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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1962, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, MAR. l4th, 1962 THE CANADIA1I~ STATESMM~, DO MANVTLLT. ONTAWTfl BlackstoTck1 TI Biacks oftheoat k.. uet of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- here on Sunday. ThefL e ralGi of tshe lat r-.'man Gibson. Bowmanville. Harold Yellowlees ihM m rilHsia M agist rates C out Le ni gil wa he Satr- g The U.C.W. of Tyrone Unit-ýother Junior Farmersited day monmg ata Petebor-*K po utrt4- il Church are sponsoring a e<j the Jr. Farmers'Cnfr ough fu nra hme wi n>r rncommunity pot luck suPPerience at Guelpb iast weed ve yR pr termfent in Camus Unhin- e o t rto be heidMarch 24th at 6:30 Sympathy is exteddtio h ekofMrh51 Cemeterv vaut C> at the Communiy Centre, and Mr-. Campbell Hameranfm-icuve H l in B w avleMrs. Fred Irvine and son:I then to be followed by a film iily on the pasig 1Cari of London have been opa's Ins inges ofw hiMr.anfa-. WAdrheriMrsD.Eonsm ý men werebrought i and thSOLINAg Whe. EmersonrtEassistant Osecretarv., SOour famiiErnrAdmissiontantreecrMr.Y.anduMrs.ilCarmanssiont-eMajor. anerationsr th brk33,jo5581r Rit.;oes ital adh.Mres.îsing a for th Mrc1wsMur.o heani\d Mrs. A. nfled M r-s* WIterand. E femie... son' R hey ýs here are severl ctareeshem] officiated. Det lns h of * South. had a charge; meeting whihm ththty.attendancep as teasil maller than S. T. Hoar visited Ms .J1iie r n He was invoived in an acci t oepplina5Chv partments. the five young men ers were guests at the xved- was held in the Community usual. ________adfmi ad Vstn or - ..m det n ecmbr 8t - 15They also toid the Chief that 1eermne n csoydngofternpeAlnHall on March 7, at 8:15. Ther Much correspondence was- Mrs. Frank Westlake r o :0pm the fficrs houl be adeto aterthei wasicann attendancesto iof a43.etMrs.-1 readn. Card.s of43.Mrs.rthanksds ofron __ron "I must give Sibiock the rv hmgitofbigsnecrpr.'Rl D i, President, pre- folks e mbrdinilss benefit of the dolb. said the tI UnedCuc sided for the business. r. and for bank books begun for'H Y O court, "I don't believe him. Geraid Hogan, 32, ioo Cos- on Saturday evening. r.W1 but don't beijeve the crown Each xvas given two weeks burn Ave., Toronto, and Harry Mrs. Ernest Freer bas been! Ashton read the minutes and three new babies were receiv- U.C.W. MIarch meeting wîillN E W'FOR ' 2 . witness either.*'te a a fine of $50 plus $59 in Tasson. 25 off 24 Fastdale Ave., caring for txvo grn idrncrepodnedRe newalofteCA. be held Thursdav' afternoon' LoadGoe.6,oftecosts. Toronto requested a four week whiie their mother is il rn..twa eidd send wooi uetins wa etutlteat 2.30 (today) at the home Taunton Road was contiîeted Thomas W. Arnold, 21, Ron- adjournment on a charge of hospitai in Toronto. 1esaa o lnes.Ay pi etnoff Mrs. T. Smith. Mrs. LloydCo r faiingto em in t te sene ArhurHy-one interested leave wooliens' Mrs. H. Vine wiil attend Seo' off driving a car while hl'-,i'bi1- aid R. Renault, 18, Wayne H E .n ormi a h cn r ndMs rhrH-Slmnsporme ity was impaired. He was driv- Crepin, 19, Edward A. Finn, off an accident. land visited the Stanley Mc_ with Miss Pearl Leach by the President's Conference lin Sv programmis e.tne ý K E I ing a car owned by Eugcne 21, and Thomnas A. R. Betour' Hogan told the court that Cabe famiiy, Lotus, and her Mach21MFie olars. s uelh n as and mebrMrspt. seteddt HAm.y Gud CladeBet ndBen ws nan17 ai of ttwa plad teynede tîe o ak rs-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn voted ta "Pennies for Friend- 1sbip fee was forwarded. Mrs Mr. E Tppl ad Ms MlaCde be, on the waweekend.7, sbipfOttR.a Davisonhe reportedm tonrath e-Micîsenonthe theend assin iRoffvitheirpotYouo May iBlrroin teuraCopy o FREE passenger in the front seat. ed guilty to a charge off at- titution for the damaged car. It wasmvdta 5.0b umr ftefidnsfrmýmte.Ms an esno o Bent was convicted off having tempting to steai a sum off The.