PAGE EN TE CAADIA STATSMAN~C~WA1<JTTT . VINrMAn ADVICE ON shrubs depends on which class; they belong ta. Shrubs wbich cunrent season's growth, as mn1 the case of the Hydrangea His ofSveenoshold e runed D ecla res Ulviclend ~~3A UtNI~~ Iflowers fromn buds farmed on ~7Q ~ wood Sofbsthicprouceastheir t nnual A leeting growth -Forsythia, SirA tA ,Mock Orange. etc., may be'Teana etn fDr rvddb h oowr FLOWERING SHRUBS The ehrubbery* v M a S S e S pruned immediately atter they1Th nulmeigoDr-pvddb.teC-p,.we bv .Trry Hasek of Hasek sh ould be placed on the boun- have flowered. If shrubs i, ham Caunty Farmers Co-oper- won bY Lawrence Hooe.N, Or- daries, for it is a concept of this class are pruned in the ative held on Tuesday, March ono, ,,Ilrs. John Johnson. Tv- nf Hasek Nurseries, Pickering landscape gardening that the spring much of the flower. 13, commenced with a noon-!rone, and Mrs. Ron Bickell of Shrubs and bushes have center of the place shall be!prôducing wood is lost. hour banquet in Orono Town Oshawa. Stan Ailin of New-, twvo values: as ndivdual or open. The boundcaries areth S nesrb rne them Hall, with 180 members and ýcastie won i eîht bags of CIL F:nglée precimens and as part Ilnes between the properties, slvsb mkngnwgrwhfriends attending. Head table fertîlizerdoadb ttcm of the design of an ornamental foundations of building adfo herbssitsad aguests \vere introducced follow- panv. place. As individual specimens the borders along walks and rmte bssisanst the ae gow fr tei on divs.reason that from time ta time, ing dinner by John Knox and Thie auditor. 1\1r. Watson. theyaregron fo thir wn 'rivs. ome runngil1 be necess-la singsong xxas led bv' Mr. revicwed the financial report heatywhlela ropsta Indviua se'mens shnuld ~m rnn and '%rs. Dick Morton.* and stated that thev wcre one ceate twhesinîr efetaofbepnd ear hei border ta remave aId wood, dead1 Prcsident Donald Staples o! the strongest Co-ops, fin- mrae. the eie feto eate ma' floeinborfer xood and broken wood, in o- ýacted as chairman for the ancially. in the area. Sales masses.that thy ma ' not inerfereder ta make room for the newmeigadE pY aae uigteya 91ltle wtFi the continuity of the growth. meigadE pv aae uigteya 91ttle place and that they may have Whnpuigasrb i of the Co-aperative, întroduced S289,514.00 with net savings i~background ta set them off. We rnn hua the staff. Following the- intro- amounting ta $11,039.00 before joywhih mx' e d- wavs try ta maintain its iiat- duction, four staff members, deductions for patronage re- The oywihmvbde uraî shape, that is unless it', E. Spry, G. Simpson, A. Loucks 1turns. l'le savings rcpresented rived from a planting depends a rare exception, privet, Gol- and D. Mercer, were presented 3.8 aercc'nt. upon understaading it, knOw- den mockorange, or Barberry, wt wrso etfrta Temeigapoc h ýn:,that one:isattempting ta which o wn ta rnake for- vear ervice bv John Stone, de:1ring of a thrce percent cryotavso-aiga mal la outline. ýa dîrector of the Co-op, dividiend on 1961 business and pictre o eac spo ofone'.s hrb ~- ~ garden. Each year by pruning, Tn aYfoeigEtranet vspoie iola h patronage divid- ar-ie foa arus yb rs qattecmoe nsdcae n15 be paid. h adnrapoce oe avigtertp ha fo abln .Fretr h ebr itemeeting hîs dera mn mmd. ose t and tnis takes away fromn their ýD. Mortan an d D. H-amm, and also supported changes in by- hisa nm stdyth gr-natural beauty. 