WEDNESDAY. MAR 21~t. 1~62 T~! CANAtITAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO PAGE NTWW Recre< The Recreai:un Department requires personnel ' ,o act aýz P la.yground Supervisons on *'nt Iparks 'bis coming surmmer. The %vage scale v.îill n $18.<() 0 oS35.tif Per v. eek ac- cord:ing tu experîrrie and rualificati o n ' Empiox Meint %'.ill be for a seven week period Ibegînning Ju!-x 3rd i' Application fornis are avaîl- *ble at. the Recreation Office ln the Lions Coi-mmunit" -Con- Ire or ai the To\wn riClcrk's Of- fice in Tow', Hall. Ail appli- rtionsrniust bho relurned lu the Reereation Officero nu aer than March 301h, 1962 Minor Hockey Night Arrangements are ail set for Minoir, Hockey Nîgbt on Satur- diay. March 3lst, at Bowniae- viille Memonial Arena. Pro,- ceedings i,î-ll get undoirwa'.'Pa 6.30 p.m. The Aloms wull start the night off w.itb their gamne at 6:30 p.m. and wîll play tbree itteen minute perîods. The Harnets will be playîng the Barons for the Atom Leag:îe Charnpionsh ip. The Pee Wees will1 take over et approximatel;' 7.30 p.m, The Red Wings and Canadians x'l be playîng for the Pee WVee Cbamplonsbip. At approximatelv 8:30thie Pantani Cbarrpionsbhip gamo, will be plax'ed. There are still thrpe teanis in the rioinitig for tbis ganie. Tigers. Pirates and Lions. Uufortunatelyv twu of the Bautain games plaved last Saturda-,', have been pro- lested and the final standing of the Bantam League will de- pend un the oulconie of these protes Is. In the Lions iMidget-,Jtivenileý League the Generals and Comn- etS will plaYoff for the League Cition Reviews Championshu). lproutested bv the Tigers. Bob- If anv of tine game~ are o'bv Large scored both Huskies 2;t *:ne ed of reg-ulati'on lime, goa!s. Don MeMurter account-! sAudn d( ah o', rtmo xx ilI be Id for the lone Tiger goal. 1 plav?'d, nat is :efi:rst terni lIbe second Bantarnigamnet Io zcorr a goal xc:ll be the \\i he L:;ots and Pirates played n(,:. . n a ?-3 lie, but the Pirates aret 7r ' .'n i! x' b: .îg ln a pr«otesýInug the gamne. Don La-t closee 1961-69- Mînor Hockev page 2 and Werner Wall- season n Bouwýmanvil]e. Ad- raff scored for the Pirates. mission prices for Minor Hoc- Wayne Down, Doug Tullock knv Nîgbt will he AdulIs 5SOc and Dav id Harruer accounted and Ch:ldren 25c, for iiie Liens goals. Minor Hockey In. tOc th'rd Bantani ganie i iaý .1 atur(ia vmon g t£!nnr:- 'Ked 'he compîclion of t1e Rc- erealion Doparîmnons Nmnor Hock-ey. pla,%off schiedille. Pee %Vee League In tme first Pee Wce gaîe the B'-uins dc](feaîcd the Hawks .3-1 toh lboTax lor. Ku'nTiibb and Tron-u:e .loe a.ored for the Bniîns. Brian Saunders ac- couinted for the llawks lune goal. The ,v in movrd the Bru- ins jin third place iii the plavoff ýtandings. In the second Pee Wee game the Canadiarîs and Red Wiugs piaYed lu a:-13lie. Bill Wood- wý,ard, Larrx' Devitt and Bob Peeling accounted for the Can- adians goals. Don Huttor). Da- vid Robiiiî:o! anid John Sîk'ora xxere the Red Wiog goal scor- es. The lie mnved the Cao- arlians jino Mînor Hockey Nighit. 1 play against the Red Wings for the League Cham- pi o n s ip. I l tftond Peu Weeirnei the Lea fs rleic cd to Rok- ets 4-0. Rîcky Wooluer. Johii Gui ne. Jamie MIePhail and Glenn Finuey wxere the Leaf mark sm e . Bantam 1league In t he first Bautani gaine the Iluskies defeated the Tig ers 2-t. hul tbe garnei e hinc NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS Effective March l6th The Restaurant nt the cyon MOTORHOL will revert to regular summer hours Restaurant mill he open from 7 arn. untit 12 midnight q MO0TEL OPEN 24 HOURS EVERY DAY1 ÇZJu tch4 11-11 New Symbol of- Seagram Quality Before inrtroducing Seagram's 5 Star, Seagram tested* this great new brand of rye whisky f rom coast to coaut against the three Ieading brands in its price clas ... and in test after test Canadians iked the taste of Seagram's 5 Star best. Next time try Seagram's great new brand with the Five Stars on the bottle. *Tegt.d tunder th*. OfViial ltlpertvi$10l! t Iedn Reearch Orgailization. Bruins và winner Game No. 2.! Game No. 9. Midget-Juv.