% don't want to ]a o Mr. and Mrs. Larmen Hy- a oe ht 5.b1umayofte idnsfOs ohera.Mr.Fny esooffrPrecCooMah care and control off the vebîcle rooneY froro a Bell Telephone d y eywanted a remand outind\ ste rAan rsa nt torthe RdCosncie~ .teFr oum bodat b wbile bis ability was impair- pay phone and a second charge off custody so tbey couid work.:McMullen and Carl, cnvs frth ane Fn TeBlcstc Fi pie it Br n r.R aio st ecridot eea a iwdandiyduff..hom nMrs. W. T horpsng ent , ~Te evtFns ed. off wiiful damage to the phone Bail wvas set at $1500 Mro-Mrs.ais volunteered to canvass. promised by members. F.W.' several weeks witb Mr. and' K M -1 Constables Parker and Phil-'bootb at Truli' Store at 5:30 perty or $1000 cash for eacb, :with the Fa ni Gisit ii The Roll call, "One step 1 1.0. are allowed 50 persons in Mrs. Gien Thompson, Carle- DrbeadWsal ]ip tldoffchsîg he arro o Macbllb.and the case xiii go on on Laing. can take with my child toward attendance at the C.B.C. Con-Iton Place. north on LibertY Street ati P.C. Dryden said the sheli ' Aprii 3rd. They were remand- i Mr.* Frank Jackman, who world peae" This was weil ference at Hart House, Tor-, Sorr your correspondent i- PU 11*-'9 p.m. on Saturdav night bad been removed from tbc led in custody until bail has xa esdn f ti rafor as1e.Ms eiyHI no nSetme.xa o bet edi h at6 ...adtecrwsbeen posted. a esdn f hsa commented on the Motta. A cordial invitation receiv%-,news the past two weeks, bav- M at 3 .ph. ndth cr ws pohonoe bb pyinoadthis pebeerlpyar, assd waand"Tueliingisliin fo ar d fom Mr. attrsn ff ngha te 'lulie sveain fishtailing on the slippery set off an alarro at the Belli Vern Clayton. 21, 674 Park bospital in Toronto this past E M Giin L lvigOor r d ro Ms.Pas and Washeste fl lkeseerl street., Telephone office. Oshawa pol- St., Peterborougb, who has week. felwm en"rsyaeW .toatn h tesintevlae E Parker told the court tbat ice set up a road block and been residing in Newcastle for Patrick Marlaw. 19-year-old leade Harvey Yeliowlees Hospital Auxiliary meeting at, Sunday Schooi as susual at'IelfrKthn n ahom the Chipf Constable xvas on Constable James Powell apprc- the past ffexv days ivas remand- son off the late Jack Marlow lae for group four, took the ber home, when ber prize rugs, 10:30 Su nday, and church ser-' da o hended te five oung me. ed incustodv t 2:00 odav, chairorfory tfeMrprogramairMrs.thH.pwiilm.ber.on.dispiae ondhadlto h b" vicel aic 7:307:30ociock. Air, Rail or Sieamship An Oshawa citizen later pick- wben be accused Magistrate Hardware Store, Nestieton, A.C.W.W. Mrs. Wes. Yeilow- members. Mrs. K. Sameils re-, Mr. and Mrs. David Morrowu T 1 C K E T S cd up a bag wbere the car was R. B. Baxter off presiding at a caiied on friends in Black-'ie aea epaainoanre nteon-a ore'd Alexandra, Aurora, Mrs.i A B Ei1 I TO EVERYWHERE stopped at the road block thati Kangaroo Court. sokadNsltna u-DvdCalsMroLn Conuitcontained $58.20 in nickels,'ý lie had pleaded flot guilty day. UNE.... 13ib. ofMat bcbse visited Mr. and Mrs.