fifuelci: D)r. W'. F Tille': bt-un nf Peterborouguh. drove* * ci- teci cuit' choou andcc bot an tie faîttîfiii Austin ac'av fncm Anit is a joily gondi thuig .n.cot-îragilîg repot cf bbe cuir gate, f bad a lump in ny c-eu tan't, because there anc, tc-aciers vorkthno-it us big as nacxasbtuî and ýplenîx' cf People in the world 'lisse- Et-bol and iDonolli'.-Butcb c-sprett'. quiet fuir a,' - --- --- - Brooks are îisiting their cut- long lime. toc. Penhaps ut isfatrta c as thc olci oce, but enly zchu.Nl Msa Marv' i-all. Oshacc'a. llx- Ini become senliniouit-alvlyime iit ell. Wtmen we bough, ' ptaoi- Mr. E. Ward anciatctici t 1o aun uuanîînatc oh- the Austin, cur acquaintanres famîls' haie moved i îîo the jent. but tbirteeiî vears oftheugbî ccc icone "nuts" andi Rogers lîout-'c. faîttîful service uin uioc lue that iîll probably be thoir Sehîna. Mn. W. ,Ç Pascoe snow drifts andc ail kincis e! cordi. apropos the B.MW. Iac a wood bt-e aîîd oysslc fout cveather can't help but be,'Dc wve tare. «' No! By reporbing supper Wed.nesday, apprcciated. ail t-be details cf cur recent Dartington: -Nir. E ra st u s So iiow. ccc have a nec- car deat, here, we figure to Save Bunk hought .5 bead cf catle Ibal wve kîîocvnelhung about, answering mnany nosy ques- at Highland Creek. m-e hope it will preî'e as satis-'tiens. To get tbe mast anc cent would buy. A chocalate broom, a licorice ring, Twa gumdrop mîce upon a string. Or reading candies -- Oh! lovely colour That tald you that you had a laver. And then if you had f ive cents - m.v! Your spirit then soaned reaiiv hi gb, For what ta 'c-u secmed best of aI]. That beught a head for youî' aid doli, And many a body, aid and gnim, I tbink, as 1 hear my nephew baller, Was renewed again wit-h a china grin. "Oh gond nid days - witbout a dollar. -Marjorie Cunninghan Where the Tangues Wag Freely - THE CANADIA"; STATES'MAýr. O"ýARTil - -- WEDNEST)AV. M, 1 s