- 2:15- Jets vs Raiders. Game No. 10. Midget-Juv. -- 3:05 p ni. - Orphans vs Aces. Game No. 11. 3:50 p.m.- Atomn Practice (Hornets & Barcns>. 4:40 p.m.-Mid.-Jtiiv. Prac- tice (Generals & Cornets. AUl Mug games will be two, twenty minute periods with the last two minutes of each r1 game being stop trne. In thet case of a tie at the end of reg- 1~ ulation time. sudden deathS overtime -xviii be played, that t is the first teani scoring a goal is the winner. in i%( ý'zarabrvspiyc PpConcert t(i a 3-3le. Terrv W ýalton, p' Walter Rickand and Danmx' The Bownianvile Skatiig 5 Lemnon scored for tbe Brave, Club vili present iheir Second t Bar-r -Whitrnian, Larri' Hi-: Annutal Pop Concert thîs coni- ii li andi Terry Smnith accutiînt- ng Thursday, March 22nd at 1 cd for tbe FlYers goals. î:3 p.m. aI MemorialATrena. r- As an added attraction thes .tomn Leaigue iKiwanis, Kinsmen. Lions andt 111 'hefrl Ato ri game the Rotai y Clubs wI holdi a q Ba ronsý defeated th e RoYals Broombaîl Touinameut. Th f,1C 5-2. Peter McCullougih (3.) and Kiwauis and Kinsmen will Rickv Ellis 2) scored for the play the first game at 8:30. The Baruns. 'luni Simpson and Lions Rotary game will start Rîck v Shackleton scored for ai approximately 9:15 witb the the Rox'als. winrier playing the winner of lii be ecod Aunigame the first game. of the dav the Vikings d1efeat- - __ cd the~ Giants 3-1. Mike Doua- gbue accnunled for ail tbre e\Naw s oif lhe Vikings goals. Tony iN ght Ha vks iBal-cii -cored the Giautçz lune lit tho third Atout gaine the ; Laies'Le gu H1ornets, defcated the Indians 3-t1. Randy Rogers. Keith Team Standing% Mlintjo ' .(2) were the Hor- !Evans 2 niets goal - getters. Clayton Seutt 21 C'amptbell accounted for t0e Wnight 1.( Iîîd 'ails oi;' goal uft te gamne. Butterv 19 lu the fourth and final Atom ýWn. a18l ganie the Bombers dofeatedi Covle - 17 the Bisous 3-0. Charlie Cat- tran, Jint Dustani and Jerry, Averages Siuîxxdeîî wecie the goal gel- G. Bain 191 fers toi-r(lie Bombers. M. Buttery 183 LosMdJv ege G. ScotL 183 lios idju. eaue M. Hodgson 179 Iii île first Mid.-Jîîv. gamne D. Charles 176 the telts defeated the Raidors .V Piekard- 168 3-2. Doug Lane, John Depew 'j. Evans- 166 and Robert Blackburn scorod M. Wisemian -1 f65 for ilie Jets. Jerry' Falls and :M. 'Cago 160i6i Teir',. Baker accouiitvd for the 'U.jfriag-ei-M a n 1,57 Raid-rs txo goals. F. Allen17 Iii ilie se'onid Mn.Ji' game G. Firth 157. ilie \l'arotiîs defeaîed the Coin- 1. Wright 15:1 mits2-. Pal Vnisfi and Larr ny G. Coonibes - 153 Ilatel v ene the goal scorens M1. lFirtb 152 for tbe Marnons. M CoxIe 1 52 litflie thîrd and finl aI Mid.- D. Bell 15( Jcx'. gante 1the Orpîtans baud- G. Dick 150 ed the Generals thon- firsi de- i.J Brooking10 foal in eigbt gantes by a :3-2 R. Robertson 149 score. Brian Bradley, Walter Hi. Allen 148 Ellis and Brian Forsey accoun- ýM. Sedman 147 ted for t0e Orphans goals. BihlC. Neads 144 Bîîdax' and Jîi Archer scored M*.Wright 143 for the Geucrals. W. NlcNeil 142 .Mug Series. Sat., March 24th E. Pickard 14.3 Bantain League- 7:0)0 a.n. J. Siebarth 140) FI,-ers vs Tee Pees. GanL. Burgess 139 Noame B. Bail 1371 Ppe Wee Loague--7:45,V Saigimîson 136 ..Beairs v's Ruekets. Came No.,AM Perfect l 27 .1 I.1eaman -127 BamtainiLeague _ 8:35 a n J.Scott1 Cîmbs x\s luskies. (Janw No' J.Parker .12 3.O. Moffat 1019 Pe e e-i -920an.M. Swaniî 101 hlax k v Rages. ' Iligli Sinîgle-- H. Allen 254. No. 4. (,mn liglO Triple- M. Wiseman Atoîîî Leag-ue 11>15 - 648. Vikings vs Bisons. Gamne No. 100 