'Bob Smallfield showcd films'laws. This article ha-, been brought of various branches and ser- Messrs. Ernie Bryson and \~dener cames tao kno his ta y ou by your local members cs provided by the United Weslev Ycllowlecs wcre re- 'pathe irvru. n aft of thie Ontario Nurse rymanas Co-opera ti ves of Ontaio. turncd for a further threc ,~-<oirhait an lke. neofAssociation. Look for next A' draw for four prizes was ycar term of office and G. tlhe most important things to .4.,? knw heulimt"hcgh weks-< article on Fruit Trees. hrld during ilin aflernoon. Shiclcton was Ioetcd a Ih !knw s heu-- ae eihtThnec 'voucrs of $5.0 eclBo" rdof Decor- ta which shrubs will grow. It is most disappointing ta find T T7-m TU*__ latrseveral years, that foun- BURKETON4 A DURO PU MP dlation planting is blackingth ETNI L M nBte Lvig windows, whîle the shrub bar- Word has beepi received that MisDaeSdr pntte an nea MasBteLiig der intended as a screen 12 Mr. and Mrs. John Mortensen Ms DaeSdka pnt e am edd a feet high, stuck at 3 feet onlv. are having a happy holiday la last xteekend in Detroit la ced contest vith Pah en UR DURO Water Sys- 'Spe ci purposes have ta be t'he sunny south. They ex- The funer'il of the late Mn. picking up a minor an 0 temg ives us fresh, pure borne la mind-display bloomn, pect ta be home again around Gemore Rosial, oniadTue. 0 water when and where we berry or coloured foliage - the first part of April. Mmra opa Bw ndc need it ... adris ta aur con- founidation planting. wind- ville. last. Tuesdav, was hcld Sundax' aftrinnon saw, the venience and comfort of daily sereen and enclosure on boun- The U.C.W. met in flic on Thursday at tule .ex and completion of the , rcgîlar life. daries, hedges, planting of church hall last WednesdavISmith Funeral Parlons, Port, schcdulc, when aur hernors DT-.-RO Pumpq are avail- Do ks. graund cavers, etc, etc. eve ning with a fair attend-iHope. Flowens in the chiirclh tied the first-plare Eldos 8-8. able in ail sizes ta meetin- Des 'rhe plant require fuîl sun ance. Mrs. W. H. Crawford'Ion Sundax' monning %vere iniit xvas Newtonville's seventhi dividual need.s. Sec au or wiîî it stand shade? An am-adMs da rgt n 'oyu niskilln agavrydl ftImcsnrY foM r. vxan.(,i. o straight game without a dc- Plmbr r UR dalr ateur gardener is welladic .Iensngavrdeih- r. Amy Mil igan n frat. ln that stretch thex' for full information or Wralte ta discuss bis plans with a fui duet. The ladies decided Thursday. ith Mns. Lewis picked up five victorips and rr e ialnusrmn o hi ta se.nd woollens and cottans Clarke, Newcastle, ta attend two ties c o n n na fo FEF fldr,~Rnnng neighborod a patigt ar-ls.S aispe3 the Horticutural Convention was ]rd by Langs4aff with 3 Wate, t. Fim .c..ut borersor rous o shubssave ail woollens and cottons.:in Niagara Falls, Ontario, as gas Barnoski, Trim. ilC n the ground should be entirelv. Glad ta report that Mrs. T. a delegate. B. Robilison and I. Lane wit15 ,spaded aven. The sou] should Hodge and Mrs. A. C. Stephen- Cangratulation.s are lnaio- i goal earh . Assists xvent In be of a loose texturo. This may SOn have returned home from der to the following etrants, Courotîx (4). B. Robiar-on (?). 