ý Cons u & L t~E dimes and quarters. ta a charge off driving witbout Mr. and Mrs. RoetPrsr Mrs. Frank Westiake read had attended in Blackstock. donin an aPrss r til nUNCF1h Mrs. R. Davison dned Walter Loveridge and familv.1 an n ala e 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 These boys told Dryden that: an operator's license and af-: are both home from Port Per- ,a1told whati sodfo n te.3.50 for commissions oq Glad to know Mrs. David 33 King St. W.M1;53 Bowmanville tbey were enroute froro Ot-i ter rcpeated warnings by the ry Hospita1 following surgery ea1 ihtofrante taw f0Toont ad tey adcoutrefuse t stckto heand feeling much better. 'odrul elp it gives ta fflower orders whicb sbe had Malcolm returned home on! charge in bis cross examina- Mrs. Aima Emertan, Mrs. childr-en in other lands. Mrs.rcie.Crswr indMna fo eoilHs tin f heplie ite ' oronCllnsan r.JaesýH. Milison gave an explanation by ail present to f ive sick' pital, Bowmanville. ________________ Hare-axwll iEmerton attended the fnrl of W.H .0., World Health Or- members and severa otrs1ý Mss Lina Potts, nurse-m Hare-axell fnea aton. Mrs. B. Taylor read wbo are ill. Nominating Corn-i training at the General Hos- S fe cf c cuil ir!At 2:00 pro. he apologized'off their uncle, Mr. Joseph a~naticle an F.A.O. mittee, Mrs. R. Davison, Mrs. pital, Toronto, spent a fewl1 1 . e cta u la r 1 o th cout pofusly ad f0d tShetcourtnsayorofuselyMr. auray iseaidorShort.lsoatndMLindsayaslmon iSatur-ierMrse wbat be was tîrying to bringÏday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cox off,.- urryhVcerovoued . W lson n rs.B e asocads-hrhoe t-I with a very fine piano solo Teri al Nm na- Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ashton, B13 !out w'as the fact that he wasn't Udora called on Mrs. Em er- "b oi' eun"Ms .vnaeo iavnag ilTrno aido i ahr drvigthe car. p opl ne fthe tnnaunry Taylor gave a fine essay an off to-day' bas over her mother",i Mr. Henry Ash'ton, on Sunday. ote1 iv epi nti a our Irish Pioneers. Mrs. Han-y was well answered. Mrs. . r adMs eoadWl were. He was given a week ta Knox read a letter from the Samelîs, convenor off Histari- M.adMs LaadWl CH L R N S1produce tbe other witnesses.Bîn nue Enad. cal Research, was in chargecsn, Lakeffield, were weekend 31 the chrge uner heLunch was served in the of the programi consisting off vsamsof Mr. and Mrs. Clem Trafffic Act were settled forý Mrs. Gardon Hall and Miss, lawer hall consisting off a salad readings: Mrs. B. Heaslip. Rbo i.adMs .D $319. 2 liquor charges $26. 'Mildred Wilson, Oshawa, were platecke and coffee. The "Grandma Likes S pr i n Hodgon Ajax, were recent b onW ________- Saturday afternoon c a 11e rs tables were tastefully decora- Cleanig' Mrs. V. Hudson str tM- n r.Ce LO r thMr. an'd Mrs. Clifford ted in keeping with St. Pat- "That Pioncer Grandma off Rahm's. SP I G1l>NSLTPfM Witlsyourtelephon Wisn ik.Mine": Mrs . W . Jackson, Mr a. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, yu ee ~1..LI.L~Mr. Tm Lodge, S i i v e r A very successful Short "Wen Cabbage Was Kingý"; ona d and Ray were Sunday * ( ~~ ~~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhodes Springs, "Maryland, arrived at Course "143 lbs. off Meat" was Mrs. G. Thoropsano uIlesdne ussofM.adMs aae HAND 'Geor estofwe .nnMs. unday morning Mr. Lo>dge, Mr. Miss Pearl Leach and Mrs. Gnandmotben lsn't Anticipa t-1 relatives at Collingwood on A H n HAND Geore Boers iVaCampandTommy and Wesley Yellowlees were the ed." 'Sunday. WAHBE 1ro ie Mr. and Mrs. ak i Mn. Neil Brownell motored ta very capable leaders. There The motta, "A man has at- I Mr-. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon o WASARonlald iiiadM, and amrMiy Lake ta check on tbeirtwere about 20 ladies who at- tained a true conception off attended the Karkeck-Reid SUEDINE WITH Wlliamsadml, summer cottages and also get tended. liffe wben be plants a tree he wedding at the Orono United Folks in 1omnii r idn hta x Mr. and Mrs. TelsRaha.of in a spot off ice-fisbing. We assembled at ten o'lc will neyer sit under," was en-CurhoStudy tension 'phoneinte erom rktce sae Osaaand Mrs rc re r nMs. Bruce Bat- and finished at 3 pro. on each larged upon by the convenor manystr. and adds convendence nd security toanh SANFOIZED ASHA love off Peterorougb, who bastaros and ffamily, Sauina Rd., off the two days. A pot luck reading "The Bridge Builer." rard and Barry wene recenthoe 1INNGee.n visiting thero, spent Sun-ý and Mr. and Mrs. Danny Bat- dinner was enjoyed each day. Prizes were given by Mrs. rsCOVNEC daywih Athr ulbnt atas and Saminy were Sun- Lamb stew, pot raasts broiled, K. Samelis tal Mrs. M. Emer- su.perifguenss ff r.nd . CNEINEI H daywih Athr albr d day d inner gues o their re andbsd hambung son for the most gnandcbiid1- W nfiEnikle, PaensMr ad rs Sm urie lve, ve rasedbeef nen: ta Mrs. C. Wilson for the Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton KTHN_ and Min- Mrs.aG. Thoropsonatforsthen nernguests off Mr. and ked ad-samWhen.tThns e are brewinh in 1 r an upre n eetn n elwontb- neanest birthday. Mrs. V. Sharp, Enniskillen. the kitchen istke ihil. Weareneye toaidHudsn an berg.opasdved r M. and Mrs. Arthur Read stirrlng and reahfryu * .7 7 aoLnsaMsWlywr una alr tM.toar.Acpadsue was a tasty lunch and Mrs. L.Iand Lynne visited Mr. and nearby extensio'hn.- J qjMCarol, Mn. nd Mrs. LioardMTh liod Wc n's rsn o cfine e lead. Fitze extended the thanks off Vs. Clayton Read and far- Th po uct on HM.. rsfr her ie ffrt. the meeting. ly, Peterborough, Sunday.COVNECE ND RIAC $3nel McKeown and Allan, Pnfn,"pto y h a-Mns. W. Jackson and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton 6,c Sizes 8 - 12'Mon i withr andMr. Nr- Piare put n bthes.a iv Bdostd g V Hre ::n2I' omotn ak al r Mono RoadileMnorandociet, Nor I L. Malcolm dis'played two:called on Mrs. Edna Mc- I H ERO ýman mvine, Bownianvîlle, andimanvile horal citywasNESTLETON W. INSTITUTE t beau tiful1 fae anlrlLuhi tGe easNr Mr.ach enGorooyedr ng b .those attend-tfnmd smpesLuhi tGe ear u-Toetiatruhtehuet Mn Mn Gardn Strnig fnom this community. Mrs. Arthur Hyiand was wbich tbey had comipLted fol-Ising Homne, Columbus. Much credit is due the mem- hostess for the March Grand- Iowing attendance at the eddlrvrwe w ~~~~~~~bers of the socity their pian- mote's meeting of Nesteton Needlecaft Course. M rs. L.I.a be r o ex ns n Is a ev ist and thein able dinectar. W. 1. Mrs. H. Vine, president, Hyiand took pictures off tlipm SOLINA . .sesaa.Adwe ai r Mrs.NeiABrwnel ws i the chair and Mns. M. with thein interesting proiects.! .proa"tebdom ka Whnkdesfa it taramollo wene present on Friday even-Seea ldisfo heidapaet. aktem backace-liîred footing- n an r.ABresndtedd the World Day off ire et ton may , Grace on Saturday evening. TRN Prayen service tHmonnADE SCU 5KING ST. E. MA 3-5451 follew. DodtlsKidiey PiIls Mrs. Charles Depew, Bow- Juir edCos I onatlinsaM-.Hb acht.Ms..Vcen A EDEC RT ay e l bter, sloopmanville, was a weekend visi- Jno e CosCnrtuain o r ebMs. Havnyow tii 9 ;F _____________________________________ b tter, work botter. 