Games 5. M. Wi.semati 244, 212. Iff AI- Atoni Leagiîe - 1(1ani in 254, J. Evans 21.1. M. lodg- Bombers vs Bains. Gante No. son 205, M. Coyle 229, W. Mc- 6. Neil 205. Atoni Leagur' -11:5(1 ant --- Giants vs Royals. Gaine No 7 Baiitaut League 1-l2:35 pt. EBENEZER i - _Lions, Pirates, Tigers vs win- non game No. 1. Gante No. 8. PeWee Leaguie--1:.0 The eveniitg Liii of United - - Chrch Women hrld their. regular meeting iu the Chris- S** tian Educatian Centre uni c' .. Thursday. March 1 5th. Lead- Pr Mrs. Filmer Dawn occupied s ,~p' " the chair and opened by read- ~ .i<~~ ing "Suriday Morning Re- S cipe. The business penioid follow-' ed and the ladies xere îre- miuded -that tuie next uitý mneeting is Apnil lPth. Oumr -~fîrsît general meeting is on - -- ---Thursda.v everiug. March 29.I The topie foi- the worsilir' period and prograni followed the general themne for the meeting. 'Youth inm Transi- tion." Sciipture passage wns read iu unison wiîb comrnen- tary by Mis. Glenn Pickell. A suitable poem. "The Bridge Builder'", was read by Mrs. P. Mr.s. Lloyd Dowii and Mrs. Ravmond Osîbcrne favouned wjih a pleasing duel. "Sauta Lucia." A -haptér frm itite stud\' book, "Signais for the Six- ties," xvas ablN, deailt with b" Mrs. Gai-net Guyne. Ladiesý dîvidied (010 fou r 'huzz.' grottpqs wien problemns ut Y outo wvere discusqpcd and I findings preseuteri. The prc- sident closent with sRMotO- MW St. Patrick Dav nefeli- monts served ix Mrýr. Raymnond Osbornîe. Mrs. Bruce Ir lions. ~ '/.6~X tice-proesidei i1 IH a " v p Bî-ouksttanked t)e çspeaker , ~~ s~~c"~ and enlertaîne.-s Mr.ý Ebem Snowden voiced the appro(ia- lion of the ladies for their eu- jo.vabie evening. This complete.s 2-6 xeais or feilowship ini oui- Bruîberlioul And we hope to resuîme o rli meetings mn the FaIL ,,xhcn GOODYEAR lBenny Kng-684. Bill Holroy Tice-659, Farewell Bl,,k- T e age League: :burn-î.-50, Don Oke.-640, Ken 202. J. Cale 231, S. Alawav '101, P. Jeffery '-84, J. PaedIen Nm '159, M. Chant 229, J. Bell 2-13 . Legî A. Kitson 201. Fi hnt-633. 1Rav Westlake-..633.' Ieeage 5' s High Triple ---N MuNiýIdaN- Phillips 7 B6,wJ.0.ahad- -164J BO L NG ,Arnold Lobb- 631 and Jack ieflîll 7-vit , MKnight - B eir 644. , ar BOW LING Potts-630.7 - Gax' 0.JuirBy 'l'le Belts edged the Fan aJhlereianeu xt Ta tndnstn3 - MacDonald *2. ILeach 5- Reis4- i te atle fo nice 338 gamne Io valk of Phîîîîîps Eîcher 0. Belf, 43 inthebatte fr %ith high single honours. other Gav 4 Icague supremnacy Thursdav big scores goin.g 10 Jack Bond M1'gt eam Standings nigbt. but the Combines stole -309. 278; Joe Piper-295, Mn-ht- 7Beauprie '19, heshw v hppng t eFarewell Blackburn-282. JackCare Colville 29 I Potts-281, Tommy, Graham- X',an5îoîîe " ihr Laboratory 7-0 to take over 1278, Frank Wrighi-270, vsaît Lah2 secnnd place, a mere point îHately-28 ,n ig19ýHg ige- ,Fit Cre back of the leaders. 268"Be1y T.g îb Sin 21e , B. Brotwn1, Cre 2>65, Ra.), Westlake-261. Hiow.- 2).T.Msn2-,..Br î 1-11gb Single P. MacDonald 'Tbe Hose stayed in coriten- lard Davey-2161, Kani Piper-_ 19, C. .Ake 'v 209, M. Chan 1les'196. B. Colvil le 193 tion. narrnwing the gap tl 12.98 and Bill Holrayd-2,57. . R. Vintue 228. N. Xan-ý Hiîzh Double --W 1,each poinîts on the strength of a 7-0 'alne *206, R. Perfect 20. 6. R. Beauprie .144. hutot vitor ove theBau Team Standings Hîgh Triple-- T Mason 6102,.