'be accomplished by addin' Memorial Hospital, Bowinan- in the Music Festival nt P?1- Langstafr, Gilmri, Barnoski peatmoss or manurp and in ville, feeling much lmproved. lerborough: First - To Mis;ses and Trim, 1 cach. Highfield case of heax'y soul by adding Sorry ta report that Dr. Donna, Diane and Irene Kim- scored .1 for Eldos, Watts pick- same coarse sand. Subsojis George James is in Memorial:bail for their suIcccss wîth cd un 2. Ariother ceanlv play- shauld be replaced. Shrubs Hospital, Bow-manville. W e'paoaîbesScn - Ta cd kgame, wîth one penalty, should be planted so that there wîsh him a speedy recovery. !Master Jim King, for firs? each. i% raom for about twa years Mrs. Greta Bailey spent a class honors lan\Toiçe. Jiîîî Next u? ivcaptppa growth befare their branches fcw days with Mr. and Mm's. scnred 84 points. Third - To ofs-a uin draonth ga -i intermingle. If spaced closer Z. Adams and family\, Bao'- Port. Granh\, School. for oh- offs side nndat gmet they would have cnowded ap- manville. taining second pnize in ihe eil iewne pearance and if placed fur- Mrs. Pearl Avery, Mr. and chorus. Our local choir is e s- - ther &part the effect is last. Mrs. George Allison and !am- pecially proîîd of thcse "you ngl In arranging diff e r e n t. ily were Sunday guests o! people, as Donna, Dian p and' LONG SAULI shrubs, the taller - growing Mrs. R. Dickey, Hampton, Jim are ail members. kinds should generally be pla- Who W as celebrating h e r Mr. and Mrs. Don Vink1,e Mr. and Mrs,. N. Davis, wene Scedi in the centre of the graup, birthda. with Mr. arnd Mrs. Harold Saturdlay eveîing visitors of PUMPS SOFTENE and the îawer species alongi Mr. Charles \Jeeno, Toronto, Best attenided the Sportsmens.q Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Carr; James LIVITUD Pras2a the border. One should avoid spent the weekend with Mr.lShow in Toronto on Saturdayý. Stuart Zioîî. was a Fridav L 0N D ôN - CÀNADÂ:taa much ini!armity. Straight and Mrq. Gle'n Lowrey and! Sari-vta hear Mr. Wlbert'vstr îdM.adMs tr rows should by ail means be family. ýHancock is a patient in Peter- Irvine, Toronto, were Sund1aa voîded. Mn. and Mr,%. A. E. Ribe.vborough Hospital. x'îsitons of tlhR N. Davis. jjThe 1ldeal condition or a attended a musical ententain- Mr. and Mrs. Cliaton Bnown, JACK ROUCHgraup o shrubbery is ta havement in Toronto on Sunda3' Mn. and Mrs. Truemnan Hen-1'Mn. and ýMns. Rabt. Cami- PLTJrsffING and HEATING itidividual plants healthy with1 afternoon. derson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ran and family were Satuî- foliage extending ta ground ýMis-4 Hilda Hall, Mns. Dora-, Heridersasi, Mn. and Mrs. Rav- daYevnn vitos!M. Division Street South level and shading the ground thy Bryan. Oshawa. wenermoad Trim, Mr. and Mrs. .