80 f on with Mn. and Mns. Roy The 9th meeting off the Jun- Camron ,ho ceIebrated his sised bthe ervie wih a VaCm.ion Red Cross wvas held on the birtbdy at week.vocal et telephone lis anil ' int affternoonoffMancb 9th. It Mr n Ms.L Ha ad PearluLeach Is acting super- opened with "0 Canada,"fol-ffarolMn. and Mrs. J. W. intendent at Sunday School aytnih ...inas- lowed by the Red Cross Pledgel McMahon, Mn. and Mns. F. this month. At the opening off of sickness or othrergc. repeated by 29 members. The Jackson, Toronito, were guests1Sunday Scbooi, Sunday morn- weeread and approved. We Mrs. V. E. Milison is visýit- short stor and Mns. M. Vice range of collourstohrozewtthder fyu then had the rail caîl, "Youn ing Mn. and Mns. L. Webb, and Mns. H. Yellowlees sang home. Why notcaiutoyatENH6-3. Favorite Summer Sport." Col1- Leaside. a duet. Ask us about extnintlpoe rsekt h FO R A D O PT IO Nken an pay- Mrs. G. St ephens. Willow- Bradley's Comrnuniy Club man in our green Manysuiabl aier nd hndiappd cilden Themajrit ofChidrens Ad Scieiesaresession Grace and Norma were witb pncumonia. She is slow- bors Club wi.Ii be theii- guests. . Man sitbleoleran hadiapedchidrn hemmproy f hing.'sAitSoir.e aandte i fors.vr EverettM. ad rCryden- ryer are available for adoption. Happily married making a determined effort ta, provide perma- "A Thing I Disliik" s Mrs. R. Virtue, Mr. and Mre. 1 ran will show pictures off agneed on for the roll cali. Thei H. Skinner were tea guestsofthitn teWst couples who are interested in any of the boys nient homes for some of their wads Every meeting was then turned aven Mns. N. Woodley, Bowroan- t Mrs. H. E. Tink visited at andgirs blo shuldaply a te Mniterof il begivn t rquets or theet the convenons, Ted Skinneri villepMr.A. alrs bryod attetioian Alan ivin.hfftr adMr.nAnGasonattnde th' M-. nd rs.Bil Aston coplxin en i iîeIi~ as- be auidre o roset om. he Lit.r-i.a nandxome manis lile 10 ho ta îe i-ndhraan oeie.Th.. on.a..da.0 et -Il- -6, Il -W - II alI Air. 5 sanKius iSaxeOvern Wright hcstefgBteis atîse ansi friensilu ile vecduts rîlrand. net pcriai parents -ho il gise % ne Asnlomanitolcparc .le want Protestant parents wbo hase suf- r. and Mrs. Lloyd Hoar'A iMtor~n ., iut sn . Frank Westlake Sr. ac- Our BwavieEca ing Roman Curl.pareit, ablc ro se her sonusreni loue and undersransiung. 2a coo eb s bu ssan inblonde icil f bi e. 3adbos oicld rechelsi.Conservoîory fnot isaantofateniogSh ioabciaxon9 ca odotmn %earand bnrde a] f cetbher.s nibuet hld n faoiTrno iie oa hn APRI 15, 192. companied Mn. and Mrs. Percy bair vith esen alractîse lealures. le ix Mrs. S. . Hoan on Saur e West]ake ta visit Mn. and Mrs. SADB OE hum~Th a lotsot ai 12tuysnrheous aLeuisedresi 9sear oli1Roma (.hicchilsi ssith bcsandrrIes,lughî rosîn e fairt], placi. shv and seillbebasesi. Dick a luttle moîber lo ber 5 younger brothers and Sundav Mn. and Mns. A. 13 OLGESRE N. Fîce, Taunton, on Sunday. Slires in (iraite ans i i an excellent bas a lîghî speech defect sihcbis grasi- raniging in age lrom 1l io 4 years, Thesa His wene visitons. 52 TRNO28 N. Mns. Frank Westlake Jr. at- the dlock is ancef u otipotn os u youngster.Sbe lias rsutese., d.iiis br,u l t xusi(niA Romnan Catholic couuple ixiro uallv bigoecm.Il essus. cisrnaeAgoSxnCndasad Corpatc vi be on______________________Fitndd te unraiof be on xchng bilding anc Cburch Street lange stand- isair ansi medium tcssrrplemon rii 'îtrs 1I usaCh i rcie w l b otnd he f ea f h brîgbi. obsersant llle girl uith a mli iof arc steasifast but lîght heartesi ansi jollY stanîding ssarm Roman Ctîtu parentls aIl have normal intelligence. Louise 15 cousin, Mns. Ken Cook, atb yreatehainse bukl vunulsi be most fortuntate 10 hase ibis chîlsi -ho vil not be demandung of luis boys preîîy ansi ihe 5 boys are hansisome and Tbursday evening at 8 pr. ber own. She neesis Roman <atboluc par- for an asioptesi saughîer. srbool ixork. active wvith attractive personalities. They Mr and Mns. E. Prescott .Lindsay on Tuesday' . use. If disasterstieatusdepwrorc, enîs huo are rilling lis accept ber Induan* * are well manneres i srih the exception or visited Mn. and Mrs R ov FINE QUALITY Mn. and Mns. C. Johns, these batteries cao rvd lcnct akcpyu Racial Onigiru.