îno iI bur. The Office fell deeperi P t. B'linro58o.3 - Mulhollaîd 2 010o the cellar, losing 5-2 lu Bei'l 57Teenage CGirls Goodwýin 9S-Hatelx .v ,Yen .3., tho Braiders. while the Lead ýComnbinpr 56 Nlundav 5 - Vanstonp 2, Ws Gx2. Press upset the Tigers by the JFan Bel Is .5sl4 s7 -cule (. ObullnfI ll Tram Standings saute score. The Machine Shop 17-aep0.Gown331 took over sole possession of Bro.ders416 Tram Standings B rowxn 2 7 Ci\l.h spt-y2 t Machine Shop 39 iMiillolland 4 5'Gax'24 Tigmrst------2.1Wesseîîs .5 Yeo 2 Jlack Bond registered the Tgr Mundav - 41 Hiately 21 night's top triple with a"7Cont . -31 Van-,tone------Mtlholland 20 otal. clasely pursued by John ýBaitbury - ----- 301 Paeden - 27 gh Single- B. Brown 175,! Carter at 762. Walt Hatel *v was Lead Press 26 Cule 14 C. Sanielîs 187. next at 720, foliowed by Ted Laboratory -------25 High Single . Mundax' High Double -B, Brown Bagnell-71 1, KariPiper-686_ýOff ice --- - -- 21 201, 2211, 294, fi. Vanistonr 219, 345, C. Sainelis .31.. I of vital i'mportance to you Again in the Spring of 1962 Your Cas Company asks your assistance The severe winter weather experienced this past year bas crèated a deeper frost level than normal. When the frost "cornes out", as milder temperatures prevail, ground movement will be greater than in other years. The Works Departments of many municipalities have warned of the damage that has already occurred to streets and paving, and that more damage will take place. Repairs to broken roads, water mains, etc., cost thousands of dollars each year and the estimates this year are greater than ever. The many miles of gas mains buried in the ground, as well as sewer networks, hydro conduits and telephone cables have been installed and maintained for years in accordance with the best known engineering and operating practices. All of these facilities will be subjected to pressures and movement as the ground begins to thaw. Where our new gas mains and services have been installed, refilled trenches will likely settie. Any resulting damage to lawns, walks, roads and driveways will be adjusted as quickly as weather permits. linder these abnormal conditions the possibility of natural gas leakage is increased. The Gas Company therefore requests the assistance of ail the citizens in the community in guarding against gas leaks that might otherwise go unnoticed. Gas leak detecting crews constantly patrol the area, checking streets, utility manholes, sewers and buildings. In addition to this safeguard we ask your co-operation by reporting ANY UNFAMILIAR ODOUR to us promptly. In addition any of the following circumstances should be reported without delay: 1. Any noticeable bubbling in pools of water on the ground and streets. 2. Any odour which has no readily apparent cause, either in buildings or out of doors. 3. Any indication that your furnace, regardless of fuel, does not appear to be operating as it shou id. Basement floor drains should be checked to ensure that. they contain water. Sewer gases, natural gas and other combustible fumes can enter homes through hasement drains if they are dry. Pour a pail of water into dry cellar foot) drains to f111 the water traps and prevent the entry of gases. Your participation in this safety program is appreiated. Please assist uis t<, render the hest possible servicp hy report ing ANY STRANGE ODOUR to us quickly at any time of the day or night . OSHAWA Bowling A -0 l -inover Samis. 'en- abled Perfect ta extend tl1eir league-leading margin ta fix'. points. last Tues. night in the Legion Leagie. Runner-up El- bit xas held Io a 4-3 decisiori by cellar-dweliing Dobbinx, while Yea moved past Sami.q ,mnt thîrd position an tbe strength of a 5-2 victory uver Wri.-ht. Ernie Perfect's 297 gain@ took hîgh single honoui's, but bhis triple fel one pin short in. the high triple battie. Boli Stocker xvas the big guni iii lthat department, ralling a 686i total. foiiowed bi' Perfect-- 69.9, Wilma Bates-- 630. George ElliotI 628 and Tomm'.- Gra- ham-610, Elîloît \'eo Sam is Dobbiums- Wright m Standings ptq. 47 -- - -- - - -- -12 -mi PUBLIC NOTICE 48 Simcoe Street South Phone 723 -3468 'lPý'ED";ESDAY. MAR 21-t. 1182 TRE CKNADTAN STATESMAN. BOMIANVILLLr. O.NTARIO - PAGE NINI 1 Jul HOTEL