îim an .r. G. Baker, and Sua- BOW ANVLLunderneath sa completely that SundaY guests of Mr. and Gilmen and Mn. and Mrs. Bi,] day supper gîîests of Mn. and MA 3-5615 BW AVLE nothing will grow there. Mrs. B. Hubbard. Wacle were ententained at a Mrq. Colin Tay'lor, Bowinan- The best time ta- prine Mrs. J. Armstrong. Sih!ml gatherng ai, Mn.R Ossý ville. -- --- Falls, ks spending a few days Brown's, Satuirda.x- nighi*. Mnr.nid Mný. 'Win. Cann and with her daughter, Mn. and,ý Mr. and 'Mns C. IA. Lane *Mns. J1. A. Syniîth arnd famiiv. wrne weekend \ itafrs lii am Durh m FamersCou ty C()mo ý Srrvta report. that Mr. iilton1 with Mr. and Mrs. J. C.1 ,eeith Brown. is ia Osha;wa Moare. ORO NTAIO Generai Hospital. We hope Mr. anrd Mr%. George F'el- ORONO OTARIO bis condition wilI soon be ira- gate and familx- of Tonontn, proved. spent Stinda ' with he-r par- Announce the addition of à Mn. andi Mrs. Dave Gatchel. Pontsg. Mn. andi Mrs. Wilfný"l Oshawa, were Sundax' guests Woods. * of Mr. and Mns. A. C. Steph- Mn. andl Mns. Clînton Fan-ý ~ R ensan and !amily. ýrow were Sîinday guests o! M O LA SSE M IX ER Mr. and Mns. S. Barbai!. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Farrow,, TO THEPRESET EQUPMENTOrono, Mr. an-d Mrs. AIbent, ToronIo. Adams and girls, Bowman-, Mr. and Mnsz. Rein Wood; ville, were Sundav guestq a! and familv wene dianer' This wtii now pnable .vour Co-Op tn irovlde anothr Mn, And Mrs. E. M. Adam.e. guestn on -Sundavý with Mn. servie@ o tn fm embers and cutomers. iMr. and Mns. Samuel Grant'and Mns. Rax' Challice. Ida. andi famolix, Oshawa, were Mn. Arnold Wade attended' Molasses can he mixed witb any of ynur nwn Siioda ' «luest.s of Mrs. 11. Da-, the Ontario Basebail Associa-i grin, r e anmake you a fine halanced veV. t ions Annual Convention in grain, or . canMn. and Mus. F. Barber. Mn. Oshawa, iaFt FridaxY and Sa ration with any quantity of molasse% you may Eddie Barber. Mrs. J. Strong, urday. Congratulatfions. An- and Mrs. M. Lavei-le., Toronto,!nald. for beading the pol~lia wlsh rnixed in to suit your need%. were Sutnday guesta ;of Mrs. a field o! eleven candidates Florence Caughill., for the execîîtive ot the OBA. HALF TON LOTS OR MORE ARE NECESS,'ARY Mn. and Mrs. Onvilieb Grer'ý Caleprs al Mn. George Sta- FOR CUSTOM MIXES. and girls, Oshawa, wene Sun- pletons', over thp wepkend ai- day guests of Mys. E. Bryan. cludied: Mr-. Rov Rail anni We ae alo abe tosuppy yo wit anyquanify Don1t forct the Preparation1;Ronald. Orono. Mn. and Mr,-. We ae aso bleto uppy yu wth ny uanity Class Tîesdav evening, March:Orville Hendeusan aad Mn.' of Bulk Molasses in small containers, or fi 27t1i, al 7 ro, lai thk- ehurch'aad Mns. Launie Stapleton,' you on dumat cnsderbl sain. hall. Toronto, Mns. George Smith,, yourowndrumnt conideableavng.Newcathe_. Mus. Isabel St.: DROP N AN %F.