*** one suho s a real hite rough neck'. The 1 Prescott, Oshawa. MNMNSAD Bwjnilvstd o hn prtn * * ~GRACE & DOREEN-These French MARTIN iusa 51 ,ear old Anglo-saxon boys are in al the local actîvities and , Mrs. Elva Beckett, Bowroan MOUMETS ND owanvie, Mvi.sited on 'hae sta inygefr svrlhus nadtow DEAN iusa good.lorsking, heilit 1. sear Canaduan Roman Caîhoiuc ssiers. Grace vvilb ,asy brosun baîr, large bloce es ansi sports. i-bey are mischievous. but havae ile pet1e ekedwlbL rom ad505 fneesay.Thsi MARKERS kndwl L rore n sn.indefinitely, jutlnc0fth oli French Canadian box srtbh rown 7 ansi Doreen 10 aould love to sta to- que hansisome. Martin ixs sy easîly neser been un any senîous trouble, r n r.D ilr r n . s .Fet u -w y ee h n e) es andiar and olusecomplexion. Fe ix gecher but ibis mav not bc possible unles managed andiaffectionate, He ha% aspeech The fortunate Protestant parents wbo M. n Ms.D Mllr4 f, rs . l"teMr-tasteepoIf'*l hreinBwrarvll ia ohf average intelligence ans in Grade 6. parents somewhere are boping for iust defeci that is umproxune, but t us feit bc art seleciesi for these childeen bave bus>' Mn. and Mrs. H. Spnagg tdflIr\ .'-e- wfp..mona. ray and Linda were Sunday ahead ta keep yuralsgnghouh Dean enîovs lisving on a farîn ansi neesis such daugbters as Ilsefe. Doreen ix small may flot go fair acasiemically. He sill and active imes 10 look forward to with Hamilton, joined the H. Hall fIk uetUoLM.fntMs.A the direction of kuesi andi patient Roman boned wth bloc eyea, brown haur. regular alwavs lc iseli lkesi. Martin %,anls Roman tersosblte n oto uln h families and celebrated the" r SAFFOD get f n n r.A * e * the espnsiilites nd un oguiingthe F SAFFRD Youngman and family, Ty- Catbolic parents. features ansi a wide smîle. She is a high. Caîboluc parents abo suml heip bîm to be futures for a daughter ans i Ive sons,. pret' 4tiBO. TD one RFG NA HN OT versa-y on Sunday when aven M'. and Mi-s. E. Spires, visit- Many customestlushw ucityeno 40 were present. à lýef' d Ni-s. Ethel Sutton, Oshawa. today's 'phone bootn aku n dieu poe u7~. ~4% 4 ap'~aé 4o u4 ia~//& aigd a.~,. ~cidloocU 94atàs4 Mn. John Maynard is qulte F1dtoMMe uMn. and Mns. E. Cryderman make It conventien dplantfrhmtoa. 111 in Mem-onial HospitalDae visited Mns. Fred Tamblyn, But a woman weherabuth trdyisue e/gddmw 4tac4ssq Z"sia eotaalaa ~. au 4to I Za o"4al4nZ4fd'fl 44u«4jg .46" j du.LaeaI.Bowmanviile. (a J D LOrono. there'. no substitutefrtebohwt fu l" Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Glas- Staford Brothers Mr. and Mrs. Keit h Cryder- Walking down thesrt.tcsalgdosht4 peli attended the Co-op ban- LIMITED main and Jo Ano visited Mr. her progress. SheIeae ibyit la DEPARTMENT 0F PUBLIC WELFARE quet at Orono an Tuesday. and Ni-s. L. Staunton, Enn:s- booth, slanmedheoo n'poed the c ace Mn. and Mrs. A. Gai-son at- Monuments killen. t., corne around. PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO tended the opening off the new Mrs. E. Thornton, Milibrook. HON;OUR.ABLE Louis P. CECniLE Q.C. JAMEsSs. BAND, St. Mark United Church atBo13 and Mns. A. J. Baison visited Cunnan Hall Park. Their fri- 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby Mn. and Mrs. Don Taylor and Minister Deputy Minister end Rev. Freake was invited Phone Whitby family. address. _____________ ily. Toronto, visited relatives = CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO'WMANVMIE. ONTARIO 8 13

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