ý vnfff IVIVrAd% ArQLouis,- Pont Hoope. Mrs. Maux' To b wviiî have chiarge of the p1o hob Id TýrE F I Tlgam. and Mus Ted Morris o! heidat W A E ARn LTDBoxvman\x 111e willshow pi'. which is on the Seugog Road 15 miles nnrth of Bowîuanville and 12 mile dturcsdo he plces oftnptel- South of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perry via Highway 7A. est. Ail ladies of the canzue-1 50 W OFFR PUE BRD 50gation ai-e invîted ta attend WE OFERPUREBRE 50this meeting, Hockey ItTutsrrntrdi: Fa HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD Mnavngt frl 2h odo aid' We' are offerint a useful group of Fresh and Sprlnglng Young Cows ixth-place Tunicks i;tearn. iii and 2-year-olds, as weII as a number of Yearlings and Calves. Port Hope. and came home'~ ACCREDITED - VACCINATED - BLOOD TESTED Iih a .-t s lorw, ta pufll E ' Withîinc lepoint of! liii"latter R lr e I The mnaJority Are rpady for Immediate export. Al rcattie tested or ti irblague siîdinic Char- eligible to enter listed or certified area herds. lie Trim opened flic sconineg SE! VOUp at the 8 minute mark, assist- NEXT SALE WILL BE HELD APRIL 3th ed bv Couroux. Langstaf gaie Manated by: Auctioneer., made it 2-0, again fram Cour- , ]R.R. 1, Burketon, Ont. Kitchener, Langsta!! and Triai, ta fini i Phone fllackstock 986-4957 Ontario. the firsi hair.Fu c<air-" ____________________________________________________________ bark wit rh a n athe -ecau-î I P E,&L E RN ýý,hall, scored by Martin. and family were Sunday dianer guests a! Mr-. and Mus. F. Ly- cett. Oshawa. MNI. and Mrs. E. Penwvarden and famil «y were Sundav sup- per guests'; f %In. and M,%. Kellett, Janetville. Ray*mr-ond Cameron w-as a Friday supper guest at the T. Barnett's ta help Pcte celc- brate his I îth binthdav. Mn. and Mrs. N. Davis svene Sundax- aftenîooa visitons of lien parents, ;Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Ko-, x-acs callcd at Armstronpgs Funeral Home, Oshawa,. Suii- dav aftenoon and paid thc.ýr respects ta the faaittv 0of the late Sherxvood Collocutt, Oslî- a \V a. Mn. anîd Mrs. H. Murphy. Margo and Trevor wxere Sat- uirda 'v supper gciests o! Mn. and Mrs. Fred Brooks. Osh- awa, celebrating Mn. Brooks' and Trex-or's birthclavs. Miss Gloria Smithî aîd Mn. Robent Smith, Boxvmaîvihle. xvere Sunda.v supper, guests oif their grandiparents, Mn, aîîd Mrq. F. G. Smith. Mn. and Mrs. Robent Bur- gc,:-s and faaiil îv, Mns. Robert Millford, Bownîarivihle, Mn';, Jini Porter and Joaîî. Lind- sav, were Sundas- visitons of! Mn. Robent Siai. Mn. and Mus. W, Vaiicyk xvcre Sundiv suppen guests < a!- Mn. aind Musr. Paul Vaneik Mr. and .Mus, C. Penwaudrn and pillow cases wvas held and an! famulv- xxeue Sundax' cail- the failoii.g w'inneus. Victor crs o! Mu. and Ms W. Van- MLga.Charles Pcvar- ievk. dcnanSd Mus. J, Woodlcev. MuIs. Mu. and Mus. Robent Jack- G. Kova .Mrs. FÎ.-p!v son an! famil 'v, Gall, xverc and Mrs. A. Yauigni aine Sundav guests o! Mr. and the %vlii, tickets sîîîce îhv \Irs. A. J. McLaggan. wene tue donpors o! thicprizc-. Mr. and MuIs. Allan Baker, Tlîe proc-ccds anc ho be tîsio Keîî and Michael soetiît the for the aiiiil scliool liu-. h u x,-eekend xvithi flicBaker fa.îî- Those wh'dx tc ime sud >il,,. Ken rcîiiainiiig foi, a visii, effort are sicreshiai-ked. f Mn. and Mus. G. Flctche'- A viricd luuich wsas serve.1 were Fridav exening gucs;s wît-ii Ica a<idfliecrcowd sil- o! the Bakers aîîd Mn. an! jOui îîd ae-aiis afteu a bus-, Mu.R. Camernî and fainihx- an! enjoYable cveîîîîg. wveue Saturdav eveniag guests -- N. an! Mus.G . Baker viitd M s.N. Wood lev.- ELJZABETHVILLE Bowiiianville, onîe cxci; in., hast wc On Mandas xcii ing M il fard On Fnid3 >v, March 91h, la- WitKenî Trex aud otiiers s'tead of a reciulan Honie aid atended a nîcelîne at Gardenî School aicetitug, a social ev- Hill 10 fori-i a aitn*s (lub. .\,q cîiir9 was hehdlai the sehool1. itlxasoiiv a srnall guaino tha? In fthe absence af Mus. A. Mill- aftcîîdcd. anothier meetiîng is oi.Mus. F. Parnac chaire! plaaîîcd for Ihis xek the rniccli i On Tuecdav evei;ing we hiad Dnniîîg the bisji iess il vvasthue seconîd uneef illî or ou r dccided Ihla a danîce be lield -143 lbsq. or! nicat <oýÎurse. We la Tviroîie iexî aîoîtiî. Mr. cook-ed a noasî oro!îcat, hliad Camcroîî. Mn. Vaîicvk alidi a filai on beef. and hia! hui-i Miss Kociiîs are in charge of at thie(.lose, xiîh sorne o! the this evciit. ,beef nmade 'Ia .uîwilîs The MCI-1ggall, IMur-ph.Y 11n! Due totahie siîow an! i(ce. Saw-don familles precrind a nur U.C.W,, didn't l:xeoLP well-planncd evcîiiiîg vhiclî meetinîg, ilut are ia'iig ti lie began wltlî card pia 'viiig and! 2h sltheli bascaieiiî aîîd ex- sevenal tIaoughf-proy o k inagpecî to quilt a quîht the saaie contcsts. Prizes wcre late da. axvaude! fan tlîe above. 1Mu. anid Mus. H. Quaiitrill IFA RM E RS . . . Don'i Miss This Fabulous Show DEAD STOCK SERVICE rurchased arcnrding tn 517e and condition. SmalI animais removed free Phone Collect, Peterborough RIverside 2-882Z NICK PECONI, Prorl elr LiccecNo. Il17-C-61 THIS FRIDAY EVENING FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd lu syoLI Mile after mile after mile, Falcon ardeu up the saving.q. Yoi, go tmp ta 35 miles on a gallon of regtuar gas . . . tip tfa , 6,000 miles hetwecn ail changes! And Falcon's so easy ta drive, sa manoeuvrable, sa comfortable! No wonder it's Canada's most papuhar compat- the savinjg-est toc! And your Ford Dealer gives. you a warranty for 12 montba \2 ý2,OýOomiles, whichcver cornetl.rSt. , k si-.... NyI! BVIfT!1.atyour Ford Dealernwl WA RVETH wcastle, Ontario MOTORS Phone 3251 ANO TRUCNS USED CARis $15,000 IN PRIZES "SHOWCASE"f Town Hall., Bowmanville FREE ADMISSION Enlertainm ent M 0v ie s Do F uPnrî1zer - Refreshmenis Ali Roads Lead to Your Local Case Dealer's "Showcase"" I -qif8l P. M W. H. BROWN'S ANNUAL PRIZE BONANZA THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAXVMLE. OMTARIO WEDNFSDAY. MAR. 21%t. 1962 atheuide! the Co-op Banquet at Onono on Tuesdav. Mr. Lea Fallis. 'Millbuook, had Ihe ',iiisfor-,Iiie ta meet a de((" on1 Pond Hil, westf a!tle x i ,'e. wilich inipe! oui1iîi113 Can I.aventhe top and Inunk1 , mnakîiig a lot o! scratches aind d u s iî; Ille bodIs o! the car. No trace oftIlle dcer %vos foiîîîd aftcrw\aud. Mi5s Ruthi and Gweil M Deuccu. Toronto. speîît t hp xv ek nd at h o me. M nl. Bo n Puaxost, Brockvillc. w sOas Mu. a11;! Mrs. C ercrr spcut Snudav %ii h MVr, and Mrs. SaiMinis. Whitbv,. Mn Ricli Marci and! M[q Canl Elaint. Oshawa. xiifedî ah Quaiiîuill's 0on Sunav. Sîiu.clasSchool an!dClmuuch sc vi c Pre e hel! as ustial. M r an! M s. Gco. I\cGahex' ai! Haik- Whitc, Baihiebono, vstdwiîii Mr. and Mus. C. PAGE TEN - Door Prizes